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UX app
techniques to
win over
A pocket guide to experience analytics.
Table of contents


Understanding mobile experience analytics


Quantitative methods
Funnel analysis
Custom event inspection
Session exploration


Qualitative methods
Voice-of-customer research
Gesture-based heatmaps
Session recording
Behavioral screen flow


Technical method
Crash vs. issue analytic
Issue analytics with integrated session replay

05 Experience analytics case studie

Coffee chain uses funnel analysis to uncover user
frustrations and boost loyalty card registratio
A house-hunting app removes bumps in the customer
journey by scaling up user feedbac
How setting up custom events deepen this fitness
platform’s understanding of their most active users


Understanding mobile

experience analytics


Understanding mobile

experience analytics

Generating actionable insights for your mobile app based on user

behavior is easier said than done. Whether your product is a mobile
app or expanded to an app, the story is the same. You most likely
have your app on Android and iOS, or you’ve chosen to build your
app on a hybrid platform like React Native.

Keeping up with mobile app users is a different game to web

analytics. You have multiple versions live across platforms, and
despite best efforts to push for new version adoption, certain users
just prefer to stay on older versions. You’re left with not only having
to understand users on multiple platforms, but also multiple
versions for each platform and multiple device types.

When it comes to analytics, you’re likely already equipped with

quantitative analytics solutions like Amplitude, Segment or
Mixpanel. The question, however, is how do you quantify and
understand user behavior? The days of simple demographic
segmentation are over. Users in completely different age groups can
have very similar behavior when it comes to mobile apps.

" The days of simple demographic

segmentation are over. Users in
completely different age groups can
have very similar behavior when it
comes to mobile apps."

There are multiple avenues when it comes to understanding user
behavior. User research and usability testing is a concept that has
been around for a while. It's an excellent method that involves deep-
dive research techniques from a usually small sample of your users.

But what's the catch? Although you can acquire deep user insights,
it’s costly and requires a considerable investment into either in-
house user researchers or specialized research agencies. Moreover,
it is often hard to validate research findings due to the smaller
samples available for qualitative research methods.

If you’re looking for user experience insights at scale, experience

analytics is a better alternative to building a user-centric mobile app

What is experience analytics?

1 Quantitative



3 Qualitative 2 Technical

analytics analytics

Experience analytics goes beyond the traditional analytics

techniques. It combines three different types of analytics methods
to provide a holistic picture of user behavior.

1. Quantitative analytics:

Quantitative techniques are all about aggregate data. The most

common way to perform quant analysis is to group a data object like
users or sessions according to multiple attributes. Attributes can
range from simple user characteristics, like geolocation or device
type, to more advanced ones, like performing a specific action by the
user; in other words, custom events.

Once the relevant attributes have been defined, the segmented data
can be organized in various structured formats. A common
technique in mobile apps is to create funnels based on the defined
customer journey.

2. Technical analytics:

Technical analytics is especially important in the case of mobile

apps. App experts are faced with the task of having to keep up with
technical problems across many versions at the same time.

Crash analytics is a widely used technique to stay on top of

technical problems that can damage user experience. Crash insights
serve as a new attribute for the previously mentioned quantitative
analytics techniques and can help decipher drops in a defined

Developers are on a mission to minimize crashes. Exception

handling is part of their arsenal to ensure that apps can handle
unexpected conditions. But regardless of exception handling, even
the best apps can have a bad day. UI freezes can still occur, and
therefore UI-freeze analysis is another critical method within
technical analytics.

3. Qualitative analytics:

Qualitative analytics is the trickiest area and is often not easy to get
right. There are multitudes of deep user experience insights that can
only be uncovered via qualitative analysis.

Heatmaps are an excellent way to get started. They provide high-

level insights for mobile screens and can quickly supplement
quantitative and technical insights. On the other hand, session
recordings can fill in all the remaining gaps about why users perform
certain actions in a mobile app.

However, analyzing session recordings can be daunting at first sight,

especially if your app receives hundreds of thousands of sessions
every month. Similarly to aggregate data analysis, it is best to start
with segmentation.

4. Combining the three techniques

All of the above techniques provide powerful insights on their own.

But they can be best utilized when used in combination with each

The following section zooms in on all three analytics methods and

how they can be used for mobile apps specifically. The last section
dives into practical use cases to discuss how the three methods can
be combined to generate actionable user experience insights.


