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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Chapter 1 vrropucrion CONSTITUTIONAL LAW is tho study ofthe maintenance ‘ft proper anor between mths hy the tre inerentprwery af the State and Heras guar antced hy the Bila Right. Itc errr to suppose that le subj suggest the unjuntifed neendaney of authority ‘ver ibery a hit might rel in tyranny or the una ranted pracy of liberty over authority ae this would ‘sll anarchy The rao role of Contin Lalo ‘st aera betwen ethorty and erty mht Fight ee warn within the framework f the lew ed te le are enacted with doe deference to righ, I a tet that the student appreciate this tthe threbol, fire he enters the feasting word of Cantonal ‘The fanamental omens of th State are the pice power, tho power of eminent dma, and the power of fnxatin.Apong the aufiguneds Inthe Blof Right are the rth to due proce and equal protein, the pro ton sgaint‘nreasonsble searches and sears, rode of expeation, the impairment else andthe guarantees ‘gsinalijutien tothe accuse, These powers aad rights tourtorehack bit aro not necerarily hole eachother. ‘Thay have a commen ojectve: co snstanca Thal it rate goal i he are weltordered society ved x the Invilaiity of rights wish, altough fey aay not be cursed arbitrarily, ray nevertheless be regulated for the ‘mon ed ‘This work wil eal first with each of he Ure inher: cot poner Tina iting ax Use eogatin of autor {eons ene qua nan fr he propeeenjyment; of Ui ‘iy, with tho common wel a the eter. "Then i wil [rvel tothe exuinalon of the diferent grovsions Is ‘Ante I ofthe Censduton, mare commonly known 2 the Bl of fights. Once suthorty Is establish, i is nee ‘sary to dfn ad Kimi is reach, lest regulation bocome ‘reroachnent and the pristine purl of rg e debs bnynaked power. elare everything ela howewer, a short background study on the basic prinsipiow overing conatitions in ‘ener, thelr nature, clasfaton, amendinnt © rev Son, and Interpretation anal be presto. The adoption tf the pecans Constitution. ofthe Philipines 1987, together with the rcent pertinent decisions of the Su: prem Court ll alo be reviewed Chapter 2 ‘THE NATURE OF THE CONSTITUTION Definition A CONSTITUTION, soxrding to Conley, i “wt bay af ‘les and maxins in sexondance with hie the powers of Sovereignty are habitually exerci” This defnion Se tomprebensive ancugh to cover the writen abd the un writen Canstutions With particular roltrence t the Constitution of the Plipines, tho more appropriate docrpion i tht given ly Satie Maca, who apes of “the writen strument enacted by diet action ofthe poopla by whe the fndamental powers of the govertment re eta Jisod, ined apd df, and ty which these powers are Aistibuted among the sovoral departments fo their tle ‘and useful exer fr a ne he by pie Purposes “Tho porposo of the Canstitation isto presen Uae permanent femewonk of system of government, o ae Sen tothe soveral departments their respective powers fl die, nd to esfablish cea ft Fed pines on ‘whi govern end 1 aoult be stresaed that when it comes to crtain nse livia rghit, such as relgou feed, ii no the Constttin that creee or omer em. The correct wiew ix thatthe Coasttaten merely reognies and pro lens thee rights and dooe nat ring Um into existence "The Contituton i not "the origin of privat ight fs not the fotain of lay nor Uh incpint state of v= framnt is not Une case bt the canaequence of et ‘enal tplial eed Supremacy of the Constitution ‘The Consttion i he bse ad paras aw to which alee awn rit pt and ow all pe Yon nlading te highest fil fh and, mat dete So tc shal be val however ob intentions Condite wih tho Const, The Costin ma tre une, Alla tin rai it fw. Eapdlnay me tb lowed ap sre tow greed for power dlc rc aM or wre, the Catton mst be ups nga tha a boon hanged ty the ercign peopl ete dined ult he unrpatn ofthe may of aw bythe preted Magia per? assification ‘evolved or enacted, nd rigid or flexible “A writen onatiaton is one whats preopte ae cm boc one doesent or st of documents. An unwiten toneltution on the ether and, conse of rales which Fhe not hee ingratd into ® mingle, emerte form bat tre watered in varios sures, euch a atten af fn fhamental character, jill decsons,commentatics of Publicist, customs nd tradions, and certain common A conventional constitution it an eins constita- tion, formally “trek of at efit te and pce fl lowing consis or delibernt fot taken by sonata cent body ar ruler. A cumulative cnatatin, by entra the mest of poleal evolution, “aot inaugurated at ay sect time but changing by exertion rater thn Ry ay ‘yotamate matod™ ‘A rigid constitution sane that ean be amend aty ty formal and wally dele proces whereas a fsible ents mn hate can ety egal Tho Constitution of the Philippines is written, eon- vento and ig sscntil Qualities ofthe Weiten Constitution A god weition conatitaton mut be bro, brie and TE mst be broad not any bose it provides fr the ‘nganization of th entre government and cavers ll pe ‘sons and things within the tertry ofthe Sata bt sore sobecaus itis supped to cro the pa, orale the resent and to. antiepaie the fur, ‘The conten ‘ut be eompreensine enough t provide for ery at ingen. Tae been eid hatte conaitaton inten the imprisonment of the pat but de unflingof tho hi tore fowls may br ade hat i alo Uo fall. moat a he present must be brie and enfin tse t baie princes to de implement wi egelative daa more ajo {chang and easier to amend, Otherwise, th constitution ‘would bn « paix ad voluminov elifstion inecomsibl Tote understanding or even only Ue inert of tho por ple and unable to adape rou to changing cotions Frcense ofthe ciety fis amendent must be clear defini leet amiga in its provi ions teal in eonfuson and divsivencot among the peo lyst peshape oven physical ont. Tho exception Fru ony in hove can where the rules are deliberately ‘worded ina wage manner, ike the due props las, Take teat mor mallee judtal interpretation ine Tighe nw enodions and decumstancos Bssontial Part of the Wetten Constitution A god writen anattation contain three exsenta sutststive pat Tne te hon aU oataton of Tier th cnsitton of goverment, ete cons "he iret conse of «axes of preston sting fut te fundamental cl ad pel right of the ons and imposing instars cn thn powers of gover Teun a moons of sccsing the enyment of those dha! Theo nr fod pinay in Arte of ox ‘Staton an sen Alcs VV, and XL the second ont ofa erie of rvisons otning the rganizaton of the goer emertng i pow tr, ling down certain role lative tn alte THE NATURE OF THE OONGUTION 7 on, and doing th elactoata! These ae fou in Ati ‘ee VI wo XI ofr Coaatitaton, The thin consists f tho provisions pointing out the ‘mole ae proodare in ascnlance wile which formal ‘Sunges in the fundamental la sy be brought about These aro found in Artie XVI of aur Consitation, Permanence of the Constitution oe strange howe, comes and cuts spn, ec eet spine won chang tae ay nae bento ty psig spr Piso