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Q.1 Elaborate the spirit of Islamic administration and educational administration.


Islamic principles in governance provide a comprehensive system as they incorporate both

moral and spiritual values. These principles apply worldwide and are essential for the success of
the Islamic movement. Since Islam is a complete way of life, it deals with the smallest and
simplest details and the major aspects of various aspects of human life and activities, including
the management of an organization or institution. It speaks to all mankind without distinction of
race, region, language or time. The principles of Islamic rule are derived from the Quran, which
is the most important source in Islamic sharia, as well as the sunned, the second most important
source in Islam. The most important principles are knowledge, good discipline and evil
prohibition, manaah (trust), justice, shore (consultation), brotherhood, good morals and good
conduct, responsibility (honesty), muhasabah (accountability), and encouragement. Those are
the values that govern Islamic practice to be exercised by those employed in any organization.

The Impact of Basic Management Principles on Employment Practices

i. Staff Selection

The quality of fearing Allah is important because it will ensure that He does His work with
manaah, devotion and perfection. It is also said that “Choosing workers completely denies a
man's leadership if he asks for it or joins (leadership)” (Muslim, Kitab al-Imarah, chap. 12: 207).
It is also reported that a group of people came to the Prophet (saw) with the International
Conference on Technology, Science, Social Sciences and Humanities - TeSSHI 2012 Editor:
University Technology MARA Kedah. One hotel Helang, Lankawi. 14 & 15 November 2012 2
asked for leadership. The Prophet (saw) said: "We, by Allah, will not charge anybody
requesting, or coveting (leadership)" (Muslim, Kitab al-Imarah, chap. 12: 207). In addition, it is
also stated that in choosing any rods, two (2) main points should be emphasized namely;
strength and confidence. This is as shown in the following revelation of the Qur’an: “One of the
women said: “O father, hire her!
In this verse, there are two prerequisites for choosing a set of staff namely Strength and
Reliability. The first requirement is that the strength and power mentioned in the above verse
depends on the type of work to be entrusted to the employee and these strengths include
knowledge, technical expertise, experience, personal skills, skills and character. The second
requirement is loyalty (Amana). Trusting in this context refers to the fear of Allah SWT and the
realization of the constant presence of Allah which should result in a person doing his job
diligently, responsibly, effectively and fully compliant not only to the existing rules set by his
employer. but most importantly the laws and command of Allah SWT In addition, it is said that
there are several limitations in the Islamic process of selecting employees to be considered by
the employer defined as follows: • The leader is responsible for selecting the best employees for
each job without bias, bias or cheating, and • The leader must show skill and Amana.

ii. Professionalism and Labor Divisions

In the context of the specialty and clear design of the works, one can see the application of a few
Islamic principles such as knowledge (elm), justice (‘Adela) and brotherhood (khuwwah). It is
true that the allocation of responsibilities must be done efficiently to ensure the effective
performance of the task entrusted to them and to ensure that the targets set by management can
be achieved in the best possible way for the organization. From this point on, it is important that
in allocating work between employees, the employer should consider the information (‘elm) the
employee has in relation to the job to be assigned. This gives some advantage to those who have
the necessary knowledge (required to do the job) more than those who do not have that
knowledge. In doing so, this will allow the employee to train his or her job effectively as
expected of the managers of the specified organization. Additionally, just (‘Adela) is a single
concept similar to Islam and a Muslim is ordained to do justice in all aspects of their lives and
this includes special work and segregation of labor. The employer is expected to delegate
appropriate duties to a qualified person regardless of his or her acquaintance, friendship or

Q.2 Explain the different theories of management. In your opinion which theory is better
and why? Discuss.


Different ideas for managing classic management theory, ethical management theory, value
management theory, system management theory, emergency management theory, and quality
management theory. Old management theory focuses on finding one of the best ways to do and
manage work.

Different ideas for managing classic management theory, ethical management theory, value
management theory, system management theory, emergency management theory, and quality
management theory. Old management theory focuses on finding one of the best ways to do and
manage work. Behavioral management theory sees employees as people with real human needs,
as part of work groups, and members of a larger community. Mass management theory uses
quantity tools to help organize and control almost everything in an organization. Systems
management theory states that an organization is composed of various components that must
perform the functions required to perform the function and function of an entire system.
Emergency management theory is based on the premise that the manager's actions or methods
depend on the dynamics of the situation. Quality management theory states that the quality of
any output is its ability to meet individual or group needs.

