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Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

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Regulatory push-pull and technological knowledge dynamics of circular

economy innovation
Christian Gnekpe, Quentin Plantec *
TBS Business School, Strategy, Entrepreneurship & Innovation Dept., 20 Bd Lascrosses, 31000 Toulouse, France


Keywords: Addressing climate change and resource scarcity necessitates a transition toward a circular economy (CE). While
Circular economy regulatory push/pull policy effects on eco-innovation are well-documented, the specific case of diverse CE-
Eco-innovation related inventions—classified into biological and technical cycles—remains understudied. Through a qualita­
Patent citation network analysis
tive content analysis of 528 core patents and a citation network analysis of 5655 CE-related patent families, we
Technological trajectory
probed 14 significant categories of CE-based inventions. Our results highlight the strong impacts of CE regula­
tions on recycling technologies within the technical cycle, its inherent energy inefficiencies notwithstanding.
Additionally, a limited share of inventions targets more efficient loops, such as prolonging, reusing, and redis­
tributing materials. The biological cycle, dominated by fertilizer production-related inventions, shows a less
diverse trajectory. Comparing the cycles reveals similar technological knowledge dynamics but varying stability
in reaction to regulatory policies, suggesting technical cycle maturity and a nascent biological cycle. Policy­
makers are urged to encourage efficient CE loops and to foster a stable technological knowledge trajectory within
the biological cycle. Our findings have crucial implications for research on technological knowledge trajectories
and policy planning in the CE.

1. Introduction The literature discussing the effects of regulations on eco-innovation

considers two key regulatory instruments: technology-push and
According to several studies, eco-innovation, which is a type of demand-pull policies (Frondel et al., 2007). Technology-push policies
innovation that addresses ecological concerns and/or results in positive aim to increase the supply of eco-innovation by reducing its cost for
environmental outcomes on a lifecycle basis (e.g., Kemp and Oltra, companies through public R&D expenditures (Garrido-Prada et al.,
2011), is pivotal in addressing current environmental issues (e.g., 2021; Nemet, 2009). Demand-pull policies aim to stimulate the demand
Scarpellini et al., 2020). To encourage eco-innovation, policymakers for eco-innovation using economic incentives, such as tax reduction or
have established numerous regulations, and previous research has public subsidies, for end consumers (Nunez-Jimenez et al., 2022). For
documented such policies and their effects on technological develop­ example, extended producer responsibility (EPR) (Gehin et al., 2008; Li
ment (e.g., Garrido-Prada et al., 2021; Peters et al., 2012; Nunez-Jime­ et al., 2021) holds companies responsible for the end of life of their
nez et al., 2022; Costantini et al., 2015). Among eco-innovations, those products and has pushed them to innovate when designing their prod­
related to a circular economy (CE)—“[a] regenerative system in which ucts to facilitate recycling or reuse (Rahmani et al., 2021). Overall,
resource input and waste, emission, and energy leakage are minimized previous research has shown that regulation plays a crucial role in
by slowing, closing, and narrowing material and energy loops” (Geiss­ shaping eco-innovation dynamics by creating incentives and favorable
doerfer et al., 2017, p. 759)—are considered critical (Ghissellini et al., market conditions and setting standards.
2016; Peters et al., 2012). However, such eco-innovations have been less In this regulatory context, we intend to explore the technological
studied, encompass very diverse technologies (e.g., from recycling to changes associated with CE-related innovation, which is a more specific
fertilizers based on organic products), and have been encouraged by a and potentially complex case than eco-innovation in general. Notably, as
dedicated set of regulations whose impacts on subsequent technologies technological change takes place along certain trajectories, depending
have yet to be characterized (De Jesus et al., 2021). on directions in the evolution of the technological knowledge stock

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Gnekpe), (Q. Plantec).
Received 17 May 2022; Received in revised form 21 July 2023; Accepted 28 July 2023
Available online 4 September 2023
0040-1625/© 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

(Dosi, 1982), we specifically explore technological knowledge trajectories. area extensively cover the recycling loop. At the same time, there is a
Taking the case of regulatory push and pull policies to promote the CE, lack of inventions that focus on more efficient loops, such as reusing or
we posit that the knowledge trajectories of multiple technologies can be prolonging the lifecycle of products.
affected, such as biogas production, water cleaning, and various recy­ Finally, our study has implications for policymakers and practi­
cling activities, potentially in various directions. Better understanding tioners. Governments and institutions such as the European Commission
what affects the evolution of these technological knowledge trajectories have launched large funding programs for projects to develop the CE,
is critical for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, particularly especially to foster innovation to solve environmental challenges. Our
in the transition context. Notably, Malhotra et al. (2021) pointed out study analyzes those efforts that have been made thus far in terms of
that few studies have explored this specific aspect of technological innovation for the CE, which can help allocate public and private in­
change while focusing more extensively on the evolution of artifacts and vestments more efficiently to promising and strategic innovations to
the emergence of a dominant design. Therefore, in this study, we ask the foster the transition to a more resilient and ecological economy.
following: “How do multiple CE-related innovations and technological
knowledge trajectories evolve over time following a common set of regulations 2. Theoretical background
promoting such a paradigm?”
We focus on CE-related eco-innovations to study the effects of To explore the technological knowledge trajectories of CE-related
regulation on technological knowledge trajectories for several theoret­ inventions in the context of policymakers’ regulatory efforts toward
ical reasons. First, to the best of our knowledge, despite the key role of this paradigm, we first discuss the connection between technological
CE-related innovation in the transition toward a greener economy, no change and the transition toward a greener economy, as doing so en­
systematic study on the dynamics of such technologies has been per­ ables a better understanding of the specific technological knowledge
formed. As the CE literature is quite fragmented (Soni et al., 2023), with trajectory dynamics in a context of ecological transition and in­
studies focusing only on specific cases, De Jesus et al. (2021) call for novations. This research points out the key role that regulations play in
advancing the research agenda on “circular innovation studies” to favoring these eco-innovations (Ren and Albrecht, 2023; Cantner et al.,
extend knowledge in the area of innovation for the CE. Second, although 2016). Then, we focus more precisely on the case of CE-related eco-in­
regulations pushing or pulling the adoption of the CE paradigm are still novations, which are considered a key type of eco-innovation (De Jesus
emerging, such regulations are being strongly promoted by authorities et al., 2021) and whose technological trajectory dynamics are less
worldwide (e.g., Cui et al., 2022). Third, as the purposes of CE-related studied. The objective is to explore in depth the specificities of CE-
technologies differ, despite overall similar institutional push and pull related eco-innovations. Moreover, we aim to explore how the regula­
policies and due to path-dependency effects, it is relevant to explore how tions on CE that are currently extensively elaborated by policymakers,
various technologies associated with the CE evolve differently. Indeed, notably push/pull policies, interact with the technological trajectory
this work appears to be a more complex case study than are prior studies dynamics of CE-related eco-innovation.
focusing on a single technology (e.g., semiconductors; see Fontana et al.,
2009). 2.1. Technological change and regulations in the transition context
We first collect data on the inventions contributing to the CE
(hereafter, CE-related inventions) to answer our research question. Technological change, as the evolution and innovation of technol­
Second, we then develop a methodology to classify each invention ac­ ogy, processes, and systems, is a critical driver of economic growth (e.g.,
cording to two key dimensions of the CE, biological (i.e., elements that Schumpeter, 1934) and is presented mainly as essential for the transition
can re-enter the environment without damage) and technical cycles (i.e., to a greener economy (e.g., Pearson and Foxon, 2012; Barbieri et al.,
materials that cannot fit into the environment as it is). These dimensions 2020).
have largely been used in previous research but have only occasionally
been applied to the analysis of CE related inventions (Sehnem et al., 2.1.1. Technological change and technological knowledge trajectories
2022). Several studies have focused on patent analysis for eco- As Martinelli (2012) pointed out, the concepts of technological
innovation (e.g., Barbieri et al., 2020; Durán-Romero and Urraca-Ruiz, paradigms and trajectories have been highly performative in the man­
2015). However, there is a lack of studies focusing solely on CE- agement science literature and are interpreted mainly in terms of
related inventions, and a dedicated methodology needs to be devel­ knowledge flows in a given industry (e.g., Mina et al., 2007).
oped to capitalize on the richness of the constructs of the CE paradigm Technological change can be defined as a cumulative process, with
(e.g., Sehnem et al., 2022). Our approach requires necessary qualitative inventors drawing on an established and evolving knowledge stock (i.e.,
coding operations on 528 patents. Third, we analyze and compare the industry knowledge base) to generate subsequent advances (Trajtenberg
technological knowledge trajectories of the two different cycles of this et al., 1997). Furthermore, technology entails particular knowledge,
technological paradigm and notably discuss the stability of the techno­ procedures, and artifacts, including scientific, engineering, and tech­
logical knowledge trajectory and effectiveness regarding CE objectives, nical knowledge (Dosi and Nelson, 2009; Mokyr, 2002). Hence, tech­
geographies, and involved actors. nological innovation takes place along certain trajectories, depending on
Our study makes several contributions. First, we contribute to the the directions in the evolution of the knowledge stock (Dosi, 1982), i.e.,
literature on the link between regulation and eco-innovation. By char­ technological knowledge trajectories. As technological change studies
acterizing inventions contributing to the CE, we show that despite notably aim to better understand how technological change is propa­
overall similar institutional push and pull policies, different technolo­ gated and generated in society (Griliches, 1957; Arthur, 2007; Nelson
gies of a given technology paradigm might evolve differently according and Winter, 1982), it is critical to explore the factors affecting such
to their purpose. In our case, while we show that overall, eco-innovation technological knowledge trajectories (Malhotra et al., 2021).
efforts are approximately equally split between the biological and Drawing a parallel with the Kuhnian scientific paradigms, Dosi
technical cycles, associated technologies differ regarding technological (1982) defined technological knowledge trajectories as “the pattern of
knowledge trajectories and stability. Second, our research informs the ‘normal’ problem-solving activities (i.e., progress) on the ground of a tech­
literature on the CE, notably by reviewing how leading groups of in­ nological paradigm” (Dosi, 1982, p. 105). By focusing especially on the
ventions contribute to different CE loops. This later work helps assess the industry knowledge base associated with such a technological paradigm,
extent to which eco-innovations cover the variety of CE loops and, Malhotra et al. (2021) pointed out that many studies on technological
particularly for the technical cycle, the most efficient ones. Specifically, change have focused on the evolution of technological artifacts, using
we note significant discrepancies between the loops targeted by those notably the concept of dominant design and technology lifecycle (e.g.,
innovations. In the CE technical cycle, for example, inventions in this Murmann and Frenken, 2006), rather than exploring the technological

