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1. If you _______________________ (mix) red and green, you _______________________

(get) brown.

2. If you _______________________ (drop) a glass on the floor(drop), it

_______________________ (break).

3. If babies _______________________ (be) hungry, they _______________________ (cry).

4. When you _______________________ (add) sugar, the sauce (taste) sweet.

5. Water _______________________ (boil) if you _______________________ (heat) it to

100 °C.

6. Plants _______________________ (die) if they _______________________ (not/ get)

enough water.

7. If you _______________________ (put) water in the freezer, it

_______________________ (become) ice.

8. When the sun _______________________ (rise), the street lights

_______________________ (go out).

9. When you _______________________ (heat) ice, it _______________________ (melt).

10. He always _______________________ (take) his umbrella when it

_______________________ (rain).


1. If it_______________________ (rain) tomorrow, we _______________________ (cancel)

the picnic.

2. If I _______________________ (finish) work early, I _______________________ (go) to

the cinema.

3. She _______________________ (fail) the exam if she _______________________ (not /

study) tonight.
4. If he_______________________ (eat) too much ice cream,

he_______________________ (get) a stomachache.

5. They _______________________ (come) to the party if they_______________________

(get) an invitation.

6. If we _______________________ (not hurry), we _______________________ (miss) the


7. If you _______________________ (water) the plants, they _______________________

(grow) faster.

8. She _______________________ (be) happy if you_______________________ (give) her

a present.

9. If he_______________________ (practice) more, he (become) a great musician.

10. We _______________________ (go) for a walk if it_______________________ (stop)


11. If you _______________________ (not wear) warm clothes,

you_______________________ (catch) a cold.

12. They _______________________ (buy) a new car if they _______________________

(save) enough money.

13. If I_______________________ (see) Sarah, I _______________________ (give) her your


14. If you_______________________ (need) help, just call me.

15. If the weather _______________________ (be) nice, we_______________________

(have) a barbecue.


1. If I _______________________ (live) in London, I_______________________ (speak)

perfect English.
2. If we_______________________ (win) the final, we _______________________ (get) a


3. I _______________________ (go) to the police if someone_______________________

(steal) my mobile phone.

4. If I_______________________ (not / shave) my head, my parents

_______________________ (not / go) mad.

5. I_______________________ (hold) a tarantula if they _______________________ (pay)

me a lot of money.

6. Kate_______________________ (sleep) in a haunted house if someone

_______________________ (dare) her.

7. If I _______________________ (win) the lottery, I would travel the world.

8. She _______________________ (buy) a new car if she _______________________

(have) enough money.

9. If he _______________________ (study) harder, he _______________________ (pass)

the exam.

10. They _______________________ (go) on a vacation if it _______________________

(be) cheaper.

11. He _______________________ (eat) healthier if he _______________________ (like)


12. If she _______________________ (know) how to cook, she _______________________

(make) dinner every night.


1. If the weather _______________________ (be) nice, they _______________________

(play) football.
2. If we _______________________ (go) to a good restaurant, we

_______________________ (have) a better dinner.

3. If John _______________________ (learn) more words, he _______________________

(write) a good report.

4. If the boys _______________________ (take) the bus to school, they

_______________________ (arrive) on time.

5. If the teacher _______________________ (explain) the homework, I

_______________________ (do) it.

6. If they _______________________ (wait) for another 10 minutes, they

_______________________ (see) the pop star.

7. If the police _______________________ (come) earlier, they

_______________________ (arrest) the burglar.

8. If you _______________________ (buy) fresh green vegetable, your salad

_______________________ (taste) better.

9. If Alex _______________________ (ask) me, I _______________________ (email) the


10. If he _______________________ (speak) more slowy, Peggy

_______________________ (understand) him.

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