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Write a description of boats suggested by the image .


Focus on the weather and zoom out to sea


Focus on light

Then move onto the sun

Move onto the reflection of the sun in the sea

Move onto the oceans and its movements

2nd paragraph

Focus on the rocks and water

Start the build up of focus from the splashes of water near the town

Then shift to the rocks

Describe the rocks conventinally

Make it seem as when the river flows , the rocks get wetter and wetter shining . (Create a link)

Finish off with the movement of the water cycle to a shallow water

Paragraph 3 -The boats

Describe the boats in a conventional manner

Describe there movements across the water

Describe the wind

Describe the movement of sails

Zoom into the people on the boats

Zoom into the fishes jumping up and down

End focus by shifting to the mountains

Paragraph 4 -Mountains

Zoom into the Mountains structure in a developed format

Describe there stillness (link to real world characters)

Describe the sinking of mountains in the water .

Describe the mountains crumbling into ash under the ocean

Finish with the mountain completely gone and turned into ash

Paragraph 5 -Climax

Go back to the boats drifting slowly to them on the water

Describe the movements of the boat

Describe the wind in a conventional manner

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