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Essay About Jobs

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay About Jobs" can prove to be a challenging endeavor. The
intricacy lies in navigating the vast landscape of employment, considering the multitude of
perspectives, historical contexts, and socio-economic factors at play. Jobs are not merely tasks
performed for compensation; they are woven into the fabric of society, influencing individuals and
communities in multifaceted ways.

Addressing this topic requires a delicate balance between macro and micro perspectives. One must
delve into the broader global job market, exploring trends, challenges, and the ever-evolving nature
of work. Simultaneously, it's crucial to zoom in on the personal narratives of individuals and the
impact of jobs on their lives. This blend of macro and micro elements demands a comprehensive
understanding of economics, sociology, psychology, and more.

Moreover, the challenge lies in presenting a nuanced view. Jobs are not uniformly positive or
negative; they encompass a spectrum of experiences. Discussing the benefits of employment, such as
financial stability, personal growth, and societal contributions, needs to be counterbalanced with an
acknowledgment of the pitfalls—unemployment, exploitation, and societal inequalities.

Research becomes a key player in this task. To create a well-rounded essay, one must sift through a
plethora of sources, from scholarly articles and statistical data to firsthand accounts and case studies.
This can be time-consuming and requires a discerning eye to distinguish credible information from
biased or outdated perspectives.

The structure of the essay adds another layer of complexity. Striking the right balance between
introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining a coherent flow of ideas is an art in itself. The
challenge lies in weaving a narrative that engages the reader while delivering a depth of analysis.

