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A thorough grasp of co-generation technology is required for the preliminary design of a stand-
alone utilities supply system for a new salt factory in a remote salt-affected region of Victoria.
Co-generation, also known as combined heat and power (CHP), has the ability to meet the
facility's electricity and hot water demands in an efficient and sustainable manner. The purpose
of this literature study is to provide an overview of co-generation technology, its applicability in
similar contexts, and its potential benefits for salt factories.
Cogeneration is the sequential generation of two separate types of useable energy from a
single primary energy source, often mechanical and thermal energy. Mechanical energy can be
utilized to power an alternator, which generates electricity, or to power rotating equipment
such as a motor, compressor, pump, or fan, which provides a variety of services. Thermal
energy can be used directly in processes or indirectly to produce steam, hot water, hot air for
dryers, or chilled water for process cooling. Cogeneration offers a diverse set of technologies
for use in a variety of economic activities. In rare circumstances, the overall efficiency of energy
utilization in cogeneration mode could reach 85% or more (Bhatia, 2014).
In the case of the salt factory, electrical power is necessary for processes such as drying,
burning, filtering, and vacuum drying, as well as for smaller equipment that requires continuous
operation. Hot water is largely required for raw salt washing and sterilizing, as well as
extraction, with a desired temperature range of 80°C to 85°C. Co-generation systems may be an
effective way to address both of these goals. The use of a diesel generator for electrical energy
supply, along with the recovery of waste heat to produce hot water, may be a viable solution
for the salt factory's utilities supply system. Co-generation systems have the advantage of
utilizing the thermal energy created during electricity production, hence increasing the total
energy efficiency of the system. Waste heat from the diesel generator can be efficiently
recovered and utilized through heat recovery devices such as heat exchangers to meet the
facility's hot water needs.
The adoption of co-generation systems in industrial settings has shown significant benefits,
including increased energy efficiency, cost savings, and reduced environmental effect. The salt
factory may maximize energy use, reduce reliance on external resources, and lower operating
costs by utilizing waste heat from the diesel generator. Furthermore, because co-generation
systems are less reliant on external utilities like grid electricity and piped gas, they can improve
the facility's stability and resilience.
Finally, co-generation technology presents an appealing approach for meeting the electricity
and hot water demands of the proposed salt factory in a remote area. The literature review has
provided insights into the principles, benefits, and applications of co-generation systems. The
salt factory may achieve high energy efficiency, lower operational costs, and improve
sustainability by using a diesel generator to generate power and collecting waste heat to
provide hot water.
2) Energy analysis
Study the electrical and hot water demand profiles to select suitable Diesel generator and
determine the size of the hot water storage tank needed.
The proposed co-generation system for the salt factory's stand-alone utilities supply intends to
meet the facility's electrical and hot water demands effectively. The system recovers waste
heat from a diesel generator via two heat exchangers, one for heat recovery from engine
coolant and the other for heat recovery from exhaust gases. Figure 2 depicts the proposed co-
generation system schematic.
1. Heat Exchanger Insulation: Both heat exchangers are assumed to be well-insulated,
resulting in negligible heat transfer between the heat exchangers and the surroundings.
2. Heat Transfer: The bore water receives heat from the coolant first and then is further
heated by the exhaust gas. The total heat gain by the bore water is equal to the sum of
heat lost by the engine coolant and exhaust gases.
3. Negligible Pressure Losses: The engine coolant, exhaust gas, and water experience
negligible pressure losses while flowing through the heat exchangers.
4. Negligible Kinetic and Potential Energy Changes: The engine coolant, exhaust gas, and
water are assumed to have negligible changes in kinetic and potential energy while
flowing through the heat exchangers.

a) Determine the total electrical power (kW) demand every hour.