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

knowledge trajectories associated with technological change in more innovation (Peters et al., 2012; Jaffe et al., 2005; Rennings, 2000). In
depth. Notably, the literature considers technological change as occur­ addition, eco-innovation-related technology appears more complex to
ring in two distinct phases (Anderson and Tushman, 1991, 2018). First, design compared to other types of technology (Barbieri et al., 2020). By
in an “era of ferment,” there is high instability and uncertainty regarding providing public R&D expenditures, policymakers increase the willing­
the technology until a dominant design is established, implying signif­ ness to make private R&D investments, the available knowledge stock,
icant changes and variance in the knowledge base. Second, in an “era of and the technological capabilities necessary to produce and influence
incremental change,” innovation efforts shift from the system architec­ the technological knowledge trajectory of eco-innovations (Cantner
ture level to more subsystem parts (Clark, 1985) and products toward et al., 2016), especially in their early stage of development (Costantini
process innovation (Utterback and Abernathy, 1975). The knowledge et al., 2017).
base of the industry also remains more stable, being both enriched and From a demand-pull perspective, policymakers can enhance end
reinforced (Malerba, 2007). consumers’ demand for eco-innovative goods and services through
More precisely, regarding technological knowledge trajectories, various mechanisms ranging from public subsidies to tax reductions
Huenteler et al. (2016) explored the effects of different technology (Nunez-Jimenez et al., 2022: Horbach, 2008). For instance, many gov­
lifecycle stages on the technological knowledge trajectories of eco- ernments have long promoted the use of renewable energies by
innovations. Moreover, Lee and Berente (2013) examined the evolu­ providing customers with incentives for installing such technologies
tion of industry knowledge trajectories, specifically during the “era of (Frondel et al., 2010). As such, policymakers have indirectly encouraged
incremental change,” while Martinelli (2012) developed techniques to companies to invest in their development and production, considerably
identify the technological knowledge trajectory modifications associ­ lowering their prices while increasing their accessibility and appeal to
ated with a given technological paradigm. Finally, Malhotra et al. end consumers (Cantner et al., 2016). Thus, demand-pull policies seem
(2021) defined the effects of change in the sociotechnical environment more favorable for eco-innovations in their mature stage of development
of artifact usage on technological knowledge trajectories. than in other stages (Costantini et al., 2017).
Dosi (1982) considered that three elements might affect technolog­ Overall, several empirical studies have shown that regulatory push/
ical knowledge trajectories in the case of technological change: (1) the pull has a significant impact on the dynamics of eco-innovation-related
economic interest of the companies involved in the associated R&D technologies, although this impact varies according to the type of
field, (2) companies’ past technological choices (i.e., path-dependency environmental concern. Hence, prior research has advocated for
effects), and (3) institutional and political forces, taking the example analyzing this effect by distinguishing the various eco-innovation areas
of semiconductors and the computer industry and the effects of the (Krammer, 2009). Therefore, investigating the impact of regulatory
military and space institutional push. In this work, we focus specifically policies on the technological knowledge trajectories of CE-related
on this third force, as the interplay between regulatory policies and technologies as an eco-innovation is of critical interest.
technological knowledge trajectories has drawn considerable attention
(e.g., Nill and Kemp, 2009; Berrone et al., 2013; Rennings and Rammer, 2.2. Regulation and CE-related eco-innovation
2011; Fagerberg, 2018). For example, Teece (1986) explored how reg­
ulatory contexts can influence firms’ profitability from technological The CE has been subdivided into two blocks, namely, technical (i.e.,
innovation, impacting the trajectory of technological development. materials that cannot fit into the environment as it is) and biological (i.
More recently, research has focused explicitly on the case of eco- e., elements that can re-enter the environment without damage) blocks
innovation and the transition toward a greener economy. Indeed, (Scarpellini et al., 2020; Sehnem et al., 2022). Within these blocks,
“fostering technological innovation is often considered as an important several circular strategies and their associated eco-innovations are often
element of policies towards sustainable development” (Nill and Kemp, highlighted (De Jesus et al., 2021; Rodríguez-Espíndola et al., 2022).
2009, p. 668). Hence, regulation is a critical driver of technological The first aim is to innovate in terms of the reduction in waste by using it
change for greater sustainability and eco-innovation (e.g., Rennings and for other functions (e.g., closed-loop recycling and heat production from
Rammer, 2011), necessarily influencing the path that technologies take combustion). Other aims concern innovation related to the extension of
and how knowledge unfolds in certain fields (Acemoglu et al., 2012). the lifecycle of products (e.g., reuse, remanufacture, and repair) or
Notably, regulations can realign economic interests and past techno­ product and service design (e.g., eco-design) (Chauhan et al., 2022; Behl
logical choices, steering innovation toward more sustainable pathways et al., 2023).
(Berrone et al., 2013). Indeed, technologies related to eco-innovation We provide an overview of existing studies on CE-related eco-inno­
still require substantial R&D investment until reaching a level of vation in Table 1.
competitiveness, which can be achieved through various regulations In this paper, we specifically focus on the link between push/pull
(Kemp, 1997; Rennings, 2000), but their technological knowledge tra­ regulations and the technological knowledge trajectories of CE-related
jectories are highly uncertain (Jaffe et al., 2002; Peters et al., 2012). eco-innovation, which has been less studied. The regulation settlement
Echoing the latter point, we explore in more depth the effects of regu­ has implications for these critical innovations.
latory push and pull policies for a greener economy on technological
knowledge trajectories. 2.2.1. Regulation push for CE-related innovation on closed-loop recycling
A closed-loop recycling strategy involves recovery operations by
2.1.2. Regulation as a determinant of eco-innovation which waste materials can be reprocessed into products or materials for
Extensive research has shown the crucial role of environmental their original or any other purpose (Chauhan et al., 2022; Deng et al.,
policies or regulations in the dynamics of innovation (Hall and Kerr, 2021). Numerous industries have been concerned mainly with the reg­
2003). Some of such studies have analyzed eco-innovation as a type of ulations implemented to push for these circular strategies (Li et al.,
innovation (Costantini et al., 2017). Technology-push and demand-pull 2021). Various countries worldwide, such as those in the European
policies are key to the development of eco-innovation (Rogge and Union (EU) (e.g., waste of electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)),
Schleich, 2018). the US (e.g., Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) or laws
From a technology-push perspective, research has emphasized that regarding the recycling of cathode ray tubes (CRTs)), and China (e.g.,
regulation may help companies overcome various barriers encountered Notice on strengthening the environmental management of the WEEE),
by companies in the decision to invest in eco-innovation. Market failures have set up regulations for an efficient recycling process. Hence, the
(e.g., externalities and the public good nature of eco-innovation-related companies in these countries have been pushed to innovate accordingly.
technology) may render technological change related to eco-innovation For example, the electronics industry, which has the most important
costly and uncertain, impeding companies’ willingness to invest in such waste in terms of both volume and growth and products containing

