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2010 Second International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation

Aircraft Taxi Route Planning for A-SMGCS based on Discrete Event Dynamic
System modeling

TANG Xin-min, WANG Yu-ting, HAN Song-chen

Civil Aviation College of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Jiangsu, China

Abstract—To implement taxi route planning for aircrafts in taxi route planning. However, methods mentioned above
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System didn’t consider the possible conflicts among aircrafts on the
(A-SMGCS), discrete event dynamic system (DEDS) modeling surface. Enrico Piazza [5] argued that A-SMGCS route
method is adopted. The surface movement model based on planning the surface state must be take into consideration,
Petri Nets is proposed taking into account the runway, and flexible tactical adjustment could meet the surface
taxiways and apron running regulations. The surface environment dynamic changes. On the dynamic route
movement controlling regulations are defined and the conflict
planning aspect, from the view of airport safety and
detection and resolution is transformed into the state
efficiency, it is required to ensure that arrival and departure
forbidden problem. To describe dynamic behaviors of aircraft
surface movement model, the enabling, firing rule and the
flights taxi along the shortest route continuously without
staying time window are defined. The dynamic route is conflictions.. Marin[6] defined taxi route planning as linear
optimized from static admissible routes. The result of planning multi-objects flow network, and provided some taxi
indicates that dynamic route planned can decrease the constraints, but the route from the start point to the end
potential conflicts, reduce waiting time of aircrafts and point is a pre-defined shortest route. P.C. Roling[7] et al
increase the capacity of airport. divided taxi route into multiple sections, and established a
mixed integer programming model to minimize taxi and
Keywords-advance surface movement guidance and control waiting time considered taxi conflicts. But the fact that the
system; discrete event dynamic system; taxi route planning; Petri complexity of model solving increased came forth.
Nets; max plus algebra This paper is structured as follows: the surface
movement model based on time Petri Nets is proposed
I. INTRODUCTION according to runway, taxiways and apron running
regulations, and the surface movement controlling
With the development of air transport industry, the flights
regulations is defined in section Ċ, based on which
in large airports increase rapidly. The weakness of
dynamic behaviors of surface aircrafts are described, the
traditional work style which relies solely on air traffic
dynamic route is optimized from static admissible routes. in
controllers to monitor the airport movements is restricted,
section ċ. Section Č illustrated a example to verify the
especially for airports under bad weather condition with
dynamic taxi route planning method.
complicated layout. Thus, The International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) published Doc.9830 file “Advanced II. MODELING OF AIRCRAFTS TAXI ROUTES AND
Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (A- REGULATIONS
SMGCS)”, which identifies following function elements:
surveillance, routing, guidance, and control. The objective A. The General Framework of Taxi Route Planning
of A-SMGCS is to support safe, orderly and expeditious
The main objective of aircrafts surface taxi route
movements of aircrafts and vehicles on airport surface
planning is that the generated routes could make full use of
under all circumstance with respect to traffic density,
the capacity of the airport surface. So, it is necessary that
visibility and complexity of the airport layout [1]. Scientific
tactical planning tool to provide a variety of pre-allocate
and reasonable route planning can make all aircraft
routes for maintaining the traffic flow according to current
movements to be smooth traffic flows. Therefore, the whole
traffic state. ICAO Doc.9830 prescribes that route planning
operation efficiency and safety level will be improved
needs to generate routes for aircrafts taxiing automatically
or interactively, which is stored in a database. Before
Taxi Route Planning (TRP) is an effective method to
taxiing, based on the airport real-time flight plan, flight
manage the arrival flights from runway to apron and vice
position, berths data, taking-off and landing runways,
verse for the departure flights. On the static route planning
weather and traffic conditions at that time and so on,
aspect, Ji[2] proposed Dijkstra algorithm for routings of
planning tool selects the best one from the pre-selected
vehicles or aircrafts. Huang[3] introduced timed Petri Nets,
routes as the executive route automatically. In addition,
defined the running rules and steps of Petri net simulator,
human-machine interface should be provided for air traffic
and solved the shortest route problem. Zhang[4] converted
controllers to determine the route schedule, or simply
airport taxi route into Petri Nets and defined the simulation
selecting a starting point, an intermediate point and an end
rules, and carried out preliminary discussion for the optimal
point artificially.