cial ans fn pai wi ro pr. ‘thn, "A oan mosses ‘oan an rst store ent eas ‘Sith rg of twee Sc wom Betty oat tage wi oa pele expe Sac, tera aos oUt aga ac one Bc he ve io of mane ye sane tine be dats a tn enn ‘bl an to oe change uel hy no ‘ono ail Setar, Th ify ea te ting fey pene Syn. feng meted gs sha case neal Jy ute cise Tah ant, ho win non lB cone at inp rier haut pees toi tna wig et fl foo ‘Sonn of cite tno ger ema 8 ‘CoNSTUTIONAL 1AW reeds and aspirations, Where this happens, the people may havo to rr toa vieaton ofthe provision ofthe peronnont eatin and if they cannot make @ new tonto, hey wil have to ake a revaluation Interpretation tho eonsittio ik story ensetvets, aod be rea incre with ho val lon nterpratin, {cd consrucon, Chit among tes he canon Wat it ‘Boul ve iepeed ner ay aoe eto {Rtedimest ote framers itn io dieoerble ‘Se nthe document elo tio he po af xe Se ls uth othe rc ofthe cational coven (ne recren utton i tha ear wheter consttaton eal esr oly nt gt of Sims obtaining ate tine ot topano asaeing to the dung neil tensprng ithe Bsr ofthe {tn Shc the conten be ped or pros? ‘Th ewer vi he conto Changs With the changing tine at np the pogo th eo ls wih anu rules gown neice im oder {ee As clactly po by Josco Wise, “The pla pleopiel apr one gaoeraton doubted the att ni enely Sch hy tho thd. The roe tnoves yard conse and no Canute ean says 7 or ‘particular importance also is the rule that, in ease ot dai the rain shld be conser salen Ing raor then caeenecsing; naar rather an dincony end pepe rather tan rare Reps Pu a, 1 Wi 27, ‘A solFeareuting provision earth by its is i- recly or indreedy applicable withnot necd if statutory plementation. Examples sre the provisos found inthe Dl of Might, which may te Svoled by proper partes Indopondently of a even aginst lalate enactment Thus, in Colectr of Customs Villas," the Supreme Court hold that judge derive arelly fom Ati I, Sosion 2 ofthe Contttion the author to conduct preliminary ivesigtionst determine robe ate for {the iesuanee of sench warrant or werrant of arrest hich power may act be witrawn oF rectitd by the legislature A elmilar bration fas been mad in numberof cass meer te Presidents power of on trol over all the departments diet caer pon bm by Arte VI, Seton 17, ‘A nanaelfeweuting provision 4 one hat remains horsint nes i atented by logiatre implement tion An example is Artle I, Section 4, whith provides ‘that in the fulllment ofthe prime dy of defending the Stat “all tions moy be required under enditins pw ily nw fo render personal tary or oil sic” Such a requirement cannot be ipod ntl ead unis {he legate wo wl through the paseo ae spect ‘ng the conitions Ancthor example ie Artic IV, Soe tion providing tat "Philippine etsnahip maybe let or ‘roan in th magner provide bylaw Ths provision lest ease the Ins or reoery oflzenahip. the lmplementing statute that wil ‘Unlos the eatery in clearly inte, the provisions ‘of th castitution auld be eosidered esifenoeting, ae ' conteary rue Would give the lpsistors dieretion to ‘ketene when, o whether, Uy shal beet. Tse provislons Wool be subordinated to th wil ofthe lw | | | | rowing body, whic cul! mike them ene meaning se by imply rng to poe he nade implementing mplementaton may, however be impo a duty pun the etre by tinny langings Us oat LWue, or ramgln when Ate X, Seton 10, provides thaw ihe fat Congo etd snr this Comition ‘a tin eigen month ram th tof te organ. ‘Rta of toh Hows pac the gon act fr the Sno regione in Mini Mindanao ae th Codi fee tho logan col ot unl day erento of the td. Who i Gout mandamar would have boon neiuble wine opinion, i sthing ‘onpela ton "Aci in the anc cls sowing of ote invention the prove of to conan should bere fed wo msndatry Otherwise the fundamental tw Soul hav no more freed pesige than st of dre {ns wich th government adhe ple woul! be ie toalaegurd “As ns tery, whenever he Inge tod in the Contain e pony, to De unde. loo a intended fob & pie and unequal ne fim: and whenever tho Ieoguage maine 8 gant of ener ls nan ws asset a mere deen.” nally, sould tober thatthe provisions of te canton shold given nb prospect ap {Eton ules the onrery i oat otnded, Wer te ful then ts ney aq or vesed might be uly dred or wien even nthe ean of tn nmistakable neta topos he thn tho spe o th costa {NATURE OF THE CoNSTTTUTION 11 Amendment or Revision Chango inthe constitution may beefed bya nee nifcton in its interpretation by the emote of justin. ‘Where the provisions ofthe cnstiition aro umbigusly word —perhape deltborataly sje may read out ‘than, in the light a lred eaitnns, meanings that at ‘an eavier time wee conden here. ‘Ono iustrstion wil sufi, In Pople. Pama” de- cided in 1924, our Supreme Court dedared uncanny onal aw granting maternity lave eivlages to ferale temples onthe grou hat paired theoligaton of sonteactn, At presnt, homever, although the impairment ‘lus isnot undergone ang change in engage nee then, such prvlgee aren commonpaes. Soca logiaton has been sustained under the expandad coat of the Pile power ata valid Imitation of the fest of ei tract ‘Thee are provisions of the Cnstittin, though, hich ae ata malas to jodi norpretatien, wha Coley cals the “iron oles” becruso they cannot be al= tered esoopt by formal amendment. Examples are the provislans for che age quaifetions of certain fice cr {br thelr tar af fon The sompotion of as Camiston om Audit to take notin orraton, cannot be reduced or Increased bya more grt don, Modification of such provisions maybe efit either beyamandment or rain proved in Arte VE ‘Amendment means iolaed or plsuneal cunge only, a dstinglsbe trom revision, whch i evan or rewriting of the whole inatument. a CCongrUNONAL Lae ‘hs thes mas meant fh Costin cr 88 hen tap cla he Prose of be a Stas we henge oor ure hrs waa ‘tan he be Crt Cama {te he Moras nar and pose wan othe Soman oe Procedure "Two stops ar involve in the ameniment of revision off our Constation. The fie athe propos ad the ee fendi the ratification. (Proposal ‘Phe props is generally made ether direlly by the Congress oy cnettonal emveation "Whore what le Intaaded ism rece amendment or ng paresis vin ny he rep tor spade by det lena eto. fa this ene the vote of at ina three faorthe ofall the members of the Congress ‘Sil be ede" Thie method wil avo tho unneceeary ‘spandizane of pablie Sint aa time Ut the calling of & ‘Stntitutonal convention wil ext, ‘ut if wht envisioned ie the overs of the entire Constvtin, i wl be advaabie to entrust he ta to @ fourituionl convention, which wil awe mare ts op portunity and presszably also tho neo expertise to ddscharge Tha el fa oanstittnnal convention may bo made bya yote of twothins of sll the membors of tho Coe tress If Uy eat makeup thee ld, the question of ‘whether of not to eal the eotttinal convention shal bo thrown by thom othe penple themoetve, hy atleast ‘Thi lst aliamativ i a plainy abe procure that permits the members ofthe Cangren to atria the vast of public fans