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Table 1
Overview of existing studies on circular economy-related eco-innovation.
Type of Studies Themes of the studies Authors Journal Overview of studies’ findings

Qualitative • Benefits of CE-related Bauwens et al. (2020); Garmulewicz Ecological Economics/California • Benefits of CE-related technology as en­
studies (e.g., eco-innovations (prod­ et al. (2018); Jabbour et al. (2022); Management Review/Research ablers (3D technology, artificial intelli­
case studies) uct, process, radical, Böhmecke-Schwafert et al. (2022); Policy/Business Strategy and the gence, blockchain)
incremental) Bocken et al. (2014); Katz-Gerro and Environment/Technological • The development of product reuse and
• Business model López Sintas (2019) Forecasting and Social Change sharing practices enabled by
innovation for CE technological knowledge, governed by
• Systemic CE innovation multilevel institutions, and combined
• Regulations as enablers with moderation in consumerist lifestyles,
of/barriers to CE- is a key preferable scenario of a circular
related technology future
• Development of a model (ReSOLVE) to
favor the transition toward a CE by
capitalizing on big data innovation
• Business model innovation is critical for
CE development
• Push/pull regulations are key to
developing CE-related eco-innovations
Literature • Literature reviews on Despeisse et al. (2017); De Jesus and Ecological Economics/Business • Key topics interrelated with innovation
reviews CE-related digitaliza­ Mendonça (2018); Geissdoerfer et al. Strategy and the Environment/Journal and the CE are identified (strategic
tion technologies (2018); Cecere and Martinelli (2017); of Cleaner Production/Research alliances for CE innovation, innovations
• Literature reviews on Suchek et al. (2021); De Jesus et al. Policy/Sustainability in CE business models, eco-innovation
business model (2019, 2021); Chauhan et al., 2022 and CE implementation, technology and
innovation for the CE waste management)
• Literature reviews on • AI technologies and digital innovation are
the systemic integration critical to achieve a CE and a notably
of CE-related eco- complex system approach (e.g., product-
innovation service systems)
• CE-related digitalization technologies are
critical for CE efficiency
• Drivers of knowledge accumulation in CE-
related innovation
Quantitative • Digitalization and Horbach et al. (2012); Costantini et al. Ecological Economics/Technological • Benefits of CE-related technology as en­
studies industry 4.0 (2015, 2017)a; Demirel and Danisman Forecasting and Social Change/ ablers (3D technology, artificial intelli­
technologies (2019); Metzger et al. (2023)a; Cainelli Research Policy/Business Strategy and gence, blockchain) of circular loops
• Role of stakeholders in et al. (2020); Durán-Romero et al. the Environment/Sustainability/ • Uses the quintuple helix model (QHM) to
the innovation (2020); Bag et al. (2021); Cui et al. Technology Analysis & Strategic analyze how CE eco-innovations benefit
ecosystem (2022); Nunez-Jimenez et al. (2022); Management/International Journal of the achievement of climate change miti­
• Regulations as enablers Ilić et al. (2022); Ren and Albrecht Productivity and Performance gation goals through the exchange be­
of/barriers to CE- (2023); Behl et al. (2023); Juchneski Management/Journal of Enterprise tween multiple stakeholders in the
related technology and Antunes (2022)a; Portillo- Information Management innovation ecosystem
• Patenting activities Tarragona et al. (2022)a; Marín- • Impact of mix policies on CE-related
Vinuesa et al. (2021)a innovations
• Role of technological path dependence on
the link between policies and CE-related
• Innovation in product lifecycle
management is the priority to achieve
sustainable operations
• “Circular patents” can facilitate the
transition toward a CE
• Innovation capabilities related to
patenting (e.g., collaborative innovation,
persistence in patenting) are key drivers
of waste management patents to improve
business economic performance
Papers using patent data.

complex components (D’Adamo et al., 2019; Kumar et al., 2017), has creating the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy in
developed process innovations such as semiautomated or automated 2015 and India setting up the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling)
methods using robotics, artificial intelligence or blockchain to optimize Rules in 2011, which phase out the manufacture and use of nonrecy­
the sorting process of electronic waste (Chauhan et al., 2022; Kamble clable multilayered plastic. More recently, the Indian government
et al., 2021; Modgil et al., 2021). In addition, technologies involving decided to pass a ban on single-use plastic products. In response, tech­
image processing, such as 3D laser scanners or metal sensors, are also nologies have also been developed to solve technical problems, such as
used to facilitate the identification of various types of waste and reusable waste contamination by toxic elements, additives, or inks (Gong et al.,
parts and result in an efficient recycling process (Ghosh et al., 2015; 2020), in this industry. For example, innovative methods have been
Wilts et al., 2021). created to remove ink from the surface of printed plastic film and solve
Another example concerns the plastic industry. Many countries have contamination problems. These methods involve using a closed-loop
established regulations to reduce plastic waste. For example, in 2002, mechanical process with five steps (i.e., grinding, de-inking, washing,
Bangladesh became the first country to set up a law to ban plastic bags. drying, and pelletizing), resulting in clean recycled plastic (Horodytska
Since then, other countries and regions have followed suit, with the EU et al., 2018).

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

2.2.2. Push/pull regulation for CE-related innovation in terms of eco-design electrical and electronic equipment, emphasized the need for CE-related
and extension of the product lifecycle innovations in production processes. Meanwhile, Ilić et al. (2022)
Eco-design, which considers environmental impacts when designing expanded the scope to a cross-country scale, correlating innovation in­
products, is becoming a key pillar of the CE transition for policymakers dicators with the number of recycling and secondary raw material-
(Ghisetti and Montresor, 2019). For example, in 2008,1 European related patents in the EU. Their work revealed not only how in­
Parliament established the Waste Framework Directive (transformed, in vestments influence the proliferation of patents but also how these
March 2022, into the “Eco-design for Sustainable Products directive”) to factors participate in societal transformation.
set eco-design requirements for specific product groups to increase their Although these studies highlighted the relevance of using patent
circularity significantly (Bakker et al., 2014; Go et al., 2015). This eco- data, they mainly focused on either a specific industrial sector or tech­
design should ease the extension of the lifecycle. This circular strategy nology. However, we know very little about the landscape of the
concerns remanufacturing (i.e., restoration of used products to their numerous CE-related technologies and its connection with regulations
original functionality), reuse (i.e., reusing a product for the same pur­ established by policymakers. Hence, following these studies, we rely on
pose), and repair processes (i.e., restoration or replacement of products patent data, with particular attention to broadening our study to the
to extend their lifetime) (Rodríguez-Espíndola et al., 2022; Paterson spectrum of available CE-related technologies, to analyze their trajec­
et al., 2016; Kamble et al., 2021). tories in relation to the evolution of regulations over time.
Notably, the EPR regulation (Li et al., 2021), which holds companies For this purpose, we first retrieve CE-related inventions,. As we want
responsible for the end of life of their products (Rahmani et al., 2021), is to explore how technological knowledge trajectories vary across
one important and old regulation through which to promote eco-design. different CE cycles (i.e., biological/technical) and loops, we develop a
Accordingly, companies are developing innovative eco-designed prod­ new classification approach using a qualitative approach. Then, we use
ucts to increase their lifespan (Li et al., 2021; Sumrin et al., 2021). For network analysis to apply our coding only to the most relevant patents.
example, the eco-design of televisions or computers includes the Finally, we use recently developed standard methods to review tech­
replacement of a CRT with a liquid crystal display (LCD) and the shift nological knowledge dynamics (Fontana et al., 2009; Huenteler et al.,
from fluorescent lamps to light-emitting diodes (LEDs). This shift re­ 2016; Malhotra et al., 2021). The methodological process is described in
duces energy consumption and extends the lifespan of these products (Li Fig. 1 below.
et al., 2015). The emergence and evolution of 3D printers have also
contributed significantly to the technological trajectory of this strategy
3.1. Detection of inventions and technical knowledge related to the CE
of product lifespan extension (Despeisse et al., 2017; Garmulewicz et al.,
2018). Companies are using 3D printing technology to develop additive
The use of patent data in the context of eco-innovation is a traditional
components to facilitate the reuse of products and, as such, to increase
approach, with accessible data and the possibility of exploring techno­
their lifespan (Sauerwein et al., 2019). In this case, 3D printing tech­
logical knowledge trajectories and innovation directions (e.g., Barbieri
nology enables design flexibility, waste reduction, the production of
et al., 2020). Therefore, no previously validated external query to collect
complex structures, and mass customization (Dahmani et al., 2021).
such CE-related patents was available.
Moreover, these regulations have led companies to use innovative ro­
To collect the relevant patents, we used the technical classes from the
botics technology to improve the accuracy and reliability of cold spray
Cooperative Patent Classifications (CPC) in Step 1. The CPC is preferred
processes, a high-kinetic-energy coating process used to repair surfaces
to other classifications, as it was the first to develop a dedicated classi­
on worn components in industries such as aerospace (Wu et al., 2021).
fication related to climate-change-related patents (Veefkind et al.,
These applications enable the repair of complex features, such as cas­
2012), i.e., Y02. The technological class Y02 comprises different sub­
t‑iron cylinder heads (Yeo et al., 2017).
classes, such as Adaptation to Climate Change Technologies (Y02A),
Therefore, these prior studies have advanced our understanding of
how regulations impact CE-related eco-innovation. Nevertheless, while
previous studies have focused on specific technologies or contexts, we
have limited knowledge of how the technological knowledge trajectory
of CE-related eco-innovation evolves over time following a wide set of
public regulations. Furthermore, assessing how such eco-innovations
cover the richness of the different CE cycles and loops, particularly for
the technical cycle, and have differentiated value for the CE is relevant.
The methodology developed below is intended to help fill these gaps.