978-0-7695-3941-6/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 222

DOI 10.1109/ICCMS.2010.178
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Based on the requirements above, the general framework movement region p and the average taxi speed v ap of
of aircraft taxi route planning is proposed in this paper, as aircraft a , that is:
shown in Figureĉ. It contains three layers: static route ī (a , p) d ( p ) vap (1).
planning, dynamic route planning and surface real-time
monitoring. Static route planning is required to meet: (1)
planning route for each aircrafts in the movement region; (2)
allowed to change the destination at any time; (3) allowed
to choose the route; (4) minimizing the taxi distance based
on the most effective running configuration. Dynamic route
planning is required to meet: (1) arranging taxi route and
time dynamically based on the real-time requirement of
aircrafts arriving and departing; (2) interacting with the
control functions to minimize conflicts; (3) when the
runway configuration changed or routes closed for FigureĊ. Airport surface graphic model
maintenance or temporary hazards, changing the surface In the airport surface movements model mentioned above,
running conditions accordingly. The real-time monitor take allowed regions : i , : j are bi-directionally connective,
charge conflicts detection and resolution during aircrafts thus p  P and t  T meet the condition Pre ( p, t ) 1 š
taxiing. This controller is designed based on surface control Post ( p, t ) 1 , that is, the airport surface movements model
regulations and will not be described in detail.
is not pure net, to avoid which, the borders of two regions
should be mapped into two transitions (see Figureċ, two
equivalent representations).
pA pA

1, 2
t C t 1
C tC2

pB pB
Figure ċ. Two equivalent representations of bi-directional connection
For the approaching aircrafts, the approach state can be
described with papproach , the taxiing state of aircrafts in
runway after landing can be represented with prunway .
Figureĉ. Aircrafts taxi route planning general framework
Suppose that the aircrafts reach apron p apron through exit
B. Airport Surface Movements Model A1, D ,E, G, H, J, A2 and taxiway B3~B13, C1~C5, and
Airport surface traffic system is a complex large-scale the departure aircrafts reach the holding point p waiting of
system consisted of aircrafts, taxiway, runway and apron runway from apron. airport surface movements model for
and has the characters of distribution and concurrency. aircrafts is illustrated as FigureČ.
Modeling the static and the moving objects separately is the Pwaiting

basic of route planning [8]. Pdepart

Definition 1: Airport Surface Graphics Model, The t A1 PD PE


airport surface graphics model is abstracted from airport

surface environment (e.g. polygon, any closed-graph, etc.), A

denoted by set G :  4 , where : denotes those regions tA t B3 t B5 t B6 t B7 t B8 t B9 t B10 t B11 t B12 t B13

allow vehicles or aircrafts, while 4 denotes those regions B

forbidden. For : i , : j  : , then L {l | l :i  : j }
t C1 t C2 t C3 t C4 t C5
denotes borders of allowed regions. t gates0 t gates1 t gates2 t gates3 t gates4
FigureĊ shows an example of airport surface graphics Pgates1 Pgates2 Pgates3 Pgates4 t
gates5 Pgates12

model, according to which the airport surface movements t gates6

t gates56 Pgates6 Pgates8 Pgates9 Pgates11
model could be constructed via the redefinition of Petri Pgates5

net’s. t gates57 t gates67

Definition 2: Airport surface movements model, the
airport surface movements model is defined in the form of
Figure Č. Airport surface movements model for aircrafts taxiing at the
Petri net N {P,T , Pre, Post, m, A, ī } . The place set P airport
represents elements of allowed regions, the transition set T The surface structure model is built with Petri net. As a
represents the boundary of allowed regions, Pre and Post result, when the routes closed for maintenance or temporary
represent the forward and backward relationship between hazards, the running condition is reflected via the changes
P and T respectively, marking m represents movement of allowed movement region set.
state of aircrafts or vehicles on airport surface, A is a set C. Surface Movement Regulations Modeling
of allowed types of aircraft, ī : A u P  R  is the taxiing
The objective of surface control rules is used to avoid
time of different types of aircraft taxiing in the allowed
potential conflicts and incursions. Once the taxiing states of
regions p , which is determined by distance d ( p ) of the aircrafts are mapped into airport surface movements model,


