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by Dr.

Sue Morter January 6, 2021

Are you Including “You” in the Connection Matrix?

We’ve rounded the bend and stepped into a new year. With new
energies presented to us, have you taken time to reflect—about what
was…about what’s coming? For some of us, 2020 was a nonstop
year of reflection…and shifts.
Yet there is always an invitation to go deeper.
Many of us spent time this past year reflecting on connection.
Perhaps too much with some, or a lack of with others—family,
friends, co-workers, and community—because of a shift in global
circumstances. But what about connection with yourself? Did you find
ways and time to consciously include “You” in the connection matrix?
Embodiment of the Self, the true you, happens when we are
grounded here on earth. When we take a moment to consciously
connect with the Self, this gives birth to our capacity to be creative,
which is important for each of us right now.
Even during a season when we’d traditionally have spent extra time
with loved ones, near and far, we continue to be asked to isolate. Yet
as a few of us poke our heads out to re-engage, or to explore—you
might notice that life is forever changed. No matter what unfolds next,
our world is different.
We are different and we need to operate differently
To effectively navigate this “now” moment, which, even after all these
months, still feels unfamiliar, it is important that we anchor and
connect deep within. For many of us, because we are still unable to
connect in-person with those that we love, we might feel depressed,
doubtful, stressed. Because we no longer operate in life, or connect,
in familiar ways, we might also feel unstable in this unfamiliar
This instability can compromise our immune system and our ability to
self-heal. When there is “gunk” or interference in an emotional or
mental layer of our energy bodies, the layers beneath are impacted.
This can lead to problems in the physical, such as physical body
injury or disease.
To create stability, it is important to bring the vibrational energy
frequencies together that allow us to remain connected to our deeper
Self. One way is to stay consciously connected to our ability to love
and thus to connect in the invisible realms. Then we can know,
understand, and cultivate, our true capacity as self-healers.
When we cultivate a connection between our mind, body, and breath,
we raise our vibrational frequency in the body and change the
chemistry within. When we are stable, we create an environment that
doesn’t allow a virus or a fungus to survive inside of our system.

Your vibration matters because everything is energy,

including you
Our perspective—the choice to live from the “front side of the
model”—has a direct effect on the state of our energy.
So as the crisis conversations, urgencies, and mandates continue
into this new year, we feel off our rhythm. We might be out of sorts in
various ways. Many of us are experiencing all sorts of emotions that
are wreaking havoc with us.
If we focus on worry, become and stay distressed, or get caught up in
the feeling of disconnect, we need to embrace those feelings with
loving compassion. Otherwise, those energies can exponentially
magnify and create a vibrational frequency that breaks our system
down. Yet as we create the vibrational energetic environment for
health and vitality, that is what happens instead!
Creativity has the power to increase our health
Another way to increase our health and vitality is to realize that we
are made of creative energy. Whatever is happening in our lives, if
we go through it from the Soulful Self perspective, we tap our
creativity. Because creativity is resilience—it is the vital force we are
made of—so we discover how to turn our experience into something
that will serve.
To serve in a creative manner so that humanity rises up from all of
this and finds a better way of living. Perhaps that way is to be more
compassionate and connected. Perhaps it is a creative or innovative
approach, as we find new ways to do nearly everything in our lives.
The invitation right now is to realize that the very energy that you are
made of, which science is showing us everything is made of, includes
you, too. There’s nothing that we are not. We have infinite capacity
and potential. Yet it is so easy to lose touch with that knowing in a
moment like this in our lives when everything seems to be pointing us
in a different direction.
As energy beings, we are—
• Energies of emotions
• Energies of thoughts
• Energies of health and vitality
• Energies of wellbeing and creativity
We are all of those things, if we so choose to allow that to be true for
us, even in moments like this. When we do, we recognize ourselves,
because we anchor and remember this deep creative, connected
truth of who we always are. Not in spite of our current circumstances,
but because of them.

As an entire species, we could operate in greater vitality

This understanding is enhanced because we’re all being invited right
now to take a look at how we could operate differently. I want to
remind you that a virus is an opportunist. It cannot create the
environment that it needs to survive, it has to find one that is a
vibrational match—a chemically balanced match for it to thrive.
We want to keep our system healthy and vital so that we decrease
our ability to host a virus. One of the ways to do that is to remain
seated in your own creativity connected to the Self.
As we embody and anchor our invisible Self so that we live as the
creative-genius energy being that we are, we radically change how
we create in every area of our life.
We do this when we allow our creativity to come up with innovative
ways to be. To live from another way of being that simply does not
allow worry to take over, but rather anchors you in possibility.

I invite you to ask yourself—

• How might I emerge from this time better than I was before?
• What am I aware of?
• What am I discovering?
• What is it showing me on a daily basis?
• What is it time for me to shift into so that I have a different approach
to my life?
Those are the types of creative, open-ended questions that will serve
you. As you reflect upon them, you create and allow a robust vitality
to rise within by tapping your own creative essence, the truth of who
you are.
Drop underneath that worrying mind and its thoughts about worst
case scenarios, what tomorrow will be, or your favorite flavor of
worry, and return to this present moment. We are at free will choice to
decide—not to control anything out there, but to determine how we’re
going to be, no matter what the external environment offers.
Begin to write your life story your way so that you consciously direct
the movie of what your life will look like. Imagine what you would love
to feel on a regular basis right now. Breathe that feeling down into
your belly from overhead. Let it feel good as you imagine and embody
how you’d love to feel, no matter what happens on the outside, and
exhale into the earth and allow this felt sensation to be grounded.
One of the things I teach in The Energy Codes® coursework is about
mastering our internal environment, regardless of external
circumstances. This is what I want for you, too.
So use this “now” moment as an opportunity to build more circuits for health,
vitality, and creativity. I invite you to sign up for a free silver membership or login
to your member area to access this gift from the “My Free Content” sidebar
menu. It’s a short meditation to raise your vibration and change the chemistry
within, so that you are seated in the awareness of the Truth of who you are. You
then emerge into the world, whether it feels familiar or not, anchored in your
creative capacity and at ease.

Train your Mind to Serve Me - You. Build new circuits so that the heart is before
and bigger than the mind.

I am an energy being, a soulful presence, I am pure consciousness itself I am

compressing myself by creating a body. I landed here on mind. I'm the

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