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The Adepta Sororitas is an elite sisterhood devoted A battlefield healer of both mind and soul. You
to the Emperor of Mankind, possessing unwavering ministrate to the injured with great Medicae
spiritual purity and fanatical zeal that guards expertise and inspire the pious with your cavernous
against corruption and heresy. As the military arm well of faith.
of the Ecclesiarchy, the Sisters of Battle are a sword When plague runs rife or blood spills, every Imperial
of righteous fury drawn to slay the enemies of the Citizen prays the Emperor will send a skilled and
Imperial Creed. compassionate Sister Hospitaller. They are the
Members of the Adepta Sororitas are Emperor’s loving embrace, devout women sent to
inducted solely from the Schola Progenium, the purify festering flesh and stitch the faithful’s wounds.
vast Ecclesiarchy-run organisation that raises the Becoming a Sister Hospitaller requires complete
innumerable orphans of the Imperium. Indoctrinated dedication to the Adepta Sororitas’ teachings and
strictly to the Cult Imperialis from an early age, the meticulous research of anatomy and physiology. They
Schola Progenium provide education and gruelling study the cells that hold the body together as well
physical conditioning to create ideal servants to enact as ways that biology can be abused and annihilated.
the Emperor’s will. The most pious and powerful Whilst focusing on the noble purity of the human
young women amongst them are selected to join the form, they also study xenos biology to undo its ugly
exalted ranks of the Adepta Sororitas — perhaps the existence.
most faithful of all the Emperor’s subjects — and sent Their expertise in Medicae and resolute will makes
to fight the Ecclesiarchy’s righteous Wars of Faith. them invaluable assets for unlocking the secrets of
Though a part of the Ecclesiarchy, the duties of the bizarre xenos biology, decoding deadly neurotoxin
Adepta Sororitas often overlap with the Inquisition. bombs, and discovering non-lethal but excrutiatingly
The Wars of Faith the Sisters of Battle zealously painful torture techniques. A Sister Hospitaller fulfills
wage against blasphemous traitors are the shining the vital dual role of physical and spiritual healer in a
counterpart to the Inquisition’s shadowy operations. group. Though they usually prefer to put people back
In addition, the Ordo Hereticus are permitted to call together, they are also skilled at taking them apart.
upon the Sisters of Battle as a military force to aid Sisters of the Order of the Sanctified Shield
their have zealously plunged into danger across the Gilead
witch hunts. System wherever the need for medical aid is greatest
The aptly named Order of the Sanctified Shield to aid and embolden the Imperium’s faithful, and are
is based on the Shrine World of Enoch of the Gilead widely revered as a result.
System. Through tragic acts of self-sacrifice on the
Heartworlds and beyond, the Adepta Sororitas have
proven themselves defenders of the people. This
devotion has left the Order battered and broken,
though their courageous reputation and the leering
presence of Cicatrix Maledictum mean the populace
the Gilead System readily aids any Sister.
The galaxy’s greatest army, the Astra Militarum, A footsoldier in the galaxy’s greatest army. You
is the massed military force of Humanity. The are one of billions of raw recruits trained to stand
Imperial Guard is made up of women and men from and fire against the monstrous enemies of
every world of the Imperium; neither genetically or humanity. Citizens plucked from planets across
mechanically enhanced, they rely on blind faith, the Imperium’s staggering expanse, each member
dogged determination, and endless numbers to defeat of the Astra Militarum survives brutal training to
Humanity’s frightful foes. Human lives are spent prepare for their purpose; war. Armed with
as freely as bullets, all willing sacrifices to see the mass-produced weaponry and flung across the
Emperor’s will done and His realm defended. galaxy on voidships, uncountable waves of
Every world raises its own Regiments to Imperial Guard fight back the alien and the
defend itself from the untold enemies of Humanity. heretic as the Emperor’s hammer.
The dramatically different cultures, environments, An average human is no match for a rampaging
and training of each planet ensure each Militarum Ork, a sly Aeldari Psyker, or a monstrous Tyranid
Regiment is unique, excelling at a specific method of bioform. Even those well trained and armed
war. cannot hope to match the horrors they face. To
To support the galaxy-spanning conflicts of stand in the face of such nightmares is akin to
the Imperium, at least one-tenth of a planet’s standing madness. And yet the Guard, shoulder to
forces are tithed to the Departmento Munitorum every shoulder with brothers and sisters at arms from
year. On some worlds, recruitment is an honour; the across the Imperium. The Astra Millitarum proudly
firstborn sons of nobles duel to distinguish themselves proclaim their strength is their Emperor-inspired
and enter the ranks of His forces. Other planets are bravery in the face of such dangers.
painfully aware of the fate that awaits most troopers, A Guardsman’s origins are varied; their parentage
threatening recruitment as a prison sentence. is irrelevant compared to their ability to stand fast
Though a planet can usually provide its and fire a Lasgun. Every Imperial planet provides
soldiers with uniforms — be they proud heraldry a tithe of warriors to replace the constant
passed down through generations, or threadbare rags casualties. To some this is an honour. To others
cobbled together from the scraps of other industry it’s a death sentence.
— the Munitorum are responsible for their arms and Each cope with the physical and mental scars in