3. Materials and method

We aim to investigate CE-related innovation’s technological knowl­

edge trajectories following the regulatory push/pull policies to sustain
the CE. To do so, we focus on one aspect of eco-innovation—inventions
that can be proxied by patents.2 Several studies are increasingly using
patent data to analyze CE-related innovation. For example, both Por­
tillo-Tarragona et al. (2022) and Marín-Vinuesa et al. (2021) used patent
data to investigate the role of “circular patents” in shaping a firm’s
innovation capabilities and managing waste-related patents, respec­
tively. Additionally, Metzger et al. (2023), who surveyed the landscape
of secondary battery innovations, discovered trends that support a CE,
while Juchneski and Antunes (2022), who delved into the realm of

Directive 2008/98/EC.
The limitations to relying on inventions, proxied by patent data, are
detailed in the limitations section of the paper. Fig. 1. Methodological stages.

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Table 2
Details of the subclass Climate Change Mitigation Technologies Related to Wastewater Treatment or Waste Management (Y02W).
Y02W Details Examples
10/00 Technologies for wastewater treatment Biological treatment of water, sludge processing, and wastewater or sewage treatment systems
using renewable energies (e.g., wind and solar)
30/00 Technologies for solid waste management Waste collection, waste processing, production of fertilizers from the organic fraction of waste,
and reuse, recycling or recovery technologies (e.g., glass, plastics, and paper)
90/00 Enabling technologies or technologies with a potential or indirect Biopackaging and packaging made of bioplastics
contribution to greenhouse gas emissions mitigation

Capture and Storage of Greenhouse Gasses (Y02C), and Transportation as CPC Y02W.
(Y02T). This approach, based on the exploitation of a specific CPC to
retrieve relevant environmental innovation in patent data, has been
successfully used in previous studies (e.g., Block et al., 2021). Research 3.2. CE cycle and loop allocation to inventions and technological
has previously focused on analyzing the Y02 class per se (Barbieri et al., knowledge trajectory analyses
2020; Su and Moaniba, 2017) or on other specific subclasses or combi­
nations of subclasses to study a particular technology, such as phos­ One key element of our approach is to allocate to the different in­
phorous recovery or renewable energy technology (Block et al., 2021; ventions their CE cycles and loops (Sehnem et al., 2022) and to calculate
Persoon et al., 2020). technological knowledge trajectory dynamics. As our approach is
To focus solely on CE-related technologies, we rely on the subclass exploratory, we propose relying on a qualitative coding of the patent
Climate Change Mitigation Technologies Related to Wastewater Treatment or abstract and title to allocate them to the appropriate cycles and loops.
Waste Management (Y02W). Indeed, in our case, multiple technologies Although other approaches have been envisioned (e.g., text mining
contribute to inventions that sustain the CE; therefore, we believe that approach or natural language processing), they usually require quali­
these different technologies will be integrated in this Y02W class. tative testing first. One difficulty with qualitative coding is that it is a
Indeed, according to the definition of CE provided in the literature fine-grained operation that can be difficult to manage in the case of a
section, we acknowledge that these technologies require two charac­ very large dataset. Hence, we drew on the work of Malhotra et al., 2021,
teristics: they need to (1) be related to climate change and environ­ who developed a technique to qualitatively code only the most relevant
mentally friendly technology and (2) focus on all forms of waste patents. First, by relying on the patent citation network, we identify the
treatment to reintegrate them into the economy in efficient forms. Based main components (Section 3.2.1). Second, based on connectivity algo­
on the definition of the CE model put forth by Turecki (2016) and used rithms, key patents are identified (Section 3.2.2). Third, a qualitive
by Durán-Romero et al. (2020), we believe that capitalizing on coding scheme is applied to the identified patents (Section 3.2.3).6
Y02Wallows us to cover waste management and secondary raw mate­ We note that the use of connectivity algorithms of patent citation
rials, as well as processes to manage more eco-design products (e.g., networks to detect the most relevant patents is established in the liter­
biopackaging). We also indicate that we retrieve only those inventions ature. Indeed, connectivity algorithms help reduce the complexity of
that are directly applied to the CE paradigm, excluding, for example, the large patent datasets and focus only on those that are representative of
case of key enabling technologies that could have a subsequent impact the innovative activities and technological knowledge trajectories of a
on the CE.3 Moreover, we highlight those inventions related to waste dedicated technology (Fontana et al., 2009; Martinelli, 2012; Verspa­
prevention or collaborative economy that cannot be retrieved through gen, 2007). This complexity-reduction process allows researchers to
this approach. However, we note that all sectorial areas of innovation enrich the patent information with qualitative data by manually coding
mentioned in Turecki (2016) and Durán-Romero et al. (2020) are a limited but representative share of the dataset. Furthermore, this
retrieved in our analysis (plastics, food waste, critical raw material, process has been successfully used with regard to innovation architec­
biomass and biobased products, and construction and demolition). tures (product/process innovations) and the targeted industries for a
We present in Table 2 the main subclasses of CPC Y02W as well as dedicated technology (Huenteler et al., 2016; Malhotra et al., 2021).
examples. More details are provided in Appendix A. We note that such
subclasses encompass the different fields expected when focusing on CE- 3.2.1. Main CE-related technology detection and technological knowledge
related technologies, such as the recycling of fuel cells or batteries, and network
methane emission-related techniques. Additionally, we note that this Following Malhotra et al.’s (2021) approach to key patent detection,
strategy is similar to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and we consider the patent citation network, which is constituted by a graph
Development (OECD)-environment-related technologies (ENV-Tech) formed by patents (vertices) and patent citations (arcs) from citing to
strategy to retrieve Climate Change Mitigation Technologies Related to cited patents (Bekkers and Martinelli, 2012; Choi and Park, 2009; Epi­
Wastewater Treatment or Waste Management patents, in which no sup­ coco et al., 2014; Fontana et al., 2009; Ho et al., 2014; Huenteler et al.,
plementary CPC classes outside of Y02W are integrated.4 We discuss the 2016; Malhotra et al., 2021; Verspagen, 2007).
limitations of this approach in the dedicated section at the end of this In recent years, many studies have capitalized on network theory to
paper. explore the characteristics of patent networks. For example, researchers
We compiled patent data from the privately owned DERWENT have examined patent networks based on technological classes (Plantec
database, which covers most of the worldwide patent data. We extracted et al., 2021; Yayavaram and Chen, 2015), inventors (Chung et al., 2021;
250,167 INPADOC patent families between 1955 and 2020,5 classified Mitsuhashi and Nakamura, 2021), or citations (Alstott et al., 2017;
Fontana et al., 2020; Malhotra et al., 2021). Examiners or inventors
make patent citations to delineate the claims made by other inventors
(OECD, 2013). The cited patents contain previous knowledge intended
For example, an invention dedicated solely to 3D printing is not be
considered, while an invention dedicated to the reuse of concrete waste through
ink for 3D printing is considered in our dataset. We highlight that while we capitalize on network analysis, our goal is not to
See OECD (2015). perform SNA (e.g., centrality and community detection) but rather to focus on
We rely on patent families because they describe the innovative dynamics the most relevant patent for qualitative coding and to calculate technological
more accurately than do the patents themselves (OECD, 2013) stability indicators.

