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Janna Andrea G.

Justiniano Midterms Written Report TN26 February 06, 2024


 70% of businesses disregard the aging population.

 Products that don't highlight age or limitations appeal to seniors.
 Seniors who are financially secure, socially involved, and active dispel stereotypes.


 Problem: Lack of attention and suitable products/services for aging population.

 Missed market opportunities due to companies' oversight.
 The shift in demographics towards an older population offers business significant opportunities


Brainstormed ideas:

1. Interactive Health Monitoring System

2. Senior-Friendly Home Automation
3. Community Engagement Platform


1. Interactive Health Monitoring System:

Advantage: Promotes proactive healthcare management.

Disadvantage: Initial investment required.

2. Senior-Friendly Home Automation:

Advantages: Improves safety and independence.

Disadvantages: High setup costs.

3. Community Engagement Platform:

Advantages: Fosters social connections.

Disadvantages: Requires active user participation.



 Strong interest and positive reception for all concepts.

 Suggestions for improvement:
o Simplify user interfaces.
o Address privacy concerns.
o Offer customizable features.

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