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Boolean Logic Worksheet KLE TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES PROFESSIONAL APTITUDE AND LOGICAL REASONING Contest Powered covatioes Unlisted Tiining Services, Bangle ~ 560097 wt mapper Boolean Logic PROFESSIONAL APTITUDE AND LOGICAL REASONING Boolean Logic © Innovations Unlimited Tesning Serv Vidyacanyapusa Bangalore - 560 097 Phone +91.96111.91222 « Va iusup BOOLEAN Logic In Ti Chapter You ite Z Learn touse sentences as logic gates Z Solve puzzles using logical truth tables Z Solve puzzles using Boolean algebra ‘There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't ~ Anonymous ocean Lagcis bared on George Boks cba Bexeancgbr = youereawere of carssts cf rly mostotes-Tre orFese Tf wewart ordered Bole Lage wemust derstand seme bascsof lige Wermusturderstord the folnig tree tee ed nlc Parad > Gredcsen Lage Falocy Paradox A paradox is an apparently true statement or group of statements that seems to lead to a contradiction or to a situation that PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz, defies intuition. Typically, either the statements in question do not really iE = imply the contradiction: or the puzzling result is not really a contradiction: cor the premises themselves are not all really true (on, cannot all be true together). The recognition of ambiguities, equivocations, and unstated assumptions underlying known paradoxes has often led to significant advances in science, philosophy and mathematics Common themes in paradoxes include direct and indiect selt= | 4 ) reference, infinity, circular definitions, and confusion of levels of pp =esl reasoning. Paradoxes which are rot based on a hidden error generally happen at the fringes of context or language, and require extending the context (or language) to lose their paradox quality. ‘The Liar Paradox In philosophy and logic, the lian paradox encompasses paradoxical statements such as: "Lam lying now." “This statement is false." To avoid having a sentence directly refer to its own truth value, one can also construct the paradox as follows: ‘Statement 1 - The following sentence is true. ‘Statement 2 - The preceding sentence is false ‘The oldest version of the liar paradox is attributed to the Greek philosopher Eubulides of Miletus who lived in the fourth century B.C.. Eubulides reportedly said “A man says that he is lying. Is what he says true or false?" Epimenides was a sixth century BC philosopher-poet. Himself a Cretan, he reportedly wrote: “The Cretans are always liars" (Bible, NT, Titus 1:12) PALR - Content Powered by I U Training Services 1 BOOLEAN Logic ‘The problem of the paradox is that it seems to show that our most cherished common b ‘bout truth and falsity actually lead to a contradiction. Sentences can be constructed that are completely in accord with grammar and semantic rules that cannot consistently be assigned a truth value Consider the simplest version of the paradox, the sentence "This statement is false” If we assume ‘that the statement is true, everything asserted in it must be true. However, because the statement asserts that it is itself false, it must be false. So assuming that it is true leads to the contradiction that it is true cand false. OK, can we assume that it is false? No, that assumption also leads to contradiction: if the statement is false, then what it says about itself is not true. It says that it is false, so that must not be ‘rue. Hence, it is true. Under either assumption, we end up concluding thet the statement is both true and false. But it has to be either true or false (or so our common intuitions lead us to think), hence there seems ‘tobe a contradiction at the heart of our beliefs about truth and falsity ‘The Barber Paradox The Barber paradox is a paradox that relates te mathematical logic and set theory. The paradox considers a ‘town with a male barber who shaves daily every man who does not shave himself, and no one else. Such a town cannot exist: If the barber does not shave himself, he must abide by the rule and shave himself. Tf he does shave himself, according to the rule he will not shave himself. Thus the rule results in an impossible situation, Contradiction Broadly speaking, a contradiction is when two or more statements, ideas, or actions are seen os incompatible. One must, it seems, reject at least one of the ideas outright. In logic, contradiction is defined much more specifically, usually os the simultaneous assertion of a statement and its negation When youre dealing withthe principle of contradiction there ls Ceri” can be used instead of Indeed very litle room left for clacussion. “negation”), In colloquial speech