y calling on tee enaitcnts to aco question that i eaxntally adr tothe lg. lnatars themselves. In fet, Uy are allowed 1a pas the buck” simpy beetuse they aze unable ta agreo on the dat son the people expe then rake AL any rata, whslever the natu of the change con- templatd, the choice af the mechod ef propos is sere tionary upon the lalate, sald in Orsi. Commis son on Betona Conformaby to the ruling angouneed i Inbong Commission on Bletions” the Congres, acting ava sn situent boy, may with the coneuranee of tots of 4 its membors call a enatitatenal eonventon {a general terme only. Threatr, the same Congress, acting his tine a's lpeatve by, ty pas the nowssry ope smanting law providing fr the details ofthe eonattionl ‘mention, each as tho number, quiifetions, ahd ctr enaation ofits members. Tis satate may be enacted ia ‘ecordance withthe ordinary litre pre ‘A thi method of propolis allowed by Section 2 of Atco XVI, which rnd: mga ye es tar in ie “ ies ‘he vey elt dae mt eset ya st ‘inca ha art rc Ne ae 52138 ee aun ion UWGVERSTFV onaAnw 4 CconsuTMUTIONAL. LAW "The Cong hal yonder hinge "The etiampt to wap thie method fo 1907 was struck down by the Spreme Gout in Santiago &. Canunision on i ‘loaions™ for lack of the necwary nplamenting la ‘The eborequctd proviin, tel, was ot slfexneting, find Rep, Att No, 6785 provide for aoc nitive nly | ‘and not the national initiative required for proposing cam Sittonal change, Tern wan rtrd fn PIRAA I w. “Commision ‘on Blections™ und definithly ended the tier to ove he rl oe Prot at tremor of Congres inte rset charter Te sould be noted that this wetiod pis oa to We amendments, not to a revision of the Constitntion. I ie Poof Conta Comin There ase thre theories on the rlative poston af the \ cmtietonnl convention vis-cr the roglar depart i ‘ants f Ue governnect. The first as announce in Lomi aokwon,” bls that the cititinal convention in suprense over the ter departments of Uo government becuse Une powers {texeresee aro inthe nature of sovereign powers. Th is ‘liad the Thowry of Coaventonal Sovereignty "The second, ae announoed in Woo» Appeal" const cers the como convention infriae to th other des ‘ime NATURE OF THE CoNSMTUION 45 partments ofthe government sine iis merely aeration tthe legate. The tir us announced ia Pate Aur," declare that as long a8 It exita and conn ital within the bphoro of its jurado, the contetional convention ‘et be considered independant af and evequa! wits the other departments ofthe government "The third ofthese thao, whic ithe mast witely scoped, has hoon ebsorved inhi juriediton sine the ‘am of Madanogu Lopes Vito (@) Ratifention ‘The Constitution provides Chat any amend to or ‘vison shal bo vali wen rated ky @ mary of the ‘votes cat nm plabislte held not earn than ity days tor later than nine days after the spool euch change by the Congreso Use ecoatittonl convention er iter the certification ly the Commision on Elio of ‘the sufficiency ofthe petin under Seton 2” Tho requiamoat for raison tas involves the people themselves inthe soreroign act of drating oa: fering the findavertal la the eave of nee statute, {Rauf chat es enacted by Us cheno rpenetatves pursuant to ther mandate, But where ii constitution that is blag teamed or change, i is imperative and per that approval ome dirty a the pops then Proposals to amend the Canatitton mite aie within resonable tie after dhey ro mad bene they lave Intended ta sneer present noo or curve caren problems, they are apt only afr a ong delay, they Tiny langer serve the purpoate for which Whey were finde in the first pine Morewer, proposals should be ot upon tne win inert in her el fle and The electorate lee nwladgeable on Use pros tnd eons thease bite to ther. ‘Acording to Jig dams, “am alteration of the CConttstion propose today has relation tothe sentiment fn fl needs of taday end if pt ratified oney while the fentimet tay fly be supposed to eit, it ough to be garded as waved ad not aps tobe voted upon unless fora rond te propose ‘One of tho inva rized in Gonaatn «= Commission on Blind” was tho vali ofthe submission oferta propos cussions smendments ata plebiscite ee {lt onthe aug day as the opr elections, Petithners ‘epee tha his wae lol here woul be propor Submision of the propel ta the people who woul be ‘ore fleet in he ue vale nthe elation ex beige. The Supreme Court, weve, dcare, in inter Dreling Artie XV af the 1855 Constitution: (is dace mes Justice Sonche, with whom Justice JBL. Reyes con: cured, exresead 9 aong nent. His argument was that, io onto thet the propoeed amendments could be TE NATURE OF "HIN OONSRMION x7 ‘cnsidared to have been properly submited, "the people ‘must ln ardod opportualty to mall ver the orginal poison, compare thers with Uh prpored amendments, fd ty to reach cncision asthe dicts of ti om Science soget, feo from the Incubus of extraneous or sibly insidious infanco «Thar must bub ‘ion, intaligat consent of teed” Such fir sub tsson, he believed, would be posible aly i do pa. ‘te were sebodled on special data, "The maarlty view wat aimed in Osi, Com ‘miodon on Blections.” hero the Supreme Court te ‘ined tho simutncous bolding i 1980 of the oa ele tings and tho plebiscite an the prota to restore the re ‘Uren ge of ages to seventy years Judicial Review of Amendments rom what has slzeady been observed i i lear hat ‘he question a te validity of the adoption of amendments to the Coastution ia regard now ns jot ial rion. Tho vow announced in Mabanog v. Lape Vita to he eet thatthe ution of wheter or not the Party ‘propel had bon validly adopted in Congr wan polis fal in nature as bee eet deed a erly at into ve of Tatada v, Cuencor The presi dactsine allows the courts to inquire into whether or not the prescribed procure fr amendent has been obser "Tho Supreme Court assumed uration in Sanidad Commission on Elston?” ever the Sobor Ganerals ‘rmention tht tho amendment ofthe Coattation ws & pote quetin, king Urough Sustoe Martin af Tee purport te dma a Seige adty the tts, nl ct Tins th jiey may delay Hoel & propa adopt Sn ean tw ro the menor of he arg ee fu tial net yt fh ed ef tape etn made RE un emery of the vtec or a pli eer ld ‘The 1987 Constitution ‘The Contiation of 967 ithe fourth fundamental law to zvorn the Puppies snc i became degen tat on daly 1946 Th et wa he Coreonneath aston, adopted i 3805, wich continued hy i Srowisonato bo peri afor the proclamation of the Republic orth Pualppnes. Tv acand wan the Cons Melon SioT8 which wan enforced during the Maret ‘ime lowing ts dubious aprows and ratieatin st Pe ten the eouny wae esd der tari Inv On Foray 25 1080, 9 ro he poe et uphonral at depo President Mateo, the ow Presiden prossinet a Frefom Constitution, fe effective pending he adoption of ermanent ona ‘tna at corectng the shortcomings af tho pr THE RATURK OF THR OONETITION 19, vious constitatons and apically liminating all tbo Iniguitous vestiges of the past regime ‘Toward this en, President Coraon 