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(7n tbe past, mowter evcyclopedias were botb ricb

J s-~urces of ivformatiov and wards agaivst mortal

peril. Not ovll¡ did tbese tomes describe tbe peculiar
lives of movsters, but they also offered effective
strategies for combating them. Mavy evcounters witb
sucb creatures wou(d bave evded far bloodier, and
most like{y in deatb for tbe human, if vot for tbe
kvowledge covtaived thereiv.
And yet. in just ove vigbt, tbe evtire literature
became utterb¡ useless. Tbe of a very differevt
kind of movster. a succubus, cbavged everytbivg. Tbe
vew Overlord chavged the vature avd physiology
of many of tbe creatures evuroerated amovg
movsterkivd Tbough mucb time has passed si.nce
tbat vight, it would be fo{{y to say that bumaw bave
deve{oped av adequate understandivq of movsters
in tbeir currentforro. Many people still clivg to tbe
misconception, livgerivg from the previous Overlor:ds
reigv. tbat a roovster is a creature tbat bruta{{y
rourders huma.ns avd devours their j[esh.
I sevsed, bowever, tbat the vightmar:isb creature5 we
once feared (avd oftev sfi{{ do) were no more. Thu.s
attevtive to tbis chavge in their 5o-ca{ted movstrous
character, an urgent veed for accurate ivformation
about tbis vew breed of movster was awakeved in me.
avd I uvdertook to travel tbe world to observe them
and record roy fivdivgs in this book.
The movsters of tbe past were jfesb-eativg fievds.
humavitljs qreatest everoy. But vow our greatest
evemy has growv ivto soroethivq we could neve¡;- have
imagived Are bumavs avd movsters still dire foes'? Jt
is my hope tbat you wi{{ read tbis book witb an open
mivd avd-dare I say it. an open beart-and come to
your owv covclusiov.



Preface ....................................................... 03 028 • lizardman .................................... 6 8

029 • S alamander ................................... 7 0
Trearise • Monsrers ............................... 0 7
0 30 • Werebat ........................................ 72
001 Succubus ....................................... 10
+ 031 • Cencaur ......................................... 74
002 • Lesser Succubus ............................ 12 0 32 • Unicorn ......................................... 76
033 • Minocaur ...................................... 78
T rearise + Monsrerizacion ..................... 14
034 + Holscaur........................................ 80
Treacise • Essence and Mana................. 16,
035 • Gianc Anc ........ ............................. 82
003 + Sli1ne .............................................. rS. 036 • Anc Arachne .... ............................. 84
004 • Red Slime ..................................... 20 0 37 • Manris ........................................... 86
00 5 • Queen Slime ................................. 22. 038 • f airy .............................................. 88
006 • Goblin ........................................... 24. 039 • !Pixie............................................... 90
007 • Hobgoblin .................................... 26 040 • leannán Sídhe ............................. 92
008 + Wer:e wolf ...................................... 2S. 041 • Kesaran Pasaran ........................... 94
009 + Werecar......................................... 30
Trearise + The Land ofSprites ............. 96
010 • Wererabbic.................................... 32
011 + Weresheep .................................... 34 042 , Elf.................................................. 98
012 • Alraune ......................................... 36, 043 • D ark Elf...................................... 100
013 • Mandragora .................................. 38. 044 • D warf ........................................... 102
014 • Marango ........................................ 40,
Trearise • Elves and Dwarves ............. 104
015 + Dryad ............................................ 42.
016 • Honey Bee ................................... 4 4. 045 • Amazoness ................................. 106
017 • Hornee .......................................... 4 6 046 • Atice ............................................ 108
018 + Grizzly .......................................... 48- 047 , Alp ................................................ 110
019 • Harpy ............................................ 50 048 • Cyclops......................................... 112
020 • Black H arpy ................................. 52. 049 • Mermaid ...................................... 114
021 • Coclkarrice..................................... 54· 050 • Merrow ........................................ 116
022 • Ore ................................................ 56 051 + Sea Bishop ................................... 118
023 • Ogre .............................................. 5& 052 • Nereid ......................................... 120
024 + Arachne ......................................... 60 053 • S cylla ............................................ 122
025 + Lan1ia ............................................ 62. 05 4 • Charybdis ................................... 124
026 + Medusa ......................................... 64. 055 • Sea Slime ..................................... 126
027 • Echidna ......................................... 6 6 056 • Siren ................. ............................ 128

Treacise • Monscers of che S ea ............ 130 0 84 • Youko .......................................... 190

0 85 • Yuki-Onna ................................... 192
057 • Sahagin ........................................ 132
086 , Aka-Oni ..................................... 194
058 , Bubble Slime ............................... 134
087 • Karasu-T engu .............................. 196
0 59 • Large Mouse................................ 136
0 88 • Kappa ........................................... 198
060 • G ia11c Slug ........... ,....................... 138
0 89 • Jorou-Gumo ............................... 200
061 • D evil Bug .................................... l 40
090 • lnari ................................. ,........... 202
062 • Roper .......................................... 142
063 • Golem ......................................... 144 Treacise , Zipangu ............................... 204
064 • G argoyle ...................................... 146
0 91 , Angel ........................................... 206
065 • M imic .......................................... 148
092 • D ark Angel.. ............................... 208
066 • Ji nn of che Jar .............................. 150
093 • Dark Priesc ................................. 210
067 • Mununy ....................................... 152
068 • Sph inx .......................................... 154 T rearise , Gods, T heir Kin, and
069 , Anubis .......................................... 156 ch e W orld ............................................ 212
07 0 • Gircablilu ..................................... 158
0 94 • Dragon ......................................... 216
0 71 , Z ombie ....................................... 160
0 72 • G houl.. ......................................... 162 Treacise • Elemencals ........................... 218
0 73 , G hose ................... ,...................... 164
0 95 • Un din e ........................................ 220
0 74 • Skelecon ....................................... 166
0 96 • Ignis ............................................. 222
0 75 • Nightmare ................................... 168
097 , Sylph ........................................... 224
0 76 • Doppelganger............................. 170
098 • Gnome ........................................ 226
0 77 • Du llahan .............. ,....................... 172
0 99 • Dark M accer ............................... 228
0 78 • Vampire ....................................... 174
0 79 , I1np ............................................... 176 Treacise , The Monscer Realm ........... 230
080 • D ark S lime .......... ,... ,................... 178 Trearise • 1l1e Overlord's Dreams ......232
081 • Beelzebub ................ ,.................. 180
1o o • ............................................ 234
0 82 • Baphomec .................................... 182
0 83 , Wicch .......................................... 184 Afre.rword ................................................ 236

T reacise • The S abbac........................... 186

T rearise , Monsrer M agic Ares ........... 188


T HoUGH THE wono "MoNSTER" MAY Their physical and magical abilicies cend co
J invoke a singular terror, ic is a general be superior co chose of humans. Many
cerm encompassing a number of races, di verse arcane abilicies humans lack. Incelligence var-
in appearance and behavior, ruled over by che ies greatly among che races, bue ali monscers
Overlord. have ac leasc enough wíc co use language and
1he monscers of che pase were fearsome converse wírh humans. Monscers also exceed
abominations in che forms of enormous humans in life span. Some races may live only
beascs, inseccs, and dragons chac arcacked and slighdy longer tl1an huma.ns, while ochers live
devoured humans. However, since che rise of for chousands of years. Thac said, regardless
che new Overlord, cheir forms have shifted ro of herr years, a monscer remains young and
resemble rhose of human females; similarly, accraccive in form, ne ver showing signs of age.
cheir behavior coward and relacionships wich
humans have also changed drascically.
This book concains illuscrarions of actual
2. Diet
individuals among chese new, feminine mon- Before che currenc Overlord, monscers hada
scers as wicnessed by che auchor, accompa.nied casce for human flesh. However, che monscers
by descripcions and explanarions of cheir char- of che present era insrínccively abhor ic and
acter. Befo re plunging inco che details of each would never consíder consuming ir. Generally,
race, however, lec us explore che basics of ch ese chese newer monsters follow one of rwo di-
new creacures. eca ry paccerns. Toe firsc diec is simple fare
such as fruirs and vegerables, and che meac of
anímals. Adherencs of che second, more com-
l. Nature mon diec ( due ro che influence of che reigning
The power of che succulbus Overlord, who succubus) feed upon che life force concained
now reigns over ali monscerkind, is vasr and in huma.ns vessels, especially men. This force
pocenc. Wich chis heady new auchoricy, ali is known as essence.
monscers have ca.ken on che form of exceed- Monscers char feed on essence garher ic
ingly beauciful or endea.ring humanoid fe- rhrough che semen and saliva tl1eír prey dis-
males. Even so, there is gr,eat diversity in their charge during sexual intercourse. T h e mon-
appearance. Indeed, while some look very scers' bodies converc essence inco nucriencs
much like humans, ochers merge humanoid and mana. Though rnonscers have a greac
craics wich chose of ocher beings. For ínscance: hunger and need, chis is noc fatal co the men
some monscers have che upper body of a be- chey hold capcive. Finally, while chis cype of
wicchingly alluring woman, bue che lower monscer prímarily feeds on essence, chey are
body of a snake, fish, or spider. Thus far in capable of drawing suscenance from ordi-
my excensive observacions, ali monscers are nary food, alrhough ít is far less nourishing
female; I have yec co spy any male monscers. chan essence. Conversely, even monscers chac
Monscers rely on ínscincr far more chan hu- feed mosrly on ordinary food are capable of
mans do. As such, rhey are excremely lustfu l, absorbing essence as mana. To ali monsters,
and rheír choughcs and accions are true to their rhe essence of human men is a fascinacing
desires and appecices; chere is no barrier be- and supreme delicacy, as sweec as figs and
cween whac rhey wanr and whac chey will have. honey.


serve men before invicing them to mace. There
3. Reproduction are councless ways monscers carcl1 and mace
As previously mencioned, monscers are jusc wich a man, and whecher chey be bread1caking
as female as they appear co be. For chis rea- or cerrifying, ali are irresistible.
son, they require human me.n in order co re-
produce, as chere are no males of cheir own
5. Values
Monscers are possessed of a powerful in- The acquisicion and carnal know[edge
scinccive urge co conceive and bear che children of men is che foremosr motive and value of
of men who cake cheir fancy. To them, this ñs monsrers, and chus namrally tends co domí-
one of cheir g:reacesc, mosc incomparable joys. nate cheir choughcs, accio11s and conversacions

The acc of macing wich a man is a joy beyond amongsc chemselves. Monscers regard human
a1l ochers; ic is cheir mosc powerful and deep- men wich uncondicional favor. As men are
rooced instincc. Ali observed children born to necessary ro rhem for borh suscenance and
a human farher and monscer mocher invari- reproducrion, che idea of killing a human is
ably curn out co be female monscers. fo no anachema co chem. However violenc and sadis-
known case has a child been a human or male. ric a monscer may be, ic is hardly conceivable
chat one would voluncarily kili a human for
any reason ocher rhan self-defense or procec-
4. Attacks on Humans cion of her husband.
As has been explained in che passages above, Mons~ers are less rescrained when ir comes
human men are essencial to monsters, boch ro lusc. They consider ic a vircue ro be wa11con;
as sources of suscenance and! parcners for re- ali good monscers yearn for men and have no
produccion. Wich such necessicies in mind, qualms againsr caking a man rhey fancy by
ic should come as no surprise chac monscers force. Even if he abhors che idea of macing
are inscincruaUy driven co accack, subdue, and with a monscer, a monscer will use her sex
copulare wich men. They know che are of sex and sedu,ccion, magic, drugs, and ali manner
innacely and grant men pleasure wich great of cempcacion co make him hers. As monscers
skill and ease. A man who maces once wich chemselves have powerful libidos, chey en-
a monscer is likely co find himself helpless co courage che human male libido, unlike hLJman
her power, his essence wrung ouc as she makes women, who generally perceive ir as a burden.
him her slave; indeed, if a monster fancies a Monsters, rather, delighc in men's carnal pas-
man, she will noc release him even afcer sh.e sions and ofren accack and mace wich chem in
has cemporarily saciaced her need. Inscead, hopes of receiving che fu Uforce of cheir desire.
she will keep him by her side and exploit hñs
essence forevermore. Enslaved men have no
power co escape cheir monscrous miscress. If
6. Relations with Human Men
a man is accacked by a monscer, chere is no Monscers form unions of wife and husband
hope for his return. jusc as hu mans do. As ali monscers are female,
Monscers lure men in wich an array of com- che husband muse be a human male. To mon-
pelling forces, from che allure of cheir beaucy srers, marriage is more than a senrimen e and
and magic to physical strength and special a concract; when they cake a strong liking coa
abilicies. Some atcack direcdy; others seduce. man, rheir interese in and lusr for him increase,
Sorne use magic or pheromo,nes co goad me11 while cheir interese in orher men decreases.
inco accacking them. Cercain kinds of monscers They come ro cherish his scent and d1e casre
of his essence and desire no ocher male.
le is che inscincc of a monscer co perceive
such a man as her husband. Despice her he-
donism and overpowering sex drive, once a
monscer has decided on a husband, she is un-
waveringly loyal and prizes him above herself.
As for why such behavior should be exhibiced,
some scholars of monscers cheorize chaC' ic is
co prevenc confliccs over prey wich ocher mon-
scers or co more effectively charm a man and
excracc bis essence in greacer and more reüable
quamicies. However, chere is also a cheory chac
ic is merely an imicacion of che Overlord's own
insr.inccs, reflecced in che 1iacure of her subjecrs
chac she has so changed.
Perhaps for similar reasons, ic is rare for
111011srers to acrack a man who has been doused
in che mana and scenc of anocher monscer.
However, ic is worch nocing rhac chere have
been cases recorded in wlhich a man loved by
severa! monscers may be Slllbjecred ro repeared
bours of sex, each round wirh anocher mon-
scer, or fervenc orgies. Men in chese sicuacions
are ofren che focus of che srrong aífeccions of
mulciple monscers or have been caken by a race
which praccices polygamy by defuulc.
TI1e nacu re of monscers in cerms of hu man
moralicy is an ofr concesced subjecc among
scholars. Doubcless, chere are some monscers
mar creac men as prey oras slaves, yec 111011-
scers are not humans and live by a differenc
code. For -chem, "prey" and "slave" are synony-
mous wich "husband;' and it is choughc chac,
regardless of cl1e cerminology, chere is great
lave and affeccion behind cheir crearmem of


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE: Fiend

Habitat: The monster realm

Nature: Lustful
Diet: The essence of human men

fiend in possession of pocen e abili cíes.
Succubi cend co be found in che monscer
man is exposed co mana, his libido swells, and
he produces large quancicies of essence for che
succubus. Afrer a brief yet incense cransfor-
realm, chough che monscer realm is noc che macion, his humanicy is overpowered, and he
only place chey are found. TI1ey are known to becomes a being called an incubus (p. 15) and
cake human form and infilcrace human seccle- lives on che mana acquired chrough copulacion
mencs. In che previous Overlord's reign, suc- wich rhe succubus. Once chis occurs, che man
cubi were monscers of incermediace scacus, bue is presumably doomed co spend ecernicy in
cheir posicion has risen considerably sincc che sexual congress with che succubus.
ascendance of che new Overlord. Under her Toe rise of che new Overlord has resulced
influence, ali monscers now look like women in a change in values. Monscers previously vile
and can feed on che essence of humans, bue and combacive have uniformly become wancon
even before che currenc Overlord, succubi and lu scfül sex fiends, while beascmen when in
cook che appearance of women and lived by heac n.ow seek che pleasures of men. Now chac
feeding on che essence of human men. There copulacion wich human men is monscerkind's
is a considerable degree of variacion in [heir highesc prioriry, cheir ares co seduce and plea-
appearance ro accommodace che range of pas- sure men have ofren come ro cake on greater
sions among men, from volupcuous succubi signifrcance d1an chei-r raw fighcing screngch.
co chose more diminucive in form. However, This shifc in monscrous ch a raccer has
chey ali sh are a lascivious beaury chac elt'cices drawn che succubus greater accencion, and as
che desire of men. As in appearance, rhere is mencioned earlier, a wide range of monscers
great individual variation in personality, bue ali have followed che example of che succubus and
possess a faichfuJ dedicacion ro lusc and desire. now cake deepesc joy in che acc of macing wich
Succubj are imbued wicb powerful 1nagic human men.
and use ic almosc exclusively ro seduce men. Ali of chese changes are ulcimacely owed
Wben a succubus is drawn co a particular co che fundamental nacure of che succubus,
man, she applies a range of mechods, such and ic can well be said chac che succubus is
as her seduccive magic o r invicing figure, ro che modern era's foremost represen cacive of
draw him ro engage her in sexual incercourse monscerkind.
;1nd gacher his essence. Only che mosc scrong-
willed of men have any hope of esc;1ping che
wiles of succubi. If a succubus has acquired a
man's essence and fu1ds him co her casce, she
will carry him off co che home of che succubi
in che monscer realm.
Men, however, are noc che only humans
subjecced co che hunger of succubi. Succubi
also seek ouc human women, i1~ecc her wich
mana during sex and cunt her incoa succubus
like chemselves. A human woman who has
recencly curned inco a succubus is known as a
lesser succubus (p. 12).
Bue ir is not only women who a re nirned
inco monscers. Succubi also i1~ecc mana inco
cheir male parcners while macing. When a


LESSER Succueus
FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Fiend

Habitat: Unknown
Nature: Lustful
Diet: The essence of human meo

woman wich mana (p. 17), she is chrusc
onto che path of her cra.nsformation inco a
cransform cheir bodies co become more en-
cicing and seduccive co men; che fur serves co
procect cheir bodies d uring che process.
succu bus. Her firsc experiences are ma·rked As che lesser succubus concinues co collecc
by surging recepciviry to carnal passion and human essence, her small horns, wings, and
pleasure; she will ofcen be parched for che cail grow large, and her heart becomes more
moisture of essence. Though a woman who and more lusrful, uncil she has become a full
ha.s only jusr become a monster may still succubus. Even afrer she has fu lly macured,
vestiges of her human values, her monstrous she recains her basic personalicy and memories
body will f!ush wich longing for a man, her from when she was a human, bue her values
hunger demolishing her frail human psyche. change complecely inco chose of a succubus,
Thus uninhibiced, she will seek out a man and she will not hesicace co milk men for boch
and accack him. At cha.e firsc casce of magical pleasure and essence.
pleasure, her first of masculine essence, There is no known way to rescore a woman
her human values crumble, and she becomes a who has been curned incoa succubus co hu-
monscer, body and soul, drowned in che pur- manic:y. If your lover is curned inco a succu-
suic of che pleasure offered by che male form. bus, do not accempt co save her. foscead, f!ee
Lesser succubi appear differencly than cheir immediately, unless you wish ro be carried off
more macure siscers. Their horns are shorcer, inco che monster realm to spend ecernicy wich
having jusc sprouced, and cheir bodies are chose sensual and lascivious fi.ends.
lighcer in pigrnenracion. They ofcen
cranslucenc wings and cails, and fur on some
a.reas of che body. Lesser succubi use mana co

. able of even making eye co ncacc wich a man

The woman on ch e left was once rncap foil . . her cransformacion incoa lesser
:md wou!rl insccad look sh yly ª1 wahy, yet -~'pv:!ocarive and wcc w ich lust.
succubus, as shown on che rig ,c, er gaze t

2. Physical Efjects
by which humans and orher races are
cransformed into rhose wancon crearures, af-
Even afcer a woman becomes a monsrer, she
will recain che basic feacures of her appear-
ter being infused wich a monscer's mana. In ance and recognizable vesriges of her original
general, only females can be monscerized. The figure. H ,owever, her face reforms ro become
succubus (see p. 10) is che mosc well-know11 monscrously appealing co men, and her body
agenr of monscerizacion. rransfigu res icself co provoke irresistible pas-
s ion. Ir will also exhibir che unique fearures
and appendages of monscerkind-in che case
l. Process of a succubus, horns, wings, anda tail.
Monsrerizacion begins when a monscer's Upon becoming a monscer, a woman is
mana encers a human woman's body. 1he1·e overwhelmed wich surging carnal desire. Her
are severa[ mechods by which a human may body icches for a man and becomes excepcion-
be cransformed into a monscer, bue che mosr ally sensiitive so rhat she can devour pleasure
well-known is infusion wirh mana during sex- ali che more greedily, far more chan she ever
ual incercourse wirh a monscer. could as a human. The special calencs and
During copulacion, che monscer drains che various skills a monscer has co arouse men
human woman of her essence, injeccing mana come inscinccively wich her new, monscrous
in ics place. As che woman is .filled wich mana, anacomy, so che woma1t is able co use chem
her body heacs and her choughcs cloud; she immed.iately upon becoming a monscer and
becomes defenseless againsc che pleasure and seldom waics co find and obcain a man.
seduccion of rhe monscer and accepcs more
and more mana, which boch pleasures her
and reshapes her body inro char of a monsce1·.
3. Mental Effects
The bliss of congress wich a monsrer and che Like che body, che mind also retains powerful
delighc of having her body cransformed in- vesciges of che original human in personalicy
side and ouc sceadily melc ,1way her reason. and memories. However, her personalicy will
P leasure cakes her mind, and in che end she nonecheless be cransformed by che process of
becomes a monscer fully, in body and soul. monsceri:zacion. Even a man-hacing knighc or
There are ocher ways che cransformacion a cimid man-fearing councry girl will become
inco a monster can be initiated: che ittjectio11 so lu stful that her previous self become:s un-
of mana chrough a bite wound; che expul - recognizable. Invoking carnal affairs wich men
sion of che s1ubjecc's essence; che incu bacion will come co her wich ease. Ali rescrainc and
of monscer eggs wichin one's body; or ex- shame she mighc have had as a human, ali
tended inhabicacion of che monscer realm, loaching of monscers, and ali aversion to sex-
where monscer mana drifcs chrough che añr uality will vanish as she begins co feed upon
(see p. 230). There are also drugs of processed che essen,ce and bliss of men. Her head will
succubus mana rhac can be caken, or che inha- over8ow wich choughcs of che delighc a human
lacion (incencional or accidemal) of parasiric man can bring her; she will speak secrec, sofr
spores can induce monscerizacion. and ecscacic words; her accions will become
sulcry, kindling unimaginable desire.

Once her values and choughts have chus
been realigned entirely with che instinccs of Incubi are men who have been ravished and
monsters, she will be freed of che rescraints alcered by a monscer's mana. Though incubi
and shack[es thac bound her as a human. She are ofcen creared as monscers, cechnically
will then begin to copulare wich any man she speaking, monsrers are srricrly female, while
hungers for, caughr in che rhriU of monstrous incubi are merely humans rhac have acquired
nirvana, and devouring pleasure at will. In cheir characceriscics. Thac said, because che
chis way, women who become monscers im- quancicy and qualicy of essence in cheir bodies
mediarely find cheir bodies and minds ruled surges during and afcer cransformacion, incubi
by che ir new inscinccs andl chus accack hu man become beings very well suiced for monscers.
men according co cheir guc incuicion. If a mon- Thusly, ic is noc unreasonable chac people call
scer who was once a woman had che memory chem male monscers.
of a man she once loved dearly, she will per-
ceive him as her husband and will fall upon
him immediacely wich desperace passion.
Ir is generally through repeaced sexual con tace
wich rnonscers and absorpcion of cheir mana
4. Rationale rhar men become incubi. However, when a
As noced befare in chis cexr, rhough ic is gen- man copu lares wich a monscer of che succu-
erally che inscincc of monscers co seek human bus fami ly, ic does norc require a large number
men, che re are times when chey accack hu man of unions befare he becomes an incubus. A
women co curn chem inco monscers. There longer period is required in che case of ocher
are a number of reasons chey may do chis. For monscers. Ir should also be noced chac che
inscance, chey may wish rto increase cheir al- bodies of incubi concain monscer mana of
lies or neucralize an enem y who mea ns ro slay che same narure as of che monscer which
chem. Bue che foremosc reason is chac mon- made them incubi. A human woman who has
scers ofcen desire ro make women inro mon- sexual congress wich an incubi will in curn be-
scers like n:hemselves simply ouc of sympachy come a monster herself.
or cu riosicy. Incubi look almosc idencical ro huinans, bue
These monscers selecc women who eicher develop inhuman lusc and vigor for sexual ac-
do noc know or rejecc pleasure, or women civicy, like chac of monsrers. As cheir choughcs
who scruggle co convey their affeccions; and and values increasingly cencer on copulacion
accack chem in order co ceach chem che joy chac wich monsrers, cheir bodies become more suic-
can be plll!ndered from che pleasures of men's able for che acr. Concerning che macter of sus-
bodies. These monscers take greac delighc in renance, in addirion co tradicional human food,
seeing che women chey have cransformed inco incubr are able co live on che mana of monscers.
monscers subsequencly ac:cack men, driven by 1his makes cheir life span roughly equivalenc
che inscincc to drown chemselves in pleasure to chose of che monscers chac supply che mana.
or subduing and riding rche man for whom Recendy, a "secret succubus mediciné' is cir-
chey had once pined. This mocive is especially cu lacing among monscers which contains che
prevalenc among monscers who were once mana of che succubus. Many monscers have
chemselves human and chus know well che been adminiscering chis drug orally co cheir
rapcure of monscerizacion and che sacisfaccion husbands co quickly curn chem inco incubi for
ch ac follows. prompc en_1oymenc.


individuals of varíous non-monscer races,
íncluding humans, especíally human men. The
especially sensicive coche essence of cheir bus,
bands; ic is said a monscer can and will fii1d her
husband no maccer where he may rry to hide.
mana used by humans and eEves for ch e are of
magic is che same as essence, bue only mon-
scers caU it essence; ali ochers refer to ic as
2. Restoration of Essence
mana. Human essence (mana) is very similar Essence in che bodies of humans is consumed
co chat of monscers; one migh e say chac essence when monscers cake ic or when che human
is che posicíve side, whíle mo11srer mana is che uses magic. When essence is lose for chese
negacive side. Yiewed in candem, che rwo form reasons, a human may feel cired or fall uncon-
a balanced whole. scious, b ue che loss is never fatal. TI1e bodies
of human men have che power co genera ce es-
sence; chey can rescore a deplecion of seores by
l. A Feast for Monsters eacing or sleeping. W h en a man becomes an
Essence is concained in large quancicies in incubus, ch e amounc of essence concained in
men's semen and saliva. Monscers ingesc chese bis body soars, as does bis abilicy ro produce ic.
boch orally and by milking semen using cheñr Women have more difficu lcy renewing rheir
genicals. For monsters, essence is che greacesc essence cban men bue ca 11 cover for deficiencies
delicacy, superior to ali other foods. Ir eases by absorbing che ambienc essence exuded by
che rhoughcs of monscers rbac ingesr ir and men. However, if chere is also monscer mana
induces in chem a powerful sense of ecscasy. in rhe air, chey will absorb che monscer mana
Upon absorbing essence, monscers' bodies ro replace any missing essence of ch eir own.
con ve re ic co monscer mana (described below), TI1is ruins any abi li ry chey m ay have had co
which rhey subsequenrly score. rescore cheir essence. TI1e absorbed monscer
TI1e casce of essence is grearly inAuenced by mana adapcs co che woman's body and causes
ch e scace of ch e monscer ac che cime of incake. monscerization (see p.14).
TI1e scronger her desire for che prey in ques,
cion, che finer his essence will casce. In parcic-
u lar, che casce of che essence of a man whom 3. Monster Mana
she has recognized as her husband seems in - Monscer mana is che life force concained in
comparably delicious, so sweec chac she can- che bodies of all monscers. As previously de,
noc thereafcer bear ro parrake of anocher man's scribed, ic is incimacely relaced ro essence, each
essence. Many monscers become slaves co che like a single side of one coin. As monscers use
seed of cheir husbands; a significanr number chis mana for magic, boch essence and monscer
could even be considered semen addiccs. mana are commonly called mana and seldom
Palliacive nucricional supplem encs made distinguished from one anocher.
from essence exisc, bu e, for ch e above reasons, "Monster mana" is a general cerm for che
monscers cend co find cheiir casce 8ac and mana which ali monscers have, bue each race
unappealing. has a muque kind of mana. By standard no-
Human men conscancly exude trace menclacu re, succubi are said co have succubus
amouncs of essence inco the surrounding ai:r, mana, werewolves ro have werewolf
which monsrers use co hunc chem. T1,1ey are and so 011 and so forch.

seduction or aphrodisiac magic, a-nd che pre-
4. The Source of Monsters' Power dominanc behavioral craics of modern mon-
Monsters cake che essence of human men, scers are greacly influenced by its effeccs. It is a
convert ir ro monsrer mana in cheir bodies, crucia.l elemenc chac shapes che present world
and score che mana. As ic is che source of che of monscers.
monscers' power, ir is generally assumed rhat TI1e power of succubus mana is ulcimace.
a monsrer's mana is linked to ics power, more Wheru ir flows into a human, che human's es-
mana being equal to more power. In prjnci- sence desercs ics vessel to make way for che
ple, differenc races have ciifferenc amouncs of monscer's. Boch me11 and women who are
mana, bue ic is possible for a monsrer of a giveu cransformed by a succubus experience a swifc
race co drascically increase che monscer mana removal and replacemenc of essence, which
in her body by absorbing essence. Thus, an acceleraces cheir cransformacion.
individual, despice her ra.ce, can increase her Lands perpecually lilled wich such mana are
power rhrough repeaced macing wich men. chus under che Overlord's power and are said
TI1e effeccs are said co be realized in increased co belong ro che monscer realm. The monscers
physical, paraphysical, an d magicaJ abilicy, as of chese la-nds possess chis mana in large quan-
well asan extended life span- all correspond- tities, making chem much more powerful and
ing ro che amounc of mana stored. (These ef- lusrfu] chan monscers in ocher lands.
feccs also apply ro an incubus who feeds on a
monscer's magic.)

5. The Various Roles of Moaster Mana

While monsrers and men borh diffuse mana
from cheir bodies, monsrers release rheir m ana
even more readily rhan men. As such, mon-
scers are ever-cloaked in mana, which accouncs
for their ravening need for essence, bm also
proteccs men from a monster's appendages
(such as scales or horns) while chey copulare
by cemporarily eliminacing said feacures chac
may ordinarily cover che monscer's breases or
genicals. TI1e mana ma.y accelerate a ma.n's
abilicy ro produce essence and heighten his li-
bido. Furthermore andas mencioned ea-rlier,
its long-tenn intake helps cransform men inco

6. Succubus Mana
Monscers are forever under che influence of
che Overlord. Ali monscers possess ar leasc
trace amounrs of her succubus mana; as a
resulc, her mana can be found in ch eir own.
Succubus mana is excremely well suiced for


FAMILY: Slime • TYPE: Semisolid Life Fo,m

Habitat: Various, including plains,

grasslands, and caves
Nature: Simple, honest
Diet: The semen, sweat, and
saliva of human men

cha e dwells in large numbers on grasslands
and plains, cypically near cowns, chough chey
original. 'TI1is clone can chink only of ingesc-
ing nourishmenc, and immediacely joi.ns in che
feasc. She will remain wich her siscer until she
c,tn occasionally be found in ocher regions- is comforcable enough co sec om on her own
mosc especiaUy because chey ofcen wander and seek her own pre y.
abouc in search of human men. 1hey are ca- The simple scrucru re of slimes makes chem
pable of expanding and concraccing cheir blue, highly adapcable, bue also sensicíve and chus
semisolid bodies ac will 1co assume a variecy quite susceptible co mana and cheir environ-
of shapes and are incelligenc enough co speak, menc. Changes resulcing from chese faccors
chough cheir chough cs are simple. led co che birch of a number of vari-
When a slime discovers a man, she screcches ancs, including che higher-order red slime
ouc her fluid body, encangling his wich hers co (p. 20); che hypercrophic mucacion known
keep him from moving. Sbe excraccs his semen as chequeen slime (p. 22); che bubble slime
and ocher bodily Buids in a manner uncannily (p. 134), which is scrongly influenced by her
reminiscem of sexual incercourse. A slime's habicac; and che dark slime (p. 178). Je is said
body is capable of milkin.g che semen from a chac faccors such as long-cerm macing wich a
man under almosc any condicion, enveloping single human man, or change of habicac, can
his body wich liquid pleasure while she does. change a slime inco anocher monscer in che
As a slime seores che essence she gachers, slime family.
surplus nourishmenc noc needed co fonn her
womanly body pools ac lher feec. When chis
surplus accumulaces coa cemún poinc, ic splics
off, forming a new slime chac looks jusc like che

This slime has garhered en~~gh e~cess ma~a

to divide. The clone slirne is JUSt like her s1s•
ter, repliracing exactly her cremendous zest
for maring with men.
FAMILY: Slime • TYPE: Semisolid Life Fo,m

Habitat: Various, including plains,

grasslands, and caves
Nature: Simple
Diet: The semen, sweat, and
saliva of human men

elascic body, is a higher-order slime. Much
like che slime (p. 18), chey dwell on plains and
muck of pleasure. D espice chis, and despice
cheir cheoretical superioricy, red slimes are
scill considered less dangerous chan slimes
grasslands near hu man secclemencs, chough because of cheir emocional complexicy, which
in smaller numbers, mixed among common ofcen leads chem co allow prey co escape. This
slimes in similar habicacs. choice may be relaced ro chei r refined selectiv-
Toe red slime is superior to che slime in icy regarding prey, pride in rheir greacer power,
physical aL1d mental abi licy. In particular, cheir or embarrassmenc.
emocional capacicy is quite sensicive, and some Red slimes reproduce in che same way as
individuals are so emocively complex chat d1ey slimes, by spliccing off from su rplus pools of
appear deep ly human. While slimes have a nucriencs inco new individuals. Relarionships
scrong cen dency co acc according co inscincc, becween rhe original &lime and her subsequem
red slimes possess some semblance of rea- siscer-clones are more clearly defin ed chan
son and are capable of communicacing Eheir among slimes, rhough che drive to feed upon
choughcs clearly. cheir prey is scill overwhelming. Thus, in me
Red sli mes feed on and desire che deli- end, che behavior of che red slime does noc
cacy of hmuan semen in che same manner as differ all chac greacly from char of che common
slimes. TI1ey are somewha r more violent than slime :after ali.
common slimes. If chey see a hu man man,
chey can be expecced to accack aggressively
:md mace wich him. Though cheir incelligence
and emocional condicion is more finely ar-
cuned, chey are still slimes, mind and body a

Toe red slime has more devel~p.ed e'.noriv~ abil-

iries rha n che blue slime. This ,s ev1de1~c _in rhe
expréssion of heaced joy u pon hP.r face; ,e 1s easy
co see rhar she is caughr in che chroes of raprure.
FAMILY: Slime • TYPE: Semisolid Life Fo,m

Habitat: Various, including plains,

grasslands, and caves
Nature: Simple, honest
Diet: The semen, sweat, and
saliva of human men

known as chequeen of che slime family.
Though chey look like a collection of severa!
kingdom." Her peripheral bodies rapidly
grow more incelligenc as she swells in size.
Groupings of chese lbodies cake on separare
slimes huddled cogecher wich a "queen" ac ics roles-from knighcs and magicians who pro-
cencer and several discrece "recainers" around cecc che queen and her man, co huncers who
ics periphery, chequeen slime is, in facc, a sin- procure food for che man, co merchancs who
gle monscer. crade wich ocher races. As rhe queen slime
A queen slime is made when che dividing grows scill more incelligenc and he.r bodies
mechanism of a common slime (p. 18) is de- mulciply, some even take on roles with no
feccive, unable to splic off ics excess accumu- clear funcrion, such as pleasure slaves made
lacion of nourishmenr. TI1e central body and singularly for che man's delighr.
periphera[ bodies differ in abilicies, bue are Regardless of how incelligenc or numerous
under che governance of che queen and share a queen slime becomes, che principle incem of
che same awareness, choughcs, and memories. her accions remains d1e same: ro dine (mace)
Like ocher slimes, queen slimes feed on che ro her hearc's concenc and to expand her
essence of human men by wrapping d1eir prey kingdom. Even che crade of che merchancs is
in cheir highly viscous bodies for sex and feed- said mostly co be a venture aimed ac obcain-
ing. However, d1e cenera! body, or queen, is very ing drugs and equ ipmenc to boosc che man's
slow-moving, perhaps as a resulc of che [ocal pocency.
hypertrophy ofher bod)'· Therefore, her rerain- Because a queen slime only maces wich
ers move aggressively co secure her prey. Due che man she considers her husband, one may
co her physical size, a quc:en slime is far more chink chac a slime kingdom char has a man ar
voracious chan a common slime, and when a ics core is safe to emer. However, chis is by no
man is caughc by her recainers, he can ex:pecc means che case, as other monscers have been
co spend ecernicy ac che cencer ofher harem. known co cake up residence in a slime king-
A queen slime who has mared wich a man dom, especially because ic is difficulc co discin-
for a long cime develops as if she were a vil- guish a slime queen's peripheral body from a
lage of slimes, an encicy known as a "slime common slime.

As a queen slime grows, íc crea_ces more and _more ~~r;h!'~::~ ~: :;~:

, 1 differenc roles. TI1ey ali dcsire carnal relac,ons wt .
:i:;;i: .
king; ali of the women of che kingdom are subserv1ent coche kmg.
FAMILY: Ooblin • TYPE: Demihuman

Habitat: Various, including

caves, mountains,
and human settlements
Nature: Simple, mean
Diet: Omnivorous (eats anything)

chac builds villages in caves and ocher re-
gions. A goblin looks climinucive, bue chis is
in facc ics adule form. TI10ugh chey are small
in sea cu re, goblins have che bruce screngch co
lifc gigancic weapons as if chey are as light as
a breach of air. They can be cunning, bue chey
are fundamencally simple creacures wich in-
consisten e sensibilicy. TI1ey use ali cheir crafc-
iness for mischief.
Ir is common for gobl ins co form bands,
eicher entirely of goblins or cencered around
a hobgoblin (p. 26) leader, which show up on
highways, atcack human travelers, strip them
of ali cheir belongings, and-in che case of
men-rape chem. If a goblin is drawn to a
man she finds on one of her raids, she may
carry him off to her abode and make him her
Noc ali goblins are so vicious. Many incer-
acc wich humans quite amiably, sucl1 as goblin
merchancs who bring valuable ores and crafcs
from cheir villages to hu man secclemencs to
sell. Scill, one muse remember tbac chey are
goblins. If a goblin encoun cers a man who suics
her casce, she is likely co seduce him if given
a chance.
Aside from cheir mischief and cendency to
rape men, chough, goblins are very personable
and ralkacive, meaning char chere are many
such goblin merchants. When dealing wich
chem, a rnan is ofcen given che option co pay
wich bis body in place of cash. 1-lowever, chis is
noc recommended, as ic usually resulcs in him
being carr:ied away forever.


FAMILY: Ooblin • TYPE: Demihuman

Habitat: Various, including

caves, mountains,
and human settlements
Nature: Simple, miJd, and mean
Diet: Omnivorous (eats anything)

goblin wich extreme :swelling in one area
of ics body. Specifically, ic is discinguished by
absence of pleasure, much as if addicced, and
wilJ desperacely rub her chesc againsc che man,
cears in her eyes as she begs him to concinue.
ics large bosom, a craic noc found in goblins. Thus, even in coicus, che hobgoblin can be
Like goblins, hobgoblins are simple in person- easily manipulaced by a man. This is no rea-
alicy, chough chey also cend ro be dreamy, wich son co be complacenc, as che other goblins will
a demeanor chac is decidedly calmer chan chac surely- have been warching wich arousal, and
of goblins. wiU be quice ready co accack in her scead.
Hobgoblins are che rare offspring of gob- By chis poinc, che reader may have observed
lins, who delighc in cheir birrh and venerare chat che hobgoblin is in facc inferior ro che
chem. Wben goblins form bands co accack common goblin in jusc abouc every regard
men, they will always defer to a hobgobhn as excepc screngch. Why chen, one mighc ask,
cheir leader, and when chey succeed in capmr- do goblins so revere hobgoblins~ Toe goblins
ing a man, chey cede che t'ighc of firsr copula- chemselves provide a racher incredible syllo-
cion co her ouc of respecc. However, perlhaps gism co explain chis:
because cheir engorged bo:som draws sodeeply
l. Hobgoblins have large breases.
from any n ourishmenc chey consume, chey are
2. Large breases are amazing.
simpler and less clever chan common goblins.
3. Therefore, hobgoblins are amaúng.
Toe size of cheir ample breases may also be che
cause of ch eir clumsiness. When such bands Thñs fearsome logic muse be said co be true
chase men, ir is common to see che hobgoblin ro che narnre of chese simple creatures. Bue
!efe behind, cripping and falling over herself. when one thinks abouc ir more carefully, ir
Despice cheir cendency ro fumble, cheir is true chac, given che imporcance copulacion
bruce screngch is even more funcascic chan a wich human men plays among monscers such
goblin's. T!hey can casuaUy swing around h uge as goblins, large breases may be quite an effec-
weapons, and when chey do succeed in cacch- cive cool in macing. Perhaps chis advancage is
ing a human man, chey use chis screngch co suffiáenc co compensare for ali of che hobgob-
push him hard againsc che ground and wring lin's shortcomings.
him of his essence. le is highly unlikely chac
a human would have che physical screngd1 to
free himself from a hobgoblin's embrace.
In che process of copulation, che hobgoblin's
large bosom weighs on che man, pressing and
shifcing againsc his body co give chem boch
pleasure, as her breases incredibly sensi-
cive. Even his breach upon her skin is enough
co make her arch in bliss. Thus, when a man
touches her breases, her lbody is assailed by
ecscasy like a humming electric current. [f he
seizes and kneads her breases, she wiU be so
overcome by che sensacion chac she will expe-
rience mu[tiple climaxes from chac alone. She
will lose ali awareness and surrender every-
ching to ch e man. If ac d1is cime che man wich-
draws his hands, she will panic ac che abrupc


FAMILY: Wolf • Tl'PE: Beastman

Habitat: Forests, mountains, etc.