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the surface control rules can be transformed into the surface algorithm, Dijkstra algorithm is employed for solving the
control regulations. For the modeling capability of linear shortest route, but on the surface static route planning, the
inequality constraint, it is employed for the conflict state controller needs to arrange several pre-selected routes for
forbidden. one aircraft.
Definition 3: Surface movement regulations are Definition 4: Taxi route. Taxi route is defined as a
forbidden states in the airport surface movements model sequence S with a set of places and transitions appearing
and described as linear inequality L ˜ m d b , where Lcu n is alternately and satisfies: 1) for the initial marking mi , the
the weighted matrix of marking; the vector b is the final marking mo is reachable through firing of transitions
threshold vector for the weighted sum of marking; where c of route S , that is mi [S ! mo ; 2) there is no dead transition
is the number of constraint inequalities; n is the number of in the route, that is t  S , m ,m ' , m i [ı ! m[t ! m' .
Petri net places in surface movements model. Static route is a directed graph consists of places and
Aircrafts are abstracted as tokens and movements are transitions, independent of current marking. Suppose that
mapped into the state evolution of the airport surface for aircraft a taxi time in region pi is ī (a, pi ) W i (a) , and
movements model. Thus, based on the surface movement shortest taxi distance problem can be transformed into
controlling regulations, constraints for aircrafts taxiing on shortest taxi time. So that, the static taxi time of
the ground can be defined as follow. route S (a) is defined as:
1) Runway is a region for aircraft taking off or landing.
Aircraft is allowed to running on the runway without | S (a) |¦ pi S
W i (a) (6)
causing delays for arrival or departure flights, and at the
moment other aircrafts are not allowed to enter into runway. Obviously, there must be s routes S 1 , S 2 , , S s given a
m ( p runway ) d 1 (2) start place ps and a end place pe . The algorithm generating
s pre-selected shortest route is as follows:
2) Aircrafts have to wait outside the runway when there 1) Suppose that the current planning aircraft is aircraft a ,
is an aircraft in the final approach, or else they could be the transitions and places set is Nodes P  T  { p s } , and
allowed to take off or cross the runway. p approach represents
the initial route is S ps . Then, we construct the routes set
approach place, the constraint for any other aircrafts can be
describe as: 3 {S } ;
m ( p approach )  m ( p runway ) d 1 (3) 2) For each route S  3 with the same last element
node last (S ) , if node  P , turn to step (3), else if
3) When an aircraft taxiing on the airport surface, node  T , turn to step (4);
another aircraft is not allowed surpassing in the same
3) ti  Nodes , if Pre (node, t i ) z 0 is satisfied, then
direction. Suppose place set pt  Ptaxiway , i 1,2,, N , N is
the number of discrete taxiway region.
let S ' S | ti , Nodes Nodes  {ti } , 3 3  {S '} , and
turn to step (5);
m ( pti ) d 1 (4)
4) pi  Nodes , if Post ( pi , node) z 0 is satisfied, and
4) When two aircrafts meet from opposite direction, they W i (a) is the least, then let S ' S || pi , Nodes Nodes  { pi } ,
should keep to their right sides. When aircrafts meet at the 3 3  {S '} , and turn to step (5);
intersection, the pilot who sees the other aircraft from the 5) Calculate the taxi time | S ' (a ) | of aircraft a along the
left cockpit should stop taxi to avoid actively. Therefore, route S ' , and sort the routes from set 3 by descending
when opposite or intersectional meet has happened, there order of taxi time;
must be free allowed region for one aircraft avoiding
6) If Nodes ) , take s former routes in set 3 as the
conflict, see Figureč.
pre-selected routes, denoted as 3 s , else turn to step (2);
B. The dynamic behaviors of aircraft on surface
Once the airport surface movements model and static taxi
route are defined, the dynamic behaviors of aircrafts can be
Figure č. Aircraft opposite and intersectional conflicts expressed by defining the transition enabling and firing
Suppose pt , pt , pt  Ptaxiway are adjacent places, the
i 1 i i 1
constraint for avoiding conflict can be describe as: Definition 5: Self-enabling. For the airport surface
m ( pi 1 )  m ( pi )  m ( pi 1 ) d 2 (5) movements model, if t  T , pi x t , m ( pi ) t Pre ( pi , t ) ,
Therefore, the control regulations above can be expressed transition t is self-enabling, and the self- enabling
by constraint inequalities, constraint matrix L consists of transition set under marking m is denoted as Se(m ) .
multiple marking weight vectors, b [1,1, 1,  ,1,2,2,  ,2]T . Definition 6: Constraint-enabling. The concept of
controlled-enabling is proposed on the basic of self-
enabling. If t  Se(m ) , suppose m ' is the marking after
transitions t fired from m , and meets the constraint
A. Static Route Planning Algorithm
L ˜ m ' ! b , thus, calling transition t constraint-enabling, and
Static route planning only considers the structure of the constraint -enabling transition set under marking m is
surface and calculates pre-selected routes from the start
denoted as Ce(m ) .
position to end position. The traditional static route
planning methods for aircraft taxiing such as Floyd When describing the dynamic behaviors of the airport


