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➤I’m a student at Harvard and I’m the sophomore year where I take many mandatory

classes like civil law and the US criminal law.

So A typical day in my life at Harvard Law School begins early in the morning. The
alarm goes off at 6:30 AM, and after a few snoozes, I finally roll out of bed. The day
starts with a quick breakfast and a cup of coffee to fuel me for the busy day ahead.

➤By 8:30 AM, I'm already in my first class, engaging in discussions about intricate
legal theories and case studies with my peers and professors. The classes continue
throughout the day, covering a diverse range of topics from constitutional law to
corporate governance. Between classes, I seize the opportunity to catch up on
emails, review notes, and occasionally meet with professors during office hours for
academic guidance.

➤ Lunchtime offers a brief respite, allowing me to recharge before the afternoon

sessions commence.

➤ After classes wrap up around 4:00 PM, I head to the library to tackle assignments,
conduct research, and prepare for upcoming seminars and exams. Despite the
demanding workload, the supportive environment of the law school community
keeps me motivated.

+ Debate club and chess club

➤ Dinner is a welcome break, offering a chance to unwind and socialize by playing

cards and games with classmates before diving back into my studies.

➤The evening is spent pouring over textbooks, drafting legal briefs, and
collaborating with peers on group projects. As midnight approaches, I finally wrap up
my work and head home, ready to rest and recharge for another fulfilling day at
Harvard Law School.

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