2 Aguin, Prelamation No 9, erated Conatittinal Comsan componed of fy members to be appointed by her and Sanged ta fame @ new charter nt later than Sopter= bor 2, 1986, All but one of tase sppoited sept sad Immediately indore ther tan under the, Pre dency of Justico Cella: Muton Palma, formerly of the Supreme Cour. The members came from varios eons land rpreseted diverse persuasion, which ie probably tne ronson why they cold nat met thei dealing aod Svero able to approve the final drat of their handiwork aly en Octber 1, 1086. By renaton of tho Con Son, It was commended to the President thatthe pei Feit on th. proposed Constitution be scheduled not ‘thin sey dan erginaly provided, ba within hoes ‘onli, to eve te people more opportunity to sud ‘Accontingly, tho plebicte wr stduled and held on February 2, 1987 "Tho campaign forthe ralienion ofthe propaeed Constitution was led by the President hersll, whone ‘mali argument was that it would rst the powers of ‘the Presidency as provided for inthe Freedom Const tion. Opposition fo the dea, while eplited, was largely Alisorginized and coasequently inefetive, Many peopl, ‘hile doubtful about some of its provaions and expe: lay ofits length, hich made Rt aeor ike cade tion, nororheles approved the proposed Consittion in the end bocsuse they flit woUld provide the stabil ity the county sorely needed at the time. When the votes were tlio, it appeared that 7029% the elton ate had votod to ratify, with only 22748 agnnat, Suggested Reading: Taabongv, Commission Hltins, 25 SCRA 28 Telentine v. Coniston on Beton 4 SCRA 716 Almaciov, Alla, 127 SCRA 68 Santiago , Commission on Hletons, 70 SCRA 106, Chapter 9 ‘THE, CONSTITUTION AND THE COURTS ALTHOUGH HOLDING “nother purse nor wor” the diary omupies a val and inspnseble pat ia our ‘stem of government, frit isthe wtimate gunrdian of the Constitution, The poltal deperiments, if only be ans ofthe nature af thelr poner, have a tendency to tend fot actually break the ee, emetmes for te Dest moses or ou of mistaken aol bt mote often bec ff a desire fr alfaggranaizement When they ds, the Josilary le expected to ret the wrong and ifs Ie “acred and sain duly" to uphold the Conatituion aad the as of th land, ‘As this rola af ho julie lo partclaty needed ‘he protection ofthe individ Merb guaranted! bythe [Blo Right, imporean to onaader a this pint the ‘ope and imitations ofthe power of jada review and, ‘spel the requisites af jodi inquiry ita wenn {sonal quetion, Voting ‘The new rule it Article VI, Sostian 4 on on Bane nae its fllowe a Whereas tho olf rule onthe desaration of uncast- tutionalty eovered only th eat far” nde Use 1985 Constitution and te “eas, eneutle agement or fue” hndor the 177 Charter the new Constitution inclues the “rey, international or anos agreement, a, presen fiat decree, planation, order, naruto, ordinance Gand other regdatione” Uatotunataly, the Tongue ls fale convoluted apd unacessilyBnicy. "The rle on the needed vote for x dodacation of ux constiteionality tals elaborate und clogated, not say {Mtadvend, Wale tie Convent Constitution called fica ot of twos ofthe Spreme Court and the 1873 CConstitation fxd the at umber of ten, te Constuton of LT evident wil eve no truce with such impli. Tistend, require fr euch declaration “the coscurenc of « majority ofthe Menara scho actly took part x the dinero on the io in the eae and ete there, ‘na msterpiae of quibling and vertty. Significantly, ‘whereas under the to peeous chara n las than wo This ofthe Court were ended fra deearatin of uneon stitatonnlity, now as os fie embers a the Court ean Seciare any of the mesurce mentioned above uncanstice tional this umber being «majority oth quorum of eight ofthe Gees member Court Requisite of a Judit nquiry niko the politcal department, courts are passive Instruments thet can act only when thre jurabieton Invoked Iie undertod, of cour eh even then, the question rived wil net be entertained by thera i ei Pola! a nature. Further, by veto ofa jdgemade ‘THE CONSTHTUNION AND THF COURTS 2 pales, no contttional queeion wile heard and died Dy thom unless thre i eomplianse with what are known 2 the eqs of jal lai "howe roginitn ar the flowing? (0), Theze must be an aetna ase o ontrveey; (2) The quation of enatitutionality mt be ris by the proper party @) The eanstittions! question mut be risad at te eariat pon opportanigy, and (@). The dein of the constitutional question mast Dbonoocesry to the determination oft ase ell (1) Actual Case ‘An actual eat o controversy invlve conic f= ta ighta an aersion of oposite gl cain euseeiblo ‘jude ajadieation. The eae mus ot be moto demic or hse on extra ar other sila considers tons not egnizable ly cur of juts, Thre mut be « ‘ontatity of legal Hgbie that ea be interpreted and ‘nfo on the basis f existing Law and erieprodenc, "A ‘antroverny’ mot be one that i apprpriata for iudiil determination. A jsiiale contsovery a this Alstngulsed from a dfeenon or dispute a hypothetical lor abtracteharacer fom one tht is ater or moh ‘Tho cantroversy mus be definite and concrete, touching, the legal reatans of pares ving avers ka inter ‘ets Te must boa rel and substantial cotrovrsy aa ting of pee rl throng a decrve Lat i once in character, a distinguished fom an opinion advising what the law would bo upon a hypueeteal sate of feta, Where tore Ie such a eaerete eso sting ofan immediste ad defialtive determination ote loa rights ofthe pa inf an advert prt upon the ft alleged, the ajoicaton a ho gas of the Higanta may net r Sie the avard of proves fhe payment of emage ‘Bad is ot cnet fo thn exo fe jul omer Ghat en injunction be coud nlegatons that epee inary i eaten ae at ele "A seq for adiury opinion canal nse inthe cetagary oo ual as ores sine th ans fai done nt inte any cnc a at has Samed the proportion ea flown pu Tho eat {ase bel eked cy to onal nnd oo dei Cnnselng hy oui cay To the dsr of epers: {in af pre ice hr awl ok hve the are Taw butata mare suzzeton or cmamendstion Ua may ‘ye sczped or riod nt nl iy the dopertment reqs But whore the purpose isto salt fom the court a decir juga avin te Inerpetnn ft Sighs and duties of «porn under the prvions of {ted wil conta oor weten instrument a Mee ordinneo? th case denen sal otresy (herbie the cuts may vail sane raion In PACU o. Satay of Bdwoatinn’ the peitones challenged egnton the respondent requ al feta slap and vere ft ean a pera om the Depurtinent ef uation bre they cul pen a operat, apeared, however, hat all he ptioners ad pov elo the led permit nd hey tere suctioning te egleta oly eso he post Thy ther each pom ight edi thom in te star "Ta upremo Cor dered Ua ihe cae wos pene TM CONSTITUTION AND THE COURTS 2 as there was no showing a ho time of ay confit of ag eh Cat would nti assumption of ursition by tho Judlllary. Tho Court said that “mere apprehension tat the Seretary af Rdseaion tight, user Hh lew, wil ‘ea the permit of ono of the petoners doc nt mati tte ajusteahieconeoversy” PHILCONSA