Quantitative methods


Quantitative analytics methods

Session and user analytics

When analyzing mobile app performance, the two main objects in

the center of your analysis are users and sessions.

In most analytics tools, once data is captured, you can get started
with aggregate analysis on sessions and users. The best way to get
started is to use attributes for segmentation.

The following attributes are generally available in most quantitative

analytics tools:

App version
Driver class
Device model
Screen size
OS version (e.g., iOS 14.5)
Geo data
Number of screens viewed
Number of events completed
Screen size
Time spent in app
First-visit data
Number of sessions
Session duration
Carrier name

The above data can, of course, be supplemented with further

demographic details like age, gender, and other information like total
transactions and total spending. But this is only available if your app
captures this with the consent of the user.
Diving into these metrics can already provide high-level insights for

user segmentation and reveal differences across both engagement

and conversion metrics.

On the other hand, the above metrics tell very little about the actual

user experience. At UXCam, we have added user gestures as an

extra attribute to filter sessions. Even on an aggregate level, user

gestures can already enrich your quantitative reports and provide the

first insights about potential usability problems.

We capture the following user gestures:

Single tap Double tap Swipes

(up, down, left and right)

Funnel analysis

Funnels effectively break up the user journey into key milestones

that users need to meet the end goal. The end goal will, of course,

depend on the nature of your business and the objective of your

mobile app.

The most well-known is the e-commerce conversion funnel. In this

case, the key milestones are simple, and the journey is typically

broken down into four major steps:

Product screen viewed

Add payment method

Added to cart

Checkout started

Most funnels will only work in tandem with custom event analytics.

Although it is also possible to just use screens visited for setting up

funnel steps, capturing actions taken by the user provides more

accurate data.

But there are many other ways to create funnels. The funnel setup

often depends on the industry your business is operating in.

Funnels in the financial services industry

The funnel of financial services companies, especially digital banks,

can be very long. There are multiple moments of truth that such

companies track, like registration, identity validation, credit card

order, and the first transaction made.

The following funnel is an example that banks often use for credit

card orders made via their mobile app:

Credit card product page view

Order form load

Risk assessment activity complete

Credit line drawdow

Credit repaid






8.4k 27.56%
2.3k 21.39%
6.1k 22.52%


OrderFromLo... RiskAssessmentActivityCompleted CreditLineDrawdown CreditRepaid

These steps allow such companies to track the user journey from

the first interaction with the product to the first economic


In the case of UXCam funnels, users can easily filter sessions based

on the selected funnel step. By clicking on drop-off segments, for

instance, they can easily see which users abandoned the funnel.

These users can be segmented further by the attributes discussed


But quantitative analytics will only go as far as pinpointing specific

user segments that could be driving drop-offs. It does not answer

why these drop-offs are happening. To get more answers behind the

behavior of users, qualitative data gathered through session replays

can help uncover hidden insights.

Funnels in the online food-and-drink delivery industry

The number of food and grocery delivery startups has been rising in

the past few years — with adaptation skyrocketing since the

COVID-19 pandemic began.

Delivery apps often face the challenge of having a vast range of

products that customers can select from, often leading to

abandoned funnels. To combat this, delivery companies often create

multiple funnels to chop up the customer journey.

The following showcases how a funnel looks for online food order


Funnel 1 Funnel 2

App launch Restaurant selected

Locate address search Items selected

Locate address

Checkout initiated
saved address selected or new address picked

Address confirmed by app Payment screen

Restaurant search Order placed

Restaurant selected

Custom event inspection

Setting up and tracking custom events gives richer context to the

user journey. This quantitative method of analyzing experience
enables product teams to build funnels and understand how
customers engage with the elements on the screen.

The classic transactional funnel, while still relevant, doesn’t tell the
whole story. Choose a tool that allows for custom events instead of
sticking to the typical metrics like registration or password setting.
Set specific events that meet your needs, like whether the user has
engaged with a new feature or whether they’ve completed a given

Inspect new aspects of your app by creating UX funnels with custom

events that help you explore specific issues. Get one step closer to
understanding the user experience by reviewing these sessions via
session recording.

Session exploration

This technique combines many quantitative data points to gain a

complete picture of the sessions taking place on your mobile


Pick and choose the KPIs based on your product needs and what

you offer, or observe them all for a more extensive analysis.

Consider tracking:

Session coun New user coun Frequency of crashe

Session duratio Devic Total rage tap* count

App versio Total crash count

Total user count

*Rage taps are repeated clicks on a specific area, an action often caused by frustration.

