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Essay Proofreading

Writing an essay on the subject of "Essay Proofreading" can be a challenging task, particularly when
considering the inherent irony of meticulously critiquing one's own work. It involves a delicate
balance of self-assessment, attention to detail, and the ability to step back and objectively evaluate
one's writing.

The difficulty lies in the dual role the writer must adopt: that of the creator and the editor. Juggling
these roles requires a high level of self-awareness and analytical skill. It's akin to being both the artist
painting a masterpiece and the critic scrutinizing every brushstroke for flaws.

Furthermore, the process of proofreading one's own work can be fraught with challenges. Familiarity
with the material can breed complacency, making it easy to overlook errors that may be glaringly
obvious to an outside observer. Additionally, biases and preconceptions about one's writing can cloud
judgment, leading to a less-than-rigorous review.

Moreover, there's the psychological aspect to contend with. Proofreading involves confronting one's
own shortcomings and imperfections, which can be a daunting prospect for even the most confident
writers. It requires humility and a willingness to accept constructive criticism in order to improve.

In conclusion, tackling the task of writing an essay on "Essay Proofreading" requires a unique blend
of skills, including self-awareness, attention to detail, and humility. It's a challenging endeavor that
demands both creativity and critical thinking. However, by embracing the process and approaching it
with diligence, writers can enhance their writing skills and produce polished, error-free essays.

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Essay Proofreading Essay Proofreading
Apartment Rental Memo
Home Page
Meta Title MA Apartment Rentals | Apartments for Rent in Massachusetts
Meta Description A family owned and operated full service real estate company offering
apartment rentals in Dedham, MA and the surrounding areas.
Welcome to Circle Properties where we are committed to excellence!
We are a family owned and operated full service real estate company with over 100
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Our locations are enviable and the majority of our apartment homes were built within
the last 15 years. We also offer affordable pricing and onsite parking, which is available
at most of our ... Show more content on ...
At Circle Properties we are committed to making your stay at our communities as
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Should you have a maintenance request, you can click on the big yellow Maintenance
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submitting your request.
Thank you for your continued residency!

About Us Page
Meta Title About Us Circle Properties MA | Circle Properties Apartment
Philosophy of Student Discipline
My Philosophy of Student Discipline

I believe that each child is unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating
atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and
socially. It is my desire as an educator to help students meet their fullest potential in these
areas by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk taking, and invite a sharing
of ideas. There are three elements that I believe are conducive to establishing such an
environment namely, the teacher acting guide, allowing the child s natural curiosity to
direct his/her learning, promoting respect for all the things and all the people. My
passion in teaching and desire to make a difference to an individual has ... Show more
content on ...
When they are doing the unnecessary behaviour during on task activity, I normally go to
the child desk and reprimand him/her, or giving them an authoritative look to remind
them that their action is inappropriate. Sometimes I call the child to stay 15 minutes late
before sending her home while informing the parents the reason of him being late in
going home. However, in day to day bases, extreme naughtiness of student can t really be
avoided either in educational mainstream or in an inclusive classroom. I apply punishment
to students who have done extreme misbehaviour and reward for those who have done
appropriate behaviour. However, handling and disciplining a special child have no
difference in setting up rules and discipline. Considering their culture, and
understanding student s individuality, they are also individual who needs respect and
more guidance to make their behaviour acceptable in society. Though they also learn in
different ways and in different rate, still it is important to employ various strategies for
helping a special child learn how to appropriately behave in the classroom. Such as
positioning myself near my student, catching her eye, or gently touching her shoulder is
my way of bringing her back to focus and I found out that those are effective strategy, a
subtle reminder that I m aware of her actions. Verbally reminding the student how to act
appropriately or inviting him/her to make an appropriate choice is
The Positive Effects Of Globalization
Globalization is the process of increased interconnectedness among the countries most
in the most known popular areas of economics, politics, social, and culture. All of these
areas are key aspects of each country and what makes them individualized.
Globalization allows for countries to be able to be individuals without the conflict of
their differences because of the power used to work as a whole globe. Globalizationis a
positive thing for the entire world, it allows for lots of development in our world by the
connection there is between all of the countries interdependence on each other. The
different points of globalization claim that it will lead to convergence of income, access
to knowledge and technology, consumption power, living standards, and political ideas.

