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Bootcamp Workout Plan

My personal fitness goal for this is to complete a circuit-style workout consisting of five different exercises, with
each exercise targeting a different muscle group. The exercises will be squats, superman, knee push-ups, plank
and a wall handstand. I will perform each exercise for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second rest, for a total of 2
rounds. I aim to increase the number of repetitions or the intensity of each exercise in each subsequent round. By
the end of 4 weeks I hope to be able to do each exercise for 50 seconds with 15-second intervals for 2 rounds. I
also aim to not take breaks during those 45-50 seconds as that would be cheating on myself by not allowing my
body to do its best. Another minor goal is to improve my wall handstand times so I can gradually improve my
balance & coordination.

This improves my overall health by building strength throughout my body by targeting different muscles
throughout my body. It improves stamina and endurance by doing them for 45 seconds with a 15 second interval.
By doing the plank and superman I improve my core strength which is essential for good posture and preventing
injuries. Practising handstands allows me to improve my balance and coordination which comes handy in my
day to day life as well as badminton.

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