Processes within the Salt Factory
Raw salt washing and Burning of organic Filtration and Vacuum
Base electrical demand Drying Extraction
Time (duration) sterilization material Drying
Constant electrical Average hot water flow Constant electrical Constant electrical Average hot water flow Constant electrical
power (kW) rate @ 85 °C (kg/min) power (kW) power (kW) rate @ 85 °C (kg/min) power (kW)

8 to 9 AM 4.38 5.30 4.5 6.25

9 to 10 AM 4.38 5.30 4.3 3.2 4.3 4.47
10 to 11 AM 4.38 5.25 4.3 5.5
11 AM to 12 PM 4.38 5.30 4.4 3.2 4.17
12 PM to 1 PM 4.38 5.30 5.2 4.3 5.5
1 PM to 2 PM 4.38 5.9 5.5
2 PM to 3 PM 4.38 2.65 4.8 3.2 4.3 4.37
3 PM to 4 PM 4.38 3.80 4.5 4.3 6.5
4 PM to 5 PM 4.38 5.5 3.2 4.3 3.47

The figure above provide the necessary parameters for the calculation of total electrical power
To determine the total electrical power demand for each hour, the individual power demands
for all processes during that specific hour are summed up. The calculation for each hour is
performed based on the provided data.
For example, the total electrical power demand from 8 to 9 PM is calculated as follows;
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = 4.38 + 4.5 + 6.25 = 15.13𝐾𝑊
Calculations for each hour are done and respective values filled in in the table below.

Sum of electrical
Time (duration) power for all
processes (KW)

8 AM to 9 AM 15.13
9 AM to 10 AM 16.35
10 AM to 11 AM 15.13
11 AM to 12 PM 16.15
12 PM to 1 PM 15.08
1 PM to 2 PM 15.78
2 PM to 3 PM 16.75
3 PM to 4 PM 15.38
4 PM to 5 PM 16.55

The X-axis depicts time (from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), while the Y-axis represents total hourly
electrical power demand in kW. The area chart depicts the daily variance in electrical power
b) Determine the total hot water demand in (kg/min) and in (kW) every hour.
The total hot water demand in kg/min and kW for each hour is calculated by adding the hot
water flow rates for the processes that require hot water. "Raw salt washing and sterilization"
and "Extraction" are the operations that require hot water, according to the data presented.
The hourly computation is as follows:
𝐻𝑜𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 ( 𝑚𝑖𝑛) = Raw salt washing flow rate+ 𝐸𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑥𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒
The results of each respective hour are filled in the table below.
Calculation of hot water demand in (kW).
The hot water demand in kW, is calculated by multiply the hot water flow rate in kg/min by the
specific heat capacity of water and converts the units to KW. The specific heat capacity of water
is given as 4.182 J/g°C, which represents the amount of heat energy required to raise the
temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. However, since the provided hot water
flow rates are given in kg/min, the units need to be converted appropriately.
The correct conversion factor to use is 4.182 kJ/kg·°C, which is the specific heat capacity of
water in kilojoules per kilogram per degree Celsius. The results for each hour are computed and
filled in the table below.

Total hot water Hot water demand in

Time (duration) demand in (kg/min) (KW)

8 AM to 9 AM 5.30 22.1646
9 AM to 10 AM 9.6 40.1472
10 AM to 11 AM 4.3 17.9826
11 AM to 12 PM 5.3 22.1646
12 PM to 1 PM 9.6 40.1472
1 PM to 2 PM 0 0
2 PM to 3 PM 6.95 29.0649
3 PM to 4 PM 8.1 33.8742
4 PM to 5 PM 4.3 17.9826
The chart show the variations in hot water demand in both kW and kg/min throughout the
To determine the average flow rate (kg/min) of hot water
To calculate the average flow rate of hot water (kg/min), add the entire cumulative hot
water flow for all hours and divide it by the nine hours.
5.30 + 9.6 + 4.4 + 5.3 + 9.6 + 6.95 + 8.1 + 4.3
𝑎𝑣𝑒. 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = = 5.94𝑘𝑔/𝑚𝑖𝑛
Diesel generator selection
• Load levels: 50%, 75%, 100%, and 110%
• Fuel consumption and waste heat values corresponding to these load levels.
To use linear interpolation to estimate fuel consumption and waste heat values based on
electrical power demand, the load levels and their corresponding fuel consumption and waste
heat values from the Diesel generator catalogue must be used. These figures serve as a starting
point for estimating the values for intermediate load levels.

The range within which the demand falls can be determined by identifying the closest load level
to the electrical power demand for each hour. This range is made up of two adjacent load
levels, each with its own fuel consumption and waste heat value. Linear interpolation is the
process of computing the values for a certain demand by modifying the values of the two load
levels proportionally based on their proximity to the demand.
Using this method, the fuel consumption and waste heat values for each hour can be estimated
by taking into account the load levels and their corresponding values from the catalogue. Based
on the exact electrical power requirement for each hour, this interpolation technique provides
for a more accurate estimation of the actual fuel consumption and waste heat.