I am the manager of two youth programs, one for rebellious youth and the other for a separate
detention program. I use all the management ideas in a certain way, shape, or fashion. Although
the old management theory may seem outdated due to some future management theories I
sometimes find that I have to find one of the best ways to do the job. The problem I always have
in the pre-crime program is that parents do not show up for their scheduled adoption time.

Popular Management Ideas

1. Science Management Theory

American mechanical engineer Frederick Taylor, a former administrative theorist, pioneered the
theory of scientific management. He and his colleagues were among the first to learn the work of
science. Taylor’s philosophy emphasized the fact that forcing people to work hard was not the
best way to improve results. Instead, Taylor recommended simplifying operations to increase

The strategy was slightly different from the way businesses were run in the past. Initially, the
factory manager had little contact with his employees, if any. There was absolutely no way to
measure the rules of the workplace and the only motive for the workers was workplace safety.

According to Taylor, money was an important incentive to work, which is why he coined the
concept of “the right day for the right day”. Since then, scientific management theory has been
developed worldwide. The resulting partnership between the workers and the employers changed
into a partnership that people now enjoy.

2. Systems Management Theory

System management provides an alternative to organizing and managing organizations. Systems

theory suggests that businesses, like the human body, contain many components that work in
harmony so that the larger system can function more efficiently. In theory, the success of an
organization depends on a number of key factors: collaboration, mutual trust, and
communication between the various sub-systems.

Employees are one of the most important parts of a company. Other important factors in business
success are departments, working groups, and business units. In fact, managers need to evaluate
patterns and events in their companies in order to determine the best management approach. In
this way, they are able to work together in different systems so that they can work as a whole
team rather than as individual units.

3. Emergency Management Theory

The main idea behind emergency management theory is that there is no management system that
fits the whole organization. There are several external and internal factors that will ultimately
affect the chosen management style. Emergency theory identifies three variables that can have an
impact on organizational structure: organizational size, recruiting technology, and leadership

Fred Fiedler is the author of the emergency management theory. Fiedler suggested that the
characteristics of a leader are directly related to how well he leads. In Fiedler's view, there is a
set of leadership symbols that apply to all types of situations. It means that a leader must be
flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. Emergency management theory can be
summarized as follows:

• There is no one way to manage an organization.

• The leader should be quick to identify a specific management approach that is appropriate for a
particular situation.

• A key component of Fiedler's emergency theory is the LPC - a highly preferred scale for
partners. The LPC is used to check how well the manager is inclined.

4. Theory X and theory Y

Do you believe that everyone finds great satisfaction in the work they do? Or does he just not
pay attention when you tell him something to do? Such assumptions affect the way the
organization is run. Guessing also forms the basis of Theory X and Theory Y.

Douglas McGregor is a respected theorist who is credited with developing these two distinct
ideas. Specifically, these theories refer to two modes of management: authorial (Theory X) and
participative (Theory Y).
In an organization where team members show little love for their work, leaders are more likely to
use an authoritative approach to governance. But if employees show a willingness to learn and
are enthusiastic about what they are doing, their leader is more likely to use tangible
management. The management style adopted by the manager will have an impact on how he can
keep his team members motivated.

Theory X holds the trustworthy view of workers in the sense that they cannot work without
compensation. Theory Y, on the other hand, has a positive view of staff. Recent theory suggests
that employees and managers can achieve working relationships and trust.

However, there are a few instances where Theory X can be used. For example, large companies
that hire thousands of employees for standardized work may find that using this type of
management is appropriate.

Q.3 explains the purpose and qualities of effective supervision and highlights the different
between administration and supervision.


