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Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
M.13BS Second Professional Examination June-2022
'I Paper-l(New Scheme)
r Paper Code- 21BM0000J0051 I
Marl<s: /00
Time: 3:00 lloup;
a) All q11o·tions ar, co111puL~"'J'
b) DNM• dUlgro"'s H·lrcrtnff ne«na;,,
c) _,4nJWU! of Q11estio,u and S11b 911ntion., mu.JI be written ., trlctly according to the serial order of quu tlon paper.
d) MCQ has 11, be •nSM'ff"t'J i.• 1/t,ory• answer bool
,) Pitts• M'rite MCQ anSM-rr neat/)' and in serial order M'il/t black or blu, p,n In brackru for ,xampl,:- ./. (a) 2. fb)
/) ,.ICQ. 1,os ta he answ.-urd on/)' once, any kind for repetition or cutting or traJing or "'hit~ner H,JI/ In con.tide, OJ malpractice,
Suc/t a11SM-er.< N-i// 11ot be counr,d In the mark, and action M;J/ bt taken according to UFM rule, of Unlvenlf)I
Q.1 MCQ\' IOX I c20

I Calcitonin is a marker of:

a. Kwashiorkar b. Pagct ' s disease c. Pheochromocytoma v4'.' Medullary
carcinoma Thyroid

2 Dysplasia is characterized by:

c. Low N:C Ratio d. Loss of epithelial
a. Decreased growth .;b· A?sence of cellular
. atyp1a polarity
3 During ee\l injury, in intracellular compartment, there is:
/ · Increased Calcium b. Increased Sodium d. Decreased
c. Decreased Sodium
4 Endothelial activation and injury with vasodilation, and activation of cytokine cascades is
principal mechanism of:
a. Hypovolumic shock .,Af. Septic shock · c. Cardiogenic shock d. Neurogenic
shock ·
5 Peripheral Blood smear in Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by:

a. Notmocytic b. Microcytic ~ acro-ovalocytes d. Lymphocytosis

normochromic hypochromic and hypersegrnented
g) Marcophages are converted to epithelioid cells by which cytokines:

a. IL-2 .,X. IFN-gamma c. TNF-alpha d. TGF-beta

7 Memebrane attack complex:

/ C5-9 b.C3 C. C2 d.Cl

8 The antigen lacking in Rh negative person is- ·

a.d J(D C. E d.C

9 Wbichofthe following in an anti-apoptotic gene-

a. C-myc b. P53 ~ cl-2 d. bax

@· AML with worst prognosis "1 '}-

a. I (8;21 ) b. Inversion 16 S· Normal cytogenetics d. Monosomy 7
Q.2 Long Answ~r Questions
,If': Define H\ill assemia. enumerate its types. Descri be beta tbalassemia under following headin gs.
l) Pathogenesis.
2) Clinical fearures
3) Lab investi ga ti ons
)l. Define TI1rombosis. Write path ogenesis, rno~hol ogy and fate of thrombusis.
Q.3 Brief Answer Questions

Pathogenesis and lab diagnosis of Hemophilia.

Pathophysiology of Chemical Mediators of inflammation.

Describe Gangrane, Enumerate its rypes and morphology with examples.

What is Metastasis? Enumerate the different pathway ·ofmetastasis.

Define Multiple mJeloma. Write laboratory and other crieteria of diagnosis of multiple myeloma.
! ) ~ htu-fi, ( ~t<P0 qJ s~ c;, /1,9,vlt.
Q.4 Short Answer Questions . · l0x2=20

,.S . Bombay blood group

,b . Enumerate Peripheral blood finding in CML.

.rt. Human leukocyte Antigen/Major histocompatibility complex

JY. Pathogenesis of Dystrophic calcification.

JY. Enumerate four _Opportunistic infections associated with AIDS

.f. , one example

Enumerate Typei of necrosis with

@ Enumerate Therapeutic uses of stem· cells.

lr: Enumerate Factors affecting wound healing and repair.

A'. Enumerate Oncogenic viruses with examples.

Jc Definitions of Hypertrophy and atrophy with Examples.

M/M,; N,..,., p,fvv'J ,v\_.
(..Jo . -'1b
Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
MBBS Second Professional Examination June-2022
Paper-ll(New Scheme)
Paper Code-22AM0000100512
1)'m,·: 3: 00 1/,,,u-.,· ,\fo,-~s: 111n
l 11 S. f rth"" l1lll1 !', '
U) qu r:.ritm .,~an· ,'OFNJ'lll.,',n')·
h) 1)1-u"' diu,i,:rum .,' ... h,•r,·l'{·r nl"r, ,_,,~•a,J'
c) .M C (> ltus to hr un ~·w•·r,·d in 1hrm1· ""·'·u·,·r bool.
J) ,,,.n
PIN1J·r N·rlt,· .M C(.> unsH'f"r n,·ar(,, ~nJ 1'n .,·,-rial ,,Nlrr with Mad• or b/11r, l,r hmcl.rt~·p,r rxan111lr:- I. (a)], (h)
,·· ) ,\fCQ ha~ tc1 hr an~' k •r,vd tln(i· <lnt•r, any kind for rrpl'titfon or ,:uttlnJ: or t'r11.,·in~ or H'l1ittint•r wUI hr, tmnlJr,r 11 .f n,n//>rUNifr,
.\"'ucl, art ~·H,;•n,· will ,wt hr t"t•untt"d in th,• m11rk.,· and a,·tlon will hr talun fl t:rordinN u, l} / .'Af rult,\' 11/ l)nfr,r,d ty
Q.1 MCQs ·1ox 1 = 10
All of t he fo ll owin~ ;Ire caus es of Acute Pan ~rcatltls EXCEPT:
a. He mochro ma tosis h. Traum a c. l;all stnnes d. Alcolwl
2 Curschman Spirnls arc seen in :
a. Emphys rma y. Uronrhial ;1sthm a c:. Bron chi ec tasi s d.Hydatid di sease

