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Practice Exam

The History of
One of the most popular foods of all time is chocolate. People nowadays eat chocolate in many
different forms. We eat chocolate candy, and we drink hot and cold chocolate drinks. The chocolate
we eat today is made from a lot of different ingredients, but the most important ingredient is cacao

The story of cacao bean and its long journey to stores and
supermarkets all over the world started hundreds of years ago in
Mexico. Cacao trees need hot and humid weather, and they
originally grew in the Yucatan Pinunsula.

The Maya were the first people to eat cacao beans. They picked cacao beans from wild trees and
cleared land to cultivate their own trees. They made a drink from cacao beans and exchanged the
beans for other food. They also used cacao beans for religious ceremonies.

Mayan merchants traveled north and introduced cacao beans to the Aztec people. Soon the cacao
bean was part of the Aztecs´ lives. They used it as a drink, as part of religious ceremonies and even
as money. With 10 beans, you could buy a rabbit. With 100 beans, you could buy a slave. One of the
Aztec gods.

The Aztecs could not grow cacao trees because of the dry climate. When the
Aztecs conquered the Maya, they asked for cacao beans as a tribute.

1) Write TRUE or FALSE

A) People eat chocolate in only one form. ____
B) Chocolate is made of cacao beans. ____
C) The Maya were the first people to eat cacao beans. ____
D) Aztec people introduced cacao beans to the Mayan merchants. ____
E) The Aztecs couldn’t grow cacao trees because of the weather. ____

2) What about you? Do you like chocolate? How often do you eat chocolate?

3) Do you think Chocolate is healthy? Why/Why not?

4) What things are there in Charley’s room?
A) There is _______________________________________________________________
B) There are ______________________________________________________________
C) There isn’t _____________________________________________________________
D) There _________________________________________________________________
E) _____________________________________________________________________

5) Charlie’s routine! Complete the blanks using the correct form of the verb

Hi! My name
in Brighton in the south of England. My day ___________
(usually/start) quite early. I always ________ (get up) at 7.30 on
weekdays, but at the weekends I _______(sleep) an hour and a half
longer. When I get up, I go to the bathroom first. I wash my face to
wake me up, brush my teeth and then I ______(haver) a shower. After that I _____ (not/comb)
my hair because I have short hair, and then I get dressed. I usually wear clothes, mainly jeans,
shorts, T-shirts and trainers. I __________ (always/have) breakfast with my mum and my little
brother, Tommy. My dad __________ (never/have) breakfast with us. because he ______ (start)
work early on weekdays. He ______ (not/have) lunch either. Before I go to school, I have to
walk our dog, Leo.

6) What about you? What do you usually do in the afternoon?



7) Compare some characters from Charlie and the chocolate factory. Use some of these

A) _______________________________________________________________
B) _______________________________________________________________
C) _______________________________________________________________
D) _______________________________________________________________
E) _______________________________________________________________

8) Look at the pictures. They are having a party. What are they doing?

A) Jason and Claire__________________________________________________

B) Tomi ____________________________________________________________
C) Lucy, Dave and Jodie ______________________________________________
D) Sam and Danny ___________________________________________________
E) Helen and Eve ____________________________________________________

9) What about you? What are you doing now? ________________________________________

10) Complete the story of Charlie in the chocolate factory using the correct form of the verb.

It's the story of an ordinary boy: Charlie Bucket. He _____(be)

a good boy, her family was not rich but he was the luckiest boy
in the entire world, he just _______ (not/know) it yet.

15 years ago, Willy Wonka _______ (open) the largest

chocolate factory in the world but spies stole his recipes so he
_______ (close) the factory. It _______ (not/close) forever
though, and suddenly he _______ (decide) to allow 5 children to visit the factory and one of them will
win a special prize at the end. The children have to find one of the five golden tickets. Charlie
______(find) one and he _______(go) to the factory. At the end, Charlie ______(win) the prize - it's
Willy Wonka's factory!

Writing Section
___ Write an Email to Charlie telling him about your last holidays

___ RIP VAN WINKLE. Imagine you’re Rip. Write a letter to a friend about how your life
changed after 20 years.

___ THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. Imagine you are Katrina. Write about Ichabod’s life
and the strange things that happened to him.

___ THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Imagine you are Raoul. Write a letter to your friend telling
him/her about the Phantom and your feelings for Christine.




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