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Table 3
Description of the top 14 components.
Component ID Name of component CE loop category No. patent families First patent application Source Middle Sink

1 Lithium battery Technical 1846 2001 36 % 40 % 24 %

2 Production of fertilizer from organic products Biological 1770 1996 31 % 38 % 32 %
3 Ecological restoration/maintenance of natural water Biological 531 2003 39 % 33 % 28 %
4 Pavement waste Technical 185 2003 28 % 37 % 35 %
5 Biological treatment of water Biological 168 2008 45 % 28 % 27 %
6 Garbage bin classification process Technical 165 2007 49 % 27 % 24 %
7 Plastic waste (without plastic water bottles) Technical 145 2007 46 % 30 % 24 %
8 Plastic water bottle waste Technical 135 2008 47 % 30 % 24 %
9 Metals or minerals for cement or mortar production Technical 133 2008 26 % 34 % 40 %
10 Tire and rubber waste Technical 129 2005 29 % 43 % 29 %
11 Intelligent garbage bin method for eco-friendly energy Technical 120 2007 54 % 24 % 22 %
12 Slag waste for construction materials Technical 116 2004 31 % 41 % 28 %
13 Concrete waste Technical 107 2003 29 % 39 % 32 %
14 Granulating system Technical 105 2006 36 % 30 % 33 %

to demonstrate the novelty of the invention, its lack of obviousness, and patent is then computed based on the number of times the technological
its usability to grant a legal title (Jaffe and De Rassenfosse, 2010). knowledge flows traverse it. The algorithm is repeatedly executed for
Therefore, patent citations can be used to identify technological linkages each component and each year based on the earliest application date of
based on the knowledge flows they represent, as confirmed by qualita­ the patent family. This algorithm helps identify the main flows of
tive studies (Malhotra et al., 2019; Martinelli, 2012). Therefore, in Stage knowledge and knowledge components for a given technology (Huen­
2, we compute the knowledge network. We restrict our analysis to teler et al., 2016; Malhotra et al., 2021).
patents that are either citing or cited, with a citation lag of a maximum Based on these metrics, we extract a set of patents that represent the
of 5 years to avoid creating a bias toward older patents (Malhotra et al., most significant patent families according to the SPLC algorithm to
2021; Nemet and Johnson, 2012), between 1990 and 2020. In addition, proceed to manual coding. This selection of patents is used to derive an
we clean circular references and duplicates, which results in 59,970 overall description of the technology represented by each component.
patent families. More precisely, according to the SPLC algorithm, the most significant
One specificity of our dataset is that because different technologies patent families extracted are those ranked with the highest weight.8 As
contribute to the inventions that sustain the CE and the emergence of patent citation metrics are very skewed (Hung and Wang, 2010), we
such technologies is recent (Block et al., 2021), the studied technological select that 10 % of patents with the most important SPLC scores for each
space is highly fragmented. Among the 59,970 remaining patent fam­ component regarding total SPLC weight.9 This procedure leads us to
ilies, in 2020, there were 17,792 different components (i.e., a subnet­ identify 559 patent families filed between 2000 and 2020. For this
work disconnected from the rest of the network). The number of patent subset of patents, we collect their English abstracts. The SPLC computed
components is also highly skewed.7 Because we intend to study the core each year is used to identify each component’s main paths in each
technologies that contribute to the CE, in Stage 3, we focus only on the period. We follow the procedure described in Fontana et al. (2009) to
14 components that comprise more than 100 patent families. However, calculate the main path and define the network constructed by moving
we note that this approach contrasts with those taken in previous studies from each source to each sink by choosing to follow the path with the
that compared a maximum of two different technologies (Huenteler highest SPLC value at each node10 (see the example in Appendix D).
et al., 2016) or focused only on the principal component (Fontana et al., We also estimate the degree of uncertainty and technological vari­
2009). Hence, the final dataset comprises 5655 patent families repre­ ations, i.e., technological stability, following previous studies (Huen­
senting the 14 core technologies that contribute to the CE (including teler et al., 2016; Malhotra et al., 2021). To do so, we compare the
5883 citations). We retrieve detailed information on those patents, patents in the main path between two periods. Due to the specificity of
including applicants’ countries (see the details in Appendix B). our dataset, we use a backward perspective (i.e., the percentage of
patents in the main path that were previously in the main path) instead
3.2.2. Detection of key patents through connectivity algorithms and
dynamics of technological knowledge trajectories
Patent citation networks can be used to identify the core patents in 8
In this paper, we rely on the SPLC scores following the procedure described
the technological knowledge trajectories of a given technology and the in (Fontana et al., 2009). Indeed, Hummon and Dereian (1989) suggested that it
dynamics of this trajectory (Fontana et al., 2020; Verspagen, 2007). is possible to also include every path from every middle node to every sink. As
In Stage 4, to identify the core patents among the 14 specified com­ shown in (Fontana et al., 2009), there is no major difference in the identifica­
ponents, we measure the importance of a given patent in the overall tion of the most relevant knowledge component between both methods, and in
network (i.e., connectivity). To do so, we use the search path link count general, they provide similar identifications of the main paths. We note that as
Huenteler et al. (2016) and Malhotra et al. (2021) used Pajek, the second
(SPLC) algorithm (Fontana et al., 2009; Verspagen, 2007), which con­
method is used, an as we use R, we do not include the paths from every middle
sists of assigning a weight to both patents (i.e., nodes) and patent cita­
node to every sink.
tions (i.e., arcs). First, we differentiate the patent families between 9
In a previous work (Huenteler et al., 2016), a different analysis was per­
source (i.e., patents that are only cited patents), sink (i.e., patents that are formed by selecting a greater share of patents relative to the total weight ac­
only citing patents), and middle (i.e., patents that are both cited and cording to SPLC analysis. This method is not applicable here, as we focus on
citing patents). An example of component N◦ 14 is provided in Appendix emerging technologies (Block et al., 2021), and the algorithm score per patent
C. The algorithm is based on an acyclic network and gives weight to each is less skewed. Therefore, performing a similar analysis would not be possible,
patent citation (i.e., arcs) based on the number of times it is traversed as the number of patents to be coded manually would be too high (e.g., 3689
when going from every source to every sink. The weight assigned to each patents to be coded using a similar approach to that in Malhotra et al. (2021)
over the 14 components, while they manually coded 491 patent families).
Previous work (e.g., Huenteler et al., 2016) also used the critical path
method, which is based on choosing only the path with the highest global score
Note that 63.3 % of the components have only 2 patent families and that following main path analysis. As we rely on emerging technologies (Block et al.,
18.4 % of the components have only 3 patent families. 2021), we use main path analysis for a higher number of patents.

