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She had always loved him with all her heart.

She had

Given him everything she had, everything she was. She

Had supported him through his struggles, celebrated his

Successes, and comforted him in his failures. She had

Been his loyal partner, his faithful friend, his

Devoted lover. She had never asked for anything in

Return, except for his love.

But he had never loved her the way she deserved. He had

Always taken her for granted, always ignored her

Feelings, always made her feel like she was not enough.

He had cheated on her, lied to her, and hurt her over

And over again. He had never chosen her, never fought

For her, never stayed with her. He had always left her

Broken, alone, and empty.

She had always hoped that he would change, that he

Would realize how much she meant to him, that he would

Come back to her and make her happy. She had always

Held on to the wrong person, the wrong love, the wrong

Dream. She had always wasted her time, her energy, her


Until one day, she decided to let go. She decided to

Stop chasing him, stop waiting for him, stop hurting

For him. She decided to start living for herself, start

Loving herself, start healing herself. She decided to

Open her eyes, her mind, her heart.

And that’s when she met him. The right person. The one

Who knew how to hold her love. The one who chose her

Just as deeply as she chose him. The one who never made

Her quiet the way she cared, never made her feel like

She was too much. The one who never made her beg for

The love she deserved. The one who met her where she

Was. The one who made her his favorite thing, and never

Confused her — never made her feel like she was

Fighting for someone who wasn’t fighting for her. The

One who showed her that it never mattered how tightly

She held on to the wrong people, how intensely she

Tried, because the right people were always going to

Find her. The right people were always going to stay.

She had never felt so happy in her life. She had found

The love she had always dreamed of, the love she had

Always deserved. He had made her feel special,

Beautiful, and cherished. He had made her laugh, smile,

And glow. He had made her forget the pain of the past,

The scars of the heart, the wounds of the soul.

He had always been there for her, always listened to

Her, always understood her. He had always respected

Her, always trusted her, always supported her. He had

Always surprised her, always spoiled her, always

Romanced her. He had always been honest, faithful, and

Loyal. He had always been kind, gentle, and sweet.

He had always loved her with all his heart. He had

Given her everything he had, everything he was. He had

Shared his dreams, his fears, his secrets. He had

Opened his mind, his soul, his heart.

They had always been happy together, always enjoyed

Each other, always complemented each other. They had

Always had fun, adventure, and passion. They had always

Had harmony, balance, and peace. They had always had

Friendship, partnership, and love.

They had always been the right people for each other,

The right love for each other, the right dream for each

Other. They had always held on to the right person, the

Right love, the right dream. They had always spent

Their time, their energy, their life.

She had never expected to see him again. He had

Disappeared from her life without a trace, without a

Word, without a goodbye. He had left her heartbroken,

Betrayed, and shattered. He had been the wrong person,

The wrong love, the wrong dream.

But there he was, standing in front of her, smiling

That familiar smile, looking at her with those

Piercing eyes. He had come back, after all these years,

After all the pain, after all the silence. He had come

Back, with a new story, a new excuse, a new apology. He

Had come back, with a new promise, a new hope, a new

He had come back, to win her back, to take her back, to

Break her back.

She felt a surge of emotions, a mix of anger, sadness,

And fear. She felt a flash of memories, a blur of

Moments, and tears. She felt a tug of temptation, a

Hint of curiosity, and doubt. She felt a wave of

Confusion, a storm of questions, and guilt.

She didn’t know what to do, what to say, what to feel.

She didn’t know how to react, how to resist, how to

Escape. She didn’t know why he was here, why he wanted

Her, why he couldn’t leave her alone.

She looked at him, then at her lover, then at herself.

She looked at the past, then at the present, then at

The future. She looked at the wrong, then at the right,

Then at the choice.

She took a deep breath, and made her decision.

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