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Narrative Essays Example

Crafting an essay on the topic of "Narrative Essays Example" can pose a multifaceted challenge. One
must navigate through the intricate process of not only comprehending the essence of narrative
writing but also illustrating it effectively through examples. The difficulty arises in striking a delicate
balance between conveying a compelling story and adhering to the structural nuances that define a
well-crafted essay.

To begin with, one must delve into the realm of storytelling, identifying narratives that not only
captivate the reader but also serve as exemplary instances of the genre. This involves a meticulous
search for narratives that not only engage on an emotional level but also showcase the author's ability
to weave a coherent and impactful storyline.

Moreover, articulating the intricacies of narrative elements, such as character development, plot
progression, and thematic resonance, requires a nuanced understanding of literary techniques.
Balancing descriptive details with a concise yet evocative writing style is a tightrope walk that
demands both skill and finesse.

Furthermore, the challenge lies in ensuring that the chosen examples are not only illustrative but also
align with the overarching message or theme one intends to convey. This necessitates a keen
analytical eye to discern the underlying narrative techniques employed by the authors and to
articulate how these elements contribute to the overall effectiveness of the storytelling.

Additionally, the task extends to the personalization of the essay, injecting one's voice and
interpretation into the analysis while avoiding excessive subjectivity. Striking this balance is crucial
to creating an essay that is not only informative but also reflective of the writer's unique perspective
on the chosen narrative examples.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Narrative Essays Example" demands a blend of
literary acumen, analytical prowess, and the ability to convey personal insights. It is a challenging
endeavor that requires a careful selection of narratives, a nuanced understanding of storytelling
techniques, and the skill to weave these elements into a coherent and compelling essay. For those
seeking assistance, similar essays and more can be explored and ordered on .
Narrative Essays Example Narrative Essays Example
Preventing Obesity among School Children through Healthier...
Preventing Obesity Among School Children through Healthier School Meals
Obesity and overweight are among the pressing health problems among children and
adolescents in the developed world.

Obesity refers to an excess amount of body fat whereas overweight can be measured by
the BMI index or height weight ratio.

According to the WHO (2012), obesity and overweight are the fifth largest risk for
global deaths.

Obesity and overweight among children and adolescents has increased to more than a
third of children and adolescents (CDC, 2012).

Children and adolescents consume 700 to 1000 more calories per day than required
(NCCOR, 2012).

School lunches mostly consist of fried and salty foods, which has prompted ex military
officers to call for legislation on healthy school lunches (Spillius, 2010).

Problem Identification
Such children are likely to have higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes in later
years (CDC, 2012).

Obesity in children and adolescents can lead to greater susceptibility to the following in
later years:

High blood pressure
Bone and joint problems
Sleep apnea
Low self esteem
Problem Identification
Children and adolescents often resort to unhealthy ways of controlling weight including:
Crash diets Binge eating, leading to bulimia nervosa Starvation Drugs, e.g. cocaine

Hence, there is a need to develop healthy ways of controlling obesity in children.

Problem Identification
The Matrix
Sequence analysis, film form and style as depicted in the film, The Matrix
The matrix has different meanings, but according the movie I have watched I define
the matrix as a dream state, it is like when you are dreaming where the person is not in
the real world, yet is inside a computer programing. There are a number of dramatic
beats, and the photography found in the movie; a perfect visual depiction of exactly what
s going on in the scene and that is when we see how the settings of the movies like the
costumes, lighting, the sound and mise en scenes. there are lots opinions about the matrix
and questions that comes to mind after the movie. It is quite clear to me that that
computers or rather technology is becoming more popular in the century ... Show more
content on ...
Whenever the matrix wear their sunglasses there is that one sound that all of them make
when they are wearing the sunglasses that emphasizes the power and authority of the
main characters. The ringing of the phone signals danger many times throughout the film,
however, because the phone is a way to escape, it sometimes ends up saving whoever is
in danger Another sound is when Agent Smith is fighting with Neo, when he stretch his
neck there is a sound that comes out and that emphasize that Agent Smith is being
controlled by the computer. The sound effect of Morpheus fighting with Neo emphasise
that they are also being controlled though the computer

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