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

of a forward perspective. In addition, we use a temporal window of three Table 4

years following Malhotra et al. (2021). The three-year hazard rate is Overview of the main regulatory push/pull policy efforts.
high when the technological knowledge trajectory is stable and low Date Main regulations Type
when it is not (i.e., when many new patents were not in the main paths
2002 China considered the CE a strategy to reach sustainable Pull/
three years ago). This approach helps identify dead ends in the tech­ development by reducing, reusing, and recycling resources ( push
nological knowledge trajectory (Fontana et al., 2009). Mcdowall et al., 2017; Yuan, Bi, and Moriguichi, 2006)
2005 - Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Push
3.2.3. Patent content analysis and CE framework operationalization regulation in the EU for electronic waste Push
- The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) to facilitate Pull
In the final stage of our analysis, Stage 5, we use the 559 core patent recycling in the EU
families identified following the computation of the SPLC algorithm to - End-of-life vehicle recycling directive in the EU
enrich the data. First, we describe the different components to better 2007 REACH regulation on chemical treatments to notably favor eco- Push
understand the main technologies that contribute to the CE through an design
2008 - Circular Economy Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of Push/
inductive qualitive approach. Second, based on the CE framework, we
China Pull
manually assign each patent family to one or multiple loops. - UNEP’s Green Economy Initiative to support investment in Push/
Because we adopt an explorative perspective to identify the main green technology (Allen and Clouth, 2012) Pull
technologies that contribute to the CE, we describe the technology - EU directive on waste to implement the CE paradigm (Smol, Push
represented by each of the 14 retrieved components. Based on a careful Kulczycka, and Avdiushchenko, 2017)
2009 UK low-carbon transition plan Push/
review of the core patents of each component, we can provide details on Pull
the technology covered by such components. Our analysis is presented 2014 Toward a Circular Economy: a Zero Waste Programme for Push/
in Table 3, with specificities of each component regarding the number of Europe by the EU Pull
patent families included, the earliest filed patent families retrieved, and 2015 - Closing the Loop - EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy Push/
(Merli et al., 2018) Pull
repartition among the source, sink and middle patents. Examples of
- Paris Agreement on Climate Change Push/
patent descriptions (title and abstracts) for some components are pro­ Pull
vided in Appendix E. The two top components that contain the highest 2018 China revised plan for CE promotion Push/
number of patent families are lithium battery recycling (1846 patent Pull
families) and the production of fertilizer from organic products (1770 2020 New CE Action Plan (CEAP) in the EU Push/
patent families). We note that interestingly, some technologies that
could appear to be integrated with each other, such as the recycling of
plastic bottles (ID 8) and the recycling of plastic in general (ID 7), are 14 top components of the 528 patent families with their CE loop cate­
disconnected in the network, meaning that inventors who focus on gory (i.e., biological/technical loops categories), we observe no overlap.
solving the effects of plastic bottle pollution do not draw on other ad­ In other words, there is no patent from a given component that is clas­
vances in the recycling of plastic in general. sified into items from the biological and technical loops categories. As a
We classify each of the 559 core patent families according to the CE result, 3 components are classified as contributing to the biological loops
framework. The CE framework includes two cycles: the biological cycle, category and 11 to the technical loops category.
which deals with natural elements (e.g., food and wood-based products)
that are, by nature, renewable, and the technical cycle, which deals with 4. Results
manufactured goods and products (Sehnem et al., 2022). The CE
framework describes different loops, i.e., different possible cycles This section presents our analysis of the technological knowledge
encompassing ways to eliminate pollution and waste, circulate products dynamics of CE-related inventions.11 We intend to explore how the
and materials, or regenerate nature. technological knowledge trajectories of various CE-related technologies
In the biological cycle, we can differentiate among three loops. The evolve over time in the context of regulatory push/pull policies. We note
first loop includes the extraction of biochemical feedstock and its usage. that we are unable to differentiate specifically between the effect of push
The second loop includes the extraction of biochemical feedstock to and pull regulations, mainly because many regulatory packages consist
favor anaerobic digestion to produce biogas. The third loop departs from of a mix of both types of policies (e.g., “Closing the Loop – EU Action
the second, but instead of producing biogas, it favors farming or Plan for the CE”, see Merli et al., 2018). Previous research has also
collection. According to the CE framework, those three loops appear to shown that mixing push and pull regulations leads to greater effects on
be equally valuable. We call items the different activities performed technological trajectories (e.g., Ren and Albrecht, 2023). In Table 4, we
across each loop. In the technical cycle, four loops can be differentiated. provide an overview of the main regulatory push/pull policy efforts:
The first loop focuses on maintaining and prolonging the life of products, To answer our research question, first, based on our classification per
the second focuses on reusing or redistributing products, the third cycle and loop, we analyze the biological and technical cycles separately
concerns refurbishing and remanufacturing, and the fourth focuses on (Sections 4.1 and 4.2). Then, we compare the dynamics of these two
recycling. Contrary to the biological cycle, there is only one item per main cycles of the CE (Section 4.3).
loop, and they are not equally valuable (Sehnem et al., 2022). For
example, solutions developed to favor maintaining and prolonging a 4.1. Technological knowledge dynamics of inventions directed toward the
product’s life are more valuable than recycling because there is no loss biological CE cycle in the context of regulatory push/pull
in the intrinsic value of the product. We then rank the value of each loop
from 1 (least valuable) to 4 (most valuable). First, following the strong regulatory push/pull policies for the CE
By capitalizing on the CE framework, we assign to each of the 559 that mainly started in the mid-2000s, we observe that significant efforts
core patents one or multiple items according to the biological and have been made to develop inventions targeting the biological CE cycle
technical cycles based on the manual reading of their abstract and title (Fig. 2). However, inventions’ efforts directed toward this cycle have
and their alignment with Sehnem et al.’s (2022) definitions. Thirty-one been unequally split along the different loops (Table 5). Indeed, a large
patents remain unclassified due to unavailable or unclear abstracts;
therefore, 528 patents in total are classified. Some patent families are
classified into more than one category (40.5 % of the classified patents). 11
As mentioned in the method section, while we have discussed the literature
Examples of abstracts for each category of biological and technical cy­ on eco-innovation, we now focus on patenting data and solely on inventions (i.
cles are provided in Appendix F. When analyzing the repartition of the e., not innovations per se).

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

share of inventions target biochemical feedstock (41 % of the inventions industry (e.g., concrete, pavement, mortar, and slag) cover, at least
in the category), while other inventions are roughly equally shared be­ equally, both loops. On the other hand, for inventions aimed at recycling
tween anaerobic digestion and farming/collection items. A very low lithium batteries, which concentrate most of the inventions in the CE
share of patents focuses on extracting biochemical feedstock or pro­ technical loops, 79 % are primarily related to the recycling loop, while
ducing biogas, limiting the global CE effort for biological materials. the other loops remain marginal. Moreover, other inventions, such as
These differences are linked to the relative contribution of each of plastic/rubber treatment or garbage bin systems, also focus on the
the three groups of inventions (i.e., components) to different biological abovementioned loops. Taken together, these results suggest a need for
loops (Fig. 3). For example, we observe that the biological treatment of policymakers to set up a regulatory push/pull promoting more efficient
water and the ecological restoration of natural water inventions loops (e.g., reuse) beyond recycling.
contribute almost entirely to the farming/collection item. However, as We also explore the temporal dynamics of each invention group’s
they represent a relatively low number of inventions compared to that relative share in the CE technical cycle, the results of which are depicted
represented by fertilizer production from organic products, this contri­ in Fig. 7. One key observation is that inventions related to recycling
bution remains limited when reviewing the overall CE cycle. Therefore, lithium batteries represent the most significant share of all CE-related
despite the strong regulatory push/pull policies for the CE, there is a lack inventions in the technical cycle, ranging from 35 % in 2006 to 70 %
of a coherent technological group of inventions that address the issues of in 2019. Focusing on these inventions, we observe a significant evolu­
biogas production per se. tion of its technological dynamics after 2008, corresponding to the
We can also note that the relative share of the three main technol­ beginning of a strong regulatory push/pull for the CE paradigm. This
ogies remains relatively stable throughout the observation period finding is consistent with prior research demonstrating a positive effect
(Fig. 4), despite various large CE programs being launched during this of regulations on eco-innovation. Conversely, despite having received
period. The only exceptions concern the increase in inventions dedicated the same strong regulatory push/pull, the other CE-related inventions of
to the biological treatment of water in 2015. the technical cycle have followed an inverse evolution over time, lead­
Finally, we conclude that CE regulatory push/pull policies are ing them to become relatively marginal in the share of all CE-related
associated with unequal invention efforts across the different loops of inventions in the technical cycle from 2008 to 2019. We suspect that
the biological cycle and that dynamically, it does not appear to have such inverse technological evolution over time relates to lithium battery
created major changes between the different purposes of CE-related inventions reaching a certain technological and industrial standard that
inventions. We note that more details regarding patent evolution and benefits the inventions associated with recycling. As such, our results
technological stability are available in Appendix G. suggest that the level of reaction to environmental regulations might
We now explore the effects of regulatory push/pull policies on in­ depend on the stage of technological maturity of products. Hence, our
ventions contributing to the technical CE cycle. results align with those of recent studies (Costantini et al., 2017).
Overall, in the case of the CE technical cycle, companies and in­
4.2. Technological knowledge dynamics for inventions directed toward ventors seem to respond to regulations by significantly investing in
the technical CE cycle recycling inventions, even though more efficient loops could be envi­
sioned (i.e., reuse/remanufacturing).
Following the regulatory push/pull policies favoring the CE, we We now compare the technical and biological CE loops and explore
observe a large increase in invention efforts, mainly those related to potential differences in their technological knowledge trajectories in the
recycling (Fig. 5). As presented in Table 6, for the biological cycle, context of overall regulatory push/pull policy efforts for the CE.
despite overall regulatory push/pull policy efforts for the CE, inventions
contributing to the technical CE cycle contribute mainly to the recycling 4.3. Comparison of the technological knowledge dynamics of inventions
of technological components only (82 %). This category is also that with contributing to either the biological or technical CE loop
the highest share of inventions across the CE framework. Nevertheless,
contrary to the case of the biological cycle, the loops of the technical Based on the manual coding of the 528 patents representing the most
cycles can be rated in terms of their value for the CE. Here, the recycling significant knowledge for the main groups of inventions contributing to
category also appears as one of the least efficient loops when compared the CE, we compare the dynamics of the inventions dedicated to either
to reuse, for example. Indeed, the recycling process implies the trans­ the biological or technical CE loops.
formation of materials into new products requiring energy consumption. First, we analyze the share of inventions in the biological and tech­
In addition, there is an inability to recycle 100 % of the original product nical cycles of CE over the whole period of analysis (see Table 7). We
components in the recycling process. We note that very few inventions observe that inventions from the subset are approximately equally split
cover other loops in this category, except the refurbish and remanu­ between both cycles (54 % vs. 46 %).
facture loop. Indeed, inventions that target techniques for keeping Second, we also analyze the technological knowledge dynamics over
products in circulation longer or favoring long-term maintenance are time, which are depicted in Fig. 8. There are three distinct periods (i.e.,
marginal in the top 14 leading groups of inventions that contribute to before 2008, 2008–2017 and after 2017).
the CE. We observe that the regulatory push/pull leads to the increasing In the first period, we observe a slight increase in the number of CE-
dynamics of CE-related inventions in the technical cycle. However, these related inventions that are balanced between both the biological and
dynamics are concentrated on recycling loops that can be considered technical cycles. In the second period, there is a significant increase in
less efficient than other loops in this cycle, although probably the easiest patenting activities dedicated to CE in both cycles, particularly
type of loop to implement. following a strong regulatory push policy effort. For example, China is
We further explore the contribution of the different groups of in­ among the first countries to implement a law—“Circular Economy
ventions to the different technical cycles12 (Fig. 6). Except for the Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China”—specifically dedi­
recycling of lithium battery inventions, the other groups of inventions cated to the whole paradigm of the CE in 200813 (e.g., Su et al., 2013;
focus on only one or two technical CE loops, namely, remanufacturing/ Zhou et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2014). Finally, in the third period, the
refurbishing and recycling loops. On the one hand, the groups of in­ growth of inventions in the biological cycle starts to decrease (i.e.,
ventions relative to materials from the building and construction 2016–2019), while that related to CE technical cycles continues to grow.