3 V-1a rthin' s t1.1111,ir is :

a.Adeno\ymphoma b.Acini c cell tumor c. Adenoid cystic d. Ad e noca rcin nrna
4 Tree bark appearance of Aortic intlma may be seen in :
a. Syphilitic Aortitis b. Giant cell arteritis c. Atherosclerosis d.Takayusu's arteritis
5 Skip lesions of Intestine are characteristic of:
a. Tuberculosis b.Crohn disease c. Ulcerative colitis d. Adenocardnoma
6 Peptic ul ce rs occur most frequ ently in the
11. 1 st portion of h. Jejunum c. Gastro-esophagea\ d. Adjacent tu Mccke\'s
Duod e num junction cllvertlculum
7 Mi croscopic features of seminoma include all of the following except
a.Destruction of b.Lymphocyti c c.Monomorphic cells (}.Gland formation
seminiferous tubules infiltration
8 Kimmeisticl-Wilson lesion of the Kidn ey is seen in:
a. SLE b.Goodpasture c;. Diabetes Mellitus d.WegnerGranulomatosis
9 Aschoffs nodules are seen in
a.Rheumatic carditis b.Libman-sacks c.Non-bacterial d.Sub-acute bacterial
endocarditis thrombotic endocarditis
1O Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses are a features of-
a. Carcinoma \).Chronic c.Acute cholecystitis d.Both ( band c)
gallbladder cholecystitis

Q.2 Long Answer Questions 2x20=40

a. Define Rheumatic fever.Discuss pathogenesis,morphological features, complications and labora tory
diagnosis of Rheumatic heart disease (RHD)
@. Defin e and classify Jaundice. Describe the role of laboratory in diagnosis of jaundice following
infe ctive hepatitis.
Q.3 Brief Answer Questions 6x5=30
,a . Discuss morphology a nd clinical features of bron chiect:asis.
),. Desc ribe and classify Pn eumoni a. Discuss the morphology of Loba r pne umoni a.
/!· Diffe re nce between Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis
.,d. Etiopa th0gen es1s and morphology of AtEeroscle rosi s
..£. Enumerate Germ cell tumor~ of t estes and discuss their morpholo gical fea tures .
>, Define Neph rotic Syndrom e. write its et io- pathogen esis
Q.4 Short Answer Questions
@ l numerate causes of Acute appendicitis
@. Etiopathogenesis Celiac dis ease
c. Enumera te Causes of splen om egaly.
d. Enu merate Risk factors of atherosclerosis.
€) 1nterpretati on of Renal Function Tests.
f. Hi stopatho logical features ofBenign prostatic hyperplasia.
g. Biochemical markers of Myocardial infarction
h. Histopathological features of Papillary carcinoma of thyroid
Cr. Enumerate S somplications ofGal)stone.
j. Enumerate merits and demerits of FNAC
Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
MBBS Second Professional Examination June-2022
Paper-I(New Scheme)
PaperCode-22AM0000100381 .Wark.v: JOO
Time : 3:00 Houn1
In~m1 . .·11ons ·
o) All qun ·tions are compulsory
h) Drow diagram s H'here\'l~r necesson·
ci ,1,tCQ has to be anS"M·ered in theory: ansu-er boo/.
d ) Please H'rite .\/CQ ansM•er neatly and i11 .fcriol order H·itlr black or blue pen in bracket.f for e:'(amp/e:- /. (a) 2. {b) .
cJ :lfCQ has to be anSM·ered on(l' once, an.r kind for repetition or cutting or erasing or M'ltiten er will be considered as malpracrice,
Such anSH'ers will not be counted in the marks and action will be taken according to UF:\I rules of V nfrersity
Q. I MCQs 10 X l = 10
Fa ther of antiseptic surgery is:
c. Alexander Fleming d. Paul Ehrlich
a. Edward Jenner b. Robert Koch
2 f?,acterial capsule can be demonstrated by:
d. Alb ert staining
a. Gram staining b. Z-N staining ':.· Negati ve stai ning
All of the following bacteria are oxidase test positive EXCEPT:
d. Plesiomonas spp .
a. l\. Meningitidis b. V. cholerae c. E.coli

4 Which antibody is responsible for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE):

c. Antibasement membrane d. None of the
a. Antiplatelet antibodies b. Antinuclear antibodies
antibodies above

5 Safety pin appearance of methylene blue staining is a characteristic feature of:

c. Burkholderia mallei d. B. pseudomallei
a. Y. Pestis b. Pseudomonas
6 Ergot alkaloids are toxins produced by:
c. Claviceps purpurea d. Penicillium
a. Aspergillus flavus b. Fusarium nivale

7 The adult worm ofE. granulosus contains:

c. 400-800 segments d. 1000-2000
~- 3-4 segments b. 100-200 segments

8 Cell type which lacks HLA is:

b. Thrombocyte c. Neutrophil 4- Ery1hrocyte
a. Monocy1e
9 F e\·er in Bruce Ila infection is described as:
d. Pontiac fever
a. Break.bone fever b. Step ladder fever S.· Undulating fever
JO Which of the following species of Vibrio is non-halophiiic
a. V. cholerae b. V. parahaemolyticus c. V. alginolyticus d. V. vulnificans

Q.2 Long Anrn~e_r Questions 2x20=40

a. Enumerate different types of nucleic acid amplification techniques used in diagnostic microbiology.
Discuss principle and applications of PCR.
Y A 22 years old girl was admitted to hospital with hi story of fe ver with pattern of step ladder. headache and
abdom inal discomfort for last 5 days. On examination, she was having fever l02°F, ton11ue was coated and
he r pul se rate was she also had mild splenomegaly. With this hi sto1y answer the t'ollowing
i. \Vhat is your clinical diJgnosis 0
11. Wh ich organisms are respons ible for this rype of infection?
iii. Describe the pathogenes is of this condition
,v Desc ribe s2rnp le collectio n and laboratory diagnosis in detai l

Q.3 Brief Answer Quesrions (Up to 150 Words)