v. Vara was s petition to compa the Speakor of th House of Representatives to prcuce the bos of axounts of tha body in which were roomed the amounts appropiate by the legato or their a lowraners. Beir the care coal be sid, however, the 1973 Constitution bere efcive and the Congress af the Philipines wae consent bola The Supreme Cour thereupon diamine the petition, ling thn the stead already bem moot sad aed. In Prez o. Provincial Beard i washed tthe pe ‘ttn aim to an appointive ois wns rendered moot ‘and acadanie when he fled a certs of ennidacy fr fn eleetive afc. And aecorting Yo Maro. Delo fos ‘an eleetion potet wil have tab ditmisn upon the ration of the protested oii term, @ Proper Party A propor party in o00 wh ha sustained ori in i radios danger af wostaining a ij as areal the ‘ect complained of" Ul nnd unless seal or poten tal injury is stable, the complainant can hae the legal poreanality to raise the eonstttional question, In Tecan 8, Ullmann? n physician questioned the canstiuonality of nw ecbiing tho use of eontocep- {Sven una the ground hat Kt mht prove dangeroas to the le or healeh of somo of his patients whose physical fenditon mould ct enable them to Baar the eisore of Childbirth, ‘Te Coure diamiaed tho challenge, beling {fat the patente of the phyican and net che ppsian ‘tact were the proper partis. in Ciyethng Cru” the petitioner challenged in ‘quo warrant proceeding th te ofthe respondent who, e'claed, had en appointed to the Board of Madea Buaniners in violation ofthe provisions of he Medial Act f 1958, The Supeene Court eimmiaged thb petition, bol Ing tht Cayegkeng fad not made a lain fo the position hal! by Cris and therfore could not be regarded as a proper party who had sietsined an ljury ava rut of the questioned at In Be Parte Lei the petitioner, an American tax payer and member ofthe bar led 8 totian foe lave Question, the elieatione of Justice Black who, he trered, had beta appelte! othe US. Supreme Court in Sinton ofthe Conttution ofthe Unied States. The Court sige the ptlten, lng that Levitt was nota pr nee wut cing in to toby atin lake Tn Poop Vora,” the Court hold tht Ube Gover rent af the Philippines was a proper party to ellongo the conaitatianaity of dhe Proatin Art bectse, more Shs any ater, it wos Use Goverament et that sould peconserned over te validity ofits own aw Tis CONSFTOTION AND THE COURS 97 Tho ruler sat on odin taxpayer not ae the proper pry personaly ton te hy fan apportion asic be net in tn um. roped ae tt saan eva Th tn Canes Soe Prensa yn eay taper i the aii of law gas bcp fo mene of Caren dering th pra epg oto pase Caption we dared rng a eon 1 se wh wnt roe pay. ‘noth it ese Ps Ca howeer. i ro hm bon changed nom per ew Srlinay paper op of trp tom aueson of ton siiy fm sprain ln A Spee Coit then fie ween pe tan oth peo thw css demand tt they sid pomp and dtc ing ale we ‘Mod techie of peels? In aetn Cnmison on Bling" was hl ‘harrow propery psn or Proibeon of ater oe non of pre tcl neds a PHTLCONEA Cnn ‘erga of taxin ad sas was hl er pty oun coin I ‘ding br cnn spa ements mers ‘of the legislature. = In Opa: Raoren* nba finn, rp sce yt prt lh Serr foe Sed Netra Resa proven ihe noporpraon 28 CCONETTUTIONNL LA or impalement” of Piipine rainforest “and arrest tho Aiba! bemorthage of Uhe aunty vite Mo suppor ‘tems abd continued rape of Mother Bart.” Tho ease ‘as dial by the lower oot on the round intr aia {hat che plant were nt proper partes. The Supreme Court reversed through duane Haein G. David, Jy ho: nyt ro In Sonidadu. Comunisson on Blacton,” the Supreme Cour pl he pttones proper parte thus i acl ei Pn ena me See saeco ‘ese Xe 0crn paan r io Pe r Ses Roccaireenaramer ae ‘ToMekady ees dhs with Ua personaly io Bat the vr fetter at ota en cen ‘THE CONSELETION AKD THE COURTS a9, pied Deer psy bene ns In Mcalinta vs. Commission on lection la ee who qoouioned the Overets Abentee Voting Act was opted 8 proper pat gan ot es its et shite aie oti ot oss a sa tmnt pn ow tee wet at Tn Lozada. Commision om Rlstions" homer tition to compal the rspoadent to ell special lations {orl welve vacancies inthe interim Batasnng Pambansa at damned onthe gro der aia tha the pears were nol proper pari ua thy lad only hat the Su Dreme Court ‘called “penerlied intrest” shared with the rest of tho people. A aimdar ruling was rendre in Guozom ©. De Vila where “well-meaning liens with ‘nly escndhand lnowledge of Uh event” were not con sidered proper parted a challange the tturaton dives “zona” beng oct hy the nliary The original ruling’ in the case of Kilishayan Morato™ admittd the peltione, g20up of eoacerned ‘itzens and taxpayers, hs proper party fo question tho contract providing for te holding ofthe to ora natinal Intry ln se abseqonnt case involving tho same parte, howerer, the Supreme Cort, with a changed membership, eld Ue petitioner fo be witout Iga standing to question that antec, A similar cnelion was roche in Osmefa tr Commision on Becton” on tho ground thatthe pe tione,m presidential candidate, id nt ao that he had ten igurd as rma fthe ban on politic commerils fon radio tnd television, The same reacon woe applied fans! te petitioners in Trsommunicatons and Broad ust Attra ofthe Pippen, Inv. Comission on Sesiona who were questioning te iw ruling tlv- ‘on sd ria ation oalleato fee tn ote respond entagens. ‘Sigifanty, Artie VI, Section 16 of the Const: ton ow allows any etizen 2 challngo the supansin of th pilags of te wee of aden corpus othe prolam ‘in of martial a (@) Earliest Opportunity ‘The rl i atthe constitutional qusstion mut be rai tthe eet poole opportunity, such that ts re ried in the pleadings, Se cunnot bo considered atthe {al ands ot condor ate ta, canna be on sidered on appl. "This general ue, however, is ubjc othe lowing eceptlns (2). Incriminal eases, the conaitatona question can ris a any Une Inte dnrtin of Ui court ‘THE CONSTITUTION AND THB COURS gy (2) In ei eases, te constitutional quai can be rain at any lage i necenary to Ue determination tho css ta (@)_In very cas, excep where thre i stip he ‘unstitutonal question ean be raged ot any tage I ‘oes the jorisiton ofthe court” @) Necessity of Deciding Constitutional Ques Hon. ‘The reason why the const wil as much a poste avoid the dsan of sonal quston ean be Urns to the dosrne of parton of powers whith en Joins wpn ch dpe a proper respect the at the othr departs, Laine wh i pale, eur Ale the peut of coenetonly and goby ‘nan tht dnbe ato stn” The teery tht an {he jana of the ngs aed eet autor Jaw troppo to have bes cael sto ad dete. "al toe sonditioa frei was aly ena Hens a longa therein sore thr besa that can bs ‘sed by the cout fr clon he constant ot Ue chatleng aw wl be nh! ad he ae wl bo ‘edd on er tale prec ‘A eld in Laur ts Gara The Court wil not pass upon a snetonl quan eng proper Presented by Uo rei ths sae canbe doped oot tome oer ground sich athe application of ate ot fpocrl gw The sae rling wa ad Gn Fain 2 