12 13
The details regarding patenting evolution and technological stability for The increase stems mainly from the level of CE-related patents filed by
each component are available in Appendix L. Chinese applicants (93 % of patents).

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Fig. 2. Cumulative evolution of inventions in the CE biological loop.

Table 5
Descriptive statistics subselection of patent families’ classification according to the CE framework.
Type of CE Item in the loop Definition Level of No. of patent Share of Share of coverage
loop efficiency families covering coverage per type of loop
the item (total)

Biological Biochemical Biotic nutrients used as nontoxic fertilizers and other N/A 100 19 % 41 %
materials feedstock agricultural amendment
loop Extraction of High-quality raw materials extraction from biomass in N/A 13 2% 5%
biochemical order to yield often small volumes of materials, power,
feedstock fuel, and high-quality chemicals
Anaerobic digestion Anaerobic digestion of organic material by N/A 57 11 % 23 %
Biogas Usage of anaerobic digestion of organic material and N/A 4 1% 2%
absence of oxygen creates biogases (e.g., methane)
Farming/collection Hunting and fishing N/A 68 13 % 28 %
Total biological materials N/A 242 46 % 100 %

Fig. 3. Contributions of the components to the biological CE cycle.

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Fig. 4. Temporal dynamics of the relative share of each invention group in the biological domain (3-year moving average).

Fig. 5. Cumulative evolution of inventions in the CE biological loop.

The discrepancy between a slow growth of inventions in the biological inventions related to the biological and technical cycles based on the
cycle and continuing growth in the technical cycles may be explained by review of patent families that are still in the main path throughout a
the shift in the regulatory push toward the reduction in materials three-year timeframe, similar to Malhotra et al. (2021). Fig. 9 depicts the
extraction and production. In fact, following the Paris Agreement on findings. We observe that technological knowledge stability is higher for
climate change (in 2015), several countries have set up a constraining inventions related to the CE technical cycle than for those related to the
zero-emission carbon target that results in a focus on materials. For biological cycle in the period 2013–2020 (32 % stability on average),
example, the EU commission has established a regulation on eco-design despite a similar regulatory push/pull. This finding might be explained
to support this focus. In the same vein, China revised its plan for CE by the fact that regulations may lead to a certain standardization of
promotion in 2018 to achieve more ambitious goals for the transition technologies in the CE technical cycle that enables the large-scale pro­
toward a greener economy. cessing of the high quantity of waste materials. Conversely, we suspect
Third, we compare the technological knowledge stability of that the inventions related to the CE biological cycle face technological

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Table 6
Descriptive statistics subselection of patent families’ classification according to the CE framework.
Type of CE Item in the loop Definition Level of No. of patent Share of Share of
loop efficiency families covering coverage coverage per
the item (total) type of loop

Technical Maintain/prolong Keep products in circulation as long as possible without 4 2 1% 1%

materials generating waste
loop Reuse Process of reusing a product for the same purpose without 3 2 1% 1%
conducting any significant repair to the product (Paterson et al.,
Remanufacture/ Remanufacturing is an industrial process where used products 2 47 9% 16 %
repair are often restored to their original functionality (Gehin et al.,
2008). Repairing involves the restoration of a product or the
replacement of some of its components to extend its lifetime (
Jabbour et al., 2022; Kamble et al., 2021)
Recycle Recover elements that can serve as input for production 1 235 45 % 82 %
processes. It results in the loss of the original product’s added
Total technical materials N/A 286 54 % 100 %

Fig. 6. Contribution of the components to technical CE loops.

dead ends and are subjected to a renewal of the most significant tech­ 5. Discussion and conclusions
nological knowledge upon which inventors draw.
This subsection explores the discrepancies between both CE loop In the face of a critical climate change challenge and resource scar­
categories. We identify significant differences in how technological city issues, economies need to shift from a linear economy toward a
knowledge trajectories evolve through both cycles, despite an over­ more CE (Soni et al., 2023; Murray et al., 2017). The literature has
reaching similar invention effort associated with a regulatory push/pull notably shown that technological innovation is one of the primary levers
policy effort for the CE paradigm. This finding has strong implications accompanying this critical paradigm shift (e.g., Cainelli et al., 2020; De
for academic research, policymakers, and practitioners, which we Jesus et al., 2019, 2021). To better understand how to face such a grand
discuss in the next section. challenge, some studies have explored the technological knowledge

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Fig. 7. Temporal dynamics of invention groups’ relative share in the CE technical cycle (3-year moving average).

related inventions and reviewed their technological knowledge trajec­

Table 7
tories and how they contribute to the biological and technical cycles,
Descriptive statistics subselection of patent families’ classification according to
which are considered the two key dimensions of the CE framework. This
the CE framework.
approach allowed us to assess the global eco-innovation effort for the
Type of Item in No. of patent Share of Share of coverage CE, identify the loops and themes that were covered and those that were
CE loop the loop families covering coverage per type of loop
the item (total)
not, and analyze their temporal dynamics in the context of regulatory
push/pull policy efforts.
Total biological 242 46 % 100 %
To conduct this analysis, we drew on the methodology developed by
Total technical 286 54 % 100 % Malhotra et al. (2021) and Huenteler et al. (2016). First, we used
materials network analysis techniques to select the core patents in the techno­
Total 528 100 % N/A logical knowledge trajectories of inventions related to the CE. The
method was adapted to the specificities of a highly fragmented tech­
nological landscape, and we analyzed the 14 most significant groups of
dynamics of eco-innovation. Moreover, other studies have specifically
eco-inventions contributing to the CE. Second, the textual content of 528
focused on CE-related innovations. Therefore, in this study, we aim to
patents representing the core technological knowledge trajectories was
explore in more depth the technological knowledge dynamics of in­
qualitatively analyzed to better understand what fields were covered
ventions that contribute specifically to the CE in the context of a strong
and their link with CE cycles and loops.
regulatory push for this paradigm.
We observed several results. First, regarding the CE technical cycle,
In this section, we summarize our research results (Section 5.1) and
we observed that inventions cover various materials (concrete, plastic,
detail their implications for theory (Section 5.2) and practice (Section
and lithium batteries) and technologies (bin classification and intelli­
5.3). Finally, we conclude by discussing limitations and room for further
gent garbage). However, most inventions in this cycle (~ 80 %) are
research (Section 5.4).
concentrated on the recycling loop. This loop is the least efficient due to
the associated energy consumption and challenges of the process (i.e.,
5.1. Summary of the results accurate collection, sorting, and treatment of materials). Indeed, only
approximately 20 % of inventions contribute to the other loops of the CE
To explore the technological knowledge dynamics of inventions that technical cycle: maintaining, prolonging, reusing, or redistributing
contribute to the CE, we have analyzed the different groups of CE- materials. This result may be related to the fact that regulations on CE

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

Fig. 8. Contribution of the subset of manually coded patent families to the two CE cycles.