Economically, many positive effects come along with globalization. The co

dependence with other nations leads to the success being shared among the nations.
The nations will generally want success for other countries so that they can feel the
reward also. This outcome leads to a more effective market and it creates a balance
between producers and consumers, which is why the equality of goods and services
often goes up as a result and prices tend to go down. Stabilized security of the economy
depends largely on another country s economy, which is why it is difficult to see
countries coming after one another. This increases security around the world by putting a
stop to many financial issues because the countries go off of one another.

Continuing on with the positive economic effects of globalization, the economy puts
forward a net benefit to the individual economies around the world. It does so by
making the markets more efficient, increasing the competition, as well as spreading
wealth around the world on a more equal playing field so that all countries have some
kind of reward. This makes all countries want to strive to do well and for their superiors
to do well also. International trade benefits us by having foods all year round, cheaper
products, and allows countries to focus on their strengths and trade for the things they
can t make cost effectively on their own.

Globalization keeps the world politically connected, it

Why to Invest in Mattel
Stephanie Amabile
BUS 521

Mattel is the world s #1 toy maker with more than 30,000 employees and more than $4
billion in sales. A well established core product portfolio has set Mattel s established
position in the toy market much higher than their competitors. Its products include
Barbie, Fisher Price toys, Hot Wheels and Matchbox Cars, American Girl dolls books,
and licensed Disney and Sesame Street products are just a few that have helped them
reach such great profits throughout the world. Although Mattel leads the industry, it
recognizes the complexity of staying on top in a highly competitive and shifting business.
While keeping their sales outlets current, toy companies must constantly seek to achieve
the next big hit. In ... Show more content on ...
When a gross margin is delivered at above 50% and there is a sales increase, you know
this is a company to watch. Mattel has their famous brands to thank for their
increasing sales performance. The best sales performance in terms of dollars came
from Fisher Price, which saw increased revenues of $41.5 million to $790.4 million.
However American Girl stood out compared to the rest boosting sales 16% to $102.0
million. With the introduction of its McKenna 2012 Girl of the Year doll just in time
for the demands of the holiday season, its sales have grown 9% to $246.7 million. By
the year end there should definitively be an even more noticeable sales increase with
the help of the expansion of the American Girl retail stores. Barbie is another one of
their key brands and even though they delivered short this quarter with a 4% decline
in sales, there are big hopes for her to excel well in the fourth quarter with the holiday
season. Hasbro, on the other hand, was unable to break its recent downward trend.
HAS reported a third quarter profit of $164.9 million, $1.24 per share, down 3.5%
from the year ago period. Revenues also declined again only this time by 2.2% to
$1.35 billion, which was $3 million less than expected. Both Mattel and Hasbro derive
50% to 60% of their sales from the U.S. and another 20% to 30% of their sales from
Europe, which shows similar, but not as pronounced
Robi Robin Hood Research Paper
Robin Hood, heroic outlaw in English folklore, who was a highly skilled archer and
swordsman. Described as being dressed in Lincoln green, he is often portrayed as
robbing from the rich and giving to the poor (Wright, A Beginner s Guide to Robin
Hood. ) alongside his band of Merry Men.
Many people see Robin Hood as a hero. He was definitely a hero to the poor people of
Nottingham, where the story takes place. He stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
But to the rich, he was a criminal. What Robin Hood didn t think about, was that even
though the outcome was good for him and many people, the way he did it wasn t
right. So was he a hero or a criminal? The legend of Robin Hood is one of the most
famous legends around. He has been in nearly forty English and Scottish ballads and
numerous tales, plays, and films. But legend isn t always fact (Fortunaso, Historical
Books. ). Pretty much all that is known of the medieval legend of ... Show more content
on ...
He bet one of the king s marks that he could hit one of the deer at the end of the field,
and that he did. But the man refused to pay and got mad at Robin for killing one of
the king s deer. While Robin Hood was leaving, one of the men shot at him with an
arrow. In pure rage, he hit the other with an arrow right in the heart, which killed him,
thus becoming a murderer. This is also when the fight between Robin and the sheriff