armour. Requests are made from the Forge Worlds of their own way. Some embittered souls deal and
the Adeptus Mechanicus; a renowned regiment with await death with weary nonchalance; while others
good connections to the Cult of the Machine might be develop a morbid sense of humour, or resort to
blessed with respirators, consecrated armour, or even illicit drugs to keep their personal demons at bay.
a cache of plasma weaponry. Those further from the Though the Guard’s more pious members would
Omnissiah’s light may have to scrabble for what they deny it, few would think twice about taking a job
can find, wielding primitive projectile weaponry or that freed them from their duty and the endless
relying on swords and bludgeons for close combat. cycle of war and death. Inquisitorial agents and
The other high-ranking officials prize skilled veterans
majority receive stalwart mass-produced flak armour as bodyguards. Any warm body with military
and las weaponry; proven patterns that are cheap and training is highly valuable
reliable, and so simple even conscripts from in the Gilead.
worlds can point and fire.
Multitudinous and adaptable, the Astra
Militarum may be deployed alongside any other
Imperial Faction. Their numberless hordes support the
holy wars of the Ministorum — in return, Ecclesiarchy
priests sermonize amongst the soldiers, singing
empowering battle hymns. The Inquisition call upon
grizzled veterans with grave intuition to fill out their
retinues. Some Astartes extoll the faith and bravery of
their mortal brothers and sisters, others tire of their
weakness and inability to keep up with their
genetically enhanced strides.
Cadia, officially known as Cadia Prime, was a planet that saved 3 million of its citizens before the
terrestrial, Earth-like planet originally classified as the planet finally ripped itself apart -- though not before
Imperium of Man's most important Fortress World by Creed himself mysteriously disappeared.
the Administratum before its destruction and
consumption by the Immaterium in 999.M41. The fall of Cadia represented a once-unimaginable
triumph for the servants of the Dark Gods, and the
The world's landscape was dotted by strange black Eye of Terror began to slowly expand without limit,
monoliths comprised of the arcane substance called opening Abaddon the Despoiler's coveted Crimson
blackstone that were of clear xenos origin, known as Path to Terra and creating the Great Rift that divided
the Cadian Pylons. These devices were actually the Imperium in half.
constructed by the Necrons millions of standard years
ago to make the world immune to the psychic Yet among the few survivors of Cadia was a handful
energies of the Old Ones, for it was the site of an of Imperial heroes who had successfully escaped the
ancient Necron military base during the War in destruction of the Fortress World with the aid of the
Heaven. After the formation of the Eye of Terror at the newborn Aeldari faction known as the Ynnari. The
end of the Age of Strife following the birth in the Warp combined forces fled through a Webway gate found
of Slaanesh, the Cadian Pylons acted to hold the on the ice moon of Klaisus in the Cadian System.
Warp rift in check and provide a navigable passage
out into Imperial space from it called the Cadian Gate. Together, these Imperials -- the so-called Celestinian
Crusade -- would forge an uneasy alliance with the
The Cadian Pylons created the unusual area of enigmatic xenos that would offer a new hope for the
realspace stability known as the Cadian Gate near the servants of the Emperor in their fight against the
Eye of Terror that was unaffected by the constant waxing power of the Archenemy -- the resurrection of
Warp Storms that surround that Warp rift. Cadia's the Primarch Roboute Guilliman.
location directly adjacent to the dangerous Eye of
Terror made it necessary for the people of Cadia to In the wake of its destruction, the remains of Cadia in
fortify the planet to an extent where almost the entire the Era Indomitus were resettled by the forces of
population lived in massive fortress-cities known Chaos. It has since become a Chaos stronghold at
locally as "kasrs." the heart of a burgeoning new Renegade empire
close to the Eye of Terror terminus of the Great Rift.
Thus Cadia had an odd mix of dense urban areas and
vast open tundras and other natural landscapes The survivors of the Fall of Cadia have largely taken
unspoiled by the hand of Humanity. up residence on the Industrial World of Chaeros in the
neighboring Agripinaa System in the wake of the
Unfortunately, disaster struck at the climax of the 13th Battle of Faith's Anchorage. They have renamed their
Black Crusade in 999.M41. Archmagos Dominus new homeworld "New Cadia."
Belisarius Cawl, with the aid of the Necron Lord
Trazyn the Infinite, had finally learned to use the The Cadian Shock Troops, also sometimes called
Cadian Pylons to close the Eye of Terror once and for Cadian Shock Troopers, are the highly disciplined
all. But Abaddon the Despoiler, enraged by the Militarum Regimentum soldiers conscripted in large
continued defiance of Cadia's people, gave up on his numbers from the Fortress World of Cadia for the
personal attempt to bring the Fortress World's Astra Militarum, which once stood sentinel as the
defenders low with the activation of the pylons. preeminent bastion of the Imperium of Man in the fight
against the Emperor's ancient Archenemy, Chaos.
Instead, he sent the bulk of the Blackstone Fortress They are deployed in every segmentum of the
Will of Eternity, badly damaged by the assault of the Imperium and are particularly skilled at defending
Imperial Fists' star fortress Phalanx, crashing into the fortified positions against extreme assaults and in
surface of Cadia like an artificial meteor. warfare against the forces of Chaos.

