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Narrative Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of a "Narrative Essay" might seem deceptively straightforward at first
glance, given the inherent personal nature of narratives. However, delving into the intricacies of
crafting a compelling narrative presents its own set of challenges. The difficulty arises not only from
the need to recount a personal experience but also in weaving it into a coherent and engaging story
that resonates with the audience.

Firstly, choosing the right story is crucial. While one may have a multitude of personal experiences,
selecting the one that is not only significant but also has the potential to captivate readers requires
thoughtful consideration. The challenge lies in finding that delicate balance between personal
relevance and universal appeal.

Furthermore, maintaining a consistent narrative voice poses a challenge. Writers must navigate the
fine line between providing vivid details that paint a vivid picture for the reader and avoiding
unnecessary tangents that may detract from the overall coherence of the essay. Striking this balance
requires a keen understanding of storytelling techniques and a judicious selection of descriptive

Crafting a compelling introduction and conclusion is another hurdle. The introduction needs to grab
the reader's attention, setting the stage for the narrative, while the conclusion should provide a
satisfying resolution that leaves a lasting impression. Achieving this symmetry is a challenging task
that demands both creativity and finesse.

Moreover, the process of revision becomes paramount. Revisiting and refining the narrative to
enhance its impact and clarity can be a time-consuming and mentally demanding endeavor. It
involves scrutinizing every sentence, evaluating the pacing, and ensuring that each element
contributes meaningfully to the overall narrative.

In conclusion, composing a narrative essay entails navigating the intricacies of selecting a compelling
story, maintaining a consistent narrative voice, and skillfully crafting an engaging introduction and
conclusion. It is a task that demands both creativity and attention to detail, making it a challenging
yet rewarding endeavor for those who embark on the journey of personal storytelling.

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else was willing to pay for. Rome obsessed over the silk. b)Legalism made people want to
follow all rules to avoid harsh punishments. People also wanted to because they didn t
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Foodborne Illness
What is the infectious agent (pathogen) that causes this infectious disease? For example,
the name of the bacteria, virus, or parasite.
The foodborne illness I choose was Salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria that causes an
infection known as Salmonellosis. A person that is infected with Salmonella gets
diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours after being infected. Salmonella
usually last four to seven days and most people recover without treatment. People with
severe diarrhea must be hospitalized. The Salmonella can spread in from the intestines to
the bloodstream and other parts of the body and can cause death of not treated quickly
with antibiotics. People with a weak immune system, elderly, and infants are more likely
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Half the outbreak occurred in Illinois, at various Jimmy John s outlets where people ate
sandwiches containing the sprouts. During the investigation, the FDA took a sample
from a water run off that had bacteria identical to the strain of the Salmonella found in
the outbreak.

What are the clinical symptoms, duration of the disease, and treatment if any?
Salmonella symptoms are diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps from 12 to 72 hours
after being infected. The illness usually last four to seven days, and most people infected
recover without treatment. Antibiotics are given to those who develop severe diarrhea
from the illness. Individuals who are infected bowel habits takes several months before it
returns to normal. Also, a few people with Salmonella develop pain in their joints,
irritation of the eyes, and painful urination. Which is called reactive arthritis, it can last
for months or years, and can lead to chronic arthritis. The antibiotic treatment does not
change whether or not a person develops arthritis.