began. He pledged that he would bring Robin Hood to justice. This is when the legend
began. After the murder, Robin hid in his home in Sherwood Forest. That year, over a
hundred men gathered about Robin Hood and had chosen him to be their leader and
chief. They swore that even though they had been ruined, they would ruin those who
oppressed them, no matter who it was. They would take whatever had been robbed from
the poor, unjust taxes, high land rents, or unnecessary fines. (Wright, A Beginner s
Guide to Robin Hood. ) He started to become known as a
Spain And Spanish Culture
When examining any culture, pieces of other ideologies and cultural normalities different
than the foremost culture prevail, intertwining different cultures together. Spain,
historically, has been known to be a passing point for a wide variety of religious groups.
During the ancient world, Christian, Muslim, and Jewish peoples coexisted, each
ultimately contributing to Spanish culture. Starting around 701 C.E., Muslim forces
began to expand into areas around the Middle East, gradually broadening this land mass
to reach Spain. Initially, Arab invaders were met with vigorous resistance; however, as
time went on, invaders experienced little opposition, allowing them to reap city after city.
Within the newly Arab conquered cities, other religious groups faced little
discrimination. Additionally, this conquest established the ever present influence of Islam
on Spanish culture. In this case, Spain adopted Islamic cultural innovations such as:
forms of writing, religious aspects, architectural styles, and materials supplied for said
architectural innovations. Trailing into the modern world, traces of Islamic culture are
evidently intertwined into Spanish culture. Due to Spain s rich history in interweaving
cultures, it can be said that Spanish culture is intensely influenced by Islamic culture
through the invasion of Arab military in medieval time, visually retaining influence
through culture, religion, and architecture.
At the beginning of the early 700s, Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula began their
conquest by convincing nearby Germanic tribes to surrender; though it was not until
they travelled across the Straits of Gibraltar and attacked around 711 that their
expansion truly began. As stated earlier, other religious groups within Muslim Spain
faced little discrimination. This impartial society could be explained by the Treaty of
Tudmir. This treaty promised that [Christians] will not be coerced in matters of religion,
their churches will not be burned, nor will sacred objects be taken from the realm
(Treaty of Tudmir). Islamic forces continued their invasion and took control of Zaragoza,
Spain by 714 C.E. In an opportunity to encourage his men, Tarik, a leader in the conquest
of Spain wrote: attack this
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Analysis
The ovary is a critical organ of the female reproductive and endocrine system. When
preforming in an optimal manner, the ovary functions as a gonad, by producing mature
gametes and by synthesizing and excreting hormones within a set point. It is essential for
sexual maturation and reproduction. When it deviates away from this normal physiology,
many serious heath problems can emerge. A principal example of ovarian abnormal
physiology is polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one
of the most prominent endocrinopathies in the world, affecting anywhere between 5 10%
of the female population (Dunaif, 1995). Although this disease affects so many women,
not much is known about the exact origin of it and all of the shortcomings... Show more
content on ...
Normally, each ovary is formed by dense tissue encircled by fibrous connective tissue.
Starting at age of puberty, the ovaries become fixed with around 300,000 follicles, with
each one containing an immature ovum. Through cyclic changes, 1 or 2 of these follicles
become mature, releasing an oocyte, and thus resulting in fertilization or menstruation
(Stanfield, 2012, p.646). However, with polycystic ovarian syndrome these cyclic
changes are effected. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is defined by many symptoms,
however, numerous cysts on the ovaries and chronic anovulation from hormone
imbalances, normally characterize it. Chronic anovulation is described as infrequent or
nonexistent ovulation. This symptom is directly correlated with infertility and is one of
the largest identifying factors of polycystic ovarian syndrome. It is a result of
nonclassical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (NC CAH), an autosomal disease. This
disorder is caused by a CYP21 (21 hyroxylase) gene mutation and thus, is lacked in the
body. Due to its absence, 17 OHP (17 hydroxyprogesterone) amounts climb and the
anterior pituitary gland secrets excess amounts of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
(Leung, 2004). The adrenocorticotropic hormone controls the amount of steroid
hormones, which in return

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