This study identified decisions for effective monitoring and performance in schools. Forty-two
questionnaires were used for the 1150 teachers used in the study. Two research questions were
raised and answered using percentages. Two speculative specimens were designed and tested
using spearman rho and z-test calculations at a 0.05 significance level. The existence of a clean
and dignified school environment, the proper management of student administration by school
principals as decisions for effective governance in schools. Gender does not have a significant
impact on teacher’s means points of view in the antitrust term of effective monitoring in schools
in the Delta Province.

One of the goals of secondary education in Nigeria is to produce people who are able to think for
them, respect the views and feelings of others, respect the dignity of workers, value the values
expressed under our broader national goals and live as good citizens. (National Education Policy,
2004). Prior to 1843 there was a traditional / traditional education in Nigeria, which focused on
the teaching of the customs, traditions and social values of our communities. Parents, families,
age grades, private organizations and so on can work for traditional education: student activities
and behaviors are directed and directed production, to help them develop their skills and abilities.
Achieving the goals of formal and informal education requires close monitoring of school
parents, education officials and teachers. Supervision involves the process of assessment, the
effective implementation of a curriculum that assists those who use the curriculum. It is an act of
evaluation and direction aimed at achieving the goals of the organization. The evaluation aspect
is concerned with the discovery of facts and the assisting aspect is related to the establishment of
positive high and low relationships, with particular emphasis on expertise focused on the use of
available human and material resources to achieve organizational goals.

Monitoring as a school management component is a task, because the information (results)

depends on the values of some of the values. Mathematically, Sp = f (Ski, Pi, Mi, Ev, Pur, Ui)
where Sp = Direction, Ski = Special type of different knowledge and skills, i -Pi = People, Mi =
Objects, Ev = Environment, Pur = Organizational Objective and Ui = Other factors that can
contribute positively or negatively to the achievement of organizational goals. As a model, Sp =
a ski + bpi + cmi + dpu + eui where a, b, c, d and e work in parallel parameters as defined
(Oghuvbu, 1998). Supervision is designed to improve teaching and learning in schools. Lack of
supervision may result in inadequate teachers, poor students' attitude toward bad weather at
school. These are common issues that affect school behavior, student participation in the
classroom and teacher performance (Oghuvbu, 1999). These common disciplinary problems in
schools are the result of inadequate supervision resulting from inadequate funding, a lack of
skilled staff in the inspectors of the Department of Education. Lack of co-operation between
teachers and teachers negative work environment (Oghuvbu, 1999) Supervision encourages
principals and teachers to be more effective in management and teaching (Oghuvbu, 1999).

Problem Statements The lessons of Oghuvbu (1999), Dada (2006) and Adediran (1998) show
that effective supervision promotes or enhances the performance of principals and teachers and
enhances student performance in lessons. The results of these studies bring to mind some
questions. Are misunderstandings between school staff and students the result of poor
supervision? What are the common decisions for effective and efficient monitoring in schools?
Purpose of the Study This study sought to identify common decisions for effective supervision
and unemployment in Delta State high schools. Research questions two research questions were
raised and answered. 1. What are some common characteristics of effective school management?
2. What are the common features of ineffective school supervision?

Considerations The following ideas have been developed and tested. 1. There is no significant
relationship between identified decisions for effective supervision and inefficiency in schools. 2.
There is no significant difference in the median number of views of male and female teachers in
the identified decisions for effective supervision in schools. Method and Procedure Equalized
and phased sampling techniques were selected to select 10 (52%) in 25 local government areas in
the three senate districts. Of the 10 local government districts, 50 schools were selected which
means 13.5% of the 371 high schools. In 50 selected schools 1150 teachers were selected which
means 10.2% of 11256 teachers in 371 high schools in Delta province.

Q.4 Differentiate the process of plan formation and project planning. And give suggestion
for improving the planning process.

What exactly is a project compared to a process, and how are these two things different? Which
is better? And what does project management and process involve?

There are representatives of both projects and processes as the keys to business operations, and
there has been a great deal of emphasis on project management and process management in
recent years.

To get answers, it is important to understand the definition projects and processes and the
different objectives being achieved within your business.

Project vs. Process: Explained

Another way to look at projects is things you have never done before, and processes are things
we do over and over again.

A project is about creating something new or implementing a change, while the process is
intended to create value by doing a repetitive task.