To perform linear interpolation for the 8 AM to 9 AM time slot:

• Identify the load level closest to the electrical power demand:

Electrical power demand for 8 AM to 9 AM: 15.13 kW

Closest load levels: 75% load (15.13 kW is between 13.6 kW and 16.1 kW)

• Determine the interpolation factor:

Interpolation factor = (Electrical power demand - Lower load level) / (Higher load level - Lower
load level)
For 8 AM to 9 AM: Interpolation factor = (15.13 - 13.6) / (16.1 - 13.6) = 0.612
• Apply the interpolation factor to the fuel consumption and waste heat values:
Interpolated fuel consumption = Fuel consumption at lower load level + (Interpolation
factor * Difference in fuel consumption)
Interpolated waste heat = Waste heat at lower load level + (Interpolation factor *
Difference in waste heat)
Interpolated fuel consumption =3.3 + (0.612 × 0.6) = 3.6672L/hr.
Interpolated waste heat (engine coolant) =13.6 + (0.612 × 2.5) = 15.13KW
Interpolated waste heat (exhaust) = 6 + (0.612 × 1.1) = 6.6732KW
Doing the above calculations for each hour and filling the results in the table below.

Waste heat (engine Waste heat (exhaust

Time (duration) coolant in kW) in kW)

8 AM to 9 AM 15.13 6.6732
9 AM to 10 AM 16.35 7.2136
10 AM to 11 AM 15.13 6.6732
11 AM to 12 PM 16.15 7.1227
12 PM to 1 PM 15.08 6.6512
1 PM to 2 PM 15.78 6.9592
2 PM to 3 PM 16.75 7.3955
3 PM to 4 PM 15.38 6.7832
4 PM to 5 PM 16.55 7.3045

Total waste per hour = waste heat (engine coolant) + waste heat (exhaust). The results are
compared to the total heating demand in the table below.

Time (duration) Total waste heat Total heating demand

(KW) (KW)
8 AM to 9 AM 21.8032 22.1646
9 AM to 10 AM 23.5636 40.1472
10 AM to 11 AM 21.8032 17.9826
11 AM to 12 PM 23.2727 22.1646
12 PM to 1 PM 21.7312 40.1472
1 PM to 2 PM 22.7392 0
2 PM to 3 PM 24.1455 29.0649
3 PM to 4 PM 22.1632 33.8742
4 PM to 5 PM 23.8545 17.9826
Using a constant flow rate for hot water supply is a reasonable approach because it simplifies
the system design by eliminating the need for a complicated active flow control system. By
maintaining a consistent flow rate, a simple water pump can be utilized to ensure a steady
supply of hot water throughout the co-generation system. This approach saves cost and
reduces complexity in the system, making it more efficient and easier to manage. For this
reason the average flow rate calculated previously is used in the process of selecting the
suitable generator.
Average heating demand = 5.94𝑘𝑔/𝑚𝑖𝑛 × 4.182 kJ/kg·°C = 24.84kW
From the above comparison, the suitable diesel generator for the project is MP- 16 - DC3E with
total waste heat of 26.4KW.
For average flow rate of hot water determine the temperature of the water after the
engine coolant heat exchanger T2 (°C).
To determine the temperature of the hot water after the engine coolant heat exchanger (T2),
the heat transfer occurring between the engine coolant and the hot water must be accounted.
Given that the heat exchanger is well insulated, the heat acquired by the hot water is assumed
to be equal to the heat lost by the engine coolant. This approach ensures that the overall heat
balance of the system is maintained. The temperature of the hot water as it exits the engine
coolant heat exchanger can now be accurately determined by considering this heat transfer
The following formula is used to compute the temperature of hot water after the heat
T2 = T1 + (Q / (m × Cp))
T2 is the temperature of the hot water after the heat exchanger,
T1 is the initial temperature of the hot water
Q is the heat transferred from the engine coolant to the hot water,
m is the mass flow rate of the hot water, and
Cp is the specific heat capacity of water.
T1= 20°C
Q= 18.3KW × 3600s = 65,880kJ
M = 5.94𝑘𝑔/𝑚𝑖𝑛 × 60 = 356.4kg/min
T2 = 20 + (65880/ (356.4 × 4.182 kJ/kg·°C)) =64.2≈64°C
Determine the temperature of the exhaust gas after the exhaust gas heat recovery
heat exchanger (°C).
The heat transfer between the exhaust gas and the hot water must be taken into account when
calculating the temperature of the exhaust gas after the exhaust gas heat recovery heat
exchanger. It is assumed that no heat transfer occurs to the surroundings, which means that
the heat obtained by the hot water equals the heat lost by the exhaust gas.
The heat transfer equation can be expressed as:
Q = m * Cp × (Tout - Tin)
Q = 8.1KW × 3600s = 29,160kJ
Tout is the temperature of the exhaust gas after the heat exchanger in °C
Tin is the initial temperature of the exhaust gas before the heat exchanger in °C
Tout = Tin - (Q / (m × Cp))
Tout = 455 - (29160 / (356.4 × 4.182 kJ/kg·°C))
Tout = 435°C
T2°C Tout.°C (exhaust)
64 435

