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Cosmetic Surgery Argumentative Essay

Writing an essay on the topic of cosmetic surgery can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a careful
balance between presenting well-researched arguments and navigating the sensitive nature of the
subject. The complexity arises from the multifaceted perspectives surrounding cosmetic surgery, as it
encompasses medical, ethical, and societal dimensions.

Firstly, delving into the medical aspects demands a comprehensive understanding of various cosmetic
procedures, their risks, benefits, and potential impact on physical and mental well-being. Researchers
must sift through medical journals, peer-reviewed articles, and expert opinions to form a solid
foundation for their arguments.

Ethical considerations add another layer of difficulty. Cosmetic surgery often raises questions about
societal standards of beauty, personal autonomy, and the ethical responsibilities of medical
professionals. Crafting a nuanced discussion on these ethical dimensions requires careful
consideration and an awareness of diverse viewpoints.

Moreover, tackling societal aspects involves addressing cultural norms, media influence, and the
psychological effects of beauty standards. The writer must navigate through societal expectations,
exploring how cosmetic surgery intersects with broader issues such as self-esteem, body image, and

Balancing these different dimensions while maintaining a clear and coherent argument is a
formidable task. Writers need to be sensitive to the potential emotional impact of the topic, as it
involves personal choices and self-perception. Striking the right tone and avoiding stereotypes or
biases is crucial to ensuring the essay respects diverse perspectives.

In conclusion, crafting an argumentative essay on cosmetic surgery requires a thorough

