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how Rudy's
mparing his tie to an
By saying that his tie
at it is forever still.
he tie was still, the
ing a metaphor to
un" or interesting to
reader is that it
t differently and

end. They The author's use of asyndeton in this quote shows

how fast everything must have happened in Max's
life. The lack of conjunctions results in one
sentence occurring quickly after another. This is
Of guilt. how the reader imagines these events happened
" (223). for max. The happened so fast that there wasn't
much time to think or process what was
happening. The effect on the reader is that the
asyndeton helps us feel the emotions the author is
et. A button trying to convey one after another, without giving
flat round stone us a break, either it being a goof or bad feelings,
just like what MLK did with his ¨I have a dream¨

The body is

The author used this to lead the reader to think a certain way
until they throw a curve ball which results in messing up the
way that you were thinking. In this sentence, the author (or
death really) shows how the situation sounds like one of
those jokes that everyone has heard before, but it turns out
to be a real life situation. In Liesel´s case, it isn't funny
anymore. It caused the reader to see the severity of the
situation that is going on in front of us.

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