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September 29, 2023

Gellirose Gorospe
Seafood Supplier and Culinary Advisor
Zone 2 Caroan, Gonzaga Cagayan Valley

Executive Chef, Mr. Juan Dela Cruz

Crab Haven Seafood Restaurant
456 Coastal Avenue
Manila, Metro Manila

Dear Mr. Dela Cruz,

I hope you are healthy and happy when you receive this letter. My name is Gellirose Gorospe,
and I’m writing to say the willingness I am to talk with Crab Haven Seafood Restaurant about
working together to incorporate mud crab into the menu at your establishment. I have an
intense interest for the food sector and a profound appreciation for the distinct flavors and
variety that mud crab offers. A popular seafood dish recognized for its extraordinary flavor
and culinary versatility, mud crab is a great addition to the menu at Crab Haven Seafood
My suggestion for the collaboration is to work together to add a special Mud crab section to
your menu. I have access to a continuous supply of fresh, high-quality mud crabs, ensuring
that your customers have consistently excellent dining experiences. Additionally, I am willing
to actively participate in the creation of unique mud crab meals and promotional efforts to
draw in a larger audience.
I’m willing to continue this conversation whenever it would be most convenient for you. I
think a collaboration between us would be favorable for both sides, expanding the menu at
Crab Haven Seafood Restaurant while also gaining popularity in the market for premium
mud crab meals.
Please let me know your ideas and meeting availability. I am excited to talk with you about
this prospective partnership and am looking forward to your response.

Thank you for considering this proposal.

Gellirose Gorospe
Seafood Supplier and Culinary Advisor

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