In a project, goals and plans can be changed by the participants who give the project its mandate
and resources, as well as the project team agreement.

Procedures are established procedures for ongoing work, and can only be changed through
planning and investment. In fact, for any process that has a major impact on a business, a project
is needed to transform that process.

A project is temporary because it has a defined beginning and end time, so the scope and
resources are defined. Also, a project is different because it is not a typical activity, but a specific
set of tasks designed to achieve a single goal.

As a rule, projects are intended to create change. In contrast, processes are designed to withstand
change because they establish a recurring flow of activity that should always be followed.

Project vs. Process

Therefore, if you are trying to better understand your inner workings, explore opportunities for
improvement, or make changes in any part of your business, it is important to ask yourself what
you are dealing with in any situation: Is this a project or a process?

If you evaluate the part of your business that is a standard, regular process, it is probably a
process. If there is a specific starting point and a specific end point, then it is probably a process.
For example, your sales managers may incorporate the process of tracking, reviewing, analyzing,
and assigning, and then take the necessary steps to track and communicate with a potential
customer to qualify for leadership. From there, your qualified instructors may enter into your
actual sales process, with its set of steps and actions that your sales team should take to close the

When you simply manage and monitor the process, then you participate in process management.
You may be defining a process, controlling it, managing it, measuring results, and reporting
results. But you manage the process to make sure it meets the needs of the customer profitably
and does not incorporate changes to the system.

Conversely, if you are looking to change the process to fully utilize it and improve it, then this
step usually covers the project.

In the case of developing a leadership management process, it may include evaluating the current
process, evaluating opportunities for improvement, implementing best practices, implementing a
new CRM system, and conducting testing, training, and tracking with your vendor team.

Creating these changes will require a project with support, resources, a clear plan, and a strategic
approach to implementation and management. This approach involves project management,
which is the use of information and resources to build the scope of the project and the plan that
will implement the necessary steps and meet or exceed the needs of the participants.

Project Management Process

Project management is a well-established approach to management and transformation within an

organization. Interestingly, the project management itself is a defined, repetitive process. It is a
clear process and process of management and transformation within the organization.

Ultimately, all work involves process, and project management is not the same. Proper project
management continues in accordance with well-defined policies and procedures for managing
organizational changes and new programs that lead to successful conclusions. It is just a clear,
carefully crafted process designed to replicate and reproduce whenever your business makes a
big change and does something new for the first time.

The process of implementing those changes is called project management, and each change must
be managed as a project.

Project vs. Process: Both Are Equally Important

There is no significant difference between project and process. Each one plays an important role
in achieving important goals within the business, and you need to make sure you use both.
Processes are continuous and repetitive processes that help achieve your business goals, while
projects are ways to change processes, introduce new products, or make changes to your
organization that improve your goals in new ways.

Q.5 Discuss the psychological factors that affect the class environment.


 Psychological Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior Definition: Psychological factors