CCONSTHIUONAL Lav Tin the cave of Zandra. De fa Cat, Justi Law rel declared that each plcy dd act manifst a shirking OF jill die. In fay he Eontned, fer sould be other ground avalala tothe nut fo the decison of tho caw, then would bo "the time to let the hammer fl, sad esl? Tn his ese, the ptitoner, an incumbent ja, had cepted an od interin appitient to 8 new eo re tod under a law that ed eenganiaed the judiciary by Stolshing some Judgesige sad eating other, Wh Ma Sppointnent wan bypamed, be return to his farmer ‘hur in Manda bu found that the respondent had already then appnted thereto. Zandueta therdipen fed. quo ievranda preceeding aginat Do la Cesta, aguing that be an not abandoned sc court in Masia By his cpt tnce ofthe new court Palawan. His reason was ht Tn creating te Iter cor ws unconditional boone it viltd jadl neuro tenure ‘Although the eaoetistonal question td een aed squarely Hae Supe Cont did nt find it nesanry 10 sce Ie junifcaton was motor ground ava to JP for Geo, to, he ommon law prinipleof {oppel Sine under this rule «person cinaot question the ‘ally of law under which he bd peeriouty sept erat, tie Suprome Court eld that Zanducta Won topped fom impinge snaitonality ofthe ui sy roeganzation lave But when in 1055 aia aw was psc by Con ese and was ca Inter asa athe ground ati Sina juiel sec of tenure, the Supreme Gaur Could not avoid ling on the conatational question false. The petionrs tn this eas, unlike Zandvets, had THK CONSTRIUTION AND THE COTS $9 not aceped new portions eet hy the lw afer it had Ingato thom oat of their former carts. The principle of estoppel could therefore not be apple to them mn the Supreme Court canaeqsenty hed to dite categorically ether or not the challange law wan coostitutonn = Similar action was alain the Inter eave of De a Lana Ala Bifeets of Declaration of Unconsttutionality "Thor ae two views on the fel of dslaraon of ‘the uncinsiationality ofa sate "Tho itis the orthodox view, Une thi rule a an oansd in Nort Shelly an uncnaitonal wt ‘ot nw iene no rights; impose no dts it a fords no protection; I eretes no oy i, neg oe ‘ecenplation, inoperative, a I ad not teen pase es therefore wiriken fom th statute books nnd conser ‘never to hee exist at al Noten the perio but al paras are toand by the delarstion of noansitutona Hy, whish means that aa ane may Unrelter invoke nar may the courts bo parted to apply it in rubeequent nos Tis in aee words ttl lity. Tho vrond er modern view is le stringent, Under ‘his view, the cout in pasa pon Une question of ont {utionality does nt annul repeal he eat it nda in confit withthe Conatitaton I ximpy refs to mee ‘nia ad dorms the rights oft pastes ust a i Sich statute dno easton The eout aaa ges rea- on for ignoring o largarling the In, bat the dein tfc the partis only and ther i no agent agent the statue, The opinion o reasons ft out tay per ey ‘CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ate as a precedent fb the detormination of oor siilar ‘ioe, bo it des noe etre the atte from the wl Dock doesnot repeal, supersede, revoka, or annul the ‘tataio The para fo the alt ae conc ye fd tent bul noone bound ™ "The oreo view in expreied ip Arti 7 af tho cist Co, providing that “when the nurs dedare a law to be inconsistent with the Contin, the former shall be oi andthe Iter sll gover” In evar cass, hw tre, twas ower hata reali approach Was eroding the genel doctrine and that Gh actual edstanco of & ttatate prior to itr declaration of wacoaattationaley was fan operative frst and might have conséquences Which ‘oud ot aly ignore "Ths in Menila Motors Co. o. Flare" tho plaintft ‘ed complaint fr tho rsorery’of stamens whi all ‘due in 1941, The defendant pleaded prescrigton, 13 yours Tavingelapaed sino the die date. The pain! argued that the peseiptive period had boon nanponded by the Moratorium La, but the defeadantegvered tnt Use aw Ind been delaed useonstttional and therfore no rights foul be bull jon t. The Saprerne Court mjd thi fontenten tnd, apivingcoalderations of equity, relax ‘he operation af the general ul. "A sunllar contusion wn enced in Tan. Barrag! and, earlr in Rspubie», rida” nd Republev. CFT” {mE CONSHHUMION AND mH COUTTS 55, () Partial Unconstitutionalty Alo in doferenc tothe dotrne of epartion of yom ers curr hestte to declare law telly uncon tional and, aslo oe they ex, wil aleage the vl por tions thoea in oder to give effet to the leglative wil Noverheles, «decinraton of partial uncostituionlty villbe ald only two condone cones to wi fs that the Iegilature is wing to eain Ua valid potions oven if ho rest of the statue is delard ga; and second, that ‘ho valid portion ean stand indepenintiy a8 separate ‘he leilative wl to this eft may bo expressed in whet i known a the separtlity enone. Thi usualy Provides that "fr any wean any eetne or provision of {hi Act ig declared inetd or uncenaistional, the re mnaindar of ti Act chll it bo ated by mich declare tion” But even without such separability ese i has bowel that fhe valid portion iss fer independent of the valid portion it maybe fr to prose thet th age Jature would av encod i by il i had supposed tha cold ennatetinaly doo, “Rough mnt remain to make a Ineligible and volld statute which entice with i the legate inte, ‘The void provision mrt be eliminated without causing reoulsaleting the main parpn of the aon & manner ‘ontrary tothe intention of the lgature The langunge ‘sed in the invalid part ofthe statute ex have legal Purpose or elfacy and what romaine suat expres the legsletive wil independently of tne voi pat "The Bor lunhors Coss” proves an ilutration of « law that wa declared party inconattutoga, The lay | | | | 36 constmmuionA La ves uti in oh med he Kl of Curt Yrosretvely. Bee the portan thereat whic retronctively ‘vend tho pareng average ia tho bar examinations wt {cued unctnatiatonel br being an encroachment pon bla eons : Te the Macalina! Cat” the Supreme Court, while sustaiing the Overs Abventee Voting At ecard ws Ctowtttieal that par of the lw giving Cones the io auperviae i mlerentatnn bythe Comaiason e lectiog a nimi! to the Independence of the lo feral bey. Suggested Ren Dunia. Comminsion on Bletons, 85 SCRA 992 Phionse y, Villareal, G6 SCRA 477 ‘Tim v. Sitonghancy, 35SCRA 29 Zande, De it Costa, 66 Pal 115 Manila Motor Co, . Flores, 9 Pil 738 ‘Toads ¥ Cnnsson on Bletions, 120 SCRA S37 Do Aghayantv. PNB, 38 SCRA 429 (Opt v. Factores, 224 SCRA 792 Chapter 4 {THE FUNDAMENTAL POWERS OF THE STATE THR FUNDAMENTAL. power ofthe State are the ple power the power of eminent domain, and tho power of taxation. Tete powers are inherent and do not need to exprosly conferred by sontititional provision om the State, Thoyarw supposed to co-eit with tho State: The moment the State comes int being, iis deemed invested swith those theo powery a is nate alsites Biriey, tho pale power isthe power ofthe State to regulate isrty and property or the peoion of the gen tral wel. Tho power of eminent