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Dear Diary
Today is the day I finally go from Minnie Foster to Minnie

Wright also known as Mrs.Wright. I'm ecstatic to begin this new

chapter in my life. John is a pleasant and hardworking man, and

I am excited to have the chance to spend the rest of our lives

together. Our wedding today was the most beautiful and

wonderful experience of my life. When I saw all my friends and

family sitting there in front of me, my heart was full.The flowers,

the decorations, the venue, everything was so perfect. It was the

best version of my wedding I could ever imagine I truly have

never felt happier. Tomorrow, John and I, will move into our

house, officially as a married couple. My only concern is living so

far away from my friends and family but I'm sure everything will

find a way of working out. I can not wait for this new chapter in

my life. I hope it all goes well.

Dear Diary
I feel alone. There is nothing in my life that gives me any form of

happiness in life. I have tried to make it work with my husband but I

have achieved no results. All he wants from me is to do the housework and

keep the house clean. I have nothing to do all day besides these

meaningless tasks, I am so sick and tired of this. I thought John was a

nice man but he does not care about me. Everything he does he is only

thinking about himself. He never asks nor does he care what I want in

life. In twenty years of marriage, we have not moved forward with our

lives. We did not have any kids nor did we do anything meaningful. It

feels like we are in an endless cycle of boredom, misery and suffering. I

barely leave my house anymore, I haven't met my friends and family in a

very long time. The only person I know who even resembles a friend is my

neighbor, Mrs. Hale. She is an old lady, whom I do not know very well but

as of right now she is all I have. I do not know what to do here, I do not

know how I can get out of this depressing and sadistic house.

I do not know how much more of this I can take

Dear Diary
In loving memory of my bird.
Fly High Love
. I killed my husband and I have no regrets. He took away the only thing

that give me joy. He killed my beautiful, jolly canary. In a fit of rage he

broke the cage door and snapped its neck. That is the moment where I

realized John Wright no longer deserved to live. I slipped a rope around

his neck while he slept, once the rope was placed, the rest was easy. The

feeling I got as the life drained out of my husband was a mix of relief

and justice. Strangling him was my tribute to my bird as he killed it by

snapping its neck. The way I see it, it is the perfect example of justice. I

am glad to be out of that house, for thirty years I sat and thought about

how I could get out, after all this time, I finally found the solution. The

police took me in and have placed me in a holding cell. I am hoping

Mrs.Peters can find and bring me my apron. I do not care what my

punishment is, nothing can be worse than living with John Wright in that

house. I only wish I was given the opportunity to say goodbye to my bird

in a proper manner, with a burial.

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