By analyzing these metrics over time, you can see trends and draw

conclusions about specific cohorts.


Qualitative methods


Qualitative methods

Qualitative data describes qualities or certain characteristics of the

user experience, often visually or with words instead of just
numbers. It is thought to be subjective, but not all qualitative
analysis methods are based on perception — some take the data
from the real-life usage of an app.

Usability testing and user feedback are some of the better-known

qualitative techniques. While these methods can be helpful, they
don’t tell the whole story of what users do on an app — but rather
what they think they do. Opinions are powerful and this feedback is
invaluable, but observing how real users truly behave is a different

When paired with data visualization, qualitative analysis techniques

can be easily interpreted.

Voice-of-customer (VoC) research

Voice-of-customer research is the process of understanding what

customers want and need. It’s an invaluable tool for any business.
After all, customer satisfaction is a prerequisite for success.

Listening to what customers say about your product or service can

be a great starting point to know how they truly feel about your
mobile app.

VoC research is essential at the beginning of research but not used

throughout the whole research process. This type of data is only
based on the perception the customer has about your mobile app
and therefore doesn’t give the complete picture.

Doing this type of research is helpful for

Getting feedback from users to improve your mobile app

Learning how your customers talk about your product so you can use their
own words to make your app more appealing to them.

Passive feedback: reviews

The App Store or Google Play reviews are great places to start looking for
mobile app reviews. They are a powerful source of feedback that often gets
overlooked. Users are actively reviewing your product — mostly whenever deeply
frustrated or highly satisfied with it. Focus on both sides to know what’s
working and what isn’t.

Pay special attention to the negative reviews, and quantify the number of users
that mention a specific topic, e.g., the app crashing as they’re about to perform
a frequent action. Classify topics by urgency and tackle them when possible.

The beauty of using reviews as a source of research is that they usually come in
larger numbers and are left by users who found your app appealing — at least
when they first downloaded it. The demographic covered here has already
proven to be interested in what you have to offer.

Other VoC methods

Interviews, user testing, surveys, polls, and UX benchmarking are

alternative means of gathering data. There are more ways to do this
type of research, but you’ll have to do more planning, and not all of
them are useful for a product that’s already live.

These methods can prove costly and time-consuming and, if not

approached strategically, unreliable. If the sample size is too small,
the generalizations made from the findings may not reflect reality.
Each of these methods answers a specific question, so they should
be used in the appropriate context.

"Pay special attention to the negative

reviews, and quantify the number of
users that mention a specific topic."

If you want to understand user experience, user testing and passive

feedback are the way to go. The former is based on the perception
of people newly familiarized with your app. The latter is based on
those who decided to download the app on their own. The point of
user testing is observing user behavior, not getting data on user
perceptions, but this technique is often misused.


Understanding user experience User testin After or while using the app
Passive feedback

Understanding user motivation Active survey Before or while developing the

and goals Interview app
Feedback forms

If understanding user motivations and goals is what you’re aiming

for, active surveys — such as interviews and feedback forms — and

polls would be better. On the other hand, this type of user research

should ideally be done before or while developing the app.

There are more impactful ways of identifying usability and clarity

issues, and sources of friction. The following qualitative analysis

methods are more reliable and based on unbiased data.

Gesture-based heatmaps

Heatmaps visualize how users engage with your app. The more

attention they give to a particular part of the screen, the more

elevated the temperature — and the warmer the color shown on the

visual representation.

The most widely available type of heatmap is based on clicks: It

shows where users are clicking the most on any given screen. Pure

clicks may have proven sufficient back in the day, but we all know

that single clicks — or taps — aren’t the only way people interact with

mobile apps.

Other gestures that can and should be tracked with heatmaps are:


tap presses (up, down, left, taps taps


Depending on the functionality of the elements of the screen, one
type of heatmap or the other will aid more in the analysis. Rage taps
and unresponsive taps will give you instant insights into what isn’t
working on your app from a UX perspective. Every time a user rage
taps on your app, they’re begging you to fix an issue that’s leading to
frustration and, possibly, churn.

Session recording

Also known as session replay, this technique is exactly what it

sounds like: The entire session is captured from start to finish and

made available so you can watch it. Replaying sessions provides the

ultimate insight into user behavior.