This monstrous kinetic strike wiped out most of From the famous Shock Troops of its infantry
Cadia's defenders, destroyed the network of Cadian regiments to the dedicated crews of its armoured war
Pylons and tectonically destabilised the world. engines and the gunners who man its artillery and
heavy weapons, the discipline and highly-professional
As the Warp and its foul denizens claimed the warriors of the Cadian Regimentum are lauded
remains of the Fortress World, Lord Castellan throughout the Imperium as born soldiers.
Ursarkar E. Creed arranged an evacuation of the
The legendary status of these troops still sees Cadian
regiments serving in warzones vast distances from
Cadia. As such, the influence of Cadian regiments
can be felt on worlds in every segmentum, influencing
combat doctrine and logistics. Cadian Interior Guard
forces employed standardised Departmento
Munitorum equipment and vehicles, allowing them to
seamlessly transfer into the service of the Astra
Militarum, and there are only a few types of regiment
that cannot be raised from Cadian forces.

Cadians believe that discipline is the single most

important factor in the operation of any army. While
there are those who justifiably disagree with this
position, it has nonetheless served the Cadians well
for millennia, and countless Imperial victories can be
attributed to the effort and determination of the sons
and daughters of Cadia. Even with the loss of their
homeworld after the Fall of Cadia, millions of Cadian
troops, many now raised and trained in transit to war
zones, remain a vital cog in the defence of the
Imperium from its myriad foes.

That there will be no more of their kind born on Cadia

itself is not the death knell that many fear: the Cadian
lineage continues in every new generation that comes
of age as the fleetborne armies make their
standard-years-long transitions through the Warp
between war zones. Cadian tactics and dogma have
spread to many other worlds and Cadian regiments
are frequently reinforced with soldiers from other
regiments. In these ways the lost Fortress World's
culture survives, its huge armies now marshalled by
Lord Castellan Ursula J. Creed.

Every generation of Cadian soldiery still undergoes

total military indoctrination. At the age of most other
worlds' raw recruits, every Cadian already has had
more than a solar decade's military experience;
through constant drills and endurance trials, they train
to be deadly shots in the bloody cacophony of war
and proficient in hand-to-hand combat.

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