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Research Paper Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Research Paper Essay Topics" is undeniably challenging, as it
demands a delicate balance between providing insightful information and engaging the reader. The
difficulty lies in selecting a compelling angle that not only explores the vast landscape of potential
research paper topics but also offers valuable insights and perspectives.

The process begins with thorough research to identify relevant and current trends in various fields. It
requires an in-depth understanding of the academic landscape, staying updated on recent
developments, and assessing the significance of potential topics. Juggling through a multitude of
ideas, one must carefully evaluate the novelty, feasibility, and relevance of each topic.

Once the topic is selected, the challenge continues in developing a coherent and well-structured
essay. This involves organizing thoughts logically, presenting a clear thesis statement, and supporting
it with evidence from credible sources. Navigating the fine line between depth and conciseness is
crucial, as the essay should provide a comprehensive overview without overwhelming the reader.

Furthermore, addressing potential counterarguments and incorporating a critical analysis adds

another layer of complexity. Striking the right balance between presenting facts and expressing one's
perspective is an art that requires finesse. The language used must be clear and concise, yet
sophisticated enough to convey the complexity of the chosen topics.

Revision becomes a crucial aspect of the process. Refining the essay for clarity, coherence, and
overall effectiveness is a time-consuming yet essential step. It involves a meticulous review of the
content, ensuring that each paragraph contributes meaningfully to the overall argument.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Research Paper Essay Topics" demands a
combination of research skills, critical thinking, and effective communication. It's a task that requires
time, effort, and a commitment to delivering a piece that not only informs but also engages and
challenges the reader. For those seeking assistance with such essays, it's worth noting that similar
essays and more comprehensive help can be sourced from platforms like .
Research Paper Essay TopicsResearch Paper Essay Topics
Dow Chemical Company
I decided to construct my essay on Dow Chemicals (DC) Company after reading an
article in Business Week. Dow Chemical appears to be developing an aggressive market
strategy that aligns with our class topics, and that I have found very interesting. Dow
Chemical (DC) company, over the last seven years has built their strategy around and
focused on their niche , which is core chemicals amp; plastics manufacturing operations,
while simultaneously reducing infrastructure debt, expanding its market share, and
apparently building new strategic alliances. According to Dow Chemical CEO William
Stavropoulos, The mission and goals of Dow Chemical companyis to be a world leader in
chemical and plastics manufacturing by developing new customer... Show more content
on ...
This was achieved by reducing the workforce by 30 percent and eliminating seven layers
of management. The current management structure contains only five people between
the most junior employee and the Chief Executive Officer. Dow Chemical appears to
have embraced a Global Strategy, which is increasing profitability by reaping the cost
reductions that come from experience curves and location economies and by expanding
its market share outside of its home country. This business savvy type of management
approach seeks to penetrate a huge market availability, which as global markets develop
will gradually combine into just one market. In developing their mission goals and
corporate strategy, Dow Chemical has obviously considered both External and Internal
stakeholders and how strategic maneuvers would impact their ultimate goals. Examples
of stakeholder impacts are: External Stakeholders: Customers: Provide the core of
revenue, especially in untapped markets overseas. Suppliers: Provide input w/significant
savings through combined purchasing with Union Carbide Company and 13 other large
companies. Governments: Significant reduced manufacturing restrictions and potential
incentives to conduct business in foreign countries. Unions: Many foreign countries are
not unionized, which could be a production cost incentive. Internal Stakeholders:
Stockholders: Maximizing their Return On Investment by expanding operations and
gaining access to difficult markets.
The s Guitar Hero Series And King s Candy Crush Saga
Games, in one form or another, have existed for almost as long as the human race and
despite the fact that they are often reduced to being something for children they are in
fact quite complex. When analysing games one must look at why they are engaging what
keeps us playing and how they foster participation in the average user. By comparing and
contrasting the characteristics of Activision s Guitar Heroseries and King s Candy Crush
Saga, it will become apparent that the former is more engaging while the latter is more
effective in fostering participation in players.

Before one can begin to analyse games in terms of their engagement and participation
qualities, a definition of what a game is and the characteristics that make them effective
must be established. Koster defines games by saying they are, iconic depictions of
patterns in the are puzzles to solve (2004, p. 34), indicating that games
are simply non threatening representations of reality designed to teach the player skills
that they will first have to discover for themselves. According to Koster the skills
games intend to teach are often, things that we can absorb into the unconscious as
opposed to things designed to be tackled by the conscious, logical mind (2004, P. 76)
which is something that can be seen in both Guitar Hero and Candy Crush. On the
surface, Guitar Hero is a game about being a rock star and playing music, but the way
the game is played aims to improve hand eye coordination
Illegal Immigration, the Drain on the U.S. Economy
Illegal Immigration, the Drain on the U.S. Economy
Peter Fern
02 12 2012
Shelli Meade