Nature: Violent, loyal
Diet: Camivorous (wild
animals, etc.)

wolf characceriscics. They live in a pack
and are incelligenc bu e violenc, using cheir
reporcs, may encroach upon human seccle-
rnencs in search of human men. The bodies
of we1·ewolves in heac ch rob constancly wich
scrong legs and unimaginable scamina co run longing for a ma1ú seed, and chey obey chac
abouc fore-scs and moumains hunting for prey. longing by macing day and nighr. le is chough c
When a werewolf finds a man she likes, she chac chis irch concinues unabaced uncil che pe-
unleashes her base desire upon him. Her scyle riod of heac ends or che werewolf conceives.
of copulacion is wolf-like and bestial in ics vio- W i ch ali chis in mind, chere can be lllO doubr
lence: crue co her raging desire howling wichin char werewolves are quite savage monscers.
her, she slams her hips againsc che man relenc- However, rhere are cases in which a werewolf
lessly. Considering rhac her scamina far exceeds comes co recognize a man as above h er- for
cha e ofhumans, ic goes wichouc saying chac one example, if he defeacs her, or if she falls deeply
or cwo couplings will noc be enough to sacisfy in !ove wich him. In such cases, che werewolf
her. A man caughc by a werewolf can expecc to becomes excremely loyal ro che man sh e has
release his essence inco her again and again un- ack nowledged as her master. W h en macing,
cil her seemingly insaciable need has been mee. she becomes like a fawning dog as she begs
Ic should also be noced chac, as wild werewolves him for his seed so chac sh e can bear bis child.
live in packs, if one fancies a man enough ro A man who overcomes a number of were-
bring hi m inco che pack, he will inevicably have wolves can become che alpha of che pack. All
to face a large nu mber of monscers who will of che werewolves in che pack chen come seek-
rape him one afcer che ocher every nighc. ing his sex so chac chey can bear his children.
When werewolves encer heac, ch ey be- Thus, he muse be prep ared co humor chem ali
come even more aggressive and, according to as chey slink up co him co mace.
A werewolf may accack and bite a human

---11 woman. T h e werewolf's mana enrers chrough

che wound, and che woman herself becomes
a werewolf. Fonnerly human women who
h ave become werewolves rend ro be gencler
rhan monsters who have been weirewolves
from birch. They recognize cheir original
farnily and lovers as rheir pack maces and
mascers and may concinue ro Live wi'th rhem.
However, chere are cwo issues char could be
considered problemacic: firsr, chey bice any
women in thei r families and curn cbem inco
werewolves as well. Second, like werewolves
from birch, rhey exhibir powerful carnal de-
sire for che men they consider rheir husbands,
causin g rhem co go into heac and seek his seed.
Because chese women were originally human,
ic is more difficulc for chem co concrol cheir
1animal urges; chus, cheir new mascers may find
chemselves wich unexpecced carnal duries de-
le is ofcen said chat m en are ani mal~, bue manded of chem by beasrs wich libidos several
in fact, it is werewolves chac a re anin: als. 1
Guided by cheir ficrce craving fnr sex w 1c~1 a rimes whac chey hadas humans.
man, chey will brucaJly attack and rape h1m.
FAMI LY: Cat • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Forests, peripheries of.

human settlements
Nature: Self-centered, capricious
Diet: Omnivorous (prefers meat)

T HE WER.ECAT IS A BEASTMAN WITH who is t0 her casce while in heac, she: will noc
J feline characteristics. They use cheir hesicare ro approach him and draw h im inco
supple bodies and keen physical prowess to her embrace. As chey tend to develop affec-
pounce on prey from the shadows. Many live cion for che human wich whom chey h ave had
in forescs, chough some individuals cake up incercourse, chey are likely co continue to seek
residence near human communities t0 better che sex of a man chey have raped even afrer
scalk men. cheir heac subsides. 'The longer conracc and
Werecacs are quice capricious in personalicy. incercourse concinue s, che longer and more
le is not unusual for one to acc friendly one frequenc che werecac's period ofheac becomes.
momenr and then sulk che next. Still, they One should cherefore beware che excessive
speak mosc loudly chrough cheir accions and pampering of a werecac's sexual solicicacions,
less so in words. When cheir cails are e recc as cha e may cause her co encera scace of con-
and cheir eyes averced, one can surmise drnc, cinuous heac which cannoc be managed.
despice che lack of interese they seem to be When werecacs inhale che scenc of a planc
implying, chey accually wanc co play wich che known as silver vine, chey become incoxi-
man. Her spice will quickly subside if he en- caced, lose cheir grip 011 reason, and for a
certains her sexually, as a werecat can always cime become even more violenc chan chey are
be counted on ro be eager tO mate with a man during heac. 1hough rhey are usuaUy unpre-
she is fond of. diccable, ar times such as chese, chey become
Under mosc circumscances, werecacs are single-minded in cheir drive co cling co and
not parr.icularly dangerous monscers, bue chey mace wich a man. Ic is noc unusuaJ t0 fi.nd one
become excremely violenc during cheir regu- rubbing ics flushed body up againsc a man in
lar periods of heac. If one sees a human man suppücacion for sexual pleasure.

Werecacs are fickle, but chey have a boundless

interese in playing with merís bodies. Ifleft to
her own devices, a is ~ly _ro teas~ and
play with her favorire man n1gh mdefin1cely.
FAMILY: Rabbit • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Grasslands
Nature: Cheerful, hasty, and lonely
Diet: Herbivorous (favors
grasses and vegetables)

rabbic characceriscics, found in large n um-
bers in grassy regions. They are more gencle
Ir has been said ( though noc confirmed)
chac some wererabbics experience such pro-
found! loneliness chat ic is possible for them
chan orher beasrmen and friendly to humans. co perish from ir. When one cakes a liking co
Mosc individuals have a brighc and curious a man, she wishes co be wich him ac ali times,
disposicion, ofcen reBecced by cheir cendency pressing her body ro his, for incercouirse is che
to run and hop abouc resclessly. mosc direcr and inrimace way for her co be
TI1ough wererabbirs are relacively good-na- near him. TI1e time she spends wich her man
ru red, chis does nor mean cbat chey are noc is che happiesc of her life.
dangerous. Unlike mosc beascmen, chey have There is a legend rhar says if a human fol-
no particular period of heac, inscead remain- lows a wererabbir discreedy as she meanders
ing in heac year-round. A man who submics and hops abouc, rhey will evencually find
co a wererabbic's friendly advances will win chemselves in a place called Wonderland. TI1is
her favor, which wirh her impulsive characcer, realm is said co be a curious plane in which
she will express by drawing him ro che ground monscers in similar srnces of constan e arousal
in luscy play. A wererabbic's disposicion and accosc men for frenzied sexual accivi cy ac ali
appearance belie her vio lenc maring habics. rimes. However, no one who has ever renirned
Once a wererabbit has caughc a man, she will from che fabled Wonderland, so ic is jmpossi-
mounc him much like a rabbic, riding him ble co confirm che veracicy of chis cale-. Indeed,
rough ly coche peak ofher climax. A man may ic is all bue impossible co follow a wererabbic
arcempt ro run from che excired wererabbic, wicbour being dececced by che keen hearing
bur his chances of escape are low due to che of her large ears; ir is far more likely chac she
wererabbiés swifc, scrong legs. will draw a man inco her arms cban lead him
ro Wonderland.

Wererabbics are perpetually in a stare of

heat, longing co lose chemselves in che ~renzy
of sex, Ir is common for chem co scart !tc!kmg
cheir beloved carrors when chere are nomen
ar hand ro sacisfy chem. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA 33
FAMILY: Sheep • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Grasslands, human

Nature: Peaceful, sometimes
violent and lustful
Diet: Herbivorous (favors grasses) VWY

T HE WERESHEEP IS A BEASTMAN WJTH full-bodied bedding provides a deep and resc-
J iamb-like characcerisEics, robed in a Aulfy ful sleep rhac refreshes with jusc a brief nap.
coac. Their behavior is as :sofr as rheir appear- Because of chis, che wool command s a high
ance, perpecually sleepy ,u1d dazed. price, and as ic grows back afcer being sheared,
Weresheep are ofcen found napping and many humans raise weresheep commercially.
soaking up che sunlighcon grasslands wich che The issue, however, is chac wichouc cheir
sweecesc vegecacion. When a weresheep sees sedacing wool, weresheep lose che scupor of
a human man, she smiles gencly, wich hearc- cheir gen de disposicion. Upon from ics
felc joy, and approaches him s lowly. 1l1en she sopori fic magic, chey are likely co demonscrace
sofdy draws him close and fondly rubs her cheir innace monscrous !use. Passion melcs sofc
Auffy body againsc his. smi.les inco sharp grins as chey force men be-
1l1is is che poinr ar which a cypical monscer neach chem co sacisfy cheir animal urges. A
would force him coche ground, rape him, and naked weresheep's voracious sexual appecice
savor che delighc ofhis essence, bue weresheep cannoc be saced wich one or cwo boucs of cop-
do noching so sudden as chey seem con.cene ulacion. le drives her co seek scronger, greacer
simply co be near che ma11t. However, chis is in pleasure and essence- She will ruc wich men
facc a weresheep's mechod of accack. The coac like a feverish a11 imal, a lazy leer spread across
wreaching her body concains soporific mana her face as her body drinks up his seed.
which causes che man co become drowsy as
she holds him and rubs him wich her full,
Au(fy coac..
While che man's choughrs begin ro doud,
she begins ro remove his cloching. She peers ac
his exposed sex with a warm smile, guides ic ro
becween her legs, and uses her weighc co sink
ic deeply imo herself. Then she sways her hips
back and forch, gencly riding up and down his
sex, holding him cenderly ali che while. The
man will be filled wid1 sleepy pleasure, helpless
in her anns and, by che cime he his es-
sence inco che weresheep, so lulled by her rhac
he will drifr away inco slmnber. Meanwhile,
che weresheep herself slips inco sleep, curling
acop his body wich his member scill inside her.
When che man ac lasc awakes, he will find
himself hard once more, die weresheep's lov-
ing heac readying him for a second round.. The
weresheep is woken by awareness of che man's
growing rumescence moving wichin her. She
smiles sleepily ac che man and resumes che rise
and fall of her hips. 1l1e slow bliss of drowsy
sex soon brings him to orgasm once again.
1l1e wool of weresheep is prized as a ma-
terial for bedding and bedcloches, due co che
soporific mana ir concains. This comforcable,


FAMI LY: A/raune • TYPE: P/ant

Habitat: Forests
Nature: Lustful, aggressive
Diet: The essence of human men;
the nutrients of the earth

chac dwells in che woods, assuming che
shape of a beauciful wornan enwreached in
reserve of nucrienrs so cha e he can survive and
conrinue co reproduce fruicfully wich her. In
che shelcer of her forled pecals, chey will spend
massive pe ra ls. A lraunes rarely move, inscead che chill monchs copulacing foriously.
luring human men near wich che scenc of cheir Alraune necear noc only serves as food for
honeyed musk. The source of che scenc is a men capmred by alraunes: ir is also prized
Auid called alraune necea r; ir funccions as a by och er monscers- especially h oney bees
powerful aphrodisiac and porency enhancer. (p. 44) , who accack che alraune frequencly and
When an alraune's prey draws near, she feed primarily upon her necear. The honey bee
reaches out wich her creepers to ensnare che encers che alraune Aower and licks and colleccs
man and bri ng him wichin her pecals. She chen necear from wichin her floral sex. The alraune
forces che man co drink deeply of her necear, does 110c resise, as che laching of che honey
engages him in coicus, lapping up his semen bee's mouch helps ro mature che a lraune's
wich her Elower-like labia. If she cakes a liking necear so chac ir gives off a cloying and more
co him, she keeps him permanencly wichin che fragranc scenr, which in curn makes ic more
Aower, as chough he were a pare of her, in con- effeccive in accraccing human men. This per-
sta ne copulacion. Because che Aower is filled fume draws men coward ics source, where cl1e
wich her necear and che man is conscancly im- alraune and che necrar -drenched honey bee lie
mersed in. ic, his member remains engorged, in waic. T11e cwo monscers assaulc him, and ali
his libido and pocency never exhausced. chree parries become covered in scicky necear
When the weacher begins co gec cold, che as chey mace wich swe ec desperacion.
alraune doses her pecals co cake shelcer uncil
che spring. If she has a man, she gives him a

This alraune has caprured a man. At last she

has become a complete Aower, with scamen :"'d
pistil working rogccher'. slippin~ one aga;nst
che ocher as rhey bond m unending co1ru .
FAMILV: Mandragora • TVPE: Plant

Nature: Timid
Diet: The essence of human men
and the nutrients of the earth

wich a rooc in che shape of a woman. The
roor lies buried in the ground; only che flower
che wake a mandragorás shriek. If chere are
ocher monscers near when a man pulls up a
mandragora, chey will investigare in search of
on che ma.ndragorás head is visible above che an ouclec for d1eir licenrious urges.
surface. The pecals exude a sweec scent ro draw A mandragora uses up almosr ali of her
men near ,50 rhar chey will pull che mandrag- mana rhrough her cry. Subsequenr screams do
ora up. nor fu rcher impair a man's reason. Thus, afi:er
Once a man uproors a ma.ndragora, she lees being pu Ued up, she is powerless. Mandra.goras
out a cry shrill wirh magfr. Her keen echoes being cimid creawres by nawre, chey are un-
chrough che man's head, forcing him ro lose likely ro acrack a man of her own initiarive.
his reason so char he cakes her immediacely. The cips of che mandragora's roocs are
Once he has penecraced her, che mandragora prized as ingrediencs for powerful magical
wraps her legs around his hips and excends formulas such as pocency pocions and aphro-
roors from her body ro bind him so rhar he disiacs. Mandra.goras are widely cu ltivared for
cannoc escape. Even afcer he regains his rea- such purposes, as che cips concinue co grow as
son, she will nor release him uncil seeds have long as che ma.ndragora is fed essence.
been produced. If he rcfuses ro chrust, she uses Ma.ndragoras grow underground as seed-
her roocs m pound him inco her body. lings; rheir developing bodies fed by che nu-
A mandragora's cry affeccs noc only che criencs of che earch. The developmenc of cheir
man who pu lis her up bue also any humans bodies srops when chey are pulled up. Tirns,
or monscers in che area. When approaching a early picking will yield a ma.ndra.gora who is
mandragora habitar, one muse beware of 111011- smaller in scacure, as illuscra.ced; whereas lace
scers chac may become frenzied a.nd violenr in picking will yield a ripe and ful! body quite
dissimilar ro rhac piccured.

Ic may seem chac che man is raping che

mandragora, b ue when she wr~ps l~er roocs
aroun d 111·s body, ic ¡5 her d1rect1on thac
moves hím deeper and deeper ínco her.
FAMILY: Matango • TYPE : Fungus

u \
) "'

¡-.... '


Habitat: Forests
Nature: Mild
Diet: The nutrients oí the e.arth
and tlile essence oí human men

chac lives in damp foresced areas and as-
sumes che shape of a woman. Macangos rooc
che man has copulaced wich her for some time,
bis body becomes l.1den wirh mushrooms;
soon ·rhey sprout from his flesh as chey do
chemselves inco che ground or on crees co ab- from che macango. fo chis way, he becomes a
sorb nucriencs and are una.ble co move from "mushroom man" who can rhin.k of noching
cheir locacion. However, wood- or soil-based bue se-x wich che marango.
nucrienrs are inadequace co keep up her vigor, Macangos cannoc reproduce by spores
so she ofcen appears dreamy. alone. For a new maca ngo co be born, che
A marango periodically discribuces spores spores muse be inhaled by a human woman.
from che gills of che mush rooms which grow They chen concrol her choughcs, heighten
upon her body. When a man inhales chese her passion, and cause her co accack a man co
spores, chey planc chemselves in his body and harvesc semen. TI1is encourages rapid develop-
macure inro large mushrooms chac possess his menc of che mushroom in her body, and soon
choughcs. He is chen overcome wirh a pleasanc she becomes a macango herself. If one woman
dreaminess and finds himself unable co c!hin.k in a inhales che spores of a macango,
of anyching bue che macango who disrribuced ic is likely chac che resc of che village will be
che spores. TI1e mushrooms in his body chen subsequencly infecced.
guide him co her so cha.e chey can copuJace. Though ir is chough c chac macangos cannot
Tirnsly, che macango harvescs semen from move of cheir own volicion, chere recendy
che man chrough sexual incercourse. When been sighcings of macangos chac, afcer feeding
che marango has obrained sufficienc nucririon, deeply from men, cook rooc in his body in or-
she becomes acrive, and copulares wirh greacer der co move by his power. Wicnesses reporc
force, releasing spores in greac quanciries. Afcer thac ch e macangos concinue co copulare wich
him as he moves abouc.

This human woman is in ch e early scagcs of

cransfor m ing inro a m a cango. H_er th_oughcs
are alreauy filled with ch e w h 1sperm gs of
macango spore, and soon sh e will a crack a man
in order to fi11 h erself wirh his sex. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA 41
FAMILY: Dryad • TYPE : Plant

Nature: Mild, gentle, and passionate

Diet: The n111trients of the earth and
the essence of human men

elemental. Though scrictly classified as a
demi-elemencal, dryads aire firsr born as rnon-
che new monscer, and invicing her to join che
ocher cwo in fierce duee-way congress.
As che rree of a dryad grows, che space en-
srers. ( For· more on elemencals, see p. 218.) larges, and more and more monscers visir. The
A dryad spends her encire life in one cree, man ofcen enjoys dai[y orgies wich che dryad
dying when ir dies. Thac said, by sucking che and ocher monscers, unril che dryad is sricky
essence of a man, she can keep her rree alive and sodden wich che release of her favori ce
for chousands of years. He r abundant mana feas e: che res in of her man.
will protect rhem from fire and malignan edis-
eases rhar somerimes sicken crees.
Dryads are usually mild-cempered, chough
chey are merciless co chose who discurb cheir
forescs. Th ey accack rheir enemies, rescrain
rhem wirh creepers char crawl from che
grou nd, and Aing ch em co any nearby mon-
scers who are scarved for sex.
Dryads are highly passionare in macrers of
love. T h ey are said co seduce any man chey
fancy, crap him in cheir crees, and mace wid1
him rhere, in a secrec, house-Like space carved
inco che h earc of cheir wooden homes. Ic is
chere, in chorough obscuricy, chac che man en-
joys sweec and ardenc congress wich che d ryad
and che succulenc wecness becween her legs.
Afcer he has been crapped in che cree for
somc time, che man becomcs pare of ic, unablc
to escape as che dryad cominues to !ove him,
and-like his monscrous parrncr- unable to
die until ch e cree wid1ers. This may seem tragic
to humans wich Licde knowledge, bue wichi n
che cree, che man never tires of d1e sweer, ren-
der, and chrhonic pleasure of making !ove to
bis dearesc wife. Fu rchermore, dryads ofcen
have Local communicies, where dryads and
rheir husbands can visir ocher dryads in cheir
crees. le is assumed d1ac clhis unique cree soci-
ecy scaves off feelings of isolacion.
Dryads grow considerably by imbibing che
essence of men and come to exude a sugary,
viscous resin from cheir skin. le is common for
archropod al monscers ro come co lap up rbe
resin. From oucside, ic looks Like chey are only
licking che cree, bue in che world of che dryad
and man who live wichin, an encirely differem
scene unfolds. The cree expands, embracing


FAMI LY: Bee • TYPE: Arthropod

Habitat: Grasslands, forests

Nature: Mild, gentle
Diet: The nectar of flowers
and alraunes

monscer known for cheir giru1c hive colo-
nies cencered around a queen bee. Honey bees
Worker bees conrinue co search for hus-
bru1ds even afcer one is found for chequeen. In
facc, ch ey may incensify cheir efforcs, knowing
who collecc necear from Aowers and alraunes chac ch e man chey cacch will noc be caken by
are called worker bees. Addicionally, when che chequeen.
queen has no husband, che worker bees will Honey bees scrongly favor che necear gach -
seek one for her from among human men. ered from alraunes (p. 36) over rhac of ordi-
When a worker bee spocs a promising spec- nary flowers. As alraune necear has scrong
imen, she flies ro him ancll checks his suic.abil- aphrodisiac and pocency-enhancing powers,
icy for che queen by copulacing wich him. If before macing wich a man, she spreads ic over
he proves hímself worchy, she wíll bring him and in his body wich her mouch. Occasionally,
back co che híve as a potencial husband for a honey bee will groom herselfby rubbing che
che queen. If chequeen approves of him, he necear ali over her body. Over time, chis helps
becomes her husband; if noc, his ownership to make h er figure m ore luscrous, more in-
passes co che worker bee who delivered h im. vicing and more sensitive ro pleasure. le also
1l1ough worker bees have no abílicy co re- causes her co emanare che honey's cempcing
produce, chey scill are monscers and, as such, aroma, which, along wich che cemperamenc
desire un.ion wich men wich even greacer and lovemaking of che honey bees chemselves,
screngch. Thus, a worker bee is unlikely co re- makes them irresistible.
lease a man she has broughc back co che hive. Honey bees also consume alraune necear as
Inscead, sh e cakes him inro her chamber, where food. A honey bee descined ro be queen feeds
he wiU live wich her, providing her wich sexual noc on che necear of ordinary flowers, bue ex-
joy each evening afcer her work is finished. clusively on che necear of alraunes. TI1is helps
her increase her lascivious and libidinous
nacure, as she exudes che alraune's a-roma, ro
beccer cempc men ro her side.
Honey bee hives occasionally face accacks
from hornees (p. 46), cheir nacural enemies,
and grizzlies (p. 48), who seek che aged al-
raune honey scored wichin cheir homes. The
honey bees respond by flying upon accackers
en masse and carrying chern inco che hive
where, cogecher, chey douse chern in honey
and bliss. In rime, even che viciou s hornees
find ch eir personalicies changed ro resemble
chac of che honey bees, charming and sensual
and surpassingly fond of honey bees and hu-
man men. According co reporcs, chey come to
adapc to che ho ney bees' way of lile, carrying
men back to che hive wich them and macing
1nighc afcer nighc.

1l1is honey bee is groom ing her genitals :,vi ch

h oney before caking a m an, rn h elp lubncate
their fornicarion with s¡•rupy pl-,asure.


FAMILY: Bee • TYPE: Arthropod

Habitat: Forests
Nature: Violent, aggressive
Diet: Camivorous (favors wild
animals and insects)

nonscer rhac is especially large, even
among rhe bee family. Despire chei r size, how •
Even considering rheir similaricies, hornees
have long-standing animosity wich honey
bees. O fren che srnallesc irriracions cause
ever, hornees live in hives wirh queens ac che cension and escalaee unril che hornee breaks
heare of che colony, juse l ike ocher monscers inco a full-blown rage. One-on-one, a honey
of che bee family. The hornee is unusually vi- bee does noc scand a .chance againsc a hornee.
olenc compared co oeher members of che bee However, cl1ere have been rimes when a num-
family, and chey spend eheir days huneing for ber of honey bees overwhelm a hornee, slick
men. When a horner finds prey, she uses che her in alraune necear, and tease every inch of
venomous sting of her spear ro paralyze him her fiesh, rendering her helpless wich pleasure.
and carries him back coche hive. She will also 1l1en ·they may cake her ro cheir hive, coneinue
use che scinger on her abdomen co injecc him cheir cancric honey orgy, and ensure chac cl1e
wich an aphrodisiac. hornee underscands che sweec pleasure of d1e
Perhaps because hornees have a conscanr honey bees.1lüs causes che hornee ro assume
score of che aphrodisiac in cheir abdomens, a eran.qui! accicude and favor sweec r elarions
chey chemselves seem co be aroused aie ali wich men as che honey bees do.
cimes, constandy rescless for sex.1hus, when a 1l1en, while che mellowed hornee drinks
hornee finds a man, she flies co him giddily and alraune necear and grooms herself along wich
scicks him wich boeh paralycic and aphrodisi- che honey bees, her unused aphrodisiac venom
acal venom. Then she rapes him chorolllghly merges wirh her body and malees ic even more
unril she has had her fill. sensual and sensitive. The likely resulc is a hor-
Afcerward, if rhe queen is scill unmarried, nee wbo seduces men wich even more skill and
she cakes che ravished man back ro che hive as allure chan a honey bee, body and souJ syncing
a potencial husband. If rhe queen is pleased in search of pure pleasure.
wich che seleccion, she will proceed to rape
him every day; his ownership will go co che
worker if che queen has no inceresr in !him,
much like cl1e honey bees. le is agrear delighc
for a homec co find char che man she raped
now belongs co her forever. Typically, as soon
as her good formne has been announced, she
proceeds to cake her newly won man ro her
chamber, where she unleashes che full force
of her chrilling body upon him. One can only
imagine che sacisfaccion and excicemenr chac
muse eleccrify her ac che choughc of rile days co
come, laden and wec wich che combined fluids
of rheir maring.
lf che CJ]Ueen has a husband, ir is not nec-
essary for che workers co carry men back, bur
ic also means rhar chey cru1 do whacever rhey
like wich che ones rlley cacch, so- much like
cl1e honey bees- meir ma11-huncing continues


FAMILY: Bear . TYPE: Beastmun

Habitat: Forests, mountains

Nature: Peaceful, but
sometimes violent
Diet: Omnivorous (prefers wild
animals and fish)

bear characceriscics. Though grizzlies
usually seem absencmi1lded, chey are very
le is popularly believed cbac che bese way ro
escape a grizzly encooncer is to play dead, bue
chis is a misconception. In facc, when a grizzly
dangerous, displaying fancascic screngch and sees a man lying on che ground, she is. likely ro
surprising agilicy when actacking human men. assume char he is waicing for her to envelop his
Grizzlies !ove che necear of alraunes (p.. 36), sex in che musky slickness becween her chighs.
especially afcer honey bees (p. 44) have pro- Rejoicing in his willingness, she will pounce
cessed ic inco sweec honey. They frequendy ac- upon Jlim wich wild abandon.
cack alraunes and honey bees, slopping honey
over rheir arms and faces as rhey enjoy che
chick symp. This resu les in rheir arms being
coaced wich honey and giving off ics scenc.
Anyone who licks a grizzly's arm is likely co
ger a mouchful of rhe honey's sweer, rich Bavor.
Though grizzlies are usually peaceful and
idle, if chey sniff or casce che honey coacing
cheir anns, rhey become aroused and violenr.
In these cases, chey attack human men, using
cheir sharp sense of smell to crack chem down
or, alrernacively, somecimes approaching hu-
man secdemencs. TI1ey have no trouble laying
men fiar wich fancascic strengch and surprising
When a man is caughc i11 a grizzly's arrns,
his noscrls are filled wich che cloying scenc
of honey, which causes his choughcs to melc
incoa haze; his resiscance dissolves as che griz-
zly maces wich him, cheir minds and bodies
as fluid as honey, which picches chem incoa
frenzied e ycle of ruccing. Once che grizzly is
complecely saced by che man's essence, she ar
!ase renims to her usual relaxed srare.
However, if she finds che rnan's body pleas-
anc, she is likely ro cradle him in her grear arms
and carry hirn back to her den. As grizzlies are
cypically quite peaceful, che man can expecc co
be creaced wich greac !ove and care. TI1e griz-
zly may stroke him fondly, hug him cighdy to
her breases, and hold him as if she were a girl
wich a srnffed animal when she goes ro bed,
rubbing her face againsc his as she drifcs off.
Srill, che nexc time she tasres honey or licks
her honey-infused arms, she will once more
become a iraging beasc and rape him violendy.


FAMILY: Harpy • TYPE: Avían

Habitat: Grasslands, mountains

Nature: Cheerful
Diet: Omnivorous (favors nuts
and wild animals)

T HE HARPY IS A MONSTER WITH THE in wai c for him, swoops down from. che sky,
J body of a woman and che greac wings of clucches him in her birdlike claws, and carries
a bird, chus accaching ir rn che harpy family. him back to her nest. TI1ere, she behaves as
There are many races wichin che harpy fam- only a monscer can, riding atop him ro enjoy
ily, bue che eponymous harpy seems ro be che his sex rhruscing deep wichin her, while her
mosc conunon. Their bodies are small and eyes lock wich his, fierce as a raptor's cransfixed
light enough for Aighc, and cheir large wings upon irs prey.
carry chem easily chrough che air. One muse be forewarned chaca man who
Harpies cend to be bright and cheerful in is on ,especially good rerms wich a harpy in
disposicion, and cheir relacionship wich. hu- normal times is che rnosr likely ro be abducced
mans is excellenc. TI1ey are known to scrike and raped by her when she is in heac. le may
up conversacions wich humans on mouncain only be afrer he is abducced and sprawling on
pachs and carry baggage for chem. In councries his ba,ck while she maces wich him chiar he re-
wich advanced relacionships wich monscers, ir members che glances she would give him wich
is common for harpies co deliver goods com- an indecenc smile, eyes wicked and keen as if
mercially and adapc co human sociecy and viewing prey, during che more benign days of
economy wich ease. their friendship.
However, cheir demeanor changes dras- When her heac ends, che harpy returns to
cically when chey go inco heac. They become her usual brighc and congenia[ personalicy.
cypical monsrers who accack human men and However, che relacionship she has wich a man
wring chem of semen in am efforc ro conceive, she has copulaced wich will remain. forever
rhinking of nothing bue fornicacion. changed, as she is like ly to behave in a manner
When a harpy finds a man she likes, she lies more familiar chan sh.e did previously, seeking
carnal congress wich him even when she is noc
in heac. TI1c simple longing for sex reflecccd
in her gaze is ofcen too much for her lover
to bear, leaving him wich noching to do bue
push her down and embrace her of his own

Har p ies are vicious w h en in heac. Th e_y

swoop down from ch e sky to devour che1r
de:1resc, mosr favorice p r e¡r: men.


FAMILY: Harpy • TYPE: Avían

Habitat: Grasslands, mountains

Nature: Lustful
Diet: Omnivorous (favors nuts
and wild animals)

1arpy (p. 50) wichjec-black wings. Wichin
che harpy family, che black harpy is unusually
has cooled, black harpies consider cheir mac-
ing parcners ro be cheir life parcners, due ro
chei r scrong sense of fanúly, and will keep him
incelligenc and more violenc rhan che harpy. forever by her side.
They are known co accack huma ns and human One incerescing difference becween che
secclemenrs; sreal food ( as well as precious harpy and che black harpy is rhac che black
mera Is and jewels-of which rhey are gu ice harpy's heac cyde does noc induce violence-
fond); and abducc men in accordance wich inscead, ic gencles her. Their usual high-
cheir casres. handed self-confidence vanishes as rhey lean
The mosc imporcanc diíference becween che cheir flushed bodies againsc cheir husband's,
black harpy and che harpy is rhac while bar- begging him for sex wich cear-moisrened eyes.
pies generally actack men only when in hear Black harpies in heac are noching more chan
(rhough chey are known co acrack men wich animals chirscy for che seed of cheir beloved
whom chey have escablished a comforcable scaUions.
sexual relacionship even a r ocher rimes)., che Bla,c k harpies value companionship and
black harpy will a crack and carry home a man cake care of each ocher and che husbands and
who cacches her eye even when nor in heac. children who form their families. If a black
The black harpy is also a vicious monscer harpy is acracked, ocher harpies will come ro
which possesses ac ali rimes a powerful lusc her aid wichouc a second choughc. If a black
for men. During fornicacion, a black harpy harpy's husband or child is subjecced to harm,
wiU drive their bodies cogecher wich brnral she wjll accack wich a biccer fury reminiscenc
force. And while mosc members of che harpy of che former Overlord. Black harpies may be
family do nor rescrain a man afcer rheir heac rough and violenc compared co harpies, bue
rhey give cheir families che sofc an.d gencle
smile ,of a loving wife and mocher.

Black harpies are complex crearu_res: they

stare ac their enernies with che deadliest glar~s
while they gazc upon their husbands and ch1l-
dren with gencle smiles as illusrrared above.
FAMI LY: Harpy • TYPE: Avían

Habitat: Mounitains, caves, etc.

Nature: Timid
Diet: Omnivorous (favors grains,
fruits, insects, and small

small member of che harpy family, which
is aiready known for bein g generally peci ce in
small bodies and defi le chem. In shorc, cocka-
crices run co be caugh c by men.
When a cockatrice is finally caug ht by a
scacure. Though chey have wings, chey are coo m an a nd fmds her hips caughr forcefu lly by his
small to carry cheir bodies alofc. They com- rough hands, she feels a srrong sense: of anxi-
pensace wich scrong legs, which allow che:m co ecy and fear, yet ar che same rime her inscinccs
cravel rapidly overland. However, cheir rnost imparc a scrange relief ar having successfully
powerful, and perhaps scrangesc, abilicy is obcaiiued a husband. When her hyme n is bro-
rheir abili cy to cu rn A.esh 1co stone wich 011 ly a ken, ic is believed char sh e feels intense sac-
glance from cheir eyes. isfaccion, despice che violence of the acr. Ac
Cockacrices are exceprionally cimid. As chis poinc, ch e anxiecy and fear she felc before
soon as chey see a monscer larger chan chem- evaporace as she is enrapcured by ch e feel of
selves ora human man, chey are likely co dash che man's sex penecracing as deep as her womb,
away. Ironically, cheir bodies exude pher- and his essence bei ng discharged chroughout
omones char are a powerfu I accraccion for her ca vicy. She savors every rhrnsc, cears in her
human men. This paradox funccions ro help eyes, a sob-like moan escaping her lips. T11en,
cockatrices find similarly Aeec-fooced m en, when rhe man regains h is senses and accempcs
quick enough co carch chem, so chac che>• can to release che cockatrice, she uses che p ower of
produce ,timble children. her ga.ze to cu rn his gripping hands scone,
The pheromones released by cockacrices are fo rcing him to fin ish ravishing her.
remarkably powerful. Men who smeU th em While unmarried cockacrices release pher-
casr aside everyching to ch ase cheir casce, des- omones as rhey run, cockacrices who have
perace co scuíf cheir desire inco che cockacr ices' husbands do noc release chese pheromones.

~ al If a man who is noc che cockacricés husband

approac hes her, she uses her eyes to encase
his body in srone so char sh e can run away
in earnesc. One would like co say chac at chis
~ juncmre, free of che lure of her pheromones,
! fl77""'
h e is safe, bue che problem is char chere are
' ' ofcen other monscers lying in waic co accack a
man s he has frozen in scone. Once a man has
been capcured by a cockacrice, ic is on ly a mac-
cer of time before he will be caken co anoth er
monster's lair and choroughly raped.

This cockarrice is being violare_d from be hind

b a ma.n's iron forticude. Desp1ce che scacc~co
;easure of his pumping sex, rhe cockac.n ce
experiences a moment of fulñllment and JºY·
FAMILY: Ore. TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Mountains
Nature: Lustful (aggressive, violent,
and mean; or faint-hearted
and devoted)
Diet: Omnivorous (eats anything)

chacacceriscics. Whiie ores are quite vi-
olenc and known for chei.r vicious accacks on
viccors as cheir mascers, as rhough they were
their slaves. This change in behavior is im-
rnediare; insread of her usual rough manner,
humans, rhey are ungainly creacures and nor a defeated ore becomes meek and will fawn
parcicularly powerful monsrers. Despire chis, over h er master. The orc's !use, however, does
one muse be caucious, as rhey are sly and strike not change, and chey ofcen actempr co enrice
mosr ofcen in groups. rheir masrers co mate quite frequenrly.
Ores are exrremely lusrfu 1, rheir minds On,ce an ore has a master, she becomes his
never far from che chought of sex, mosr es- and only his, body and soul. Her sofr, foil form
pecially when chey are 011 che prowl. When now exists only for che use and pillage of one
an ore finds a man, she gachers a band of man: her master. And che more her master de-
her brerhren co subdue her incended victim, files her, like she is but a mere roo[ for relieving
and chey move in co atrack. If capcured, che his sexual urges, che more elared she feels ro
man is raken ro cheir lair:, where he becomes have pleasured him, h er master who fills her
rheir slave, forced co fornicare endlessly wich wirh ecsrasy.
chese sex-scarved creacures, one afcer anocher. 1l1us, ores have a binary narure: dom.inane
Licked, sa11dwiched, and mounced, he is sub- srrengrh or obedience. 1lüs is more a marrer
sumed by cheir ample bod.ies, cheir volupcuous of inscincr than personality. Any ore who has
form embodying cheir carnal desire as chey noc known defear will delighc in violacing men
pound chemselves onco sex, hips grinding ruchlessly wichouc quescion, while ores who
wildly as chey make him cheirs. have rasced defeac and gained a master delighc
On che ocher hand, when ores are defeaced in submicring ro his will. An orc's loyalcy ro her
by che men chey accack, rhey yield ro che masrer is true and excreme, erched in her very
inscincr; noc only doe-s she cake greac pleasure

- - -11 in bei111g raunced by her master, bue she would

willingly chrow her life away ar his command.

This ore atcacked a ma n and was defea~ed.

From chat moment, sb e cransformed inro
a faichful slave, longing above , ll else to be
invaded by his rod of fiesh.
FAMILY: Ogre • TYPE : Demihuman

Habitat: Mourntains, caves, and

wild lands
Nature: Aggressive, violent
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

Do noc believe rhac uccer submission will

monscers wich green skin and horns earn favor in che eyes of an ogre. Ogres view
procruding from cheir foreheads. Ogres acc as men who do noc re sise as weaklings and
chey appear: wild and combative. They wan- will rape any such man wirh ucrer impuniry.
der chrough mou1ltains, caves, and ali manner Worse, if che ogre ralees a üking ro che man,
of uncamed lands in search of men. 1l1ey are she will never release him. She will keep che
also a common sighc on bacdelields, wreaking defeaced man ro rape whenever ir pleases her,
havoc wich cheir superior screngch, and are crushing his dignicy under a correnc of erocic
known to carry off downed men. heac.
Ogres rrhink only of raping human men. If a man capcured by an ogre wishes co
When an ogre sees a man she likes, she assaulcs escape, he muse meec her in sexual combac.
him and accempcs co pulI him co che ground The only way ouc is to ravish her co exhaus-
for a bouc of aggressive sex. Fornicacion, for cion so chac she is unable co move; once chis is
her, is like a lighc- ic is a conresc co see who accompüshed, he muse Aee immediarely. If he
will bring che ocher co orgasm !irse. Therefore, hesitares, he will soon discover how quickly
she pounds che man's sex inco herself wich che ogrés power can Aare as she Aaccens him
merciless abandon in an arcempr ro rush his once more and challenges him ro a remacch.
climax. If he reraliaces and gives her pleasure If rbe ogre is defeaced, ic is expected chac che
in rerurn, her lusc for baccle ignires, and she experience will render her a prisoner co che
increases the incensiry of rheir coarse mating. pleasure of che man, and she will bum wich
The clash conrinues unril eicher che man or unprecedenred love and lusc. Copularion with
che monsrer is too exhausced to move. her will chereafcer cranscend che incensiry of
any sex che man has ever had before.

Copulacion wich men makes ogre~• bloo_d

boil and flesh cingle. 111 ey release che1r ~rot1c
ragé by batcering chemselves upon the1r lov-
er's iron-hard member.
FAMILY: Arachne • TYPE : Arthropod

llabitat: Caves, forests

Nature: Aggressive, violent,
and lustful
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

nonscer wich che lower body of a spider
chac lives in dark places such as caves and che
for escape is co scay scill and waic for che 111011-
scer co bring herself co complecion.
If an arachne cakes :a fancy to a man, she will
deep recesses of forescs. Arachnes are highly bind him up permanently in her web, where
incelligenc, bue cend to be amorous and com- he wiU be subjecced ro che whims of her !use.
bacive. Their powerful physical capabilicies TI1ough che man may cry co rernain unrespon-
make chem excrernely da111gerous. sive, che arachne wiU couch him uncil 11is scub-
Arachnes produce a scicky rhread from cheir bornness gives way to arousal. Even if che man
bodies, wich which chey spin webs. TI1ey also bows in submission, she will concinue her car-
use che same subscance to dangle threads from nal assaulc, proving cbac chere is seldom hope
che web proper co ensnare prey. The main web for escape from her fervenc web. Their webs
serves bocJ1 as a home anda crap.1l1e animals are, however, vulnerable co fire. Thu s, carry-
and hurnans chac blunder inco chese webs or inga corch is a simple yec effeccive memod co
che oucer scrands lind chemselves immobilized avoid being entangled in an arachne's threads.
by ics scrong adhesive propercies. Arachnes are skíllful ac sewing and ofcen
When an arachne cacches a human man, presenc men chey like wich cloching. Ic is un-
she weaves him up in her web and maces wich wise formen to accepc cheir gifcs, as arachnes
him until he gasps in pleasure, despice his re- incend chis gescure to mean "be mine:' Jf a man
siscance co her wiles. Toe more che man scrug- accepcs, he will be bound co her forevermore,
gles, che more che arachne's cruelcy is aroused; swck in eternal copulacion.
che more her desire mouncs, che more force- Arachne garmencs are delicace and beauci-
fu lly she will vio lace and pleasu re him. Thus, ful, of che finesc qualicy even by human scan-
if a man is caughc by an arachne, his bese bope dards. Arachne cloching is so soughc afcer chac
many merchancs willingly brave che inherenc
dangers in order to procure cheir creacions
and sell chem ac high prices. Among monscers,
arachne-crafced doching is in high demand.
Toe ravishing and provocacive designs can
only enhance cheir cempcing qualicies. Even
che faincesc caress can be felc chrough many
layers of che delicace fabric.

11,ere is norhing like a man's desperare scra~-

bling escape arrempt ro tickle an arachnes
sadistic lusc.