To avoid wasting time watching sessions that aren’t of interest to

you, use a tool that allows you to filter the sessions by the metrics

you care about.

Go beyond the basics and fully take advantage of session

recordings by integrating them with other analysis methods. For

example, flag sessions with rage taps, observe the heatmap of the

affected element or area, and then replay the sessions to grasp

where the UX issue stems from.

This method lets you monitor engagement on the app without
exposing any personally identifiable information (PII) like address or
credit card information. Any data that qualifies as such should
always be treated with care. UXCam doesn’t store it and
automatically hides it for and from you.

User testing sometimes includes the observation of users, but the

main difference is that, with session recording, the actions taken by
the users are happening in the real world instead of in a testing
environment. You can watch your real users acting like they always
do when they think no one is watching. The result is unbiased and
uncompromised data.

"Screen flows validate funnels, prove

your hypothesis, or show what
unexpected paths users take in

your app."

Behavioral screen flow

Funnels are built off of assumptions, and screen flows show you
what users are doing from the moment they open your app until the
moment they close it. Screen flows validate funnels, prove your
hypotheses, or show what unexpected paths users take in your app.
The advantage of screen flows is that personal bias can be taken
out of the equation.

Filter which first and last screen you want to appear on the flow to

get concrete insight into how users go from one screen to another —

and how they perform specific actions. You may be surprised to find

out what the most popular ways are of getting to a certain screen.

You can also compare the screen flow from users that have only

been on your app once to those who have visited at least five times

or reverse the flow to highlight the final steps taken to get to a

screen. You can review the sessions of the users that went on the

flow you’ve filtered.

With this feedback, you can facilitate flows in a natural way through

the redesign of your app.

Launch End With App Closed Reserve flow

Start With






Screen Flow





Technical methods


Technical methods

Analyze the more technical aspects of your app that have a direct
impact on the user experience.

Crash vs. issue analytics

Crash analytics is a well-known quantitative and technical method of
analyzing and improving the performance of mobile apps, but is it

While it’s necessary to keep crashes in check, this technique only

tells a small part of a bigger story — considering crashes are one of
many issues that apps encounter.

Crash issues are dangerous because users don’t forgive them: They
quickly grow frustrated and potentially look for a competitor or
delete the app if they occur too often. In fact, more than half of
users will uninstall your app if it crashes or freezes. For that reason,
you need to go beyond crash analytics and also keep track of the
issues that cause them.

Issues can be split into two main categories: handled and

unhandled exceptions.

Handled exceptions

Handled exceptions are occurrences where the app runs into an

unusual condition. Unlike crashes, these unusual conditions have
been anticipated by engineers, and the app is programmed to have a
response to them. This way a crash is avoided, and the user’s
journey is not broken.

Keeping track of handled exceptions allows developers to prioritize,
and gives them the necessary context to finding a permanent

Unhandled Exceptions

Both crashes and UI freezes fall under the unhandled exceptions

category. An unhandled exception is when an engineer doesn’t
anticipate the exception.

Issue analytics with integrated session replay

If you're familiar with tools like Crashlytics from Firebase, you'll be

familiar with crash logs. Crash logs provide a summary of a specific
crash and the response codes from the server. With mobile apps,
logs come from the native layer of the platform the app is built on.
They'll come from either iOS or Android. With the right app analytics
tool like UXCam, issue analytics will show you more than the usual
technical reports.

Example of an Android crash log

UXCam provides logs for UI freezes and handled exceptions, as well

as crashes. For every individual issue, the issue logs are made
available. Moreover, developers can review how many times a
specific crash type occurred and what app version, OS version, and
device it occurred on.

These logs help developers diagnose what happened when the app
crashed. However, this can still leave a few unanswered questions
and requires additional investigation.

In most cases, more context is required about how a user ended up
in a crash, such as:

What journey they too

What screens they have gone throug
How the screen exactly looked just before the app crashe
What buttons or elements the user has interacted with

Long story short, the missing piece is the user’s experience. The
easiest way to answer the above questions is to use session replay.
UXCam offers an integrated session replay solution within its issue
analytics feature. But how does this look in reality?

Example of coupling issue analytics with session replays

After selecting a specific crash type, you’ll see a list of every

occurence that can be grouped by

The user IDs impacte

The app & OS version for each use
The geo location of the use
The screen the crash occurred on

For each occurrence, the video session replay is instantly available

for review. This feature enables UXCam users to rewatch what
specific users experienced up to the point of the selected crash.
Cross-team collaboration on issues

Until this point, we've mainly been covering how developers can use
issue analytics. However, our collaboration features aren't restricted
to the tech team.