and in dialectical methodolagy, the word "contradiction" has a completely different meaning than in fermal logic. Proof by contradiction Tn deductive logic (ond thus, also, in mathematics), a contradiction is usually taken as a sign that something hhas gone wrong, that you need to retrace the steps of your reasoning and "check your premises." This has been used to great effect in mathematics through the methed of proof by contradiction (elzo known ex indirect proof) Logical Fallacy ‘A logical fallacy is an error in logical argument which is independent of the truth of the premises. It is a flaw in the structure of an argument as opposed to an error in its premises. When there is a fallacy inn ‘argument it is said to be invalid. The presence of « logical fallacy in an argument does not necessarily imply anything about the argument's premises or its conclusion. Both may actually be true, but the ‘argument is still invalid because the conclusion does not follow from the premises using the inference principles of the argument. By extension, an argument can have a logical fallacy even if the argument is not a PALR - Content Powered by I U Training Services 2 BOOLEAN Logic purely logical one: for instance an argument that incorrectly applies principles of probability or causality con be said to have a logical fallacy. In the strictest sense, logical fallacy is the incorrect application of a valid logical principle or an application of an nonexistent principle: Some acts of killing human beings are legal in this state. Some acts of killing human beings are illegal in this state. Therefore some acts of killing human beings are both legal and illegal in this state. ‘This is fallacious. Indeed, there is no logical principle which states For some x, P(x). For some y, Qly). Then for some 2, P(2) and Q(z). ‘The easiest way to show the above inference is invalid is by using Venn diagrams. Now let's try to solve a puzzle based on the Boolean Logic. I met two natives on an island - Benny and Lenny. They are either a knight or @ liar or a knave. Knights always tell the truth, liars ‘always lie and knaves alternate between truth and lie, They tell me ‘his Benny : We are both of the same type. Lenny : I am a knave. Benny : Lenny is @ liar A knight then tells me what Lenny is what they were. What are Benny and From this I was able to work out Lenny? Now, if I was told that Lenny was @ knight then T get a paradox, so that's not right. If I was told that Lenny is a knave then Benny could still be a lian or a knave, so that isn't right either, because the puzzle states that I was able to determine what Benny is by knowing what is Lenry. If Twas told that Lenny was a liar, then Benny's second statement is true. This means his first statement is false, as he cannot be a lion, so he can only be @ knave. While the statements alone allow for more than one possibility for their types, being told that Lenny is « lian is the only way that I am able to determine what Benry is. So the answer is: I was told that Lenny was a liar and I worked out that Benny was a knave. The indents of on isd says anwar ony qustn wth We ferteces, on of whichis aveys Tut ond the other is aways fle. > Johny Watters wating en 2 fo and cones Toe fork He sos the itaitrts Nox, Peter and Tone te sme question “Which poth wil ake me tere rom Max: I never speak to strangers. I am new to these parts, Soe: Tan nara 0 Max Hei ot non he pace peter: Tan marie 10 Tone. Tate te let path Vic ph Sony Wee take fo rcch the town? ree ght 3 comet be determined Solution: Let us now solve this problem. Since one would seek directions only if one is a stranger to a place, the finst statement of Max's response cannot be true. Therefore, he is in fact speaking to a stranger and hence contradicting himself. Thus, Max's frst statement has to be false. Inwhich case, from the rules, Max’s second statement has to be true. PALR - Content Powered by 1 U Training Services 3 BOOLEAN Logic FIRST STATEMENT | SECOND STATEMENT MAX FALSE TRUE JANE PETER ‘As a result, Jane's second statement has to be false and her finst statement true. FIRST STATEMENT | SECOND STATEMENT MAX FALSE TRUE, JANE ‘TRUE FALSE PETER Therefore, Peter's first statement has 10 be false, and his second statement true. The answer to the question is~ 1. You should take the path on the left. FIRST STATEMENT | SECOND STATEMENT MAX FALSE TRUE JANE TRUE FALSE PETER FALSE TRUE ‘The answer to the question is - 1. Johnny Welker should take the path on the left. ‘Approach for Answering Such Questions PA A. Identity if there is 0 statement which has to be certainly true or certainly false. Then, based on this statement conclude the remaining