FAMILY: Lamia • TYPE : Reptilian

Habitat: Oeserts, mountains,

and caves
Nature: Aggressive
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

T Hll LAMIA IS A MONSTBR KNOWN FOR village ac once and makes him h er husband.
J i1er sharp incellecc, wich che upper body Lamias are boch cenacious and jealous.
of a huma n and rhe lower body of a snake. Once one has raken hold of a man, she will
Lamias creace cheir own v.illages or live amidsc always hold him close and never lec go. If a la-
human villages, yec are very independenc. mia finds chac her husband has been unfaich-
Lamias cbac live in lamia villages are called ful, she wiU squeeze h:im head ro roe and make
wild lamias; chey lurk in che shadows in p[aces love ro him unril ali choughcs of any orher have
where humans are likely co pass, such as high- been erased from his mind.
ways and mouncain parhs, and show only cheir Lamias periodically mole, much as snakes
upper bodies, so as ro seduce passing men. do, shedding che skin of cheir lower bodies.
Lamias also use cheir sweec, magic-laden However, ic is imporcanc ro noce chac chey be-
voices ro enrice cheir prey. Their voices slip come deeply aroused afcer molring. If a man
inco rhe heads of men like a warm, heavy fog. carelessly approaches a lamia who has jusc
A man seduced by a lamias words will stumble molced, she is likely ro wrap him in her freshly
in che direccion of her susurracing whispers, bare snake skin and bring him ro clímax again
whereupon she reaches ouc wich che serpen- and again uncil her vasc sexual energy has been
cine half of her body, coils cighc around him exhausced. Her new skin is so tender chac che
and copulares wirh him. IEven rhen, her voice whole of her serpencine half is an erogenous
concinues ro fascinare him, so chac in che zone; she wraps every inch of ic around che
chrall of her murmuring he finds ali of her, man's body so as ro bring herself eve11 greacer
even her serpencine self, ro be accraccive and rapcure.
chus surrenders himself co her. Afcerward, if
she is pleased wich him, she cakes him co her

A lamia wraps her long body around a ma~

as she joins wich him. A monsrer of che ~a~ua
fa mil y knows no gri:acer plcasure chan rw1srmg
her whole self righdy around a man.
FAMILY: Lamia • TYPE: Reptilian

Habitat: Oungeons, such as those

found in caves and towers
Nature: Aggressive, stubbom
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

varianc of che lamia (p. 62). Much like che
lamia, medusas have che upper body of a hu-
scone so rhac he ca11111oc lec her go. Even afcer
che acc is complece, she may find herself un-
willing ro separare from che man and chus tllrn
man and che lower body of a snake. Because his member ro scone and acrempc ro engage
chey cend co live by chemselves, chey are ofcen him once more. The cool conscricrion of me
lonely. Their pride and scubborn characcer, medusa's scone around a man's member com-
however, ofcen prevenc rhem from openly bined wich che warm, wild squeezing of her
showing ch eir true feelings. vagina is a rare form of pleasure chac seldom
Any who make eye concacc wich a medusa fails co render him helpless.
will find rheir body sciffened like stone. This Though medusas rurn living things co scone,
effecc is usefu I noc only for carching wild chis cransformacion is noc fa cal. Medusas have
animals for food, buc also for immobilizing me power co reverse che effecc, and even if chey
appealing men and caking chem ro cheir dun- do noc, chere are a number of magical imple-
geons as husbands to faicher d1eir children. ments. and pocions on che market rhac have che
The abilicy is also used during macing, when power co cure che resulrs of a medusás scony
che medusa curns only che man's limbs co gaze. Should chose opcions fail, d1e mere pas-
scone, ro consrricr his movemenc. She chen sage of rime will dissolve d1e binding. When
furcher rescrains him by wrapping her ser- a medusa curns a man ro srone, bue does not
pencine body around him, joining wich him make him her husband, anocher monscer
despice any prorescarions he may make. scarved for a man will cypically carry him away
As medusas are very lonely by nacure, when and fornicare wich him before he has regained
a man purs his arms or legs around a medusa his freedom.
in che heac of coicus, she may cu rn mem co The ends of che medusa's hair form snakes,
each of whicb can act independemly. However,
che snakes share che medusa's awareness, so
ic is unlikely rhac chey would acrack a man
coward whom che medusa bears no hoscilicy.
However, while che medusa is swbborn and
rarely honest abouc her feelings, her snakes
show her choughcs and feelings withour res-
ervacion and will drns ofcen give her away. For
instance, chough che medusa herself may will-
fully rurn from a man she likes, her snakes will
revea! her crue emocíon by binding his body
and drawing him close. 1l1e honest accion of
che medusás snakes may chus offer opporcu-
nicies for clearer insighr inco her psychology.
Like me lanúa, che medusa has a dangerous
cendency for jealousy. A man who is unfaid1-
ful to her may find himself curned to scone,
bound, and his genicals pumped for seed over
1che course of several days.
Toe snakes ar the ends of the medusa's hair olfer \
a window to her soul. TI1ough she looks aw~y,
the snakes show her unwillingn"ss ro ~art w1th
the man by wrapping tighdy around h1m.
FAMILY: Lamia • TYPE: Reptilian

Habitat: The deepest recesses

of dumgeons
Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

che lamia family, wich che bluish upper
body of a human and clhe lower body of a
husband and will wind her body around his
own a.nd rnake love co him. She will press ev-
ery pa re of her co che man co be sure he does
snake. Echidnas are che mosc magical of all noc forgec che casce of her breases, lips, and
monscers and a far cry from cypical members vulva. Wich monscrous ecscasies rivaling cha.e
of che lamia family. Though cheir disposicion of che succubus, she will make him hers.
varíes greacly from individual to individual, An echidna has che inscinccive abilicy co
che one craic ali echidnas share is extreme !use. sense a man who is descined ro be a hero. This
Few hu mans have ever observed echidnas, helps her find a man greac enough co be her
as chey are excremely rare and often live in che husband. lc is said chac sorne echidnas come co
deepesc recesses of perilous dungeons. They d1e side of such men before d1ey show oucward
live in such remoce regions so chac only humans signs of greacness, ro supporc and co aid by cheir
of greac prowess can reach chem, meaning cha e own hands che men che y will one day drown in
che ones chey mace wich and bear children by pleasure and enslave ro passion. foscances such
are che greacesc specimens chac humanicy has as mis may explain d1e man y legends in which a
co oífer. An echidna's dungeon ofcen concains heroic savior of humanicy simply vanished inco
precious creasures, myscerious pocions, and obscuricy. Perhaps che heroine who scood by
legendary magical arcifaccs to enrice such ad- his side d1roughouc was d1e echidna, amd sorne-
venrurers. The monscrous keepers of chese where in che subcerranean depchs of che world
croves are known co cake a woman's form and chey chrive scill, bound in che ardor of sex.
use cheir awesome magical power co spread Echidnas have a cnúc very unusual among
che news of chese creasures orto slyly promoce monscers in d1ac, among children chey bear in a
echidna-slaying quescs humans. lifecime, only che firsc is an echidna. Subsequenc
When an advenrurer has successfolly childr,en diífer in race, appearance, aL1d craics.
evaded che gaunclec of traps and challenges In ma ny cases, new races of rnonsce rs never
and reached che end of che dungeon, he finds before observed are born. For d1is reason, che
che echidna waicing as che final challenge and echidna is known as che mocher of monscers;
reward foir conquesc. The echidna, however, her search for greac and powerful men scems
may be unable co conce,1l her excicernem ar from her desire co give birch co new monscers
having foumd one worchy enough co be her more formidable and fancascic drnn ever before.

~ ---...--~----~-:~~~,-:--.~::_;=-
.. ...... Oncean echidna has obcained and fully
enarnored a husband, she sets to work on her

essencial calüng: co conceive his children and
give birch ro che greacesc of monscers, so chac
one day she will gendy scroke her swollen belly
wich che blessed smile of a holy mocher and
murmur, "My sweec child, wroughc from che
luscious seed of my dear husband, rny greacesc
love in chis world, just how lewd and luscful
will you grow up co be? In whac ways will you
curn men from chascicy, and how d eep will
your pleasure be as you debauch chemt
Thñnking such choughcs, che mocher of
T he echidna, che mothcr of monscers, monscers surely smiles in ancicipacion of her
smiles gendy, surrounded by her numer,o us
progeny, in che hope char they ~ill ?º e day soon-co-be-born child.
grow up to be licentious and live bves ful!
of che most sumpruous of sexual delighrs. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA 67
FAMI LY: Lizard • TYPE : Reptilian

Habitat: Caves
Nature: Aggressive, stubbom
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

repcilian characreriscics rhar lives primar-
ily in caves. Lizardmen are cypically arhleric
Lizardman's inscincrs ceach her perfeccly how
co handle a man's "sword;' and her agile body
possesses rhe skill co raise him ro rhe heighrs
warriors who can handle a wide range of of pleasure. If he persiscs in his obscinacy, she
weapons with mascery. They work conscancly will escalare che ferocicy of her copulacion,
co hone rheir marcial skills and ofcen rravel wirl1 no end to her passion in sighc or mind.
rhroughouc rhe world to rrain. As such, ir is As warriors, lizardmen can seem rigid and
not uncommon to find them beyond cheir unyielding, bue as wives chey are dedicacedand
cavernous ongrns. reliable. Their for barde is equaled
Lizardmen are aggressive in characcer bue only by their inscinctt to serve rhe men who
do nor ordinarily arrack humans. However, defeac chem. When a Lizardman has found a
if a Lizardman meets a man who is a fellow husband, a greac desire co bear his children
warrior, she will mosr likely challenge him ro a awakens in her; che inscinccive craving ro be
cesr of merrrle. Should he lose rhe duel, she will impregnaced by a man scronger chan her-
noc cake his life. Should he win, however, she self is a foundacional aspecc of her race. By
will offer chis man her hand in marriage. E ven giving birch co che child of such a man, and
if rhe man declines, she will follow ac his beels raising chac child co concinue co surpass her
ro rhe ends of che earrh. If he does noc agree in screngch, che lizardman helps her race to
to her proposal, she will lose parience and cake become even more powerful chan before.
macrers inro her own hands by seducing, as-
sauking, and copularing wirh him.
Alrhough lizardmen dedicare cheir lives
co marcia[ glory, chey are scill monscers. A

Lizard men devore rhe ír daily líves whole-

1,earredly to combar, yec a man who succeeds
in overcoming one will díscover rh:it shi. has
an unexpected domestíc síde.
FAMI LY: Lizard • TYPE : Reptilian

Habitat: Caves and volcanic regions

Nature: Honest, aggressive, allld
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

T HE SALAMANDER IS A VARIANT 0F THE ro him wim che mosc sulcry of words, and
J iizardman chachas blazing-red scales and her hands ofcen reach for him before she can
lives in warm climaces, sucl1 as volcanic re- rhink. When she looks ar his cherished face
gions. Salamanders are ardenc and scraighcfor- and feels his warm breatl1 againsc her ear, she
ward, genuine warriors who seek barde wich cannoc help bue co kiss him deeply, filling his
Aaming passion, craveling in search of humans mouch wich her slick congue. Her body chen
who can prove chemselves worchy rivals. grows coo hoc co manage, and she has no ocher
The behavior of salamanders is similar co opcion bue co Aing him coche ground, mounc
chac of lizardmen in chac chey ordinarily do him, and beac herself violen el y upon .his sex.
nor arrack human men. However, when chey
meec a man who is also a warrior, chey will
burn feverishly for barde and challenge J1im.
As che salamander fighrs,. her exciced passion
will ignire her cail. 111e more heared che clash
becomes, che longer ir sizzles on. 111e doser
she comes co being caughc by che man's blade,
che fiercer she burns.
Ar che con el u sion of che fighc, her zeal
mosc ofcen subsides, as <loes che Aame on her
cail. However, regardless of who won, if she
finds che match ro have lbeen worchy of her
screngch, her fire will burn on, along wich her
cail, brighc, blazing, and undying. This is asign
chac she has recognized her greacesc rival. As a
warrior, chere is no greacer joy, and chus a hoc
passion is roused in her.
Ic is d1en chac she realizes cbac che sighc of
d1e warrior before her has kindled her body,
and d1ac her hearr is d1robbing wirh a chrill
chac anticipa ces a differe1u sorc of baccle. The
salamander embraces che sear of her emo'tion,
lecting ir bursc from her in an ourcry of love,
and a plea for him co lie wich her as her hus-
band. 1110 ugh he mighc refose, chis A.ame, -once
kindled, can never be excinguished, and she
will scream her !ove for him come ends of me
earch. Shou Id he Aee, her .Aame will only burn
more brillianrly, uncil ar !ase ir swelcers beyond
her abilicy ro control. Her need for him will
consume her body and, like a beasc burning
in heac, she will drop his body co che ground
and have her way wich him.
le is said chaca salamander's Aame of !ove
never goes ouc even afcer she has made a man
her husband. She forever concinues co speak


FAMILY: Bat • TYPE : Beastman

Habitat: Caves
Nature: Mean, timid
Diet: Omnivorous (favors fruits,
insects, and small animals)

characreriscics rhac lives in dark places,
such as caves. Werebars lhang from shadowy
coo overwhelmed by che d:arkness of cheir
overlapping wings co know how many are vi-
olating him and why. Some have said ic feels as
nooks and crannies, waicimg paciencly for crav- if che pleasure will concinue for ecernicy.
elers co pass by. When chey spoc a human man, 1l1us, werebacs are brutal crearures, bue
chey launch chemselves from che darkuess, rhey do have a weaki1ess: light. As soon as
mounc him, and engage lhim in sexual incer- chey find rhemselves in a brighc place, rhey
course. Should a man accempc co resise a were- become fearful and helpless. However, should
bar or beg for merey, rhe werebac will only ride a human man cake :a werebac out inco che
him harder, wirh an even meaner and lewder lighc, she will noc cry co escape. Inscead, she
smile, as ch ey are nocably mean in spirir. will cling co che man, hiding behind h im as if
If chere are ocher werebacs in che same area, silendy pleading wich him for rescue. In chis
che loud panring of che werebac already en- weakened scace, a werebac is unrecognizable
gaged in incercourse arouses che others, and as che wanton creature chat rapes men in che
chey swarm upon che man. The throng from darkness; rarher, she is ac his merey. As if co
above presses and shoves againsc one anocher, u nderline chis change, die werebac s[ides her
as if each is scrambling ro parcake of a si ngle trembling body near and presses every pare of
luscious dish, arcempting co raste rhe man's her womanly self over him. Her instiocrs chus
body. They joscle and rub and lick hi.m, ceas- conunand her co copL1lace wirh a mao even in
ing his body. Even afcer che man releases his sucl1 dire circumsrances as chese. If chey do in-
essence inco one of che werebacs, anocher will deed copulace, her fear will dissipace, che man's
mounc him ac once and begin rocking herself p leasure and warmch comforcing her as if she
againsc him. Amid chis baccha11al, che man is were in che dark.

In che dark, werebacs swoop f~o~ above to

violently mounc thei r human v1ct1ms.' In r~e
ligh t, however, chey rrcmble in pam c as il-
luscraced above.
FAMILY: Centaur • TYPE: Beastma11

Habitat: Grassland and forests

Nature: Violent, lustful
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

che upper body of ah uman and che lower
body of a horse. Cencaurs Live in large num-
Difficulc as ic may be co believe, centaurs
are even more croublesome afcer chey finish
cheir assaulc. W hen lucid, chey place greac im-
bers across che Earch's grasslands. They are porcance on chascicy, and so in che afcermach
cypically mascer warriors who use cheir pow- of fornicacion, chey wili chase che man abouc,
erful legs co galiop abomc che land, bows or demanding chac he cake responsibilñcy oral-
swords in hand, as chey Live by huncing wild low her co cake responsibilicy. Despite chese
animals. claims, however, che cruch is chac che monscer
Mosc cencaurs value cheir pride as warriors inside chese beascs is whispering co chem,"Gec
and are usually calm and racional. They es- che man, copulare, and unice in !use:•
chew meaningless accacks 011 humans, hold- Cencaurs allow only cheir husbands co ride
ing such accs co be a shame upon che honor of on cheir backs, chough even chis is arare oc-
cheir ancienc hericage from which have spmng currence. When she does, reluccandy, lec him
heroes and sages innumerable. mounc her, che closeness of his body againsc
However, their innace disposicion is rough hers A.ushes her wich arousal. By che time chey
and luscful, and ic does noc cake much for chem reach cheir descinacion, che cencaur wili Likely
co lose che ir senses and show cheir crne colors. dema111d chac chey have sex immediacely.
Some of che mosc volacile individuals may Aare All monscers in che cencaur family have cwo
up ac che meresc glancing couch of a human vaginas. One is in che back, as ic has been since
man. In such momencs, cheir violenc and lusc- che days of che old Overlord, andas ic scill is
ful nacure comes to che fore as chey give in co on horses. The ocher was creaced upon che as-
che heaced chrobbing of cheir bodies and re- cension of che currell!c Overlord. Ic is locaced
lease cheir suppressed passion upon che man. in fronc, ac che border becween che hu man and
horse porcions of che cencau1~ in order cofa-
cilicace coicus wich hu man men by mimicking
che anacomy of a human woman.
Eicher vagina can be used co conceive chil-
dren by copulacion wich human men. The rear
vagina has been shrunken co human size, che
beccer co draw spenn from che cencaur's hu-
man lover.

A cencaur yields her back only to che man

she !oves. When she does rhis, the heat of che
mañ's bot!y fuscs wich her own and causes
her cncire sclf to grow hot wich pleasure.
FAMILY: Centaur • TYPE: Beastma11

Habitat: Forests
Nature: Peaceful, devoted, andl
Diet: Herbivorous (favors grasses
and vegetables)

cemaor (p. 74) wich a beauciful whice coac
and one horn excending from its forehead.
incercourse is to chem a sacred act, a covenanc
becwe·en husband and wife.
For chese reasons, many people hold mis-
Unicorns ofcen live deep in forescs. Though concepcions abouc unicorns. Bue cake heed!
they are scill considered monscers, chey are Do noc be deceived by rheir innocenc fu~ade;
treated as a symbol of purity. Theír demure chey are jusras luscful as ocher members of che
demeanor and peacefü l g:race make chem che cencaur family. A unicorn wichout a husband
very image of chasce maidenhood. doubcless spends day afcer day dreaming of
Like oc her monscers, when choosing a parc- che sweec pleasure her fucure husband will
ner for copulacion, they prefer human men. bring her, anda unicorn who is newly married
However, chey never foroe sexual incercourse can be expecced co use her pure yec lascivious
upon rhem by means of violen e assaulc. 1l1eir body co accua lize every dream of pleasure she
mosc favored parcners and companions are has had in all chose days of abscine11ce. She
che mosc pure, virginal men who have never seduces her husband and spends day afrer day
dallied wirh ocher women or monscers. wirh him in che sweec pleasure oflovemaking.
Furrhermore, chey are said ro remain ¡pure The horn of a unicom concains powerful
virgins rh e mselves, absraining encirely from magic which che unicorn can use for pocent
fonücacion uncil chey exchange vows wich healing effeccs. The purer che u11icorn's mana
cheir husbands. They grane rheir bodie s ro is, che more powerfol ics healing propercies
cheir lover of choice and none else, and sexual will be, while any incermixing wich orher
cypes of mana weaken ics srrengrh. Ir is said

--------11 chat ch e reason unicorns avoid men who have

lain wich ocher monscers is to keep rheir own
mana priscine. While her magic is capable of
defendu1g her from che oucward assaulc offor-
eign mana, if her husband is unfaic!hful, che
mana of ocher monscers will be scored in his
body. If she líes wich him chusly, she will find
herself filled wich scrange mana she is helpless
to resise.
In such a case as chis, che unicoirn's own
ma11a rapidly tra11sforms, a11d she becomes che
opposice of che unicorn: a bicorn, a monscer
known as a symbol of impuricy. Bico1ms value
debauchery and wish for noching more than to
drown in pleasure. A unicorn who has curned
inco a bicom is likely co desire co lead a more
profügace and sybaricic lifescyle wich her hus-

ba11d, a11d as such she may summon che 111011-

Toe unicorn is a symbol of puriry, but inside

she is as luscfuJ as any monster in che cen~aur
scrous parmer her husband broke hi.s fidelity
wich, so rhac che chree of rhem may cogerher
discover a deeper, more violenc pleasure.
family. Her first kiss is of che most pass1on-
ace sort, likely co involve the slow, wer push
of her congue, ending wicl1_ a long lme of sa-
liva screcching becween cl,e1r pancmg mourhs
when chey pause for breath.


FAMILY: Minotaur • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Grasslands and dungeons,

such as those found in
caves and labyrinths
Nature: Aggressive, violent
Oiet: Omnivorous (favors meat)

caerle characceriscics. Minocaurs are mon-
scer warriors known ro wield gigancic weap-
she drifcs off once more inco comforcable and
well-deserved sleep wich her man in her arms.
TI1e cycle begins anew.
ons wich formidable ease. They are rough in
cemperamenc and cend to acc as chey pnease
wichou e carefu I choughc. for this reason, cl1ey
are very dangerous.
When a minocaur sees a man who meecs
her fancy, she immediaceiy charges and cakes
him for her own. A minocaur's endurance is
boundless, and she delighcs in violating men
wich as much force as she can muscer. Thus, a
man caughc by a minocaur muse resign him-
self co submission uncil he faincs from exhaus-
cion. Je is imporcanc conoce chac minocaurs are
aroused co even greacer violence by che color
red. A ma:n who wears red before a minocaur
is almosc cercain co become che sole cargec of
her ferocious desire co fill herself co che brim
wich bis sex and seed.
Howevet~ chough minocaurs are dangerous
creacures, chey are fond of sleep and do noc
wake easily. In mosc encouncers wich a mino-
caur, one will lind chem sleeping. Tbey spend
mosc of che day in slumber, even righc afcer
eacing or having sex. A minocaur is likely co
doze off wich her sexual parcner scill in her
arms. The man may fi nd himself unable co es-
cape and is chereafcer creaced as her husband.
Minocaurs are highly indolenc, rarely show-
ing interese in maccers ocher chan food, sleep,
and sexual incercourse- che only chree chings
chey are cruly passionace abou c. In particular,
minocaurs who have acquired husbands seem
ro chink of sexual incercourse wich chem al-
mosc concinuously. When chey are not having
sex, ic is quite likely chey can eicher be found
eacing or sleeping.
Minotaiurs seem ro cake supreme joy in
sleeping wirh rheir husbands in cheir arms, es-
pecially afcer an exhauscing day of incercourse.
Lacer, when she opens her eyes and sees che
face of che man she laves, she cannor help bue
climb acop him once again. TI1Usly, her day
begins and ends in carnal wonder, afcer which


FAMILY: Minotaur • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Grasslands and huma!ll

Nature: Gentle, devoted
Diet: Omnivorous (favors grass)

minoraur (p. 78) wi ch disrincrive black-
and-whire coacs. Unl.ike che minoraur, their
masce·rs, so che man is free co ignore her en•
creacy if he so chooses. However, chough chey
mighr be docile, holscaurs are monscers with
violence has mellowed over che course of inhuman sexual apperices, so chey only wich-
cheir evolucion. They have chosen co live un- srand being ignored for so long. Thus, a doc-
der che human hand and are correspondingly ile holscaur who has been repearedly rebuffed
docile in characcer and rarely accack humans. will rurn violenr and accack che man in order
However, like minocaurs, chey are unskilled ac ro ma te non-consensually. She will remain
deep cholllghc, and cend co behave idly. They incrac rabie unril che entirecy of her long-ac-
spend mosc of cheir cime sleeping, feeding or cu mulaced pool of übido has been deplered.
engaged in sexual incercourse. Wild holscaurs Anocher craic che holscaur shares wich
wander abouc conscanrly searching for a man che m inocau r is ics arou sal by che color red.
co be cheir master. Upon finding a man chey Prolonged exposure co che color causes a hol-
like, chey will Üve wi ch him, among hu man scaur co become violenr for a time, as if she jusr
secclemems or nearby. remembered she was a monscer, leading her co
Holscaurs ofcen press cheir enormous accack much in che manner of che original mi-
breases againsc a man. is rheir way of ex- nocaur, who is also impassioned by extended
pressing aifection. Squeezing rheir breases is exposure ro che color red. However~ when a
considered a sign of emocive reciprocarion and holsca ur is so aroused, she maincains her in-
is enrhusiasrically welcomed. When a holscaur scincc co seek her hlllsband. Ir is said chac if
presses her breases againsc a man wich special a holscaur wich a husband becomes aroused
force, ic is a signal chac she desires co mace. by someching red, she will charge across any
Holscaurs cry co respecc che wishes of their discance in order co fi.nd him.
Holscaurs can produce milk from cheir

---ji breases wichouc having children. Their milk

noc only exceeds almosc any orher in flavor
and nucricion, bue also booscs pocency. le is
highly soughr afcer by both humans and mon-
scers. A man who bides wich a holstaur will
find chac he will need nothing more chan her
milk co keep himself healchy.

A holscaur cakes great pride in her breases,

which are pliant and soft. She pleasu~es the ~an
sbe \oves by prcssing th~ir swe~t we,ght agamst
him and melring him with the1r embrace.
FAMI LY: Ant . TYPE: Arthropod

IHabitat: Caves and burrows (such

as those found under
plains and forests)
Nature: Oiligent
Animal corpses, grains, etc.

IANT ANTS ARE ARTHROPODAL begin work as soon as che sun rises and remain
monscers chac dig cunnels under plains industrious as long as che sun is ou c. Their
or in caves to creare a massive colony cencered li bidos rise in proporrion co rheir fatigue.
around a queen. T h eir sm:all bodies belie cheir 111erefore, when che sun sets anda gianc anc
impressive scrength; chey can easily pick up reru rns co her bed, she immediacely accacks
objeccs larger chan chemselves and dig sceadily che man she has broughc mere and copulaces
and cirelessly chrough hard rock. Excepcing wi rh him. Ir is nigh impossible for any man
chequeen, ali gianc ancs are workers and serve co resise, as a gianc anc's sweac concains a sex
sud1 roles as guarding ch e colony, procuring pheromone, so chac when chey sweac heavily
suscenance, and digging n ew runnels. during che day, boch an cs and cheir menare
During ch e day, mosc workers scour che aroused and drend1ed in a chick female scen c
surface for food . As chey cravel over ground, chac incites overwhelming lusc.
chey leave behind a crail of special phero- Gianc ancs ordinarily have no reproduccive
mones. Other gianc ancs follow chem by chis capacñcy. In rare insrances, chough, individuals
crail, which allows chem co move in perfecc who have been very sexually active may be-
files. Even if an anc deviaces slighcly to look come pregnanc. When chis occurs, che indi-
for food, s.he can readíly rejoin che ranks. This vidual leaves che colon y wirh her favorice man
is noc, however, che o nly fu nccion chese pher- and begins a new colony as ics queen. Upon
omones serve, as chey also accracc human men. becoming a queen, an anc's libido becomes
Men who inhale che ancs' pocenc craces joiL1 che especñally scrong in order co produce a large
file in a daze and disappear in co che colon y and number of oífspring co popu lace her new-
lacer into t he arrhropods' beds. found colony. The man's job as her h usband
Gianc ancs are highly induscrious. They is co planc chese children wichin her, and he is
chus expecced co copulare wich her again and
A queen anc becomes far more heaced chan
an ordinary anc in che course of copu lacion.
111is causes her to secrete a large quancicy of
sweac; ir fi lls her chamber wich p her omones
chac concinue co scimulace boch her and her
man, :allowing chem co copulare chroughouc

Giant anrs are very hardworking. 1heir hus-

band's most important dury is ro relieve them
after they come back from work-sw..ary,
tired, and aroused-by means of pleasure.
FAMILY: Arachne • TYPE : Arthropod

IHabitat: Caves and burrows (such

as those found under
plains and forests)
Lustf1.11I, aggressive
Animal corpses, grains, etc.

nonscer chac is unusually small among
che arachne family. Anc arachnes scrongly
upon him endlessly, enjoying che pleasure
and fulfillmenc of bringing him co clímax
again and again. Though anr arachnes chem-
resemble che gianc anc (p. 82) in appearance, selves caimoc emic pheromones like chose of
so much so chac che giaiu anc miscakes chem gianc ancs, cheir absorpcion of che gianc ant's
for kin. They cake advancage of d1is oversighc pheromones make her irresiscible co her man
to live among a colony of giant ancs. TI1ey eat who, upon wacching che erotic heaving of her
what che gianc ;mes bring and rarely go ouc- body, is unlikely co be able co suppress his own
side che underground colony, meaning chac ir pass1on.
is rare ro encounrer one on che surface. Unlike che gianc ant, che anr arachne does
Despire cheir superficial similarity, che anr noc work during che day. lnscead, afcer cacch-
arachne differs drascically in remperamenc ing a man, she spends boch day and 11ighc in
from che gianr anr and can be quire savage. her bedchamber in an alcernacing cycle of
TI1ey procreare wich che men che gianc ancs coicus and naps. As d1e man is noc required
bring, grabbing chem ar cheir discrecion and co work eicher, he is likely co submic co her
hauling rhem ro cheir beds. Affecred by che whims and come ro chink of noching bue in-
gianc ailC pheromones which pervade che col- cercourse wich her.
on y, chey are very luscful, a lways fully aroused.
An anc arachne will bind che limbs ofher man
using thread she spews from her body and
joins wich him, clucching his hips and arms
tightly wich her eight legs, and slam tl1eir hips
TI1ough a man may eject his seed, che anr
arachne's conscanc exposu re co gianc anc pher-
omones means she will noc be sacisfied wich
one or cwo unions. She will crash her hips

d her days in decadence. Wh en she is

A1\anc arach ne wh o has caugh c a man spen se she desires· when she is libidinous,
bungry, sbe helps h erself clo ,~hacev\e:ri5us~:::;1~r.rself to aro~sal. 1l1ere is very litcle
she indulges, a nd when s ie is coo , s 1e
an anc arachne does- ocher rban her man.
FAMILY: Mantis • TYPE: Arthropod

Habitat: Forests
Nature: Altematively calm and
unemotional, or calm
and lustful
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)

monscers discinguished by che Large
sickles on cheir arms. They usually live deep
of myscerious, unknown pleasure cakes her
wich irs sweec chrob. To beccer underscand chis
feeling, she shifrs her hips gingerly, and chen
in forescs and prey on wild animals by slicing her mind and body boch shiver as her arousal
chem deftly wich chese sickles. The cold man- becomes ali che more i nexplicable. Still noc un-
ner in which chey lop off che heads of enor- derscanding, she looks down ac che face of che
mous beascs in ju se one quick scrike drives man, and her chesc and face grow hoccer and
fear inco che hearcs of many, earning chem che hoccer. Wichouc chinking, she brings her face
nickname "assassins of che foresc:• to his .and presses cheir mouchs cogecher.111eir
Mancises are highly unusual among mon- sudden closeness inspires her ro squeeze his
scers in chac noc only do chey noc accack che penis inward as she quickens her pace, driv-
human men chey encouncer, chey do noc show ing him deeper and deeper ÍI1side her. Ac !ase,
even che leasc interese. 1l1eir expressions are he releases his essence, and in chac momenc
unchanging and becray noc a trace of feeling. her once-empcy hearc is filled wich a scrange
Noching chac happens before chem can move warmch she has never felc befare. Through chis
cheir hearcs. Even when rhey slice che heads /irse congress, she learns for che /irse cime how
off of beasrs and bache in rheir blood- crue wonderful sexual intercourse with a man can
co cheir nacure as assassins-chey Ainch noc. feel and how dear che human man is to her.
They live simply co live, and for chis reason, Thereafcer, che mancis no longer lives jusr
show no interese in chings chac are noc neces- co live. Insread, she finds delighc in che man's
sary co rheir daily survival. Human men are body and resolves to never lec him go. She uses
noc suscenance and chus., to chem, migbc as her sickles ro protecc him and secure food for
well noc exisc. him, and each nighc, she scraddles hi m in her
However, chere is one period in which a hu- bed co feel once more che scrange bappiness
man man becomes indispensable co mancises: of rubbing her body upon her cherished man,
breeding season. During chis time, she 1teeds who fills her every corner wich his swelcering
che seed of a human man in order co fertilize sex.
her eggs. SciU, che manris is said co bear no Most rimes, even in chis new scace, che
emocion iL1 chis, eicher; che man is only a tool mancis remains as ex:pressionless as ever, ex-
necessary for che concinuance of che mancis cepc when her husband is by her side. In chese
race. The rnancis leaves che foresc, approaches momencs, she may blush and subcly lifc che
a highway or human setclement, calmly and corners of her mouch.
swifcly capcures a human, brings him inco che
foresc, and maces wich him- purely for che
purpose of reproduccion. She begins by nim-
bly slicing open his cloching wich her sickles
so asco expose his lower body wichouc ha rm-
ing him. She chen manipulares his penis wich
mechanical ease chac is vo,id ofboch feeling or
warmch, bue scill defr wich monscrous crafc
chac prompcly leads to ereccion. Through ali
of chis, she is uccerly indiíferenc. Before chis
momenc, she has never experienced sex, and
chus she calmly lowers her hips.
TI1ac is when everyching changes. A surge


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Sprite

Habitat: Forests and the land of sprites

Nature: Simple, honest, and cheerful
Diet: The essence of human men

creacure chac lives in che land of sprices.
Fairies are small in form, small enough chac
her body ali over a's penis co make him
feel good. They are a[so capable of sexual in-
rercou rse, even rhough ir would appear rhar
chey can fic comforcably in che palm of a hu- che size of cheir bodies could noc accommo-
man. TI1ey are cheerfu1 and love co sing and dace even che cip of a human penis. Bue when
dance. Fairies are noc monscers by nacure bue, a fairy becomes a monscer, her body is given
inscead, have been rurned inco succubi by cak- che abilicy co facilirare incercourse wich human
ing in succubus mana. Despice chis, fairies feel men. Her abdomen swells as she cakes che pe-
no ancagonism coward 1nonscers. Wich cheir nis wich her whole body, squeezing i.c cighcly
simple nacures, chey find amusemenc in che wich her vagina, which A.exes and expands co
company of similady simple pixies and imps, welcome her man's gi:rch. She feels no pain or
whose mana encourages 1rhe fairies' cransfor- discomforc during incercourse, nor any physi-
marion inco monscers. From boch che prompc- cal crauma-jusc delicious pleasure.
ings of che monscers chey cavorc wich and d1eir A single fairy is small in size and weak in
own monscrous inscinccs, fairies learn rhac poweir; chus, if inclined, one can cacch her,
making sporc wich men is che puresc of plea- please her uncil she is sacisfied, and chen shoo
sures rhey will likely ever encouncer. her away or domescicace her. le is anocher mac-
They ofcen cravel from che land of sprices cer, chough, when fairies come in swarms: a
co che forescs of die human world in order co man may find his body covered in fairies who
seek ouc men. When chey spoc one, chey will insisc ,on lavishing him wicb accencion uncil he
Ay abouc him and beg him co 'come have a passes ouc.
licde fun!" Usually chis means chey are asking When a number of sprices gacher and
for sex, as a fairy's idea offon includes rubbing dance, chey form whac is called a "fairy circle,"
che ring of which gen.cly incandesces. Anyone
inside che circle will be whisked away ro che
land of sprices (p. 96). A fairy circle may also
form when a man is: accacked by a mass of
fairies. swarnúng in a hot, orgiasric da11ee, who
will also spiric him away ro che land of sprires.
TI1ere, he will find a narion of happiness where
he is likely to forgec abouc his previous life and
spend! ecernicy in lighc-hearced fornicarion
wich che fairies.

As a monscer, che fairy feels only,Pleas~re

as her belly swells aro1md d~e '.n ans bulg1ng
erection, tearning ics shapc mtunately.


FAMILY: lmp • TVPE: Sprite

Habitat: Forests
Nature: Mean
Diet: The essence of human meo

che fairy (p. 88), bocl1 caking che form of
sprices; however, unlike che fairy, che pixie is a
human, or she may shrink a man she fancies
and cake him away co che land of sprices (p.
96). This magical effecr lasrs a day ar che lon-
crue monscer, belonging ro che imp family and gesr, bue pixies do not use ic for a mere prank;
similar in nacure ro che succubus (p.10). They when a pixie shrinks a man, she will fornicare
are very mischievous and [ove ro lead humans wich him immediacdy, so ir is doubcful rhac
ascray in che foresr, accack rhem in groups, and Aeeing and waicing for che effecc ro expire
have cheir way wich chem. would be an effeccive escape scracegy.
Despice cheir small size, pixies are abouc as As pixies are monscers racher chan mem-
lusrfu I as succubi, and are inclined ro give men bers of che sprice family, chey <lid noc origi-
lewd, seduccive smíles as 11:hey use cheir whole nally reside in che land of sprices, yer many
bodies ro give them pleasure and squeeze ouc have come to live chere as of lace. le is said chey
cheir essence. Because chey resemble fairies, have been ceaching non-monscrous fairies che
who are friendly co huma:ns, ir is common for delighcs of sexual pleasure, so as ro turn rhem
pixies to impersonace chem in order co lure inco monscers. There are rumors rhac rhey
men deep inco che forest-only ro rum on have also caken co changing che size of che
chem and assau lr rheir viccim wirh searing fairies' men in order co make che fairies' sex
vigor. lives more inceresring. TI1ere is rherefore liccle
As aforemencioned, pixies are ordinarily as reason ro doubc chac che presence of pixies in
small as sprires. Yec when chey obcain essence che land of sprices appears co be a maj or factor
and accumulace mana, chey become capable of in che monscerizacion of sprices and their land.
using magic ro change cheir own or rheir man's
size. A pixie may enlarge herself co che size of a

Pixies look like sprices, bue are ~\ore akin

to succubi in nacure. TI1ey !ove g,ving men
p1easure an d bath ing chcmselv&S ,n a foasc
of essence.
FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Sprite

Habitat: Forests, human settlements,
and the land of sprites
Nature: Devoted, honest
Diet: Brilliant works of creativity

cype of sprice. Many live in forescs wich
ocher sprices, while ochers live among human
A 1rnmber of leannán sídhe been
rnmed ro monscers by che power of che suc-
cubi. 'Ihese leannán sídhe are excremely lusrful
secrlemencs, disguising chemselves in human and aggressively seek coinis wich rheir lovers.
form. TI1ey adore creacive works such as painc- They are also fond of erocica and a pas-
ings, musical composicions, and scories, and sion for appreciacing arcwork of an arousing
are drawn ro che creacors of such pieces. nanire cogecher wich cheir lovers and, when
Leannán sídhe have a very unusual diec: cheir a rousal has ele vaced, releasing ics foil
chey feed on the energy concained ÍJ1 brillianc force upon cheir lovers' bodies. As monsters,
works of Bu e cbey do noc only feed on arc- chey find bawdy works a.nd che essence cha.e
iscry; chey chemselves like co creare, boch by is poured inco chem by men co be unbearably
producing works of cheir own and assiscing delighcfol. If h er love r himself is an aurhor
che endeavors of humans of whom chey are of erocica, she will become urcerly emranced
fond. by him and his oeuvre, and cheir joyful incer-
They are very forward in maccers of love. If course will fill her mind wich choughcs of him
a leannán sídhe is moved by a human man's and his work.
work, she will accempt co seduce him. As rheir A man who unices wirh a leannán sídhe
bodies always emir a fainc, seduccive magic, a may gain incredible arciscic skill and genius.
man cargeced by a leannán sídhe will find her le is said cha.e many such men have used
so madden ingly accraccive chac ic will be nigh chis power ro build riches and renown.
impossible for h im co escape her cempracion. However, che magic o!fher seduccion gradually
erodes his psyche. He loses engagem.enc wich
all chi11gs bue her, che works wirh which he will
presenc her, and che :acc of creacion. In rime,
he comes co see che riches and renown he has
earned from his work ro be noching more chan
discraccions, and he disappears wich her inco
che land of sprices. There, ir is said cha.e he lives
on, francically creacing new pieces and loving
che leannán sídhe.
TI1e illuscracion ac !efe depiccs a leannán
sídhe who favors painting; however, there are
also leannán sídhe wh o prefer prose, music, or
ocher kinds of are. All are drawn co creacors in
cheir respecrive fields.

Above is a leannán síclhe who specializ_es in lic-

erature. sh ~ 1s a bic shy, bue her favome
A •
. book
is an ecotic novel on rhe cheme of mcercourse
among huma.ns and sprites. She_reponed that
her favor ite pasrime recencly is to re-enacr
scenes from che novel wich her dear lover.


FAMILY: Mandragora • TYPE: Plant

Habitat: Wherever the wind takes them,
the land of sprites
Nature: Cheerful, honest
Diet: The essence of human meo

nonscer wich a rarher unique fonn, en-
robed in whire puffs. Kesaran pasaran have
down coward him, sc:accering powder derived
from her puff inco che air for him co breache.
Upon inhaling her psychedelic dust, a scare
excraordinarily lighc bodies, allowing chem to of peace and joy descends; nor only does he
drifc chrough che air. 1he illuscracion shows nor resise her as she advances on him, he ofcen
one in irs adule scace. In childhood, ir appears rakes rhe iniriacive co mace wich her, seeking
merely as a small whice puff. The uncanny yer grearer happiness. She acceprs h is acqui-
sighc of chese puffs ffoacing by has led people escence and moves to copulare wich h im in or-
co cal! them che "happiness-bringing kesaran der to replenish her nucrienrs and creare new
pasaran" and believe char carching one wiU seeds. Some men are so carried away by che
fetch happiness. happy feeling char d1ey mate wich che kesaran
However, chis nickname belies che powerful pasaran using brutal force, bue co pleasure men
and dange-rous psychedelic effecrs che marured in chis way is a happy thing co a kesaran pas-
puffs have on humans. le is said chac inhal:ing a aran, and so her smile does not fade. lnsread,
marure plúf incites an incense and overwhelm- ir grows inro a grin of ecscasy ac che fiery
ing haze of happiness. le has been specu Ilared pleaSL1re ripping chrough her, and cogecher,
chac che nickname was inspircd by rhe im- rhey conrinue to copulare madly, engulfed in
macure kesaran pasaran, which has a weaker, exhilaracion.
merely mood-booscing psychedelic effecc. 1his macing process may result in seeds,
When an adule kesaran pasaran spocs a which me kesaran pasaran. sends off inro me
human man who rickles her fancy, she drifrs air wirapped in some of her puff. lhe seed
floacs gencly from p lace to place uncil one
day it marures fully incoa humanoid form. A
man who cacches che pu.ff before it macu res,
believing in d1e legend of rhe happiness-bring-
ing kesara.n pasaran, will one day find char ic
has gr,own into a beamiful, adule monscer who
wanrs him only for his sex.
Kesaran pasaran are very rare, and few hu-
mans have wicnessed chem. Ir is speculaced
chac chey originaced as a special kind of planc
in rhe land of sprires (p. 96) char lacer drifced
on che wind inco che human world. Much of
che happiness in che land of sprices can be
accribmed to rhe presence of chese monscers.

Kesa ra n pasaran, perhaps as pare of ~_heir

narure as planrs, come in a va riety of _s1zes.
Though chey are generally small, the1 r eu-
phoric smiles never leave cheir faces, even
• aled 00 such a sizable phallus, as
w11en amp
picrured above.


bodies-small enough co be held in rhe
hand of a human-and rheir wings, delicace
In addicion coche kesaran pasaran, che·re are
various m arvelous planes in che land of sprices.
"House crees" and" house mushes;• are scr ange
and insecc-like in appearance. By narure rhe.y crees and mushrooms char sponcaneously grow
are noc monscers; racher spriices have become living spaces equipped wich furnicure. Sprices
succubi chrough exposure co che mana of ofcen make sucl1 abodes cheir homes.1l1e land
monscers. 1here are many kinds of sprices. of sprices is also known for irs populacion of
This book describes fairies (p. 88) and leanná:n gen de and endearing planes and anima.Is; ch ese
sídhe (p. 92). Sprices are bright-eyed, inno- beings ar-e said ro speak kindly ro che sprices
cenc creacures, enamored by amusing games wich voic-e and word,jusc as in folk cales, and
and delicious confeccions. Le1c us explore chefr play wich chem convivially. 1l1us, che sprices
divercing lifescyle and che myscerious land iJ1 live happ.ily in mis myscerious land, enjoying
which rhey live. sweecs and making sporc ali day long.

l. Land 2. Lije
11,e land of sprices is a peculiar land inhabiced In general, sprices are gu ileless and love fun
by man y sprices. Ir is believed rhac ir exiscs in a above al! else. For rhis reason, chey often gec
differenr plan.e from che human world, and for along well wich similarly small, fun-loving
a human ro encer or leave ir requires che guid - monsrers. Sprices' bodies are made mosdy of
ance of a sprice. les myscic geography cee1ns mana char is easily affecced by ocher mana.
wich nacure, where charming sprice dwellings Exposure ro monscer mana ofcen transforms
made from rr ees or mushrooms sic in rows rhem inco monscers in liccle more rhan che
under a sky where small white puffs floac ori blink of an eye. When chey learn from che
rh e b reeze. The ru.ler is che sprire queen, who monscers how much fun ic is and how good it
is said co !ove ali chings amusing. 11,e landls feels ro have sex, chey become slaves ro plea-
abouc her casde are color fu 1, plencifu I wiclh sure. 1l1e 11-ewly monsceózed sprices recurn ro
deleccable foodsrulfs and energecic game.s for che land of sprices and ceach compan-
che sprites to a muse chemselves wirh. ions about rhis fresh and unbearably pleasur-
The land of sprices is said by humans ro able game. This has caused a rapid increase in
be filled wich happiness, chanks ro che kesa- sprire monscerizacion.
ran pasaran (p. 94) chac bloom gregariously As che greac majoricy of sprices spend all
chroughour che land, riding-as is rheir na- rheir days amusing d1emselves, monscerized
cure-on che fick.le wind. Ir is mosc likely ch.e sprices fo llow suic, spending day afrer day wirh
fanrasric sighc of che pulfbaUs, glincing in ch.e cheir chosen men in high-spirired incercourse.
sunlighr, and cheir psych ed.elic effecrs, chac When ch ey have fil] of ecstatic fun, chey
gave rise ro che rumor. Indeed, ic is noc dif- joyfully cake in che esselllce of d1eir men wich
ficu lc ro believe chac che consiscencly benig.n rheir whole bodies. Me1Ú seed is rascier and
demeanor of che sprices can be accribuced ro more enchancing ro chem chan che finesc of
cheir consran.r inhalation of kesaran pasaran confeccions. 11,ey also enjoy playing games
pulfs, which hll cheir being wich joy, making and reading books wich cheir men, mus lead-
ir a scace rhey cake for gran red. ing full and joyful lives wirh cheir lovers ..

As far as scholars can tell, all sprices are fe-
male and always have been, even before mon-
scerizacion. No males have been observed.
Sprices were originally noc born by conceprion
bur inscead blossomed inside beau1ciful
Howers called sprice Howers. However, when
rhey were monscerized, rheir bodies rrans-
formed co facilicace incercou rse wich hu man
men by developing reproduccive syscems,
which can conceive by u cilizing che seed of
human men and rhus produce children. Like
ocher monscers, monscerized sprices delighc
in conceiving men's children, meaning chac
che number of sprices who are noc monscers
is dwindling. lc is expecced chac sprice Howers
will one day fade away as sprices beco me a race
chat reproduces solely by concepcion.

