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Personality Traits Essay

Crafting an essay on the subject of personality traits is a task that demands a nuanced understanding
of human behavior and psychology. It requires delving into the complexities of individual
characteristics, encompassing a wide spectrum of emotions, behaviors, and thought patterns. The
challenge lies in presenting a comprehensive view of personality traits, considering the myriad factors
that contribute to shaping an individual's distinct identity.

To begin with, one must navigate through the extensive literature on personality psychology,
encompassing various theories and models proposed by renowned psychologists. From the
psychodynamic perspectives of Freud to the trait theories of personality by psychologists like Costa
and McCrae, the writer must assimilate diverse viewpoints to present a well-rounded analysis.

Furthermore, the complexity deepens when addressing the interplay between nature and nurture in
shaping personality. Genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and the role of personal
experiences all contribute to the intricate mosaic of an individual's character. Balancing these factors
while maintaining a coherent narrative requires a keen understanding of psychology and a skillful
ability to synthesize information.

The task also involves grappling with the challenge of avoiding oversimplification. Each person is a
unique blend of traits, and generalizing or stereotyping can undermine the depth and richness of the
exploration. Striking the right balance between broad patterns and individual idiosyncrasies is an art
that the essayist must master.

Moreover, an effective essay on personality traits should not merely describe but also analyze and
evaluate. This requires critical thinking and the ability to draw connections between theories and real-
world examples. It demands a writer's capability to present a well-structured argument, supported by
evidence and examples, to substantiate the claims made throughout the essay.

In conclusion, writing an essay on personality traits is a challenging undertaking that necessitates a

deep understanding of psychological theories, a keen analytical mind, and the ability to weave
together a coherent and compelling narrative. It is an exploration into the intricacies of what makes
each person unique, delving into the depths of human behavior and psychology.

For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any other academic writing tasks, various
resources are available. Services like provide professional help for students
looking to navigate the complexities of essay writing.
Personality Traits EssayPersonality Traits Essay
Pulmonary Infections
II) Pulmonary infections:
1 Bacterial infection:
The bacterial infection in lung usually starts with the introduction of organisms into the
airways. The routes by which bacteria can reach air spaces are inhalation of an aerosol,
aspiration of respiratory or gastrointestinal secretions, or bacteraemic spread. The
common bacilli include Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, anaerobic
bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, enteric gram negative bacilli, Pseudomonas spp.,
Acinetobacter spp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Legionelia spp.(32,33)
1.1 Tuberculosis (TB):
TB can involve various organs but the most common organ involved is lung. Primary
pulmonary TB usually affects the lower lobes of lung or the anterior segment of an
upper lobe. ... Show more content on ...
The fungus is ubiquitous and is especially abundant in avium, particularly pigeon excreta.
Although the disease occurs in apparently healthy individuals, it is more often seen as an
opportunistic infection especially in patients with haematologic malignancies, AIDS or
patients with defective cellular immunity. The pulmonary lesions include diffuse miliary
lesions or patchy consolidation of mucoid nature.(32,36)
3.3 Candidiasis:
Candidiasis comprises of superficial, mucocutaneous, or systemic fungal infection caused
by yeast like fungi of the genus Candida. Candida albicans is the most common type.
Pulmonary involvement can be a)endobronchial/ primary pulmonary candidiasis acquired
by aspiration of Candida spp. from oral cavity or upper respiratory tract, b)hematogenous
pulmonary candidiasis and c)embolic pulmonary candidiasis in children with indwelling
venous catheters.
4 Bacterial infections that resemble fungal infections:
Nocardiosis is a localized or disseminated infection caused by aerobic, filamentous,
branching gram positive bacteria. It is an uncommon infection in immunocompetent
hosts. Pulmonary lesions may be large cavitating abscesses or diffuse fibrino suppurative
Current Issues Of Engineering Technology
Pittsburg State University
Department of Engineering Technology
MET Program

