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Forming Habits Habits are a great way to channel your energy in the direction of success. Habits are behaviors that can consist of single actions or multiple actions linked in a sequence. Here are five core habits that will help you build self-discipline: k The habit of planning k The habit of deciding k The habit of simplifying k The habit of taking action regularly k The habit of trusting yourself Each of these important habits will save you time and energy as you work toward longer-term, sustainable change. If you make a plan, decide which course to commit to, simplify your actions, take action regularly, and trust yourself, you'll dramatically increase the chances of seeing your goal to completion. Use the five core habits individually or stack several of them together for greater effectiveness. Set the Bar High, but Be Reasonable with Yourself It’s fun to dream of what is possible. What could we be? What could we do? ‘What could we have? We can dream bigger in all three areas—as big as we want. When we set bigger goals, we can end up getting bigger results, too. Big goals require big commitment. Be prepared to devote your attention, energy, willpower, and time to working toward your vision. All of the core habits we talked about earlier— planning, deciding, simplifying, acting quickly, and trusting yourself—will be needed. You will also need another habit—the habit of being patient as your actions start to bring you rewards over time. One effective trick for getting bigger goals accomplished is to make everything you can easier for yourself. Make sure you have a positive attitude

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