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yarieliz Urena

English 102


Paragraph 1: What are the benefits of "critically evaluating research,"

According to the instructions in the book "How to Write a Research Paper," it is essential to

establish several approaches that assist us in learning to examine our writings. The first and most

crucial step is understanding how to analyze our research and ensuring that the material we are

gathering is valid and accurate. Writing an essay requires a number of abilities, some of which

are discussed in this book. To begin, it is critical to comprehend the distinction between a

research paper and an essay. The writer of a research paper has the option to offer his or her own

evaluation on the topic being discussed. Another skill is developing writing techniques that help

improve our research papers. It is common today that most students have problems with

grammar and writing. Others have no idea what a research paper is, which can be complicating

their college experiences. Colleges and schools are criticized in the book of being accountable

for the poor habits that young people establish, which damage their writing while writing a

research paper (Simon Kendal,16).

Paragraph 2:
Unfortunately, racism and prejudice against black troops remained an issue at William Penn's

camp. Several instances were detailed in the film 'The Story of Camp William Penn: Black

Troops in Blue,' one of the most upsetting of which was the moment one of the black soldiers

was punished. Black troops were more likely to be punished, and it is suspected that some of the

white soldiers in charge of training the blacks abused their authority by mistreating the black

soldiers.White commanders used a variety of tactics to discipline black soldiers, the most well-

known of which was flogging on the back. These soldiers, who already had wounds from

previous owners, took mistreatement as if it was usual. The soldier in the film that we watched

in class had scars on his back from the previous punishments he received. On top of these scars,

he had to endure the lashing of the white officers. The soldier is shown in the film enduring the

brutal strikes without screaming. Federick Douglass, one of the most famous abolitionists in

history, arrived to deliver a speech to William Camp Penn and spoke about the injustices that he

could recognize and express his displeasure. There is also discussion of the inequality that

existed at the period, which meant that African American soldiers continued to be mistreated and

discriminated against. Despite the fact that William Penn's camp proved the value of African

American troops and provided an opportunity for those African Americans who took the risk of

fleeing to show that they were capable of fighting and developing skills as soldiers. It is revealed

in the film that some of these slaves who fled or obtained their freedom had no prior training

with weapons, yet they were able to learn and wield firearms effectively. Also, many confederate

soldiers disliked black unit commanders, and when black troops were captured, the commanders

were frequently killed with their men.


Scott Sr, Donald, ed. Camp William Penn. Arcadia Publishing, 2008.

Life at Camp William Penn | Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Life at Camp William Penn |

Historical Society of Pennsylvania, n.d.

Wert, Jeffry D. "Camp William Penn and the Black Soldier." Pennsylvania History: A Journal of

Mid-Atlantic Studies 46, no. 4 (1979): 335-346.

Zollars, Candice. “6TH U.S. COLORED INFANTRY They Laid Down Their Lives for the

Flag.” Military Images 33, no. 3 (2015): 25–30.

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