In conclusion, tackling the topic of "Essay About Jobs" is no small feat. It demands a blend of
research, critical thinking, and writing skills. However, for those seeking assistance or looking to
explore similar topics, there are resources available. Websites offer a range of
essay writing services, providing support for those navigating the challenges of academic writing.
Essay About Jobs Essay About Jobs
Essay On The Movie Flyboys
This war won t ever be won by either side. Someday it ll just end is a quote used from
Tony Bill s movie, Flyboys . Even though The United States President, Woodrow
Wilson, used every effort to keep America out of the war, some Americans enlisted in
the armies of the allies to fight instead of his efforts. Flyboys stars James Franco as
Blaine Rawlings, Scott Hazell as Cinema Usher, Mac McDonald as Sheriff Detweiller,
and Philip Winchester as William Jensen. Flyboys was awarded two gold medals of
excellence for Best Impact of Music in a Feature Film Director s Choice and Best
Impact of Music in a Feature Film Audience Choice (IMDb). The film was releases in
2006 and was only received well in the first week by, grossing $6,004,219 from 2,033
theaters , but received very little gross after that week (IMBd). Hollywood movies
have a knack and a history of showing historic events, people, and timelines to the
audience as more of entrainment, rather than keeping them consistent with history. The
film, Flyboys was not immune to this knack of Hollywood, but the film still has some
historical accuracy. Much of the historical inaccuracies are seen in the addition of the
classical storybook plot and the addition of romance, and even the personnel of the
Layfette Escadrille. There are however, some historical accurate aspects that the film
used, but were mostly apart of the background rather than a main focal point. The film
has many strengths in depicting historical accuracies that happened in World War one,
but are largely suppressed by the addition of drama, romance, and factors for an
entertaining story. Flyboys follows the story of a few American young men that want to
help fight in the Great War. In the year nineteen seventeen, the United States had still
excluded itself from World War one, but it did not stop these soon to be American pilots.
These young and brave Americans go on to join the Layfette Escadrille. The Layfette
Escadrille was a French division of aviators that was made up of mostly Americans during
World War one (Guttman). The main characterthat the film follows is a Texan named
Blaine Rawlings who later becomes a prominent and skilled pilot in the film. Blaine s
family ranch was
Sst1 Task 2
1 Are children too hastily being diagnosed with ADD? Holly R. Lusby Western
DIAGNOSED WITH ADD? A1 Twenty years ago children being diagnosed with
Attention Deficit Disorder was not as common as it is today. Are children too hastily
diagnosed with ADD? Most children diagnosed are being treated and even medicated.
Children should not be medicated unless the symptoms cause a significant strain on
their life or ability to learn. Significant adverse 2 side effects have been shown in
children who are medicated for ADD, but the positive effects sometimes outway the side
effects in true cases of ADD. Some... Show more content on ...
What is the common environment of children being diagnosed with ADD? Do most
children being diagnosed with ADD come from a home or attend school in a strict and
structured environment? Are they just being kids when they are daydreaming or
fidgeting or do they really have a problem that warrants treatment or medication? Many
of the children being diagnosed are from the upper class or live in the suburbs so it
seems that the 3 parents and teachers just want a cookie cut out kid . They want the
child to always be on his best behavior. Children develop differently and some just need
a little more time to mature. If ADD symptoms occur at home and school the child s
temperament needs to be taken into account. The child may be younger therefore more
immature than his classmates and this may cause the teacher to think he needs to be
tested (Michigan State University, 2010). If the child s daily life is negatively affected it
may be more than temperament, but it may not be ADD. Who has input in diagnosing
children with ADD? Specialists must rely on parents and teachers to give information
about the children s symptoms, but are the children just being unmanageable and unruly
or do they truly have a problem? The specialist is given a list of the symptoms, but this is
purely subjective. The parents have the most input since they are the ones mostly
spending time with the kids, but teachers are also asked for input. Parents sometimes are
manipulated by the
Pastor Henderson Leadership
As the Christ centered Leader of one of the fastest growing Church s in Houston,
Texas, pastor Keion (pastor k.) Dwayne Henderson is No stranger to change or
Leadership. He has grown his church by over 3,500% in less than five years. He has
spent countless hours preaching the gospel to audiences in the USA, London, Africa,
and around the World via television. Pastor k. has become both a pillar of Faith and a
beacon of hope for all who hear his message. Pastor Henderson was called to Ministry in
1995 at the age of 14, just Prior to his freshman year of high School. He attended Indiana
Purdue University, Fort Wayne in his home state of Indiana where he distinguished
himself as an athlete and campus leader. During his high school Career he won... Show
more content on ...
He believes that continuing his message of edifying, evangelizing, encouraging is a
group process. He spends every day equipping his followers for lives with Christ. This
said, last year gospel star dove nominee and stellar nominated recording artist Earnest
Pugh both joined the lighthouse church to lead the congregation in praise and Worship
through song and music. Pastor k. s ministries include global missions to Africa on the
manifestation of miraculous And kingdom conference speaking tours, radio addresses
on the Yolanda Adams morning Show, and a featured televised sermon on the word
network s empowerment encounter Special, as well as thousands of pounds of food and
monetary support to mission Organizations around the world and in Houston, Texas.
His community work includes the Church s free 50,000 egg Easter egg hunt (attracting
thousands of participants) and the Church s Christmas missions which is regularly
featured on regional network television Channels like the local CBS affiliate KHOU,
and fox affiliate KRIV. Pastor Keion Henderson is a CNN heroes award nominee, a top
250 leader as recognized by the John Maxwell leadership institute and an honoree for the
community hero award at the 2nd annual top 50 black professionals and entrepreneurs
The Content Of The Cult Film They Live
A film, generally speaking is digested on a surface level as a piece of entertainment
and some elements can pass the viewers by. However films are cemented in the time
and place they were made and the filmmakers unique self expression is presented in an