Differences between Gram-positi ve and Gram-negati ve cell "'al l
,0 . Ti pe-lJ hip ersensiri,·ity.
@ Pathogenesis of acute rheumatic fever
@ Laboratory diagnosis of H. pylori infection .
f Confidential ity pertaining to patient id enti ty on laboratory results
Q.4 Short Answer Questions (Up to 60 Words)
,a-: Germ tube test
)Y. Enumerate hemoparasites.
C• Why blood should be withdra wn before administration of antibiotics for cu\rure?
.d' Transformation
/. Why Gas gangrene is usuall y associated \\~th cases of severe crush injury?
A. TyndaJ li zarion
.g. Complications of Falciparum malaria
@ Woy Biological false positive reaction occurs in VDRL rest?
)< Enumerate , ·irulencc factors of Escherichia coli.
(]) Draw a well labelled diagram of life cycle of Entamoeba coli.
Nadhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
MBBS Second Professional Examination Jun e -2022
Paper Code:- llA :110000100382
S ubj ect-Microbiology @
Paper-ll(Se"' Sch rme)
Marks: 100
n'!, e : 3: 00 Hours
b ::- rr...1c1 1ons:
a) .'41/ qu esrio11s a re compulsory
b) DraH' diagram s .,,hcrel'er necessary
c) AnsM·crs of Questions and Sub qut•stions m ust be M'rim:n strictly according to the serial order of q,u srion pupa.
d) .\JCQ has tn be a,is M·cred in thenry a n ,p~•t.·r book
e) Please l4'rite :lfCQ a,is,.·er near~,, ~nd in serial ordn •dth black or blue pen in brackets/or example: -/. {a) 2. (b) .
j) .MCQ has to f>e answucd n11/y once. any kind for repetition or cutting or erasing or •.-/1itc ner "·ill be consider us malpractice.
Su ch ans •1·crs will nor be co unted in the marks and action ,..,iJI be raktn according to UFM rules of C.: n frer s fry
0 I 'ifCQs ! 0X I = I O

1 Asteroid bod ies are observed in ,1

I b. Histoplasmos is I c. Candidias is ' I d.Chromo blastomycosis
I1 '!· Sporotri chosis

Rabies is iden tific-d by

I a. Guarneri body I ~- Negri body I c. Cowdry A body \ d Pasc hen body

\.\"bich cul ture medium is prefrrred for processing of urine specimen?

I c.XLD I d. DCA
4 Plague is transmitted by

a. Rat flea I b . Soft tick l c. H ard tick

• Id

5 Hand rub should be performed for minimum

a . 40 sec I lJ. 60 sec I c. 20 sec I d. 120 sec

6 "nat is the go ld standard test fo r diagnosis of COVID-1 9:

a. :\_ntibody detection I b. Anti gen detec tion c_. Real time RT-PCR I d . None of the above
7 \, n.ich of the following is/are antropophili c dennatoph}1es:

a. T. ru.brum \ b. E. fl occosum I C
ivL audouini i I d. All of the above
8 The \'ector for sleeping sickness is:

~- Tsetse fly I b. Reduvid bug I C

S,nd tly
None of the abo ve

9 Flcppy bab y syndrome is associated with:

a. Clost ridium perfringens \ 9. Clostridi u m boru linum ] c. Clostridium tetan i I d . C\ os tridium diffic ile

10 \1\ rlich vac cine is employed in pulse po lio immunization program :

a. Salk p-0 lio vacc ine \ b. Sabin polio vaccine I c. BCG I d. None of the ab on

Q.! Lo ng ;,\n s,,er Q uesti on, . I b d1al!Dom rreauoeot and prophylaJ<Js

Classify Human herpes , 1ru~es. Oescnbe the pathogeoes1s. cltmcal feature, . a - ·
a. of Varicelln-Zoster ,irus mfecnon. . . , k w . ,..d o. 1th
d wa.; heavi lv contaimnat. .
A :!.5 year old male admitted with H O crush inJUf)' to right leg O days bac oun_ 1 1 d , 3 was present a:id
b. soil du e 10 road traffic accident. On cxamin1tion. local muscles were crushea. oc_ 5 a e cm
tenderness and crep1rus at the sue of tnjury. \Vi th this b.lstor)·. ans \.ver the fo ll_owing ~ue uo.ns. ,,
i. \\l,at is the probable diagnosis of this condition and the pathogenesis of this cond.1t1on ·
ii . Descnbe the laboratory diagnosis in de t!!.jl.
Q.3 Brid ..\OS" er Question s
e) National 1ubaculo.sis eliminat ion program
b. Laboratory drngnosis of UTI

(9 Slow ,·iral

d Cuuneous larva mjg:ra.n s.

e. Laboratory diagnosis of congeni ta l syph ilis

f. Cl inical spectrum. pathogenesis and La b diagno sis of Cryptoc.occal meningi 1is

Q.4 Short Answer Questions
a. Na me the modes of HIV transmission.

b. ~ame fo ur fungj responsible of ocu lar infections.

~ame 1wo mali gnancies ,..,·hich can be prevented by vacci nation.

d. '
j' \ame rwo parasites wh ic h infect genito-urinary tract.

\\Dy Cerebrospinal fluid shou ld not be refrigerated befo re processing the sampl e fo r cu lture?

® Constirue;m of Hospital Infection control committee (HJCC) in brief ·

\Ji. Infections caused by Free living amoebae

b. Enumerate Tissue nematodes

i. Enumerate skin and soft tissue infections caused by S.aureus

j. Biomedical waste disposal catergories

Madhya Pradesh Medical Science ~niv~rsi~;' Ja~~i2ur
M.lf.BS Second Professional Examination une-
Paper-I(New Scheme)
Paper Code-22AM0000100531 Marks:100

Time: 3:00 /louN

•J All 'l"eJ'tions art! cmnpufrory
b) Dr•w dUlgro1111 Nihn-ew:r nccrnary
c) MCQ h , to be o,r,-nd in th,n,,, an, wcr honk . b k,ts 'or a,unp/,:- / . (a} 1- (b}
d) P/~ase N-riU /tlCQ annHr ncad)' ond in u .rial M-ith black or blue pen tn roe I' h. ill be conlidu IH
r) MCQ ha~ to M •n~rd onlJ' once, any ldnd for rq,etltion or cutti~g or ~ro1in1 or M1 '':~;,, w to VF.Ir# rwln of
,,,.Jproctia, Such onntJen will not be co11nt~d in the marh and acnon wul be u,Aen occ g
U1riwnifJ· 10 X 1 = 10
Drug administered through the following route is most likel y to be subjected to first pass
metabolism d. Rectal
b. Sublingual c. Subcutaneous