3. Future
Back during che reign of che old Overlord,
sprices lived happily, alone in cheir own land
and rarely came inco conracc wich ocher races
such as humans. T hings changed when chey
began ro monscerize. As mencioned eairlier,
che land of sprices now plays hose co a num-
ber ofhuman men broughc over by mon.scer-
ized sprices. In addicion, sprires have become
friends wich monscers such as pixies and imps
;111d invired chem co cheir land as well. TI1ese
new populacions are expecced to accelerace d1e
sprices' cransformacion inco monsters, and d1e
queen has no incencion of resiscing che change.
In facc, she is said co welcome boch rnen and
monscers inro che land of sp1ices, in order co
make i e ever more e,~oyable and pleasanc.. The
land h as recencly been in close concacc wich an
organizacion known as che Sabbar (p. 186),
led by che baphomets (p. 182), which has ap-
parently been advising che sprices in new and
ricillacing ways co fu1d pleasure wich hu man
men. TI1e land of sprices wiJI soon belong to
che monscer realm encirely, an evenc chac wilJ
undoubcedly be mee wich greac rejoicing.


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Elf

Habitat: Forests
Nature: Proud, strong-willed,
then lustful
Diet: The essence of human men

s simply called che elf, or che foresc elf.
El ves resemble hu mans in appeara11ce, bu1c are
holds on co her lofcy and proud spiric. Bue ac
ics core, her body has become chac of a succu-
bus and che unceasing ache for a human man
born wich poinced ears and excremely power- wears ar her; ic is che nacure of elves co despise
ful magic. They believe chemselves superior to chis urge and resise ic with ali cheir mighc.
humans, whom chey gene rally despise. By na- Scill, che urges of her succubus body push
cure, elves are nor monscers, bue elves chac have h er coward che vicin:icy of men. When such
been rurned to succubi by succubus mana are an elf spocs one, her b ody throbs for want of
considered monscers. (For more on 11011-mon- pleasure, a11d her words and accions come co
scrous elves, see p. 104.) defy her choughcs. S h e longs co be salacious
Elves usually reside cogecher in villages and seduccive, and once her reason is spenc
deep in forescs where humans rarely cread, bue ac lasc, she bows co her inscinccs and assails
when one ibecomes a succubus, she is banished him or seduces him C'O assail her. This resulcs
from che village in accordance wich elve11 law. in copulation, chrough which che elf acquires
Such elves ofcen wander abouc che border of che man's essence. Pleasure warps h er mind
che foresc near human secclemencs, following a11d causes her co become a succubus body
cheir succubus inscinccs in search of hu man and soul.
men. lronically, che longer an elf resises, che more
An elf's powerful ma,gic saves her from luscful and powerful a succubus she becomes.
being corrupced complecely by succubus le becomes impossible to imagine che days
mana- a[ leasc in che early scages of her when she so despised humans as she dog-
crmsformacion. She remains free of che horns, gedly seduces and maces wich men. le is as if
wings, and cail usually seen on a succubus and she foels shame ac her days of fascidiousness
and incends to soil her once-priscine body as
choroughly as possible. Reporcs scare cl1at she
ofcen massages che milky fluid of che huma11
man inco her skin wicb an expression of rap-
cure, chus thoroughly debauching herself.

An elf who has rurned incoa succubus body

and soul isjoyous as she baches in che sem~n
of ti\en, which shc once squahd
and corrupced, bur now adores.
FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Elf

Habitat: Forests and the monster realm

Nature: Strong-willed, lustful
Diet: The essence of human men
chachas brown skin in addicion co poinced

ears. Dark elves live in own villages i:n lo-

remai.n in cheir home villages and decide co
mace wirh cheir family members. Among
huma ns, incesr is considered quite caboo, of
cations such as forescs and che monscer realm. course, bue dark elves have no such qualms.
Long ago, before che current Overlord cook Tirns, if a grown dark elf wishes co mace wich
power, da·rk elves were noc monscers. Üpon a family member, she can do as she pleases
her rise, dark elves, who were already lu scful wirhouc condemnarion from ochers.
and wild, offered chemselves of cheir own vo- Dark elves have a deep ancagonism for che
ücion co che succubi. hardheaded foresc elves. TI1e cwo races fre-
Dark elves do not despise humans as elves quencly come inco confücc. TI1ac said, ic seems
do, rhough chey do like ro use pleasure ro chac che animosicy líes preponderandy wich
break che wills of che men chey admire. 1l1ey che foresc elves, who work co expel dark elves,
regard che men chey capcure as sex slaves or while dark elves accempt to instruct cheir el-
pees and cake good care of chem. They eac food ven prisoners in che ways of pleasure of which
prepared by chese slaves and depend on chem chey are so innocenc, as dark el ves enjoy curn-
for reproduccion. Ic is chus clear chac "slave" ing cheir kin inco monscers as lascivious as
means ro them whac"husband" does to orher themselves.
monscers and chac chey simply have a differenc
way of expressing cheir !ove.
Macure darkelves spend years scudying che
man y ceclwiques used coplease a man. When
chey have: masrered chese skills, chey head
ouc co find cheir own slaves. Sorne, however,

Dark elves kick and whip not pain bue p lea-

sure imo their men, a skill they have honed
over many years.


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Dwarf

Habitat: Caves, mines, human

settlements, etc.
Nature: Cheerful, aggressive,
and lustful
Diet: The essence of human men
s small in scacure. Dwarves live in dwar-
ven villages, ofcen found in caves and mines.
In facc, chey are said co have welcomed che
cransformacion of cheir wives inco lecherous
monscers who would give them more p leasure.
There are a number of monscers which are As a resulc, che populacion of dwarven women
cüminucive in size, bue che adorable appear- monscerized sceacüly, in concrasc co che elves
ance of dwarves is of parcicular no te. This, (p. 98), who have scaved off che coca! mon-
however, is their adule form. They are said ro scerizacion of cheir race by exiling monscerized
have long h ad poor relations wit h elves due incüviduals. These days, che dwarf is generally
co cüfferences in cheir cemperamencs ( see p. regarded co be a monscer race. ( For more on
105). Despice cheir size, dwarves cend co have dwarves before monscerizacion, see p.104.)
hearcy, fiery disposicions, like wise sages who Dwarves are very good wich cheir h ands,
know how co look afcer cheir own. They are and mosc are eicher miners of mecals and
macure and monscrous women and can chus gemscones or crafcswomen who cu rn chese
be expected co seduce human men in pu·rsuic macerials inco weapons and ornamencs. Th e
of carnal pleasures. beauciful work of dwarves is craded ar sceep
In che ¡pase, dwarves were noc monscers, p rices among humans and monscers. Before
excepc for chose who were cainced by su1ccu- monscerizacion, chese gay and lively creacures
bus mana. However, their characcer led t hem were proaccive in faci:litacing crade wich oth er
co accepc chese monscers as pare of cheir vil- races, including humans, and for many yea rs
lage wichouc accempcing ro expel chem. The have made ic a habic co visir human secclemencs
dwarven men of che rime considered ic a criAe co se!Il cheir ores and crafcs. Their friendship
whecher cheir women were monscers or noc. wich h umans has only grown deeper since
chey became monscers, and many unmarried

....-------11 dwarves have caken up residence among hu-

mans in cheir search for a man.
Dwarves are active and luscful; w hen one
spocs a man she likes, she will seduce him
1 insiscencly, perhaps even assaulcing him co
achieve her desire. As has been mencioned,
dwarves are good wich cheir hands, a skill chac
is a powerful weapon as she granes pleasure
ro che man. The pleasure imparced by cheir
calenced grip is said co rival even chac of a suc-
cubus's, so much so chac chey are capable of
making men helplessly cheirs chrough manual
caresses alone. The dwarf wraps her h ands
around che man's penis wich che same care
and passion she invescs in her crafcwork. H is

Dwarves have hardy bodies. This _erecr_ion

l penis becomes iron hard, as if she has forged ir
herself. She climbs upon che man and pounds
his pleasure becween her rhighs wich such fury
char one cannoc help bue worry she will break.
Bue dwarves are more robusc chan chey appear
look.s -coo large to fit in che dwarf s vagma, \
yec she scill manages to engulf it ~ I t!,e way and are delighced by rough incercourse.
to ics base, pon ndi ng it so deep ms1de her
that ics bulge is visible through her belly.


chac are considered people besides hu-
mans. T wo of che mosc well-known are elves
decails, see che encry on e lves on p. 98.
Elves a.r firsc resise their cransformacion inco
monsrers, bue evencually come to accepc ch e es-
(p. 98) and dwarves (p. 102). Lec us explore sence of human men which transfigures rhem
some of che dlccails of rhese cwo races. inco luscy monscers. TI1e longer chey resise
becoming succubi, che more drascically cheir
pure elven nacure is overcurned co make chem
l. Elves inco luscful fiends. Then, while yec maincaining
l-1 . AS P EOPL E cheir beau cy and nobilicy, chey proceed wich a
Foresc elves conrinue ro build rheir villages new monscrous honor, proudly indulging in
and lead rheir unique lifestyle deep in che che decadence of sexual relacions. Blessed by
woods. They have graceful bodies, long ears, human men wich rapcure and suscenance, rhey
and powerfu l, inborn magic far greacer chan do noc forgec che gracicude chey cherish.ed as
char of huma:ns. TI1ey Üve amidsr narure and pure elves. In place of a prayer, however, chey
have procecced it from humans for genera- now use rcheir hands and mouchs to demon-
tions. They hunc che foresc's wild animals and scrace cheir appreciacion of men in che fonn
pick che foresc's fruics and vegecables ro sur- of erocic bliss. Thinking of cheir pase selves
vive, bue never forger ro be gracefu l for their makes ch.em feel fooüsh, disgusced chac chey
food and always offer a prayer of chanks co ch.e once despised an acc so wondrous and grari-
animals and foresc before eacing. fying as sexual union wich men. In time, and
In general, chey are proud and lofcy in spiric, in scark opposicion ro rheir former selves, d1ey
bue also hardheaded and inflexible. Since che come to despise pure elves and che Order.
rime of che old Overlord, chey have despised Now monscers co che core, rhey feel deep af-
hurnans, dwarves, and monscers as base and feccion for human men, shifcing cheir former
vulgar, and chus rarely had conracc with other hace i neo appreciacion. Despice chis change in
races. TI1ey are ascecic and live quiedy in che arcitude coward human men, however, they
foresc wichou t desire. TI1ey especially rejecc concinue co despise ocher monscers, for chey
sexuality. As a resulc, if an elf in che village fear chey will cake away d1eir beloved men.
happens co be polluced by succubus mana, che
od1er elves ba1lish her from che village ac once
before her fellow villagers are violaced. To suc-
2. Dwarves
cubi, elves are a perfecc playching; they relislh 2•1 , A S P EO PL E
che process of desecracing rhei r fascidiousl.y Dwarves are only a few feer in heighc even
uprighc nacure, ceaching chem pleasures chey when fully grown. The men have squar,
have never known, cransforming chem inco scurdy, a11d muscular bodies, and imposing
lascivious monsters. Tirns, che number of pure beards rhat extend almosr co cheir waiscs. The
elves has decreased year afcer year, as succubi women are also shorr, rhough rhey are lirhe
concinue to bring chem over co che ocher side. rad1er chan scocky.
Dwarves are cheerfol, lively, warm, and
1•2. AS MO N S T ERS hearcy in cemperamenr. TI1ey crear everyone
As jusc desct·ibed, monscrous elves are pure amicably, so long as chey are creaced well in
elves who have been curned inco succubi. For recurn. As sucl1, chey chink poorly of elves,
who regard chem wich open hoscilicy and dis- ics members co be more salacious ch an ever
dain. There have been man y confücrs berween before. More and more dwarves are joining
dwarves and elves since ti mes of old. che Sabbac, where chey learn how to give
Skilled wirh cheir hands, dwarves ofren men greacer pleasure and chus milk rhem for
build villages cencered on caves and mines and greacer quancicies of seed. Wich cheir fine,
live as miners and crafrspeople. Some apply manual dexceriry, dwarves are sceadily incor-
cheir sralwarr bodies to become mercenaries, poracing che Sabbac's ideas inco cheir own rep-
while ochers scill hawk dwarven wares as mer- ercoire. In chis ma11ner, dwarves have learned
chancs. Thus, dwarves have long found ample greacer appreciacion for cheir own bodies, even
opporcwücy for exchange wich humans. if they are noc buxom or curvaceous enough co
Male dwarves have always had a predilec- be cradicionally accraccive, and chus conrinue
cion for liquor and ladies afrer a hard day's ro develop inco uniquely powerful succubi.
work, so when female dwarves began co crans-
form into succubi, many rejoiced to find rhar
3. Discord between Elves and Dwarves
cheir wives had changed co become as lecher-
ous as chey. In droves, chey soughc dwarven There has been scrife becween dves and
succubi as brides and plocred ro turn cheir dwarves since che pr·e vious Overlord's reign
non-monscrous wives inco succubi. Thus, che and long before. l e is said to have continued
monscerizacion of che d warf race occu rred wichouc pause. Elves have always loached
quickly aL1d comprehensively. As monscers dwarves, as chey view chem as boorish crecins;
have no sons, ic was noc long before nnale while dwarves have briscled ar che elves' crear-
dwarves vanished almosc complerely. As of mene and mee hoscilicy wich hoscilicy. Even
now, male dwarves and pure, non-monscrous now chac boch have cransformed inco lewd
dwarves ai-e nearly excincc. and unrescrained monscers wich common
motives, for some reason, ic is noc in frequenc
2.-2. . AS M O N STBR S for an elf and a dwarf ro cake a liking co che
Ac the rime of wricing, vircually che emire same man and fighr over him. However, now
dwarf race has been fully monscerized, and char chey are monscers, chey no longer spill
most people likely chink of dwarves as mon- blood in barde. Inscead, chey boch lean on che
scers by defaulc. For decails, see che encry on man and snuggle rheir bodies againsc his as
dwarves on p. 102. if to asserc possession of him. Wirh che maJl
Unlike elves, dwarves have a lways been sandwiched becween chem, chey soon descend
friendly wich humans, bue now chac chey are inco childish insulcs.
monscers, rhey show even greacer proclivic:y for
human men rhan ever before. Wirh cheir spry
bodies and cheerfu l, lively personalicies, chey
seduce human men to make boiscerous !ove co
chern. If on e should dare co mock cheir shorc-
ness, chey will rage like fire and cake forcefül
accion ro ceach che vircues of cheir bodies
ch rough pleasu re.
TI1ere is a religious organizacion which has
recenrly been 011 che rise called che Sabbac
(p. 186), a gachering of rnonscers who are
shorcer chan is normally desirable, chac crains


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE: Fiend

Habitat: Forests
Aggressive, lustful
The essence of
human men
succubus (p. 10) chac lives in cheir own
villages deep in che foresc. They originare from
A1nazoness have a unique sec of values.
They asserc cheir femininicy by mouncing men
in public incercou rse, as a display of power
a cribe of human women called che Amazons, and ownership. le also serves co encourage
which was raided by succubi afrer rhe currenc amazoness who have noc yec acquired a man
Overlord cook power. They were cransformed co follow her example. When a new couple is
almosc encirely inco monscers. Ali are crained formed, chere is always a celebracion jn which
from childhood as warriors and possess su- large numbers of amazoness garher co wacch
perior physical prowess and combar slkills. che bride fornicare wich che groom aU night.
They have a macriarchal sociecy wich gender T his muse surely encourage che unmaced am-
roles opposice chose ofhumans: women wield in accendance. One can imagine cheir
weapons and fighc as warriors co prncecc che excicemem, wacching a crue warrior copulare
helpless men and children; while men mind and dreaming of che day d1ey roo will seize
che house in cheir wives' absence, comforcing a man and revel in che ecscasy of pounding
chem when chey recurn, ci red from huncing or chemselves upon his member.
bacde, by copulacing wich chem and supplying lf a man scrays inco che amazoness' cerri-
chem wirh essence. Ama.zoness periodically cory, rh e unmaced warriors will promptly com-
assaulc lmman cicies, capni re human men of mence man-huncing. If a woman encers, chey
cheir liking, and cake chem back co che vi llage capture her and flood! her wich mana jusc as a
as husbands. This is called man-huncing and succubus would, in order co make her one of
is considered ch e only true way co become a chem. Afcer her change, chey educace her as
proper wa.rrior. an amazoness warrior, ceaching her skills of
combac, cheir sociecy's gender roles, and che
bese rnechods to pleasure men. If a man anda
1 woman scray in cogecher, chey greec her wich
( an ardenc welcome as a promising warrior
who has aiready caprured a man, and give her
a chorough warrior's educacion.
A1nazoness painc chemselves as depicced
in che illuscracions, believing chac che symbols
will d!raw out a warrior's power. However,
rhese are in facr an e-rroneous and deformed
cransmission of che runes of pleasure (p. 188)
which che succubi accempced co ceach che am-
azoness when they raided cheir human cribe
and curned rhem inco monscers. The original
runes were designed t0 amplify che pleasure of
succubi in copulacion. and have ro do
wich baccle. Jf che amazoness had inscribed che

runes correccly upon. chemselves, ch eir plea-
sure would have been so complete rhac chey
would noc be able to manage their daily life.
Toe vow of wedlock is exchanged on ~ stage
in rhe cenrer of rhe vil lage for ali res1den~s
co see. As rhe unmaced warrio rs wacch, che'.r
Baccle would become nigh impossible, cheir
choughcs aimed only ac remaining indoors
hodies grow hoc with anriciparion of che1r wich cheir husbands in endless copulacion.
own mating rite soon to come.
FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE: Fiend

Habitat: Unknown
Nature: Oocile
Diet: The essence of human meo
T HE ALICE IS A MUTATION OF THE and loses ali recolleccion of che acc.
J ~uccubus (p.10) wich acuriously iirnocem Despice chis, a fainc, unconscious memory is
appearance. Alices are a sub-race born from !efe in her body, an echo of rhe pleasure he gave
ordinary succubi on very rare occasions. Ir is her- che casce of his essence, her scrong !ove
exceedingly rare ro encouncer one. Despice and desire for him, as well as ali che cechniques
being adule monsters of che succubus family, and erogenous zones she became familiar wich
al ices give rhe false impression of u nbiem- during cheir exchange. Nor does she forgec any
ished, wholesome igno rance. In facc, ic is said of d1e conversacions chey had. (For example,
that chey do not even know chac cheir susce- if che man tells che alice, "I !ove you," during
nance is d11e essence of human men. However, sex, she will remember his words and claim
chough chey are succubi who do noc accively afcerward,"You're my lover, dear brocher!")
accack human men, and rheir cemperamenrs Thereafcer, each rime d1e cwo join, che alicés
seem be docile, cheir appearance is deceiving. memories make her b ody more and more sen-
They follow rheir succubus inscinccs to sicive to pleasure as it unconsciously reenacts
appear before human men. As mencioned, che cechniques she learned previou sly. This
chey do noc accack men in che way of mosc allows her ro extraer an increased qmtncicy of
of monscerkind. Inscead, cbey cling ro chem essence from rhe man. As her feelings for him
playfully and unwicringly accempc ro seduce increase, her innocenr wish ro give h im her
chem, depending on a fa:inc seduccive 1nagic first time scays che same, chough che manner in
emicced from cheir bodies. Afcer an excended which ic is enacced grows increasingly wild and
period of time spenc with an alice, a man is vulgar. Through d1is process, che alice remains
likely co accack her and furnish her wich his forever an unscained and innocenc monscer, ali
seed chrough sexual incercourse. Curiously, af- while collectii1g essence and developing inro
cer orgasm, che alice recu rns co a virginal sea ce an ever-more powerfu l succubus wbo exudes
scronger seduccive magic and p leases che man
in remarkable ways.
Like che succubus proper, che alice cums a
man imo an incubus (p. 15) over che course of
repeaced sexual encouncers. Unlike che succu-
bus, however, che alice does not seize che man
or abduct him co che monscer realm. Even so,
once che man has become an incubus, he is, ro
ali incenrs and purposes, her slave, as his firsc
accions will always be ro procect her and give
her hi s essence.
Incidencally, alices exhibir a scrange fond-
ness for rabbits. When an alice sees a were-
rabbic resclessly hopping around, che alice
will follow her. In mosc cases, upon becoming
aware of che alice's presence, che wererabbit

It is common for other monscers to d?te

on alices. The above alice is re-enacnng
will turn about and make sport wid1 her. This
behavior has been observed many times wich-
out excepcion. Toe reason behind ir, however,
remains a myscery.
behavior Learncd from a ni~" sexy suc-
cubus lady who rold her char chis would
make dearesr brorher hug her right. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA 109
FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Fiend

Habitat: Unknown
Nature: Various, then lustful
Diet: The essence of
human men

T: HE ALP IS A VAlUANT 0F THE succunus
and a highly unusual race chac has no
likeness co be found among monsterkind.
monster, incomparable co any he mighc have
experienced as a human man, undoes che
seams of h is mind and causes him co move his
Alps originare as incubi (p. 15), i.e. men, hips fascer. When che man's essence is released
who undergo a mucation inco female mon- in rhe midsc of che monscer's ecscasy, chis firsc
scers. Under no ordinary circumstances <loes casce of che rapcure of femininity and che
a human man curn inco a monster. As scaced sweec savor of essence lea ve his soul in sham-
before, no male monscers currencly exisc; an bles, celling him only chac he needs more of
incubus is merely a human alcered in nacure by chis man, chac he muse have more.
monscer mana. Because human men produce Over che course of furcher days, in which
essence indefinitely, regardless of how power- che spirit of a man and che pleasure of a mon-
fuUy a mo:nscer sulfuses a man wich mana, he scer clash in his head and cormenc him, he is
will concinue co be a human. Alps comeabouc once again driven co líe wich anocher man.
when an i:ncubus wishes deep in his hearc ro The cycle repeacs uncil evencually, scill wholly
become a woman, or to be joined wich a man. percei.ving himself co be a man, he drops ali
TI1e monscer mana chac made him an incubus resiscance ro che formerly decescable choughc
is normally used co improve his produccion of oflovñng anorher ma n, sexually and ocherwise,
essence, bue in chis case ic descroys chis very and begins co proaccively seek che incoxicacion
funccion. This srrips him of his abilicy co pro- of incercourse and che delighc of essence.
duce essen ce and empties him of ic. Monscer Alps concinue ro inceracc normally wich
mana pervades his body, and he soon finds cheir male friends from beforc, even if chey
chac he is a monscer. have fallen deeply in !ove wich chem afcer re-
Even afcer he has become an alp, his soul, peaced boucs of incercourse. They are likely co
his values, his memory and personalicy remain seduce and copulare wich chem very casuaUy,
chose of che man he was-only his body has as if invicing a friend of che same sex co par-
changed. Though ic has become complecely ticipare in a recreacional accivicy.
chac of a woman, he concinues co perceive In chis process, some alps discove:r greacer
himself as a man. He is unaware of che urge pleaSllre in becoming a woman. These alps
co become a woman which cransformed his find chac cheir bodies conrinue co grow more
body, or perhaps he buried ic deep in his hearc, volupcuous and enticing, and cheir mi.nds con-
precending noc ro realize. Tirns, he is shocked cinue to become more feminine. S0011 enough,
by his sudden cransfiguration and experiences chey !uve manired into full-Aedged alps, more
profound dysphoria. Then, in mosc cases, he femin:ine rhan ali ocher women, and more las-
cannoc imagine lying wich a man as a monscer civious cban succubi.
would. The very chough c repulses him.
Despice chis, che inscinas of a monscer be-
gin co sprouc in his mind and body and draw
him coward and cempc him wich rhe hu man
men he scorns. His monscer inscinct swells
inside him, and his driving hunger for essence
becomes u111bearable, urging him irresiscibly ro
seek a 111a111. lnevicably, he submics. Scill bent
co discracrion by his loaching and desire, he
accacks and copulares wich a man. His firsc ex-
perience of fierce pleasure as a female-bodied


FAMI LY: Ex-Oiant • TYPE: Ex-Oiant Demihuman

Habitat: The depths of the

Nature: Peaceful, lacking in
emotional expression
Diet: Omnivorous (favors
mountain fruits and
vegetables and wild animals)

differenc from mosc ochers, as cyclopes
possess a single eye and blue skín. TI1ey live
sound, and ic is common for famed warriors
and heroes to seek chem ouc in order ro have
chem make chem weapons.
quietly deep in che mounrains. TI1ey are classi- Unlike mosc monscers, cyclopes do noc
fied asan ex-gianc, bue since coming under che make efforcs co inceracc wich humans outside
influence of che currenc Overlord, chey J1ave of work. Even i.f chey spoc men, chey almosc
shrunk to roughly che same size of a human to never accack rhem. One possible explanarion
facilicace incercourse wich human men. for chis behavior is chac rheir history has
le is believed chac cyclopes were once pare of caused chem co feel inferior due co cheir single
che divine family, bue were case out by cer cain eye. Cyclopes muse nevercheless procreare in
gods who decesced cheir single eye, whereupon order co susrain cheir race, and so chey will ap-
che cyclopes became monscers. Thus, chey are pear near human secclemencs occasionally to powerful, and che influence of ask passing men to spend a single nighc wich
che Overlord was noc sufficienc to turn che her in exchange for a cyclops sword. When a
single eye rhac secs chem apare inco cwo. They man wakes afcer suc.h a nighc, he fo1ds rhar
cend co be fairly subdued in characcer, mon- che cyclops is gone, leaving only che prom-
scers of few words and few expressions. Ir is ised weapon behind. The blade is always of
ofren difficult to cell whac they are che finesc qualicy, and he who wields ic ofcen
Cyclopes cypically work as blacksmichs and rises co glory as a valorous warrior. The cy-
discribuce che weapons chey forge to monscers clops's handling of che man's ocher weapon is
who have concacc wich hu mans. TI1eir work is also ofhigh qualicy. fo many cases, che hero is
encha:nced by che finely-honed ceclrnique and
loyal dedicacion she bescowed upon him, and
afcer his accs of valor, will quiecly disappear
from public view.
Ir is specu laced rhat such men now live hap-
pily deep in che mouncains wirh cyclopes.

I .s difficulc ro read ch.e expression of a cy-

c~:ps, e xcepc in copnlacion, which is che _only
cime she is likely co reveal her crue feeüngs:
she will blush and lower her e~e _with pleasure,
smiling with delight at 'C he prmlege of sexual
intercourse with a man.
FAMILY: Mermaid • TYPE : Piscine

Habitat: The ocean

Nature: Mild
IDiet: Omnivorous (favors
seaweed and sea animals)

chac lives in che sea. Mermaids have an un-
usually gencle remperament for a monscer and
che life span of cheír human parcners and
cheir own nacurally longer life span by having
cheir h usbands drink cheir blood. As can be
rarely accack humans aggressively. expecced, mermaid blood is in high demand
Ir is said rhac mosc of rhese creacures are among humans who long for immorralicy, as
romancic ac hearc, and will waic unceasñngly well as monsrers who wish ro similarly pro-
for cheir lrnsbands-co-be to appear. Mennaids long che lives of cheir husbands. 1l1ere is an-
come to beaches and reefs to sing cheir beauci- ocher member of che mermaid family called
ful songs, chinking only of cheir princes. 'Iheir che merrow from which humans ofcen seek
voices are cinged wich magic, and so hu man mennaid blood- for chough cheir blood is
men who hear chem are capcivaced and follow widely available among monsrers, ic is very
cheir song helplessly. This marks che sea re of hard for humans ro come by.
a faceful u11ion becween clhe mennaid and her Though che mennaid piccured ora che lefc
prince. Though mermaids do nor aggressively is noc wearing anyching over her lower body,
accack men as ocher monscers do, once iliey her genicals are srill obscured by scales. This
have broughc men inco cheir hands, chey cop- is che cypical scace of mermaids, yec w ben chey
ulare wich chem cenaciously, enchancing chem are ready co mace wich a man, chey magically
wich cheir beaucifu I bocües so chac chey are remove chese scales to revea! genicals po-
enchralled too deeply ro even wanc co escape. sicioned roughly as chey would be on a hu-
11,e blood of mermaids is capable of pro- man woman. Given che policy of che curren e
longing life drascically. Scholars believe chac Overlord (who asserts cha e her subjeccs seek
mermaids correcc che imbalance becween blissfu l copulacion wich human men), ic can
hardly be imagined iliac mermaids would lay

1 rheir eggs before having chem inseminared, as

ordinary fish do.

'The new Overlord has given ali monsrers, in•

cluding mermaids, reproduccive organs chat
facilirace copularion wich h uman n_, en, re-
gardless of whar cu:iou s_shapes rhe1r lower
bodies may orherwise cake.
FAMI LY: Mermaid • TYPE : Piscine

Habitat: The ocean

Nature: Mild, lustful
Diet: Omnivorous (favors seaweed
and sea anirnals, as well as
the essence of human rnen)

nermaid (p. 114) chac lives in che occa.n
and is discinguished by a red cap and pink hair.
feels che same way.
Unmarried merrows always wear caps un-
til chey find their husband. When a merrow
Noc only do merrows look like mermaids, bue comes across a man she likes, she seeks his
chey are similarly friendly coward humans. hand in marriage by handing him her cap.1l1e
However, in concrasc to che more reserved cap is imbued wich che proceccion of Poseidon,
mermaid, che merrow is considered che mosc a greac sea deicy (p. 130), and concains mana
luscful race of che mermaid family; a merrow necessary for her ro live in che oceaL1. When
who spocs a man she likes will use her volup- she gives up her cap, she loses her magical
ruous body to seduce him and chen mace·. power, whereupon she can hardly even swim.
The pink color of a merrow's hair is be- However, she has her husband's essence co
lieved to symbolize che carnal 6xacion of her replenish her mana and is chereafcer encirely
mind. Her chief intereses are sensual intrigues dependenc on him. Giving away her cap is a
and copulacion wich men. She is also fond of gesrure co indicare che depth of her !ove and
fu rcively observing che sexual dalliances of her desire never to be apare. When a new mer-
ocher monscers, and liscening co cheir cales of row is born, she is given a new cap by Poseidon
!ove and debauchery. Ic muse be said, however, and rhe sea bishops (p. 118) who serve
chat her favorite ching is spending time with Poseidon. 1l1e magic in chis cap is provided
che one she !oves, preferably in a sexual man- by che mocher. Each rime a merrow bears a
ner. WheL1 a merrow is in !ove, she has eyes child, che husband muse supply his wife wich
only for her lover, and her mind can only cl1ink a large quancicy of essence chac she can use ro
of his sex. Considering her sexual prowess and gacher che magic necessary for che cap.
gorgeous appearance, ic is likely chac her man Like mermaids, merrows have "mermaid

~-----_-_-_-:__.._----=--=11 blood," which drascícally prolongs che life

of chose who drink ic. Ir is prized among
monscers for ics abiücy ro lengchen che life
of one's husband, and ic is procured moscly
( from merrows. le is said chac merrows ofcen
use cheir blood co barrer for drngs and orna-
menes possessed by ocher monscers, and chac
chey are zealous enough for ocher monscers'
cales of cryscs co offer cheir blood in exchange
for jusc a scory or cwo. This makes mermaid
blood quite widely available among monscers
despite ics scarcicy among human s. The blood
of merrows has cwo effeccs differenc from a
mermaid's. Perhaps due co a unique charac-
cerisric of merrow mana, che blood mrns pink
afcer a time. le also has a secondary effect on

men, alcering cheir characcer co become more

Merrows love to h ear of other monscers' love

affairs and peek in u po n cheir sexual ac~s-Tuere
have been many sighcings of chem fütrtng away
afcerward so they can pleasure chemselves.
FAMILY: Mermaid • TYPE : Piscine

Habitat: The ocean

Nature: Mild, devoted
Diet: Omnivorous (favors sea-
weed and sea animals)

mermaid tha c h as che lower body of a
fish and lives in che sea. As mencioned be-
incercourse wich cheir husbands. Once a sea
b ishop has acquired a husba.nd, she ca.kes up
permanenc residence wich him in a fixed loca.-
fore, sea bish ops are born clerics in che ser- cion a.nd performs che sacramenc on ly in che
vice of Poseidon, a deicy of che sea, and can surrounding wa.cers. Because sea bishops h ave
borrow che power of Poseidon ro perform a an eamesc desire co see monscers a.ndhumans
unique sacramenc chac changes che body of a joined cogech er, a reas in which sea bishops
human man so chac h e can live in che ocean. have eaken up permanenc residence are
A man chus alcered is similar co an incubus co see dramaric increases in che number ofhu-
(p. 15). TI1is abi licy ma:kes che sea bishop rna.ns and monscers uniced in marriage.
highly soughc afcer among ch e monscers of che
sea and a cenera! presence in marine monscer
Unmarried sea bishops do noc scay in. one
place for long. They cravel che seas, fi.nding
human-monscer couples in need of eheir
rices. Superficially, che sacramenc resembles a
human wedding, excepc for che facc chac che
couple muse copulare before che sea bishop co
provide h er ceremony wich a conscanc source
of mana.
Sea bishops have a nature so gencle ic is dif-
fi.culc co believe chey are monscers. They do
noc accack human men of cheir own iniciacive.
In facc, chey !ove humans wich such cenderness
chae when a sea bishop sees a human drown-
ing, she cannoc help bue [ry co s'ave him. If ic
seems chac he will noc make ic, she prompcly
begins che ceremony co rebuild him for ch e
sea. This of course requires him co mace wich
a monscer, bue she offers hirn her own body
wichouc compunccion. Mosr men rescued in
chis manner are deeply moved by che sea bish-
op's devocion and choose co live cheir lives wich
her in che ocean. Tlrns, sea bishops are able co
acqnire men wichouc accacking chem.
Once a sea bishop has iniciaced sexual imer-
course, she calls upon che rich score ofknowl-
edge she h as gachered by wacching che m acing
of many monscers and men and implemencs
che sexual curiosicy she has developed. She
oífers wichou e reserve her monscrous !use and
her lovely body to secure her man's accencion.
Sea bishops are like mosc monscers in chac
ic is ali bue impossible for them co resiscsexual


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE: Aquatic Demihuman

Habitat: The ocean

Nature: Lustful, peaceful
Diet: The essence of
human rnen
known as rhe daughcer of che sea. Nereids
are members of rhe succubus family rhar
live in, and love, che ocean. Human women
drowning in che sea beco111e nereids when che
sea-drifring mana of Poseidon (p. 130) vio-
lares chem.. In ordinary circumscances, nereids
are free and easy, peaceful as calm water; nev-
ercheless, chey are monsrers of che succl!l bus
family. Accordingly, rhey gorge chemselves on
pleasure when chey couple wich men, their
congress as rurbulenc as a raging srorm.
When a human woman rransforms inco
a nereid, che mana of Poseidon ravishes
her whole body wich waves of incense bliss,
washing away che rescrainc and concroli she
had as a human and filling her wich a sense
of freedom and happiness she has neven: be-
fore known. Now a monscer body and soul,
she comes co consider life in che ocean beccer
rhan anyrhing she has e ver experienced. If she
still has a lover on land, ic is said char she as-
sumes human form ro seek him out. Once he
is wichin her grasp, she recurns co her monscer
form and pulls him deep into pleasure jusc as
inescapable as che ocean's deprhs. When che
man becomes her slave, she rakes him back
in ro che sea.
Nereids who have caken cheir men ro cheir
wacery home spend mosc of rheir cime copu-
laring wich him ar che bocrom of che ocean.
le is quiec and peaceful chere, so their senses
are occupi.ed by norhing bue each ocher. Wich
norhing and no one to impede chem, chey
thrash cogecher like a srorrn, day afrer day con- a love boch violen.e and calm. For d1e
nereid and che man she has enchralled, chese
are che bese days of cheir l.ives.
Unmarried nereids lacking men scour che
shore for prey and are chus very dangerous.
1hey ofren drag men chey fancy inco che sea.
They also drag women clown to curn chem
inco nereids and share che freedom and hap-
pi.ness chey acca.ined.


FAMI LY: Scy/la • TYPE: Molluskan Demihuman

Habitat: The ocean

Nature: Strong-willed
Diet: Camivorous (favors
sea animals)
nons[er wich occopus cencacles inscead of
legs. Scyllas tend co be scrong-willed anda bic
her, cannoc relax unless she clings co
him. She is ac her calmesc and happiesr when
rheir bodies are in concacr. During momencs
aggressive. They accack vessels ac sea and plun- su ch as chese, she sli des her scicky cencacles
der chem for food and human men. However, fon diy across his skin, sending pleasure jolcing
while chey are generally scubborn, chey can chrough his body and! revicalizing his passion.
also be cimid, ficcing chemselves inco i1npos- 1he scylla rhen reiniciares incercourse, enrwin-
sibly narrow spaces when danger comes near. ing her body around his.
They are also known co hide in cracks and lash The scylla shares its habicac wirh che cha-
our wich rheir tencacles ro assault men when rybdis (p. 124), and chey are ofcen spoken of
che y pass by, so ic is bese co be on che lookou e cogether. Ir is common for a scyUa co abducc a
when craveling in regions chey inhabic. man from a vessel immobilized by a charbyb-
When a scylla spocs a. man she likes, she dis' wh idpool. Scyllas are also know11 ro lurk
uses her eighr nimble cencacles co seize and near rhe lair of a chairybdis, hoping co carch
embrace him so as co gacher his seed. Her a man spac out by her. Somecimes, chey may
powerful suckers hold him firmly in p lace go so far asco infiltrare che lairs of charybdes.
during, and even afcer, incercourse. She may For chese reasons, scyllas are highly amicable
cling co him for che resc of che da.y, according coward charybdes. However, as scyllas are
co reporcs. known for slipping imo a charybdis's lair co
Despite their willful cemperamenc, chese sceal men while che charybdis is co pu lating
sea mons[ers are cimid and needy. Ir seems wirh her husband, charybdes cend co be poorly
chac che scylla, due co her inordinace love for disposed roward scyllas.


'TI1ough che scylla is in intima ce co_ncact wic~

h er man's congue, mouch, and genicals, she is
not sacis6cd; chus, sh e wraps he~ cwo ar~s
and eighc cencacles tight around h1m, mal<lng
sure chere is no space uncouched.


FAMILY: Mimic • TYPE: Mimetic Demihuman

Habitat: The ocean

Nature: Timid, lustful
Diet: Omnivorous (eats
anything edible)
T HE CHARYBDIS IS A MONSTER THAT spearing her wich his engorged member as if
J iives in a barnacle-like lair fixed ac rhe boc- drawn in by a riptide. As charybdes are very
tom of rhe sea. Charybdes are a rype of mimic. greedy, once one has engulfed a penis inco her
They do nor cransform inco anyching to lay a body, she will use her arms and legs to bind che
crap, as such, bue cheir lairs are said to concain man close and suck him fürcher in co devour
a magically produced excra-dimensional space, deepe:r delighr. Toe holes in her exoskelecon,
as in che case of ocher mimics. Their bodies which concain A.eshy membranes very sensitive
concain a high concencrarion of monscer mana to pleasure, and her mouch-opened now and
which discharges incermircencly from rhe holes again co gasp-also emic jusc enougl1 seduc-
in cheir exoskelecon, causing a sceady screa.m of cive magic to keep hirn righc where sh e wancs
bubbles co A.ow up from cheir lairs. him. Every orífice of h er body is perfeccly de-
A charybdis acquires a man for suscenance signed co gorge on bis penis and ics pleasure.
and reproduccion by periodically generacing Moreover, as che man proceeds co chrusc his
a massive whirlpool cencered above her lair, bold procuberance inco every orífice of her
sucking everyching above down inco her body, she experiences an ecscasy almosc coo
abo de. Th.ough cinúd, she is very luscfu l; if a greac for a monscer co bear. TI1e only way she
man is pu lled inco her lair, she will bare her- can sacia ce such a hu ngry pleasure is ro urge
self co him and spread her labia wich her fin- him to violare every orífice of her body wich
gers, invicing him in. Her open vagina releases even greacer force.
mana far more concencraced chan che mana Ir is common for a charybdis' whiirlpool to
discharged from her exoskclecon. Toe mo- suck upan enrire ship. In chis case, sh e simply
menr he is exposed to ic, he chruscs forward, selects her favorite man and rosses che resr out
of her lair. Sorne of these men are washed up
,..,---=--=--=--=---=---=---~-=---=-=----'_-_-_-_- 7....' - ashore or out to sea, only ro find chemselves
1 soon ar che whims of other monscers lurking
nearby. In particular, che scylla (p. 122) has a

1 repucacion for loicering near cl1e charybdis' lair

co cacch whac she spícs ou c. Charybdes are too
cimid to say so definirively, bu escholars belíeve
chac chey do nor holdl a high opinion of chese
scyllas, who ofcen emipry our ships as soon as
che charybdes' whirlpools immobilize rhem,
chus cheacing chem of cheir meal.

Monscer mana swirls vio\endy chrough che

charybdis. When she opens herself. up, her
man is ükely ro find his desire greedily sw~-
lowed " P and his esse nce squeezed fran t1•
cally from his se..x.
FAMI LY: Slime • TYPE: Semisolid Life Fo,m

ta , '--"'L.

Habitat: The ocean

Nature: Simple, honest
Diet: The semen, sweat, and
saliva of human men
slime (p. 18) chac has adapced to live in
che ocean. Like che slime, ic is cacegorized as a
and che oscillacion of her hips. She appears
cypically submissive during incercourse, bue if
rhe man accempcs to cut ic shorc afcer falling
semisolid Life form; however, che sea slime is co her cempcacion, cencacles will unravel from
more 6xed in shape, co prevenc ics body from her bell and injecc him wich paralyzingvenom.
drifcing apare. Thus, ic cannoc deform ac will She cben rocks her hips even harder againsc
in che manner of rhe slime. his frozen body and is unlikely co release him
Sea slimes can use cheir skirc-like bells uncil she is eicher sacisfied or che man fainrs
ro swim, bur in mosc cases chey simply drifc from exhauscion.
wherever che seás currenrs may cake rhem. On Like che slime, che sea slime feeds princi-
rare occasions, chey wash up on shore; more pally on che essence of human men. Surplus
freguencly, chey rise in che necs of fishermen. lf nucriencs are scored in her bell. When her bell
chey gec caughc in chese necs, rhey open cheir grows to a cercain size, ic divides ro produce a
bells and legs wide to solicic sexual incercourse. siscer sea slime. TI1ese clones are undernour-
Though chis is noc nonnally sufficienc seduc- ished and have nor yer grown a bel!, which
cion co cause a man co pounce, ic seems chac leaves cheir lower bodies fully exposed. These
some fishermen are unable to resise, so srarved slimes seek a mace as soon as chey can, longing
are chey for women afcer living so long ac sea. for che slide of a man's penis moving wichin
Sea slimes are swayed heavily by che joys her, so chac she can apply her raw, uncamed
of incercourse, jusc as chey are by che ocean's couch co extraer his seed.
curren cs. As che man violares and pleases che
sea slime, she drinks up h is every couch and
echoes ic back wich che undulacion of her body

Sea sli mes usually move wich che_ whims of
che sea. However, when a sea sltme sees a
máñ, she moves againsr che c11 rrenc. slowly
bue surely in his dírection.
FAMI LY: Harpy • TYPE: Avían

Habitat: The seaside

Nature: Cheerful
Diet: Omnivorous (favors
fruits and fish)
wich a beaucifu l voice. Human men who
hear sirens' mana-imbued melodies are im-
increase che force which he penecraces
her. Ac ri mes, even her moans of pleasure
merge into a single orgiascic melod y which
mediacely beguiled. 'TI1ere are many sirens in enhances che man's libido, moving him co
coascal areas, and sailors fear chem, for chere penecr ace che siren deeper and harder.
are man y scories of ships lead ascray by a sñren's Sirens sing ali che cime, yec when chey are in
song, never to recurn. A nore of warning: when heac, cheir song increases even more.. This, of
a siren seleccs her prey from among che men course, causes an increased incidence of ships
drawn by her song, other monscers ofcen lie disappearing ac sea. k also means chat wedded
in wait nearby, ready to spring upon che spell- sirens sing cheir special song ceaselessly, caus-
bound me n and carry them away as soon as ing a consrant lust to bum in cheir lover's loins.
che song ends. So even if escape from a siren's Monscers and rheir husbands deep[y appre-
song seems likely, cake care! ciace che song of che sirens, noc on ly for ics
When a siren finds a man she likes, she beaury, bue also for ics u nique effeccs; accord-
sings a special song, crafced jusc for him, more ingly, man y couples ga cher for concercs. When
choroughly imbued wich mana chan her ordi- a siren críes her sensual lile chrough che venue,
nary melody. Ir is almosc certain to enrapcure che married monscers enjoy unusually impas-
che man and cause him to seek and penetrare sioned incercourse wich cheir husbands, while
her body in a daze. His resiscance co che spe- che unmarried monscers cake che opporcunicy
cial song weakens each cñme he hears ic, and to become one wich cheir accendanc human

so ics effecciveness increases every time chey men. 'TI1e venue is soon fi lled wich ch e moans
make lave. Each time he h:ears ic, he is wom to of monsters singing along wich che siren.