Total hourly temperature fluctuation of hot water after receiving heat from coolant
(i.e. T2) and the exhaust gas temperature after it leaves the exhaust gas heat recovery
heat exchanger, against time.

Time (duration) T2°C Tout°C T2 –T1 Tout –Tin

(°C) (°C)
8 AM to 9 AM 56.5 438.9 36.5 16.1
9 AM to 10 AM 59.5 437.6 39.5 17.4
10 AM to 11 AM 56.5 438.9 36.5 16.1
11 AM to 12 PM 59.0 437.8 39.0 17.2
12 PM to 1 PM 56.4 438.9 36.4 16.1
1 PM to 2 PM 58.1 438.2 38.1 16.8
2 PM to 3 PM 60.5 437.1 40.5 17.9
3 PM to 4 PM 57.1 438.6 37.1 16.4
4 PM to 5 PM 60.0 437.4 40.0 17.6
The oversupply and under supply of the hot water every hour

Total hot water Average flow

Time (duration) demand in (kg/min) rate in (kg/min)

8 AM to 9 AM 5.30 5.94
9 AM to 10 AM 9.6 5.94
10 AM to 11 AM 4.3 5.94
11 AM to 12 PM 5.3 5.94
12 PM to 1 PM 9.6 5.94
1 PM to 2 PM 0 5.94
2 PM to 3 PM 6.95 5.94
3 PM to 4 PM 8.1 5.94
4 PM to 5 PM 4.3 5.94
The region above the average flow rate represents the oversupply, while the region below
represents the under supply.
The minimum water storage needed in terms of volume and mass of hot water
storage (in Liters and kg).
Cumulative mass for one hour = 5.94kg/min × 60min = 356.4kg
Total hot water demand per day =356.4 × 9 = 3207.6kg
The minimum volume and mass of hot water storage is given in the table below.

Volume (liters) Mass (kg)

3207.6 3207.6

Tank design
In the calculation of tank dimensions, an increase in the calculated volume of the tank by 5% is
considered. Incorporating a little amount of open space in the design of a storage tank is critical
for various reasons:
• Thermal Expansion: As water heats up, it expands and expands in volume. The addition
of some extra space in the tank enables for thermal expansion of the hot water without
putting too much pressure on the tank walls. This serves to protect the tank from
potential harm and ensures its structural integrity.
• Overflow and Surge Capacity: During periods of high demand or probable overflow, the
additional empty capacity in the tank acts as a buffer. It allows for any abrupt increases
in hot water demand, maintaining a continuous supply without the risk of overflowing
the tank.
• Maintenance and Accessibility: Having some free space in the tank allows for simpler
maintenance, cleaning, and inspection. It enables technicians or operators to do critical
tasks without entirely draining the tank, saving time and effort.
• Flexibility in operation: The extra empty space in the tank allows for future upgrades or
additions. It enables the integration of new components or systems, as well as the
adaptation to changing hot water demand and future improvements.
The system's dependability, safety, and efficiency are improved by including extra space in
the tank design. It effectively manages thermal expansion, ensures surge capacity,
streamlines maintenance operations, and allows for future adjustments. These elements all
contribute to the overall performance and durability of the hot water storage system.
Calculated tank volume in cubic meters =3.2076𝑚3
New volume of the tank = 3.2076 × 1.03 =3.296𝑚3
The maximum outer diameter and height are limited to 1.6m and 2m respectively.
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ
r = radius of the tank
h = height of the tank
To ensure that the outside diameter doesn’t exceed design limitation, the tank height has to
be close to the maximum allowable height. Calculating for the volume = 3.296𝑚3 results in
dimensions that are beyond dimensions limits. It is critical that the tank be designed for this
volume. To meet the design criteria and obtain the intended volume of 3.296𝑚3 , it may be
necessary to exceed the tank's maximum outside diameter and height restrictions with a
stipulated insulation thickness of 0.12m. Although it deviates from the original dimensions,
there is strong reason for exceeding these boundaries.
Meeting the Volume Requirement: The major goal is to ensure that the tank can hold the
requisite volume of hot water (3.296𝑚3 ). The needed storage capacity can be obtained by
exceeding the prescribed dimensions, ensuring an appropriate supply of hot water to fulfill
the client's needs. This assures that no compromises are made in fulfilling demand,
eliminating any potential shortages or interruptions.
Taking the height of the tank as 2.10m
3. .296 = 𝜋𝑟 2 × 2.1
𝑟 = 0.7068𝑚
Tank dimensions Insulated tank dimensions