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surface movements model, assume that transitions t  TWk 1 (a j ) TWk 1 (a) TWk 1 (al )
Ce(m ) could be allowed to fire which meets constraint- pk 1
enabling condition, and the firing rules is the same as the S (a )
traditional Petri net firing rules. In order to describe an pk
aircraft’s staying time in some region, time window is TWk (ai 1 ) TWk (ai ) TWk (a) TWk (ai 1 )
defined as followed. Figure Ď. Schematic diagram of time windows occupied by aircraft a
Definition7: Time window. For an movement region Modeling the taxi time of aircraft a along the route S (a )
pk  P , suppose a input transition ti x pk meets constraint- could be deduced from the viewpoint of logic and time
enabling condition, namely ti  Ce(m ) , the firing time of relationship between aircraft a and other aircrafts. Suppose
transition ti that is the time of aircraft a entering into that nS is the number of places in route S (a) , aircraft
region pk , denoted as EETk (a) , and m ' is the marking movement state equations can be easily derived as follows:
after fired; Then, suppose another output transition t j  pkx
­ EET1 (a ) REL1 (a )
meets constraint-enabling condition, namely t j  Ce(m ' ) , °
the firing time of transition t j that is the time of aircraft ° EET2 (a ) max{EET1 (a)  W 1 (a ), REL2 (a )}
a leaving from region pk , denoted as LFTk (a) ; the interval °
TWk (a ) [ EETk (a), LFTk (a )] denotes the time window of ° EETnS (a) max{EETnS 1 (a )  W nS 1 (a), RELnS ( a)}
® (10)
aircraft a occupying region pk .
° LFT1 (a) EET1 ( a)  W 1 (a )
As a result, the total staying time of aircraft a in region
° LFT2 (a) EET2 (a )  W 2 (a)
pk is DLTk (a) LFTk (a )  EETk (a ) , and the total time °
taxiing along route S (a) of aircraft a : °
TT (a) ¦ p S ( a ) DLTk (a ) (7) ° LFT (a ) EETnS ( a)  W nS (a)
¯ nS

Due to the taxi time of aircraft a in region pk should be The state equations are seriously non-linear, therefore,
W k (a ) , the waiting time of aircraft a in region pk is: max plus algebra is introducesd to transform maximum
WTk (a) DLTk (a)  W k (a ) . Therefore, the total waiting operater "max" into operater" † ", plus operater "  " into
time of aircraft a taxiing along route S (a ) : operater" ". Based on the max plus algebra operation
WT (a) ¦ p S ( a ) WTk (a) (8) rules, the model of dynamic optimal route planning could
be formulated linearly as:
C. Dynamic route planning algorithm min S 3 {LFTnS (a)}

Dynamic route planning is implemented to guarantee the ­ EET A(S ) EET † B (S ) REL (11)
safe separation between aircrafts, avoid conflicts and reduce s.t ®
¯ LFT C (S ) EET
taxi time. It is assumed that current planning aircraft should
not influence other aircraft’s routes assigned, so it is just Where EET [EET1 (a), EET2 (a),, EETnS (a)]T , REL
need to plan the dynamic optimal route for the current [REL1 (a), REL2 (a),, RELnS (a)]T , LFT [LFT1(a),LFT2 (a),,
arriving or departing aircraft. LFTnS (a )]T , and LFTnS (a) is the time of aircraft a leaving
For na aircrafts taxiing on the surface, by decrypting the last place of route S (a) , and matrices A(S ) , B (S ) ,
their dynamic behaviors, we can obtain the occupancy time C (S ) are the diagonal matrices related to route S (a) :
window matrix TW [TWi (a j )]n p u n a . n p is the number of ªH / e / W 1 (a) H H H º
«  W ( a ) / e / W ( a ) H H »
movement region in airport surface movements model. For A / B / C (S ) « 1 2 »
region pk  P , the occupancy time window of na aircrafts «     »
« »
can be described as a vector TW k [TWk (a1 ), TWk (a 2 ), , ¬« H H H W nS 1 ( a ) / e / W nS ( a ) ¼»
TWk (an a )] . Since na aircrafts’ movement meet the surface Where W 1 (a),W 2 (a ), ,W nS (a ) is the taxi time of aircraft a
movement regulations, there must be interval between two along the pre-selected taxi route S ; H and e are zero element
adjacent time windows of region pk , that is 1 d i, j d na , and unit element in the max plus algebra respectively,
TWk (ai )  TWk (a j ) ) . namely H f , e 0 . The pre-selected route set 3 s is
Suppose that the current planning aircraft a is taxiing regarded as the optimizing variable, and the shortes time
along route S (a ) , the occupancy time window in consuming route chosen from s pre-selected routes is
region pk 1 is TWk 1 ( a) , and then this aircraft enters the regarded as the dynamic optimal route for current planning
next region pk , see FigureĎ. So the necessary condition aircraft. As the result, this algorithm achieves the
that there is an accommodation time window TWk (a ) for optimization within the pre-selected routes.
entering pk between time window TWk (ai ) and TWk (ai 1 )
­ EETk (ai  1 )  LFTk 1 (a ) ! W k (a ) PLANNING
® (9) In order to further verify the route planning method
¯ EETk (ai  1 )  LFTk (ai ) ! W k (a )
based on the discrete event dynamic system, taking the
Therefore, the earliest time of regional pk opening for
aircraft a could be given by RELk (a ) LFTk (ai ) .