Depicced is che farewell concert o~ a si re_n

who enjoyed mammoch popular1ty. 1e is
reponed thac her song, accencuaced by che
pancing ofher husband as he pounded her
from behind, inspired ali of che hundreds
of couples preseut co copulare in che g r"'ac-
csc concerc in che history of monsters.
T HB SBA HOLDS A BOUNTIFUL VARIBTY is drowning, her mana shields him from expir-
J ~f monscers who, much like cheir land- ing uncil che monscers of her realmdececc che
locked cousins, desire hu man men voraciously. agglomeracion of her mana and che presence
Thus chey lurk in che depchs and shallows of of a human man, whom chey welcome wich
che ocean, aU wich che incenc co prey upon open arms. Poseidon also granes power co her
men. These pages will describe che unique acolyce che sea bishop (p. 118), who performs
sociecy formed by such sea monscers and ch.e a sacrament chat cransforms men so rhac chey
manner in which che ocean has changed since can live u111derwacer, which allows che formerly
che rise of che current Overlord. drowning man and his monscrous lover co be-
come husband and wife, chus admiccing che
man inco che life of che sea.
l. Rulers of the Deep Perhaps because Poseidon !oves ali resi-
Monscers rule che sea because ic is under che dencs of che sea, for che mosc pare, ali monscers
dominion of Poseidon. The goddess Poseidon of che sea love each ocher. When a sea bishop
has always held sway over che ocean; when unices a man and a seaborn monscer, chey ali
Poseidon becrayed che ocher gods in favor of rejoice and celebrare cogecher for cheir new
che Overlord, che ocean became a monscrous neighbor and his happy union. Furchermore,
realm. chough chere is a variecy of creacures in che
Poseidon has long been revered by sea mon- sea besides humans and monsters- including
scers and human sailors for her abilicy eicher ro some fearsome beascs such as sharks chac may
procecc che ocean's calm or ro disquiec ic wich even prey on humans-chese beascs of che
furious scorms. Thus, sailors worship her and water seem co recog1tize chac monscers and
pray co her for safe voyages free of cempesc. humans have che blessing of Poseidon and
She is repuced ro be a generally pacific divirte are chus noc known ro accack chem.
lady, wich a hearc as greac as che ocean, who
!oves ali che beings of che sea. One cheory
holds chac che policy of che gods diccaced chac
2. Life Vnderwater
she muse curb che excesses of che human pop- The monscers of che sea view cheir home as
ulacion and remind che humans of che terror comprised of chree layers: the shallows, che
of che natural world by periiodically causing mid-wacers, and che abyss.
scorms co engulf chem in che deep. However, The shallows are che huncing grounds
cherishing the sailors jusc as she did che sea's where monscers acquire human men. Many
nacive residencs, she opposed chac harsh fuce. haunc che beaches where humans congregare
Her kind-hearced, rebellious. sencimencs may and roures chac ships n avigace, in order co
have cacalyzed her decision to side wich che cacch the people passing by. Mosc monscers
Overlord. who appear in t he shallows are unmarried,
le has since come co be ch ac che mana of so ic is rarely a fruicful hope chac a monscer
Poseidon pervades che sea and saves che lives already a man and chus poses no chreac.
of humans caughc by che water's pull. W he111 The mid-wacers are che residencial area.
a woman is drowning, Poseid on's mana trans- Scarcely any light reaches these dark, quier
forms her inco a nereid (p. 120) co welcome wacers, bue che mana of Poseidon floats
her as a new residenc of che sea; when a ma11 abouc in high concencraicions. l11e residencs
of che sea, whose bodies concain che mana of surrounding deep.
Poseidon, see chis mana as a mysrical glimmer There are a number of serious monscer
oflighr rhar is more chan sufficienc for ali daily chreacs even apare from che expected incur-
purposes. Mosr of che 1nonsrers who live in sions. For insmnce, chere are sirens (p. 128),
che mid-wacers already possess husbands. Ic who sing songs to encourage monsrer-human
is where inonscers come afrer chey find a man incercourse, and rhere are also charybdes
in che shallows, co live on peacefully cogecher (p. 124), who generate massive whirlpools co
wich him. les quier wacers. are perfecc co allow swallow up ships. Some dangers are noc, how-
a couple co live wirhouc discurbance as che ever, monscrous, bue insread are wroughc by
gencle, fanrasric light of mana sofcly enlivens Poseidon, who will fashion severe storms thac
and wacches over cheir blissful inrercourse. make che sea difficulc co rraverse- bur not
The abyss is also know11 as che deep se,a, or deadly. Inscead, chese scorms are inrended to
che boccom of che sea, and líes wichin gianc sink sh ips or Aing che men inco che sea for d1e
chasms below che ocean's: base. Neicher light sake of unmarried monscers seeking a mate.
nor even che rule of Poseidon excend here. Though che sea conrinues co be quice as
Boch monscers and huma11s normally give chis dangerous as ic has ever been, rhere is one
area a wide berrh. According to legend, in che merhod chac is surprisingly effeccive fo ensur-
rime of che previous Overlord, che boccom of ing safe passage: bccoming che husband of a
che sea was inhabired by wicked monscers of monscer. This does noc necessarily encail liv-
chaos whose power exceeded char of che gods, ing in che sea, however. TI1ere are a number of
and control of che sea was divided becween sea monscers who do noc go co che sea wich
rhem and Poseidon, who ar rhar time was parr cheir ocean-faring husbands bue choose to live
of che divine family headed by che Chief Deicy. on land, awairing his rerurn. In chis case, che
le is said char ar che end of che barde, che mon- monster's mere exiscence is enough to procecr
scers of chaos were sealed in che abyss. Ir is che ship. TI,e monscers of che sea will lose
also said char chey are waircing co rise and once interese in che man besmeared in ch e 111011-
again make che sea cheir own. Because rhey be- scer's odor, and as a resulc, Poseidon will noc
long to rhe fa mily of monsrers,just as chei-r kin engulf che ship in a srorm. le is said char che
in higher wacers, ic is speculared char chey, roo, Order and anri-monscer narions, wbo adore
have been influenced by d1e Overlord and be- che Chief Deicy and abhor che Overlord, re-
come fernale and obsessed wich reproducrion, luccancly employ chis rechnique, smearing che
bue no one has yet been able to confirm chis. scenc of monscers upon cheir vessels, in order
co achieve safe cransporc. The presence of a
wife well acquainred wich che sea will also as-
3. Navigation sure smoorh sailing.
Above che sea are myriad concinencs and is-
lands where humans build cheir nacions. To
craders, sailors, and che fishers who bring che
sea's delighrs to che table, navigarion of che
sea by ship is essencial. However, ac chis time,
navigarion is also fraughr wirh danger, due ro
its domination by Poseidon, rhe Overlord,
and monsters. Councless creatures lurk in its
depchs, waicing ro capture ships and assaulc
che passengers aboard, made helpless by che


FAMILY: Sahagin • TYPE: Aquatic Demihuman

Habitat: River areas and wetlands

Nature: Honest, lacking in
emotional expression
Diet: Camivorous (favors fish
and wild animals)
fishlass, is an aquacic monscer chac Lives in
fresh water, such as rivers and werlands.1[heir
pushes her man down and slips his sex inco
her vagina. le mighc seem co a casual observer
in chis case that che sahagin is mere ly using
webbed appendages malke chem dexcerous che man, bue chis cumulcuous pulsacion is her
swimmers and formidable huncers chac can highesc expression of !ove. As infrequenc as ir
puc down prey wich greac accuracy. Sahagin is for her co form wo,rds, her kisses, caresses,
are almosc as expressionless as fish and ha rdly and u nions are excremely frequenc, proving
ever speak. As such, ic ca11 be difficulc ro grasp chac che sahagin's silenc and expressionless
cheir choughcs. exterior belies rich ennocion inside.
When an appealing man passes near che Furchennore, when a sahagin copulares
water, che sahagin silendy slides near him un- wirh a man she !oves, her expression does
derwacer and chen leaps out and accacks him change-and mosr dramacically-inro one
for sexual incercourse. le is said chac her copu- of rich, melcing pleasure. Her mouch opens co
lacion bears a passion and incensiry chac makes murmur invicing words and moans of delighc
her usually placid appearai1ce unimaginable. chac spill over one anocher.
Though ic seems chac sahagin are silenc Sahagin wear whar appear to be cloches bue
and expressionless, che cru ch is cha e chey are accually scales, which chey have che abiliry
show cheir aífecrion noc rhrough words or to shed and shifc as cheir mood and desire dic-
expression, bue racher, chrough cheir eroge- cace. Occasionally, chey mole off chese scales;
nous zones. When a fishlass wishes ro convey che casc-offs can be worn as cloches a11d are in
friendliness or gracicude, she brings cheir bod- high demand amongocher monsrers.
ies close and kisses her lover wich abandon; As chese garmencs caucly emphasize che
when she wishes co convey !ove, she qujecly lines of any sorc of figure, gleam scandalously

- - -71
when wec, and enable copulacion wich only
slighc manual adjusrmenc, ic is not difficulc
co imagine why chey are so prized among

Most o f a sahagin's scales are free to move in-

dependently of her skin. This feacure makes
it éáSY for her to adjust chem so rhat she can
envclop a man's sex with her own.
FAMI LY: Slime • TYPE: Semisolid Life Fo,m

Habitat: Wetlands, sewers, etc.

Nature: Gloomy, simple
IDiet: The semen, sweat, and
saliva oí human men
che slime (p. 18) chac lives in dark, moisc
areas such as weclands and sewers. Though
chrough oral cransmission; she kisses che man,
filling his mouch wich che scrong aphrodisiac
of her addiccive 8esh. Under ics infiuence, che
bubble slimes are incelligenc enough co speak, man will seek her body wich greac passion.
cheir choughcs are very simple. They roam 1he effecc of small doses wears off afcer a
freely in search of human men upon wlhom modesr period of time, bue heavy in cake causes
to prey. a man to depend on che body of che bubble
The viscous body of che bubble slime emics slime and perceive her scench as a pleasam
a scrong musk which makes chem easy co de- smell. There is no going back from chis scace;
cecc when near. TI1is is che res u le of a chemical he will mosc likely be incapable oflivingwich-
reaccion cbac occurs in her body, causing pares ouc her.
of ic co decach in che form ofbubbles. Perlhaps le is also said thac her odor is caused by che
for chis reason, che bubble slime is far more coxins she absorbs from che rank envi-ronmenc
ravenous cban che common slime. in wh.ich she lives. TI1erefore, if one brings a
When a bubble slime spocs a man, she ac- bubble slime out of che sewer and allows her
cacks him and accempcs co extraer his semen to live for a time in a clean environmenc, her
and orher bodily fiuids in a manner resem- odor will vanish. Then she will be found to
bling sexual incercourse. However, her body give a surprisingly sweec, sofc aroma. Perhaps
is more liquid chan chac of che common slime, che pleasanc scenc bubble slime addiccs smell
and chis combined wirh [he awkwardness of is simply an enhancemenc of chis.
her movemenr, makes ic cfüficulr for her to ef-
feccively rescrain her prey. She prevenrs escape
by firsc adminiscering some of her bodily slime

Toe bubble slime's bubbles shroud che_man's

body w ich a mild and agreeable sensat1on ali
ovér, comfurting him.


FAMILY: Mouse • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Sewers, caves, structural

dungeons, etc.
Nature: Hasty, mean
a small body and mouse characceriscics.
Large mice prefer co live in dark, clamp places,
colony, overwhelmed as be is wich míce copu-
lacing wich him, one afcer che ocher.
When a colony becomes too crowded, che
ofcen indoors, such as in dungeons. 1l1ey are younger generarions leave co scart new ones.
only a few feec call, so a single individual has 1l1e n•ew colonies likewise find a man to place
lictle force, bue chey are excremely quick and ac rheir cencer.
ofcen operace in groups of dozens, which are As .it is common for mice ro be used as car-
capa ble of bringing clown much larger pre y in alysrs for magic, chese monsrers wirh mouse
a single swifr assaulr. They employ che very characreriscics are highly prone co accumulac-
same tactic with human men, swa11ning chem ing mana. Wich no way co use chis mana, ir
and crawling over one anocher to be che firsr builds and builds un.cil cheir bodies become
co rape chem. unconcrollably hoc and aroused. This some-
Large mice are rescless creacures. They ofcen cimes causes chem co bite humans co release
run abour for no apparent reason. TI1eir mac- cheir mana into rhem. If a human female is
ing behavíor conforms co chis paccern. When biccen, she becomes rescless, like a large mouse,
a large mouse becomes aroused, she hascily and evencually develops an incapacicacing fe-
dashes to cake che man's body as guick[y as ver. 1l1is is accompanied by changes so dra-
possible. rnaric rhar by che rime her fe ver has s.ubsided,
Large mice occasionally appear in hu man she will have changed complecely inco a large
serclemenrs ro sceal food and abducr hu man mouse. However, chough her fever may have
men for cheir essence. Large mice have a subsided, che hear of her body remai11s, and ic
scrange habic of only abduccing one man per drives her co accack a man and produce a new
colony. This man becomes che cencer of che colony wirh him.
Large mice born by rhe mechod above or

- - -11 chose who leave cheir own colonies have a

similar course of accion: lusc swells through
chem and pushes chem co have sex wirh men
in order ro procreare and make a new colony.

Hascy la rge mice press rh eir face~. dlose

ro beg for luscious lmman semen: Co~e
faster!" d1ey demand."Come on us fascer!


FAMILY: Shell • TYPE: Molluskan Life Form

Habitat: Sewers, wetlands,

and forests
Nature: Mild, dull
Diet: Herbivorous (favors
che lower body of a slug chac prefers co live
in dark, damp places. Gianc slugs originaced as
his arousal. Her vagina secretes che same
liquid. As ir squeezes che penis inside her, ir
leaves behind strecching traces and produces
shell monscers, bue o ver rhe cou rse of evolu- a mos.c vile and erocic sound, squish, squoosh,
cion discar ded cheir shells as an impedimenc squish, squoosh, as ic concinues on and on wich
co pleasu re. irs clinging pleasu re. Once ir begins, chac dull,
When a gianc slug spocs an appealing hu- wacery sound can be expecced to conrinue for
man man, she squirms along on che ground di- severa! hours, perhap.s even a full day.
recdy toward him, true ro her sexual instincc. TI1ough ali observed gianc slugs have been
However, she is by nacure very relaxed and female since che Overlord cook che scage, ir is
dull in movemenc. Thus, gianc slugs are easy said char chey were previously hermaphro-
ro escape if one accs decisively. Whac one muse dicic. Perhaps as a vescige of chis hiscory, on
noc do is be deluded by hel' seeming gencleness rare occasions, gianc slugs have been observed
and approach her. The gianc slug's body is al- spewing cheir viscous fluid to entrap human
ways wrapped in binding fluid, which she will females.
apply co her caprive co in hibir his movemenc. TI1e slimy bodies of gianc slugs are vulner-
Then she will cover h is lower body wich her able to sale, whicl1 when applied, drains cheir
scicky genicals and ply chem around his own. moismre and causes chem to shrink ín size.
In che process of incercourse, che gianc slug This does noc cause pain or deach, bue en-
fondles che man's body amd coars ic head co courages chem co seek men's semen in order
roe in her thick slime. This fluid encourages co res core rheir moiscure. TI1is increased !use
che man's body co scick cighcer and fascer co is ar odds wích rheir cypícally slow disposicion.
che gianc slug's as she caresses ir and chickens

When sale is applied coa giam slug, she shrinks

in size, as illustrated above,_and attacks a m an m
order to covei- her body wi ch semi,n ·


FAMILY: Devil Bug • TYPE: Arthropod

Habitat: Buildings and caves

Nature: Lustful, simple
IDiet: Omnivorous (eats
anything edible)

nonscer chac has exisced since ancienc
rimes. Devil bugs prefer co live secrecly in
bug 1111ay become hoc wich !use for one of her
family members and :accack chem, heedless of
any human caboos.
shadowed, damp places, such as caves, as well Devil bugs are se:nsicive noc only co che
as under che floors or abo ve che ceilings of hu- smell of a man's essence bue che scem of his
man residences and srorehouses. les body is sweac and sloughed-oif debris, as welL For chis
similar in size co chac of rhe monscrous large reason, chey are likely co enter unkempc resi-
mouse, yec ic manages co slip unnociced inco dences where che residue of human men can
even small privare homes co sec up shop. be found. Tirns, goodl hygiene and cidy main-
Devil bugs are incelligenc enough co speak cenance can be an effective way to avoid being
yec ali bue devoid of reason. 1heir accions are ravaged by devil bugs.
driven by cheir inscincrual appecice and !use.
Their choughcs are dominaced by food and
sex; che laccer rhey are almosc always ready
and willing for.
Devil bugs can pick t11p even che faincesc
scenc of human men or cheir essence; once
chey have picked up a scenc, chey will crawl
afcer ic, hoping co find a viccim upon which
chey can slake cheir sexual appecite. As soon
as a devil bug finds a human man, she sees
noching bue him. She leaps u pon him and rubs
her heaced body againsc his, ready co mace as
soon as she can.
Devil bugs always live in groups. People say
chat if che·re is one devil bug, chere are bound
co be chircy more nearby. 1herefore, when
one devil bug begins to mace, many others are
likely co ca cch che scenc of congress and appear
in full flush, eager co join in che debauch ery.
Release from cheir grip is hopeless. 1he devil
bugs will ofcen concinue defiling him even
afcer he loses consciousoess¡ when he [acer
wakes, he may find devil bugs scill pleasuring
chemselves u pon his body. When they observe
his wakefu lness, cheir delighc ignices, and chey
begin incercourse once again.
Even if no man is presenc in a building, devil
bugs are aroused even by cheir lingering scent.
In che absence of men, de vil bugs will mascur-
bace or couch one anocher unril rbey are scicky
and soaked wich each ocher's secrecions.
Much like dark elves, marure devil bugs
are somecimes lacking in comprehension of
cypical fami Lial relacionships. A grown de vil


FAMI LY: Roper • TYPE: Tentacle Monster

Habitat: Unknown
Nature: Lustful
IDiet: The essence of
human men
corso and a curious lower body composed
of a pliable mass, like chac of a slime, from
Tencades also invade her vagina, sliding noisily
againsc ics flesh . The J1osc emirs a lucid moan
which acrraccs che roper's incended prey. When
which excend long cencacles. Some speculace a man has been successfully drawn close, che
chac ropers are a cype of planc mo11scer, bue cencades seize him and extraer his semen.
chis has noc been confirmed. W hacever che Once che roper has absorbed cl1e man's semen,
case, cheir form is noc originally monscrous, she merges seamlessly wich her hose. The
as ic is believed chac ropers are human women once-human hose has now become one wich che
who have been infesced wich a monscer parasice. adule roper and is capable of moving her cenca-
A roper begins her life in a rou nd shell, much cles at will as easily as arms or legs. However,
like an egg·. An adule roper uses her cencades ro che confosion and heady chrill of che cencacles
bind a human woman, insercing chis roper egg in her body lea ve her wich ti cele actencion for
inco her vagina wich one of her oviposicñonal anyching excepc seeking men and more plea-
cencacles. In rime, che roper egg in che woman su re. Such singular devocion to erocicism proves
germú1ares like a planc, excending small cenracles chac she has become a monscer complecely.
chac rooc in che woman's womb and fuse wich Now chac she is fully a roper, she will of-
che hose. The parasicic roper d1en cransforms her ten couch herself wich her cencacles wich far
hosc's body from che inside out, from flesh into fiercer and lewder devocion chan when she
congealed slime. From chis mass, severa! tenca- had no power over chem-all in che hope of
eles emerge. This is considered che roper's larval invoking che base passions of a man. W hen
scage, in which che hose scill recains full aware- one nears, she uses her cencacles co seize him
ness, as che human has noc yec fused adequacely close and guide him to her. This time, racher
wich che roper ro conrrol che cenracles, which chan s.imply excraccing bis essence, she uses che
move as chey please ú1depe11dencly of her will. cencades as well as che resr ofher body to mate
To complete che final srnge of her cransfor- wich him and imbibe bis essence wich her sex.
macion, che roper-infesced.woman requires che Furchermore, in che adule scage, che hose and
semen of a human man. When che cransicional the cemacles share se11ses. AUof che scimula-
roper senses che presence of a man, her aucon- cion experienced by che cencacles is passed on
omous cencacles wind abouc che hosc's body, to che hose as pleasure. When ac tase che cap-
cwining over her breases and squeezing rou:ghly, cu red man's essence is obcained, che ro per finds
encering her mouch and ejeccing quancicies of a a human woman and lays a new roper egg in
sugary, viscous liquid chac raises her passions. her ucerus, clrns perpernacing che survival ofher
race. Sud, is che roper's means of reproduccion.
Incerescingly, if che hose is wearing cloching
when a roper begins rransforming her, cl1e roper
incerprecs che cloching as pare of che body and
makes ic so by melring ic in wich che resc ofher.
1hese same generacive abilicies allow ics crunk
and tencacles to recover from damage i.n a mod-
era ce amounc of rime. When a cloched roper
copulares wich a man, she can melc her clorhes
ac will co expose her human flesh, or che cloches
can be corn by ordinary mechods. As her body
incerp recs eicher as damage, once she finishes
copulacing, her clothes are regeneraced perfeccly.
A roper t,viscs its cencacles over ¡~ host's body,
preparing her to seduce and receive a man. MONSTBR GIRL BNCYCLOPEDIA 143
FAMILY: Oolem • TYPE: Magical Material

Habitat: Unknown
Nature: Various
Diet: The essence of human men
and day chac has been breached co life
by magic. Noc ali golems are monscers, bu e
Perhaps chis is che res u le of che succu bus' nat-
ural passion and lusc. A lovelorn golem erases
her original runes herself and rewrices them
chose thac are have been granced mobilicy via wich che name of che man she !oves. This feel-
a suifusion of succubus mana. Monscrous go- ing su persedes ali ochers, even ru nic inscrip-
lems excracc essence chrough copulacion. They cions: if someone else scrapes off che name of
capture men, score cheir semen, and bring ic che she loves and engraves inscruccions
back co cheir mascers. Essence is also required incended to harm him, che golem will priori-
to maincain che supply of succubus mana on cize che commands of her hearc and prompcly
which golems rely co move, so golems muse restore che runes co cheir previous scace.
mace wirh human men periodicall¡, to rernain
Golems do noc have a specific habicac. They
go wherever humans are, accack men, and for-
nicare wich chem. Thanks co che succubus
mana chac animares chem, golems' bodies are
much sofrer and warmer rhan one would ex-
pece of scone and clay. Toe golem pleasures
men wich a number of inscinccive cechniques
rhar render him defenseless as he discharges
impressive amouncs of essence.
TI1e body of a golem contains a vessel chat
seores essence. When chis vessel is full, che go-
lem releases che man and recurns co her maker.
However, if che man was docile during imer-
cou1·se, she makes noce ch:ac he is a convenienc
producer of semen, and :afcer she brings his
essence co her maker, she prompcly recurns
and copulares wich him once again.
If one is accacked by a golem and has some
sorc of cool ar hand, accempr co scrape off d1e
runes engraved on her arm. These runes re-
cord daca regarding her owner, as weU as any
inscruccioL1s she may have been given; scraping
chem off cancels che inscruccions and hales che
golem's accivicy. One versed in runes can even
assume control of her by including onés own
name when rewricing che daca on her arm. As
d1e runes also seo re information about che go-
lem's personalicy, ic is chus possible co reconfig-
ure her personaliry and remperamenc as well.
In che reign of che old Overlord, golems clid
noc have feelings, bue coday's golems some-
cimes develop feelings for human men afcer
copulacing wich chem over an extended period.


FAMILY: Oolem • TYPE: Magical Material

Habitat: Towers and

ancient castles
Nature: Aggressive, lustful
Diet: The essence of human men
by che soul of a fiend. Old scories cell of
wicked fiends being sealed in scanies, or mali-
gargoyles ofcen descend from che sky and
scraddle a man during incercourse, he ofcen
becomes her new pedestal if chey are turned
ciously sealing pares of chemselves inco scacues co scone.
and making chem inco monscers. Now, d1ough, A man curned co scone while joined wich a
both gargoyles and che souls inside chem are gargoyle can communicace wich her wichouc
under che power of che cu rrenc Overlord. The speaking. This same scony conneccion keeps
wicked souls wichin have become sex fiends; her mana Aowing chrough his body, warm-
cheir love of crickery has been rep laced by an ing ic wich pleasure, making him long for che
overwhelming need co copulare. nighc, when he will be able co enjoy che full
Mosc gargoyles are sealed by holy chains delightcs of her sex. Likewise, che gargoyle's ea-
and pedescals and are chus limiced in cheir gerness is such thac, as soon as che nighc frees
movemenc. However, damage ro cheir chains chem from cheir curse, she rides him rough
or pedescals may cause che sea! co be broken, and fase, as if a dam had bursc.
whereupon chey will spread cheir majescic Encranced by che gargoyle, che man secdes
wings and fly abouc, huncing clown hu man incoa roucine of furious nocturnal incercourse
men for cheir essence. and corcurous day time suspension. Mounced
When a gargoyle finds a man she ~ikes, permanencly as he is by che gargoyle, he has
she accacks him and accempcs incercourse. cruly become a gargoylés pedescal.
Gargoyles can only move ac nighc and recurn
ro scone when che sun rises; if dawn breaks
while chey are copulacing, cheir lover will
also curn co scone uncil nighcfall arrives. As

Toe copulating couple curns ro scone when

che sun rises, though a comforcable plea:sure
coñtinues to flow through rhem.


FAMILY: Mimic • TYPE: Mimetic Demihuman

treasure chest
Nature: Cheerful
Diet: The essence of human meo
T HE MIMJC IS A MONSTER THAT UVES Scrangely, however, if one looks in che chesc
J ;n towers and caves. Mimics use cheir chey vanished inco, che cwo will be nowhere
imicacive powers co disguise chemselves as a to be found. One cheory holds chac che mimic
creasu re c.hesc co lure in :and rrap cheir prey, magically produces an excra-dimensional
waiting patiencly for che momenc a man will space wichin che chesc where she and che man
open chem. They have magic capable of crans- can copulare alone a11d undiscracced.
porcing chem from place to place. Liccle is A mimic's single vulnerabilicy is che key-
known about where they gec cheir informa- hole of che treasure chest she has chosen co
cion, bu e chey always seern to set their traps in resemble. If a macching key is inserted inco che
dungeons chat have heavy craffic or precious hole before she can leap, che chesc spics her
creasures and shifc cheir hiding places accord- ouc, curns co lighc, and disappears. Wichouc
ingly. In rare cases, chey have even been found che chesc, che mimic loses her magic and be-
in houses and cascles, so care muse be caken comes quice helpless, even vulnerable co cap-
wich creasure chescs even outside of dungeons. ture. However, no one has fou11d a key chat
When a mimic's chesc is opened by a man, fics a mimic's keyhole; even skilled chieves have
she burscs out and magically seduces or binds failed co open cheir locks. On one occasion,
him to inhibir his movemenc. Then she re- however, someone was able ro open che lock by
veals her mide form, as if to announce thac inserting a long object chat was nota key. TI1e
she herself is e.he creasure. The man's reward man reporcs cl1ac, as soon as che lock opened,
is her body anda healchy helping of pleasure, he found himself embraced by che mimic.
granced co him while she excracts her sus- Because she was highly docile and willing to
cenance-his essence. If she likes che man, do whacever he wanced, he broughc her home
she will drag him into che chesc wich her. and found chac she was even more luscful e.han
a cypical mimic, perhaps hungry for mana. She
conscancly wanced to give her body to che man
and begged for him co mal<e !ove co her. Ir is
speculaced chac opening the lock in chis way is
che only way co cruly capture a mimic.

·mics are creasure chesr monsrers. They

lM 1 'f a
use thcir legs ro pull men in, as • co score
predous treasurc wichi_n rhems1elves.


FAMILY: Mimic • TYPE: Mimetic Demihuman

Habitat: Wherever there is a jar

Nature: Shy, timid
Diet: The essence of
human men
chey live in p laces such as cowers and caves
and disguise rhemselves as ajar. Much like rhe
spell upon her prisoner so cbac he comes ro
her wichouc her asking, to fornicace and 611
her wich his essence.
mimic proper, a jinn of che jar cends co circu- 1hough jinns of che jar are excrao:rdinarily
la ce among recepcacles found in a variecy of dangerous, chey are accually quite simple
locacions, wairing for a hu man man co happen to defear. TI1eir magic, boch of succion and
by. Takingas chey do rhe form of ajar,jinns of seduccion, depends on che large jar about
che jar are ofcen found in homes, making chem her hips, which is a concencrarion of mana.
especially dangerous. Wichouc chis jar, she loses her magical abilicies
Like che mimic (p. 148), rhe jinn of che jar and becomes helpless. Two general scracegies
will nor accack a man u nless he looks inro her are effeccive ro deprive her of her jar. One is
vessel. However, while che mimic leaps om of co ross an objecc inro che recepcacle where she
her rreasure chesc, rhe jinn of che jar sucks her hides. TI1is is likely co scarcle her inco leap-
prey inro her abode. TI1ere is no way ro defend ing out of ir wichouc che jar on her hips. The
oneself afrer looking incoa jar, making rhe jinn orher is to rhrow che jar and shaccer ic. The
of che jar more dangerous chan che mimic. jar in which she hides and che jar abouc her
Once crapped, rhe man finds himself in a hips are linked, meaning chac when che former
peculiar plane which he cannoc escape wich- shatcers, rhe larrer does as well. Ir may seem a
ouc che help of che jinn. Curiously, chougb che wasce of a useful household icem, bue ic is rhe
man is now wichin her grasp, che jinn does noc mosc reliable mechod ro disempower ajinn of
arcack, as jinns of che jar cend ro be shy and rhe jar. Beware, however, for a jinn wichouc her
fear che very men chey capture. Unbeknownsc jar will be discraughc and reary-eyed-quice a
to her, however, her magic case a seduccive piriful sighc.

Toe jinn of che jar becomes ucrerly defense-

less once her jar is sharrered. H7r monstrous
body, however, is justas begwlm g.


FAMILY: Zombie • TYPE: Undead

Habitat: Deserts and ruins

Nature: Simple
Diet: Toe essence oí
human men
chac ofcen lives in ru ins found in deserc
regions. Mummies are human corpses reani-
heighcen, and she beco mes more complianc for
a rime. Scill, her voracious body soon hungers
for essence once agailll. Ir is for chis reason rhac
maced by monscer mana. Under che guidance mummies are unlikely co release a man once
of che anubis (p. 156), cheir role is co guard rhey have capnired one.
ruins frorn incruders such as grave robbers. Hu man men are noc che only vicci1ns of
Though che mummy does recain che memories mummies; women are occasionally accacked as
and characcer of che human before deach, her well. Mummies will drain a human female of
ravenou s appecice saps her of reason, su bju- her essence and chen curn her incoa mummy,
gacing her co instincc alone, making mummies coo. Once a woman has become one of che
quice volaúle. monscrous undead, she gives herself over co
A conscanc chirsc assaulcs che mummy, a rhe fierce empciness wroughc by che loss of her
chirsc she can only slake by copulacing wich mana and secs ouc to hunc for men.
a human man. She begins by forcing him co Toe mummy's bare skin is unbearably sensi-
che ground and sliding che lengch ofher body cive. A light couch is enough co rransmic fierce
over his. Then, upon caking him inco her, she pleasure chrough her body. Scimulacing cer-
squeezes her loins abou c his body as if to cain locacions may irnmobilize her for a cime
wring ouc his Buids a.nd drink rhem up wich wich pleasure. To reduce her sensicivicy, che
her parched sex. Ic is only when she is filled mummy wraps her skin in special bandages;
by his rushing essence chac her chirsc is ac lasc cherefore, an encouncer wich a mummy may
sacisfied. be easier to escape if one firsc unwraps che
Once che mummy has taken in essence and mummy's bandages and immobilizes her wich
replenished her mana, her reason and incellecc one's couch.
Even so, mosc mummies accually leave
sorne arcas of cheir bodies exposed. When
chese areas are couched, rhey seem co wel-
come ic- wich chroes of bliss, in facc. TI1ere is
a possibi licy mummies only guard che rnins ac
che behest of che anubis and in cruch are only
inceresced in copu lacion.

A ligh c couch upen a mummy's sensiri_ve

body is enough ro send waves of convuls1ve
pleasure shivering through her body.


FAMILY: Cat • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: Deserts
Nature: Selfish, capricious
Diet: Omnivorous (favors meat)
chac lives in deserts. Like ocher members
of che cae family, sphinxes: possess ascounding
che ruins. In doing so, she excraccs his essence.
Meanwhile, ocher curses may be placed. The
sphinx poses more riddles while che man is
physical dexcericy and excel in incellecc and descabilized by her devascacing pleasure, roo
magic. Their role is co guard che ruins where saced co even u nderscand her quesrions, much
a pharaoh sleeps. In concerc wich che anubis less answer chem. TI1 us, he will become even
(p. 156), guardian of che incerior, che sphinx more abjeccly enchralled by che sphinx and her
guards che exterior, cursing chose who ap- curses.
proach che wreckage. Sphinxes ofren pose riddles chac tfunccion
A sphinx cases a powerful curse of beguile- differencly chan che curse described above.
menc upon any man who heads for che pha- Such exchanges cend co be decermined by
raoh's rescing place. This curse comes in che che success of her parcner's answers. While a
form of a riddle; any who answer che riddle delecerious effecc is noc always che iresulc of
incorreccly will be cursed wich !use foc che a wrong answer, as in che case of che curse,
sphinx. He will long for her embrace and of- answering a sphinx's riddles correccly is nev-
fer up his body co che whims of her !use. On errheless likely co prove advancageoi1s when
che ocher hand, if che man does answei: che conversing wich her.
riddle correccly, che curse is placed u pon che Unlike che anubis, che sphinx has lircle loy-
riddler-che sphinx. However, ali chis means alcy coche pharaoh and pues her desire co find
is chac she will long co make !ove co him in che a man. before her guard ducy. She ignores any
same manner as ocher monscers. Scraddling women chac approach che ruins, leaving chem
his hips, she will ride him .in a wild and beascly for che anubis. Men, however, she milks for
fashion, as if co punish him for approaching cheir seed. If chey ar·e to her liki ng, she will
forsake her post co rake chem ro her cham-
bers for extended incercourse. If she decides
co make him her husband, she will rarely be
found ac her pose, choosing inscead ro scay in-
side ro couple wich her husband. Reporcs say
thac somc sphinxes have been so rake11 by men
who correccly answered cheir riddles chac chey
abandon che ruins encirely or even help chem
rob che comb.

"Rraaar, answer chis! How many cim~s.have

we fucked so far? Four? Neeeeoow!Th1s is che
fifth time! Ncxc que:;tion's afrer che ce nch.
Don'r give up hope!"
FAMILY: Wolf • Tl'PE: Beastman

Habitat: Deserts and ruins

Nature: Serious, stubbom
Diet: Omnivorous (favors meat)
chac lives in desercs, guarding che inner
chambers of rhe pharaoh's crumbling ·resi-
men, bue racher curns chem inco mummies
permanencly, forever under che command of
che anubis.
dence and overseeing ics mummy (p. 152) Anrubises are usually calm bue respond
soldiers. Anubises are highly incelügenc and poorly co unexpecce<l evencs and are easily
can case numerous curses. Their racional and Buscered when chings do noc proceed accord-
serious disposicion makes rhem an unusual ing co cheir plans. lf a man assaulcs an anubis,
member of che wolf family. she will lose herself co passion, her lupine in-
An anubis catches incruders by cursing scinccs howüng for sex. All her well-laid plans
rh em inro submission. If ai1 inrruder happens vanish; che only ching on her agenda is incer-
co be a man who suics her fancy, she cakes him course, her mind brimming wich ch oughcs
ro her domicile and makes him her husband. of che man's essence and che child chey will
111ereafce1~ she rnanages his nucricion, sched- conceive cogecher. She loses her cypical solemn
ule, and sex üfe wich greac accencion co derail, dignicy and behaves, as ic were, as che man's
ordering h im abo u c. Jf he fails co comply wich bicch. This serves as a crenchanc reminder
her insrru.ccions, she will discipüne him by chac, however raciona Uy a monscer may acc, ac
casting rhe"mummy's cursé' on him so chac his hearc she is a creacure ravenous for pleasure
body becomes excremely sensicive to pleasure and luscful formen.
and chen copularing wich him uncil he Iloses
consciousn ess.
111e anubis also places che mummy's curse
u pon human women wh o invade che ruins. les
eífecc 011 women is noc cemporary, as ir is on

Sudden sexual possession by her ma n is

likely co curn an anubis_ from a cerebral com-
mander imo a carnal b1rch .


FAMILY: Arachne • TYPE: Arthropod

Habitat: Deserts
Nature: Aggressive, calm, violent,
and lustful
Diet: Camivorous (favors wild animals)
T HE GIRTABLILU IS AN ARACHNE THAT pricks him and begins anocher round, che
J Lives in desercs. Gircablilus' lower bodies size aind rigidicy of his member increase as ic
resemble chac of a scorpion; cheir cails end presses deeper inco che girrablilu. The pair's vi-
in an enormous venomous scinger. Known olen e arousal and pleasure concinue u nabaced,
as che "assassin of che deserc;' she is one of increasing wich each bour.
che mosc violenc and feared life fonns in her Ir should also be n.oced chac gircablilus are
environmenr. quite sadisric; rhey enjoy injecring rheir vic-
When a girrablilu finds an appealing man, cims wirh venom and will scing men regardless
she approaches him wicb che scealch of her of whecher chey resise or noc. Incriguingly, af-
assassin namesake and raises her scinger to feccion for a man increases cheir sadism. Ic's
injecc him wich her ven-0111. This veno:m is said chac che fonder a gircablilu is of her lo ver,
easily among che mosc powerful possessed by che more frequencly she scings him, and che
ali of monscerkind. The man's body sciffens, more aggressive rheir mating will be. This is
immobilized as s0011 as che venom enteirs. A her way of expressing: love. Afcer a man's body
fierce hear engorges his member. The girrablilu is flooded wirh her venom overa long screcch
cakes advancage of che nnan's immobilicy co of rime, che venom will permeace chirough co
carry him back to her lair and couples wich his nerves. Upon che nexc scing, his body no
him to impregnare herself. During incercourse, longer incerprecs che flood of venom as pain,
che gircablilu concinues ro injecc che man wich bue inscead as incense pleasure, ac which poinc
her venom ro susrain his supply of semen and she no longer has co injecc venom; her mere
keep his genirals firm. This allows chem co couch su Rices ro keep his member swollen and
mace uncil che gircablilu is sacisfied or che man sciíf. lnsread of gasping in pain, he now panes
loses consciousness. Every rime che gircablilu in anticipacion of her couch.
Alchough gircablilu are called assassins of
che deserc, chey have liccle inrencion of cak-
ing lives. Their venom is nor fatal; however,
once a gircablilu has capm red a man, she does
noc easily lec him go. In mosc cases che man
is forced co live wich her indefinicely. Though
che man may noc die, ic is crue chac chis will
reduce his chance of ever rewrning co his life
among humankind.

The man's member ne:ver loses its virality

when held in the girtablilu's thrall. She: en·
sures that ic alway5 towers so char he can
provide her wich essence.
FAMILY: Zombie • TYPE: Undead

Habitat: Graveyards
Nature: Simple
Diet: Omnivorous (favors the
essence of human men)

a human corpse reanimaced by monscer
mana. Zombies recain memories of cheir for-
indiscinguishable from humans, chey can re-
score che incelligence chey had when chey were
alive. Even so, their c-houghcs remain simple,
mer human lives, bue cheir incelligence is im- p reoccupied wich sexual urges. TI1e likelihood
paired and cheir reason blunced, so chey follow of chem ucilizing cheir original incelligence is
cheir insciuccs, wandering chrough cemeceries very low.
by nighc in search of hu1nan men. Despice ch e zombie's oucward corpse-like
Toe monscer mana chac: reanimares zombies appearance, ic is possible for her to bear chil-
also proce:ccs chem from decomposicion and dren i f her womb is incacc or is rescored by
rescores cheir bodies so chac chey are recog- a massive feasc of essence. Her children will
nizably a zombie a nd noc jusc a p ile of roccing also be zombies. One school of choughc spec-
or murilaced Aesh. However, che essence of ulaces chac zombies are noc only corpses made
human men is required for chem to maincain co move by mana, bue in fu.ce a new form oflife
chis form. As a result, che zombie's appecice for born of human cadavers.
nourishmenc and sexualicy is quite voracious When zombies lack sufficienc essence-and
when compared co huma n hunger. As soon chus incelligence-d1ey are known co accack
as a zombie sees a man, she huncs him srub- human women by miscake. However, no mac-
bornly, to answer her need for essence. When cer how hard che zombie tries, she cannoc
she cacches him, she presses him coche ground excracc much essence from her female viccim.
and gleefully devours his cssence. Scill, she will concinue, driven by che empcy
Zombies can heal cheir excernal wounds by belief cha e if she granes more pleasure, essence
consuming large quancicies of essence; chough will be produced. le escalares endlessly uncil
chey are unable co make rhemselves appear finally me zombie mana encering che woman
violares her co che peine chac she herself be-

---11 comes one of che und!ead.

TI1e rhoughcs of a zombie reem with sex\ial

desire. She moves rowaird her quarry m a sm-
glt-lí\indcJ line, groaning wirh fervor.