artistic form to fully give their work depth. Typically, feature films are narrative driven
and focus on a central set of characters and their trials and tribulations. However, the
film can mean something deeper when fully delving into the content of the work,
whether it is cultural, political or ideological in its message. These elements presented
give the work depth thus allowing deeper discussions and analysis of a work that may
seem simple on a surface level. Student filmmakers have always strived to implement
these points in their work. With the aim of improving their practice, it is considered a
necessity to include these elements in order to fully dissect the elements of specific
works to understand the method in which these messages are implemented. In this
assignment, I will discuss the content of the cult film They Live (They Live, 1988) so I
can fully grasp the symptomatic and ideological elements behind the film and how it
has inspired other artists. John Carpenters career flourished with the release of
Halloween (Halloween, 1978). Throughout the 1980 s he made a name for himself
within the horror and science fiction genre with films such as The Fog (The Fog, 1980),
The Thing (The Thing, 1982) and Escape from
Similarities And Differences Between Breathless And The...
Gender and Film Breathless v. The Big Sleep The New Wave French cinema (or
Nouvelle Vague) borrowed a lot of major themes from the American Noir genre but also
took some sharp turns in the depictions of gender, especially concerning women. The
Big Sleep is fundamentally very similar to Breathless in that they use the male gaze
being from the point of view of both protagonists as macho chain smoking men. Women
however, are depicted quite differently in the film and novel. Concerning the more
prominent characters in each, Vivien and Carmen Sternwood in The Big Sleepare spoiled
according to her father and could be considered antagonistic characters towards the
detective, Marlowe. Vivien is dependent on her father and falls for Marlowe although he
has no concrete feelings for her. Patricia on the other hand, has her own job at the New
York Herald Tribuneand withholds falling for Michel despite his constant pressing.
Thus her independence. The differences in the portrayal of gender also are present in
minor characters as well. I will be comparing the endings of Breathless and The Big
Sleep and how it effects the portrayal of gender as well as how the characterization of
the female characters effects the endings. In Breathless, Patricia who is the female
protagonist rats out her lover Michel and by doing this secures her independence. The
idea of falling for Michel and becoming dependent on him scares her because she values
her independence as a working woman that can make
Knowledge Management Essay
One of the primary reasons for the heightened interest in knowledge management is
owing to the advances in information and communication technologies. But why have
these technologies created such interest in how people can manage knowledge? Grover
and Davenport (2001) highlight that the computing technology evolves in business to the
point where it generates interest in managing knowledge. It starts by enabling processes
at the level of transactions at the point of work. These systems were collecting amount
of data which need to be processed to make sense out of it, and hence, the advent of data
processing systems. Such a vast amount of information needs to be interpreted and
applied by the management for effective action and even... Show more content on ...
Alavi and Leidner (2001) posit that as information exposure increases through intranets
and other computer networks, individuals may create greater knowledge. They suggest
that this may also increase through other technologies such as computer simulation and
smart software tutors. When work becomes more knowledge oriented and emergent,
IT systems are becoming more flexible to accommodate users changing requirement
(Markus, Majchrzak Gasser 2002). In a sense the boundary between design and use is
diminishing. This means knowledge workers can embed their knowledge into the
system and process more readily as new knowledge is created (Alavi Leidner 2001).
They can use their knowledge easily and faster for example by automating them as
computer routines. People not only use their knowledge to act on problems or on tasks.
They also try to store their insights or new knowledge that they have created or acquired.
They capture their newly acquired knowledge both incidentally and with conscious effort,
storing them in memory or in external artefacts (Gray Fu 2004). For example, when
workers implement their knowledge in a computer routine, it becomes part of the
technology they use. They also consciously select to store their knowledge on company
databases, internet bulletin boards or their own personal computers (Vorbeck Finke
2001). Information technology can also be successfully used to
Impact of the Recession on the US Auto Industry Essay
Introduction As the nation was introduced into the current recession, the auto industry
and its labor was likely hurt more than any other industry. Few years ago it was the
homebuilding industry that was troubled the most and held the first place, but it gave
that position over to the auto industry the following year. Why was this industry affected
more than any other is very interesting and complex situation. There are several factors
why there was such a huge negative impact on this industry, its performance, and the
labor involved. Some of the major reasons are very high foreign competition, higher oil
prices, and certainly the recession. The Auto Industry In the United States, modern car
manufacturing has been historically... Show more content on ...
Ford s F Series experienced a 46% drop in sales for 2006 compared to 2007, making a
once most wanted truck in the United States almost abandoned by the consumers. The
second and the current recession that began in 2007 brought a new wave of impact on the
auto industry. At the time banks were more flexible with approving loans and the interest
rates were low which attracted a lot of consumers into the housing market. Since many of
them were not able to afford it, eventually they turned to foreclosure leaving them with
debt and no credit worthiness; thus, banks started raising the interest rates on auto loans.
But foreign competition, higher oil prices, and higher interest rates were not enough to
destabilize the auto industry on such a scale; it was the recession that shocked it the
most. According to Martin B. Zimmerman, Chief Economist and Executive Director for
Governmental Relations and Corporate Economics Ford Motor Co., it is the auto
industry that depends on economic cycles more than any other industry. Drastic
manufacturing cost cutting continued for the next two years until there was almost
nothing more to reduce or lay off. This downturn of the economy began a long lasting
unemployment rise in Michigan that eventually reached 15.3%. In 2009, according to
the Chicago Fed, there were more unemployed auto

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