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For 5 flights, the assumed start position (departure gate, Taxi
arrival runway), the end position (arrival gate, departure Pre-selected Routes
Number Time
runway) and time (the earliest off-block, taxi from runway H-B9-C2-23-gate6 240 s
time) are listed in TABLEĉ. CA4512 H-8-B8-C1-gate6 260 s
H-9-B10-C3-24-23-gate6 300 s
MU5405 gate4-B7-6-5-4-3-2-1-A1 480 s
Arrival or Start Start End
Flight Number gate4-18-B8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-A1 520 s
Departure Time Position Position
G-B8-18-17-16-gate2 300 s
CA4512 A 13:12:00 H gate6
3U8986 G-7-6-5-4-B5-gate2 320 s
MU5405 D 13:12:20 gate4 A1
G-7-6-5-4-3-B3-15-gate2 330 s
3U8986 A 13:16:40 G gate2
UA4471 D 13:20:00 gate9 A1 gate9-C4-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-A1 360 s
HU7317 D 13:22:20 gate6 A1 UA4471 gate9-C4-B11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-A1 360 s
gate9-26-C5-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-A1 400 s
It is also assumed that the distance of each allowed gate6-C1-18-17-16-15-14-13-A1 360 s
movement region is a straight-line distance in the graphics HU7317 gate6-C1-B8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-A1 360 s
model shown in Fig.2, the number of pre-selected routes gate6-23-C2-B9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-A1 440 s
s 3 , and the pre-selected route set for each arrival or According to the constraint-enabling firing regulations
departure requirement is 3 s , see TABLE Ċ. given in Section 3.2, the dynamic behaviors of aircrafts are
simulated. Planning results taxiing along the static optimal
routes and the dynamically optimal routes are compared in
Table ċ.
Method Flight Number Routes End Time Taxi Time Waiting Time
CA4512 H-B9-C2-23-gate6 13:16:00 240 s 0
Taxi along MU5405 gate4-17-16-15-14-13-A1 13:20:20 480 s 0
static optimal 3U8986 G-B8-18-17-16-gate2 13:21:40 300 s 0
routes UA4471 gate9-C4-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-A1 13:26:30 390 s 30 s
HU7317 gate6-C1-18-17-16-15-14-13-A1 13:28:30 490 s 130 s
CA4512 H-B9-C2-23-gate6 13:16:00 240 s 0
Taxi along MU5405 gate4-17-16-15-14-13-A1 13:20:20 480 s 0
dynamically 3U8986 G-B8-18-17-16-gate2 13:21:40 300 s 0
optimal routes UA4471 gate9-C4-B11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1-A1 13:26:00 360 s 0
HU7317 gate6-C1-18-17-16-15-14-13-A1 13:27:50 450 s 90 s
TABLE ċ indicates that the total taxi time of UA4471
and HU7317 has exceeded the taxi time of static shortest ACKNOWLEDGMENT
route in TABLE2 respectively, namely 30 seconds and 130 This work was supported by National Science Foundation
seconds, which is due to wait for other aircrafts on the of China 60879011, by Ph.D. Programs Foundation of
surface to avoid conflictions. If adopting dynamical optimal Ministry of Education of China 200802871022 and by
routes, the taxi waiting time would reduce 30 seconds and Innovation Foundation of NUAA Y0809-072.
40seconds in contrast. By comparing, the route planning
method based on the discrete event dynamic system
proposed in this paper fully considers the dynamic surface REFERENCES
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