FAMI LY: Zombie • TYPE : Undead

Habitat: Graveyards and deserts

Nature: Violent, aggressive
Diet: The essence of human men

chac wanders areas .such as graveyards
and deserrrs. During che reign of che previous
will smile in che rapcurous knowledge char
che man is now hers, her husband. To furcher
confirm her !ove, she will cake his penis deep
Overlord, ghouls were called "flesh-ea cers" inco her mouch.
and feared for their proclivicy for feascin g on Incidencally, che ghoul's vagina, locaced in
live human flesh. Of course, chey no longer che normal locacion (lbecween her legs ), is her
eac human flesh, bue vesciges of cheir original weak spoc, as ic is excremely sensicive. As che
cemperamenc can be seen as chey now dine mouch is a ghoul's primary sexual organ, chey
predominancly on che essence of human men. do no t use cheir vagina. For chis rea son, ir is
Ghou Is are as cruel in disposirion as ever quite likely chac che vagina of a gh ou l may
and accack men ravenously to feed. The maws never have received pleasure ac ali, making ir
chey once used to rip human flesh chey now far more receprive chan chac of a cypical 111011-
use to su ck ou e essence. They open cheir scer. The simple acr of penecracion will make
mourhs wide as if preparing to feed, on1y to her swoon, and each rime che penis rubs her
sculf chemselves full co che chroac wich che waUs she wiU be nigh-maddened by che rush,
man's sex. Toen chey suck, snaking cheir liche and in liccle posicion rn wring ou e his. essence.
congues arnund cl1e member to give che man Once a ghoul's body has learned che p leasure
an unsecdñng pleasure chac makes him feel as if of che vagina, hers will come co fun.ccion as
he is being boch rnelced and digesred. Ghouls' a second mouch wich which co pleasure her
mourhs are analogous to che vaginas of orher lover's penis.
monscers. TI1e wer and warm apercure rhrobs True to che ghoul's. old flesh-earing repura-
along che man's sex. Shífting flexíbly and scim- cion, when a ghoul smells che fresh corpse of
ulacing che man in all manner of ways, che a recen el y bu ried human woman, she digs ic
mourh of a ghoul ís an inscrumenc perfeccly up and revives ic wich mana. TI1e woman will
adapced for che succion of essence. When che be reborn as a ghoul, !Ín body and soul a flesh-
man's essence floods forch, che ghoul swaliows eacer. Born hungry, sh.e is unlikely co be able co
loudly, downing every drop. thitlk of anyching bu e filling her mouci1 wich
Ghouls have an oral fixacion; chey feel un- male genicals and moiscening her parched
comforrable when cheir mouchs are empcy. chroac wich cheir semen.
TI1Us, a ghoul will close h er mouci1 over che
member of a man she likes whenever given
a chance. Ghouls also like to lick and mouch
ocher body pares of men, such as cheir fingers,
earlobes, and roes, even when noc engaged in
sexual congress. A digescive chemical in cheir
saliva scimulaces che man's skin so chac ic feels
as vulnerable co scimulacion as his sex foras
long as ir is in che ghoul's mouch. This aUows
cl1e man to be assau leed wich fierce pleasu tre no
maccer where she has focused her accencion.
Ghouls are likely co lighdy bite cheir lover
when he is in chis srace; che ridges of her ceecl1
send an orgasmic bolc chrough hís body. Biring
is che ghoul's ulcimace expression of !ove. Once
she has !efe her mark on che man's flesh, she


FAMILY: Ohost • TYPE: Undead

Habitat: Graveyards, human settlements,

decaying buildings, etc.
Nature: Simple, lustful
Diet: The essence of human men

rns lose her body to deach while her spiric
has been recained and monscerized by mana.
she has absorbed enough essence co complete
a body, he is likely ro 6nd his head fi lled with
her lascivious beaury, rhinking of and. desiring
Ac birch, ghoscs lack su flicienc mana to form norhing bue her. le is ac chis rnomenc rhac che
a body and are unable to make physical con- newly ernbodied ghosc appears before him
cace wich objeccs. They preserve cheir human fully aroused. The man has waiced so long for
memories, bue as cheir form is predominancly her rouch chac he gladly copulares wirh her
composed of monscer mana, chey are far more and supplies her with plency of essence.
luscfu I chan they were wben ali ve, almo se al- If a man plagued by chese fancasies suc-
ways in a daze, fantasizing about che sexual cumbs to rheir rhrill and seduccion. and re-
escapades chey expece in cheir fu cure. In or- leases his essence chrough mascurbacion, che
der co realize these fancasies, chey haunc ar- ghosc cakes ic for her own and macerializes
eas such as graveyards in search of prey from then and chere. Aroused co che heighcs of
which chey can acquire che essence chey need carnal ecscasy by her lfirsc casce of essence, she
co forma body. copulares wich him wildJy, noc only recreacing
A newly born, and chus bodiless, ghosc her fancasies, bue exceeding chem. Such rap-
cannoc couch a human directly. Inscead, when cure inspires her co rancasize wich yec greater
she finds a human man to prey upon, she abandon, and cheir büss grows wilder still.
hauncs him and absorbs his essence licde by A ghosc can also haunc a woman and puc
liccle by forcing him to share her choughrs, fancasies inco her head rhac cause her ro find
projecring her fancasies into his mind. Her and assaulc a humru1 man. When che haunced
obscene choughrs trouble him. By che time woman chus copulares wich him, che ghosc
herself will receive his essence.
,..,---:..-=--=--=--=--=-----:_-_...-_-_---:;;_.:_r::'_\_-~::::'- There is a saying chac ghoscs recurn co
1 heave n when cheir unfinished business is re-
solved, bue in facc, cheir unfinished business is

1 usually co have incercourse wich men chey like.

As su,ch, che more chey realize cheir sensual
dreams, che more chey wish for incercourse.
Thus, ic is noc possible co verify chis hypoch-
esis, because no ghosc has been observed re-
curning to heaven.

"F' I'll pur my hands on che desk and grip

1rst, d I'll
it hard, jusc like I wanc hi m to ho! me.
show hjm my ass, and I jusr know he Utak.e out
his cock and srick it in my...ohhhh!"Truly, the
fanrasies of ghoscs know no bounds.
FAMILY: Oolem • TYPE: Undead

Habitat: Graveyards
Nature: Simple, lacking in emotional
Diet: The essence of human men

T HE SKELETON IS A SET 01' HUMAN chac essence is appecizing, chac sbe wams more
J bones reanimaced by monscer mana. and chus muse find anocher man and fornicare
Skelecons appear undead,. bue scholars are di- wich him. Wich every coupling, che concepcs
vided regarding cheir proper dassificacion. One of"pleasure" and "rapcure" cake on increasing
cheory holds chac d1ey are a rype of golem made significance co her, u11cil she is fu lly aware of
of bones, as che mana wichin chem generaces a her desire for incercourse and seeks bliss noc
cemporary body. Anocher rheory holds char chey by inscincc, bue of her: own choice. The move-
are simply a colleccion of bones possessed by a menc of her hips and che gasps chac escape her
ghosc. Like orher undead monscers, che skelecon mouch cake on che luscer of one who uccerly
retains memories and thoughcs from life bue is appreciaces che finer aspects of pleasure.
lacking in cognirive faculcy and self-awareness Perhaps because che skelecon is composed
and frequencly behaves in :a dreamy fashion. of bones and a cemporary body, she J1as liccle
When hungry, a skelecon follows her in- power and can be demolished wich a scrong
scinccs and wanders abouc in search of che blow. Srill, she remains croublesome because
essence she needs co maincain her cemporary she will reform no maccer how man y rimes she
body. When she spocs a human man, her in- is demolished and concinue co chase down her
scincc as a monscer rises from her clouded prey indefinicely. However, once she is fu ll of
choughcs, celling her whac she should do nexc. essence, her cognicion and self-awareness-
Obeying che voice in her head, she accacks bom of copulacion-will be saced by copula-
him, mou ncs him, and moves her daccering rion, and she will once more drifc oíf inco a
form, wairing for che release of bis essence. drean,y scace. She is lefc only wich che feeling
When ir spaccers up into her bones, she chac sl1e wancs to remain wich che man who
seores up che mana. As a resulc, sorne of her pumped her full of bis essence. Reports say
cognicive faculcies and self-awareness are re- chac sl1e will chen yield her choughcs to him
scored; ic dawns on her chac sex feels good, and follow his command.
Ir is noc rypical for undead monscers, such as

1 zombies, co be born from che corpses of men¡

however, perhaps because skeletons do noc
have bodies reanimaced by mana bucfonned by
mana, chere have been cases of skelecons rising
from che bones of men. When chis occurs, che
body formed is fema:le. Though che monster
recains her memories and choughcs from life,
chey cend co be skewed. For example: she may
believe chac she was originally a woman, or chac
her bese friend in life was her lover.
A cechnique called necromancy exiscs for
manipulating che dead, bm ir is highly dan-
\ gerous to use ir in che presence of powerful
1 monscers, in places full of mana such as dun-
geons, or in che monster realm. As soon as one

Every pare of a skeleco n besides her bo_ncs

is plianc and satisfying ro men. Each n n~e
a man's essence soaks into her body, che1r
l accempcs to use necromancy on human bones,
mana may flow into chem and curn ch e bones
inco a monscer. 11rns, a necromancer may be
overmn by hungry, freshly born skelecons.

coupling grows ever more luscious. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA 167

FAMILY: Centaur • TYPE: Beastma11

Habitat: Unknown
Nature: Timid, weak-willed,
and l1.11stful
Diet: The essence of human men

cenraur (p. 74),has che upper body of a hu-
man and rhe lower body of a horse. Nighrmares
ness of onés vulnerability bccomes apparenc.
Nightmares come to men while chey are asleep,
so che man muse merely precend ro slumber. The
have powerful magic ancl! che unique skill co nightmare wil l come to encer his dream, unaware
infilcrare che dreams of humans as rhey sleep. he is awake, and then he can capture her.
They do noc live in a specific habicac and are ex- A captive nightmare in che wak:ing world is
cremely ,are co encouncer in rhe waking world. quice differenc from che one in his dream-cower-
While nighcmarcs belong ro che cenraur fam- ing, weak-willed, and rimid instead of sel.f-assured, chey fecd on che essence ofhuman men, much and domineering. She js likely to freeze: in shock
as succubi (p. 10) do. When a nighcmare sees ac having been seized by che man she choughc was
an accraccive man, she appears in his dreams as asleep and in embarrassmenc at having been phys-
a volupruous and scrong-willed beaucy to seduce ically couched by che man she lovcs. In dr,eams, she
him. In hís dream, she pounds his sex inco her plays the pare of her ideal, feminine self so as to
wich confidence, granring him supreme pleasure, copulare wich men. Bue che capcured nighcmare
choroughly wringing him of essence. Then, in cannot suscain thac personalicy in real life and
stark centrase to che dazed ccsrasy on che: face is instcad docile and hardly resistanc to capture.
of che spem man dreaming becween her rhighs, Afrer :ali, she is wich clhe object of her :affeccion,
che semen-spacrered face of che nighcmare in rhe and ch is makes ic easy co domescicace her.
waking world wears a bewicching smile. The man Despice che diffcrence bccween che nighcrnarc's
ejaculaced once her face when he reached orgasm dream. and wak:ing idencicies, che man's body will
wich rhe nighcmare in his dream; che nighcmare scill cake in much ofher mana and knows ic well.
of rhe waki:ng world licks her lips and swallows his Only she can arouse him now, and he will shiver
seed. After such a dream, d1e nighcmare is likely with d esirc for her. Her nightly torrent of plea-
ro visic him again and again for sex and his seed. sure has caken possession ofhim, and he is Likely
ro couple wich her so chac his nocturnal roucine

le is easy co capture a nighcmare once aware-
remains unbroken.
Copulation with tl1e nightmare in waking re-
alicy, of course, differs entirely from tl1at in his
dreams. The movemenc of her hips is cerribly
l awkward, her rhychm broken, cossed by che man's
ench usiascic chruscing. She rries desperarely
ro dra w his sex deeper wichin her, cears form-
ing in her eyes, an ecscacic expression upen her
facc. She looks defi.led inside and out, ravished
wholly by his excicemenc. Afrer chey fi:nish, she
licks up every drop of semen and swca[ tl1ac she
can reach-from his skin and from her own-
like a bicch unable co bear her hunger. Wich each
mouchfu l her face spasms wich delighc.
'TI1ough chere is a stark difference becween
her waking and dream ing sel ves, che 11 ightmare
is srill a monscer, in sleep or realicy, and possesses

The above is an example of how a nighcmare

may look in a dream. Toe volupcuous_figure
an inexorable enchanrmenc. Thus, she will likely
concin ue to grant her man che finest of pleasu res,
as she did in his drea1111s, and make him hers.
and come-hither exprcssion exemphfy che
nighcmare's conndence chac she can _cake
whoever she desires, whenever she des1res. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA
FAMILY: Ohost • TYPE: Undead

IDabitat: The monster realm and

human settlements, etc.
Nature: Various, but fundament-
ally timid
IDiet: The essence oí human

born from monscer mana bound ro the
negacive emocions of chose suffering from
her ca refully, he will find her. Her true form
is a far cry from his ideal lo ver: a small, plai n
woman ali in black. Because she knows chac
unrequiced !ove. Doppelgangers are lured out che one che man !oves is someone else whose
of hiding by che negacive emocions of hu man form she has borrowed and noc herself, she is
men who have been spurned by che women cerrified chac che man will hace her once he
chey've falien for. knows who she really is. However, if che man
Doppelgangers are noc fixed in form, cruly loves che doppelganger and noc his un-
bue racher make chemsdves in che image of requited !ove whose fonn she has caken, the
women as chey appear in che minds of che men doppelganger may lose her abiliry to crans-
chey are loved by. More specifically, a doppel- form complerely, as she cannoc cransform inco
ganger ap¡proaches a man in che form of che someching she already is.
woman whom he has loved and been rejecced Somecimes, che man miscakenly only be-
by. The doppelganger is capable of rea.ding lieves thac his love is unrequiced. fo such
and caking on noc only her appearance, bue cases, if che woman be !oves cacches sighc of
her personalicy, memories, and abilicies, coo. che doppelganger who has caken her form, she
However, her transformacion is adjusted ac- will be linked by 111011:srer mana to che doppel-
cording to che man's memories and ideals, so ganger. Their choughcs, feelings, and memo-
chac if che woman he !oves and remembers ríes merge; when che doppelganger copulares
created him as kindly as a holy mocher, bue in wich the man, che memory and pleasure of
actualicy was black-hearted and despised him cheir couplings flow direcdy to che woman. As
deeply, che doppelganger becomes che kind che doppelganger comes to love and carnally
woman che man sees, genuinely wann and desire che man yec more deeply, che woman's
pure of hearc. Furchermore, as che doppel- !ove and lusc swell correspondingly. As che
ganger herself bears affeccion for che man, she doppelganger's form is noc scriccly of che
is cruly che embodimenc of che impossible: an woman, bue racher che man's idealization of
unrequiced !ove chac is no longer unrequ iced. her, c!,e woman shifrs in nacure co approach
In chis guise, she seduces che man and obcains che man's ideal. Evencually, ic comes to be
his essence. Mosc viccims are unable co wich- chac che woman and che doppelganger are
scand chis cempcacion and willingly give cheir one and che same, a single monscer and her
essence co che doppelganger in sexual imer- shadow making !ove co cheir cherish ed man.
cou rse. Thereafter, che doppelganger is said The woman, now a monscer, goes to che man
co scay by che man's side in che form olf his to be filled wich his essence; cogecher wich her
ideal lover, grancing him love and pleasure for now-indiscinguishable ocher self, she copu-
as long as he concinues ro love her. lares wich him, grancing him double che !ove
A doppelganger conscancly disguises herself and double che pleasure.
and does noc display her crue form. However,
on moonless nighcs, she loses her magic and
her cransformed body. Terrified thac her llover
will find her out, she hides herself on such
nighrs so chac he will noc discover her secrec.
Despice chis, she loves che man so over-
whelmingly chac she can hardly bear ro be
away from him for even one nighc. She hides
where she can see che man, and if he looks for


FAMILY: Dullahan • TYPE: Vndead

Habitat: The monster realm

Nature: Strong-willed, stubbom,
and calm; sometimes honest
and lustful
Diet: The essence of human men
nonscer realm. DuUahans have a queer
appearance, wich separare heads and bodies
puc cheir own desires over cheir ducies and
acc !irse and foremosr co capture and copu lace
wich a man. One can imagine che anguish of
chac have eamed them che nickname of che dullal1ans as knighcs who are serious and loyal
"headless horsewomen:' They are che proud co cheir ducies.
elice of che Overlord's knighchood, sceadfasc
in loyalcy and skilled in che ares of baccle. TI1e
dullahan illuscraced is carrying her head in
her lefc ann, chough when chey appear before
humans, they cypically have cheir heads on
cheir bodies and are nor readily idencifiable as
TI1ough chey feed on essence, chey are very
racional and do noc accack men aggressively
as ocher monscers do. They score che essence
chey have coUecced in cheir corsos and use
cheir heads as a lid to prevenc che mana from
spilling ou c. TI1is allows ch em cooperare wich
a minimum amounc of che scored energy.
However, ic is nor difficulr for a dullah an's
head ro fall off. When chis occu rs, che essence
she has accumulared spills out, as do che
many orher chings she has bocrled up wichin
her- emocion, cruch, and desire, among ocher
chings. As a resulc, chough wich her head she
is scrong-willed and racional, wichouc ic she
changes complecely, clinging ceaselessly co
a man, ceasing him for incercourse. Though
usually hidden, chis is her rru e nacu re as a
When in baccle wich a dullaha.n, ic is possi-
ble to exploit che inscability of her head ro end
che confücc wich a decapicacion. Toe disad:van-
cage is rhac her essence will spill out, heighcen-
ing her hunger and leading her to consummace
che viccor's win wich sex.
Dullahans are also known co appear seem-
ingly from nowhere co abducc che men of cheir
fancy. However, for some reason, rhey norify
cheir viccim of che dace and rime of che ab-
ducrion. Despire chis, no one has managed co
evade a dullahan once she has ser her mind
on a mace.
While dullahans are che core of che
Overlord's Army, mosc of che ocher knigh cs


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Undead

Habitat: The monster realm

Nature: Strong-willed, haughty,
and sttubborn
The blood of human men

residenc of che monscer realm. Vampires
possess borh powerful 1111agic and fanrasric
as a lover. The vampiires also cease co concain
che uirges char arise while feeding on blood
and chus proceed co copula ce as rhei r desires
screngch chac seem ac odds wich rheir form, diccare. As chey are succubi, chey are equally
and only show rhemselves ac nighc, hunting capabie of absorbing essence through copula-
prey undeir che cover of darleness. They are ex- rion. No marrer how ofcen a vampire may have
cremely proud, viewing chemselves as noble, suppr,essed rhe urge to fornicare in che pase,
and regard humans concempruously, seeing once she has experienced sex, she becomes
chern as inferior beings. capcivared by che savor of semen and che fierce,
Lilee ocher rnonscers in che succubus family, monscrous pleasure char is her natural righc.
vampires feed on che essence of huma11 men, Vampires are lenown co accacle human
bue racher chan obcaining ir chrough sexual women on rare occasion, cl1ough noc for sus-
incercourse as succubi do, they acquire iit by renance; inscead, chey do so co curn a human
pressing cheir fangs inco che necks of men and woman inro one of rheir own leü1d. Only
sucking cheir blood. A small amounc of mana che noblesc of women are considered ro be
is injecced inco che man in chis process so chac, worrhy. Once a vampire has decided on a
as his blood is sucleed, he does noc expericnce human woman, rhe vampire will rhen suele
pain bue pleasure-a sensacion chac is shared her blood and fill her wich mana co begin her
by che vampire. To chem, che blood of hu man cransformacion.
men is borh a luscious delicacy and a mad- Vampires are exrremely adepr ar combar,
dening aphrodisiac. Afcer parcaking of a man's bue also have a greac number of wealenesses.
blood, a vampire will be powerfully drawn to Exposure to sunlighc reduces cheir physical
him sexually. However, vampires consider cop- abiliry co chac of a rypical human woman. Mere
ularion wirh humans a loachsome acc, so mosc conracr wirh fresh water sends a nu mbing bolr
suppress che urge co couple wich chem. of pleasure chrough cheir bodies. A small whiff
When a vampire linds a man who 1neecs of garlic causes cheir reason ro cloud and cheir
her casces, she brings him inco her domicile as thoughcs to become disordered-a rasce of
a servanc and food source. Despice her scorn garlic will exringuish cheir reason alcogerher
for humans, che magic of che Overlord causes and cause chem co grasp wildly for pleasure
a powerfuu affeccion co well up in her as che like che succubus proper (p. 10).
man serves her, and her body rhrobs unbear-
ably whenever she sees him. As a monscer, she
has no choice bue co evemually give in co her
need and draw him co her. Meanwhile, every
rime she sueles his blood, her mana flows into
him and, over time, euros che man inco an
incubus (p. 15). Once he has compleced his
cransform:arion, che vampire will crear him as
a noble like herself.
When che man is no longer one of che "hu-
mans" she so despises, che vampire's acrirude
changes abrupcly. Ic depends on che individ-
ual, bue some say chac che re are vampires who
become quice affeccionace afcer such a long
srrerch of suppressed feeling and rreac him


FAMI LY: lmp • TVPE: Fie11d

Habitat: The monster realm

Nature: Simple, selfish
Diet: The essence of human men

fiend rhac lives in che monscer realm. In
recenc years, owing to ch e influence of che
power will build, and che concracc will weaken
in force as she ro heed his commands.
TI1is can lead ro a reversa! of che conrracc, in
Overlord, imps have come co resemble che which che imp becomes che master and che
succubus in Lifescyle, feeding on che essence man rhe familiar. The man will be una.ble ro
of hu man men. Despice cheir size and decep- defy his master as she makes lascivious re-
rively guileless characcer, imps are quite lusc- quescs, encangling him in an infinice spiral of
fol. Their simplicicy leads chem co be true to essence-spilling and imercou rse.
cheir feelings and desires; they have no qualms Imps are noc parcicularly scrong on rheir
abouc acracking human mcn co arcain pleasure. own, bur on occasion, one will become whac
Imps ofren operare in g·roups. When 0111e of is called an arch-imp chrough magical re-
chese groups spors a human man, ic swarms serves. An arch-imp is jusc as simple a.nd small
him, each imp scrambling ro be che firsr pene- asan imp in choughr and appearance yer pos-
rraced. Togecher chey wring che helpless man sesses exrraordinary libido and magic. Their
of his essence. seducrive magic is even more powerfol chan
Being lower-order fiends and simple in dis- chac of a succubus, and cheir prowess in pleas-
posirion, rhey are quite easy ro manipulare and ing men makes chem formidable foes. When
have been used as familiars by magicians and a man who has become an imp's familiar con-
wicches since rimes of old. A male magician cinues ro give her essence, ic evencually leads co
can easily forma concracc ro employ an imp h er bccoming an arch-imp, which makes her
by periodically feeding her essence. However, man ali che more helpless ro her whims.
if he gives her roo much cssence, her magical

Toe imp may be small, but h er min~ an~

body are fiendish. Her lewd whe_edlmg is
soon followed by che shift of her h1ps as_ she
aligns hi,rself over che m an's member, Smk-
ing on ro ir w ith force worthy of a succubus.
FAMILY: Slime • TYPE: Semisolid Life Fo,m

Habitat: The plains of the

monster realm, etc.
Nature: Lustful, simple
Diet: The semen, sweat, and
saliva of human men

T HE DARK SLIM .E IS A HIGHER-ORDER bodies. Dark slimes do noc accack human men
J ~arianc of che slime (p.18) due ro a greacer merely for food, bue also co savor and delighc
accumulacion of magical power. Dark slimes in che ecscasy of pleasure. They also resemble
live chroughouc che monscer realm. Their pur- succulbi in rheir words and gesrures, which are
ple bodies have a sphere called a slime core ac consciously lewd and invicing.
cheir cencers chac allows chem co implemenc The sexual calencs of dark slimes also go be-
much higher-level rhoughc and magic chan che yond che mere inscincóve squeezing of essence
common slime. exhibí.red by much of monsterkind. Their mal-
When a dark slime discovers a man, she leable bodies are dexcerous and grane ali man-
srrikes aggressively and enrangles him in ner of pleasure to che man in order to heighcen
her chick, plianc body to consrricr bis move- che blissful gracificacion of cheir union. The
menc. She chen excraccs his semen and ocher man is likely to find his mind loosened more
bodily fluids in a manner resembling sexual easily by pleasure chan wich a cypical slime.
intercourse. Her aggression and violence are Like slimes, dark slimes can mu[ciply by
far beyond char of che slime and make her a division. They can also cransform human
much more dangerous monscer. One should women inco fellow dark slimes. Upon seeing
also cake heed of her accumulaced mana, as a woman, a dark slime attacks and engulfs her
she uses ic for magical seduccion. using ali of her body. The woman finds her en-
While cypical slimes accack men due ro cirery subjecred ro a roncinuous melcing bliss;
hunger or !use, dark slirnes acc more in ac- che concencs of her nnind become colored by
cord wich cheir succubus-like characrer, due che single bue of pleasure. Once che woman's
co cheir superior cognicive faculcies and che consciousness has been fully dissolve.d in sex-
succubus mana chac flows chroughouc [heir ual joy, ic coalesces inco a new slime core. The
slime core produced in chis fashion forms a
new body based on chac of che former human
and is reborn as a new dark slime. The former
human woman retains knowledge and mem-
ories from her previous life, bue che pleasure
given to her by che firsr dark slime has already
liquefied her mind and body incoan amor-
phous goo well beficcing a slime, which seeks
only luscious male essence and che junccion of
violen ce and pleasu re.
TI1e dark slime's weak poinc is her slime
core. le is exrremely sensirive to externa! scim-
ulaóon. Jusc a rouch is apparencly sufficienc to
rende1· her immobile wich delighc.

11,e slime core is che dark slime's w~ak poi ne,

bue also h er mosc ero tically graofying. She is
liktly to ¡,ress che sex of the man she loves
inro it of her own accord.
FAMI LY: Fly • TYPE : Arthropod

Nature: Violent, selfish, and lustful

Diet: Omnivorous (eats anything,
but prefers the semen, sweat,
and saliva of human lillen)
known as che "lord of che Aies:• Small in
body, bue vasc in magical power, beelzebubs
While che beelzebub is, indeed, glucconous,
she is also a symbol of plency. A man. fuvored
by a beelzebub will fiind rhac no maccer how
use cheir wings co fly rapidly chrough che air. much food she cakes from him, furcher food
Anocher name chey are called is che "lord of and riches will presenc chemselves; similarly,
gluccony," due co cheir immense greed for food no maccer how much of his essence she de-
and carnal grarificacion. They are inclined to spoils him of, yer grearer porency and drive
impose chemselves sexually upon human men will be his, chus aUowing him ro bequearh her
a.e che sligbcesc provocacio11, making chem very wicli essence unending.
dangerous. Beelzebubs are ro che extreme. When
While chey will eac anyching edible, chey chey wanc ro eac, rhey ear, and when chey wanc
prefer che sweac, saliva, and semen of human sex, rhey fornicare. Her viccim may objecr ali
men- delicacies chac reign above all else. he likes, bue che beelzebub will heed him not
Shou Id a beelzebub see a man befo re her, she in che slighcesr as she presses him clown righc
will lick all che sweac from his body, inserc her chen and rhere co delighc in his body and seed.
congue inro his mouch for his saliva, suck upon To avoid being assaulced by a beelzebub, ic
his member, and swallow die essence he spews is bese co keep near and clean, for beelzebubs
forrh-all wich a crance-like expression upon are drawn ro che smell of food scraps and hu-
her face. These lords of gluccony are never sac- man swear. The mosc rank and unpleasant of
isfied wirh jusr a single exchange; inscead, rhey aromas smell like a fine feasr co a beelzebub,
will buzz abour artraccive men and copulare srimulacing her brain and necher regions and
wich chern as frequencly as possible. filling her wich simmering desire.

A beelzebub is entranced by che da1:k odor

of a man; the smell of his essence excites her
appetires so unbcacably chnt she wlll go rgc
011 his membcr wichour end.
FAMI LY: Baphomet • TYPE: Monstrosity

Habitat: The monster realm

Nature: Aggressive
Diet: Omnivorous (favors the
flesh of beasts and the
essence of human men)
T HE BAPHOMET IS A MONSTROSITY THAT more l.ichesome by cheir power and will never
J iurks in che monscer rea lm and has vasc lose cheir beaucy. Regular gacherings are held
power. Despice che pecice scacure ofbaphom- for che subordinare wicches and cheir male
ecs, che force chey possess is che pinnacle of familiars. These congregacions are called che
power among monscers. The baphomers h ead Black Masses (p. 187) and are comprised of a
che Sabbac (p. 186), an organizacion of her- feasc of pleasure, held to reaffirm che doctrine
ecics wich auchoricy over hordes of wicches of che Sabbac.
(p. 184). A baphomec is apparencly che su- Mosc baphomecs are believed co reside in
preme commander of che Overlord's Army, che m.onscer realm and are chus rarely seen.
feared by humans and monscers alike. However, sighcings do occur 011 rare occasions.
The Sabbac, which che baphomecs com- Upon encouncering a baphomec, ic is unwise
mand, pu es forch che doctrine of leaming co accempc co defeac ic. Any ordinary human
che "perverse allure of diminucive monscers'' will be overwhelmed, violaced, and bapcized
and living "true to che pleasure chac makes in che ways of che Sabbac. Baphomers are de-
us monscers." To win over convercs, chey se- cepcively diminucive in size and, eme co che
duce human females wich. promises of ete rnal Sabbac's ceachings, bu rsc wich che ali u re of
loveliness and magical power. Those who are which chey sing. Moreover, she will sully her
beguiled by cheir seduction are soon filled preccy innocence wich cechniques as devascat-
wich monscrous pleasure by che hands of che ing as chac of a succubus-if noc more.
baphomets and wicches. 1l1e baphomet mana The vagina of che baphomec is renowned
given to them cakes rooc and cransforms chem as che finesc vessel arnong monscers. A man
inco witches under che baphomecs' guidance. joined wich her is likely co find himself over-
Convercs from ocher monscer races are made come by che power of ics succion and cighc-
ness, as if rheir bodies iodeed were becorning
one, as if everyrning wirhin him were being
sucked inco her. Even brief incercourse wich a
baphomer will ceach him che allu re of perverse
beaucy as bis body and soul are reformed so
chat he can never again desire anyching bue her
monscrous charm.
Like ocher higher-order monscers, baphom-
ecs seek che bese of menas cheir husbands. For
chis reason, rney release mosc men afcer having
cheir way wich chem. However, rnefr viccims
are ofren incoxicaced by che baphomenc's ap-
peal and follow chem from che human realm.
In mosc cases, che only man a baphomec will
accepc as her husband is one who displays che
screngch to defeac her. 1l1e prevaili11g incer-
precation is chat she seeks a lover who is so
scrong and kind chac even a baphomec, wich
1her vasc power, can crusc him ro indulge her
Toe baphomec is famed co possess ch~ fin- every weakness. This incerprecacion h as yec co
ese vessel among monscers. Upon cascmg a 1be verified.
baphomec, a man will forever afrer be con•
sumed by desire for perverse beauty.


FAMILY: Majin • TYPE: Mage

Habitat: Various, including forests,

human settlements, and
the monster realm
Nature: Various
Diet: Typical human diet and the
essence of human men
T HE WITCH IS A TYJ>E OF MAJIN THAT, pleasure of che baphomecs, and chey carry ou.c
J despice her small scacure, commands an che Sabbac's commandmenc to "live cru.e to che
array of magical ares. Wicches originare as hu- p leasure chac makes us monsters" by conjoin-
man women who fall for che seducrive prom- ing their bodies wich men in che debauchery
ises of rhe baphomer (p. 182), such as eternal chey !ove above ali else. Such inceraccions may
loveliness and magical power, and accepc che also be called for ro obrain che essence rhey
baphomer's inAuence ro become monsrers. As need ro replenish and reinforce rhefr mana.
one mighr expecc, considering rheir origins, ic When a wirch sees a man she líkes, she is ükely
is common for rhem to lhide amidsc hu man ro approach him ro achieve chis rhrough sexual
sociecy. Despire che monsrerizacion rhey have inrercourse.
undergone, wicches are unusually human When a wirch likes a human man, she
in cemperamenc. Nonecheless, wicches are reaches his body ali abour her monscrous al-
immersed in che ceachings of che hererical lure,jusc as che Sabba c commands, and granes
organizarion led by baplhomers, che Sabbar him ch e wondrous pleasure of her u.ndimin-
(p. 186), and acc accordingly, ofcen undercak- ishing beaucy. Then a pace of master and
ing bizarre magical experimenrs, proselycizing servan e is formed whereby he becomes her fa-
che Sabbat, capcuring human men, and so on. miliar and lover. Once a wirch has a lover, she
Upholding che Sabbac doctrine, w.hich will cbink of norhing bue him, and will spend
exrols che "perverse allure of diminucive day afrer day in his arms.
monsrers," ali wirches appear as perite bue Periodically, wirches garher before che
ulrimacely monsrrous crearures. Wirches are baphomers ro hold a ceremony known as che
also faichful in borh cheir words and man- Black Mass (p. 187). This is an opporcunicy co
ners. AH have been baprized in che monscrous display new familiars, and to carefully educare
and crain chose who are nor yec fully sceeped
in che doctrine of che Sabbac, such as women
incere·sced in becoming wicches, as well as
ocher huma.ns summoned from sociery ro che
gachering. The Mass unveils a of pleasure
in wh ich che loving wirches and cheir loyal fa-
miliars copulare to reaffirm rhe perven-se allure
of diminurive monsrers.
Wi eches are well known ro be among che
mosc magicaUy powerfol of monscers. They
are engaged in research wich che baphomers
co develop new magical ares and tools. While
rhey are, of course, skilled in a.crack spells, ir is
said rhey devore almos e ali rheir mana. co spells
of seduccion and various rechniques ro make
cheir Lives wirh rheir lovers more pleasurable.

T ho ugh wi rches mo unt b rooms co soar

th rough che skies,_it is l ik~ly chat rhey spend
more rime mountmg the1r lovP-rs.




of values chac diífers. markedly from
chac of humans. Operaced by che baphom-
for che purpose of experimental developmenc
of new magical maneuvers, pocions, ere., yec
unfeccered baphomec leadership subsequencly
ecs (p. 182), chose champions of che monscer led ro che Sabbac as ir exjsrs coday.
rea lm who hold supreme c,ommand of che The Magic Corps of che Overlord's Army
Overlord's Army, che Sabbac is a religiou1s is che central node of control for che many lo-
organization chac pu es che unique val u es of cal sabbacs scaccered all over che world, each
monscers inco praccice. le preaches che dogma ruled by a baphomec. Each sabbac has ics own
of che "supremacy of diminucive monscers;' u11iform, ali unique apare from che em.blem
excolling che wonders of incercourse wich of che Sabbac, which is always emblazoned
cure litcle monscers, and demonscracing such on che ch.ese. Uniforrns aire carefully designed
wonders day and nighc. This neacise pu rporcs to be boch charming and lascivious, ro encice
co provide an incroduccion co che scace of che che wearer's lover. Some uniforms sporc goac
Sabbac in che monscer realm coday, based on morifs, as in che case of che wicch illusrraced
macerials pro·vided by che Sa.bbac's headquar- in chis book, while ochers feanire A.uffy puppy
cers in che monscer realm. mocifs, as a resulc of che ruling baphomec's
inordinace aífeccion for dogs. The uniform is
nor mandarory, and members are permicced
l. Ali About the Sabbat ro proselycize and gachet: in privare arci re, bue
The doccrine of che Sabbac is based on cwo ir is recommended chac chey selecc gannencs
principies: to cry ouc che "perverse allu re of char accemuace che allure of cheir bodies, so
diminucive monscers" and co be "crue co che chac cheir lovers will embrace chem wich luscy
pleasure char makes us monscers." les mem- abandon.
bers apply cheir unbearably enthralling bodies
co consummace cheir desires freely and ceach
human men che wonders of cheir spry, wanco11
2. Companionship in the Sabbat
A.esh. Under che power of che greac baphome e, Ali new converts undergo che Rice of Spring
who leads chem all, che baphomecs and cheir (p. 188), adminiscered by che baphomecs.
srewards, che wirches (p.184), carnally assaulc This rite makes chem perite in form. Most of
human men nighc and <lay. TI1ey spread cheir chese converced members of che Sabbac are
word and hold regular garberings, develop fonner human fema les who cook che mana of
magical ares and cools, and co11ducc ali manner baphomecs inco cheir bodies and cransforrned
of accivicies in order to increase che number of inco monscers. These wicches, also known as
lovers who feasr upon cheir succulence. scewards of che baphomecs, are intoxicaced
1he Sabbac is a massive organizacion. les by che baphomecs, immersed in cheir ceach-
headquarcers in che monsrer realm is archi- ings, and may be as central as their mencors
ceccurally inspired by che Overlord's Cascle, ro che fulfillmenc of che Sabbac's objeccives.
and is concrolled by che baphomec who is Aside from rbe wicches, many members of
supreme commander of che Overlord's Army. ocher monscer races also lbelong to che Sabbar.
The official name of che Sabbac's monscer Monscers join for man y diíferenc rea:sons:
realm headquarcers is che "Magic Corps of to seek more effecrive means of seduccion;
che Overlord's Army." le was firsc organized co explore che fu 11, pleasu rabie potencial of
cheir bodies; and co scudy and underscand
che whims and wiles of che pleasured and che 3. The Meny Black Mass
pleasurable. Ochers scill are seduced inco che Of ali che acciviries held by che Sabbac, che
Sabbac, somecimes by drngs or simply by sex. foremosr is che periodically held Black Mass.
Recencly, che Sabbac has collabor.aced During chis gachering, che Sabbar members
closely wich che land of sprires (p. 96), and firsc garh er wich che humans chey have in-
wirh che dwarves (p. 102), in an exchange of vired rn rhe Mass, ro educare and discipline
cechnology and knowledge. Many of rhese chem in che Sabbac's philosophy via pleasure.
monscers are morivaced co cooperace wich che Through chis rirnal, believers selecc lovers,
Sabbar by a desire by learn how ro use cheir and women become wirches. 1hen, afrer the
bodies in order co bese please men. invicees are inducced, members can exhibi r
One muse noc forgec !Che male adherencs new cechniques rhey have developed for meir
who, along wich che wicches, form che core of sinful bodies so asco become more cicillacing,
che Sabbar. Among chese men are rhose who or magical irems ro enh ance any and every sorr
were always accracred co diminucive mon- of sexual encouncer. Afrer che exhibicion, me
scers from che beginning, as weU as chose who monscers of che Sabbac are given d1e opporru-
came co be enchralled by rchem afrer being as- nicy to cry out and enjoy che new rechniques
saulred and now wish ro devore rhemselves ro and irems wich cheir own parrners.
che worship of monscrous flesh by way of che Having chus warmed up, che monsrers are
Sabbac. Mosc of chese men are immersed in ac lasr prepared ro begin che feasc of pleasure.
che ceachings of d1e Sabbac, inroxicared wid1 TI1roughour che venue of me Black Mass,
che baphomers a.nd cheir delicare, lusry bodies. surrounded by che procecrion and power of
Mosc of mese menare depraved, and ch ose who ilie baphomecs, che monsrers of che Sabbar re-
are nor will be soon enough, once chey l1ave lease rhemselves fully ro luxuriare in ch e carnal
compleced even a lircle service co che Sabbac. delighcs of cheir lovers. Because che simulca-
TI1e monsrers of che Sabbac love d1eir lov- neous copu lacion of che baphomecs and mul-
ers above ali else. TI1ey relish che cime rhey titudes of ocher monscers fills che area wirh a
spend in his arms, wa11ting and being wanced, dense deposit of mon.srer mana, rhe monscers
violacing a nd being violared. Mosc of al i, rhey become even more recepcive ro che heacof rut-
!ove che suecch of rheir cighc vagina as Eheir cing. As a resulr, mey copulare more hocly and
lover's rock-hard phallus swells inside chem. keenly wich d1eir lovers chan usual.
TI1e goal of a rypical monsrer in che Sabbar is TI1is feasr serves man y pu rposes: ir gives
co find a lover of her very own and live wich monscers che opporcuniry co show off che
hi mas lovers and spouses., rollicking day afcer degradacion of cheir capcivacing bodies, co
day in a haze of carnal de¡praviry. reaffirm che wonders of ageless Aesh, and to
Toe Sabbac is highly regarded among che demonscrare che manner in which cheir accen-
morhers of monscers. le is a joy co che girls' cive lovers violare chem. In general, chis gives
parencs co know chac cheir daughrers are learn- che monscers che chm1ce ro show rheir lovers
ing co noc be as hamed of cheir monsc-rous off.1he feasr conrinues until dawn, by which
selves, and to be confidenc in rheir bodies, time che monsters begin to fall asleep from ex-
no marrer cheir shape or size. These mochers haustion, bodies dripping inside and our wim
hope rhac, when cheir girlis grow up, chey will che semen of rheir beloved lovers, who hug
fully e1~oy me pleasures of men and, chrough chem .and carry rhem away from che meeting
parcicipacion in che Sabbar, become even more place of che Sabbac.




chac monscers' bodies are filled wirh mon-
scer mana, which they use co perfonn a variecy
che runes over every inch of skin, a mere couch
would likely cause immediace climax, erasing
che mind of ali bue bodily indulgence.
of magical ares. Members of che Sabbac, as Because mese runes require che use of mon-
well as many succubi, work day and nighc ac- scer mana, only monscers can use mem, and
cively researching new crafcs. The creacise you chus rhey are only inscribed on che bodies of
are reading chis very momenr tours icself as a:n monsrers.. A human wornan would probably
incroduccion to chese diverse magical ares and nor be able ro wichscand che chrill chey bring,
porions, based on macerials provided by che as ir wou Id mosc likely ravage her mind wich
commanding baphomec of d1e Sabbar ( or racher ecsrasy aud cransform her incoa nymphoma-
che Magic Corps of d1e Overlord's Army), along niacal monscer before che runes' inscripcion
wich sorne of her commencs. Ic is believed ch.e was complete.
knowledge of che ares chac che monscers re-
search and dedicare rhemseives ro may help ~~ The nmes we have developed are so ]
shed light upon che crue nacure of monsrers.

l. Runes of Pleasure
lEf,í" pocenc d1ac chey are effeccive even
1 when sewn inco cloching. Bue wirh my sen-
I sicive, ageless body, I h aive no need fo r such
ART, MONSTER• O RJENT EO conrrivan.ces. Unlike chose wid1 excess flesh, I
The nmes of pleasure are a magical sea! erched I can feel every couch of my lover fully upon my
onco che bodies of monscers, including ch.e own. Whac:' You say I should find one before I
succubus (p. 10) and che dark angel (p. 208), make such claims:' Silence, you bascard !
which are described in chis book. The purpose
of che runes is co amplify che sacisfuccion of 2. Rite of Spring
whomever chey have been marked upon. As ART, MO N STB R- O RIENTEO
such, runes are cypically e1cched upon che The Rice of Spring is che secrec are of che
body by monscers who are confidenc in rheir religious o rganizarion known as ch e Sabbac,
sexual prowess and wish co enjoy incercourse which adores and upholds che sexual pocency
even more chan chey already do. 1heir e!fecc of monscers. le employs [he awesome magical
increases wich cheir surface area; cypically, a:n power of che baphomec co ensure chac che fig-
area marked wich runes of pleasure becomes ure of a woman is as beauciful as possible. The
erocically charged. Succubi erch in areas char resulc is a body sacuraced wich che perverse
allow for normal life to proceed smoochly allure of che pu res e of monscerkind. Liche and
while also greacly enhancing i:ncercourse. Dark sensuous, she will incite !use even in che hearcs
angels ecch che runes over half che body, pred - of men wichouc a casce for monscers.
icacing an aba:ndonmenc of normal life in favor
of an exisrence enveloped in pleasures of che ,.M,, Hrr-hrr-hrr, cru[y chis is che secret of l
flesh. Such large runes give che marked one ....... o ur Sabbar. Come any woman, and 1
sexual srimulacion even from having her head we shall cransform you inco che loveliesc of
rubbed by a man and make normal erogenous ¡ monsters- or so I would Like to claim! Once
zones so sensicive rhar cognition is ali bu c u.pon a rime, we performed che rice upon a hol-
flooded out. Though ic is unlikely char any- 1 scaur, and chose breasts only goc bigger, leaving
one would accempr ic, if one were co inscribe che cow a scick-bodied booby-rack! Urghh !
3. Potion of Tentacles idencical replicas of himself, depending on che
POTI ON, MA N-ORI ENTE O dosage. Everyching ch ese replicas feel js shared
The pocion of cencacles was developed by by cheir source, che m,onscer's husband, trans-
scudying the rencacle planes of che monscer micced co his mind simultaneously in direcc
realm (p. 230) in order ro cransform a human proporcion co che number of clones, so chac
man cemporarily inco a centacle beasc. The he can feel himself everywhere.
incellecc of che man is degraded co apprnxi- Nacurally, chis experience can be bewilder-
macely chac of a cencacle planr; he becomes un- ing even for an incubus. Incercourse in such a
able ro chink of anyching bue cwining hirnself scace impares severa! rimes che p leasure expe-
around che monster before him and pumping rienced by an individual. This split causes che
his seed inco every orífice ofher body. The cips reason and cognicive faculcies of me man to
of bis cencacles resemble rhe man's sex before vanish as he transforms incoa mindless beast
transformacion. TI1ey ejecc large quancicies of incenc only on fomicacing wich che female be-
fluid thac smear her body wich a viscous mess fore him, a drive rbar is mulciplied wid1 every
boch inside and ouc. The fluid is simila r in successive replica.
narure co che man's semen and possesses che TI1e monscer will be overjoyed ro find chac
same raste and smell. For a monster, there is each copy of her hushand possesses a member
no greater pleasure chan being penecraced in of che exacc shape and flavor as chac of her
every place possible by che man she !oves. His mace, spurcing che same sweec essen ce. le is
essence carries her inro raprnre, drenching her qui ce che pleasure for her ro be ruchlessly and
body in ooze and filling her cavicy wirh such relendessly impaled by numerous mindless,
volume rhar ir bulges againsc her abdomen. bestial clones of her beloved husband while
This bach of smell and cas1ce is highly addicrive scill remaining wich him and him alone.
ro a monscer. TI1e large volume of scicky .fluid
spewed ford1 is also usefol ro a mo11scer who ~ - I gave chis medicine ro chose charybdis
wishes to quickly conceive a child. '1l'ijJ'
bicches. TI1ey h ave holes even apare
from chose above and below, so caking cheir
J~ I hada wicch under my command cese \ beloved husbands' mear in every single orífice
1~ düs pocion. Now ir seems she has fullen \ was d elighcful for chem. They have become
deep under ics spell. Observe as she wears ¡ 1 posirively intoxicaced wich mis drug and al-
her beloved lover's tentacular sex in place of ways buy ir by che boxload! Heh heh h eh.
1 underclothes, pancing and moaning as she re-

cords che experimental resulcs. Heh heh .heh.