Diameter (m) Height (m) Diameter (m) Height (m)

1.41 2.10 1.65 2.34

Tank dimensions
Heat flux rate
Heat flux rate = 0.15 - 0.01 × 5 / 9 =0.14 kW/𝑚2
3) Exergy analysis
Conduct exergy analysis of the planned utilities supply system.
1. Determine the exergy rate that is supplied into the Diesel generator with the combustion
of Air + Diesel mixture (kW) for every hour from 8am to 5pm.
I. The exergy supplied with the fuel is proportional to the product of calorific value of
the fuel and the rate of fuel supply.
II. The exergy supplied with intake air is negligible and the cost of the intake air is
III. The specific gravity of the Diesel to be 0.85 and the calorific value of Diesel to be
45,000 kJ/kg.
IV. Complete combustion of the diesel occurs.
Mass flow rate of fuel (kg/hr.) = Fuel consumption rate (L/hr.) × Specific gravity of Diesel (0.85)
Exergy rate (kW) = Mass flow rate of fuel (kg/hr.) × Exergy content of Diesel (kJ/kg) / 3600 (to
convert from kJ/hr. to kW)
Calculation of exergy rate for 8 to 9 PM.
Mass flow rate of fuel = 5.8 × 0.85 = 4.93kg/hr.
Exergy content of Diesel (kJ/kg) = Calorific value of Diesel (45,000 kJ/kg)
Exergy rate (kW) = 4.93 × 45000/3600 = 61.6kW
Since the fuel consumption is the same for all the hours, the exergy rate will be the same.

Time (duration) Exergy rate

in (kW)

8 AM to 9 AM 61.6
9 AM to 10 AM 61.6
10 AM to 11 AM 61.6
11 AM to 12 PM 61.6
12 PM to 1 PM 61.6
1 PM to 2 PM 61.6
2 PM to 3 PM 61.6
3 PM to 4 PM 61.6
4 PM to 5 PM 61.6
2. A). Determine the exergy rate of the exhaust gases before they enter the heat recovery
heat exchanger (kW) every hour.
I. The diesel generator is a control volume (cv)
II. No heat loss from the exhaust or engine coolant before it enter the heat
recovery heat exchanger.
Exergy Rate of Exhaust Gases = Heat Rejected to Surroundings × (1 - Tambient / Texhaust)
Exergy rate of exhaust gas = 8.1 × (1 – 20/455) =7.74kW
Since the heat rejected is the same for the generator for every hour, the exergy rate of the
exhaust will remain the same for all the hours.

Time (duration) Exergy rate for

exhaust gas in (kW)

8 AM to 9 AM 7.74
9 AM to 10 AM 7.74
10 AM to 11 AM 7.74
11 AM to 12 PM 7.74
12 PM to 1 PM 7.74
1 PM to 2 PM 7.74
2 PM to 3 PM 7.74
3 PM to 4 PM 7.74
4 PM to 5 PM 7.74

B). Determine the exergy rate of the engine coolant before it enters the heat recovery
heat exchanger (kW) every hour.