2 Bioavai lability of drug refers to

c. Ratio of orally d. Ratio of drug
~- Percentage of b. Ratio of oral to
administered drug to excreted unchanged
administered dose that parenteral dose
that excreted in the in urine to that
reaches systemic excreted as
circulation in unchanged faeces
IJ Coronazy stca! pbcaorocnoo has been noted most frequently with

b. Dipyridamole c. Propranolol d. Diltiazem

a. Glyceryl trinittate
4 The preferred agent for the treatment of belladona poisoning is

b. Neostigmine c. Pralidoxime d. Pyridostigmine

a, Physostigmine
& Which of the of following drug produces ' first dose hypotension'

b. Prazosin c. Methyldopa d. Candesartan

'.(1 Cholinergic muscarinic receptor stimulation produces the following except

a. Sweating b. Rise in blood S Bradycardia ~- Urination

7 Which of the following is not the side effect of frusemide

a. Hypokalaemia b. Ototoxicity c. Hyperuricaemia Q. Hypoglycemia

8 Mark the wrong match about the drug the for peptic ulcer and its mechanism

a. Rupatadine- H2 b. Lansoprazole - c. Misoprosol -EP 3 d. Sucralfate -W-

blocker proton pump blocker receptor agonist K! ATP ase
9 Which of the following is NOT an adverse effect of heparin

a. Bleeding b. Thromhocytopenia c, Hypokalemia d. Osteoporosis

IO In the_ middle of a dinical trial, _one participant decides to withdraw from the trial. But, the
mvest1gator the part1c1pant to continue in the study till it completes. Which Of I h
following ethical principles does the investigator violate e

a. Justice b. Autonomy c. Beneficence d. Non-Maleficence


Q.2 Long .olnswer Questions . d he diT.ziness and

' ·t I nts of hea ac • H The
30--year old female patient comes to OPD wit I comp at 1101 ·n and BP-160/100 mm g.
· · th I 1 •as found to be mi
palpitations. On e.xammat1on e pu se ra e" . +4 +4+4 +2+1=20)
pat.ient was diagnosed to have essenttal hypertension. (5
a. Classify antihypertensive drugs. .
b. Role of ~-blockers in 1.he treatment of hypertension.
c. Role of Diuretics in the treatment of hypertension. .
d. Role of ACE inhibitors in the treatment of hypertens1~n- · ?
c. Which drugs are used for treatment of hypertensive ens ts ·
f. Which antihypertensive drugs are safe during pregnancy ?
. . · therapeutic uses and
Classify ~- adrenergic receptor blockers. Describe pharmacologtca 1acttons,
adverse effects of~- adrenergic rec.eptor blockers. (5+5+5+5 =20)
Q.3 Brief Answer Questions
.,a: Prokinetic Drugs .
..b. HMG CoA reductase inhibitors .
.....c. Mechanism of action & therapeutic uses of proton pump inhibitors.
,E' Drug therapy of myocardial infarction.
e. Clinical significance of plasma half life. ·
f. Describe the role of physician in health care system.
Q.4 Short Annnr Questions
a Justify use of ~inephrine in anaphylactic shock..
b. \1/hy low dose do~ine is used in acute renal failure'?
c. Differences between d-tubocurarine & succinylcholine.
d. Why antihistaminics are not used for treatment of bronchial asthma?
e. Why low dose aspirin is used as antiplatelet agent?
{) Explain the pharmacological basis ofusing lactulose in hepatic coma.
g. Describe mechanism of action of warfarin as anticoagulant agent
h. Explain why arniodarone is called broad spectrum antiarrhythmic agent?
(9 Mention important advantages· & disadvantages ofprodrug.
j. Justify use of frusemide in acute left ventricular failure.
Jaba\pur • 'hi

Madhya pradesh Medical science u_n1v~rs1,,. .2022

MB'BS second Professional Exanllnauon Jun•
paper-U(New Scheme) /\farhs:J00
Paper Code-22AM0000100532

Tim• : 3:00 UourS

•,, -vc• --•• .v••""""din

c•--•-..,, •.,;; _,, -~ .,_." "~,.. ;, ..,..,,.,-•;,,· '·,,, • .<Ul1:,
•J All q11ofW11s ore comp•ls""'
b) Dr•"· 4u,gra111s "·lliere'~' 11«.tssar:r
c/ MCQ h1,s ro b< rhenr)' ••·• ...., b-"k , (b)
k • • - ' ... ••"· •~ .,., f• - ~ • • •""' ., _,;., , _.,,,_ • ' k ""'"" "
• - - • • - - _,, ,., ,, •••"" ;, • • • ••• ""'" _.,, k """ ...,..,, • e,V •"' •/

Q. ' >lCQ•
UnfreNil)i \0 %l • IC
4. Mcthylphcnidate
Drug of choice for anention deficit hyperactivity disorder is:
a. Fluoxetine b. Halopcridol c. Deriphylline
2 A higbw•y ~•k dri'° h" p,ofu" , h i , _ md oomiog Which •"'""' lh• fo\low\og

a. Pheniramine
drugs b. Promethazinc
would you prescribe him? c. Cetiriz.ine d. Dimenhydrinate

3 Which of the follov.~ng agents is beneficial in NSAID induced gastric ulcer?

,.PGE' ogooi" b.PGE2 -i• ,.PGD2 ogooi" d.PGF2• ,.,,,.,

@ When histamine binds 10 H: histamine receptors the result of ligand binding is:
a. Stimulation of\P3 / b. Increase in c'. lnc.rease in d. Decrease release
DAG cascade intracellular Ca- intracellular cAMP histaminergic
~of histamine from