ETECH 805 01 Current Issues in Engineering Technology

Professional Ethics

Short Paper #1 SP01


ID # 0764021
Phone: 620 704 9210

Submitted To
Kailash Chandra

Professional Ethics
Professional ethics are the standards set by people in their professions. By setting
standards in the form of professional ethics, people in their professions work together
to uphold their positions and reputations. An organization expects theirs employees to
represent them ethically as they are part of the organization. Policies are another type
of standards or code of ethics set by the organization and everyone who is part of it is
expected to constitute them. Professional ethics is also defined as what professional
choose to do when they face a problem at work that involves a moral issue. . These
ethics turn out to be the guiding principles for to make an individual well disciplined
and highly successful in his personal life which may include all of his family, friends,
acquaintances, relatives etc. These are the specific set of moral principles that help a
certain individual or an organization to develop their attitude and behavioural aspects that
are most probably likeable by others.
From the picture, highlighted part that shows the words moral principles are the most
important words in professional ethics. Without moral principles,
Infections of the American Chestnut Tree Essay
Cryphonectria parasitica, a filamentous, ascomycete fungus, is the causal agent of the
chestnut blight5,14 which was introduced to North America from Japan circa
190412,14.The chestnut blight infects all members of the Castanea family14, and some
members of the genus Quercus though C. parasitica infections are superficial14. A C.
parasitica infection typically begins at a branch node or wound in the tree s bark 14.
Once a spore has entered the tree, hyphal growth begins14. When the fungi s hyphae
reach the cambium, the xylem and phloem are blocked, cutting off the transport of water
and nutrients and a sunken canker is formed14. Eventually, the lack of water and
nutrients kills the tree above the point of infection14. As a fungus, C.... Show more
content on ...
One excellent use for blight resistant American chestnuts is reclaiming surface mines.
Though other species of trees can survive in the harsh conditions typical of surface mines,
they have little to no value as lumber and provide little for wildlife4. Chestnuts would
also provide a fast growing lumber source, one that is lightweight, strong, and moderately
rot resistant. Additionally, the large nut crops produced by the American chestnut would
increase the ecosystems carrying capacity for wildlife, and moderate population
fluctuations that follow mast (nut crop) fluctuations. For these and other reasons which
space here does not permit, restoring the American chestnut is worthwhile endeavor.
Although C. dentata is not resistant to an infection by the blight fungus, it is not entirely
defenseless. One attempt at warding off C. parasitica is the growth of callus encircling
the fungi s mycelium to prevent its spread (cite). This may or may not work, in either
case the fungi will spread to another site on the tree via sporulation. A second barrier to
blight infection is the chestnut s relatively high levels of tannic acid(s) in the cambium
(cite). However, as will be discussed later, tannic acids may benefit the blight. The most
promising method for increasing C. denata s blight resistance is The American Chestnut
Foundation s breeding program. To give the chestnut the advantage in its battle with its
evolutionary foe, it is necessary to study the factors that make C.
Fundamental Error
One of the biggest problems we have in society today is the division between blacks and
whites. Though the United States has come a long way in this separation, we still see
major disparities in every social institution; blacks being on the negative end in each.
Between the prison system, school, and the work place, there hasn t been enough, if any,
programs or laws to change that. The reason is, there are a lot of people who think the
problem is not with the systems, but just a problem with the individuals. This is referred
to as the Fundamental Attribution Error. This theory explains that when a person is
evaluating another person s behavior, they typically overestimate the personal disposition
impact and underestimate the impact of the situation.
Essay about Assignment 4 Anthropology
A Language, Not Quite Spanish, With African Echoes

1. In which region and in what country is San Basilio located? What is the language of
the linguistic minority in this region? What are the cultural advantages of being in this
linguistic minority?

Answer: San Basilio is located in the Caribbean region of Columbia. The language
spoken is Palenquero. The cultural advantages of being in this linguistic minority are that
they are closer knit with everyone in the community. Everyone within the community
speaks the same language and will always be able to understand everyone else.

2. What are the cultural disadvantages of being in this linguistic minority and speaking
the minority s language?

Answer: A cultural disadvantage is what ... Show more content on ...
Are there any cultural disadvantages of speaking the majority language? If so, describe
them. If not, why not?

Answer: Most people if not all speak Palenquero in this country. Cultural advantages of
speaking this language are that they are able to communicate with all residents of San
Basilio. Unfortunately, they also face disadvantages such as jobs. Being that they are
typically the only ones who speak this language, getting jobs aren t easy. Not only do
they not have enough for everyone to gain within the community so not they must look
elsewhere outside of the community. They are discriminated because of the language
they speak when trying to get a job outside of San Basilio.

5. What tangible cultural evidence might support the social disadvantages of the lived
experience of being in the majority group? And the minority group?

Answer: Cultural evidence that might support the social disadvantages of the lived
experience of being in the majority group is that they may not be enough jobs to go
around, conflict in interest may come easy, and they aren t able to effectively
communicate with others. For minority groups there s more of a chance that they will
be looked down on just for being within a minority group. Also, newer generation that
may not speak the native language will be separated in order to get a better life/job.

The Anthropologist in the Field

1. What is

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