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Comfort Food.

I met banana custard at some party. We fell in love and she was of great comfort. In bed we hugged and
spooned and naturally I lapped it up.

She supported my plans, shared my interests. Was there when I needed custard-based comfort .

Delectable and delicious. Yellow and creamy, at first, I couldn't get enough.

My friends loved her and told me I’d got my just desserts.

The Trifles, her family totally accepted me.

Her mother Jam Sponge although very close to banana custard accepted me as “The icing on the cake"
her old man Raspberry Jelly" known as “Red"

Who, initially I thought might “cut up rough"

Or chuck a wobbly approved and told me even though he had become a bit” set in his ways “ Young
Banana Custards happiness came first.

Even her sister Sweet Sherry a bit of a party girl said she felt like “popping her cork" in excitement.

Her uncle Tinned Fruit found it hard to open up at times but once decanted it was all heavy syrup.

Eventually we flowed down the aisle.

In yellow chiffon she simply oozed sweetness.

I waited, salivating as my darling dish joined me at the alter for the official blending.

Smooth, hot and ready to be served.

But the years passed.

She got lumpy, and runny by turns.

A double skin was forming.

She needed more and more refrigeration

And got hooked on preservative 65G.1

Our love life had become bland. At times her friend Nutmeg joined us for a threesome but our use by
date was fast approaching.

It’s TRUE my needs changed as I aged

I found companionship with a Greek yogurt.

She was cultured, spoke acidophilus, brimming with good bacteria.

She was also well set up and owned her own pot.
My ex custard fell in with a rich chocolate cake.

Together they did the all you can eat club circuit

Last I heard she had poured herself out over some apple pie, a crusty old bugger and moved up north.

She’s half baked now, studying to be a vanilla slice.

And I hope she succeeds.

For the moment she's back on the shelf but firmly

Embraced by puff I think she'll be polished off soon.

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