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★ The third candle is color rose and is called
“Shepherd’s Candle”
Lesson 1: Advent
★ The fourth candle is color purple and is
called “Angel’s Candle”
● A season of waiting and preparation
➔ The Advent Candles represents the
● Came from the Latin word “adventus” and
4 weeks of advent as one candle is
Greek word “Parousia” both means
lit each Sunday
➔ Three of the candles are purple,
● It is the first season that we celebrate in
which symbolizes time of prayer,
our liturgical calendar as Catholics
penance, and sacrifice
● A time of preparation for our hearts and
minds of Christ’s birth
What have you realized after knowing the
● A new liturgical year begins with advent
meaning of advent?
because we are reliving the anticipation of
➔ If something is important to you, you will
Israel for the coming or arrival of the
learn to wait and prepare yourself.
promised Messiah or Jesus
➔ Advent season is not about the gifts that
● Consists of 4 Sundays and weekdays
you will receive for Christmas but is about
leading to the celebration of Christmas (4
remembering how loving God is that he
sundays = 4000 years of waiting for the
gave His only begotten Son to be our
● Readings from this season are those of
chaos or destruction
● This season is a time of hope Liturgical Calendar
● “Awaken! Remember that God comes! Not ● Basis of colors that we use and scriptures
yesterday, not tomorrow, but today, now!” that we read, and ceremonies we
– Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI performed.
➔ Christ the King - before Advent; ○ It is the official calendar of the Church that
last Sunday of Ordinary Time (Nov. have five major seasons of celebrations
26, 2023) ● Gregorian calendar - usual calendar in
➔ Christmas - season after advent our homes or offices
➔ Epiphany - season after christmas ○ The Liturgical Calendar is patterned based
on the life of Jesus Christ
Why do we need to celebrate Advent?
➔ This is how God showed his love among us:
5 Major Seasons of Celebrations
He sent his one and only Son into the world
that we might live through him. 1 John 4:9 01. Advent (Dec. 3 - Dec. 24)
★ Time when we prepare ourselves
for the first coming of Messiah or
Advent Candles the Nativity of Christ
★ The first candle is color purple and is ★ Advent Wreath - we assemble this
called the “Prophet’s Candle” to mark the passage of this season
★ The second candle is also color purple and ★ Color: Purple - color widely seen
it is called “Bethlehem’s Candle” inside the church because it

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symbolizes the royalty of the ★ Paschal candles are lighted during
coming of the King Jesus Christ and this season, which symbolizes Jesus
the penitential tone of advent. as the light of the world
02. Christmas ★ Ends with Pentecost Sunday o Color
★ Time to celebrate the birth of our red is used during this Sunday,
Lord Jesus Christ which signifies the flame of the
★ This season includes the solemnity Holy Spirit
of Mary the Mother of God (Dec. 8), 06. Second Period of the Ordinary Time
the Epiphany (Jan. 06), and the ★ Longer period of Ordinary Time
Feast of the Holy Family (Dec. 31) ★ Color: Green
★ Colors: White and gold - colors ★ Solemnity of Christ the King -
seen in the vestments of the priest ending of the Ordinary Time and
and ministers and in the mantles of liturgical year. O Finale of the
the altars. liturgical calendar because we
03. First Period of the Ordinary Time acknowledge Christ as a king and
★ Prepares us to the next season of savior
★ Season of growth
Parts of an Advent Wreath
★ Starts during the week of baptism
of Jesus in the Jordan river ☆ Wreath
★ Color: Green, symbolizing season of The wreath, which is made of various
growth. evergreens, signifies continuous life (green
04. Lent means hope)
★ Season when we prepare for the
commemoration of Jesus’ passion, ☆ Circle of the Wreath
death, and resurrection The circle of the wreath, which has no
★ Ash wednesday (wednesday six beginning or end, symbolizes eternity of
and a half weeks before Easter; Feb. God, the immortality of the soul, and the
22, 2023; Feb. 14, 2024) – beginning everlasting life we find in Christ.
of Lent.
★ Color: Purple, symbolizing
Men of Advent
★ Leads us to Paschal Triduum Joseph and John illustrate to us their selflessness
(three-day commemoration of and its fruits that hope can only be realized and
Jesus’ passion) o Triduum is done made concrete if it is expressed in another word
during Holy Thursday, Good Friday, together.
and Black Saturday
05. Easter ☆ Joseph
★ Starts on Easter Vigil (Mar. 30, 2024) ➔ Instrumental to the birth of Jesus
★ Christmas celebrate the triumph of ➔ Mary and the child in her womb
Christ over death in his resurrection would not have survived danger
and sharing in his new life through without him
baptism ➔ He was good news to Mary and to
★ Colors: White and gold God, whose will he fulfilled to the
son of God whom he named Jesus.

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➔ His protection and support to Mary
and Jesus is good news to us.
➔ Joseph and Mary faced the
difficulties that came with their
mission and participation in God’s
plan of salvation.
➔ Their togetherness was one reason
why they never lost hope.