statements to be true or false. oR itp, 8: Form a Truth Table. Assume a sentence to be true or false alternately and write % ‘the states in the truth table. Then, based on this statement conclude the remaining statements to be true or false. The patrern that doesn’t violate any of the given rules is the correct one. If there is no unique solution, the answer cannot be determined. Let us row see ‘another type of puzzle. ‘A ‘terrible crime has been committed and the police round up the usual suspects. During the interrogation of the four men the following accusations and statements are made: ‘Anderson said "Brimmers did it." Brimmers said "Dodge did it." Carter said "I didn't do it.” Dodge said "Brimmers lied when he said I did it." Tf only one of the four men was untruthful, which man committed the crime? If Anderson lied, then the statements made by Brimmers and Dodge contradict each other, so Anderson cannot be the liar. ALR - Content Powered by 1 U Training Services 4 BOOLEAN Logic Tf Carter lied, then, again, the statements made by Brimmers and Dodge contradict each other, so Carter cannot be the liar. At this point you should be able to see that the key to the puzzle is in the contradictory statements made by Brimmers and Dedge, Tf Dodge lied, then the statements made by Anderson and Brimmers cannot beth be true (assuming only one ‘man was guilty). Therefore we are left with only one option. Tf Brimmers lied when he accused Dodge, then Anderson could truthfully be saying thet Brimmers did it Carter could truthfully deny being involved, and Dodge could truthfully claim that Brimmers wrongfully ceccused him. Since Anderson was telling the truth when he accused Brimmers, Brimmers is the guilty man. F Brain Drill 1. Shahrukh Versus Salman Shahrukh speaks truth only in the morning and lies in the afternoon, whereas Salman speaks truth only in the «afternoon and lies in the morning. A says that B is Shahrukh, Ts it morning or afternoon and who is A ~ Shahrukh or Salman? 2, sped ter? Jostemenpeovprmord ay ondhoe been bred beste sit ang and reser taal Segoe tea seo een on otf rs. The msn oa etd otis Sur Esbend Bo 4 Dow 8 trsbennd Aor welt bore irsnnee bart mre Yor pope nr hv 1 you treo the serps ee fod oi trong wicker wy Pde pet Sv meen ra HOSE mere each cgay, wat crmitre by he magne Canny Tey fdr x pls Ang f MODE eres aad tet eres heres on nny mee oa ana, heaps wee Antony: Just one of us. Solomon: At leest one of us. Knight: More than one of us. “Antony, did you vote for the Janata Party?", persisted the representetive. “Antony: No, I did net. Solomon: ‘Antony is lying; he had in fact. Knight: Antony did not vote for the Janata Party. If itis given that one of the three respondents is a knight (spoke truth always), one of the three is a lar (poke lies always), and one of the three isa knave (spoke a truth and alie alternately), and that one or more votes were cast in favour of the Jonata Party 3. Which of the following spoke the truth always? 1. Antony 2. Solomon 3. Knight 4, Cannot be determined with certainty PALR - Content Powered by I U Training Services 5 4, Which of the following voted for the Janata Party? 1. Antony 2. Solomon 3. Knight 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 5. Which of the following spoke a truth and a le alternately? 1. Antony 2. Solomon 3. Knight 4. Cannot be determined with certainty Questions 6 - 9 There are three gentlemen who pursue three different hobbies. The three gentlemen, masters of logic, gave ‘their responses in two sentences each. They want you to find out from their responses whose hobby was what, They further informed you that one of them isa knight (spoke the truth always), one of them is a liar (lied always), ond one of them is a krave (spoke one truth and one lie). A: My hobby is phlately. B's hobby is painting. B: C3 hebby is painting, A’s hobby is philately CC: B's hobby is golf. My hobby is philately Answer the following questions: 6 Whose hobby is philatey? ‘4 LA 28 ae 4 comet be SO al determined with certainty 7. Whose hobby is pining? LA 28 3c 4. armor be determined wth certainty 8. Who spoke lies always? LA 28 3.0 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 9. Who spoke one truth and one lie? LA 28 3c 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 10. Family Vacations A vacationing Family sitting around the campfine has the fellowing conversation: 1. Father: What day is it? Tam sure it isn't Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. 2. Mother: Well that's not very helpful dear. Besides yesterday was Pridoy. 3. Father: No. now that I think about it. yesterday wasn't Friday, tomorrow is Friday. 