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A Rainy Day Essay

Crafting an essay on the topic of a rainy day may initially seem deceptively simple, given the
familiarity of the subject. However, delving deeper into the task reveals a set of challenges that
writers may find surprisingly intricate.

Firstly, conveying the sensory experience of a rainy day requires a keen ability to evoke emotions
through words. Describing the sound of raindrops tapping on windows, the earthy scent of wet soil,
and the soothing ambiance can be challenging. Striking the right balance between vivid imagery and
avoiding clichés is a fine line to tread.

Furthermore, maintaining a coherent structure poses its own set of difficulties. A rainy day essay
might tempt writers to wander into unrelated tangents or risk becoming overly repetitive. It demands
a disciplined approach to ensure that each paragraph seamlessly transitions into the next, contributing
to a cohesive narrative.

The challenge intensifies when trying to infuse personal perspectives or unique insights into a
seemingly common topic. It requires creativity to present a rainy day in a way that stands out from
countless other essays on the same theme. The task involves finding a fresh angle or sharing personal
anecdotes that resonate with readers.

Moreover, managing the tone becomes crucial. While the topic may lend itself to a reflective or
nostalgic tone, maintaining a balance between sentimentality and objectivity is essential. Striking this
equilibrium can be tricky, as too much sentimentality may risk alienating certain readers while
excessive objectivity may result in a lack of emotional connection.

In conclusion, writing an essay on a rainy day involves navigating through the complexities of
sensory description, structural coherence, uniqueness, and tonal balance. What initially appears as a
straightforward task unfolds into a nuanced exercise that demands thoughtful consideration and
creative finesse.

