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INSTRUCTION: Solve all the question in science notebook.

1. Choose the correct answer: [1×13 =13]

i. Which of these is not derived from petroleum?

(a) Lubricating Oil (b) Paraffin Wax
(c) Bitumen (d) CNG
ii. _______________ works on the principle that rolling friction is less than sliding friction.
(a) Polishing (b) Lubricants
(c) Ball bearing (d) Metals
iii. Which of the following is not an oviparous animal?
(a) Butterfly (b) Mosquito (c) Dog (d) Frog
iv. Which of these is a puberty change?
(a) Menarche (b) Growth spurt (c) Oily skin (d) All of these
v. What is the length of vocal cord for men?
(a) 20mm (b) 15mm (c) 5mm (d) 10mm
vi. Which of the following zones is the hottest part of the flame?
(a) Blue zone (b) Dark inner Zone
(c) Luminous Zone (d) Non-luminous zone
vii. Electroplating prevents
(a)Corrosion (b) Degradation (c) Passing of current (d) None of these
viii. Which one of the following prevents the front part of the eye from collapsing due to
change in the atmosphere
(a) Eyelids (b) Aqueous Humour (c) Pupil (d) Vitreous humour
ix. What type of body allows maximum light to pass through it and reflects a very little
amount of light
(a) Opaque body (b) Transparent body
(c) Translucent body (d) None of these
x. Instrument used to detect earthquake

(a) Electroscope (b) Microscope

(c)Seismograph (d) Telescope
Questions from xi to xiii are Assertion-Reasoning based questions; choose the correct answer
from the given options:
(a) Both assertion (A) and Reason(R) are true, and reason(R) explain assertion (A).
(b) Both assertion (A) and Reason(R) are true, but reason(R) does not explain assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason(R) is False.
(d) Assertion (A) is False and Reason(R) is True.

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xi. Assertion: Acne and pimple are very common among adults.
Reason: This is due to increased production of sweat from sweat glands.
xii. Assertion: When one body rolls over the surface of another body, the resistance to its
motion is called rolling friction. It is always easier to roll than to slide a body over
Reason: It is convenient to pull luggage fitted with rollers.
xiii. Assertion: Lightning strikes could destroy life and property.
Reason: Lightning conductors can protect buildings.
2. Fill in the blanks: [1×5 =5]

i. _________ resources are available in limited quantities and can get exhausted due to the
continuous use.
ii. In the _______ zone, partial combustion of wax vapour takes place and a lot of heat
energy releases
iii. The organisms that produce male and female gametes in the same body are called
iv. Testes are located inside a sac called_______.
v. All moving bodies experience a force that opposes their motion, this force is known
3. Very short answer type questions: [1×5 =5]

i. Give two examples of animals that can hear ultrasonic sound.

ii. Write the full form of LED.
iii. Define kaleidoscope.
iv. What is an electroscope?
v. Define the power of accommodation.

Short answer type-I questions: [2×8 =16]

4. What is the full form of CNG? Why is it a preferred fuel for transport?
5. Draw the structure of sperm and ovum and label its different parts.
6. Write any two problems which are faced by adolescents.
7. Define:- a) Frequency b) Time period
8. Write the two uses of electroplating.
9. What is an electrolyte? Give two examples.
10. Write any four ways to take care of our eyes.
11. Why is the word "AMBULANCE" written laterally inverted on the front of an ambulance?

Short answer type-I questions: [3×6 =18]

12. Explain fractional and destructive distillation methods along with their end products.
13. How can we take care of our reproductive health?
14. Explain the following with examples.
a) Rolling Friction b) Sliding Friction
15. Explain three ways by which friction can be increased.
16. What charges will be acquired by:

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a) A plastic rod that is rubbed with fur?
b) A balloon which is rubbed on dry hair?
17. a) Why does a swimming pool appear to be less deep when seen from the outside?
b) What happens when a ray of light passes through a prism?

Case study-based questions: [from 18 to 19] [4×2 =8]

18. Imagine a scenario where a company specializes in electroplating metal surfaces for various
applications. They are experiencing issues with inconsistent plating quality and want to improve
their process. Based on your understanding of the chemical effects of current, what
recommendations would you provide to enhance the electroplating process?

1.What is the process called when an electric current is used to induce chemical changes in an
A) Magnetization B) Electrolysis
C) Thermolysis D) Combustion

2.What is produced at the cathode during the electrolysis of water?

A) Oxygen gas B) Hydrogen gas
C) Carbon dioxide D) Nitrogen gas

3. In industrial applications, electrolysis is commonly used for:

A) Generating heat B) Purifying water
C) Refining metals D) Cooling systems

4. Which of the following is NOT a practical application of the chemical effects of current?
A) Electroplating B) Metal refining
C) Water purification D) Air conditioning

19. In the chapter on reflection of light, students learn about how light behaves when it
encounters different surfaces. Reflection is the process where light bounces off a surface. A
mirror is a classic example of a reflective surface. When light rays hit a mirror, they bounce off
at the same angle they hit it, obeying the law of reflection. This phenomenon allows us to see our
reflection in mirrors. Additionally, the smoothness of the mirror's surface plays a crucial role in
the quality of the reflection. Mirrors with smoother surfaces produce clearer reflections.
Understanding reflection helps in various applications, from designing optical instruments to
everyday tasks like applying makeup or checking one's appearance.
Answer the following questions:

1. What happens when light rays hit a mirror?

a) They pass through it. b) They are absorbed by it.
c) They bounce off it. d) They change color.

2. Which law governs the reflection of light?

a) Newton's Law b) Ohm's Law
c) Boyle's Law d) Law of Reflection

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3.What role does the smoothness of a mirror's surface play in reflection?
a) It affects the colour of the reflected light.
b) It determines the size of the reflection.
c) It influences the angle of reflection.
d) It affects the clarity of the reflection.

4. What is a classic example of a reflective surface?

a) Wood b) Plastic
c) Glass d) Mirror

Long answer type questions: [5×3 =15]

20. a) Compare the amplitude and frequency of both the waves, wave a and wave b, and
answer the following-

i) Which wave has a high frequency?

ii) Why do both waves have the same loudness?

b) Write the characteristics of the following;

i) String Instruments ii) Wind instruments iii) Reed instrument
21. a) How is the sex of a child determined?

b) How does external fertilization take place in frogs explain with the diagram.

22. (a) Write six harmful effects on the combustion of fuel.

(b) What is the difference between a dry chemical fire extinguisher and a foam fire

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