understanding of medical, ethical, and societal dimensions. It demands careful research, empathy,
and a skillful approach to navigate the intricacies of the topic. For those who find this task
overwhelming, seeking assistance is always an option. Similar essays and more can be ordered
through various writing services, such as , where experienced writers can provide
the needed support in tackling complex and sensitive topics.
Cosmetic Surgery Argumentative EssayCosmetic Surgery Argumentative Essay
Analysis Of Mid Term Break By Seamus Heaney
A death in the family is always unexpected. Even being able to prepare for a death is
no help, once we hear that a love one had passed the breath is taken out of us. The
worse types of deaths are ones that take people before their time, when the world seems
like it has a bright future for them. The poem Mid Term Break by Seamus Heaney give
us some of the same unexpectedness. The title infers a poem about a student on their
seasonal break, while the poem itself takes a sharp turn down a dark path. Dread builds
as the reader continues, finally culminating in heartbreak when it is found out that it was
the authors younger brother who has passed. The author elicits these emotions by his use
of imagery, the breakup of the stanzas, and the... Show more content on ...
Add to the fact that he is slowly releasing the information of what is happening, it gives
the reader a sense of dread as they read because they do not know where it is going
next. In the first stanza, it talks about how I sat all morning in the college sick bay
(687). From the very beginning of the poem it seems just like a college student going
home sick on their semester break, but in the start of the next stanza the tone quickly
changes. The author goes on to talk about coming home to his father crying, and Big
Jim telling him that is was a hard blow. The poem then goes on to describe what is
happening at the funeral, telling the reader only a little bit at a time. This causes a
rising sense of dread in the reader, since they know that someone has died but they do
not know exactly who. The very last line finally tells a four foot box, a foot for every
year (687). By slowly giving out tidbits of information throughout the poem the author
has kept the final reveal a secret, that his baby brother is the one who has died. This
final line is the culmination of the dread that the reader is experiencing, finally ending in
heartbreak as they realized it was an innocent child who has passed. Throughout his
description of what he is experiencing he seems to have a detachment towards what he is
experiencing, and this can have a dramatic impact on the way that
Human Trafficking Research Paper
Croatia is an excotic country, filled with beaches and, thousands of islands. Island
hopping is such an easy option because Croatia has approximately 1224 sunny, sand filled
islands ( islands). Croatia is an eastern
european country in between Slovenia and Sarajevo across the adriatic sea is Italy (https:
// Croatia s human development reports say that Croatia
is in the top 50s, number 45 to be exact (
Croatia is a vibrant country but what really goes on behind the scenes? Human
trafficking is a massive problem world wide, sex slaves, forced labour, mental breakage.
Every year thousands of women, children, and even men fall into the hands a trafficking,
a serious violation of human rights. Does such a small country such as Croatia involve
itself in such a digrating act of violence. Yes,... Show more content on ...
In January of this year a croatian officer busted a human trafficking operation with over
60 trafficked chinese and croatians. This operation was also linked down in Slovenia
were an officer discovered 32 slaves as well. This was all lead by two croatian and two
chinese citizens (croatia slovenia police bust human trafficking operation 20180120).
This operation is going against the anti trafficking law the governments been enforcing
since 2009 (Human_trafficking_in_Croatia). This is a very serious problem in Croatia
and the government is attempting to make efforts improve but not enough to show any
interest in change. For example the Croatian government and the office of human rights
and rights of national minority is supposed to be meeting monthly to have discussions but
in 2016 they on met 7 of the 12 months that year
Stereotypes In Hollywood Movies
Living in the United States as a person of color can prove to be difficult to immerse
oneself into the Western media. Why? Because it can be confusing to go watch a
movie, like Aloha (2015) and seeing a character named Allison Ng being portrayed by a
Caucasian actress. The casting choice of Emma Stone to portray a character who is
supposed to be of Chinese and Hawaii descent brings up the whitewashing controversy
within Hollywood production. It is certainly not the first misrepresentation that
Hollywood movies have committed against the Asian ethnic minority, but one of the
many that can be traced back to as early as 1931. In the film, Charlie Chan Carries On
(1931), Warner Oland was chosen to play as the movie s main Asian character Charlie...
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If an Asian man is shown as an uneducated and savage character in a movie, the
viewers of that movie would most likely form a negative perception towards those of
Asian descent due to the movie s influence. Stereotypes are widely accepted, culturally
shared beliefs describing personal traits and characteristics of groups of individuals.
Media discourses help to define, share, and maintain racial stereotypes across societies
over time, especially when interracial contact is limited. (Ramasubramanian) Yellow
peril, arguably the oldest stereotypical representation of people of Asian descent in
Western media. These portrayals of Asians through yellow peril in Western media paint
them as threats who will take over the U.S culture and society. In The Mask of Fu
Manchu (1932), the Chinese character Fu Manchu directs his army to exterminate the
white man and take the white man s women. This imposes the basis of yellow peril and
the fear of the white man s sexual anxiety as it reduces the Asian character into a savage
being. In the late 19th century, Chinese people were depicted in mainstream newspapers
and magazines as immoral, heathen, barbarian, disease ridden, brutal, corrupt, and
uncivilized. (Kim
The Divine Nine
W.E.B. Du Bois suggested in his early work that the talent tenth would uplift the black
race. He implied college trained black men and women were best equipped to transform
black America s position in the twentieth century. With that in mind, a new mission
seemed to begin. At elite Cornell University, the germination of a transcending
organization occurred. Following suit around the country, in particular at Howard
University, other transcending organizations arose resulting in new thoughts, behavior,
and connectivity for black America progression. The fruit bore from these transcending
organizations produced the core leadership and game changers that shaped the twentieth
century black experience. Such greats as W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker... Show more content
on ...
How to continue or duplicate in the twenty first century what has been accomplished in
the twentieth century. Obviously, there is unfinished business from the civil rights
movement era. Yet, what role the Divine Nine will play? Today, many of the new
voices and faces fighting inequality and injustices on the national and local scene are
not affiliated with a Divine Nine organization; this was unheard of 40 years ago. The
old guard leadership of the NAACP, nor church elders with the possible exception of a
few players no longer pilot the rallies, protesting age old inequalities and injustices in
cities like Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, and Philadelphia. Currently, intelligent,
fearless, and brash young frustrated men and women with street credibility command the
media attention. They present a picture of a more edgy SNCC, no longer desiring the
Ms. Huerta s Custody Case Study
This supplement is a record of my actions in this investigation.

On April 11, 2016, I was assigned this case to follow up. This investigation involves
Ms. Kimberlee Huerta a thirteen year old George Washington Middle School student. I
am familiar with Ms. Huerta as I had previously interviewed her for a 2015 case (15
183901). Ms. Huerta s parents Luis Huerta (father) and Nancy Pereda (mother) have been
actively seeking custody of Kimberlee.

In this new case Kimberlee went missing on April 8, 2016, for approximately 4 hours
and was reported by Nancy Pereda. On April 13, 2016, I spoke to Nancy Pereda who
told me she now has joint custody and became concerned when her daughter did not
arrive at 4104 Duke Street at the time she was expected. I received permission from
Ms. Pereda to speak to Kimberlee at School. Ms. Pereda accused her ex husband of
manipulating their daughter as she does not want her to have custody. I explained that
any conflicts to bring any issuesto her attorney. I explained that the custody issue is a
civil matter. I also called Luis Hurta and received permission from him to also speak to
Kimberlee at school. ... Show more content on ...
I asked Kimberlee if she remembered me. She told I was Detective Sandoval and recalled
our prior conversation (December 8, 2015). I explained what a status offense, CHINS
and how the process works. I used a ripp assessment form as a guide for my interview
with Kimberlee. Kimberlee told me she was o.k. and appeared comfortable talking to

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