If you find such tasks challenging, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays and a
variety of academic writing services can be explored on platforms like , where
professional writers provide support tailored to your specific needs.
A Rainy Day Essay A Rainy Day Essay
Stephanie Foote s Little Women
Louisa May Alcott s Little Women is a realistic coming of age story. Although
considered a novel of realism, critics today are still debating over the theme of gender
roles. One critic, Elizabeth Thomason, praises the novel for challenging assumptions on
gender roles while another critic, Stephanie Foote, criticizes Little Women for the
heavily domestic depiction of womanhood. Little Women focuses on several characters
who possess qualities that stand in stark contrast to characters of other mid nineteenth
century novels. For example, Jo March dreams of being able to support [her]self and
help the girls, illustrating her desire to support the family although this task was reserved
for men (Alcott 278). She displays her eagerness to be independent... Show more content
on ...
She believes the novel tells its readers that women must not...act on negative emotions
(Foote 2). However, it is evident that multiple scenes of the novel contradict Foote s
claim and instead showcase how Alcott challenges assumptions on gender roles. For
instance, Marmee March stresses that it is better to be happy old maids than unhappy
wives (Alcott 171). By advising her daughters that they should not feel obligated to
find husbands, but should seek fulfillment on their own, Marmee emphasizes that a
home can be run successfully without a man supporting it. Here, it is evident that
Marmee displays her frustration towards society s limited role of women. Unlike
Foote s claim, it is clear that Marmee acted on negative emotions towards the
designated roles of women. In addition, Alcott s stance on gender roles is apparent
through Meg March s refusal to perform her expected gender roles. Meg laments that
she is too used up to exert [her]self for anyone and is tired of being subservient to her
husband John Brooke (Alcott 486). Her attitude clearly discredits Foote because she is
capable of displaying her distress and does not let her gender limit her voice. Although
Stephanie Foote asserts that the novel stressed the restrictions of women, the novel
actually does the exact opposite; Alcott displays that women
Essay about Lord of the Flies Literary Analysis
Symbolism is a very important factor in many books. The use of symbolism in
William Golding s novel The Lord of the Flies is the most essential aspect to the
function of the story. At first glance you may not think the symbols are very important,
but with some in depth thought you can see how it is necessary to explain the
microcosm of an island. The conch shell is the opening symbol in the novel and lasts
roughly to the very end of the story. The conch is found by Ralph and Piggy, which they
use to summon the boys together after the crash. We can use this to call the others. Have
a meeting. They ll come when they hear us (Golding 16). The conch represents
civilization and order on the island. In the start the conch is given to a boy... Show more
content on ...
When the fire is maintained, the boys want to be rescued. However, when the fire
burns low or goes out it symbolizes how the boys have lost sight of their desire to be
saved, and how they have accepted savagery into their lives. The signal fire also
symbolizes the measurement of the strength of the civilized instinct and hope
remaining on the island. He tried to remember. Smoke, he said, we want smoke. He
turned on the twins fiercely. I said Smoke ! We ve got to have smoke. There was
silence, except for the multitudinous murmur of the bees. At last piggy spoke, kindly.
Course we have. Cos the smokes a signal and we can t be rescued if we don t have
smoke. I knew that! shouted Ralph. He pulled his arm away from Piggy. Are you
suggesting ? I m just saying what you always say, said Piggy hastily. I d thought for a
moment I hadn t, said Ralph loudly. I knew it all the time. I hadn t forgotten. ;
(Golding 173) This passage is a demonstration of loss of hope and the strength of
civilized instinct. Ralph s hope has decreased when there is no one beside him but a
few biguns and a few littluns, his strength of civilized instinct diminishes causing him to
forget why there needed to be a signal fire in the first place, until Piggy reminds him of
the fact. He proclaims he did not forget even though he did, however he does not own up
to it. The beast that frightens the boys
Vulnerability Penetration Test
This report presents the results of the vulnerability assessment and penetration test of
Penhaligon s network infrastructure and company website.
The purpose of this assessment is to identify website and network level security issues
that could compromise the confidentiality of customer data on Penhaligon s servers and
to provide any evidence of security issues for a forthcoming security audit.
This report details the scope of testing conducted, all significant findings along with
detailed remedial advice. The summary below provides the key findings and relates these
back to business impacts. Section two of this report relates the key findings. Section
three of this report highlights potential control areas where Penhaligon may want to invest
... Show more content on ...
However, when access to the Penhaligon is obtained as a result of the testing, the
penetration tester may elect to continue exploring inside the network and further the
attack against other systems within the Penhaligon and may also include testing any data
loss prevention controls that are in place. Testing may include locations of cardholder
data, applications that store, process, or transmit cardholder data, critical network
connections, access points, and other targets appropriate for the complexity and size of
the organization. This should include resources and assets (i.e., any resource or asset that
allows an attacker to obtain the credentials with access to or a route into the Penhaligon)
utilized by users responsible for maintaining the systems that store, process, or transmit
cardholder data or by users with the ability and authority to access cardholder
Public Art On College Campuses
1.Based on what you ve learned so far in this course, do you see a need for public
artwork on the STC campuses? Explain why.
Many universities have their representative public artwork on their campuses for which
they are recognized. Moreover, art feeds people s creativity.
2. Do you think South Texas College would benefit from a percent for public art program
which would provide a permanent public art collection on all the campuses?
Yes. At the moment of selecting a university, new students take into account factors such
as institutional and academic quality, economic situation, and the school s infrastructure.
Therefore, public art collection on all STC campuses can attract more new students
3. How could public art on campus benefit students
Mark Twain s The Prince And The Pauper
The Prince and the Pauper is a novel written by Mark Twain. This story is about two
young boys who traded lives following the trading of clothing. One boy was a son born
into royalty, the other born into a hard life as a son of beggars and thieves. Throughout
the book both boys go on many adventures in their new temporary lives. Each boy
learning about each other, and more importantly themselves. Twain writes his readers
a story like no other, his writing style, story, themes, and the whole book itself is an
adventure. Twain s writing style has a very olden feel compared to modern day books.
This book really reminded a lot of Shakespeare and his writing style. Twain s writing
can be described as archaic, meaning he has old fashioned vocabulary
Gödel s Incompleteness Theorems
Gödel s incompleteness theorems were mathematically proven results but they had broad
philosophical consequences. They were proofs that would show that there are certain
true propositions that are improvable. They were epistemological truths, meaning they
dealt with the nature of knowledge itself by proving an absolute limitation on what we
can mathematical prove. (Goldstein 2013)

To assess the effects of Gödel s results, the theorems themselves will be outlined, as will
the three schools of logicism, formalism and intuitionism, then the effects of the
theorems on the schools shall be considered. To appreciate the consequences of the
incompleteness theorems there is a need to explain the key terms of consistency and
completeness and ... Show more content on ...
(Struik 1987, 203). Logicism disagrees with Intuitionism as it asserts that we do not
create knowledge but simply reveal existing truths (Brown 2008, 125). Since in
intuitionism abstract entities are admitted only if they are man made (Snapper 1979,
209). Brouwer s criticism of Logicism is that they use the principles of finite sets and
their subsets as a form of logic beyond and prior to mathematics and used it to reason
about infinite sets (Kleene 1952, 46 7).

Intuitionism was developed as a reaction to Cantor s set theory and its paradoxes.
Intuitionists sought to rebuild mathematics from the bottom up . They saw Mathematics
as an activity ; Mathematicians do not access pre existing knowledge but construct
knowledge (Brown 2008, 121).

Brouwer saw logic as an unreliable basis for mathematics and therefore Brouwer s
intuitionism sees mathematics as having its foundations with Ur Intuition, a basic
intuition of the natural numbers (Struik 1987, 202, Palmgren 2009). Its fundamental and
defining characteristic is its analysis of what it means for a statement to be true. In
Brouwer s original intuitionism he demands truth though constructivity (Struik 1987,
202). This means that he only allowed entities that had a clear and definable method of
construction. For example, in this way Brouwer would accept the idea of possible
infinitely, as it required a continuous set of constructions and remains forever in the

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