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Then the churches

throughout all ..., …, and

… had peace and were
edified. And walking in
the fear of the Lord and
in the comfort of the
Holy Spirit, they were
Acts 9:31

Cairo International Airport

We want to encourage you with what it does:
1) Jordan
a) Bible Study Groups:
The Lord is still working with us powerfully in the Bible study groups on Friday
for refugees, we have 12 Bible Study groups teaching important and essential
topics in the Bible. We continue to discuss the topic of salvation by grace and
faith in Jesus Christ. Please pray with us to see the largest number of them saved
by grace. The word of God is always living and active and changes hearts

b) Zoom meeting ministry on Saturday and Monday is still progressing and more
people are joining.
Discussion groups studied the book Alchemsani Amman
Social Media
We have two Facebook pages, the number of followers are 285,000. We are
extremely thankful for this ministry, and we want to encourage you with some
testimonies from this wonderful work.

encouraging news
Ihab from Iraq:
When he contacted us, he said: He was trying to connect with Christian Facebook
pages and asking them to know the truth, but some of them blocked him. He said, I sat
alone crying and prostrated to God and said, Lord, help me discover the truth and know
who you are? Then he searched on the internet and found our page. With love and
kindness we received his story which touched his heart. His questions were answered,
and after the message of the Bible was explained, he accepted the Lord as his Savior
with joy. He mentioned that as if he came to the world again, or in other word he born
2. Anwar from Iraq, age 45:

He came across our Facebook page after many disappointing situations with
different Christian pages without any help. After reaching out, We confirmed to
him that we our family and we are ready to answer all his questions with love
and kindness.

He said, years ago, I had a desire to follow Christ, and he has questions about
that.. He said, “I am tired of the old, traditional religion. I see Christ’s words as
spiritual words. Let me know who Christ is. What is Christianity?”
We explained the gospel message to him in a way that he said " this
explanation like a breakthrough that saved me years to understand in addition
it touched my heart"
And he decided to accept the Lord. Then he said" Maybe if I were born into a
Christian family I would not know how much He loves me, but now I know the
value and the degree of his love for me"
3. Youssef from Iraq
He came across our Facebook page and asked, “I want to know the truth.” He had a desire and
passion to know who is Christian Christ and what is Christianity? What do we worship as
Christians? . After the kind welcome and love that I showed him, he said, “I feel safe with you". In
the following days, the Christian faith and the message of salvation were explained He said" the
message is clear and thank you for this topic. I want to accept the Lord as a Savior" . Then he
prayed and made a decision to follow the Lord. After that, he showed a strong desire to pursue
spiritual growth. He attended the first Zoom lesson with us and said this teaching is comfortable
and beautiful, and no one can imagine the amount of joy I have while continuing to
communicate with him ".

4. Hassan
young man from Basra, a student at the university, said, “I do not see the truth about God in the
religion that I follow, as there is killing and slaughter. This cannot be from God. Can you explain to
me who Christ is?” And we said to him, “We are your brothers, and You are welcome ” Then we
prayed that the Lord would open his heart and reveal Himself to him. After explaining the Gospel
message to him, he decided to accept the Lord as a Savior. He is now sick in the hospital and
asked for prayers from the church for him. I hope you will continue praying for his recovery.

With your prayers, the work in Egypt continues to grow and expand, and we test what the
Bible says in Acts 9:31
Egypt trip (from 28th January – 10th February 2023):
The Lord led us on a two-week ministry trip to Egypt, The first week in Cairo, we went to the
assembly of the Haggana in Cairo and had a special time of fellowship with the assembly.
Brother Youssef from the assembly in Amman shared a message on Saturday, and the Lord
gave us a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel message after the meeting with a group
of unbelievers and many were touched by the message.
Lina and I went to visit another assembly in Cairo (Al-Masaken assembly) and I spoke in the
meeting and we were encouraged with the fellowship with the saints.
From 2nd Feb. to 6th Feb. we went to Assiut in South of Egypt for the eighth training
conference, and it was a special time for teaching and training on important topics, in the
presence of Dr. Naji Iskandar:
1- The first topic was: Science and the Bible, is there any contradiction? It dealt with topics from the Book of
Genesis from Chapter 1 to Chapter 11. The Lord used Dr. Naji Iskandar powerfully in this subject
2- The second topic was: the steps of building a Disciple: and I taught about that.

This time the conference venue was not enough to accommodate the sleeping attendees
The number of attendees were about 350. The majority of them were young people which really encouraged us.
The young people had a lot of questions in discussions. They had the opportunity to discuss and ask about the
topics raised.

Also there were great opportunities for individual work, and many accepted the Gospel message.

The conference was broadcasted for the first time on Al-Karma Christian channel, and this was a blessing for
those who could not attend in person or were abroad.
Two brothers from Sudan attended this training, Brother Isaiah and Magdy. They serve the Lord in the Jazira
state. Brother Isaiah attended the conference with us in February 2020 and since then, The Lord used him with
other brothers to plant an assembly there .Please pray for the work there.
Discussing the Gospel message with young
friends at the Cairo International Book Fair
The Lord allowed us time to visit the Cairo
International Book Fair, and there the Lord gave us
a wonderful opportunity to discuss the message of
the Bible with a group of religious young Muslims,
most of whom study Sharia in Al-Azhar. How great
is the living word of God and the good news of the
The eighth training conference in Assiut, southern Egypt
The eighth training conference in Assiut, southern Egypt
We had an encouraging testimony: Last year IN Feb. 2021, we announced the
purchase of land for the conference center in New Assiut in installments. In this
conference, we thanked the Lord that He is glorified in paying the installments
and we took the final contract was signed. It was a reason for joy and pleasure
for all the people attended the conference because The Lord hears and answers
prayers. After the training conference, we went to visit the land in New Assiut
and gave thanks to the Lord that He answered the prayers regarding the
installment payments for the land with miracles from Him.

After the Conference we were invited by the brothers in Assiut assembly to

share a message in the youth meeting, and we shared how to present the
Gospel messge. Then, we went to Sohag, to my local village and church, and I
shared from the word of God for two days, and on Friday the 10th of Feb. we
returned back to Amman.
Please share us prayers for:
1. The Lord’s work in Bible study groups, and for the refugee families so that we may rejoice with
heaven in the salvation of many of them. Please also pray for the visitations to refugee families to
have a great harvest in the visitations and the Bible study groups.
2. Those who study the Emmaus courses, so that the Lord will use these courses for the
a. salvation and spiritual growth of those who study.
3. The prison ministry for the prisoners from Asia because they started studying Emmaus courses in the
English language. We photocopy the courses for them and a sister teaches them these courses, and
they answer the questions after they study them. The first group of them is about 40 people.
4. The Facebook and Social Media ministries, and for the brothers and sisters who serve in these
wonderful ministries, for the lessons that are presented, the posts that are published, the Gospel
message this is presented, and the answers to the questions that the Lord has many people in this
5. The results of the ministry visit in Egypt, the services that were presented at the conference,
individual work, and the impact of all these services on individuals and churches.
6. The conference center in Assiut to build this center, since the assemblies there are in need to have
this place serving three states in southern Egypt
7. For the new planted assemblies that need buildings, especially the assembly in Dairut.

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