are the psychological factors of an individual who drive his or her actions to seek
satisfaction. Some of the key Psychological factors are: Motivation: The level of
motivation influences consumer behavior.
 Self-study is the process of acquiring new knowledge, understanding, skills, attitude,
behavior, and preferences. It is an emotional and psychological process.
 A person begins to learn soon after birth, and his behavior changes throughout his life,
either directly or indirectly.
 The process of continuous learning is often influenced by the context in which it occurs.
Individual circumstances and the environment contain a number of factors that affect a
person's learning ability.
 Reading in a healthy environment helps you to gain a deeper understanding and insight
into the story. Therefore, it is important to be aware of such natural factors that hinder the
learning process of the individual, and learn to avoid negative stimuli to increase human
 Learning was made easier and accessible through distance learning which a common
occurrence became during the global epidemic.
 Students can now take their home and university classes’ home and have access to all the
information readily available in their hands.
 Students who are interested in learning about the environment and its impact on the
learning process can find free articles about nature. There are many examples of articles
written by students online, which can be an excellent source of better understanding of
natural stimuli.
 Online learning also helps academics to provide adequate student education in more
specific ways.
 With the advent of online learning, the epidemic has dramatically changed the education
system and learning process.
 Although it has many advantages, it has caused inequality in the education system.
Students with gadgets and broadband have access to learning resources, and those
without the tools are struggling to get a proper education.
 Other environmental factors that affect the learning process directly or indirectly are:
 1) Family size
 The children may be in a nuclear family or in a close-knit community. In a nuclear
family, a student may be able to find peace in the quiet environment but also to find
someone to help him with his studies.
 However, there may be noise and chaos in a close-knit family, but children can find other
people, who can help and support their studies and learn better. Therefore, both the size
of the family has its pros and cons, affecting the children are learning process
 2) Family culture, customs
 Every family has its own culture and follows its own culture in a different way.
 The culture planted in children during adolescence shapes their perception and cognitive
 Thus, the learning process is influenced by family culture, customs, religion, and other
similar factors.
 3) Socio-economic status
 The socio-economic status of the family influences children's participation in education
and their performance during their studies.
 Social status also affects parents' educational expectations of their children and their
participation in education. The higher the situation, the more likely it is that students will
be introduced to educational opportunities and vice versa.
 4) Work / activity
 Parents and other caregivers can teach a child many different things from infancy. Thus,
the role of parents also affects their personality and thinking.
 Parents learn many things about their job and teach their children the same.
 5) Parents
 Parents are the guardians of their children and play a vital role in shaping the personal,
emotional, and moral development of children. They directly affect the children's
learning process.
 Children inherit parental traits and develop other traits in their parents' activities during
 Parents are the first teachers of their children. In these ways, learning is influenced by
parents, behavior, and behavior, level of awareness, attitude, and personality.
 6) Other features
 Apart from the above factors, other factors can also have a detrimental effect on
children's learning. Factors such as the bright light, the intensity of the noise, and the
greenery around the home influence the children's focus while learning.
 For example, students find it difficult to read and focus on dim light and high brightness,
so light requires very good light.
 The environment can have a profound effect on young brains, and everything in the
learning environment has the potential to have a positive or negative impact on a learner's
ability, confidence, and understanding.
 Differences between student resources and needs will not make the process easier.
Rather, it demeans a person from office. The environment and the family should support
the student, as it is important for deep focus and understanding of a particular subject.
 Knowing the aspects of the home environment that affect learning, parents, and
caregivers should provide a good learning environment for the student to practice the best
 • Motivation: The level of motivation influences consumer buying behavior. Maslow is
best described for his theory of needs which includes basic needs, security needs,
community needs, and respectability and automation requirements. In general, basic
needs and safety requirements are the most pressing requirements and therefore, these
needs become the driving force behind the consumer's behavior seeking satisfaction.
Opinion: The consumer's perception of a particular product and product also influences his
decision to buy. Vision is the process by which a person selects, organizes and interprets
information in order to reach a sound conclusion. As such, the Apple iPhone is considered a
premium brand and consumers are encouraged to purchase it to engage with a special community
Traders place emphasis on controlling perceptual processes, Viz. Selected Attention, Selected
Distortion, and Selected Storage. With special attention, the seller tries to get the customer’s
attention about his offerings. Different people have different ideas about the same product
depending on their beliefs and the attitude that creates a special distortion. Therefore, a
salesperson should strive to understand the attitudes and beliefs of people and design marketing
campaigns to keep consumers engaged.
• Learning: Personal learning depends on skills, knowledge and purpose. Skills are developed
through practice while knowledge and purpose are acquired through knowledge. There may be
conditional reading or thoughtful reading.
In conditional reading, the consumer learns to be positioned to a certain stimulus, that is, when
he is exposed to the same situation, over and over again, he develops a certain response towards
it. While studying psychology a person uses all his knowledge, ability, attitudes, values and
beliefs to find a solution to a problem and find satisfaction in it.
• Attitudes and Beliefs: Individuals have certain beliefs and attitudes about the products on
which their purchasing decisions are based. These attitudes and beliefs are the tendency to
respond to a particular product in a certain way, and this creates a product image that influences
consumer buying behavior. Therefore, marketers try to understand people's attitudes and beliefs
and to correct this with several marketing campaigns.
Therefore, these are some of the psychological factors a marketer should consider before
deciding on a marketing strategy.

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