Which of the general anesthetics is not administered intravenously: d. Halothane

5 a. Toiopental b. Diazepam c. Ketamine

6 Zolpidem is used as:

a. Anticonvulsant drug b. ,Anti-anxiety drug ':· sedative hypnotic d. Myorelaxant
drug drug.
7 Anti-amoebic drugs which act primarily against the organism in the bowel lumen are known as:
a. Tissue amoebicides b. Luminal c. Both of the above d. None of the
amoebicides above
~/ Which of the following 3n1 generation cephalosporin does not cross BBB:
a. Ceftriaxone p. Cefotaxime c. Cefoperazone d. Cefixime

9 Which of the following is the derivative of ethylenediamine used as an anti-tubercular drug:

a. lsoniazid b. Ethambutol c. Pyrazinamide ~- Rofampicin

Site of action of vinca alkaloids as anti-cancer drugs on dividing cells is by: d. Inhibiting
JO · tunction of
a. Inhibiting purine b. Inhibiting DNA c. Inhibiting RNA
micro tubules
synthesis polymerase function
Long ..\ns,-er Questions (up to 600 words)
\ i) Classify anti -malarial d."1:igs. . 1 - . ns of chloroquine.
\ii) \ •te.:hanism oi acti on and Pharmacolog,ca a,uo
\iii) Therapeurin:se; and adverse effects . of chloroquine.
.. . . f b Out DPP-4 .intub,tor,.
. . .
Classify Insulin :,:,d Oral Hypoglycem1c Drugs. V.nte ID bne a s,,,JO
y. Brief Answer Questions (up to 250 words) .
Q.3 Discuss the mechanism
. of action,
. the~p!utic uses
. and. unwanted
. effect of pben)'tOID .
cribed predrusolone .
y ..\ 60 year old lady 1s suffenng from rheumatoid a.rthrins and bas been pres
y Answer the following:
i. What is the mechanism of action of glucocorticoids.
ii. Name rwo glucocorticoids which have no mineralocorticoid activity
iii. Enumerate the adverse effects that you expect in this patient
Classify macrolide antibiotics. Describe briefly jts mechanism of action and mention four uses.
y Classify H, anti-histaminics. Enumerates their therapeutics ues ..
fr. Classify Anti-Psychotic Drugs. Write in brief about adverse drug reactions of Anti-Psychotic

Drugs. Penicillins. Describe their therapeutic uses and adverse effects .

.J Short Answer Questions (up to 50-60 words) 10x2=20
QA Explain why - Ethyl alcohol is used in methyl alcohol poisoriing.
0 Explain why - Bromocriptine is effective even after Levodopa fails in Parkinsonism.
Describe the pharmacological basis of using Lignocaine as local anesthetics.
.)¥- Mention two drugs for prevention of AIDS in the new bom.

~- Multidrug therapy ofpaucibacillary leprosy.

f. E numerate four chelating agents.

J!· Enumerate four viral vac.cines

JI· Drug therapy of Migraine.
), Describe the pharmacological basis of using Lithium in Mania .
.J. Explain why -Levodopa is not given with Vitamin B6.
r,',ux t\~arks: 40 Time: 30 min ::; f
verc breathlessness,
QI. Saviw Singh. 26 year old girl -is brought to emergency with symptoms se . 1
4 6 (rnes within
co,- gh and chest ti ghtness. No reli ef was obtained. after hav ing used the broncho~ilat?,rs111 th1
·. 1
!as! I hour. Write a suitable pre~cription for the management of "St:ttus Astbmahcus· s pa

Q2. Write a suitable presc ription for Amil 65 yrs old patient with BP 170/100 mm Hg.

r· .
Q3. A 56 yrs old gentleman (50kgs) we ight. suffe~s an episo<le of Acute Myocardial Infarction. He is .
thrombolysed and needs anticoagulation for next 5 days? Unfractionated Heparin(UFH ) 1s chosen a~ an
anticoagulant. Its effect is monitored with the help c,fPTI. The relevant kinetics ofUFH are:-

B1e1:ding monitor
Vd Cl Tl/2(Hrs) Risi; a PTT,
Oral BA (Llkg bd PPB .(mVmin/kg)
MD LD Dose nftcr

+ 6,lu,
1 >95% 0.67 I hr
20 fJtJ 100 JU/kg negligible 0.06
11 hrs
2.5 hr ++
>95% 0.27
!:o u/kg 400 TU/kg negligible 0.06
+++- 15 hrs
>95% 0.14 4 hr
800 JU/kg negligible 0.05
\ 20 ,;/kg

(a) Unfractionated Heparin has an abnormally lo·~- Vd, Will you like to give loadi~g dose? If yes, why?
Ai1"l~V\ --=- (4 MARKS)
~ Which Regimen will you choose? Calculat.: the loading dose and maintenance dose for this patient.
. (4MARKS)

Q4. Reena Jain, 61 year old female weighing 60 kgs is a known case of Hypertension s:nce 2005,
Bronchial asthma since 2015 and had hysterectomy in 1994. She was on tablet Cetanil T (10+40) BO and
inhaler Budamate 400, 2 puffs OD. On 01/04/21 she had acute low back pain for which she took tablet
Acuvin 1 BD(self medication) but she developed intense vertigo and presented: to clinic on 92/4/21.
Acuvin was stopped and she was shifted to Tablet Lano! ER I TDS. The vertigo got resolved on 04/4/21
but pain persisted. (8 Marks)
Answer the following questions -

I. Kindly report ADR.

2. Do causality assessment.
3. Suggest treatment for vertigo.
4. How to prevent future recurrences?

QS. A 58 yr old female patient is on Glimepiride & Metformin for the treatment of type 2 OM since last 2
years. Now, she is taking Propranolol for "Prophylaxis of Migraine". Write Drug Interaction in above

case scenario. (8 MARKS)



TIME 3 Hours

INSTRUCTIONS- 1-Attempt All Questions in Serial Order:

2-Draw Well Labelled Diagrams Wherever Necessary.

