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Yaris trés francaise |. Pre-viewing discussion: What French brands are you most familiar with? What French car companies do you know? What elements do most car commercials have? What points are usually used to sell a car? Il. Watch video il, Comprehension questions 1,) Describe the commercial (visuals, stylistically) 2.) According to the spot, list three phenomena that are “trés francais’ 3.) What information is given about the car and its specs? IV. Pair share Students explore together. See activities below, httos:// fil V. Expansion 1) Look at the website and discuss. Have you ever seen a commercial have its own website? Why is the advertising spot being described as a film? 2.) What does “labellisé Origine France Garantie" mean? Where have you seen this / type of label before? Why might it be significant? 3.) Explore this follow-up spot posted on Youtube. What is its objective? Here is the description of this spot, what do you make of it? ‘Nous avons souhaité rappeler les origines francaises de la Toyota Yaris et plus globalement Trancrage de Toyota en France. La Toyota Yaris est en effet produite en France, pas seulement pour Je continent européen, mais aussi pour toute Amérique du Nord. La genése de cette campagne était donc la suivante : faire la plus francaise des campagnes pour la plus francaise des citadines. est pourquoi nous avons décidé de créer le premier flm publcitaire certifié Origine France Garantie. 4) Finally, look at the comments on the original Youtube commercial. How was the spot received? What does it tell you about France today? VI. Class discussion What vision of France is being sold here? VII. Follow-up activity This activity is a precursor to an essay assignment that asks them to discuss the concept of Made in France and how notions of terroir are used in marketing strategies. hjmvwe psu edt

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