4. Ton: The day after tomorrow is Thursday. oe: 3 eg: Youot ats omarow Toray 6 ata Aca, probly Trey ay 7 A we io frre het at Sry yesterdoy Tf only one statement above is true, what day of the week is it? Questions 11 - 14 ALR - Content Powered by 1 U Training Services 6 AA young student, Gopal, complained to the teacher that three of his classmates conspired and stole hs pen. The teacher called three accused, Ram, Rebert ond Rahim and sought their explanation. In order to confuse ‘the teacher the three accused gave the following answers: Ram: T distracted Gopal's attention. Rahim opened Gopals bag, Robert: Rahim distracted Gopal’ attention. I removed the pen from Gopals bag. Rahim: T opened Gepal's bag. Robert distracted Gepal's attention. The teacher knew that one of three had the habit of speaking lies always, one spoke the truth always, and one alternated truth with lie. If each of three accused undertook only one of the activities listed. 11, Who removed the pen from Gopal’s bog? 1. Rom 2. Robert 3. Rahim 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 12, Who distracted Gopal's attention? 1. Ram 2. Robert 3. Rahim 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 13. Who spoke the truth always? 1. Ram 2. Robert 3. Rahim 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 14. Who opened Gopal's bag? 1. Rom 2. Robert 3. Rahim 4, Cannot be determined with certainty Questions 15-18 (On your recent visit to Kya-Kya island, you came across three inhabitants. As you were already aware, each of the inhabitants speaks two sentences at one time. The inhabitants are of two types: those who speak ‘truth always, and those who speak lies always. You greet the three inhabitants and ask them their names ~ let us for the time being call them X, ¥ and Z. X: V's name is Anthony. Z's name is Christopher. Y: Z's name is Randall. My name is Anthony. Z: My name is Anthony. Y's name is Randall. If two of the three inhabitants always spoke lies, and the third always the truth: and if each of three inhabitants had only one of the three names listed, 15, Whose name is Randall? Lx 2y BZ 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 16. Whose name is Christopher? LX 2y 3Z 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 17. Who spoke the truth always? Lx 2y 3 4, Cannot be determined with certainty PALR - Content Powered by I U Training Services 7 BOOLEAN Logic 18. In which of the following pains do you find Anthony? LXY 2Y,Z 3.Both 142 4, Cannot be determined with certainty Questions 19 - 23, Three young men, enthusiastic hackers, were caught when they tried to break into @ commercial bank's computer system. During interrogation they tried to confuse the police by giving the following responses: ‘Mohan: We used my personal computer. Vishram cracked the password. Vishram: We used Srinivas's personal computer. Mohan transferred Rs.1 crore into his account. Srinivas: Mohan cracked the password. We used Vishrams personal computer. Upon checking the credentials of the three young men, the police concluded that one of the three was speaking the truth, one of the three was lying, and one of the three spoke a truth anda lie. If each of the ‘three hackers wes involved in only one of the three activities listed, 19. Who cracked the password? 1. Mohan 2. Vishram 3. Srinivas 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 20, Into whose account was the money transferred? 1. Mohan 2. Vishram 3. Srinivas 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 21. Who spoke, alternately, a truth and a lie? 1. Mohan 2. Vishram 3. Srinivas 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 22, Whose personal computer was put to use? 1. Mohan 2. Vishram 3. Srinivas 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 23 ~ 26 Be Punctual A student who missed three classes in a week wanted to krow which faculty handled those sessions. The ‘three sessions he missed were on English Usage, Geometry and Binary Logic. The three faculty members who handled exactly one of the three sessions were Vasanta, Vaishnavi and Vasavi. To the student's query the ‘three faculty members gave the following responses: Vosanta: I teok the session on English Usage. Vasavi took the session on Binary Logie. Vaishnavi: I took the session on Binary Logic. Vasanta took the session on Geometry. Vasavi: T took the session on English Usage. Vasanta took the session on Binary Logic. ‘They asked the student to find out who took which session, given that one of them spoke the truth always, ‘one of them spoke lies always, and one of them spoke a truth and a lie alternately. 23, If the puzzle to the student wos designed by the faculty who took the session on Binary Logic, who designed the puzzle? 