Section "B"
I- Long answer questions (450-500 words) 15 marksx2=30

.)'-Define and classify 'Diabetes Mellitus'. Describe morphology and complications of 'Diabetes mellitus' .
.2-Define and Classify 'Cirrhosis' . Describe etiopathogenesis, morphology of Alcoholic liver disease?

II- Short answer questions (250-300 words) 6marksx5=30

~-Discuss Etiopathogenesis of 'Atherosclerosis'.

?- Types of Gall stone and its Etiopathogenesis.

~- Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria(PNH)

.,fl- Discuss Molecular pathogenesis of Neoplasla

~- Discuss Etiopathogenesis of Pneumoconiosis

Ill- Very short answer questions (50-60 words) 2marksx10=20

1-Ben jones protein

~ - Enumerate 5 Types of Granuloma with one example

3- Osteoclastoma

Jr- LE- cell

))- Philadelphia chromosome

§- Carcinoid tumour

,,7-G an gre n e

,.8- Alpha feto-protein

9-Budd chiari syndrome

1,9- Serninorna
Department of Microbiology:: NSCB MedicalCollegeJabalpur:
PU examination Batch 2019(adm)
. J\ll a.xi11111111 Ma rks : 80
SE CT IO N-B (10/03/ 2022) Tim e: 2.40 Hours
In sl rt;,·1ion,:
I) A ll quest ion, :in.: ,·o mpul sury. Draw di ag ra ms wh erever necessary for Question no. 2 a nd 3. _
2) A11,wers o!" Que,tio ns :ind Sub ques tions must be written stri ctl y accordin g to the seri al ord er 0r question paper, oth erwi se th e
question shJI I not be va lued .Do not writ e anythin g on th e blank portion of th e question pape r. If wr itten anythin g, such type
___of ac t will be cons idered as an at1 empt to resort to unfair means.
2. Short A ns" c,· Qu.:sti< -)II - -· 10 X 5 = 50
lg)-1 imm unoglobuli n_ f. Cryptos poridiosis.
1 --- g. Labora tory diagnos is of in fecti ons caused by denn atop hytes
J!'~!'. !.~;,a1~0~ __ _
t:. Describe' test fo r dem o,1strati on of diphtheria tox in h. lmmunoProphylax is against Poliomyelitis.
r ~;:i;-;;~icityo( Clostr idium perfringens ..ii Pathogenesis of malignant tertian malari a
1 Viru lence facto~s of Pst:· udomonas aeru ginosa j. Defin e bioethi cs. Enumerate ma jor principl es of bioethi cs .
.Lo~g Answer Que stion 3 X 10 = 30
. ,A. 17 yea rs old hoy pr..:scnt ed wit h bloody diarrhea wi th mucus and pus cells, coli cky abdo min al pain , fev er and pr::istrati on.
I rJ1e \ \t' t 111 0U ll l C~ aln inati on of the stool sampl e was perfo rm ed whi ch showed trophozoi tes of 5-20 11111 , act ive ly motil e. with
t't ngi:r-like p,cudop11dia .based on thi s hi story: -
i. What is Lh r 111ost probable diag:1usis?
2. Wri te bri·efl y about the life cyclt: of the eti ological agent.
Describe the pat hogenesis and di ni cal manifes tations produced.
4. What :tr~ t he va rious di agnostic moda lities?
-_/4. - r C1Js,if)- ~1y,·obacte· ria. Describe in bri c,!' about laboratory diagnosis of pu lmonary tuberculosis. Add a not e on rece nt advancrs
~ '2..~~b<?1~~2'_~ iagnosis
/ A 4t' ye,11, uld fe male pres.:nted with hi story of loss of appci ite. malai se and jaun dic e of2 months durati on. On e)wrnimnio n.
1he: _. v.;,, ic1-: ru s. hepatomegaly and tt:11tk rni:ss in th e ri ght hyp,)chvndri ac region. She gave a hi story o f blood tran sfus io n in
,ht pa, 1. Un labora tory exa min ati on, she was found 10 be positi ve for HBsAg.
I. \\ 11:11 is 1i ic· 111os1 probable e1iulogicn l diagn osis°- \
Di,rn,~ i11 detai l about the labo ratory cliagnos's of thi s co nditi on.
I Ii>',_,., ill ~o c1 preve nt the tra!2s mi ssion of~h:s in foc ti onJ ._
..::__c..:.c..:..:..:..::.:.:.::._ _ _ _ _ ____,____ _ _ __ _J
Max Marks: 80 Date: - 11/03/2022
Time: 2.30 hours

i) All question s are compulsory.
ii) Answers of the questions should be written in the same sequence.
iii) Answers should be well illustrated & to the point.

Q.2 Long Answer Questions: - 2xl0=20

y. Classify Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (3). Enumerate their uses (3) and
adverse effects (4)
J:>. Classify drugs for treatment of COPD and Bronchial Asthma (3). Discuss the
Mechanism of action (3) and Enumerate common ADR's for each one of them (4).

Q.3 Short Answer Questions: - 10X4=40

JI(. Aldosterone.~ tht-~ tagonist is indicated for treatment of CHF.
Y. Estrogen and Progesterone are used in combination for hormonal contraception.
C. Gentamicin is combined with Penicillin Gin treatment of Bacterial Endocarditis.
w) Methadone, an opioid agonist is used for opioid de-addiction.
jt. Therapy of Diabetes Mellitus with Insulin.
Management of Chloroquine resistant Falciparum Malaria.
Low dose Aspirin.
Therapy ofH.Pylori Induced Peptic ulcer.
Therapy of COVID-19 (Severe Disease).
Mechanism of action of drugs.

Q.4 Compare and contrast:-

;r. Zero order Vs. First order kinetics of drug elimination.
)'. Prokinetic Vs. Anti emetic agents.
@. Depolarizing Vs. Non-depolarizing skeletal muscle relaxants.
} -: Cardio-selective Vs. Non-selective Beta-Blockers.
Max Marks: 40
Time: 30 mins

QI. Savita Singh. 26 year old girl is brought to emergency with symptoms of severe breathlessness.
cough and chest tightness. No relief was obtained after having used the br.oachodilators 4-6 times within
/as r / hour. Write a suitable prescription for the management of"Status Asthmaticus" in this patient.