The coolant's exergy rate can be approximated using the following equation:

Exergy rate of coolant = Heat rejected into coolant (kW) × Exergy destruction factor

The exergy destruction factor considers the temperature difference between the coolant and
the surrounding environment and it is calculated as follows:
Exergy destruction factor = 1 - (Tambient / Tcoolant_outlet)
Exergy destruction factor= 1-20/85 =0.765
Exergy rate of coolant = 18.3 × 0.765 = 13.99kW

Since the heat rejected to the coolant is the same, the exergy rate of the coolant is the same for
every hour.
Time (duration) Exergy for engine
coolant in (kW)

8 AM to 9 AM 13.99
9 AM to 10 AM 13.99
10 AM to 11 AM 13.99
11 AM to 12 PM 13.99
12 PM to 1 PM 13.99
1 PM to 2 PM 13.99
2 PM to 3 PM 13.99
3 PM to 4 PM 13.99
4 PM to 5 PM 13.99

3. A). Determine the rate of exergy destruction within the engine (kW) every

Applying the exergy balance equation to the control volume (cv) of the diesel generator;
Rate of exergy destruction = Exergy input - Exergy output
The exergy input is the exergy delivered by the fuel (diesel) during combustion, which
was previously determined. The electrical power generated by the generator is referred to as
the exergy output.
Rate of exergy destruction = 61.6 – 16 = 45.6kW
Rate of exergy destruction will be the same for every hour.

Time (duration) Exergy for exhaust

gas in (kW)

8 AM to 9 AM 45.6
9 AM to 10 AM 45.6
10 AM to 11 AM 45.6
11 AM to 12 PM 45.6
12 PM to 1 PM 45.6
1 PM to 2 PM 45.6
2 PM to 3 PM 45.6
3 PM to 4 PM 45.6
4 PM to 5 PM 45.6
B). Determine the cost per unit exergy ($/kWh) of the Air + Diesel mixture supplied in
to the Diesel generator every hour.

The cost of air is assumed to be negligible and given the cost of Diesel fuel is $1.42 per liter.

Cost of Diesel Fuel = Diesel Flow Rate × Diesel Fuel Cost

Cost of Diesel Fuel = 5.8 × 1.42 = $8.236/h.
Cost per Unit Exergy = Cost of Diesel Fuel / Electrical power generated
Cost per Unit Exergy = $8.236/hr./16 = $0.5148/kWh.

Time (duration) Cost per unit

exergy in ($/kWh)

8 AM to 9 AM 0.5148
9 AM to 10 AM 0.5148
10 AM to 11 AM 0.5148
11 AM to 12 PM 0.5148
12 PM to 1 PM 0.5148
1 PM to 2 PM 0.5148
2 PM to 3 PM 0.5148
3 PM to 4 PM 0.5148
4 PM to 5 PM 0.5148

C). Determine the cost of owning the Diesel generator ($/hour).

Weekly rental cost = $164
Daily rental cost = $164/5 =$32.8
Hourly rental cost = $32.8/9 = $3.64
Therefore, the cost of owning the Diesel generator is $3.64/h.
Time (duration) Rental hourly cost

8 AM to 9 AM 3.64
9 AM to 10 AM 3.64
10 AM to 11 AM 3.64
11 AM to 12 PM 3.64
12 PM to 1 PM 3.64
1 PM to 2 PM 3.64
2 PM to 3 PM 3.64
3 PM to 4 PM 3.64
4 PM to 5 PM 3.64

C). Determine the cost per unit exergy ($/kWh) of the electrical energy stream which
is equal to that of the exergy from exhaust stream and the coolant stream from the
Diesel generator every hour.
Assume cost per unit exergy ($/kWh) of electricity and the cost per unit exergy from exhaust
and coolant are equal.
Cost per unit exergy of electricity = Cost per unit exergy from exhaust and coolant
Cost per unit exergy ($/kWh) = 8.2368/16kW = $0.5148/kWh.

Time (duration) Cost per unit

exergy ($/kWh)

8 AM to 9 AM 0.5148
9 AM to 10 AM 0.5148
10 AM to 11 AM 0.5148
11 AM to 12 PM 0.5148
12 PM to 1 PM 0.5148
1 PM to 2 PM 0.5148
2 PM to 3 PM 0.5148
3 PM to 4 PM 0.5148
4 PM to 5 PM 0.5148