dren enables the Sate to fib asuire private propery, upon payment just compensetin, Zor ame iteoded public woe, By the Dpmer of tation, the Stato i le to demand fom the members of society their proprtonate share or cntib tion nthe malntanancn of the government Stmilritios ‘Tho thre inherent powers of the State are stllar in he flloming resp (2). They aro inkornt inthe State and may be eer lee by it without need of exprenconttatioal pea (@) ‘They are not only neessary but indopensble, ‘The Stato cannot catine or be efliv unlas iti able ‘e-em them (@) “They are methods by whic the State interoras with private igh, a | | | | | (4). They al presuppose an equivalent eompensatan {tha private rights tarred wth (@) Thay atv exorcaed primary bythe legate Differences The thee iabarent pers of the State difer from cach oer inthe allowing wage 1) "Tho police power regulates both liberty and property. The power of eminent domain and Uae power of ation ast only property ght. (@)_ The police per and the pomer of waxation may to exercand only ty the government. Tbe power of em ret daonin yb execied hy some pirate ents (@)_ The property taken inthe eerie of the polce powers dstyed tase Ie Is nooo flanded oe Famous pare, The property taken vnder the power of toner domain aad Use power of ation intend fe ‘public use or purpote adi theefre wholesome (4) "The compecsation oft person subj to the pale pomer tho intangiiealrulsefing that be has fontebuted tothe general welfire. The compensation in ‘red ia the ther ome ie mare cone, to it fall land fir equlvler of the property exprpeatad ae protee- ‘on abd ple iprovement for ho tes pa Limitations Although inherent and indapensle, the fundamen tal powers of the Slate ace not without reeretions As tury isa goverment of lalted powers, even theve pe {gates may not be ered arhitravy tote peje ff the Bl of Rights. ‘Tse presumption in ibertaran sie fie bin favor of pate righta and against ate on the port ofthe Ste to iateze with them. "Consti ‘THE FUNDAMENTAL FOWHRS OF THN STARE 39 Venlo forte ssc pean ed property shoal be irl esr enc, eee tem fandatal power eee! all eet Ue tate and reprise th Cente ‘in proper casos be annulled by the courts ofjustion x Chapter 5 ‘THE POLICE POWER Definition and Scope PROFESSOR FREUND dee th plo we the over pvonting tn ic ite yg ed ‘plang he of oad pert ‘As thos dtd he ple power ens pac the ache enh power on tat fe Sat ines vate ha Tan poe ot inet ‘ai we mt a pn ely yan ‘hase rope inal acon pb we Tas ower of taxation, wile inpered cn moet of the pope Ete, made oly orto ne ayo he ene hatin i he optep s gover Bath hve ere Inve oly propery sy tras he ps power ‘uso noon propa are npr fr fat aon sd uy le ppl is te sae tn tn par power yb gn tRaiiy mor pons th nent Sn ord os Characteriatios ‘The poloe pmar ie cnnaiered se mast porvasive, he lena Liab, nd the mod demanding of tho three ewer, may be exerted a long as the activity or the [rope sagt tobe raglatod as some relevance tothe « na FOLIC Powe a ‘ble welt, Ono might say, ia commonplace is permit ted that it peretas fm tho wom to Uh omy protecting the pomon even before he is bora and preeribing sii torr and roqlttenta ae t the dapaatin of hs body, id hit eta, i ny, wn be ds In heiven, proc tally evrything he dows or ews coe er the police Dawe, a whan he stats, recto adulthood, taro, ‘has eden, poco a profson, sequterpropertin, brs «hase, engages in aines, ters int contract, teavls abroad, uns for pul les, le, How he dase, ‘where he may ces &stet, wh he may art to dive ‘hat viows he may validly express—all hem and w yr ind of othr setiviies and properties of the member of ‘evil are within the ambit he poice power. The reach [is virtually Kmiless. The person's sete and eaaustions fre hemmed in by tho pie power. The juieation is nud in the ancient Latin maxims, Salus popes su roma leer Si tere tu ut ionum non laces, which fal forthe nabonation of individual bene oth inter. ‘tsa the prster number ‘Owing to the nea to prota society fom Uh no nate assertion of inv! Ubory, has Boe eld that the pie power may not be begsined away through the medium ofa entmet or even a treaty Th iiplrinent luo mist yield tothe police power whenever he con {woot deals with a subj aloting the public walle, ‘Such a eonzuct stifles congenial infirmity ta wi ‘suscpslity to subsequent amendment ty the State Sa the exorio of the police power an n postulate of he ‘sting legal order. Ta te landmark eae af Stone Missin? weveral persons bad soured for valuable coeraten fran ‘hie which Uy lied alowed ther sel Iter ik 2 CconsmemoNAL LAW is for & patio of twenty-five year. After thre year, frowever, el forme of gambling wero probibited by the ate Charen with voaing tha protien, they argued {kali not apply to them beeause toe fanehise partook of the nature of contract dhe obligation of which could nt te impaired withnatofrae tothe Constitution, The US. Supreme Cour id alt agree align prt as lls han ger ii ternal nay tropes parilareme to pa et ep a {Steen oily th wm na mn ‘ron ire Ty i ca ann rom rotor Powe, “a raid eon ato ty roe srr bred the ang gee if Sout re od wie ga lt The rule isthe mune even in the case of treaty. ‘Thus, in Thang vs Hernandes’ the petioner sag fo ‘nol th enorament a the Retsil Trade Nationalization Tan the ground, song others, twa neon with the treaty of amity between tho Philippines and Ching, the United Natone Charter and the Univers Declaration of Human Right Tue Supreme Coat aw 90 cmt. “Bat even supposing that the law inngse pen, ‘heat rate ona the treaty i alae subject to qualifeation or amendment by a subsequent lowe (US, ¥. Thompeon, 258 Fe. 287, 260 and the same mony never ‘ural or restrict the scope ofthe polio power ofthe Sta (Palston v. Pennsylvania 581, 6599)" The police power is dynamis, not etal, snd mnt move with the moving roy it eupponed Yo egal (Once exerci isnot deamed exhausted and may bo ‘serie agin and gua, as often 1s ie necessary for the protectin ar the promstion a the puke welfare. Con dons change, cueumstancon visy, and to every sich ‘eration the pace omer mut conform, What may be Sustained a a Yl kero the power now mx bees tention herayin de futire der diferent fac teal sting, Old notions way been outmoded even 1 Sow ile are bor, expanding a ennatreing to its of he pai power. Fa example, police measures vallly Cnacio fty years ago agit the wearing of los thon Sedat swim in publ Beachos woul be laughed out ovat in these day of pentiasvenees wher praubitions aint even mode vimming are facing eonttions ‘allenge Price contra laws, which haere were consi ‘red encroachments onthe ght to property, are now a ‘pled inal eve uradctins The neat have prae- aly surrendered! to the intrusive reach of sca gil tins, wach ae thow preaching minimum wages und com- Polory leaves which bre they ould acca resist Ue the baa ofthe impalement elauwe And the pio bower continses fo ehango even as contin on Ibert mini and priveta property bores