Illegal Immigration, the Drain on the U.S. Economy

The amount of money that comes out of your pocket for schooling, incarceration, jobs
lost, and maintaining the medical system in the United States because of illegal
immigrants may be more than people know. During the past few decades, the influx of
illegal immigrants has risen dramatically. Illegal immigrants put a huge strain on our
school systems, commit a disproportionate amount of crimes in this country and have
taken many jobs that American citizens unemployed could do. The economic drain on
the school systems is growing rapidly. ... Show more content on ...
It is stated by many politicians that the illegals only take the jobs that American
citizens do not want. With the guest worker program and the use of H 1B visas,
businesses use these workers at a significant lower rate of pay than they would have to
pay a citizen. The number of H 1B visas issued in 1992 was estimated at less than
100,000. By 2002 the number climbed to over 1 million (Wagner, 2007). This abuse
of the working visa is absolutely legal by any company looking for workers that are
not citizens. The big business corporations are not looking to change this law as they
would be out of pocket a great deal more money in wages. Every single person in the
United States will be touched by the effects of illegals in this country at some point in
their life. It may come in the form of a grocery bill, auto insurance, property taxes,
driver s license fees, hospital rates or many other areas. In the area of healthcare, the
influx of illegals has proven to put a huge burden in all areas of the system. In
California over the last decade many hospitals and emergency rooms have closed due
to the illegals being treated there and not being able to pay the bills from the hospital.
Right now, California out of the 50 states is last in the number of emergency rooms per
million people (Jones, 2012, #6.). The insurance premiums for citizens keep increasing
because when the illegal s go to an emergency room
Persuasive Essay On Fast Food
When was the last time you picked up fast food for a quick meal? Was it yesterday for
lunch, today for dinner? According to nutrition writer Alex Lenhoff the average
American eats fast food 159 times a year. That s [three] times a week (Lenhoff).
Americans are consistently eating fast food, without realizing the effects it has on their
bodies. Sure, a large order of fries may taste delicious while indulging them, but what
about the delicious calories and fat that come along with it? The National HealthService
has stated the average male adult needs approximately 2,500 calories [daily] (NHS). A
normal fast food meal contains roughly fifteen hundred calories. That means in just
one quick stop, they have consumed almost half of their limit for the entire day.
Therefore, it is no shocker that one in three Americans in the United States are obese.
Fast food has become a large contributor to obesity in America. The intake of its
unhealthy effects must be lessened, resolved by simply making it more expensive.
Americans will not choose to eat out as much, if it significantly burns a hole in their
pocket. Placing a higher tax on fast food will not only resolve American obesity but
will also put a stop to unhealthy lifestyles. With the higher taxation of fast food, it
would raise the prices of items on the menu, so that you could not purchase an entire
meal for dirt cheap. Now days fast food is publicized for being remarkably cheaper than
buying groceries to cook with.
The Importance Of Religion In Moby Dick
Many things in life can drive a person to pure joy, or to pure madness. Events happen
and the human mind can overload people into believing the improbable. In Moby
Dick, Herman Melville shows the audience that obsession can overwhelm a person
and lead to the downfall of those closest to them. . Obsessions can rule people s minds
and either empower them or lead them into bad circumstances. The narrator, Ishmael,
questions one of society s biggest obsessions, religion. Ishmael asks Why did the old
Persians hold the sea holy? Why did the Greeks give it a separate deity. Surely all this
is not without meaning, (Melville 25). He sees that there is meaning behind
everything, and wonders to himself what the significance of religion is. Many people
used to, and still, use religion as a way to cope with situations. Religion can give a
person hope in the worst circumstances and can act as an outline. Through his interest in
other people, Ishmael shows that he is personable and cares about the depth of others.
On the other side of the coin, religion can mean something completely different to
someone. Rogers states that it can act, As a symbol of both a loving and a horrifically
vengeful God (vengeful in this case because of the many attacks by whalers), and
presumed by superstitious seamen to be... ubiquitous in space, (Rogers). The obsession
of clinging onto one s religion can drive anyone mad at times, sometimes making people
lose their religion altogether. When someone starts
Merchant Of Venice Character Analysis
Portia in The Merchant Of Venice, has been considered as one of the most perfectly
developed female protagonist. The heiress of Belmont represents the nexus of the play,
as the quest for her hand creates a motive for Bassanio to borrow money which initiated
the bond plot and the ring plot. Furthermore she manipulates the trial and resolves the
bond episode and the ring episode. Portiais introduced in the play as being a wealthy
heiress whom many suitors try to court. Her significance and characteristic in the play
can be seen in her genuine love, her graciousness and her witty yet playful traits. She
further represents the comparison between Belmont and Venice, herself and shylockand
most importantly, love and self interest, one of the key themes in the play. Critics liked
to compare Portia with Shylock and the comparison brings out the salient traits of her
character. One of them stated that while Portia stand for everything bright, generous, and
noble while Shylock represents wickedness and evil .
The language used in the play suggests that money is a source of power and desire.
The penniless Bassanio feels inferior to Portia who is intelligent, noble and refined.
Portia s speech, unlike a woman in the Elizabethan era, seems to be heavily loaded
with financial expressions. Her language reveals how comfortable she is in the
masculine, world and her unwillingness to leave it. Her speech also demonstrates her
intelligence and eloquence and seems to mock the existing social norms. Indeed
Portia has shown to be far from obedient to patriarchy. Portia s father had left a clause
in his will that the suitor will pick the correct casket to in order to marry her. Although
she couldn t break the clause, her intelligence serves her well in her pursuits of Bassanio
as she manipulates the test for her own purpose. It reveals the casket choosing event
itself was a gimmick and rather Portia was controlling the entire situation according to
her will and treating her suitors as mere puppets. On the other hand, while men around
the world are vying for her attention, she is apparently considers herself as superior and
better position to judge men s masculinity. However her intolerance and hypocrisy is

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