In most mobile app teams, customer support is on the front lines of

bug reports submitted by users. Customer support specialists
closely monitor user feedback and are on a mission to improve NPS
scores and reduce negative app store reviews.

Having access to a tool like UXCam's issue analytics can easily filter
out users who recently experienced crashes, UI freezes, or even rage

How session comments and notes can enhance issue analytics

One of the easiest ways to collaborate between developers,

customer support teams, or other mobile team members is using
session commenting.
John Pitt Kathmandu First seen : 23/05/2020 Samsung S20 App ver 3.67

Replay Properties Events


Screens Notes

Will - 1 days ago

03:13 Hello Richard Groves , we have just
spotted a crash on the product selection
screen. Based on this session, it seems
that an old button element from v1.1
overalps with content on this screen in
v1.2. This seems t be causing crashes
and rage taps after user make multiple
attempts to progress to the next screen.
Could you please investigate?

Hello Will Leuchars We have reviewed

200 session replays for the segments
who have rage tapped and crashed.
You were right. There was a code
Welcome Screen snippet left there from v1.1. We have
nor removed this and done the QA.
We are ready to roll out the update.
Let me know if you found anything
else in the meantime.

Save note

The above example shows how comments can be left on specific
sessions. Whether you tag a team member or share a link in a Jira
ticket, these comments will appear when a developer opens the

In larger companies, developer teams can receive hundreds of

support tickets simultaneously. The ability to quickly replay certain
issue cases helps them gather more insights about the issue and
helps them prioritize tickets based on the severity of specific issues
like UI freezes.


Experience analytics

case studies


Experience analytics case studies

Experience analytics combines qualitative, quantitative, and

technical methods to deliver a 360-degree analysis of your mobile
app. It provides you with all the tools you need to take your product
to the next level. With experience analytics, every microinteraction
between the users and the app is captured and made available for

The recent privacy changes brought by iOS 14 and iOS 15 have

changed the analytics game, especially for mobile marketers. As
less and less attribution data is available every year, marketers are
experiencing an increase in their customer acquisition costs.
Therefore, increasing lifetime value and retention rates through good
UX has become even more crucial.

The following use cases explore how some companies combined

the analytics techniques to eliminate friction from their apps to
provide a great experience.


Coffee chain uses funnel analysis to uncover

user frustrations and boost loyalty card
Smoothing out onboarding friction

Bean Roasters* is a British coffeehouse with thousands of locations

around the world. They released a Coffee Club app to enhance their
existing loyalty program. Over a period of six months, quantitative
app data revealed that around 30% of new app users dropped off
between downloading the app and registering for the loyalty
program. The numbers alone didn’t explain why there was such a
significant difference between downloads and new user

"By the end of the analysis, the product

team confidently concluded that 15%
of new users dropped off the app after
entering invalid passwords."
The product team at Bean Roasters used UXCam to investigate the
issue. With our funnel analysis tool, they set up custom events in
their onboarding funnels. They had a specific funnel set up to cover
that part of the journey in more detail.

The funnel revealed how many users went from the registration
screen to the password-created page to the complete registration
screen. They noticed a quarter-to-quarter drop in the conversion rate
to the last step of the registration funnel. Since they’d released a
new version since the previous quarter, they had additional data to

narrow down to a specific app version.

*Client names have been changed but our results are real.

The hypothesis was that there was an issue with the app’s password
creation page in the latest version, so they set up two events:
password fails and password success. As the data rolled in, it was
clear that password failures were spiking. To complete the picture,
the team turned to qualitative data.

Tracking user behavior with a heatmap, the Bean Roasters team saw
that people were tapping all over the password screen, indicating
frustration — or rage taps. Session recordings revealed users could
not use special characters in their passwords. By the end of the
analysis, the product team confidently concluded that 15% of new
users dropped off the app after entering invalid passwords — this
actionable insight was brought to the attention of the development
team. Once the team resolved the password issue, they continued to
test the app.

Poorly-timed pop-ups

After months of testing, they saw that there was still drop-off after
users successfully created their passwords. Looking back at the
heatmaps, customers were repeatedly tapping the next screen to
remove an additional Coffee Club Card pop-up ad on the complete
registration page. The repeated tapping of the same screen was
flagged as rage tapping, indicating that the customers were once
again frustrated with getting to the next page. The product team
removed the mistimed pop-up and put in a push notification for later
down the funnel for the Club Card.