4. Potion of Shadows
When a monscer comes co perceive a hu man
as her husband, she loses che will co cop1!llace
with other men. This po tion was developed
so chac such a monscer can yec experience me
delighr of an orgy while srill a lone wich her
The potion is administered orally to ch e
man, causing a separacion becween essence
and mana. As a resulc, he splics into cwo to ten


FAMILY: Fox • TYPE : Beastman

Habitat: Forests, mountains,

human settlements, and
the Continent of Mist
Nature: Aggressive, lustful, and
Diet: Omnivorous (favors
meat and the essence
of human men)
specracularly powerful beasrman wirh fox
characreriscics. 11,ese foxes ofren live in foresrs
she has nine, she becomes unable ro cbink of
anything bue copulacion, whecher waking or
drean1ing. Her arrenrion is focused on sex and
and moun rainous areas, bue are also known to sex alone; she spends che majoricy of her rime
infiltrare human secclemencs in order ro rempc considering how she can bese exrracc pleasure
and enrapcure men char live rhere. from her lover. Almosc ali her waking hours
Youko a re among che mosc luscful of mon- are spenc enaccing rhose rhoughrs.
scers-who, as readers know, are already quite A man who wins che favor of a youko and
luscfu l ro begin wich! When a youko sees a comes to live and couple wich her is blessed
man she likes, she will jump him. 11,e res ulc- by her magical power. For chis reason., ir is not
ing copulacion will be lewd and aggressive, uncommon for a youko's husband to rise ro a
che incensicy of which depends on che nu m- high position in human sociecy, such as scares-
ber of cails she has, as her ca.ils symbolize che man or ocher politicaI figure.
magnicude of che mana she colleccs when she A youko wich a full complemenc of cails is
mares wich men. As her mana grows, so roo called a nine-cailed fox, a being repu red co have
does che number of her cails, increasing in power chac rivals che gods'. Because her body
number up ro a maximum of nine. Her libido is unable co conrain such immense power, her
increases wich che number of cails she has. A mana conrinuously leaks out inco che environ-
single-cailed youko has a libido similar ro chac menc. Nearby humans chus lose cheir reason
of a typical monscer's, bue as her tails increase, and become more libidinous, and nearby mon-
her head is gradually dominaced by choughrs scers cum violem. Cercain monscers, such as
of che man's sex and abilicy co picase her. Once succubi, are drawn ro che area, so chac soon
che nine-cailed fox is che cencer of a monscer
" . _....,,.-.-_--',~~-,-_-,"""''- nacion chac holds a feasc ofpleasure nighc and
1 day.
Yollko are said ro possess ruinous beaucy.

1 Indeed, rhey do seem ro have a cendency ro

bring human order rn ruin and build upon
ics ashes a new order, led by monscers and
cencered on che youko and her husb:and, in a
world of pleasure.
11,ere is a barbarian continenc, called che
concinenc of mise, where ic is said chac che
nine- cailed fox holds sway over humans and
monscers, who chink of noching bue macing
day and nighc, coday and comorrow, engaged
encirely and uncondic.ionally in copulacion and
l pleasLHe: a monscrous parad.ise, a vericable
1 bacchanal indeed.

Toe youko's libido inc1·eases in p_ropo ~cion

with che number of her tails. Ir is unl1.k_ely
d,ar she will feel satisñ ed or that her un1~n
wich a man will pause until al i of her rails
have been painced pure whice in semen.
FAMILY: Spirit · TYPE: Elemental

Habitat: The snowy mountains:

of Zipangu
Nature: Oevoted, mild
Diet: Omnivorous (favors the
essence of human men)
s an ice elemencal chac lives on Sl'llowy
mouncains and has blue skin anda body char
wec heac easily cempcs even che mosc scubborn
man and invites him co parcake of her body
ravenously. Meanwhile, che yuki-onna absorbs
is cold to che rouch. Yuki-onna are demi-el- his warmch and loses her chilled pallo ir, becom-
ementals, born originally as monsters. {For ing as Aushed as he is. Their embrace becomes
more on elemencals, see p. 218.) Wirh che heared and heavy enough ro fuse rhem cogecher.
power ro control snowscorms, rhey lead ascray Once che yuki-onna has known, human
human men who set foot on cheir mountains heac, she will noc easily relinquish her prey.
and draw chem inco cheir abodes. Should che man cry co Hee, her blizz:ards will
A man .inviced inco che home of a yuki-onna bring him back over and over again. In mosr
is likely co be received hospicably, complete cases, however, a man who has known her
wich fine dishes and ali che expecced amenicies. monscrous sensualicy will puc her above ali
1l1e yuki -onna longs for che warmch of rhe else and never accempc co lea ve her.
man's skin and essence. To sacisfy herself, she Ic is also said chat young yuki-onna will
invites him ro lie wich her. Should he refuse, visir human serdemems as "yuki-warashi;' or
she chills him wich her breach of ice. Mana is "snow children," and play among human chil-
carried in her breach, which has che power to dren. While yuki-warashi are nor chemselves
freeze che .hu man hearc. When che man's hearr particularly dangerous, rhey should scill be
is cold, he will fu1d chac be himself longs for regarded wich caucion: as monscers, chey are
che warmd1 of someone's skin, and will soon scill looking unconsciously for chose who may
lose che wj!i ro go wichowc her. be che ir fu cure husbands. Once a yuki-warashi
Toe yuki-onna's exterior is cold, yec inside, grows. up, she may recurn co che village and
she is warm and snug enough co melc ice. Her cake her husband home.

Aj uvenile yuki-on!la, or yuki-warashi, loo~

like a child and plays well with human ch1l-
drcn. Bul Lake carc! When sh" grows o[der,
she will be become as dangerous and wancon
as any ocher monscer. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA 193
FAMILY: Ogre • TYPE : Demihuman

Habitat: The caves and mountains

of Zipangu
Nature: Aggressive
Diet: Omnivorous (favors
meat and liquor)
nember of che ogre (p. 58) family called
che oni. They are found only in che land of
yec more alcohol co her den, along wich a
human man if she cacches sigbc of one who
srrikes her fancy. She drinks wich hirn and, af-
Zipangu. Horns excend from cheir foreheads, cer a good round of carousing, enjoys him as
and rheir skin is as mddy as cheir name in- an accompanimenc to che wine, caking him Aar
dicares. Wich cheir fancascic screngch, aka- wich his back againsc che Aoor. Once she has
oni wield gianc iron clubs wich nonchalance, had her fill afrer a number of corrid unions,
and are feared as a horror by people who she recu rns ro che bocele. Aka-oni a say-
live in cheir vici 11 iry. Despice chis, chey are ing:"Wine is far more rascy afcer a good fuck."
by no means vicious monscers. Though rheir 111e elfecc is more chan psychological: che es-
words and acrions can be coarse, rhey have a sence chey absorb from men may accually ac-
fine, hearcy disposicion and are disinclined ro cencua ce che savor of che wine. The effecc may
make much over small decails. They cake no be even scronger when an aka-oni has imbibed
nocice of che fear chey inscill in humans and essence from her husband.
are said ro be chrilled co find che occasi.onal Fear of che aka-oni is foscered by che belief
Aask of liquor or man placed befo re rhem in a chac chey devour che men chey abducc. In a
sacrifice, rhough rhey've done norhing to meric sense, chis is crue, for when an aka-oni cakes
such offerings. a liking to a man, she will make him her hus-
Aka-onli !ove liquor and men above ali else. band and never release hi.m, inscead reveling
They drink rice wine cons,rancly, securing d1eir wirh him day afcer day in a feasr of wine and
perpecual drunkenness and reddening their Aesh.
already ruddy faces. On occasion, ;m aka-oni Men noc made inco husbands are used as
will visir a human secdemenc and carry back accompanimencs ac che galas aka-oni regularly
hold for che more inebriaced monscrous resi-

- - -11 dencs of Zipangu, who couple wich men one

afrer che ocher. Revelers often choose a hus-
band from che men on offer ar chese galas. For
chis reason, ir is rare for a man ro remrn afrer
being abducced by an aka-oni. The rumors and
fear may be a bic overdone bu e are noneclieless
quite underscandable.
There are ocher oni of various differenc col-
ors, such as ao-oni (blue oni), each of which
have cheir own peculiaric:ies.

Afcer flushing her body scarlec wi th che

burn of liquor, che aka- oni applies hersel_f co
casting h~r man ro che fullesr. ln he ~ mind,
liquor and men are ali sh e needs ro lave.
FAMI LY: Harpy • TYPE: Avían

Habitat: The mountains of Zipangu

Nature: Aggressive
Diet: Omnivorous (favors w'ild
animals and vegetables)
1ot111d," is a varianc of rhe harpy (p. 50)
found only in che land ofZipangu. Especially
che ocher hand, because karasu-cengu spend
so much rime craining in rhe mouncains,
many lack worldliness and have never even
strong even for a harpy, karasu-cengu soar conversed wich a man ocher chan cheir facher.
through che sky with greac speed and wield a When such a karasu -cengu is faced wich ex-
power similar co magic called abhijna. There cessive accenrion from a man, she may panic.
is a race above che karasu-cengu called che dai- If che man proceeds co propase marriage, she
cengu ("greac heavenhound") and ic is said thac is likely co flush brighc red, lose control of her
almosc ali karasu-cengu serve chem. choughcs, give herself over co her monscrous
Karasu-cengu spend mosc of rheir cime instincrs, and fornicare wirh hi m i mmediacely.
in che mouncains disciplining chemselves in
abhijna, and chus are rarely seen by humans.
However, chis does noc mean they are noc
presenc: chey ofcen descend inco human sec-
clemenrs co chascen wrongdoers wich fear and
co scudy and record che accivicies of humanicy,
cheir blood relacionships, and che like. Karasu-
cengu are unusually incelleccual for harpies,
bue like ali monscers, cheir objecc of greacesc
interese is human men.
Like oc her members of che harpy family,
karasu-cengu periodically go inco hear, ac
which rime rhey descend upon human secrle-
mencs and carry men off. Invariably ir seems,
chey carefolly selecc che men chey will abducc
based on che resulcs of cheir aforemencioned
research. An incerescing implicacion is rhac
men who speak harshly of chem are less likely
co be abducced. 1hus, ic is safer co be a wrong-
doer chan a man of virme. A man abducced
by a karasu-cengu muse undercake che pace of
matrimony with her at her abode and copu-
lare with her immediacely co produce a child.
Sparing noc a momenc in resc, karasu-cengu
work hard boch co develop cheir abhijna and
co Iearn che many ways of pleasing men. TI1e
karasu-cengu's excensive research cakes into
accounc ali of his weak poincs and uses rhem
co bind him to her as her slave, to ever after
accompany her in life.
TI1e abilicies of karasu-cengu make chem a
pridefu l sorc of monscer, meaning chat chey
can be sornewhac difficult at times. Ir is ad-
visable co avoid provoking a karasu-cengu
unnecessarily during a ch.anee encounter. On


FAMILY: Sahagin • TYPE: Aquatic Demihuman

Habitat: The tiver areas and

wetlands of Zipangu
Nature: Aggressive, cheerful
Diet: Omnivorous (favors fish,
fruits, and vegetables,
especially cucumbers)
aquacic monscer chac Jjves in che river ar-
eas and weclands ofZipangu. Kappa resemble
ofcen becomes more amorous; consequencly,
che monscer will invite her former friend inco
her bed, and copu lare wich him.
humans bue have green skin anda round place When che body of a kappa is wec, her
on cheir heads and shells on cheir backs. l11ey physical abilicies are heighcened. 1l1e wetcing
have webbed appendages thac allow chem co of her sea.les, which look like cloches, causes
swim wirh ease. chem co cling cighcly lCO her body, inc.icing her
Kappa cend ro be mischievous and ,con- arousal and swelling her libido. This makes
cencious, bue are not especially vicious. le is kappa found near bodies of wacer quite
common for young kappa co play among dangerous. Men should be especially careful
human children; cl1ey are especially fo111d of when approaching rivers and lakes, !ese chey be
a Zipangu game chey call "smno;' which in- dragged in and engaged in coicus by a kappa.
volves knocking onés opponenc ouc of a ring A river whelp's place is her we.a kness, quite
and onco che ground. As they are builc stron- receptive to stimulacíon and wec at all times.
ger rhan human girls, chey are likely co be able If it d!ries, her power: will evaporare. le is so
co pin down even boys. These marches may sensicive chat couching it assails her with such
be used to identify a suicable mace co cargec pleasure thac she is unable co move.
in che furure, when che kappa is an adule and Kappa are exceedingly fond of cucumbers.
ready co copulare. The kappa determines her One cheory holds ch:ac ir is noc so much che
fucure husband while playing sumo wich hu- fl.avor chac draws chem bue che vegecablés form
man boys. During chese games, she may find chac inscinccually calls to cheir monscrous na-
one chac she gecs along wich especially well. cure. In ocher words, kappa favor cucumbers
When che monscer is macure, cheir friendship because chey serve to hone cheir sexual skills.

A boy rrounced and drubbed by a kappa in

sumo may find h imsclf similarly boun ced
and fucked by her as an adulr,


FAMILY: Arochne • TYPE : Arthropod

Habitat: The forests and human

settlements oí Zipangu
Nature: Gentle, violent, and lustful
Diet: Camivorous (favors
wild animals)
spider;' is a bug monscer and a variam of
che araclme (p. 60) chac lives in che lallld of
When che su11 sets, however, a jurou-gu-
mo's n ighc face is revealed. In darkness, she is
more violenc even rhan ocher members of che
Zipangu. Jorou-gumo ofcen live in foresced arachne family. She binds her man of choice
areas and are also known co cake human form wich thread she produces in her body and lees
co live in lrnman secclemencs. Formnacely, chey loose her sadisric narnre, raping him conrinu-
are genrle in cemperamenc and rarely assaulc ously and implacably uncil che day or his abil-
humans by force-quite acypical for che usu- icy co remain conscious breaks. Ac che sun's
ally savage araclrne family. lndeed, chey are remrn, che jorou-gum.o rescores her gende face
friendly co humans. If a jorou-gumo encoun- of day, bue in almosc ali cases che man, having
cers a man she likes, she will assume a fawn- once experienced her carnal depredarions, is
ing accimde like chac of a solicicous barloe, che Jefe berefc of nerve and lees her ride him night
beccer co seduce him. afcer nighc.
If chac were ali, che jorou-gumo would noc If a viccim should fu1d chac he has che will to
be a very dangerous monscer, which is noc ac resise afcer a rasce of her shadow side and sáll
ali che case. The jurou-gumo is, indeed, gen- has confidence in bis pocency, he should mrn
cle- by day. Her cemperamenc by nighc dñífers che cables on her by copulacing wirh her while
dramacically. Jurou-gumo are skilled in ch.e are she wears her gende day face, penecraring her
of seduccion; chey will approach cheir chosen wirh greac and inexorable force. If he con ánues
man wich cheir day face so chac he gladly in- chis day afrer day, a seed of masochism will
scalls himself ar che side of che beauceous and sprou1c wirhin her hearr. The time sh e wears
devoced daytime damsel. her nighc face wíll gradually diminish, her
darkn,ess gradually replaced by lighc.
Like che arachne, [he jorou-gumo can use
1 che thread her body produces nor only co spin
webs bue also ro sew fine gannenrs, tfirsc-race

1 in boch material and workmanship, which are

rraded ac sceep prices on che marker.

'The j orou-gumo ¡5 quite sadistic when she

wears her night face, binding che m~n w 1th
her thTead and releasing his essence meo h~r
while be lies immobile. She finds h1s pach euc
and ecstacic face mesmerizing.
FAMILY: Fox • TYPE: Beastman

Habitat: The forests, mountains,

and human settlements
oí Zipangu
Nature: Devoted, lustful
Diet: Omnivorous (favors the
essence of human men)
characceriscics chac is found only in che
land of Zipangu. Inari ofcen live in forest and
absenc, overcome by gescures mosc unseemly,
complemenced by a prurienc smile. As inari
are qui ce versed in che ways of grancing a man
mouncainous landscapes, bue are also known pleasu re, her ca lenes w ill soon ernde his will
co cake human form co slip inco human sec- co resñsc h er.
clemencs. They are a varianc of che you ko The cai ls of an inari symbolize che magni-
(p. 190), bue are more gencle in characcer and cude of her mana. As she acrnmulaces mana by
graceful in manner. le is qruire rare for an inari absorbing essence chrough sexual incercourse
co be roused co accack. Because of che modesc wich a man, her cails increase in number up
poi se wich which they conduce chemselves and co a maximum of nine. Similarly, her libido
che devoced creacmenr ch ey offer human men, increases wich che number of her cails. Ali che
many fall under cheir speU and come co wel- while, inari remain gracefu I in appearance,
come life wich an inari wife. chough che mind of a many-cailed inari is sure
Ourwardly, inari may appear to be tame to be filled co che brim wich choughts of mac-
monscers; however, cheir libidos are noc par- ing. Her sedu ccion chus becomes m o re overc
cicularly differenc from chose of youko, and and frequenc, as well as more obscene, as her
chey are quice fierce in comparison co cypical coupl.ings curn rough and desperace, arousing
monscers. They do noc usually iniciare in- che basesc passions of men.
cercourse unless cheir husbands are willing; Like che youko, an inari wich many cails is
inscead, ic's more likely cbac ch ey will seduce unable ro concain he1· immense power wichin
cheir husbands co cake accion or ro seize u pon che confines of her body, causing her mana ro
obscure opporcunicies for copularion. When diffuse oucwar d. However, che inari is skilled
a man relencs, he will find her poise and grace in che concrol of her mana. Unlike che youko,
who allows her power ro scaccer ever y which
way, d1e inari funnels ic encirely inco her hus-
band. This cends co cause him co fiare up in
violen e lust and join his vulpine lover in ardenc
incercourse. The power of che mana concen-
trated in ch e inari's husband is beyond com-
pare, m eaning chac ch eir consequenc ruccing
may be cruly beascly. Bue che inari accepcs her
husba nd for che beasc he is and feels a raw joy
chac billows forch uncamed.
An inari wich a full complemenc of rails is
called a nine-cailed fox, a being said ro have
godlike power. Correspondingly, che mana
sh e pours inco her husband is vasc, as is her
own !use. Incercourse lascing a foil day is noc
uncommon in chese s.icuations.

lnari of vasc power are ofcen wo rs hippcd as

gods. The men who se~ve che foxlike monsters
live in l'.heir sh rines w1th rhem. Swee~ moans
can be heard from che sh rines ac ali nmes.


eastern pare of chis world with a muque
culcure mosc unlike chose of ocher lands.
TI1e people call chese monscers "yokai." They
are boch feared and worshipped as apparicions
of horrendous power. Orhers live among hu-
Along wich che sea and s1nall surrounding mans unminded and unheeded. The monscers
islands, it is referred to in ou r language as of Zipangu, like ours, ali cake che form oflewd
Zipangu, and in che language of Z ipangu as and beauciful women who beguile men's hearcs
che land of che sun o r che land of fire. Though and incite cheir passions-and like ours, chey
I possess bu e a smactering of informacion copulare wich human men ro fill cheir hungry
gleaned from monsters of chat region, I muse scomachs with essence and conceive and bear
nonetheless devore sorne space to chis mysce- children who are also u niformly female mon-
rious land where human-monscer relacions scers. However, perhaps because chey have
differ so dras.ically from our own. long lived by che side of humans, chey do not
necessarily copulare by violenc force. Many of
che monsters of Z ipangu have evolved to serve
l. Zipangu, Land of the Sun humans, so chac chey are loved by men inscead
In concrasc to che concinenc on which we live, of feared.
Zipangu is a miniscule island realm. lts in - Being m onscers, chey scill belong to che
habicancs wear unusual loose garments called Overlord. Thac said, however, chey are noc
kimono. Few wear undercloches- at m ost, ics affiliaced wich che Overlord's Army. Powerful
denizens wrap some cloch abouc chemselves monscers in Zipangu have inscead for med
and liccle else. TI1eir warriors figh r nor wich cheir own forces, and while chey do not serve
che chick, heavy swords we use co vanquish a11 che Overlord direccly, chey recognize chat ic is
enemy bue inscead employ slim, sharp blades by her grace chac monscers have become whac
called karana chat slice wich ease. chey are, closer co che side of hu mans chan ever
Our differences also go beyond ch e superfi - before, and for chis chey feel greac gladness.
cial. Even chei r diet and Lifescyle are complecely 1l1Us, no monscer of Z ipangu bears hoscilicy
dissimilar to our own. Whac scruck me mosc for che Overlord.
in che scories I garhered was chac our heno-
cheiscic fui ch does not exisc in Zipangu. TI1.e
people chere believe chac gods reside in ali
3. A Utopia of Huma ns and Monsters
chings; ac times, chey even worship monscers When an enemy arises againsc Zipangu, ali
as gods. Free of che animosicy wich which we of ics residencs, both human and m onscer,
have been inc-ulcaced from an early age by che come cogecher co fighc ch e foe. le is said chac
ceachings of che Order, che human inhabicancs once a narion from ou r own conrinenc invaded
of Zipangu have lived alongside monscers as Zipangu, hoping co make ic cheirs, only to be
neighbors sin ce ancienc times, cogecher as fel- mee by an army of humans and monsters chac
low cicizens ofZipangu. drove ouc che invaders. The decisive blow was
scruck by monscer warriors known as "kuno-
ichi," or "ninja;• who operaced under contraer
2. The Beautiful Yokai wich Zipangu's human amhorities. The kuno-
In Zipangu, a number of uniquely evolved ichi used cheir awesome powers of scealth co
monscers endemic ro cl1e region can be found. slip inco c_he bedrooms of che enemy command
and cheir coical ares to bring che invading high
command and ocher senior officials under che
monscrous speUof cheir bodies. This broughc
che war to a close, and now che scace which
once opposed monscers is a pro-monscer one
chac shares friendly relacions wich Zipangu.
le shou]d be clear chat Zipangu is repre-
sencacive of an ideal councry of humans and
monscers, builc on rheir mu cual cooperacion
and conjun ccion. On our continenc, ir is mon-
sters who approach humans, bue in Zipangu
che approach can come from eicher side.


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE: Angel

Habitat: The divine realm

Nature: Devoted
Diet: The essence oí human men
revered by che Order of the Omnipocenc
(p. 212), wich beauciful whice wings. Angels
and che nacure of monscers. Driven by rheir
succubus inscinccs co seek human men, chey
descend frequently to che land of humans in
are said to reside in che divine realm, de- search of lovers.
scending only on rare occasions co che land An uncorrupced angel's ducy is co award
of humans as a messenger, or co accompany happi ness to ehose hu mans who have done
ecclesiascic expedicions meanc ro puc down good deeds. An angel who has cakern in suc-
monscers. Loyal to che word of heaven, chey cubus mana, however, equaces sexual bliss
hold ro chascicy and abhor che !use ofhumans wich happiness. Thus, she assails favorable
and che nacure of monsters. Thus, rhough she men wich che joys of incercourse. She creacs
is mercifu[ and loves nor srrife, she is wonc ro che human she cargecs wich greac devocion,
deliver che judgmenc of god u pon sinners. bue when ic comes co sexual incercourse, she
Angels are nor monscers by nacure, bue is jusc as pushy and coercive as ocher monscers.
rhose who have been corrupred by succmbus Once she has acquired a human man and de-
mana are considered monscers. Due co che spoiled him, her mind's cransformacion inco
divine proceccion wich which rhey are bom, chac of a succubus acceleraces precipicously.
angels resise foil cransfonnacion to succubi 1he traces of her god and her god's moral code
and usually remain free of che cypical horns are washed away by che dom inane thoughcs of
and cails. Howeve1; ic is said chac succubi do her beloved man. As one bidden to make peo-
choroughly corrupc cheir minds so rhac che ex- ple happy, she marvels wich joy and wonder
iscence of che god chey serve and her ceachings ac her newfound knowledge of che happiness
fade bit by bit from cheir consciousness, afcer her body can bring a man. She surrenders her
which rhey come co afli.nn che !use of humans chascicy ro her lover, as if forgecful of che godly
word cha e spoke oflusc as sin and purñcy as vir-

-------11 cue, aod makes him as happy as she can wich

che salacious rhrustill!g of a true succubus.
Angels cend ro overlook cheir own libido
and cake ic as a matter of faich chac copu-
lation is purely a means to gracify che man.
However, when an angel recognizes ac lasc chac
she wishes ro please herself, chac she [ongs for
her lover's body ro saciare her own desires, she
ac lasc curns fully incoa succubus-in ocher
words, a dark angel (p. 208).

O nce ai1 angel has fallen in love with a l~u-

man man, she can no longer see copulac1on
as t1ndea11. She smile:; in r:iprur" as her purc
whicc body is made yct milkier in hue.
FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Angel

Habitat: Pandemonium
Nature: Lustful
Diet: The essence of human men
who have acquired a casce for passion
and curned complecely inco succubi. Their
she likes, she leads him ascray wich sex. She
is quirce sensicive co the desires of her Lover
during copulacion; she will acc sadiscicaJly or
snow-whice wings are corrupced by succubus masochiscically, depending on his preferences.
mana, which dyes ic an incredible jec-b[ack. Despice ali chis, no maccer how many cimes
Depraved in che extreme, she shows no trace chey fornicace, no macter how perfeccly she
of her former angelic nacure; her fundamencal pleasures him, his desire can never be slaked.
drive is co copulace, co exchange pleasure wich Inscead, his desire for her grows deeper and
men and dlrown in ic wich 'them. They embrace more francic, soon permeacing his mind so
lewd human desires, delighc in receiving them, chac he can chink of noching bue his need co
and respond wich keen ardor, always aiming penerrace her, ro unleash che foil force of his
co cake men's sex deeper and deeper wichin desire upon her. Once che angel has snared her
chemselves. lover in such a way, chere is no face for him bue
When a dark angel meecs an angel or hu- to faU forever wi ch her. This seace is exaccly
man who is scornful of sexualicy, she cleverly whac .che dark angel wancs; ic is her greacesc
seduces che naysayer wich words and chen JºY·
pleasure in order co bring che immaculace Meanwhile, che dark angel's mind is filled
one down co her leve!. Incerescingly, chough wich their twining desires: "I wanc co hold
she is a m.onscer, she is noc a subordinace of him and cake him. I wanc co give him. whac he
che Overlord. Inscead, she pays obeisarnce to wanrs and wacch him collapse in pleasure. I
anorher encicy known as che Fallen One. wanc bim ro fuck me like a beasc. I wanc ro gec
When a dark angel fimds a human man on him and look upon his face as I drink up

his essence and his pachecic, wrenching emo-
cions. I wanc co suck his sex and lick ir and
1 engulf ic inside of me. I wanc my chroar, my
vagina, my face, my breases, my black wings,
every su rface and crev:ice of me, ro be drenched
1 pure whice by his se1nen:• Such are che unspo-
ken passions rhac roil chrough her. Such are
che passions she pan es inco Life.
The dark angels live in a place called
Pandemonium; chis is where chey cake che
men chey capcure and corrupc complecely. The
space and cime of Pandemonium are warped
by che power of che Fallen One, so cha eneicher
hunger nor age ever befall ics inhabicants. The
dark angel and her man copu lare for ecernicy
in chis suspended time, cheir lives dominaced
ever afcer by an unending gluc of pleasure.

Encirely fallen into corruptio'.1, c~,e dark

angel smiles as her enc:i re body is shc~ed_by
her lover's semen, chat physical accuahzac1on
Of 1
. d • • e As far as .she is concerned,filher
l tS P..,ir ·
body exists for him, and him only, co de e.
FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Fiend

Habitat: Human settlements

and Pandemonium
Nature: Lustful, devoted
Diet: The essence of human men
chac fervencly believes in che Fallen One.
Dark priescs originare as human women who
scirs and swells wich:in him. When che dark
angel finds an accraccive man, she will mosc
likely carry out che devoced service of a cleric
are assaulced and monscrously corrupced by co grane him pleasure, offering her body as a
anocher dark priest or a dark angel (p. 208). vessel chac exiscs only to receive bis pleasu re.
Though chey wear che garb of a holy cleric, T11rough chis union, she engorges his desire,
chey are sex íiends of extr eme !use who fairh- so chac ic becomes scronger and more: obscene
fully carry ouc che ceachings of che Fallen One, every time cl1ey join- u ncil he falls co che same
which command chac she mace co sacisfy her base depch as her.
desire. As mencioned earlier, a human woman
The job of a dark priesc is co spread che assau lced and corrupced by a dark priesc is
word of che Fallen One and bring humans cransformed inco a dark priesc herself, wich
deep inco depravicy. In order co carry our her che ceachings of che Fallen One already em-
mission, s!he iníilcraces human setclements in bedded deep in her mind and body.. Ic cakes
human form. There, she cargers chose who ab- no time ac ali for her co begin followñng chese
scain from che Aesh so as co ceach cheir bodies ceachings wich che utmosc devocion, seeking
che pleasure and wisdom they have denied a lover in accordance wich her sexual needs.
chemselves. She delighcs in showing a man As also aforementioned, che dark priest's
how co cake control of his sexual urges and ex- mission is co spread che word of che Fallen
ulcs in receiving irs fruirs wich her body, which One. However, because she herself is fallen,
is a lewd ching, shaped perfeccly co in f!ame his when she íinds a man she likes, she abandons
!use. Her every word is sensual, her every ges- her calling for her desire and recreacs inco
cu re salacious; chey foscer incense desire chac Pandemonium wich her man. There, she is
likely co forgec her mission encirely as she ac-
cemprs co slake her unending desire in che scill
rime of Pandemonium, falling ever deeper inco
che pleasure of depravicy.

A dark priest prays to che Fallen One by cop-

ulating with a man, demonstratingjust how
grossly s111: can fall, displaying rhe ,mmense
craving she has awoken in her lover.


purposely slaughcer humans, con-
fücr berween humans and monsrerkind yec
Nearly che encire human world is unde r che
sway of chis massive organizacion, and mosc
humans hold values which conform ro chose
remains. Toe ceachings of che Order, whiclh of che Order.
venerares che ChiefDeicy as che creacor of our Onmiporencism purporrs co reflecc che cor-
world, hold chac monscers are evil. As mosc of rece way of Living as a human. les virrues reach
che humans in our world are followers of ch.e rhac one muse remain uprighc, avoid excessive
Order, immersed in írs dogma from infancy, pleasure or passion, and live wich inregricy.
che re is a ce11dency co hold hoscile accicu des The day of a believer begins wich a prayer co
coward monsrers. This creacise is incended r,o che Chief Deicy and concinues similarly, con-
introduce che gods and cheir kin, scaráng wich formanr coche Chief Deiry's reachings, by way
humans. of a clean and peaceful life. Omnipocencism
says co tove one's neigh bor, implying rhac
one shou Id crear ocher hu mans who believe
l. Humans in che Chief Deicy wich kindness. However,
As readers no doubt know, humans represen e Omnipocencism does noc consider monscers
che mosc common form of íncelligenr life in neighbors. Sin ce che cime of che old Overlord,
chis world. The physical and magical abiliáes monsters have been seen as che enemy of hu-
of an ordinar y human wichour rraining are mankind, exiscing to curn us from grace and
far inferior ro chose of a monscer and hold no lead us co deseruceion. (Ic muse be mencioned
weighc againsc che accack of a monscer, who here chac che re is a valid poin c: if mon scers are
can easily subdue, ravish, and carry a human che only oífspring born of human men and
away. However, wich proper craining, humans monscers, humanicy is doomed co slowly bue
have che abilicy co dramarically improve OJ1 evencually perish.)
chese shorccomings. Those who have under- For chis reason, Om:nipocenrism is hos-
gone incense inscrucáon, passed che crials of rile co monsters. 1l1e Holy Knighchood of
numerous baiccles, or been blessed wich che che Order sallies forch co slay chem ac every
proreccion of che divine are known as heroes. sighring and may, ac sorne poinc, even build
Heroes are believed to possess power far ex- armics co invade che monscer realm. Many ex-
ceeding char of che cypical monscer. pece chac che Order will soon call for a hero co
slay che Overlord. After all, procecced by che
I•I, THE ORDERANO ANTl •MONSTER STAT ES Chief Deity as rhey are and boascing marcial
Toe Order is a religious organizacion chac abiliries far exceeding chose of an ordinary hu-
worships che Chief Deicy, or che Omnipocenr, man, heroes can plow chrough monscers like
who is believed ro be che crearcor of chis world. duse. However, because che hero and che holy
T he Order is noc monocheis.ác bue henorhe- knighcs are morally upstanding, when they
isric: ic holds chac ali ocher gods are subordi - come face-co-face wich che ladylike forms
nares ro che Chief Deiry and chus rhar worship of monscers, rhey find chey cannoc bring
of anocher god represenrs a denominaáon of chemselves co descend u pon chem wirh cheir
Omnipocenrism. T his has spurred mosc of swords. In such momems of hesiration, che
humaniry ro accepr Omnipocencism; many monscers cake advancage of chem. Afcer ali,
sra ces have adopted ic as rheir official faich. no maccer how scrong a will a hero or knighr
has, chey are, in che end, men-exaccly whac beccer chan one would expecc. 1l1ough adven-
monscers' bodies are exclusively specialized turers and rogues (wh o ofcen come inco con-
in pleasing. Noc even a h ero can resise such caer wirh monsrers) rend to gravitare rhere,
cempcacion. Once such a man has his firsc casce chey are noc known co cause crouble, perhaps
of monscrous copularion, h e will be overcome because of che supporc of che monscers ac cheir
by che deep !ove she holds for him. He be- sides.
comes her prisoner and ch ooses a darker, sex- Most pro-monscer scaces work closely wich
wroughc pach over che brighc, scraighc road he che monscer realm (p. 230) co build n acions in
once followed in che Order. which huma.ns and mo nsrers live cogerher har-
Nacions dominaced by che ceachings of moniously. Jf a pro-monster srate alDied wich
che Order chac adopc policies ancagolllis tic che monscer realm is i nvaded by an anci-111011-
co monscers are referred co as anci-monscer scer scace, che knighcs of che Overlord's Army
scaces. 1hese nacions cend ro be among che come co cheir aid. Some pro-monsrer sraces
more wealchy and enjoy a prosperous civil are already populared by a profusion of mon-
culture based on che creed of che Chief D eicy. scers, which fills rheir lands wirh m ana and
reforms chem inco che shape of che monscer
1 •2, PRO-MONST ER ST AT ES realm. 1l1e monsters respond wich sensicivicy
In concrasc co anci-monscer scaces, pro-mon- to che coming of monscerdom, growing hoc
scer scaces are nacions ch ac accepc monscers wich ancicipacion-in cheir hearrs and else-
and adopc policies chac ai m for coexiscence where. Humans perceive che change, as well.
becween h umanicy and monscerkind. Sucl1 Men m ight note a rise in their stamina and po-
scaces are led by rhose who come in concact cency, burdo nor realize rhac rhese are signs of
wich monscers as chey cruly are an d develop becoming incubi.1l1ey may also carelessly ob-
doubcs regarding che ceachings of che C hief serve char cheir healch has been good and char
Deicy, which say chac 111011 scers are a symbol of cheir wives have become unusually accraccive
evil. Given che global dominance of che Order and sexy bue place no furrher value on chese
of che Omnipocenc, such scaces are cmrencly changes. By che time che humans recognize
in che minoricy among humanicy. In pro-111011- che ch ange, che councry is rypically already a
scer scaces, che culc of che Chief Deicy cends co pare of che monscer realm, ali irs men incubi,
be weak; inscead, chese sca ces may have a scace ali ics women succubí.
religion defined by che worship of a dilferenc
god- or may have no religion at ali. In chese
scaces, ic is noc uncommon co see monscers
2. The Divine Family
openly walking che screecs, forms unconcealed. 1l1e divine family includes all che gods under
Human-monscer couples can be seen scrolling che C hief Deicy, who is said co have creaced
hand in hand, as if ic were che mosc natural che world. They rule over humans and che
ching in ch e world. The policies of rhese scaces world from che divin e realm, passi ng cheir
usually promoce relaxed lives more in scep word on to humans rhrough che O rder. On
wich chose of monsrers; chus, people work occasion, they reveal th eir commands direcrly
a moderare, reasonable amounc and cake far to hu mans chrough an oracle. 1l1e divine
more resc and holiday time chan cicizens of realm is governed by hierarchy whicb divides
anci-monscer scaces so rbac chey have more che divine family inro che gods, above, and che
qualicy rime ar home ro copulare wich cheir angels, below. TI1ere are also classes of gods,
monscer wives. while angels, roo, have a finely scratified hier-
1l1e safecy of pro-monscer scaces is much archy among chemselves. However, ,even che


common angel (p. 206), who sics ac che boccom monsrers indireccly as per che Chief Deicy's
of chac angelic hierarchy, possesses abilicies cornmands. When civilizacion fiourished and
far exceeding chose of che ordin ary human or che human populacion raen rampanc, monscers
monscer. The power of che greacer angels and were guided ro wreak violence u pon ir, as in
che gods, chen, is u11imaginably vas c. che age of che old Overlord, bucchering hu-
manicy en masse ro control cheir numbers.
2-1 . T H E CHIEF DE ITY, AS TOLO BY T HE ORDER When huma.ns dwindled and monscers rose
The Chief Deicy is che omniscienc and om - unduly, a hero was chosen from among che hu-
nipocenr crearor, who humbles rhe many mans and invesced wich great power. 1l1e hero
gods a.nd gavc birrh ro humans. She warches wenc forch and slew rhe Overlord, whereupon
over humans kindly and occasiona.Uy reaches che monscers slaughcered each ocher in com-
down ro guide rhem on ro che correcc pach. pecirion for che chrone, conveniencly eroding
In moderniq,, she works ro procecr humans cheir numbers uncil a new Overlord ascended.
from che wicked Overlord, who came from Over time, humans once more saw che heighc
che darkness and concrives ro descroy che hu- of prospericy and mulcíplied in abundance,
mans who are che children of che Chief Deicy. cacalyzing che birch of a new Overlord, who
To chis end, the Chief Deiry guards humans would perform che role of concrolling chem.
and granes chem heroic power. Ac times, she 1l1e cycle concinued. Such was che syscem of
will dispacch che lesser divinicies coche Order our world-uncil a cercain succubus be·came
and bless ics knighcs and heroes wich greac Overlord a.nd discu rbed ics smooch operacion.
screngrh so chat, cogecher, chey can combar The new Overlord has exploiced che mana
che monscrou1s chrear. link becween her a.nd ali ocher monscers, re-
wricing che fundamencal craics wich which god
2-2, THE T RUTH chem- chose chac diccaced chac mon-
The above is che accounc as sec forch by che scers exisc above humans a.nd Live by devouring
Order. However, my research inco che crurh of cheir fiesb. 1l1e Chief Deicy, in greac discress,
the world suggescs inaccuracies. I ask accempced co excinguish che Overlord. Bue che
for your indulgence, for ic is cime chac I reveal Hero granced che power to slay rhe Overlord
chis world's secrecs. according ro che convencional syscem becrayed
Firsc, che scacemenc cha.e che Chief D eicy is che Chief Deicy for che Overlord. 1l1t1s, che
che crea.cor of che world and huma.nkind is, Overlord was noc slain.
indeed, true. However, che world che Chief The Overlord, che mosc powerful of m on-
Deicy creaced! included che monscers and che scers, joined hands wich che Hero, che greac-
Overlord. The scacemenc chac che Overlord esc ofhumans, ro creare a new world cogecher.
carne from the darkness is che gods' and che 111eir narures (che Overlord a succubus, che
Order's grear líe. Hero an incubus made by her hand) enabled
Monscers can be seen as che rop of a hierar- chem co expand cheir power limiclessly wich
chy which includes humans. íl1e Chief Deicy endless copu lacion. E ven che Chief Deicy was rhem in order to regulare humanicy's unable ro bury chem, as cheir power
populacion. Thus, che Overlord, whom che ascended co divine levels. In che barde againsc
Order condemns as evil, is a control mecha- chem, che Chief Deicy suscained grave i:njury
nism placed upon che monsccrs by che gods. which Lefc her unable to acc as sh e normaUy
In ancient rimes (and modernicy), che would. This is why she employs che Order ro
Overlord linked cogecher a li of che mon- do her bidding among humans as she granes
scer mana and concrolled che corresponding heroic power ro chern in numbers and sends
chem wicb armed forces, one afcer che ocher,
inco che bosom of che Overlord.
1l1is is rhe rrurh of chis world. Ir is so
mychic in scale chac I, myself, can scar cely
fachom ir .. Ic is ükely chaiC if word of my au-
chorship of chis book ever reaches che O rder,
I shall be executed summarily.
1l1e quescion of whecher co beüeve my rav-
ü1gs I leave co you, reader, who hold chis book
in your hands.
I have heard direccly che opinion of che
Overlord in regard co che world she would
bring, and I shall summarize my findlings
(p. 232). Should anyone doubr che veraciry of
my cale, rhey may go ro che monscer realm and
verify ic wich che Overlord and che Hero, who
are scill in good healch. Provided, of cou rse,
rhac one is not caught by monsters somewhere
along che way.

