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Toefl Essay Samples

Writing an essay on the topic of "TOEFL Essay Samples" can be quite challenging, requiring a blend
of language proficiency, analytical skills, and a deep understanding of the TOEFL exam format.
Crafting an essay that effectively showcases a range of language abilities, including grammar,
vocabulary, and coherence, is no small feat.

To begin with, one must thoroughly familiarize oneself with the TOEFL essay requirements and
grading criteria. This involves a meticulous examination of the official TOEFL writing rubrics and
guidelines, which often demand a careful balance between structured organization, relevant content,
and language proficiency. Comprehending the nuances of various essay types, such as integrated and
independent tasks, is crucial to presenting a well-rounded piece.

Moreover, the writer must possess a strong command of English to effectively express ideas and
arguments. This includes a diverse vocabulary, accurate grammar usage, and the ability to convey
complex thoughts clearly and concisely. Crafting a compelling introduction, developing coherent
body paragraphs, and concluding the essay with a concise summary are essential skills that require
attention to detail.

Another layer of complexity arises when attempting to incorporate relevant TOEFL essay samples
into the discussion. Analyzing these samples to extract key strategies, identifying effective language
usage, and adapting these elements to the essay being written can be time-consuming. Striking a
balance between originality and the emulation of successful samples is a delicate task that demands
both creativity and adherence to the expected TOEFL standards.

In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "TOEFL Essay Samples" is a formidable task that
requires a deep understanding of the TOEFL exam, proficiency in English language skills, and the
ability to incorporate and adapt from relevant samples. It's a challenging endeavor that demands
time, effort, and a keen eye for detail to produce a high-quality piece that meets the stringent
requirements of TOEFL essays.

For those seeking assistance in navigating this intricate process, it's worth exploring resources like , where similar essays and more can be ordered to aid in the essay-writing journey.
Toefl Essay SamplesToefl Essay Samples
Typical American Essay
Typical American by Gish Jen explores the reconciliation of loyalty to tradition and the
acclimation to a foreign culture of the Chang family. During the late 1940s, among
political and military strife in China, Theresa Chang is encouraged to join her brother
Ralph in America. Theresa immigrates to America with her friend Helen and moves in
with her brother, Ralph, into his city apartment. They form a family, united in their
common experiences and background. Although hopeful for their future, the family is
nostalgic for the home they have left behind. This novel reveals what each character sees
as typically American , after the family coins the term in response to an unhelpful
landlord. A typical American is not a set of stereotypes. To... Show more content on ...
After turning down the medical school scholarship for the sake of her family, Theresa
begins studying medicine again. To study to be a doctor in a foreign country is a
challenging task for her because of the limitless nature in the hospital. Theresa is one
of the only female residents in a wilderness of freedoms (142). Giving in to this
wilderness of freedoms, Theresa hesitantly begins an affair with Old Chao after they
reunite during a consultation. When Ralph sees Old Chao with an anonymous
Chinese woman, he returns home and tells his wife. Helen declares that Chinese
people don t do such things and suggests that neither the woman nor Old Chao are
actually Chinese (168). For the Chang family, their nationality and identity is so
intertwined. Theresa s family s misconceptions are a catalyst for Theresa giving in to
her own yearnings. This is a turning point for Theresa because the censure of her
family was like a hard shell under which she found a certain freedom (173). No longer
does Theresa censor herself to appease her family and live up to their expectations. She
is still loyal to her family but wants more for herself. Theresa becomes willing to
embrace her freedom along with the advantages and disadvantages that stem from
According To The Text, It Says That “Liability For Contracts
According to the text, it says that liability for contracts formed by an agent depends on
how the principal is classified and on whether the actions of the agent were authorized
or unauthorized. Principals are classified as disclosed, or undisclosed (Roger, LeRoy,
Miller). A partially disclosed principal is a principal whose identity is not known by
the third party know that the agent is or may be acting for a principal at the time the
contract is made (Roger, LeRoy, Miller). An undisclosed principal is a principal whose
identity is totally unknown by the third party, and the third party has no knowledge that
the agent is acting in an agency capacity at the time the contract is made (Roger, LeRoy,
Miller). In my paper, I will... Show more content on ...
An agent s behalf of and be subject to the control of the principal, act within the scope of
authority or power delegated by the principal, discharge the duties with appropriate
diligence, and avoid conflict between personal interests (U.S. Legal). Some other
obligations of an agent include not to acquire any material benefit from a third party in
connection with a transaction conducted or through the utilization of the person s
positions as an agent. Additionally the act with care, competence, and activity
objectively exercised by agents in similar circumstances, and to comply with all lawful
authorizations received from the principal and people designated by the principal
concerning agent s actions on behalf of the principal, etc. The agent owes the principal
five obligations and they are performance, notification, adhesion, compliance, and
accounting and from the text, it explicated each one. Performance is an implied
condition in every agency contract is the agent s agreement to use agreement to use
reasonable diligence and skill in performing the work (Roger, LeRoy, Miller).
Notification is an agent required to notify the principal of all matters that come to her or
his attention concerning the subject matter of the agency, and adhesion is one of the
most fundamental obligations in a fiduciary
An Inspector Calls By J. B. Priestley
The play An Inspector Calls by J. B. Priestley tells the story of a wealthy family in
1912 who are holding a celebration when the harsh figure of a police inspector arrives
to investigate the suicide of a young woman who used to work at Mr Birling s factory.
In the first fifteen pages of the play, Priestley is able to make the Birling family appear
extremely confident, whilst also creating subtle tensions, of which the significance
later becomes clear. Confidence: In the opening pages of the play, Birling s speeches
contain a lot of dramatic irony. For example, he confidently states what he thinks are
proven facts which turn out to be false. For example, Birling s response to rumours
about a war is to that I say fiddlesticks! and that there isn t a change of war . This is
extremely ironic since several years after the play is set, World War I breaks out and
after that, before the play is written, World War II follows. Birling later mentions a
friend of his who was due to go on the Titanic, and he calls it unsinkable . The Titanic
was the height of aristocracy at the time, and was one of the biggest events of the time
showing such huge class divide. The dramatic irony is that the Titanic, in fact, sunk,
despite its reputation as being unsinkable , and Birling s complacency and confidence
causes him to not consider the possibility of this happening. It also makes him appear
rather idiotic to the audience. Finally, he describes how Russia will always be behindhand
The Science Of A Memory
Memory is something that is essential to our daily lives. Creating and retrieving
memories is something that happens without us knowing; subconscious remembrance of
events allows us to remember our friend s name, a favorite baseball or football team, or
what city we live in without needing to ask others or consult the internet. Even if we
were to ask others a question about something, without memorywe would forget the
answer to the question we had asked immediately after they had told us, which would
be quite a confusing and annoying situation for both parties involved. Without memory,
we would have no concept of what is the past and what is the future, which would lead
to a very different perception of reality than what we are used to. It should be noted;
however, that there is a definite science for memory. As previously mentioned,
memories can be encoded subconsciously (without our awareness), and also consciously.
This paper will focus on the science of increasing the effectiveness of conscious
memory, that is, memory that we intentionally try to encode into our minds with the
purpose of a later retrieval. The main idea from Chapter 6 Tips from the Science of
Memory for Studying and for Life is that people at the individual level need to optimize
memorization techniques that best work for themselves. According to the textbook, the
most effective way to memorize, regardless of memory model, is by thinking deeply
about the material of life and connecting the

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