Fig. 9. Technological stability (3-year hazard rate).

have focused on recycling in the beginning, before transitioning efforts between the technical and biological loops appear relatively
increasingly toward other CE loops. similar, their technological knowledge dynamics and stability following
Second, when focusing on the biological loop, we retrieved a less the same regulatory push/pull differ. We observe that the inventions in
diverse group of inventions with an overrepresentation of inventions the CE technical cycle evolve on a reasonably stable technological
contributing to fertilizer production from organic products, covering knowledge trajectory, contrary to inventions in the CE biological cycle
almost all the different loops of this cycle. While the loops focusing on that follow a bumpier trajectory. Adopting Dosi’s (1982) vocabulary, it
biochemical feedstock (including extraction) are dominant, fewer in­ would mean that while the CE-related inventions in the technical cycle
ventions focus on farming/collection and biogas. Again, we observed the seem to enter an era of incremental change, allowing for a switch toward
discrepancies in the technological knowledge trajectories among product or process innovation and reinforcement of a common knowl­
different loops, despite an overreaching regulation push/pull for the CE edge base, inventions related to the biological cycle still appear in their
paradigm. infancy, i.e., in an era of fermentation.
Third, our findings show that while the technological innovation

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

5.2. Theoretical implications how technological knowledge inventions contribute to the CE (De Jesus
et al., 2021). Such an assessment can facilitate policymakers’ decision
Our study contributes to the CE literature, focusing on the impact of making.
regulatory push/pull on eco-innovation and the literature on techno­ First, regarding the CE technical cycle, our study reveals that
logical knowledge trajectories. extensive efforts have been made on the recycling loop. Knowing that
First, we contribute to the literature on the CE by assessing how this loop is less efficient than the other loops, we suggest that policy­
technological innovation contributes to the different loops and cycles. makers put more effort into settling regulations to push organizations
Although emerging studies intend to bridge eco-innovation and CE, toward innovation in projects that target more efficient loops, such as
prior research has acknowledged the need to develop further and com­ reusing or maintaining products. The recent laws that push for more eco-
plement this literature (De Jesus et al., 2019, 2021). We contribute to design strategies to reinforce organizations’ circular strategies and favor
this literature by investigating the technological knowledge dynamics of the extension of products’ lifespan seem to go in that direction.
eco-innovations within CE strategies, for which studies are lacking. For Second, regarding the biological cycle, the technological trajectory
example, we know that there are innovations in CE loops, such as appears less stable. Therefore, policymakers may encourage actors more
recycling or remanufacturing. Nevertheless, we know less about how strongly by reallocating public R&D funding and settling regulations
these innovations evolve over time and how they affect the overall pushing for promising technologies, such as waste methanization.
transition to more circularity in the economy. Our results also have implications for the different actors of the CE,
Second, we contribute to the literature on the impact of regulatory beyond only policymakers, such as companies, public research organi­
push/pull on eco-innovations by enriching the technological knowledge zations or citizens (see, notably, the quadruple helix approach of the CE
trajectory studies of specific cases, such as solar panels and clean energy in Durán-Romero et al., 2020). First, beyond potential future policies
(Malhotra et al., 2019), with the study of CE-related inventions. We and regulations, our study suggests that companies and universities
show that very diverse groups of inventions contribute to the CE para­ might push their R&D efforts toward favoring a more stable techno­
digm. More importantly, we observe a strong discrepancy in techno­ logical knowledge trajectory for the CE biological cycle. In other words,
logical knowledge stability over time of inventions in the CE technical there are opportunities for filing patents that would be at the center of
cycle compared to in the biological cycle. The inventions in the first the technological knowledge base for the CE biological cycle, with the
cycle evolve in a certain stability contrary to the latter. potential for licensing revenues, for example. Second, universities and
The reasons for such a difference may be linked to two phenomena. companies might also direct their R&D efforts toward supporting in­
First, policymakers have increasingly been facing a massive waste of ventions sustaining more efficient CE technical cycle loops. Third, citi­
materials (e.g., electronics) unable to directly enter the environment zens might also be willing to contribute more to the biological cycle and
(contrary to biological products), leading to significant carbon emission more efficient technical cycle loops through actions to influence poli­
levels (IPCC, 2018; UNEP, 2019). As such, policymakers have consis­ cymakers’ regulations or to foster social innovations and the nongov­
tently reinforced actors’ constraints on the lifecycle of their materials (e. ernmental organizations (NGOs) targeting those areas.
g., reinforcement of the EPR or eco-design laws) and have dedicated
significant public R&D funding to support their policy shifts (Garrido- 5.4. Limitations and further research
Prada et al., 2021). Actors may have perceived this regulatory consis­
tency as a strong signal leading them to invest more in eco-innovative Our study is also subject to limitations and leaves room for further
technologies. Second, the stable technological knowledge trajectory of research. First, our original dataset was based on the classification made
inventions in the CE technical cycle may be due to their connection with available by the European Patent Office (EPO) for inventions that
a stable corpus of prior knowledge necessary for their progress and contribute to addressing climate change mitigation. While we carefully
performance (e.g., Dosi, 1982). For example, since the first invention of selected the CPC class Y02W for our investigation and provided a
automotive or solar panel batteries, the corpus of technological knowl­ rationale for this choice, some inventions that could have been consid­
edge has stabilized over time, which has enabled the reduction in their ered relevant for the CE may have been ignored. Indeed, we focus mainly
price (Malhotra et al., 2021; Henderson and Clark, 1990) but, more on inventions dealing with various types of waste from a biological and
importantly, the development of innovative recycling processes to technical cycle perspective. However, other potential inventions that
manage their end of life. could be used to reduce the amount of material used in the production
Hence, we contribute to prior research suggesting that the regulatory process (instead of dealing with or managing associated waste) could
push/pull policy impact varies depending on environmental issues have been excluded. We also note that the CPC classification may be
(Frondel et al., 2007; Krammer, 2009). Indeed, our results show that this subject to bias (e.g., examinator classification issues). Therefore, we
effect over time will depend on the standardization of connected tech­ recommend that a more fine-grained analysis using, for example,
nologies, as we have explained earlier in the example of lithium-ion advanced text mining techniques to retrieve a larger dataset of CE-
battery recycling. related inventions be developed.
Finally, we complement the methodological approach of the review Conversely, using patent data poses a series of limitations. For
of technological knowledge trajectory studies (e.g., Fontana et al., example, while the literature mentions that business model eco-
2009). Indeed, while our methodology is based on patent citation innovation is also relevant to the CE (e.g., Lüdeke-Freund et al.,
network analysis, we extend the methods used in Huenteler et al. (2016) 2018), patent data cannot be used to analyze such advances. Companies
and Malhotra et al. (2019) to review a more fragmented technological might also be unwilling to patent relevant inventions for secrecy rea­
landscape. In parallel, we analyze more than 14 groups of inventions sons. Therefore, future studies could enrich our understanding of inno­
with very different sizes and technological stability. vation dynamics in this field by identifying how other forms of
These contributions leave room for further research, as detailed in innovation could contribute to different loops of the CE framework.
Section 5.4. Second, we used a qualitative approach based on the operationalization
of the CE framework to analyze the patents that represent the core
5.3. Implications for practice and policymakers technological knowledge from our network analysis. A more fine-
grained analysis of those patents could be envisioned, either by using
Policymakers have vigorously promoted the CE and the development techniques to extend the qualitative coding scheme to the whole dataset
of eco-innovation (e.g., Cui et al., 2022), and transition scenarios have or by conducting case studies on specific groups of inventions to un­
been made available in various industries (Guzzo et al., 2021). Never­ derstand the technological dynamics and roles of different parties.
theless, to the best of our knowledge, few studies have analyzed in depth Third, as we followed the methodology proposed by Malhotra et al.

C. Gnekpe and Q. Plantec Technological Forecasting & Social Change 196 (2023) 122767

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