Lec us set such shocking maccers aside and
recurn co che maccer ac hand. There are many
gods ocher chan che Chief Deicy. The Chief
Deicy endeavors co resrore che sysrem chac was
warped by che Overlord, bue noc all gods are
in accord wich her plan. The Fallen One, for
example, h as become a monsrer herself, sti ll in
possession of her divine power bur corrupted
by che monscrous pleasure which has engulfed
her. Poseidon, god of che sea (p. 130), has gone
co che side of che Overlord for che sake of che
sea's inhabicancs whom she so !oves, who also
wenc wich her. Such examples make ic clear
chac the gods are fur from a uniced force. Now
che Overlord has mulriple gods ar her back,
making ic more fucile d1a.i1 ever for che Chief
Deicy co accempt co couch her.


FAMI LY: Dragon • TYPE: Reptilian

Habitat: Caves and

Nature: Strong-willed,
proud:; under certain
conditions, honest and lustful
Diet: Camivorous (favors wild animals)
1ighesc order, known for her resi[ienc
body and sharp incelligence. Dragons are
humans as beneach cbeir nocice; however, due
co che mana of che Overlord, chey inscinccively
perceive human menas males of cheir race. For
forces co be feared, wich sharp claws rhac chis reason, despice cheir ou cward arricude, ic
can rend sceel and fire chac blascs from cheir is said dragons loache and abhor che d1oughc
mouchs, reducing ali co cbar and ash. Known ofhurcing humans: whi.le rhey have che power
for cheir awesome mighr as rulers of che Iland, co cake che life of a hu man wich ease, chey hes-
chey adopc a proud and diccacorial accicude itare ro do so, and ofte n find d1emselves rad1er
coward lmmans and monscers alike. Though enamored of me men rhey capture.
dragons cake che form of a woman granced co When a dragon sees a man she likes, she
chem by che power of che Overlord, their in- cannoc overcome her monsrrous impulse; she
born power is so vasc rhac chey have not been carries che man off co her lair and copu laces
corrupced complecely by the Overlord's mana, wich him as her whims diccaces. The man
bue racher, recain cheabilicy co cernporarily re- is chenceforch treaced as her mosc ¡precious
assume che hulking repci"lian form for which creasure. He will never be released bue will be
chey were known in che previous era. They are cared for lovingly wich ever-unbridled aífec-
mosc fond of precious stones,jewels, aud rare cion and ever-pleasurable lovemaking.
magical artifacrs, and cheir lairs are said co be A dragon will submit if she recognizes a
fiUed wich che creasures cbey have collecced. human man as scronger chan she herself is.
While dragons are highly incelligenc, cheir Her inscinccs will drive her ro submic ro him,
accions and feelings are dominaced by inscincr lie wich him, and conceive his child. Such a
co such an excenc chac chey cannoc deny cheir dragon may no longer appear co be a ruler of
basesc desires. As che rulers of land, chey scorn land, bue racher a horny lizard besocced wim
her husband and desperace co mace.
Because of dragons' pride, ic is noc uncom-
mon for a dragon ro Üve mosc of her Life wirh-
ouc human concacc; she roucs che men who
come co slay her and ends her life wichouc
rhe experience of intercourse. Whe111 such a
dragon dies, monscer mana gachers upon her
lifeless corpse, and che remorse of her failure
to copulare wirh a man and bear a child joins
wich ic and raises her as a dragon zombie. The
risen dragon's reason and pride are rocced away
in place of her body, which che monscer mana
has procected from decay, and she becomes
a horny lizard indeed, hungering only for a
man's sex and seed.

The instinct to bear a stro~g _chi~d leads a

dragon co open her leg.s in mv1taao_n to che
huó\an whose child 5he wants w1rhm her.


embodimencs of che elem ents of the natu-
ral world, such as wacer, fire, wind, and earch.
wh ich far su rpasses ordinary magic in screngch.
TI1e disadvancage is that, as elem entals rely on
che power of che surrounding land, an envi-
They vary in nature based on che puricy of ronmenc lacking a particular elemenc will be
their elemencs and che adrnixcure of monscer correspondingly impoverished. Thus, fire will
mana, and are classified accordingly. TI1is trea- be diflicu le to harness in snow country or wec-
cise describes in detail chese noble beings wh o land,jusc as wind will be in enclosed dungeons,
cranscend che human and che monstrous. and water in polluced environs. Earch -ravaged
wascelands will be similarly unresponsive.
I. Pure Elementals Elememals make concraccs only wich d10se
THE ELEMEN T S NOBLE SPI R ITS chey cruly trust. le is said rhac elemental.iscs and
Pure elememals are concencraced embodimencs elemencals joined by firm bonds have cogecher
of the elemencs of che naru ral wo rld, such as che scaved offgreat calamities and fierce pre-modern
four great elemencs: water, fire, wind, and earch. monscer inc ursions numerous times. However,
Pure elemenrals are noc, by nature, monsters; because elemencals have emocions, chey ofcen
rhey can, however, become monscers if chey have a scrong interese in, and admiracioJ1 for,
are corrupced by monscer mana. The resulcing che !ove and incercourse which is exchanged
being is called a monscrous elemental. P ure ele- among corporeal life form s. Because they are
mencals are d1e very scuif chac nacure is made of. joined wich cheir concraccors by deep crusc and
TI1e land in which they live is rich and blessed firm bonds, d1ey ofcen develop tender feelings
in d1eir elemenc. Withour che element of wacer, for chem .and come to lamenr d1.eir inabilicy to
che world would be parched, and wichout dle unite wid1 chem physically, for lack of body.
element of eard1, the land wou ld be barren.
With che weighc of cheir power, elemen- 2. Monstrous Elementals
cals su rpass both humans and monsters who WITHIN WHOM LURKS MANA
live in che world. In sorne regions, there are Monscrous elemencals are former pure elemen-
even elemental faichs char revere chem ais cals who have been corrupced inco monscers by
gods. Their appearance is mercurial and vol - monsrer mana. Pure elemenrals are powerfol,
acile, some a fückering sheet of flame, ochers bue link easily wich monscer mana. An elemen-
an aqueous mass in a vaguely human guise. tal who visics che monscer realm or is doused
Elemencals have considerable incelligence and in che mana of a monscer has no rrouble crans-
wisdom, are capable of holding conversation, forming ñnco a monscrou s elemental. The el-
and are endowed wich emorion much like rhac emental, once volacile in aspecr, cakes on che
of humans. However, chey lack bodies, and monscrous shape of a beauciful woman. It falls
so are unable to couch or manipulare maccer. from che status of a cranscendenc spi ric ro chac
TI1t1s, an elemental may exercise ics power i11 of a monscrous ani mal, bu e gains che body and
che manner of irs nacure- deansing water or sex ir could never h ave hadas apure elemental,
enriching earch co promoce che growch of veg- now able co couch and 111:anipulace macce1·.
ecable life- b uc ic is noc able to use irs power As a monscer, che interese and admiracion an
freely for ocher purposes such as magical ac- elemental had for love and incercourse blooms
cacks upon people by rhe power of ics elemen t. fu lly, and she follows her monstrous insci ncts to
To achieve chis, ir lends ics power to a human seek che body of a h uman man. If die elemen-
by contraer. T he elemental scays by che side tal hada concracc wid1 a human, she cakes chac
of che human, or "concraccor," to grane him her human wich che foil force of her pase longing
power. Known as"elemencaliscs;' such humans and anguish and experiences whac is doubcless a
use chis power to perform elemental magic great sense of fulfillment when chey at !ase unice.
Likc a purc clcmcncal, a monstrous elemental essence from cheir con craccors over an extended
can excrcise her power by means of a con crac e period of time. TI1e vasc accumularion. of mon-
wich an elemencalist. However, she seals chis ster mana wichin rhem rurns chem inco powerful
contraer by copu lacing. For her power to be ex- monscers. TI1ey are quice similar co monsrrous
ercised, she muse firsc cransfer ic co che human elemencals in appearance, bue cerrain pares of
via sex; chi:s form of magic is superior in force to cheir bodies are darkened by che monscer mana,
chac of apure elemencal. Moreover, a monstrous and cheir expressions become lascivious and
elemental can use a man's essence as a subsriru te beauciful. Like pure elemencals, rhey enrid1 na-
for che power of che land, so if che cwo have a cure. However, che nacure chey enrich is nor che
deep and true love rhac has been plenrifu Uy con- narure of d1ehuman world bue che nan1re of die
su mmaced!, cheir power will remain consiscenc monscer realm (p. 230). TI1ey d1ink of noching
even in unfavorable surroundings. bue incercourse wirh cheir beloved conrraccors,
Though monstrous elementals are mon- who have long since become incubi (p. 15), and
scers, elemencal worshippers ofcen welcome chus are of che same vulgar mindsec.
chem as greacer elemencals because rhey have Juse as elemencals, who represent nacu re i cself,
a physical form, are closer co humans in ap- are corrupced by monsrrosiry, so roo is nacure
pearance, and are generally much more pow- corrupred by monsrrosiry. Thus, when a dark ele-
erful. Likewise, icseems rhac che elemencaüscs mental appears, die once-pu re elemenrs of water,
whom chey serve do noc move to expel chem, fire, wind and soil will be 6lled wirh monscrous
bue racher welcome and even revere chem. power and benr co ch e fonn of che monscer
In cases when che connaccor is a woman, realm. Because dark elemencals copulare wich
che monstrous elemental will curn her inco a concraccors and accumulace essence constanrly,
monscer co ceach her che ecscasy and freedom some scholars posrulate chac che monsrer realm
she herself has tasted. TI1rough union, che el- will become correspondingly richer as chey build
emental rnrns che concraccor into a succubus. rheir power. Monscers wil l chus be able co copu-
TI1e newborn succubus elemencalisc chen uses lare wich increasingly violenc sacisfaccion.
her elemental power co assaulc a human man;
chereafcer, ali incercourse will cake place as a 4. Demi-Elementals
chreesome becween che elemental, che succu- MONST ERS BY NAT URE
bus elememalisc, and cheir human lover. Demi-elemenrals are impure elememals char
When a monscrous elemental copulaces have been monscerized. Of rhe monscers in
wich her concractor, she accumu laces essence; chis book, che yuki-onna and che dryad fall
chrough ch is, her power as an elemental and inro ch is cacegory. They resemble elemenrals
che power che conrractor can exercise grow in in corporeal scrncmre bue are monscers from
force. However, che essence also concencraces birch and so seek human men as cheir desires
and screngrhens che monscer mana wichin her dictare, regardless of conrraccs. There is no
body, so her mind and body become more syscem in which a demi-elemenral will lend
monstrous, more luscful and obscene, while her her power by contracc.
inrercou rse wich che con tractor becomes corre- As ascure readers will have by now inferred,
spondingly more fervenr. A monscrous ciernen- mosc humans ocher chan scholars and wor-
cal complecely dominared by monster mana is shippers of elementals refer co ali cypes simply
choughc co cransform incoan even more pow- as elemenrals and lack decailed knowledge of
erful monscer known as a dark elemental.. chem. There are cales of ignoranc lords of an -
ri-monsrer scares who concracced elemenraliscs
3. Dark Elementals and cheir dark elemenrals co figh r monscers.
SHA PI NG THE MONSTER REALM TI1is, of cou rse, resulced in che land soon being
Dark elemencals are former monscrous ele- filled wich che monscrous, echoíng moans of
mentals who have acquired a large quanciry of che monscer realm.


FAMILY: Spirit · TYPE: Elemental

Habitat: Lakes and springs

Nature: Peaceful, devoted
Diet: The essence of human meo
an aggregace of che elemenc of wacer, cor-
rupted by monsccr mana incoa monstrous el-
chrough devoced service. The undine's body,
made of water, gencly wraps che man's pballus
and aElows him to drifc in a peaceful pleasure
emental. (iFor more on elemencaJs,see p. 218.) h e could never casce wich anorher m onscer.
Undines have beauciful bodies as clear and Embraced in her body, he feels as chough her
lucent as rhe warers chac compose rhent and kind and devored hearr is warming him. 1l1e
a peaceful spirit of pure compassion. Undines undin e rejoices quiedy ro h ave che essence of
cypically Live near water sou rces such as lakes h er beloved contraccor drifcing chrough her
and springs and rarely accack humans. They body.
do, however, consrancly desire rheir concrac- Over time, as cl1e u ndine colleccs more of
cors, who love che undines as muchas che un- her lover's essence, che u ndine cra.nsforms
dines !ove chem. While undines do nor accack incoa dark elemental (p. 219), dominaced by
cheir lovers, as such, chey may invice men chey monscer mana. The undine's once-pure hearc
like inro rather urgenc co,uracrs wich chem by clouds like muddied water wich plea.sure and
means of copulacion. becomes increasingly lewd and luscful. Her
Wacer elemencals admire che romances h u- incercourse wicli che concraccor, roo, becomes
mans are known co share. The monscer mana as rnmulcuous as a curbid srream, so violent
within chem turns cl1is admiration inro pow- t hat ic chreatens to swallow up boch che man's
erful desire, which leads clhem co reenacr whac reason and h is seed.
monscers :see as !ove: passionate coirns. They 1l1e monscrous corruprion of a water ele-
scay by che side of cheir concracrors always, mental is mirrored by che water of che narnral
cherishing rhem as lovers and grancing chem world: her bocele, which once h eld prisrine,

che power of wacer chrough sex, and pleasure holy wacer, now overflows wich die filch of
monscer mana, rain cing che wacers of che
naniral world as ic has befouled her h earc. A
human man wh o drinks water contaminaced
by monsrer mana will evencually become an
incubus. A woman who drinks ir will become
a succubus, while a monscer who imbibes che
ca.inced wacer will become more powerful and
sexually active. Evencu aJly, the monsr1·ous wa-
ter infiltrares ali rhe surrounding land, licde by
liccle claiming ic as pare of che monscer realm.
Undines are weak againsr verbal abuse from
rheir contractors. If at1 undine hears even a bit
of casrigarion, she will fear che concraccor's
disapproval; ch ereafcer, her copulacion will
rnrn so fierce chac her former, peaceful ways
become nigh unimaginable. S he wi]I sooche
che concraccor's ire wicli generous, rousing ac-
cencion so chac he will once more come ro love
1her, his body and soul hers alone.
This undine has become a dark elemental.
She !oves noching more chan when her con·
craaor scains her ümpid fom1 wirh his pearly
whice Huid.
FAMILY: Spirit · TYPE: Elemental

Habitat: Volcanic regions, deserts, etc.

Nature: Aggressive, passionate
Diet: The essence of human men
aggregacion of fire chac has been cor-
rupced by monsccr mana incoa monscrous el-
hoc passion glincs inside her as she granes d1e
power of fire ro her concraccor. Her love and,
in rum, her desire bum for him hoc and un-
emental. (iFor more on elemencaJs,see p. 218.) ending as a scar. The man, deep wichin her
Ignes are as wild as raging flame, bue dry and flaring body, is ensconced in d1e fire, which
easy in cemperamenc. Many ignes are found inflames ali chac ic couches. When he spews
in warmer lands such as volcanic regions. and forch his essence, ir is bur fuel poured upon che
desercs, where chey smolcl!er in ancicipacion as flame of her lusc, and cheir carnal conflagra-
chey prowl in search of human men. cion spreads and cowers wich furious incensicy.
The A.ames chac encircle che body of an ignis Du,e coche consumpcion ofher co11traccor's
are harmless unless ir is her will ro accack. In essence, che ignis wi ll evencually cransform
facc, chey do noc even feel hoc. However, if an incoa dark elemenral (p. 219), domi111aced by
ignis envelops her lover in, a sense of fever monscer mana. The ignis's passionace blaze
will fi.11 bis head, causing him ro burn fon- her is fed concinuously by monster mana, while
body. Ir will noc be long before rhey have sex. her he are is filled u nremiccingly wich her in-
When an ignis spocs a man she likes, she tolerable love for her elemencalist. Her body
embraces him with her flaming arms and fills burns ar che mere sighc of him. In rime, chese
him wich !use for her. Meanwhile, che ignis's A.ames become roo hoc and fierce ro deny, rurn-
own smoldering need blazes, and a contraer ing her inro a savage monscer chac fofilows che
is made chrough an inferno of searing imer- infernal longings of her hearc. Once she, a fire
course. 1hough ir is usually che roughness of elemental, is corrupced by monscrosicy, che fire
che ignis's words and conduce chac stands ouc, of che nacural world cransforms incoa 111011-
she always blazes wich [ove for her concractor; scrous flame: even a cheerful corch or welcom-
ing hearch becomes a hellish blaze chac heacs
and parches humans and monscers. Monscers
maddened by chis flame will accack humans
wichouc hesicacion. Those lic by monscrous
cransform inco incubi and succubi once chey
have been engaged by che frenzied monsters.
Evencually, che encire land is overcaken by che
fervid consummacion of monscrous [use, and
from che ashes of che human landa new, mon-
scrous land rises up.

1his ignis has become a dark elemencal. :he

black Aames chat scorch her body cat~h w1th a
ferocious lteac on che fue! of her mans semen.


FAMILY: Spirit · TYPE: Elemental

Habitat: High in the moun-

tains, in the sky, and
wherever the wind blows
Nature: Simple, selfish, and capricious
Diet: The essence of human men
born of an aggregacio11 of wind and mon -
seer mana, che conAuence of which curns her
chereafrer besec him frequendy and unpredicc-
ably for sex, again and again. Every intimare
momenc chey spend cogerher swells her curi-
inco a monstrous elemental. (For more on osiry. She looks upon che incercourse of ocher
elemencals, see p. 218.) Sylphs are as capri- monscers and recurns prompcly co cese whac she
cious and freewheeling as che breeze. TypicaUy, has learned wich her concraccor. No matter d1e
rhey hide chemselves as chey Ay abour rhe med1od, means, or scenario, she copulares wich
open sky in search of human men. They wrap d1e contraccor co grane him d1e power of wind.
chemselves in invisibilicy as chey soar, making Her body hides whirling gales even when she
chem difficulc co spoc, bue chey are known to seems ac peace, and when her vagina cakes in
sec fooc 011 land and show chemselves if chey che concraccor's member, fickle squalls of stim-
see someching chey wanc. ulacion blow chis way and chac, scorming rne
Sylphs are fascinaced wich che encangle- concraccor wich a differenc kind of pleasure
ments of men and women. Given che vol ume of every rime she draws his sperm inro herself.
informarion chey collect abouc monsrrous love When a sylph-encranced concraccor con-
and incercourse chrough windborne rumors, cinues co give her his essence, che sylph will
cheir heads are always fu 11 of carnal matcers. gradually rransform i.nco a dark elemencal (p.
In order co sacisfy her sexual curiosicy, when 219) dominaced by monscer mana. Her hidden
a sylph sees a man she likes, she pleads wich wind burscs chrough her head, blowing away
him incessandy for sex and a concracc. Afcer any ch.oughr chac does noc concern her !ove and
che is secured, che sylph will mosc of- passion for che concraccor or her inexhauscible
ren Ay abour her concracc-0r co grab and fawn curiosicy abouc sex. Her passion for rne elemen-
over him, kissing him ac odd incervals, befud- calisc is a scorm d1ac even she cannoc prcedictí she
dling him wich che wild whimsy which is her clings co ic greedily, leccing ic carry her where ic
nacure. The pleasure of union and che resulcing will. The only demand she makes is foir copula-
essence, che sweemess of which she firsr casres tion wid1 her concraccor. Even che wi111d ac her
wirh che conrraccor, exceed her wildesc fancies. beck and call becomes a toy wich which she fans
She is lefc enrapcu red by cheir coupling and will his lusc, by indecencly ruffiingocher women's-
or her own- doching, or blowing her mana-im-
bued breach upon his neck and ears. She will do
whacever she canco seduce and ravish her man.
Once che sylph's wind merges wirh monster
mana, d1e wind of che natural world cransforms
inco a black brearn muddled wich mana. Even
her wind, which once puífed out human sails
and carried Aower seeds, now blows masses of
monscer mana upon humans and monscers.
This magical wind blows away ali chings chac
i ncerfere wi ch che free liaison of chose in ics
thrall, such as reason and rescrainc, and leaves a
profollnd sense of freedom in ics wake. Humans
lose cheir ancipach¡, coward copulaciion wich
monscers, and monscers become looser chan
ever. In d1is way, rne wind of rne sylph brings
This sylph has buome a dark elemental. Drive~1 che monscer realm coche land of humans.
by her cempescuous sexual apperit~, sh: forni-
cares wich her contraccor like a wh1rlwind. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA
FAMILY: Spirit · TYPE: Elemental

Habitat: Caves, mines, etc.

Nature: Peaceful, gentle
Diet: The essence of human men
a creacure fonned from1d1e merging of mon-
srer mana wirh che earch element. (For more
inco her. Slowly, firmly, she squeezes ic. The
power of che earth Hows inco che concraccor
wich a gravid bliss, su(fusing him wich che vi-
on elemenrals, see p. 218.) Quier and relaxed, raücy of craving, so chac he becornes bound co
gnomes live in caves and mines wid1 ferrile soil. join wich her forevermore. She welcomes hirn
When a gnome finds a human man she as he penetrares her deeper and deeper wich
likes, she presses her plenriful body againsr slow, heavy rhrusts.
him like a symbol of che .earth, seducing him Afrer a time, che concraccor's essence wíll
co rooc furcher inco her body and fonn a con- rransform che gnome incoa mana-dominaced
cracr by way of incercourse. Usually she is quiet dark elemental (p. 219). Her body and soul
and draws her concraccor near wichouc a word. decompose like earch sloughing away inco
Ac orher times, she whispers feverish words mud, so chac she claws ravenously a.e che
of !ove as she pu lis him in, in che hope chac conrraccor's body and seeks unbroken carnal
cheir bodies can be one. If che contraccor does union wirh him. Once che copularion begins,
not express dissenc, she cakes him gendy ro she will never willingly him; she will
che ground, scraddles him, and rides him un- pul! him in indefinicely, as che earm does me
cí! rhey are boch moaning. She prefers co cake roots of a cree. To make her beloved cree yec
her rime copulacing and, much like a pockec mighcier, she pours borh her mana and che
of soil passing her nu criencs in co che planc power of che earch inco him, cransforming che
burrowed in her, she cransfers her earchen conrraccor incoa powerful and luscful incubus
powers ro che conrracror. Meanwhile, che con- who is noching wichouc her.
cracror pours his seed inco her. The body of When che gnome, an earm elemental, is
che gnome, which represencs che earch, holds polluced by monscer mana, che earch of che
his sex carefully bu e snugly, as if his member nacural wodd is correspondingly warped. The
has grow11 forno orher reason than to burrow mana-rich black soil, where green planes, and
nourishing fruics and vegecables once grew,

1 now curns ics harvesc inco che weird and dire

Rora of che monsrer realm. Flora such as che
tenca.ele planc, which feeds on monscer mana,
can be found, as well as che prisoner fruir,
which monscers eac rn enhance cheir beaucy
and lewdness. TI1is soil also helps planc 111011 -
scers such as alraunes (p. 36) and mandrago-
ras (p. 38) develop cheir power and obscenicy.
TI1ese monscrous fruics and vegeta.bles are in
facc quite nutririous and delicious, even for
hurna11s. Because chey also concain generous
amouncs of monscer mana and aphrodisiacal
\ cornpounds, however, hurnans chac parcake
1 of rhem are infesced by monscer mana, which
gradually cransforrns chem inco monsrers or

incubi. fo rime, che land is bound co become
ful! of such rich vegecacion and invicingly pru-
This gnorne has become a da~k elemental. rienc monscers and chus fa.11 complecely inco
W ith a prisoner frui c decorarmg her he~d,
che grip of che monscer realm.
she seduces her conrraccor with a body npe
for che picking.
:.. .--------~~------"':'.':"-------'•===-
FAMILY: Spirit · TYPE: Elemental t

Habitat: The monster realm

Nature: Lustful, simple
Diet: The essence of human men
che black sun, lives in areas of che mon-
scer realm thac have elevac.ed concencrations of
inco che air. The mana causes che monscers in
che area ro become active and seek che man out
for inrercourse. Thus, tthe dark macter js a black
mana, even for chis realm where ir is plenciful. sun chac irradiares che monscer realm.
Dark maccers are excremely rare, creacures chac Sometimes-rarely-a dark maccer accacks
form from che combinacion of concentraced a woman. In chese cases, che woman is assim-
monscer mana and che desire of monscers and ilaced noc inco che da·rk maccer's black sphere,
incubi. 1he porcion chac looks like a woman bue inco che monscers fenúnine half. As che ren-
scems from monscrous mana and che desire of cacles of che black sphere sow unremiccing plea-
women; che black sphere she rides is a combina- sure inco every comer ofher body, che woman's
cion of monscrous mana and che desire of men. head is sacu raced wich ecscasy; she foses wich
Dark macters are governed by cheir female che dark maccer, who likewise knows noching
form. As an incarnacion of monster mana and bue pleasure. Ics choughcs are consolidated
desire, d1ere is norhing in her head bue her wish wirh che human woman's, so chat che woman's
m copulare with men. To fullill d1is desire, she affeccions, such as chose aimed ar a particular
rides her black sphere chroughout che monscer man, shape che dark maccer's !use, strengch-
realm in search of hu man men. As she cravels, ening and deepening ic. 111ough dark maccers
che sphere carries ouc ics male desire by comin- usually remain wichin che monscer realm, che
uously cwiining ics cencacles abouc d1e woman woma11's former !ove may drive her co leave ro
chac rides ic, violacing her ali che while. The copulare wich rhe man her former self longed
woman enaccs her female desire by devourú1g for so .hopelessly. Thus che dark macrer depares,
che pleasure che black sphere gives her. When in search of her man's essence, ali che while vi-
che dark maccer finds a human man, she engulfs olared by her mounc, che black sphere swelling
him in and! oucwich her black sphere. His whole her desire co unimaginable proporcions.
body is infilcraced by an excreme concencracion On rare occasions, dark maccers wiU emerge
of monscer mana; he becomes a powerfuJ in- ourside che monsrer realm, in mana-congesced
cubus in d1e blink of an eye. As d1e man foses lands ·char are in che process ofbeing monscer-
wich che sphere, cheir desires become one, and ized. This is a porcem of a region's impending
he is overcome by d1irsc for her body. He cakes cransition co che monscer realm. As soon as
rhe place of che black sphere and fulfills his !use a dark maccer reappears wich her man ÍJ\ her
by coupling wich che feminine half of rhe dark grasp, she will spill masses of mana abouc che
maccer. She colleccs his essence and produces a land co claim ic inarguably as pare of ic.
greac <leal of monsrer ma11a, which shedisgorges Scholars have long debaced cheir proper
..._Jiiiiiii_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . , ~ ~
classificacion, bue che prevailing cheory is

1 chac dark maccers are dark elemencals, pu re

embodimencs of elemental monscrosicy. (For
( elememals, see p. 218.) Ochers argue chac chey
muse be demi-elemencals, given chac chey are
originally monscers. However, cheir common-
alicies wirh dark elemencals are numerous and
include chese familiar behaviors: contracts
formed via intercourse, viccims pumped foil
of magical power, che perversion of che envi-
ronmenc, and che enrichmenc of monscrosicy.
Wich so many resonant craics, it is hard to dis-
counc che dark maccer's own elemencaJ nacure.
This woman is in che process ofbecom ing a dark
marcer, merging body and soul vía pleasure. MONSTER GIRL ENCYCLOPEDIA 229
che monscers, where che Overlord's cascle
can be foun&. Daycime is aiways dim chere,
anda scicky line ofjuice. The fruir melcs ~n che
mouch and shapes che body of monscers who
eac ic co make chem more seduccive and more
chanks ro che rhick !ayer of succubus ma11a inclined ro cake men prisoner. Man y monscers
chac floacs chrough che air. The moon chac like co eac ic as a desserc. If a human man eacs
peeps chrough che mana ac nighc illuminares ic, ics bounreous mana brings out bis appeal,
che realm wich an eerie crimson. The succubus as well as che scenr of essence chat monscers so
mana in che air gleams as ifbewirched under !ove, encouraging chem to seek him out co ful-
che lighc of chis moon, so chatt che nighc of che fill cheir sexual urges. If a human woman eacs
monscer realm is brighcer chan che day. 1he ic, she falls under che chrall of ics flavor; wich
mana rransforms human men and wome:n each piec.e she consumes, her appearance be-
who carry chere inco incubi and succubi, re- comes more and more monscrously accractive,
speccively. The mana is said ro make monscers subcly changing her movemenc and speech,
more active so that chey sexually assaulr hu- making her more alluring ro men. As she con-
man men more aggressively. To humans, che tinues co ,eat, her incerest in copulation grows.
land looks ominous, a ghascly gaunclec rhac Gradually, her nature approaches chac of a
heacs che body and corrodes che mind wich monscer, appealing tomen, rhough she is yec a
lust, bue to ics inhabicanrs, che uncanny spec- human. SciU, driven by che fruir, she soon seeks
tacle appears beauceous, and every aspect of out a man and copu laces wich him. The essence
che realm facilicaces a life of ucmosc comforc. she acrains from him brings che mana her body
has collec red from che frujc inro ful! bloom, and
cransforms her inro a fecching succubus.
l. The Natural Environment
The crees chac grow in chis crimson-drenched
land have crnnks of che darkesc black and
2. The Overlord's Castle
leaves chac shine blue wich mana. Shrubs 1l1e Overlord lives in a casde in che deepesr
of brillianc mana-purple wrap forebodingly reaches of che monscer realm. The cencer of
around chese crees, reflecring che light of che monsrerdom is wicked in coun cenan ce, decked
moon in glicrering red. Amongst che dark in ominous grandeur and! covered in gargoyles.
vegecacion, fluorescenc flowers bloom, making Wichin, che Overlord's Army scands guard,
che darkness yer more unnerving. Springs and composed of legions of powerful monscers
screams are infused wich succubus mana chac and incubi who were once heroes before be-
makes cheir water chick and pinkish. Ic slakes ing corrupced. Ic is an in vincible forcress char
well che chirs[ of che monscer inhabicanrs and has wichscood che onslaughrs of che soldiers
empowers cheir magic. and heroes of che Order rime and time again.
The crees chat bear prisoner fruir grow at The dñscipline of che Overlord's Army is
che edge of chis water. Prisoner fruir is one of quite !ax. Ac ali rimes, ex:cepcing emergencies,
che proudesr produces of che monscer realm. mosc of che monscers, including che Overlord,
Abouc che size of an apple, ic is like a heart- are in cheir d1ambers, leading a fine and highly
shaped jewel beneach ics juicy, cranslucent sensual life wich cheir h.usbands. Passionate
pink skin, and ful! of sofc, milky-whice flesh. moans ar,e likely co be heard from mosc every
A poke from a finger releases a sweec scenc door of ch e casde.
penetrare her. The planes on che oucskircs of
3. The Succubi's Castle Town rhe foresc are relacively genrle, as if chey are
Numerous monscers live in che cown around chere ito enliven che sex lives of monsters and
che Overlord's Castle. This cown was builc by cheir husbands, so many couples visir che for-
che succulbi who serve che Overlord, so chac esc to enjoy carnal cencacle pleasure. However,
monscers can bring human men chere anden- if a human woman lacking che wherewichal
joy ics conveniences and acmosphere, which co tolerare such creacm encshould wander inco
are reminiscenc of a pleasu re quarcer. The res- che foresc, she will be choroughly debased by
idencial discricc is builr co help monscers and che planes unril she comes out a succubus or
human men live cogecher comforcably, while roper, with nothing in h er head bue pleasure.
che commercial discricc feacures shops cha e seU The d,e eper one goes inco che foresc, che more
ali manner of magical equipmenc and potions viciou s che tenracles become. Even monscers
ro make sex more ribald, as well as um1sual hesita te co vencure inco irs greacesr depchs.
cloches and accessories chac monsrers use to
gracify men. The diversicy of produces on dis-
play is cru ly ascounding, and che markecplace
5. The Encroachment
ceems wich monscers who have craveled from TI1e monster realm is comprised ofland char-
beyond ch e monscer realm to make pu rchases acrerized by che highly concencraced succubus
and merchancs who have come to refresh cheir mana chac cransforms ir. As monscers increase
stock. T here is also a bewildering array of lav- in num ber and che Overlord rises in power,
ish chac cacer coa variecy of sexual che realm is sreadily expanding and swal-
casces, each wich ics own unique ambiance. lowing up neighboring human cou11tries. As
Even couples who live in che monscer realm chese councries' women transfigure into 111011-
are said ro cake advanrage of chem quice regu- scers and che cicies be come cicies of monsters,
larly. Wich ali chis in mind, ir is easy rosee chac che monscer realm acl!vances yec furcher. Even
che cascle rnwn is a paradise builc by monscers human lands far from che monscer realm are
for monscers. bound co one day bdong ro ic-eich er when
che monscers invade, or when gove:rnmencs
h ospicable to monscers allow monscers and
4. The Forest of Tentacles cheir mana to propagare. Dark elemencals
1he Foresc of Tencacles, loca red ar che edge (p. 219) also promoce che encroachmenc.
of che monsrer realm, pullulaces wich sinis- In recenc years, ic has become increasingly
cer, vine-like cencacle planes. When chey find conunon for small oucposcs of the monscer
a woman of any race, che planes exrracc her realm to appear in che midsc of human lands.
mana by binding her, playing wich her, and Frorn here, rhe monscer realm will also spread
violacing any and ali of h er orífices. Because ineluccably.
che cencacles know chac monscer mana is im-
proved in qualicy and casre by che essence of
men, chey will also capn11re her husband if he
is wich her. In cases such as chis, che planr's
cenracles wrap his lover up and deluge her
wich a viscous Auid chac conrains a powerful
monscer aphrodisiac. TI1e cencacles coíl about
her chighs, pull her legs wide open, and ori-
enr h er coward ch e man, as if invicing him to


monscers ro kili each ocher. Thac was
cheir desciny in a syscem builc so chac chey
• Finally, che Chief Deicy, like che
Overlord, was new to che chrone-a
female yec lacking in experience as
would spill each ocher's blood in an endless agod.
cycle of slaughcer (p. 212). The leader of che
monscers, che currenc Overlord, cut chis end- le is chese many coincidences we have ro chank
less loop by cwiscing che god-made forms of for che currenc srare.
che monscers and chus reformed che world. Even so, che syscem of che Chief Deicy is
Before I introduce che final monscer, I would nor so delicace chac che Overlord couldl bloc
like co explain where che monscers incend c,o ir ouc sim.ply and wichou e erial; ocherwise, che
cake che world. Overlord would have done so already. A n um-
ber of unforeseen issues remain. Though che
goal of monscers has changed from bucchering
The Utopía of the Overlord's Dreams humans and devouring cheir flesh and blood co
1he final objective of che Overlord is ro curn ali violacing ·chem and ravishing cheir essence, che
human men inco incubi and ali httman women premise remains cha e monscers acrack humans,
inco monscers. In chis unilied race, males will as does che premise chac monscers are biolog-
be humans and females will be monscers. The ically superior ro humans. According ro che
Overlord used her power ro overwrice che die- assumpcions of che Overlord, incubi should
caces of god, ünking cogecher ali monscer mana be born as che males of an incegraced race.
and sending her own mana chrough chis link However, copu lacion berween humans and
so chac monsterkind would cake che form sl1e monscers currencly only resulrs in che bin-ch of
desired. Through chis, monscers came co have monsrers-exclusively daughrers, che moch-
greac aífeccion for human men and ro reinvenc ers and superior beings of monsterkind.. This
chemselves as che monscer women we know scymies che creacion of a uniced race coward
coday, who bear children by copulacing wich which che Overlord endeavors. In facc, cl1is
human men. rack will only lead coche gradual descruccion
Je should noc have been possible for che of humaniry, jusc as che gods and che Chief
Overlord, on1y one among che man y creacions Deicy claim. Apare from char, che powers of
of che Chief Deicy, co overwrirce god's word bue che Chief Deicy and che Overlord are scill
for che confluence of a num.ber of forcunace evenly macched, and ic is u nclear how long che
coincidences: equilibrillln will lasc. Should che Overlord be
defeared and slain by che Chief Deicy, m on-
• Firstly, che Overlord was a suc-
scer girls will reverc co monscers as we once
cubus, and cherefore able ro srore
knew chem, wirh naughc in cheir minds bue
power by copulacing wich men;
dearh and devascacion in a rarher non-sexual
• Secondly, che Hero, now her hus-
manner. This will shaccer che joy of che many
band, agreed wich and assisced her
ambicion; monscer girls now living cogecher wich human
• TI1irdly, che monscers lene her cheir husbands and force rhem co rip apare che hus-
screngch, despite che facc chac uncil bands chey love wich cheir own hands.
chen chey had incessantly foughc However, as che Overlord's power builds,
amongsc each ocher; as monscers mulciply, as che monsrer realm
spreads, che Overlord grows scronger. If chis
concinues, one day she will be able co rewrice
che premises of monscer girls complecely and
seal chem in scone. Then ic will come co be
chac incubi, coo, are born from monscers, and
human men and monscer women can be born
again as a new, single race w ith a deep and pas-
sionace need for one anocher.
le is said chac ac chis very momenc, che
Overlord and her hero husband are engaged
in furious couplings deep wichin her cascle,
working co score che man.a necessary co effecc
chis. The more chey copulare wich each ocher,
an incubus anda succubus joined in spirit and
in body, ch e more power chey will give each
ocher, and che greacer cheir combined scre11gch
will be.
I have o ne lasc commenc: che power olf che
Overlord, linked wich che mana of ali mon,
scers, can be enhanced, even if only by a üccle,
if you become one wich a monscer and give her
your essence. You have ch e power co change
face. You can help us build a harmonious new


FAMILY: Succubus • TYPE : Fiend

Habitat: The monster realm

Nature: Lustful
Diet: The essence of human men
T HE LILIM ARE THE DAUGHTERS OF THE cransformarion varíes, somecimes designed co
J Overlord (p. 232), cremendous in rnagi- curn rhe woman inco a monsrer chac firs her
cal power and prodigious in physical allure. personalicy and ideals, somerimes selecced
They have che same pearty skin, lily hair, and largely for amusemenc, co see how she will
scarlec eyes cinged wich mana as che Overlord. copulare afcer she curns. For inscance, chey
In ocher aspeccs, chey vary in characcer and may curn a wicked, finicky and haughcy shrew
demeanor, chough ali of 1rhe lilim are discin- inco a cockacrice, a monscer who ofcen finds
guished by che pure and overwhelming lusc herself plundered; or chey may curn a meek
of che cruesc of succubi. They love ali humans and sickly woman who rarely ever spoke co
and mons[ers deeply and wish more chan any- men inro a fierce amazoness who takes men
ching for u s ali co reach what rhey consider boldly. Ic ali depends on che humor and mood
an ideal way of life: living cogecher incimacely, of che lilim.
desiring each ocher earnestly, and fornicaring TI1e lilim symbolize che Overlord's power.
furiously. TI1e more power che Overlord seores chrough
The succubic lilim possess ulcimace power. incerc-0urse wich her husband, che more che
A lilim needs noc case seduccive magic co find a number of lilim grows-and chus grows che
mate, for mosc any man will beco me hers wich poweir of che Overlord and her monscers. If
jusc a single look. She has no need for amorous che lilim concinue co swell in number, che day
words co scir her lover's passion, nor does she will surely come when che world is ruled by
necd to magically enchanc or roughly violace a che monscers and che incubi who copulare
man to seduce him: he wiH offcr her his body wich chem, a world wichouc srrife, fiUed wich
of his own accord. Even before she lies wirh only leve and pleasure.
him, he will aiready be he-rs, even if mere mo-
mencs before he was a pious follower of che
Chief Deicy and abhorred monscers as abom-
inacions. Under her power, he will recline in
bed, anxiously ancicipacing che monsc-rous
pleasure she will soon grane him.
Though che lilim have che power co rule
over many men, cheir goal is scill che same
as char of che resr of monscerkind and mon-
sterkind's mocher, che Overlord: to find cheir
crue human love and become one wich him
in che everlascing rhroes of perfecr, Beshly
Jusc like che Overlord, che lilim house che
mana of ali monscerkind wichin chem. lf one
fornicares wich a human woman, she can
choose che monstrous form che woman will
cake when she is reborn. Because cheir ideal
is for aU women ro become monsrers and for
che world co become one in which monsrers
and human men fornicace obscenely forever,
ic is noc uncommon for rhem to have rela-
cions wirh women. Their choice of monscrous


/1 Tow coocludes tbis iotroductioo to mo1Jsterkiod.
( V .Tbe buodred moosters 1 describe in tbis volume
are oo{tJ a samplin9 of tbe mamJ varietie.s I bave
eocouotered tbrougbout mtJ travel.s. Tbe trek I took to
reacb this momeot was oot ao ea.stJ ooe. Despite beioq
attacked andfaced witb maotJ perils tbat tbreateoed
tbe coropletioo of tbis book, I wa.s-miraculou.sltJl-able
to escape a{( to write tbis afterword.
Now, 1 you to pooder: Wbat do tJ0u make of a{{
tbi..s oewfouod{edqe? How ba.s tJOUr perceptioo
of mooster.s cbaoqed? How would tJ0U propase to
respood to tbem io the future?
Doubtleu mtJ dear reader.s wil( bave a raoge of
opioioos. but {et it be ooted tbat tbis is oot onilJ ao
iotroduction to ooe buodred kind.s of moo.stez·.s, but
a record of more tbao ooe buodred bumao-mone.ter
couples 1 bave observed. lt is alreadv tbe case tbat
bumaos aod moosters are joioivg baods aod {ivioq
side bl.f side. I hope that vou wil{ take tbis ioto accouot.
Havio9 writteo a book sucb as tbis, I am atroost
certaio to be tarqeted bv tbe Order of tbe Omvipoteot.
lf 1 am cauqbt, a pub{ic execution is tbe best I cao
We{(, tbeo, wbere sba{{ 1 ruoP Perbaps ZipmJgu,
wbicb I lmow oollJ f rom reportsP North of Zípanqu is
tbe Cootinent of Mist, wbicb would be intere.stinq to
vi.sil as well.
I am sure tbat tbere are maolJ ki.ods of mo1Jsters I
bave never seeo tbere, living witb tbeir busbaods in
conjuga{ bliss.
Provided tbat I am vol captured btj tbe Order or
made tbe husbaod of a mooster, 1 am sure we sba{{
meet aqain oo tbe pages of anotber book-alooq witb
more monsters.


© 2010 Kenkou Cross. ALI righcs reserved.
Fírsc published in Japan in 2010 by Kurobinega.
E nglish cranslacion righcs reserved by Seven Seas Enrerrainmenr, LLC.
Under che license from Kenkou Cross.
E nglish Edicion © 2016 Seven Seas Encerrainmenc, LLC.

H arriec Fray and Lee Ouer
Jason DeAngelis

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