1. Vasanta 2. Valshnavi 3. Vasavi 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 24, Who took the session on English Usage? PALR - Content Powered by 1 U Tral ing Services 8 BOOLEAN Locic 1. Vosonta 2. Vaishnavi 3. Vasavi 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 25, Who spoke the truth always? 1. Vasanta. 2. Valshnavi 3. Vasovi 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 26. Which of the following sessions was handled by the faculty who spoke lies always? 1. English Usage 2. Geometry 3. Binary Logie 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 27 ~ 28 Logie Science ‘Three microbiologists declared, at the same time, the discovery a new gene. Each of the three claimed that hhe was the first to discover the gene, the result of painstaking but original research. Each of them claimed ‘that he should be credited with the discovery, and started questioning the veracity of the claims of the other two scientists. At the international Science Congress the Governing Body decided to find out if ary of ‘the scientists had plagiarized. The three scientists are Keith, James and Harold. Only one of them had actually discovered the gene. Keith: Harold could not have discovered the gene. James plagiarized my research results James: Keith could not have discovered the gene. Yes, I plagiarized Keith's research results. Hareld: T discovered the gene using my own research experiments. James could not have discovered the gene. Given that only one of the three scientists spoke truth always, and that the other two spoke a lie and a truth alternately, 27. Who discovered the gene? 1 keith 2.James 3. Horold 4. Cannot be determined with certainty 28. Who was speaking the truth always? L keith 2. James 3. Harold 4, Cannot be determined with certainty 29 - 30 Who dun it? Arthur said Dave did it, Dave said Bill did it, Bill said Charlie did it, Charlie said that he did not do it and Eddie confessed that he did it. If Arthur did not do it, if one of the five did it, and if only one of them is telling the truth 29, Whe did it? 1 Dove 2.Chorlie ——3.Bill 4. Eddie 30, Whe spoke the truth? 1 Arthur 2..ill 3. Charlie 4, Dave 31. Knight, Knave, Spy (On the fabled Tsland of Knights and Knaves, we meet three people, A, 8, and C, one of whem is @ knight, one @ nave, and one a spy. The knight always tells the truth, the knave always lies, and the spy can either lie or tell the truth, PALR - Content Powered by I U Training Services 9 BOOLEAN Logic A says: "Cis a knave." B soys: "A is a knight." C says: "T om the spy." Who is the kright, who the knave, and who the spy? 32, Handle the Thieves ‘Three criminals were arrested for shop lifting. However, when interrogated only one told the truth in both his statements, while the other two each told one true statement and one lie. The statements were: ALBERT : Chander passed the merchandise. Bruce created the diversion. BRUCE: Albert passed the merchandise. I created the diversion, CLIVE : I took the goods out of the shop. Bruce passed them over, Who took the goods out of the shop and who passed the merchandise? 33 ~ 35 The Twine You are in a room with two doors leading out. Behind one door is @ coffer overflowing with jewels & gold, along with an exit. Behind the ether door is an enormous, hungry lion that will pounce on anyone, opening the door. You do not know which door leads to the treasure exit, & which door leads to the lion. In the room you are in are two individuals. The first is a knight, who always tells the truth, and a liar, who always lies. Both of these individuals know what is behind each door. You do not know which individual ie the knight, or wich one is the knave. You may ask one of the individuals exactly one question. The individuals knew between them as to who speaks the truth always and who lies always. Now, for the sake convenience we shall call the two individual ‘A’ and 2 33. Tf you ask ‘A, “Which is the door that shall lead to the coffer and exit?", the individual shall point towards 1. Door with Coffer inside 2. Door with Lion inside 3. Cannot be determined with certainty 34. If you ask’A’, “Tf T ask’B' as to which is the door towards coffer and exit, which door would he show? "A" would point towards 1. Door with Coffer inside 2 Door with Lion inside 3. Cannot be determined with certainty 35. If you ask 'B, “Tf Task ‘A’ as to which is the door towards Lien, which door would he show?*: 'B! would point towards 1. Door with Coffer inside 2, Door with Lion inside 3. Cannet be determined with certainty ‘36. Who took the candy bar? During the lunch hour at school, a group of five boys from Miss Jones home room visited a nearby lunch wagon. One of the five beys took a candy bar without paying for it. When the boys were questioned by the ‘school principal, they made the following statements in respective order: 1. Rex: "Neither Ear! nor T did it." 2. Jock: "Tt was Rex or Abe." 3, Abe: "Both Rex and Jack are lying.” 