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Unit 1 Assignment -Overview of Lean Assignment

Syed Fahim Abbas Kazmi

Project Management, University of Harrisburg

PMGT 574-50- B-2024/Spring - Lean Thinking

Assignment Due Date: 05 Feb 2024


In the dynamic environment of GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), particularly within the asset

maintenance site where I serve as a Data Analyst, the application of Lean Methodologies has been

instrumental in streamlining processes, enhancing productivity, and ensuring the effective delivery

of services. This paper delineates the setting of my recent work, emphasizing the procedures

followed, product delivery strategies, and the methods employed for delivering work, prioritizing

tasks, forming teams, and creating solutions within the asset maintenance domain.

Work Setting and Procedures

The work setting at GSK's asset maintenance site is characterized by a complex array of

tasks ranging from routine maintenance to critical asset management, all aimed at ensuring the

uninterrupted operation of manufacturing processes. The procedural framework of our operations

is built around Lean principles, focusing on value creation for the end customer with minimal

waste. This encompasses regular data analysis to predict maintenance needs, streamline inventory

management, and optimize resource allocation.

Product Delivery Strategies

Our product delivery strategies are deeply ingrained in Lean methodologies, particularly

the Just-In-Time (JIT) delivery system. This approach ensures that parts and materials are only

ordered and received as needed, minimizing inventory costs and reducing waste. Through data

analytics, we forecast the demand for maintenance resources and schedule deliveries accordingly,

ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time without overburdening the storage


Delivering Work and Prioritizing Tasks

Delivering work efficiently in the asset maintenance sector involves a meticulous approach

to prioritizing tasks based on their criticality and impact on the production line. Using Lean tools

such as the Pareto Chart and Critical Path Method (CPM), we identify high-priority assets and

maintenance activities that have a direct influence on operational efficiency. This data-driven

prioritization helps in focusing our efforts on areas that yield the highest value, ensuring optimal

allocation of time and resources.

Forming Teams and Creating Solutions

Team formation and solution creation are pivotal aspects of our Lean journey at GSK.

Cross-functional teams are assembled based on the specific skills required to address identified

maintenance challenges. These teams follow the Scrum framework, a Lean approach that promotes

flexibility, creativity, and productivity. Daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, and

retrospectives facilitate continuous improvement and allow for rapid adaptation to new

information or urgent maintenance needs.

Lean tools such as 5 Whys and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) are employed to delve deep

into maintenance issues, ensuring that solutions address the underlying problems rather than just

the symptoms. This approach not only solves immediate issues but also contributes to a culture of

continuous improvement and learning.

Impact of Lean Methodologies

The implementation of Lean methodologies at GSK's asset maintenance site has had a

profound impact on our operations. It has led to significant improvements in efficiency, reduced

downtime, and enhanced team collaboration. By focusing on value and relentlessly pursuing waste

elimination, we have been able to deliver high-quality maintenance services that directly contribute

to the operational excellence and sustainability goals of GSK.


In conclusion, the application of Lean Methodologies at GSK's asset maintenance site has

revolutionized the way we approach maintenance management. Through strategic product delivery

strategies, efficient work delivery and task prioritization, effective team formation, and innovative

solution creation, we have been able to significantly improve our operational efficiency and

productivity. The Lean approach has not only enabled us to meet the current demands of the asset

maintenance department but has also positioned us well for future challenges, ensuring that we

continue to add value to GSK and its stakeholders.

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