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AG 351

Fact Checking Reflection

Name: Jackson Megy

1) Did any of the results from the Stanford study surprise you? Please explain why or why

The results did actually surprise me. The fact checkers makes sense, however, I
assumed Stanford students and Professional Historians had a better understanding
of this topic as they are commonly online looking for information.

2) What was your reaction to the tactics utilized by the fact checkers discussed in the

I wasn’t super surprised by the tactics utilized by the fact checkers. They are pretty
similar to what we talk about in class so it would make sense professionals use them
as well. However, the Wikipedia trick was a new tactic I haven’t seen.

3) What do you see as the main benefit to going back to the original source of information?

The main benefit of going back to the original source would have to be to test the
accuracy of the called out source and make sure its not made up.

4) Do you think going back to the original source is common for most? Why or why not?

I don’t think many people go back to the original source. I think most people don’t
even consider something like this when looking at sources. I also think laziness and
too much trust play a key role.

5) How often would you say you return to the original source when consuming media?
(think in terms of “most of the time,” “sometimes,” “never,” etc.) What, if anything,
triggers you to look beyond one media source?

I don’t think I often return to the original source. I too sometimes fall victim to
being lazy and just believe the facts. However, big issues or issues I like to talk about
are times when I go back and research a little bit more.

6) How would you define a trustworthy source?

I would define a trust worthy source as one that tries to give you as much
information as possible. This information can include sources, authors, links,
etc…however the more they give you the better. I would define a trust worthy site as
one that gives you a little of all of this.

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