4. Dan: "Abe's statement is not true: one of them is lying and the other is speaking the truth." 5. Earl: "What Dan said is wrong.” When Miss Jones was consulted, she said, "Three of these boys are always truthful, but everything that two of them say will be. lie." Assuming that Miss Jones is correct, can you determine who took the candy bar? 37. Little Lies ALR - Content Powered by I U Training Services 10 BOOLEAN Logic Richard is a strange lian, He lies on six days of the week, but on the seventh day he always tells the truth. He made the following statements on three successive days: Day 1: "Tlie on Monday and Tuesday." Day 2: "Today, it's Thursday, Saturday, or Sunday." Day 3: °F lie on Wednesday and Friday.” The Question: On which day does Richard tell the truth? 38, The Bulls, Pacers, Lokers and Jazz ran for o contest. Anup, Sujit, John made the following stetements regerding results. “Arup said either Bulls or Jazz wll definitely win ‘Sujit said he is confident that Bulls will not win ‘Tohn soid he is confident thot neither Jazz nor Lakers will win When the results came it was found that only one of the above three had made a correct stotement. Whe has made the correct statement and who has won the contest? 39. We have three people one of whom is knight, one a krave, and one a spy. The knight always tells the ‘ruth, the knave always lies, and the spy can either lie or tell the truth, The three persons are brought before a judge who wants to identify the spy. A says: "Tam not a spy.” B says: "I ama spy.” Now Cis in fact the spy. The judge asks him: "Zs B really @ spy?" Can C give on answer so that he doesn't convict himself as a spy? PALR - Content Powered by 1 U Training Services " Self Assessment Opportunity Topic - Boolean Logic No of Questions: 10 Time: 20 min A very special iland is inhabited only by knights and liars. Knights always tell the truth, and liane always lie. 1. You meet two inhabitants: Zoey and Mel. Zoey tells you that Mel is a liar. Mel says, * Neither Zoey nor T are liars.' Can you determine who isa knight and who is a liar? 2. You meet two inhabitants: Peggy and Zippy. Peggy tells you that ‘of Zippy and I, exactly one ise knight" Zippy tells you that only a liar would soy that Peggy is a liar. Can you determine who is a kright and who is @ liar? 3. You meet two inhabitants: Sue and Zippy. Sue says that Zippy isa liar. Zippy says, “I and Sue are knights." Can you determine who is @ knight ond who isa liar? 4. You meet two inhabitants: Sally and Zippy. Selly claims, “I and Zippy are not the same. Zippy says, ° Of Iand Sally, exactly one is a knight.' Can you determine who is a knight and who is a liar? 5. You meet two inhabitants: Homer and Bozo. Homer tells you, At least one of the following is true: that Tam @ knight or that Boz is a knight." Bozo claims, “Homer could say thet I am lian.’ Can you determine who is @ knight and who is liar? 6. You meet two inhabitants: Marge and Zoey. Marge says, ° Zoey and T are both knights or both liars.’ Zoey claims, “Marge and I are the same.’ Can you determine who is @ knight and who is a liar? 7. You meet two inhabitants: Mel and Ted. Mel tells you, ° Either Ted is a knight or Tam a knight.’ Ted tells you ‘that Mel is @ lian. Can you determine who is @ knight and who isa liar? 8 You meet two inhabitants: Zed and Alice. Zed tells you, "I am a knight or Alice isa lian.’ Alice tells you, “OF Zed and T, exactly one is @ knight.’ Con you determine who is a knight and who is a liar? 9. You meet two inhabitants: Ted and Zeke. Ted claims, "Zeke could say that T am a liar.’ Zeke cloims that it's not the case that Ted isa liar. Can you determine who is a kright and whe is a liar? You meet two inhabitants: Zed and Zoey. Zed says that i's falze that Zoey is alan. Zoey claims, “T and Zed are different.’ Con you determine who is a kright and who isa liar? 2 Boolean Logic Answers PALR Lesson Ans Key Boolean Logic [afternoon, cant determine [Door Npapsp ep ey Spe 110| Monday 30/2 31|A- Knight, 8 spy, C Knave 32|Clive and Albert respectively 33/3 3al2 35|1 36|Abe 37 [Tuesday 38|Lakers won, Sujith tells truth 39)No [Self Assessment 3[z knight, Mel Liar Both are liars [Sue is Knight and Zippy is liar [Both are liars Both are knights Melis knight and Ted is liar [Zed is iar and Alice is Knight 2| 3| al [Both are liars 6| 7| 3] [Bath are liars o|Both are liars

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