The average cost per unit exergy of the electrical energy stream ($/kWh);
Average cost per unit exergy ($/kWh) = Total cost of electrical energy / Total exergy of electrical
Total cost of electrical energy = Electrical power output × Cost per unit exergy of electricity
Total exergy of electrical energy = Exergy rate of exhaust gases + Exergy rate of engine coolant
Total exergy of electrical energy = 7.74 + 13.99 =21.73kW
Total cost of electrical energy = 16 × $0.5148/kWh. = $8.2368/h.
Average cost per unit exergy =8/21.73= 0.379$/kWh

Average cost per unit exergy 0.379$/kWh

D). Determine the rate of exergy change of the water across the engine coolant heat
recovery heat exchanger (kW) every hour.
The following formula is used compute the rate of exergy change of the water across the engine
coolant heat recovery heat exchanger:
Rate of exergy change = Mass flow rate of water × (Exergy at outlet - Exergy at inlet)
To calculate the exergy of the water at a specific temperature;
Exergy = Mass flow rate × Specific heat × (1 - Reference temperature/ Temperature)
Assuming a reference temperature of 25 degrees; Reference temperature is the reference
temperature at which the exergy is zero.
Exergy at outlet = (5.94 kg/min) × (4.182 kJ/kg·K) × (1 - 25 / 64) =15.13kJ/kg
Exergy at inlet = (5.94 kg/min) × (4.182kJ/kg·K) × (1 - 25 / 20) = -6.21kJ/kg
Rate of exergy change =5.94 /60× (15.13—6.21) = 2.1kW
E). Determine the rate of exergy change of the engine coolant across the engine
coolant heat recovery heat exchanger (kW) every hour.
When the engine coolant enters the heat exchanger, it undergoes a temperature change and
transfers heat to the water). As a result, the engine coolant's exergy decreases. Assuming an
ideal situation, the exergy of engine coolant reach 0. From the previous calculation, the rate of
exergy change of engine coolant was 13.99kW.
Rate of change of engine coolant across =13.99Kw – 0kW = 13.99Kw.
F). Determine the rate of exergy destruction within the engine coolant heat recovery
heat exchanger (kW) every hour.
Rate of exergy destruction = Rate of exergy change of the engine coolant - Rate of exergy
change of the water
Rate of exergy destruction = 13.99 - 2.1 =11.89kW
G). Determine the rate of exergy change of the water across the exhaust gas heat
recovery heat exchanger (kW) every hour.
Rate of exergy change = Mass flow rate of water × (Exergy at outlet - Exergy at inlet)
Using the formulas above and inserting the values and assuming a reference
temperature of 75°C.
Rate of exergy change =5.94/60 × (2.92—4.27) =0.71kW
H). Determine the rate of exergy change of the exhaust gas across the exhaust gas
heat recovery heat exchanger (kW) every hour.
Exhaust gases loses the exergy to the water and reaches 0.
Rate of change of exhaust gases = 7.74kW- 0kW= 7.74kW
I). Determine the rate of exergy destruction within the exhaust gas heat recovery heat
exchanger (kW) every hour.
Rate of exergy destruction = Rate of exergy change of the exhaust gases - Rate of exergy change
of the water
Rate of exergy destruction = 7.74-0.71 =7.03kW
J). Determine the exergetic efficiencies (%) of both the heat recovery heat exchangers
(coolant to water heat exchanger and exhaust gas to water heat exchanger) every
Exergetic efficiency = (Rate of exergy output / Rate of exergy input) × 100
For the ingine coolant;
Exergetic efficiency =2.1/13.99 × 100 =15%
For the exhaust gases;
Exergetic efficiency =0.71/7.03 × 100 =10%
K). Determine the cost of owning the heat recovery heat exchanger system ($/hour).
Note the rental cost ($/week) of the heat recovery heat exchanger system is $60/week. The salt
factory will operate for 9 hours per day from 8am to 5pm and 5 days a week.
Total operating hours/week = 9hours/day × 5days/week=45hours
Cost/hour = rental cost per week/total operating hours per week=60/45=$1.33/h
L). Determine the cost per unit exergy ($/kWh) of the hot water stream every hour.
Also determine the average cost per unit exergy of the hot water stream ($/kWh).
These had been calculated previously;
Cost per unit exergy ($/kWh) = 8.2368/16kW = $0.5148/kWh.
Average cost per unit exergy =8/21.73= 0.379$/kWh

