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Janna Andrea G.

1. Identify the competencies that require EXPERT LEVEL for the following profession:
a. Data Steward

 Domain knowledge

 Data Governance

 Operational Analytics
b. Data Engineer

 Operational Analytics

 Data Engineering
c. Data Scientist

 Operational Analytics

 Research Method

 Data Engineering

 Statistical Techniques

 Methods and Algorithms

 Computing
d. Functional Analyst

 Domain knowledge

 Operational Analytics

 Data Visualization
e. Analytics Manager

 Domain Knowledge

 Data Governance

 Operational Analytics

 Data Visualization
2. What are the components of the DELTA+ Model?

 Data
 Enterprise
 Leadership
 Targets
 Action

 Plus (Integration of additional components such as mindset, transformation, technology,

analytics, and others)
3. What are the 5 Stages of the Maturity Model?

 Initial Stage
 Repeatable Stage
 Defined Stage
 Managed Stage

 Optimized Stage
4. What is the importance of learning the Analytics Maturity Model as a whole?

 Learning the Analytics Maturity Model as a whole is important because it provides organizations
with a roadmap for assessing their current analytics capabilities and identifying areas for
improvement. By understanding the stages of maturity and the key components involved,
organizations can develop strategies to advance their analytics capabilities, drive innovation, and
ultimately achieve better business outcomes.

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