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In the model, we show the plane crash that Brian endured.

As the aircraft depleted

its fuel supply, it started to descend. Faced with the absence of any visible river
and surrounded only by trees, Brian skillfully glided the plane until he eventually
located a river. Upon spotting the river, he steered the cockpit towards it. The
crash itself was highly impactful, and the water pressure in the lake proved to be
overwhelming. The plane swiftly sank, submerging everything within, including
Brian and the deceased pilot.

To recreate this dramatic scene, we used paper mache to fashion a

representation of the plane's descent into the L-shaped lake. We utilized white
paper mache to envelop the body of a bottle, transforming it into the semblance
of a plane. The river was simulated using blue paper mache, and we crafted the
surrounding landscape, including the grass and trees, with green paper mache.

The choice of this particular scene for our model arose from our fascination with
Brian's remarkable feat of landing a plane without any prior flying experience.
Despite the less-than-smooth landing, he miraculously emerged without
sustaining serious injuries. This leaves us pondering the extraordinary question of
how he managed such a feat, considering that most individuals would likely
succumb to panic in such a dire situation.

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