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First of all, I would like to introduce myself and my project to you – my name is bla bla bla,

ინტროდუქცია ქენი ფორმალური და რაღაც, if u do it on the go its better.

Anyways, aside the personal introductions, I would like to say a little before we dive in – in the modern
world, where technology is always progressing, not waiting for anyone to adapt, cyber security and
cyber safety are quite important, since with diverse technology, mechanics, computers and such come
great dangers – about which I would like to say a few words about.

To start things off – why even attack someone through their computer? What is the logic, what is the

aim and motive behind it?

To state and get rid of the most obvious ones – stealing one’s credit card information, bank account
information, extort money. We can all agree that every criminal in the world aims to make sustainable
money without putting extra effort in. because of this, one could simply guess that getting “free” money
from someone unprotected would be their first idea and it truly is so. According to research conducted
by the European Commission, it is shown that the most(approx.. 96%) low-level scams and attacks aim
directly at one’s wallet or data, which is correlating to their above-mentioned money.

However, these attacks and scams can quickly be countered and denied through simple and easy
methods – like changing and updating one’s password every once in a while, using strong, hard-to-guess
password and thinking before clicking – lets be real to ourselves, if someone named Elon musk is
messaging us and telling us to lend him 500$, they probably are fake.

There are other types of attacks that one may experience while using their computer – malware,
phishing, DDoS, doxing, password attack, eavesdropping attack and so on and so forth. Don’t get scared
about these many weird names and letters, I am here to explain them to you and help you protect
yourself against them.

Malware is a type of a file or a code, typically delivered through networks that “infects” one’s computer
and does whatever the attacker tells it to do – delete data, insert unnecessary data(and overload, break
the computer), etc. there are also some other funny types of malwares(the best one in my opinion is
“goose malware” <<რექსის ჩართვა - ეს შემახსენე მერე და ერთად დავსერჩოთ>>. all of those
can be avoided quite simply – don’t click on shady, suspicious files that we see on the internet – pop-up
ads, emperors asking us money to return their former glory, stuff that sounds either too good to be true
or too dumb to be true is probably not true in the end.
Phishing is the most used, most common cyber attack out there – it is those above mentioned blatant
scammers that call us and fake their identity or information – like those popularly memed princes – who
ask for 200$ and in return they’ll give us 200k$ - sounds like a dream come true right? That’s exactly
what they are aiming for. Theres also disturbing, scary emails, like blackmail – most common one’s being
“I saw you cheat on your wife and I have proof. Send me money or I’ll expose you”. << რექსის
დანართი - აქ მიმები შეილება და რაღაცეები, მერე ერთად ვქნათ ესენიც >> lets be real here –
these types of attacks are just those above mentioned low-level attacks, which, while very unfortunate,
do work sometimes, especially with elderly people, who do not understand technology and cant
comprehend what dangers lurk there.

Password attack is a type of an attack that uses software, which helps crack and undermine a passcode
of a protected document, file, computer, account, etc. and log into it without permission. These types of
attacks are vastly used while accessing wifi networks, computer accounts, stored data files, folders and
so on once the attacker gets their hand onto the target. How do these softwares work – to put it simply,
they have a database of an entire dictionary and numbers which it rapidly generates in a random
pattern, excluding the ones already used. Cracked passwords usually resemble actual passwords, like
Helen_1, 123, etc. a good countermeasure to this is to avoid using simple passwords << რექსის
დანართი - გუგლი რო აგდებს ხოლმე იფჰფაჯსდფკ რაღაც პაროლებს მაგის ფოტო >>
which don’t resemble any words, use a large amount of keys and protect the above mentioned useful,
important files – they cant be attacked if they are hidden, let alone if their presence is unknown.

What is happening in Georgia? In the whole world? Is the problem rising or dying down?

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