What steps can be taken to prevent further outbreaks? Include individual as well as
environmental precautions and methods
There are few tips people can use to avoid outbreaks are properly clean and sterilize
kitchen equipment, cook food thoroughly, and properly store food. Cleaning and
sterilizing kitchen equipment such as cutting boards,
Salt Lake City Plumber Essay
Useful Tips for Plumber That You Can Use Immediately The End of Plumber Pipe
Installation You might only consider needing a plumber once the pipes in your home
burst. You can begin trying to find a plumber in a couple of ways. Settling upon a
worker in the Atlanta can be an overwhelming endeavor for Atlanta home proprietors
and Salt Lake City business owners alike. If you re seeking to employ a worker in Salt
Lake City , there are a couple of things which you ought to know before making your
selection. Your Salt Lake City plumber will be able to help you determine which kind
of backflow preventer is most suitable for your requirements. High workers in Atlanta
won t shy away from the easy fixes. Plumbers aren t needed to reconnect hoses. Before
hiring a plumber, speak to their previous customers if you re ready to. You do not have
to be an expert plumber or experts that are acquainted with plumbing. In regards to
plumbing, we re a complete service business, and we would like to care for your
problem, regardless of what problem you may encounter. After all, plumbing isn t a
hobby and ought to be left to the expert plumbers. In case you are searching for
plumbing for your company or house, we provide the capability you will need. Because
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Before hiring a plumber, ask them if they offer written warranties. One of our plumbers
is going to be able to access the circumstance and supply the critical repairs
swiftly.Licensed plumbers ought to be acquainted with each one of the existing plumbing
codes and keep on with the training necessary to maintain a license. What s even more
important about hiring a certified plumber in Georgia is how they ve taken the step to
demonstrate their competence in this field as a
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Potential Explanations
US Israeli relations often appear to focus on America s ability to enforce its sphere of
influence in Israel by its diplomatic and monetary utility. Since 1976, Israel has been
the most exponential annual recipient of US aid and the largest recipient of cumulative
US assistance since World War II. The US had provided over 95% of economic
development assistance and food aid to Israel, totaling to roughly $68 million per year
between the years of 1949 and 1965. From 1966 through 1970 aid increased to about
$102 million to include an estimated military loan increase of 47%. From 1971 to the
present, US aid to Israel has averaged over $2 billion per year; two thirds of which has
been military assistance (Sharp,2015). The ... Show more content on ...
The Prospect theory may help explain these anomalies. This theory provides a
framework for the evaluation of alternative choices made by individuals, firms and
organizations. The first case to be examined is the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982
which is exemplary of Israel s occasional nonconformity to US requests. In summary,
Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) invaded Lebanon despite President Reagan s execution
of a cease fire. This act of non compliance beckons the question, why did Israel accept
the risk of having sanctions imposed on them by their primary financier? Or why didn t
the US influence over Israel manifest favorable actions for the US? There is potential
for an explanation by applying the Prospect theory model to the Invasion of Lebanon
case study. Israel initially complied with President Reagan s cease fire initiative until
Israel constructed a perception that benefits would accrue from engaging the perceived
threat of the enemy. Israel believed that while the cease fire was implemented the PLO
were strengthening themselves while they, Israel, was faltering (losses) under the cease
fire restrictions. Israel evaluated two alternative choices, the first choice was to continue
compliance with the US cease fire initiative or alternatively, to disregard the cease
Example Of A Femme Fatale
A femme fatale, a French term for fatal woman (Schimkowitz, 2014), is a strong willed,
manipulative woman who is as alluring as she is dangerous. She is an irresistibly
attractive woman who leads a man into difficult and dangerous situations with her
seductive charms (Blakely, 2014). They used to be physically characterized as fierce
sexing looking women with sharp eyeliners. This female archetype has been in existence
since ancient times all around the world.
The first example of a femme fatale in this paper is Veda Pierce (Ann Blyth) in Mildred
Pierce, which was released in 1945, when many American soldiers returned from
World War II. During the WWII period, women were the main providers for their
families while American men were at war, which led to increase independent
American women. Mildred Pierce, the mother of Veda, is one of the strong women
who is working hard to support herself and her children. In contrast to her mother s
effort, Veda takes advantage of her mother s kindness and money. She also betrays her
by having an affair with Monte Beragon, who is already married to her mother. Veda
has the looks and knows how to use her looks to attract men. And she is so ambitious
that she does anything in order to get the most important thing to her which is money to
live the high class life. Ultimately, a femme fatale leads the male into ruin. Veda fulfills
this characteristic of the femme fatale by shooting Monte to death when he denies that he
is going to marry her.

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