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M1 Lesson 2 Post Task

Direction: Read the case study of Jen and Mark. Analyze each situations given and
Work with your members to answer the questions given

1. What are some of the unhealthy or even abusive behaviors that Jen might be
Seeing in Mark?

- Mark’s way of talking to her, his treatment of her (not only when they were alone But
also around their other friends), and even the physical aspects of their relationship.

2. Jen has decided to end the relationship because it is becoming abusive.

Whatever reasons might a person have for ending a relationship/friendship?

- Mark was apologizing without meaning it and told Jen that he could not imagine Life
without her. In my opinion, that was a big red flag as he is trying to get sympathy. He
Also became increasingly more controlling, insisting that to not spend time with her
Friends and pressuring her to have sex.

3. Describe how Jen should end the relationship.

- I think Jen should inform her parents and her art professor about Mark’s Behavior and
stay with her friends. Before texting Mark to breakup with him, I know this Way of
breaking up is hurtful but Jen should and must prioritize her safety first.

4. Why might she find it difficult to easily end this relationship?

- Ending a relationship is a hard thing for Jen as she already spent time and effort Building
the relationship. Empathizing the situation of Jen, I know she poured her Energy, soul,
and love, and yet everything leads to a breakup that is distressing to her Another
upsetting part of this is that she realized that their relationship is going in an Unhealthy
way which is good, but then painful for her as during in the months of their Relationship
I know there are good memories to be cherished and being able to see the Person you
adore change is something excruciating as all of Jen’s expectations and Hope are
trampled into the grounds of despair.

5. Despite how difficult the breaking up process might be, why is it important
That she proceeds with it?
- Jen breaking up with Mark shows significance in freeing her from the hands of
Manipulation of Mark. She choosed herself and dignity as a person; she optimized her
Self-image. She prioritized herself which encompasses higher self-esteem and
Confidence that she can live life independently, and for her to find a new lover with the
Same values. Breaking up with Mark made her courageous, stepping up is a power that
she initiated As she values herself even more which also equates positive self-concept
and self-love. Lastly, she’ll be able to grow more as a person as she let go of Mark she
ventures a New journey of knowing and improving herself more finding a partner that
aligns with Her

6. If you were one of Jen’s friends, what advice would you give to her about
Handling the break-up?

- I’ll advise her that True love waits, love comes at the right time at the right moment. As
She loses Mark she is able to choose herself, and choosing herself is the best form of
Love she can have. As she values herself more, she’ll get a partner that does more, a
Partner that will give her unconditional love and genuine happiness that she deserves. I’ll
tell her that Mark is part of her journey, for her to grow and to value herself more. After
explaining that it is the right decision to break up with Mark, I’ll tell her how proud I Am
as her friend to step up and choose herself is brave, I’m going to empathize with her That
I know she is hurt.

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