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In Partial fulfilment on degree of BBA

Submitted to:
Dr. Santosh Gyawali
Department of Management
(BBA Program)
Butwal Multiple Campus
Tribhuvan University

Sandesh Pokharel
Symbol No. 30449/21
Tribhuvan University
Butwal Multiple Campus
Butwal, Rupandehi
• Setting Up Context:

Imagine META, the social media giant we all know and love, suddenly gobbling up
another company. Whoa, right? Well, that's exactly what we'll be exploring today –
how and why META makes these big moves, and the cool stuff that happens behind
the scenes. Buckle up, because we're diving into the world of mergers and acquisitions
(M&A) with a META twist!

Meta, a tech giant known for its innovative spirit, seeks diverse talent who align with
their core values: move fast, build things that matter, and focus on long-term impact.
Their competitive recruitment process requires meticulous preparation and strategic

• Before the Big Buy:

Let's say META decides they need a little something extra – maybe a new app, some
cutting-edge tech, or a whole new user base. They don't just snap their fingers and make
it happen, though. First, they got a figure out why this acquisition is a good idea. Do
they want to be cooler, reach more people, or become the ultimate tech master? Once
they know their "why," they start searching for the perfect match, like finding the
missing piece of their puzzle. This involves digging deep into different companies,
checking their finances, and making sure they're a good cultural fit (think: no awkward
family reunions!).

• Negotiating Like a Boss:

So, META finds their dream company. Now comes the tricky part – making a deal. It's
like buying a house, but instead of haggling over paint colours, it's about price tags,
legal stuff, and how the two companies will merge after the big "I do." This is where
all the fancy suits and lawyers come in, carefully structuring the deal and making sure
everyone gets what they want. Imagine it like building a bridge between two islands –
got a make sure it's safe and sturdy before letting everyone walk across!
• After the Wedding Bells:

Finally, the deal is sealed, and META welcomes their new addition. But the work
doesn't stop there. Now it's time to make sure everyone gets along! This is where things
get interesting for us HRM peeps. Think about it – merging two companies is like
merging two families. There can be culture clashes, different work styles, and maybe
even some friendly competition. It's our job to smooth things over, help everyone feel
included, and make sure both sides feel like they're winning.

1. Understanding the Landscape:

Meta actively seeks talented individuals across diverse disciplines, from engineers and data
scientists to marketing professionals and content creators. They prioritize candidates who
align with their core values: move fast and break things, build things that matter, and focus
on long-term impact.

2. Navigating the Stages:

2.1 Online Application & Resume Screening:

▪ Submit your resume on the Meta careers website, ensuring it aligns with the specific
job description and showcases your relevant skills and experience.
▪ Tailor your resume for each role, highlighting achievements and quantifiable results
where possible.
▪ Utilize keywords mentioned in the job description to attract attention from
screening software.

2.2 Phone or Video Interview:

▪ This initial interview typically focuses on your professional background, motivation

for applying, and understanding of the role and Meta's mission.
▪ Be prepared to answer questions about your experience, skills, and problem-solving
▪ Demonstrate genuine enthusiasm and research the company and role beforehand.
2.3 Onsite Interview Rounds:

▪ Shortlisted candidates progress to onsite interviews, involving multiple sessions

with different teams and hiring managers.
▪ Expect a mix of technical questions, behavioural questions, and case studies
designed to assess your skills, thought process, and cultural fit.

Practice common coding challenges, be prepared to discuss past projects, and showcase
your collaborative and communication skills.

2.4 Final Offer & Negotiation:

▪ Successful candidates receive a formal offer outlining compensation, benefits, and

start date.
▪ You may have the opportunity to negotiate certain aspects of the offer, such as
salary or start date.
▪ Thoroughly review the offer and ask clarifying questions before accepting.

3. Beyond the Website:

3.1 Referral Programs:

▪ Leverage personal connections within Meta. Employee referrals can significantly

increase your chances of an interview.
▪ Network strategically and cultivate relationships with individuals working at Meta.

3.2 Online Presence:

▪ Actively showcase your skills and expertise on platforms like LinkedIn and GitHub.
▪ Contribute to open-source projects, write technical articles, or engage in relevant
online communities.
▪ Build a strong personal brand that demonstrates your passion and capabilities.
3.3 Participating in Events:

▪ Attend hackathons, coding challenges, or industry conferences organized by Meta.

▪ This allows you to network with recruiters, showcase your skills, and gain valuable
insights into the company culture.

4. Key Takeaways:

▪ Preparation is crucial. Research the company, target positions, and common

interview questions.
▪ Highlight your accomplishments and tailor your application materials to each
specific role.
▪ Practice coding challenges, behavioural questions, and case studies for the onsite
▪ Network actively, leverage referrals, and build a strong online presence.
▪ Remember, Meta seeks passionate individuals who align with their values and
possess the skills to contribute to their ambitious goals.

5. Conclusion:

In conclusion, Meta's strategic acquisitions reflect a carefully orchestrated dance, where

innovation and cultural alignment play pivotal roles. From identifying the "why" behind
each move to navigating the complexities of negotiations, the process mirrors building a
bridge between two islands, ensuring stability before the grand union.

On the recruitment front, Meta's competitive process demands strategic moves and
thorough preparation, emphasizing alignment with the company's core values. Key
takeaways stress the importance of tailored resumes, active networking, and a strong online
presence, all crucial elements in Meta's pursuit of passionate individuals contributing to
their ambitious goals.

In this META verse, where innovation meets growth, both acquisitions and recruitment
serve as essential elements in Meta's journey toward sustained success and technological
excellence. Understanding these processes provides a glimpse into the intricate dance
shaping Meta's future in the ever-evolving tech industry.
Insights on adapting these principles to a Nepali context:

Tailoring the Framework:

▪ Market Specificity: Nepali organizations operate in a unique market with distinct business
practices, regulations, and cultural nuances. Consider these factors when defining your
"why" and identifying potential targets.
▪ Strategic Fit: Prioritize acquisitions that align with your long-term goals, fill strategic gaps,
and enhance your competitive advantage. Look for companies that complement your
existing strengths and resources.
▪ Cultural Integration: Carefully navigate and manage cultural differences during the entire
process. Emphasize open communication, build trust, and foster a sense of shared purpose
to ensure a smooth integration.

Adapting the Stages:

▪ Due Diligence: Conduct thorough due diligence beyond financials. Assess cultural
compatibility, legal compliance, and potential integration challenges. Seek local expertise
to navigate unique regulatory environments.
▪ Negotiation: Understand local negotiation styles and adapt your approach accordingly.
Emphasize mutually beneficial outcomes and long-term partnerships. Utilize legal and
financial professionals experienced in Nepali mergers and acquisitions.
▪ Integration: Develop a comprehensive integration plan addressing cultural differences,
communication strategies, talent management, and operational alignments. Prioritize
employee engagement and open communication throughout the process.

Additional Considerations:

▪ Limited Resources: Smaller Nepali organizations might have limited resources for large-
scale acquisitions. Consider alternative strategies like strategic partnerships, joint ventures,
or talent acquisition to achieve similar goals.
▪ Focus on Value Creation: Ensure the acquisition creates tangible value for both
organizations, stakeholders, and customers. This could involve market expansion,
technology adoption, or access to new resources.
▪ Compliance: Strictly adhere to all legal and regulatory requirements specific to mergers
and acquisitions in Nepal. Seek expert guidance to ensure compliance and avoid potential
legal issues.

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