Through a combination of qualitative and quantitative app analysis,

UXCam provided a holistic picture of the challenges that users had
while onboarding onto Bean Roaster’s app. They saw a 15+%
increase in loyalty program registrations after the fixes.


A house-hunting app removes bumps in the

customer journey by scaling up user feedback

Analyzing the big picture with scaled-up feedback

The product team released a set of new features in their

latest app update. A month later, user retention rates steadily
declined. At the time, they were only gathering feedback through live
user-testing interviews, who had been reporting issues like screen
freezing. Validating these responses had been a challenge due to
budget and time constraints. The team didn't have the
time nor tools to dig deeper into what was causing the freezes. Not
to mention, there was no standardized process for collecting user
feedback. They needed more structured research tools to test and
validate their hypotheses and build a clearer product roadmap.

To avoid the bias and high cost of frequent in-person interviews, they
turned to UXCam to scale their qualitative user feedback. They set
intended usage goals, tracked different objectives, created
hypotheses based on the results, and tagged and collated evidence
via session recordings.

UXCam's session replays enabled the team to analyze

50-100 session recordings a day. They saw which device models,
app versions, and model versions were experiencing the most UI
freezes. Screen crash and freezing can be filtered using filters in the
Sessions list on the UXCam dashboard. With a richer context of the
circumstances in which an app crashed, they could provide
developers with more precise data to prevent further freezes in the
future.* is a fast-growing online real estate platform based in New York. The property search
platform enables users to filter homes and apartments based on specific criteria and offers
apartments for rent and purchase.

Improving search functionality with heatmaps

The session replays feature also helped them better understand the
decreasing adoption rate of new features. Among the many
observations, they learned that their most-used tool, the search bar,
was the source of user frustration on the app. After seeing the
problem pages in the replay videos, the product team dug deeper
using heatmaps. The map detected a high amount of rage taps while
using the new search bar. The team hypothesized that most users
wanted to search for houses across multiple cities within a single
search. Customers were frustrated with manually adding new cities
every time they searched.

With this actionable piece of insight, the team revamped the design
of the search bar, enabling users to select multiple locations easily.
The heatmaps enabled the team to validate their test
results and found the most optimal solution with the highest level of

With the search experience improved, it's fast becoming one of the
app's most used features, with the adoption rate growing from 20%
to 40% since the fix.


How setting up custom events deepen this

fitness platform’s understanding of their most

active users

Analyzing the big picture with scaled-up feedback

Product managers at Fit2Go noticed that users weren’t completing

workout plans after enrollment and that the time spent on their app

was relatively low. To drive more strategic product decisions, they

needed a comprehensive tool that would give them the complete

picture of how different users were engaging with their product.

They used UXCam to drill down deeper into the user experience. The

team set up a series of custom events to see how users onboarded,

started training, and navigated through the fitness app. By analyzing

heatmaps, user session recordings, and journey loops in the screen

flow, they learned who the most active customers were, their

workouts, and which instructors led the most popular classes.

One of the breakthrough learnings was that the most highly engaged

users were actually searching by workout types like arms or core

focus — not instructors. They also realized that these users

preferred specific instructors for different workout types.

With this data, the team provided a new content category that

focussed on workouts first and trainers second. This feature enabled

users to choose their own content based on personal preferences

and workout trends.

Fit2Go* is a mobile app that delivers live and on-demand workouts. Subscribers can access

training sessions through their phone, tablets, or computers.

The Fit2Go team made improvements based on a comprehensive
picture of feature engagement through session recording, event
analytics, and heatmaps. The qualitative insights enabled the team
to make further iterations to their product roadmap. In the next
quarter, user sign-ups increased by 181%, the total app sessions and
time spent in-app increased by 415% and 460%, respectively.

Here’s what matters

Data only tells a part of the story. Create a harmonious user

experience with experience analytics. Walking in your customer's
shoes is the first part of the journey — understanding the impulses
and motivations behind each step will differentiate you from
competitors. UXCam makes it possible to discover and share these
insights among your organization.

Are you ready to dive

into experience analytics

for your app?

Kick off your 14-day free trial with UXCam

(no credit card required)

Want to see more of what
UXCam can do for your app?
Book a demo with one of our experts.

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