(8 marks)

Q2. Ramlal, 40 year old, weighing 60 kgs came to OPD with complaints of fever and weight loss and is
diagnosed with Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Write a suitable prescription for this "Newly diagnosed case of
Pulmonary tuberculosis under (RNTCP)". (8 marks)

Q3. A 42-yr-old patient is a known case of bipolar disorder on Lithium therapy since last one year and
now he is diagnosed with mild hypertension for which he was prescribed Hydrochlorthiazide 25mg once
a day. Comment on possible drug interaction between above two drugs. (8 marks)

Q4. Suni\ Gupta, 59 years old, weighing 70kg, is a known case of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus since 200 I.
Lab \uvat\pt\ODS are: (10 .Marlal)
• RbA.\C-\0.49
• Setum creatinine - 0.82
• EGFR- 96.
He was on multiple medications as follows:
• Tab Glycomet GP 2 mg I OD
• Tab Tagon M I OD
• Tab Voglimac GM I BD
The patient came to the OPD on 03-05-2021 with complaints of excessive air coming out of the mouth/
burping. The drug Voglibose GM was withdrawn on 04-05-2021 and symptomatic treatment was given
withTab LyraD I OD. He recovered on 10-05-2021.
Answer the following questions -
I .Kindly report ADR.
2. Do causality assessment
3. Suggest treatment for burping.
4. How to Prevent Future Recurrences?

QS. Sunita, 30 years old female weighing 60kg, suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. Her Hb was 9 g/dl.
Calculate the dose of parenteral iron therapy for this patient. (6 Marks)
First Terminal Examination September 2021 (BATCH 2019)
Subject- Pathology

Long answer questions 2xl5 =30marks

Define and classify hemolytic anaemia. Describe the pathogenesis and laboratory
diagnosis of Sickle cell anaemia .

Define and classify Shock. Describe the pathogenesis of septic shock. '

5x6=3'0Jfi arks · ..
Short answer questions
:· '·
Describe peripheral blood picture and bone marrow findings in M~galoblastic'"a11aemia. -.f'~•
~t I

.2'- Morphological patterns of necrosis .

3- TypelV hypersensitivity reaction .

/ 4- Role of Arachidonic acid metabolites in inflammation

Pathophysiological categories of Edema.

Ven/ short answer questions 10x2=20 marks

1- Write "Two diagnostic .:ntibodies for Systemic lupus Erythematous.

,,z- Define Metaplasia and write example.

3- Paradoxical Embolis;n.

4- Ferroptosis.

JI- Fate ofThrombl!s.

fo- Dystrophic Calcification.

7- Enumerate 4 opportunistic infections in HIV patients .

..8- Enumerate srecial stains for Amyloid

J" Enumerate anti-Apoptotic and pro-Apoptotic proteins.

)-0- Enumerate factors that influences tissue repair.

Page 3 o f 3
s,.: ction "B"

I- Long answer 4ucstions (450-500 words) 15 marks><2=30

1-Defin e & cla ssify Pneumonia. Describe bri efly morphological {ea t 1 1r es & complications of
Lobar pneu lnonia ?

@ Define Multiple Myeloma . Write clinical fec1tures & lab diagnosis Jf M ulti ple Myelom a.

II- Short answer questions (250-300 words) 6mark~><5'"'30

(!)Discuss Etiopathogenesis of Nephrotic syn drome.

2-What is Metastasis? What are the different pathways cf spread?

3-FAB classification of Acute Leukemia

4-Difference between Crohn's disease & Ulcerative colitis.

(J Paran eoplai c syndrome

Ill- Very short answer questions (50-60 words) 2marksx10=20

a-Write in brief about P53 gene.

2-Metastatic calcification

3-Describe Histopathological features of Wilms' Tumour.

@.Histopathological hallmark of Papillary carcinoma of Thyroid.

li-Ennumerate types of Hodgkin's Lymphom a&their cha racterstic c ,,11s

6-Ennumerate 4 causes of Granulomatous in fection.

:/- CSF find ings in Tubercular Meningitis .

.8- Grey Hepatization

@ lgA Nephropathy
ro- Peripheral b_lood finding in CML.
'-4 V?ill
lh·pa rtnH•nt of,\ li crobi ology : :NSC IJ ,n ccl inil ( 1ilil'gc JA IJA LP U R
i:ir,1 t,r111i 11 al l' ,,1,! 1>1ti~ n Q:1td.!_ llJ!l" il 2Q2_1 J F:C l'ION - B (07 /09/1 1) ___ _
nrnxi 111un1 l\,la ,·ks: 80
\17in~t"": ~--W l1~1,rs --- ---------~
~ tn 1, tiun,:
~) All qul·,!i •,1, 11,.: Hnpul sor~ 1)r:,,, di a11rn ms ,1heri:1l' r neci;ssary. _ .
l) /\n,wc•rs ur'<)ul·,tin ns and Sub questi ons must b.c wri 11en stric1l y acco rdin g to the seria l order of qu est ion pa per.
01hc r11i." lhl' quLst io n shul I 1wt be valued
v11,·, tiu11 - -- - - - - - - - - - - - --=====-- 2 X 15 = JO_ _ _ _ _ _ _,---,.---;
-y ~\ 17 )l;il S,l,dllil ,.1Jdc11ly dcv~lop~d an ep isod;:-ofsl'VCr~ sneczin!l ;~1d dys pnea She had 10 be admi tted to th e
Iv..; Cl\11.,lt d II Ill' .,,kcd. ,he· I, I I 1h,1t ,,Ill' has fuc~d s•, nrla r cpisodv; ,i nc e her ch ildho od
a. ,\ 11.11 ty11 ur
imn1uni: r, a;ti'1n b this'!
t------,f-+---b_._!2_cscri~c 111 deta iI about l:.:h.:.::is:...:l.:.1y!..lp:.e::.
.:;i.:.L!Y-.:.1·::..ea::.c::.·1:.:..:io:.:n:.:·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
A child a!!i:d 7 )C,ll"S wi1h hi~ h grade feve r,with toxic ap pearan ce. pa in in th e Lhl'Oat. in ab il ity lO swa ll ow was
brought lo the cast.a lty. On e:-.a1nin ati on, a white pa tch was found on th e fa uces . No hi sto1·y of imm uni za ti o n is
nvailable.On g,rarn sta in ofthruat swa b s111 ea r.__QJ] 111 pos itive. b11ciJI.L\\ ith cu neifo rm a rrnn gement we re obse rved .
a. \\ hat is tlr,· ca us.r tivc orga ni sn1s?D iscus the nioi·pli'o logy & Lultura l charactc ris ti t:s of this o rgani sm
b. !)-:-scribe t.11: pa1hogcn-:s is of the co ndi ti on. ,
___l_·. \.\ •itc til d-:.1:ii! :ibout t!.,; !abor:no ry d iag.!:•~~ <.~ _f0~~itio!1 ..... ~~~_.::lliu ____ -----~
Q3 \\
Slrort t\t)(t'S
ri l ~
, J~!_~1,n:1n~~uli_
n_s ___ __
l' rim:ipi: ,'\. applications oLI~
- - - - --

