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Why ww1 happened - Short term and long term causes

Short term- Assassination of Archduke franz ferdinand

On the 28th of July 1914, Austria declared war on Serbia

On the 1st of August 1914, Germany declared war on Russia
On the 3rd of August 1914, Germany declared war on France
On the 4th of August 1914, Britain declared war on Germany
On the 6th of August 1914, Austria-Hungry declared war on Russia
On the 12th of August 1914, France and Britain declared war on Austria Hungary

Long term- M#Militarism A#Alliance I#Imperialism N#Nationalism

WW1 Lasted 28th July 1914 till 11th November 1916

Militarism - Creation of a larger military to get improved weapons

Alliance- Agreement between 2 or more countries to help eachother during crisis

Imperialism- When a country attempts to extend it's power to other nations

Nationalism- Pride of one's country


Trenches - Long narrow holes dug in the ground that were miles long and where
soldiers lived during war

Trench sights- Dirty,Unsanitary,Diseases,Bloodshed,Rats and guns

feelings- Exhaustion,Depression and hope

Trenches were full of rats and lice that stole food and destroyed the clothing of
Lice were also on soldier's body making them itcy and uncomfortable.

WW1 Sides

Allied forces - France,Russia (left on 1917),Britain,USA,ITALY

Central Powers - Germany , Austria-Hungary , Turkey (Ottoman empire)

Christmas Truce - December 1914 troops made a truce and soldiers played soccer and
exchanged gifts on no man's land


Zepellin (warship made in 1893 by Ferdinand Von Zeppelin)

Made with metal frames and filled with hydrogen

Patented by Germany in 1895 and US in 1899

They were used to bomb britian in ww1


By early 1916, the government passed the Military Service Act

This Act required all men between 18 to 41 to join up and fight (there can be
medical exceptions to this)

Conscientious Objectors were people that refused to fight as their conscience would
not allow them to
This was due to:
Religious Reasons (As the Bible stated, “Thou shall not kill”)
Strong Political Views (As they thought it was wrong to shoot their “working class
People thinking violence wasn’t the answer

There were about 16,000 recognized Conscientious Objectors by the end of the war

A military tribunal was held for people who refused to fight and they were tasked
with other jobs contributing to the war effort
Eg. Stretcher Bearers (whom dragged and carried people from No Man’s Land to

Absolutists were people willing to do nothing to contribute to the war effort

They were often forced to enter the army and when they refused their commander’s
orders, they get court martialed and sent to prison
In prison most men were:
Suspended by the wrists from a rope
Put into wooden cages
Thrown naked into sewers

Out of 6261 jailed 70 died and 30 went insane

After that CO's were shamed and seem as "feminine" although they were brave for
standing for their opinions


During World War 1, women took up more jobs in society since most men were off
Women back then were considered to be precious, so they were not allowed to fight
but they could serve at hospitals as nurses

Since women took up more jobs they had to:

Work long hours
Find enough to eat
Look after their children

However, when these men returned from war, they were picked over women as they were
the ones working the jobs before the war started


The Spring Offensive of Germany took place in 1918, after the Russians surrendered,
at Belgium and Norther France
Ludendorff (Commander of German Army) wanted to separate French and British forces
before the Americans arrived
The Americans supplied the UK with arms but got involved because of the sinking of
ships by German U-Boats
This psychologically affected the Germans

The Germans separated the French and British by shelling them, charging at Allied
artillery lines, with infantry as support
This was successful at first, with General Haig requesting back-up from the French,
whom were busy defending Paris

This Plan later failed as:

Troops stepped out of the Artillery lines
Mines at the Somme
Food Depos which distracted the starving Germans
Ammo shortage

After this, French and British troops started their counter-attack called the “all
arms attack” with:
Heavy Machine Guns

Unit 12

America was neutral until 1917 they first were selling guns

Causes of TGD - People over speculated on stocks

Stock market crashed and people panicked and sold all their stocks
Market crashed on oct 29th 1929 (Black tuesday)

How Great depression occurred

Federal Resevere failed to protect the collapse of banking system

High Tarrifs made trade with other countries diffcult

Farm income shrank and most industries declined due to layoffs and lower wages

Effects of TGD- During the depression unemployment rose and increased numbers of
bankruptcies and increased number of poor citizens

Many banks and buisnesses failed and wenk bankrupt

1/4 of workers were jobless

large amounts of people were homeless and lived in hoovervilles.(shacks built by
the homeless)

Dustbowl - The southern great plains experienced a great disaster called the dust
bowl in 1930 it hit hard
to western kansas,Oklahoma,Northern Texas,Eastern Colorado and new

Causes- Droughts,High winds and careless farming technique

Due to this event many farmers went bankrupt and had to give up their farms most
migrated to california
and become migrant workers who moved place to place to harvest fruits and

(I don't think dustbowl will be in exam - Elvin)

Causes of Economic Growth

High Tarrifs on Imported goods - Made exports cheap but imports expensive
Unemployed and inflation was low
Increase in consumer goods - High demand of consumer goods
Technology and ready made clothes were all affordable
(Ford model T cars fell from $850 in 1905 to $290 in 1925)
Growth of stock market - Main reason of Economic Growth buying stocks increased
company values

War communism - Fight for political power using communism instead of capitalism or
Policy where all factories were nationalised and food was rationed
and peasants were forced to give food to the government

Countries like russia have little to no industries so marx thought it was not ready
for communism majority
of russia was peasant farmer so lenin argued to educate them.

In October 1917 lenin lead a second revolt and established world's first communist

After WW1 a new political philosphy called "Facism" was born.

Italy was the first country with mussolini's fascist government to come in power in

Fasicism spread to germany and evolved into NAZISM

In 1921 a new poltical party called the "NAZIS" was formed and Adolf Hitler was the
leader by 1923

There is a book documenting the main ideas of nazism called "Mein Kampf"

Mein kampf explains how nature doesn't desire the breeding of weaker with stronger
races ad hates the blending of them together.
Shows the historical "evidence" of aryans who mingled with the lowerbreed will
bring an end to the cultured beings.
NAZISM-Far-right totalitarian ideology associating Adolf hiter and the nazis in
nazi germany during hitler's rise to power in 1930 it was also referred to as

Duma-German Parliament

Nazi beliefs
Destruction of the treaty of versallies
Germany needs 1 Leader and no democracy
Loyalty and obedience to hitler
State controls everyone (totalitarian)

Treaty of versallies
Germany takes blame for ww1 declartion
Lose all colonies and territories in europe
Lose army,navy and air force
Pay 6.6 billion pounds in reparations
New government and become known as weimar republic (weimar republic lasted 1919-

German Expansion (Create GrossDeutschland)

Take Austria (Anschluss)
Austria mostly speaks german (accepted takeover for better life)

Czechslovakia (Sudeteland)

did not want to be unified,multi ethnic country and was aligned with france (hitler
wanted sudeteland)

Poland (acquire Lebensraum)

Didn't keep agreement made with poland

Sep 1st germany invades poland and Sep3rd britain declares war on germany


Peace and international cooperation between all nations

Open and honorable relations
Layout of international law

Communism-Political ideology developed by Karl Marx

Difference between Capitalism and Communism

Communism - System where everyone worked for the community

-Society decided how it was governed

Capitalism - System where rich people used poor to make more money
- Government controlled society

Features of communism
Public property,Everyone worked for the common and food was shared by the

(I am not academic weapon I am academic victim)

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