ore and more lifeed with public interest and therefore subject to elation nally shouldbe abeeved Unt Uh pli power may coolio oe he taxing per as a implement fo the attainment leptimate pie objective. For exan Ble in Pell Pennoania the leglatreesceralned, Sara fact-finding Snvestignon, Us the margarine in dusty was eperting to the prejudie of Uo consuming Dunle enue ts products bende beg prossd in an Unsanitery manner, were being mistaken for bute In Mond of potling mangarine cath, which it could Salily have done, i wemly posed an exorbitant tx here, making it unprofitable fr the indutry to con tino withot incarting les A srilar mensure may now taken gaint maseage periors or sauna bathe i hey te ou a eta positaton. ‘rm rouse roman 4s In Late «Araneta the Supreme Court sustained 1 sa legitimute exercise afte paice power the imporin of ‘pecil tex on sugar producers forthe purpine a rating ‘apcll fund to be used fo the rebablation ofthe sgn Fdsty. i Ih tng tin ny {Fiera an en the es pve ef ats ed A similar ruling was made in the cases of Ti Videgram Regulatry Board and Gaston o. Repubile Planters Bank= a Auosiatin of Sal Landowners», Scrtary of Agrarian Reform’ Ge Supe Coun staining the constitutional ofthe Comprehensive Agriian Reform Tw, held that ike tration, the pero einen dean ‘ru bo used as an implement ofthe police power, The texprune ehjetive of the ln asthe prometion ofthe ‘wales ofthe farmers which eae leary wader tho po: Ie power of the State To alee this pups, the Law provided forthe expropriation of egrialral lands (a {eet to minim retention Limi fo the lendownen to be Alstetbuted among the Iandlsepesury, Ashe ponencia served: 6 ‘CONSTITUTIONAL 14 Er pee in nin san eer tet myo nent ne itd a | Uixercise ofthe Police Power "Tho poe power sled primary in te malin Mh legiletre, Ry varus of valid legato of elative | eave it may alan bo eerie by the Proddect and mi i rrnatative bonne as wel ste Lang tien a al ‘municipal lores, inuling the harancay. Mnsiel go ti Ccumeqs exe this power under the gaeral welfare lowe’ porsoont to wich they are aulborizd to enact Il fsuch ordinances and ieeue such regulations as anny be \ ‘ecoemry to carey aut ad discharge the replies i Eel on by a al ach Sl nosey Hi Sr proper to provide othe heal, safety, comfort an ‘Sovclanc, maintain peace and ode, improve public hi Shor, promote ho property and general welfare of Ue } ‘Runtcpelgy nnd ne inant here, and inure the Hy roteton ef roperty therein” i The erat of tho pce power Ics in the dscreion cf tha lopli department vena pai problem, it ‘ate up foto elt to decid whether notin i! {he Gat ple isould nt aga the problem Pt dos, ‘enn bt it don eyecare 0 Uo wo by fade proce, No mondaman in aval cere Uh tra of th pl gow, The ny ay Sou native inaction 4 resort tothe bur of public inin refusal ofthe ehloat a rtur to thee ‘ie rouse pow « taro mentiar who, a hi iw, have bee res i the argo of thal dati, 1 the loislature does decide to acy the choi of moararen of teins, ove ony fy confer to Ue ‘cunt to fo dinsaed preset, Vesela wi is celutive discretion: Once determine, the remedy eon fannot be nttacked on Un ground that i notte be ‘he stgeted solutions that ii unwise, or anprecicl or inefcciou, or even immoral. Two are alo plc ‘juttios and ere fina to the oaiary. "To the problem of prstitatin, for example, the ac- cepted remedies are outright prohibition, as under oor Revised Penal Code, licensing subject ia. aptropiate rogolation,ruch a» periadie medial chcc-upe a the ‘tablshmont of a ed ght ditt. I the thind remedy, Sis slots It may aot be reviewed by the courts on {he challenge tat It encourages rater then deters at tution and is immoral, to best. Those nre questions What oly the legilaure can dee in he cnareie of coud taeeion "The problem af cgnrotte amoking it another ilutrs ton. Despite well-nigh cnsusse researches linking igh. rele smolng to lng cance, and the sng incdencn of this disease tn the United Staten, te Amerisn Congress dna tan tps that can aly be dase aa erent haletearted Sil, tho cours are powerens to intervene and compel more dossive scion. Tb do to would e to envert tho juny into a saperegaatore and to Saves ‘Eid a power that da aot belong tt ‘The ascertainment of facts upon which tho potion pow i o be bated is Hkenise a legate prevwentive. Inthe preceting example, the question of whether cies rette amdking dows cause long cancer mre be dace ‘acasvely hy he Inwmaking bad, cnsiering erence 48 [CONSEUTIONAL LAW ro and on in ea appropriate et adng investigation, ‘hater i dae ensarvon th co tis differen of nua, conchon re nk up pred by any temblance of pra sball a wr ik de> ‘ree_arsnt ll medial ont ear ics Commusieble and erdess the sgrogtion of perme af fisted therewith Bt where ane repcable sera ha tueial poten tle that felon wil ree Cholera and ander grup of dotrs, equally prt, bes ot ngree,leglative preference for the ft view anne be geting in the cour, As Coley puts et th ny th ei le te er ‘otuve ben eed nati pale bl gon Teen on cement mcf ae ‘ede ong oe nt ea ee, aie ‘hus, when Sn Jooobaon . Mostchusett”w person conve under «law providing or compulsory vec lon agsinstemlipx fred to prove thst the remedy was dubious elcacy end might even ease other diseases, Tojecton ofthe oiler by the tal cour was sustained by the US. Supreme Coon. ‘Tests of the Police Power Tes not ta be deioed from what has boon sa tbat the judy i complet incompetent to review the ex. te af the police power, Th above situations assume the ‘lity ofthe pie noose spt by tho legislature ‘rae route rows “9 If the mensures chown are intrinsically invalid, courte ‘have tho right and the slain to delao tom 2, The ‘question of the validity of lslative enactments dete ‘nod by tho eiteron oftheir conf to the Coat tin ir esetally usable nnd may be vl ced Oy th onus of tin As ai down ia @ numberof ene,” the tests to de- termine the validity of police meas re elle ‘The intarsts of the public generally, a distin sided from those a a paricalar ees, raze the ext Sine ofthe pain poe aed (2) The means employed are rnaonablyaecrsary Jor the scoimplishment of the poryoe and hat unl oppressive upon indidual, ) Lawhal Subject ‘The fret requisite simply meann thatthe sie of tho measure is within the spe ofthe pais power that i thatthe setvty or property sought to be regulated ‘fete the pub welfare, Ie dee, the enjoy op ‘ote eights! maybe miborinated tothe interest othe rrecter number, on tho tine-binored prince tht tho tele oth popl the supe I Jn viw ofthe growing complexity of madam society, tere ie hardly any human aeity or private property ‘at caanat bo roatel, dietly or indir, to the cane mon welfare. TE has already boon remarked that prac cally everthing a person doo ce owns ha is pect, hhamy or Tight, on the welling of the community to Which ho beloags. Actives at were hire agua a Coming under the privat and exclusive domain of the

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