l~.~ -1e_s_r_ _ _ __,k

----~ -1:1\'s
_:_ _ _
~ ~s.. . ,fi;
.,.--c--6_=_J_ O_ _ _ ____ _ _ _ __ --l

C. I Class if) StreptllCc,ci and D1::srn be CAMP Te,:;1. uiov-ro - ,

~~~~21~~- -1..!~'!M.~~~~~--l
Virulence fa ctors ur" Staph ) lurnccus aureus
--j-- - · · - · - - - - - -- -- - - -'211~ - - - - -- - - - - - - -
E. l'athogc111::;i~ of ga, gangre~ -- ltA.~mA
--- Ml,w)
- ~ - - -- -
Q -l Wr ite in l3ri t·f: - I OX 2 = 20
A. Dra\, ti!\.' d1a~rlu11 ol· Gr:]111 Net al i ve cell \.\a ll .· _ __ __ __ - - - - - - - - - -
1--H.:_ _ h.1.u~11l' ;1 l 1i:1.1 i1.1p~1 :m1 ~·11 1·i~ ~~ ~1cd ra - - ,---Lp_t,Y_yJ_{A/4,y,_ ft),Jibfil"1__ --= - -- -- - - -- --~
I(" Rolt· o! \i:,:mJ l· lem in !:! in r,1,1clern M icrobio ,c-2.1 . - - - -- -
D. Dra\\, a ,., .:II i,1b,:lkl~;111 ,J r' /\111ocl a v~. · --
I? if'ferc"nce~ ~~twe--:n rnura ti om'.1 ancJ transfe rabl e dru g 1·es ista nce.
l· nurnerat l' v1r11lenL·e facto rs ul J\e1ssena 111e 11111!!1t1cles .
- - - ~-~----
1r:omo~ I
J .nlll11Cl:l tt ~•ll!jlVll~ ll !~.l!_~~_l?!' l'a~Ci lle ~/pl1:ita::zg_Jld&4.u.i.L~- .' f~_4f!p~~ 1 ~
l.i .
. __ J . 1111 1111:ni:~· -:.ul~ur.: mcc! 1<1 us~il to r 1so la 1r on of Sa lrn on\: 11,, ry1~ =-=:===::i ··
1 . _ ~~ite clo .111 bur l.!\:1 rn p~~ of n_~~~ca !!;,•J.112.1~1~1-~rnt _!:1'.~--: r,,bic Grnrn "!-:~~a ~ .~.J:n~~i _f I
V-- ,j.r -~ ~ ~:It' '..' llf :hl(l_!ac 1~JS1:_ l_C~lll_( ~~:l!!,_ ~1'.!_r_!,~y..:.:_;,,11llSll 1S,
,or~ - ____ _ _ _1 .,...,,/'u,L ··-.. ~ , 1 , . , , , / ~ , ~ .
·- ~l'.D' !..~tn.,.._ ,,,,.. vv-7

Max 100
Date: - 08/09/2021
Time: 03:00 hours

Instructions: i) All questions arc compulsory.

ii) Answers of the questions should be wrillcn in the same sequence.
iii) Answer should be brief and to the point.
Q.1 Write Pharmacological basis of use of the following
c) Acetyl cholinesterase inhibitors in the treatment of Myasthcnia gravis.
b. Nitrates in the treatment of Angina Pectoris.
y Angiotensin receptor blockers in the treatment of essential hypcrtensio11
j,- Proton pump inhibitors in Peptic ulcer disease
Q.2 Compare and contrast

@ Depolarizing verses Non-depolarizing Muscle relaxant

Short Acting Deta-Agonist vs. Long Acting Dcta-Agonist
.)'"· First order verses Zero order kinetics
Competitive verses Non-competitive antagonism
Q.3 Write short notes on-

/ Clinical significance of plasma protein binding

Y Treatment of Open Angle glaucoma
c. Prokinetic Drugs
d. Evidence based Medicine
/ Management of Anaphylactic shock

Explain why- · I0,2·' l~

/. lnhalational corticosteroids are combined with beta-2-agonist in the treatment of Bronchial
Asthma '
fl Aluminum hydroxide is combined with Magnesium Hydro;.:i.:ic in nr.tacid preparatio11s
@ Dopamine is preferred to Nor-adrenaline in circulatory failure
d. Vasodilators combined with beta-blockers in the treatment of CHF
Q.5 Write two most suitable drugs for lhe followings-
/. Constipation in elderly patients
.JI Two adverse effects of lnhalational corticosteroids
s/ NSAID induced peptic ulcer

../3- Treatment of Paroxysmal supra ventricular tachycardia

/ e. Two contraindications of Propranolol
(i) Two contraindications of Atropine
@ Therapeutic agents metabolized in Plasma
@ Category X drugs
(9 Two adverse effects ofClonidine
y Antihypertensive safe in pregnancy

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