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2º eso A English

PPT presentation
Order of intervention and topic of presentation

Orden de presentación y tema de la presentación

Day 1 (Monday, 11th December)

1.Nicolás– Jesse Owens 7. Roberto- Carmen Mondragón

2. Eva- Katherine Johnson 8. Hugo Solla- Maria Montesori

3. Hugo Santiago- Raffaella Carrà 9. Ingrid- Hayao Miyazaki

4. Anxo- Diane Arbus 10. Lucía- Berta Cáceres

5. Nicole- David Attenborough 11. Nathan- Mary Shelley

6. Fabiana- Peter Benenson 12. Pablo- Nadia Comaneci

Day 2 (Wednesday, 13th December)

13. Candela- Yayoi Kusama 19. Juanjo- Arthur Conan Doyle

14. Gabriel- Hedy Lamarr 20. Leire- Emilia Pardo Bazán

15. Sara- Clarice Lispector 21. Lorenzo - Harry Houdini

16. Raúl- Nikola Tesla 22. Patricia- Alekséi Pázhitnov

17. Rita- Henri Cartier-Bresson 23. Sarai – Catherine the Great

18. Noemí- Jane Goodall 24. Adrián- Alan Turin

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