M). Develop full exergy accounting of planned utilities supply system and prepare a
exergy balance sheet for one sample hour at 2pm.
Power generation system:
Diesel generator:
Fuel consumption rate: 5.8kg/min
Electrical power output: 16kW
Electrical exergy output: 18.93kW
Heat recovery heat exchangers:
Coolant to water heat exchanger
Coolant inlet temperature: 85°C
Coolant outlet temperature: 35°C
Water inlet temperature: 20°C
Water outlet temperature: 64°C
Rate of exergy change of coolant: 13.99 kW
Rate of exergy change of water: 2.1 kW
Exhaust gas to water heat exchanger
Exhaust gas inlet temperature: 455°C
Exhaust gas outlet temperature: 435°C
Water inlet temperature: 64°C
Water outlet temperature: 85°C
Rate of exergy change of exhaust gas: 7.74kW
Rate of exergy change of water: 0.71kW
Hot water production system:
Heat recovery from exhaust gas
Hot water temperature: 85°C
Raw salt washing and sterilization Hot water flow rate: 2.65kg/min
Extraction Hot water 4.3kg/min
Exergy content of hot water: 2.81kW
Electricity consumption:
Total electricity consumption: 16.7kW

Exergy Balance Sheet for the Planned Utilities Supply System at 2pm:

components Exergy Input Exergy Output Exergy Destruction

(kW) (kW) (kW)

Diesel Generator 21.73 18.93 2.8

Coolant to Water 13.99

Heat Exchanger

Exhaust Gas to 7.74

Water Heat

Hot Water 2.81


Electricity Consumption 16.7

Total Exergy Input (kW) 38.43

Total Exergy Output (kW) 43.47

Total Exergy Destruction (kW) 2.8

4) Conclusion
Co-generation technology has considerable benefits in terms of energy efficiency, greenhouse
gas emissions reduction, and cost savings. Co-generation systems can achieve higher overall
efficiency than typical separate production methods by producing electricity and heat from a
single fuel source. The use of heat recovery heat exchangers improves system efficiency by
utilizing waste heat, boosting overall energy output and reducing energy waste.
The suggested diesel co-generation system's economic viability is demonstrated through a
thermo-economic study. The analysis considers a variety of elements. The results show that the
system has the potential to save significant money over its operational lifetime.
The analysis of literature suggests that co-generation technology is widely used in a variety of
industries and sectors, including industrial, healthcare, and residential structures. The
technique has proven to be an excellent solution for satisfying both thermal and electrical
energy demands, thereby improving energy sustainability and reducing reliance on grid-
supplied electricity. Co-generation systems have proven to be capable of supplying dependable
and robust electricity, particularly in decentralized situations.
• More extensive techno-economic study: Conduct a more detailed techno-economic
analysis that takes into account other aspects such as equipment lifespan, fuel price
variations, and future energy demand predictions. This will provide a more realistic
assessment of the proposed diesel co-generation system's long-term economic
feasibility and possible savings.
• Environmental effect evaluation: Conduct a thorough environmental impact assessment
of the cogeneration system, paying special attention to exhaust gas emissions. Evaluate
the diesel generator's emissions and look into suitable mitigation strategies to ensure
compliance with environmental requirements and to reduce the system's carbon
• Renewable energy sources integration: Investigate the incorporation of renewable
energy sources, such as solar or wind power, into the co-generation system. This would
improve system sustainability and minimize reliance on fossil fuels, lowering
environmental impact and enhancing system long-term viability.
Health and Safety Considerations:

• Exhaust gas emissions: Use powerful exhaust gas treatment systems, such as catalytic
converters and particulate filters, to reduce air pollution and protect employees' and
the surrounding environment's health and safety. Regular maintenance and monitoring
of these systems is critical to their proper operation.
• Noise pollution: Take steps to reduce noise pollution caused by the cogeneration
system, such as erecting soundproof enclosures or using noise barriers. Employees will
be safer and more comfortable as a result of this.
• Develop extensive safety policies and procedures to ensure the cogeneration system's
safe functioning. This involves regular equipment maintenance, employee safety
training, and the development of emergency response plans to reduce possible hazards
and accidents.
• Regulation compliance entails adhering to all necessary health and safety regulations
and standards. Ensure that the co-generation system's design, installation, and
operation adhere to industry and governmental rules.
• Fire and explosion dangers: To reduce the risks associated with fire and explosion
hazards in the cogeneration system, provide fire detection and suppression systems,
conduct regular inspections of fuel storage and handling facilities, and give proper
training to staff.


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