☆ John (the baptist)

➔ His selflessness brought many
people to the path of reconciliation
with God and to following Jesus
➔ John’s preaching and baptism of
water for the forgiveness of sins
was good news to people of his
time, especially to those who
wanted to reform their lives.
➔ John accompanied the sinners who
were deemed hopeless and taught
them how to reform their lives
➔ He baptized them with water for the
forgiveness of their sins

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○ Inquire about the moral norms affecting
Lesson 2: Making Moral Decisions
your act.
We are shaped by our choices. Every moral ⤷ Consult the wisdom of family and
choice we make reveals the kind of person we are friends, as well as the wisdom of
and forms the kind of person we will become. moral norms.
● Imagine alternatives and their short term
Ways by which people make Moral Decisions: and long term consequences.
★ Toss Coin - Decision making based on ⤷ Effective moral decision making
chance, external events or circumstances. involves the use of our imagination
★ Individualistic decisions - Deciding based to foresee the possible effects or
only on one’s prejudices or preferences possible alternatives relative to the
without the regard for the good of others or moral act in question.
the wisdom of moral norms. ○ Introspect
★ Passive conformist decisions - Putting too ⤷ Listen to your emotions but do not
much emphasis on what others say depend on your decision with your
without considering one’s emotions and emotion.
the guidance of one’s conscience. ● Implore God’s help in prayer.
★ Holistic decisions - Considering all the ⤷ As Christ’s followers, we ought to
important elements of making good moral seek His guidance in prayer before,
decisions. during, and after making our moral
decision. Christ himself always
Holistic decision is the aim of each and everyone prayed at the most important
of us as it recognize our being true Filipino crossroads of his life (e.g., during
Christian persons-in-community his ministry, before his passion, in
the Garden of Gethsemane).
○ Implement the judgment of your
⤷ One must have the courage and
The Act “What was the act committed?”
resolve to do what one has
The Intention “Why did he/she do it?” discerned or reflected upon. Even if
one has made a thorough
The Circumstances of the Act “What other facts discernment by going through the
must be considered?” first 5 elements of moral
decision-making, choosing to do
what one has clearly discerned is
STEPS IN MAKING MORAL DECISION-MAKING another step, requiring a firm
● Investigate the facts of the moral act. resolve and much courage.
⤷ Identify and understand the object
or nature of the act, the intention for
doing the act, and the
circumstances surrounding the act.

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plan despite fanatical opposition and
➔ Any developed capacity of mind or will to ★ Justice - the firm will to give persons their
accomplish moral good (CFC 979) due. A truly just person is one who
➔ Arise from habits or “learned dispositions genuinely respects all persons, acts
to act in a particular way” (CFC 979) compassionately toward all those in need,
and has a firm sense of responsibility.
Genesis 1:26 ★ Temperance - the virtue of moderation or
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our self mastery. A person who exemplifies
image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over temperance manages his or her emotions,
the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over drives, and impulses and expresses them
the livestock and all the wild animals, [a] and appropriately. He/she does not engage
over all the creatures that move along the excessively in any one pursuit and
ground.” demonstrates exceptional self-discipline.
● As Christians who constantly strive to do
what Christ wants us to do in our particular Theological Virtues
situations, we are fashioned, through
grace, after Christ’s likeness. (supernatural virtues) can only be acquired as a
● Making moral decisions allows us to gift from God; obtained the seven sacraments.
discover and nurture the seeds of Christian ★ Faith - the virtue of believing in God and
virtue within us, which are sources of seeking to know and do His will (CCC 1814).
motivation and power to do what is truly A person of faith values and nurtures
good. his/her relationship with God and views
every experience as an opportunity to
encounter Him.
Cardinal Virtue ★ Hope - the virtue by which we desire and
“Cardo” which means “hinge”. They can be actively await the promise of God’s
acquired through habitual doing of good works Kingdom and our own sharing in God’s
thus you cannot do moral actions without eternal life. A true person of hope
cardinal virtues. confronts everyday realities and problems
★ Prudence - the virtue of good moral with joy that stems from his/her
judgment or wisdom. A prudent person is unshakable certainty in the fulfillment of
able to discern what is truly good in every God’s promises.
circumstance and choose the right means ★ Love - sometimes called the mother of all
to achieve it. virtues. This is because love is the primary
★ Fortitude - the virtue of moral strength or source of and motivation for growing in all
moral courage. It is the capacity to resist the other virtues. A person who exemplifies
temptation and pursue what is good love lives out his/her love for God through
despite obstacles. Thus, a person of acts of service to others. In Christ, we find
fortitude has the ability to endure, fullness of love, the greatest of all virtues.
overcome difficulties, and sacrifice to do
what is good. He/she has the firm will to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not
stand up for what is good, true, and just in on your own understanding; in all your ways
the face of adversity or opposition, just like submit to him, and he will make your paths
Christ who kept steadfastly to His Father’s straight” - Proverbs 3: 5-6

