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I made changes to try and be more specific on the hooks and

promises. Please take a look and let me know how I can make this
more impactful.

I highlighted my comments in light blue.

Hook/Promise Combo Overview:

● First 5 Seconds Of Your Ad = The “Hook”

○ Cover the entire premise of the ad

○ No room for confusion

● Next 25 Seconds Of Your Ad = The “Promise”

○ Polarize, get people to skip if uninterested

○ Unravel the "core promise" of your ad

○ Relate to your dream customer’s pain

○ Amplify their desire

○ Call out to their current circumstances

New Hooks based on beta tests.

Do you know the most common mistake I see in leaders today is not their lack of desire to lead,
but their lack of proper mentorship. That is why I want to close the gap and show you the
techniques typically reserved for top paid executives without costing you thousands of dollars,
hundreds of hours of your time, and your sanity, but if that’s not you, please skip this video.

If you are a struggling and frustrated new manager or leader, I want to show you the leadership
techniques typically reserved for top paid executives without costing you thousands of dollars,
hundreds of hours of your time, and your sanity, but if that’s not you, please skip this video.

If you are new manager or leader who was thrown in to the deep end, I want to show you the
leadership techniques typically reserved for top paid executives to gain control of your team and
lead with confidence. Everything I’ve spent decades learning will be available to you without
costing thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours, and your sanity, but if that’s not you, please
skip this video.


For over 2 decades I've mentored new managers and leaders while developing
extremely successful teams in the US Military. I spent years learning how to
create the highly dynamic environments that helped us achieve incredible things.
But if I am being honest, it was not always like that. I struggled as a new leader.
I followed after other senior leaders I saw and tried to do exactly what they did. I
barked orders and told people to just do what I said without asking questions.
This resulted in my complete frustration and total failure for my team.

I am telling you this so you will understand that being an manager or leader is a
learned attitude, but it requires support and mentorship.

Now, I decided to take my more than 2 decades of experience and knowledge

and share that with you so you can achieve your goals and overcome your
challenges in months, not years. Plus, I want to help you avoid spending
thousands of dollars on impersonal weekend workshops.

So, if you are still listening, I encourage you to click the link and register your
information so I can send you an email to start your journey to success.

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