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How To Make A Rough Draft For An Essay

Crafting an essay on the intricacies of creating a rough draft may initially seem deceptively simple,
yet delving into the process reveals a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies in navigating the
delicate balance between structure and creativity. The writer must grapple with the paradox of
embracing spontaneity while adhering to a systematic framework.

To begin with, one must confront the challenge of initiating the writing process itself. Generating
ideas, organizing thoughts, and establishing a clear thesis pose formidable hurdles. The writer must
grapple with the constant tug-of-war between the desire for perfection and the necessity of progress.
It's akin to walking a tightrope, attempting to strike equilibrium between spontaneity and structure
without succumbing to the paralysis of perfectionism.

The arduous task of creating a rough draft requires a keen awareness of one's audience and purpose.
The writer must engage in a mental juggling act, ensuring that each paragraph contributes
meaningfully to the overarching narrative. Selecting the right words, constructing coherent
sentences, and refining ideas demand a high level of cognitive effort.

Moreover, the iterative nature of the rough draft process adds another layer of complexity. Revisions
and revisions again are necessary, testing the writer's patience and perseverance. There's an inherent
challenge in discerning when to refine and when to press forward, a discernment that comes with
experience and a deep understanding of the essay's objectives.

In conclusion, crafting an essay on the process of making a rough draft is an intricate task. It
involves threading the needle between creativity and structure, grappling with the tension of
perfectionism, and navigating the iterative nature of the writing process. However, as with any
challenge, it's a skill that can be honed with practice, determination, and an appreciation for the art of
written expression.

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How To Make A Rough Draft For An EssayHow To Make A Rough Draft For An Essay
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access point to the Internet. This number keeps increasing because of technological
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Users There Are , it states that there are around 3 billion people accessing the Internet
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life. It is our main source of information. If there is a question asked, most people will
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third of their days using media such as online video or music nearly nine hours on
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Instagram, and Snapchat. These are the some of the most frequently used apps that can
be found on nearly all teenager s cellular devices. A majority of teens use these apps
combined with texting and the occasional phone call to communicate. 71% of teens use
more than one social network
Panara Bread s Essay
| Panera Bread Company in 2011: Pursuing growth in a difficult economy. | | Module
II| | Panera Bread Company in 2011: Pursuing growth in a difficult economy. | |
Module II| MGT 495 March 30, 2013 Nate Huffman 127203 MGT 495 March 30, 2013
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position lack of long term debt * High ratings in customer satisfaction studies * The
business model * Initial success in catering * Good franchisees higher sales in
franchised stores compared to company owned * Research and Development Product
Weaknesses: * A less well known brand name than some rivals * Sales at franchised
stores are higher than company owned stores, wondering why that is? * Frequent diners
only come at one meal time per day Threats: * Rivals begin to imitate menu offerings *
Competition * Saturate the market will it become harder to find attractive locations for
new stores and slow company s growth * Product is a discretionary purchase
Opportunities: * Open more outlets untapped growth potential in a number of suburban
markets * International expansion * The industry life cycle is still in growth * Large
number of small buyers in the industry What does this analysis reveal? It competed with
a wide assortment of specialty food, casual dining, and quick service establishments
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Mafia is a crime organization which active in Italy. They also called as man of honor.
The Mafia concept was started at the Palermo, Sicily, Italy in 19th century. Mafia is a
way of life at the beginning, a way how the men protect their family and loved ones from
the injustice of government. Mafia developed into a secret crime society after a few
Salvatore Maranzano, a boss of bosses among the mafia association started to split this
criminal gangs into several group, known as family. Salvatore Maranzano passed
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structure and organized concept were applied to bring Mafia to a new level. The
members of each family of Mafia can range from fewer than 10 to more than 100. A ...
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and all the Mafia income basically came to him. He is responsible in control all the
Mafia members and settle the conflicts between the members. Just below the Boss is
the Underboss. The Underboss is the second in command but their power is varied
with different Mafia families. Some of them possessed of enormous power but some
of them wielded relatively less. Some of the underbosses were trained to take over the
Boss s place on the event of his death or retirement. There is a position between the
Boss and the Underboss, which known as the Consigliere. He acts as an advisor to the
Boss. He responsible to make impartial decisions based upon fairness and for the
benefit of the Mafia, rather than personal prejudice. The consigliere also acts as the
spokesperson of the Boss and commands high respect just like the Boss. Even though the
consigliere has the power to make decisions but he did not directly involve the criminal
activities of the

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