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Fellow -dosh, ham-, fellow citizen, (ADJ) bir xil toifadagi

N- O’rtoq
2. Explore Investigate, research, examine, inquire
3. Lure to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by promising them
a reward
4. Settle choose permanent home, to put an end to an argument or a
disagreementto settle a dispute/an argument/a matter
5. Desolate Abandoned, Empty, unused, barren
6. Mock (V) To laugh at smb or (Adj) fake
7. Depict Show
8. Dystopia Unpleasant imaginary place
9. Utopia Pleased imaginary place
10. Rife Widespread
11. Immoral not considered to be good or honest by most people
12. Vast Huge
13. Expanse a wide and open area of sth, especially land or water
14. Then At that time
15. Frontier Border, limit
16. Enlighten to give sb information so that they understand sth better
17. Audit to officially examine the financial accounts of a company
18. Pretend (adj) not real
19. Evidence Proof
20. Blank Empty
21. Launch Start
22. Uncharted that has not been visited or investigated before; not familiar
23. Map (V) To draw a map
24. Greed a strong desire for more wealth, possessions, power, etc. than a person
25. Exploit Abuse, misuse
26. Scour to search a place or thing thoroughly in order to find sb/sth
27. Temperate having a mild temperature without extremes of heat or cold
28. Dogged – determined – not going to give up easily
29. Just in case Har ehtimolga qarshi
30. Perilous – hazardous – dangerous – hostile
31. Head (v) - to move in a particular direction
32. Fable story - tale
33. Bountiful – generous, large
34. Paradise – heaven
35. Lay eyes look
36. Barren – infertile
37. Merciless – showing no mercy
38. Claim assert
39. Seal sea creature
40. Sketch - draw
41. Ignorance Unawareness, incomprehension
42. Scatter - spread
43. Partial – biased
44. Unveil - reveal - Unfold
45. Conquer – invade
46. Unleash To suddenly let a strong force, emotion, etc. be felt or have an effect
The government's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press.
47. Navigate Steer, Pilot (guide)
48. Race Contest, Competition
49. Courage bravery
50. Crew all the people working on a ship, plane, etc
51. Odds The degree to which sth is likely to happen The odds are very much in
our favour (= we are likely to succeed). The odds are heavily against
him (= he is not likely to succeed). The odds are that (= it is likely that)
she'll win. What are the odds (= how likely is it) he won't turn up?
Something that makes it seem impossible to do or achieve sth
They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds. Against all
(the) odds, he made a full recovery.
52. Circumstance Conditions
53. Reset To’g’irlamoq
54. Void a large empty space
55. Indisputably
56. Unprecedented
57. Scale – size
58. Dominate
59. Humanity
60. Eternal
61. Paradox a person, thing or situation that has two opposite features and therefore
seems strange He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to
strangers. It is a curious paradox that professional comedians often
have unhappy personal lives
62. Conquest the act of taking control of a country, city, etc. by force
63. Exclusively
64. Trial
65. Inquiry - survey
66. Bound to
67. Spherical
68. Satellite
69. Snap photo
70. Roll of film
71. Canister
72. Eject - throw out
73. Intercepted – to stop sb/sth that is going from one place to another from
74. Terrestrial
75. Tedious – boring – dull
76. outdo to do more or better than sb else
77. Velocity - speed
78. Quest a long search for sth, especially for some quality such as happiness
79. Ultimately Finally
80. Struggle Have difficulty
81. Embedded - fixed
82. Obsession – mania - complex
83. Rational – reasonable - based on reason rather than emotions

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