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Venial Sin
Lesson 3: Sin and Grace
☆ A slight sin that does not entail damnation
★ Sin as the greatest obstacle in freedom of the soul.
★ Sin as the rejection of the good to which ☆ It does not bring us eternal punishment.
our conscience directs us Personal Sin
★ Sin as refusal of God’s love revealed to us ☆ Results when we give in to our
in moral law self-centered tendencies and freely
choose to do what we know is morally evil.
Definition of Sin ☆ A personal sin may take the form of an
➔ An offense against God, reason, truth, and impure thought, a false or hurtful world, or
right conscience an evil deed.
➔ It is a failure in genuine love for God and Social Sin
other people ☆ Any situation or structure that causes or
supports evil, or that fails, because of
When is sin a sin for you? apathy or involvement in it, to correct a
⤷ When it causes pain and damage to a moral evil when it is possible.
relationship. ☆ Corruption, bribery, consumerism,
prejudice against the poor
Why is it important to confess or admit our sins?
⤷ To show our honesty and our apology to
our wrongdoings.
★ Concupiscence is not a free moral act but
an inner attraction to act in a sinful way, it
Kinds of Sin is not a sin in itself.
★ One of the effects of Adam and Eve’s first
Original Sin (kasalanang mana)
sin is our inner attraction to sin.
☆ Story of Adam and Eve who disobeyed
★ Spiritual weakness, experience in our
God’s command and ate the fruit of the
basic tendencies, becomes an inner
Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
obstacle to our true freedom.
☆ sinful act of our first parents (originating
☆ consequences of this sinful act (originated Capital Sins
01. Pride - exalting oneself beyond what is due
Mortal Sin
and true
☆ Removes a person from the State of Grace
02. Lust - disordered desire for or inordinate
and therefore denies them the reward to
enjoyment of sexual pleasure
go to Heaven. A baptized person who dies
03. Anger - destructive aggressiveness
with mortal sin on his/her soul will go to
04. Gluttony - excessive indulgence in food or
☆ It is a mortal sin when an individual
05. Envy - begrudging others their talents or
committed the sin with full knowledge and
success and wishing them evil
did it deliberately. (EX: theft, murder,
adultery etc.)

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06. Greed - desiring what belongs to others, Why is it essential or important for us to do
which leads to dishonestly, stealing and Confession?
injustice ● Jesus loves us and wants to be our friend
07. Sloth - laziness and escape from exerting ● When we sin, we turn away from Jesus and
due effort it is through reconciliation that helps us to
“come back” to God and to the
Effects of Sin community.
➔ Sin alienates us from God Why do we need to confess our sins to Priests?
⤷ God’s glory is deprived to us when ● Jesus entrusted the ministry of
we sin reconciliation to the apostles; as
➔ Sin alienates us from ourselves successors of the apostles, priests
⤷ Sin breaks and destroys the sinner. continue to act in this ministry as official
Sin multiplies itself through the representatives of God and the faith
vices repeatedly done community
➔ Sin alienates us from others
⤷ Sin affects our relationship with How often should a Catholic go to Confession?
others. We hurt others when we sin. ● A catholic should confess any grave sin as
We destroy the unity and defined by the Ten Commandments at
communion in the Church, leading least once a year. This sacrament is
to separation and harm in her helpful in our spiritual and moral growth, it
members. is recommended that we go to confession
once a month.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
“In this sacrament we will encounter a God who 6 STEPS IN THE SACRAMENT OF
does not delight in giving punishment but a God RECONCILIATION
of justice, mercy and compassion.”
01. Examination of Conscience
➔ It means “to bring back together” or “to
☆ Spend some time alone thinking
about what you may have done
➔ It is a sacrament of healing that those
who approach it obtain God’s pardon, at
02. Welcoming
the same time reconciled with the Church
☆ When you are ready you go to the
through their work of charity and prayer.
priest. The priest will then welcome
you in the name of the Church and
Why do we still commit sin after Baptism? will invite you to make the “Sign of
● Baptism takes away our original sin but it the Cross”
does not get rid of the weakness of human 03. Confession
nature. ☆ You confess your sins by telling the
● As we become mature, we will commit priest what you have done wrong.
temptation that will allow us to sin, it is a ☆ After you have finished, the priest
lifelong struggle that requires continuously will advise you and tell you how to
the grace of Christ through the sacrament be a better person.
of reconciliation. 04. Penance

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☆ The priest gives you a penance, the
action you have to carry out to
show that you are sorry.
☆ It may be a prayer you have to say
or something you have to do.
05. Act of Contrition
☆ This prayer we say shows that we
are really sorry for our sins
☆ “O my God, I am very sorry that I
have sinned against You who are
so good. With the help of your
grace I shall not sin again. Amen”
06. Absolution
☆ The priest lays his hand over your
head and prays. He asks God to
forgive you in the name of the
☆ With this, the Sacrament is over but
remember to carry out the
penance given to you by the priest.


★ The work of our salvation is
accomplished in the liturgy especially in
the Divine Sacrifice of the Eucharist
⤷ Sacrosanctum Concilium

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