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Final Exam of Special Radiographic procedures

Write ''T'' in front of the TRUE sentence and ''F'' in front of the
FALSE sentence regarding the following:
1. Regarding oblique position as IVU procedure:
a. Downside kidney should be demonstrated well
b. obstruction of elevated ureter should be visualized
c. Rotate body into 30° anterior oblique positions both R and L
d. Flex elevated-side knee for support of lower body.
2. Regarding post-void IVU:
a. It’s not ideal to demonstrate BPH
b. Patient should be in prone position
c. Direct CR perpendicular to IR
d. Center to level of iliac crest
3. When the CR is perpendicular and directed to midsagittal
plane at level of iliac crest this projection for IVU will be:
a. AP scout
b. AP nephrogram
c. AP 15 minutes
d. AP post-void
4. The following in procedure in retrograde urography:
a. AP scout
b. AP 10 minutes
c. AP ureterograph
d. AP post-voiding
5. The relative location of the jejunum:
a. RUQ
b. LUQ
c. RLQ
d. LLQ
6. Patient preparation for esophagogram:
a. all clothing and anything metallic between the mouth and
the waist should be removed
b. the examination should be carefully explained to the patient.
c. No preparation for an esophagogram
d. Food and fluids should be withheld for at least 8 hours before
the examination
7. Patient preparation for small bowel:
a. The patient should be asked to void.
b. Preparation of the patient for a small bowel is the
same preparation of the barium enema.
c. Is the same preparation of the UGI.
d. The patient should be NPO after midnight.
8. The relative location of the ilium:
a. RUQ
b. LUQ
c. RLQ
d. LLQ
9. The purpose of an esophagogram is to demonstrate
radiographically the:
a. Form and function of the esophagus.
b. Function of the esophagus.
c. Form of the esophagus.
d. Anatomy and function of the esophagus.
10. Contraindication for HSG:
a. Pregnancy is a contraindication for HSG
b. Pelvic inflammatory disease
c. Active uterine bleeding.
d. Secondary Infertility is a contraindication for HSG
11. The patient should void just before the IVU
examination is performed for these two reasons:
a. A bladder that is too full could rupture
b. To decrease exposure factor that is selected
c. Urine already present in the bladder dilutes the
contrast media
d. Empty bladder to prevent displacement of the uterus
and uterine tubes
a. Position patient recumbent preferred.
b. Align MSP to midline of IR or table.
c. Place top of IR about 2 inches (5 cm) above level of
shoulders, to place center of IR at CR.
d. Entire esophagus is seen between thoracic spine and
13. About patient procedure for HSG is correct:
a. the patient lies supine on the table in the lithotomy
b. A vaginal speculum is inserted into the vagina.
c. The vaginal walls and cervix are cleansed with an
antiseptic solution
d. A tenaculum may be necessary to aid in insertion and
fixation of the cannula or catheter
14. About voiding cystourethrography:
a. It is functional study of the U. bladder and urethra
b. Shielding should be applied to protect gonads
c. Image taken in recumbent or erect position
d. RPO with 45° is adequate for male position
Place a circle on the best answer symbol:
1. The gross outline of the kidneys may be faintly
demonstrated because:
a. Contrast media in nephrogram
b. fatty capsule surrounding the kidneys
c. Density of kidneys parenchyma
2. Radiographic examination of the urinary system is termed:
a. Urography
b. IVU
c. IVP
3. The technologist is responsible for convulsions symptoms in
severe reaction:
a. Call for immediate medical assistant Monitor vital signs
b. Call for immediate medical assistant. Protect patient
from injury.
c. Call for immediate medical assistant. Monitor blood
4. Patient preparation for barium enema is similar to:
a. Barium swallow
b. IVU
c. HSG
5. use LPO and RPO positioning is taken after:
a. 15-minute
b. 20-minute
c. postvoid radiograph
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
Question 3: Matching the column A by correct answer in the column B
CR to MSP, 1-inch (2.5 cm) inferior to AP (PA) PROJECTION: 1
sternal angle (T5-T6) or approximately 3 ESOPHAGOGRAM
inches (7.5 cm) inferior to jugular notch
The patient also is instructed not to Patient preparation for upper 2
smoke cigarettes or chew gum during GI series
the NPO period.
Radiographic examination of the distal UGI 3
esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
to study radiographically the form and + LATERAL POSITION: UPPER 4
function of the distal esoph-agus, GI SERIES
stomach, and duodenum
AP PROJECTION: UPPER GI SERIES Fundus of stomach is filled 5
with barium
Fundus of stomach is filled 6.
with air
RAO POSITION: UPPER GI SERIES From a prone position, rotate 7
40° to 70°, with right anterior
body against IR or table
Ideal position for demonstrating polyps RAO POSITION: UPPER GI 8
and ulcers of the pylorus, duodenal SERIES
bulb, and C-loop of the duodenum
The radiographic study of the large Barium enema 9
The patient is asked to roll onto the left Sims’ position 10
side and lean forward. The right leg is
flexed at the knee and hip and is placed
in front of the left leg.
is a functional study of the anus and Evacuative proctography 11
presurgical patients and patients suspe- water-soluble contrast media 12
cted to have a perforated hollow viscus can be used for these
ileus obstruction of the small 13
Plain abdomen radiograph (scout) 2 SMALL BOWEL–ONLY SERIES 14
cups (16 oz) of barium ingested 15- to Routine
30-minute radiograph and followed by
half-hour interval radiographs
+ Barium swallow 15
left colic flexure should be seen as open RPO 17
without significant superimposition
Right colic flexure should be seen open LAO* 18
without significant superimposition

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